The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1924, Page 11, Image 11

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i (ConU&o4 from po 8)
A. U. W. was held at the Marlon
hotel at 12:30 P. m. The pre
sence of the out-of-town guests
increased the attendance to over
sixty Dean William Green Hale
of the University of Oregon law
school gave a most interesting
and instructive talk on the "In
ternational Court of Justice"
giving the growth ' of the idea,
Btep toward realization of the
Idea with the final formation of
the court. At the close of 1 the
talk, the Association took up the
noontime business. Fifteen new
members were presented.
Dorothy C. ' Nicholson, Court
apartments; Mrs. Constance : C.
Small 795 S. Church street; Hazel
I. Paden, 346 N. Capitol street;
Frances Hrubetz, Rt. 3. Salem;
Ola L.; Clark. 753 Main street;
Anna Miles, 474 N. 17th street;
June Philpot. 1160 So. liberty
street; Mary I. Philips, i 1030
Chemeketa street; Mary E. Eyre,
1973 Mill street; M. Caroline
Hrubetz, Rt. 3 Salem; Edith De
Xlse, Lausanne hall; Mrs. Velma
Legge.r 385 No. 1 5th street; Lois 'were held at
E. Latimer, 892 S. 12th street;
Pauline Schmidt, school for deaf;
Mrs. Clifton Mudd, 1715 N. Capi
tol. The educational commute an
nounced 'the progress made to
ward the establishment of a kin
der garden and the appearance of
the Tale university films.
; . j
Riccardo Martin, on Nov. 18.
will be the second attraction in
the Civic Music club series. A
tenor of distinction, he will doubt
less meet with the same welcome
as was accorded Grace Wood Joss.
.ii-f- 'vJ. ... ,;. f-
; Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lisle
will be hosts Tuesday evening for
the members of $he Modern Writ
ers' club, entertaining at their
home, 1041 - South Thirteenth
street. '" ; 1 : : , : . '
--.!. V j;- ; J . -j '
The play. "Esther, the Queen."
will be the rally: day feature this
morning at the ; Sunday school
hour at the First Congregational
church. Mrs. Mark: McCallister
and Miss Leora) Morris have di
rected, the rehearsals. The de
lightful play will be supplemented
with chorus numbers, with' Miss
'Josephine Bross the soloist of the
morning: Mrs.' Elmer Reitz, the
pianist, will direct the music Miss
H Cra Talkington's class of 40 lit
tle tots will sing during; the pro
gram hour.1 Emory Reitz will
give a recitation. With' Doris
Clarke as Queen Esther, the other
members of the cast will include
Lester Morris, Leslie Morris, Mar
Jorie Drorbrough, Helen Putnam,
Evelyn Ross, Helen Hill and Kath
erine Creghlow.
' j . ' '
One of the delightful teas of the
week was that on Wednesday at
which the high school faculty hon
ored the new members of their
number In the high school library.
The gayety of autumn flowers
added attractively to the rooms.
Mrs. J. C Nelson and Mrs. Brazier
Small poured.
The' new faculty members hon
ored Included Miss Dorothy Nich
olson. Mrs. Carmen Harwood Jen
nison, Misa Mildred Christensen,
Mrs. Lola Bollinger, Miss Rae
Peterson,) Miss Bee DeGood, Mrs.
Marie Von Eschen and Miss Lela
A prominent out-or-town group
of woman's auxiliary delegates
were visitors here on Friday, at
tending the diocesan meeting of
the woman's auxiliaries af the
Episcopal ! church. . The sessions
St. Paul's church
from 10:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. A
business meeting followed com
munion with the afternoon given
over to the taking of a united
thank offering by Muckle., Half
hour was devoted to the report of
the national executive board. At
2:30 o'clock Mrs. U. G. Shipley
opened a conference dealing with
auxiliary problems.
, :j ... V j -
The general aid society of the
West Side cirele of the Jason Lee
church will meet at 2 o'clock to
morrow afternoon in the church
parlors. Central Aid society will
be ' hostesses.
i ' '." .
4 . - r
' "A Made-In-Oregon" fair is the
interesting'; project planned for
December by the ladies of the
First Congregational church who
met for a business meting Fri
day in the church parlors.
V ! i . -
The members of the order of
Rebekahs will meet for their reg
ulah social evening and pot-luck
supper this evening in the IOOF
j Meeting for their regular
monthly social afternoon, i the
members of Hal Hibbard auxiliary
were entertained on Friday at
the home of Mrs. B. W. Wal
cher. Asters and dahlias were at
tractively arranged about I the
rooms. Part of the afternoon was
given to a brief business meeting
and was followed by a short pro
gram including readings by Mrs.
M. W. Baker and Mrs. Carrie
! (Contlnned on page 5)
$ Monthly
J j . Will Buy Any j
J I Make of Typewriter 1
j Made to Order Here in
i ; . ' Salem
-t ! . - ; ;
Atlas Book & Stat y Co.
465 State St.
Our New Name :
Our New Location. ; H
Perfect home
dyeing and: tinting
is guaranteed with
D I am on At Dyes.
Jusr dip" in" cold
;water to tint soft,
delicate shades, or
boll to dye rich,
'permanent colors.
Each l 5-cent pack
age contains direc
tions so simple
any woman can dye
dr tint lingerie, silks, ribbons,
skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stock
ings, sweaters,' draperies, cover
ings, hangings, everything new.
-. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other
kind and tell your druggist whe
ther the material you wish to color
is wool or silk, or whether it is
linen, cotton, or. mixed goods.
Adv. " j
Special Sunday Dinner $1.00
- ; Cocktails .-I-
Choice of Oyster, Crab or Shrimp ' "
r soup ; i ' ':' ; ' .::"
r. Royal Chicken
" Consomme Bintaniere
:-. Relishes -
Celery Hearts and Ripe Olives
Salad j ! '
Head Lettuce with Thousand Island Dressing
.: Entrees ;
Chicken Fricassee i Oriental
Sliced Chicken, a la King
Roast Chicken and Celery Dressing H
; Vegetables :
' Cauliflower au Gratin, t
" Desserts; " f " i ;v
f ' Vanilla Ice Cream . ; .. .
Orange Sherbet; or Pie
Choice of
Coffee, Tea or Milk
Four Piece Orchestra PJays Here This
' Evening From 6 to 8
t - -. Li
WihsLt M-ilf?
It consists principally of the carbon content or portion of coal.
Is- It Eiale?
It is made by baking, or roasting coal in silica clay ovens that are heated
to 2,500 degrees.
This high temperature drives out of the coal all of the oils and greases
that make coal so dirty and disagreeable to handle. I L i
, ' i -.-..-.! r-i.j . : . ;!::--:. U1". '..
These oils are vaporized as they come out of the coal, and form the gas
which is pumped out of the ovens, cleaned, purified and sent out to your
home through pipes. 1 h
, 4" ' " i i . : , i ; ;
More about the story of Coke later. , H ,
v. - ; j - - ". -' ' ( l .
237 N. Liberty St Salem; Ore ;
(The Story of Coke Installment No. 5.)
lSffle jimtir duiqe til
Z Z II II S V I M II - i 5 IL A I
: ICO M(B mOMini. Oiri rj
t 1 " - -. -
With a Unique Exhibit and Demonstration to Show
You Exactly How to Make a Lovely Frock Within
60 Minutes! Beginning Monday Two Demonstrations
Daily-10 to II a. I m. and 2 to 3 p. m. ,
l ' ' l ' . J : t. L : ' ' r J
Imagine buying material for-a dress in ths morning and finishing it to wear to afternoon
:ea the same day. Or think what a joy it" wou d be to come home from the office and make a
iress in time to wear it in the evening. Impossible s it may sound, this is exactly-what you -:an
do if you know this new simple method of dressmaking. We have arranged special demon
strations twice a day all this week so that ybu can actually see these' clever' dresses' made in
an hour and less than an hour AND. SO YOU CAN LEARN TO DO IT YOURSELF;
In addition to the; demonstration a booklet explaining the process, front start to finish,'
will be given to you without charge when you purchase material for your dress. You do not
even have , to buy a pattern for by .this new method you make a lovely dress without a pattern.
This does not mean the styles are all alike. On the contrary, there are 17 different versions
shown in the instruction book and you may vary these without limit to suit your taste.
This method, devised by Mary Brooks PIcken, Director of Instruction of the Woman's
Institute, Scranton. Pa., the largest school of iressmaking in the world, will be demonstrated
two times daily, beginning Monday, October 20th, lasting all week: Hours of demonstration
will be 10:00 to 11:00 a. m., and 2:00. to 3:09 p. m. Plan to come into the store to see one
of these demonstrations. It is something you will not want to miss. Think of it. By attend
ing this- demonstration, you learn how to make a dress in an hour's time at 'merely the cost'
of the materials.: Think of the saving on this season's wardrobe alone!
Beautifal new materials and models showing ways you can make a dress from
an hour, are on display In our windows today. Come and see the dress made, then
becoming material from our new stocks and make for yourself one of the smartest
you have ever had. . ': " s , '
them ia
select' a '
You can learn this clever new method without cost-
See Dates of Demonstration
Our Silk
These New
the One
Wool Grepe
Epingles '.
Jewella Crepe
Fabrics for
:' x 'I :j '.!-.. 1 1: . : ''
Canton Crepe
Satin Back Crepe
Cordette M
Silk Bengaline
Crepe de Chine
Roshanara i
Taffeta . :;
Velvets" !
1 ' '' '
Instruction Booklet
To every woman purchasing mater
ials with which to make the dress an
instruction booklet will be given wHich
not- only explains how to make the
dress, but gives1 17 pleasing variations
as well. I
No pattern is necessary- in' making
the dress by this method
Illustrations aTe actual reproduce
tions of the 'One Hour Dress 5
for the .
One Hour
Buttons for your "One Hour
Dress' may be selected here from
aur big stocks of plain and norelty
buttons with the assurance that
you are getting only the newest
kinds, j
Special displays of trimming
laces will be' displayed during
Demonstration Week, Val laces in
white or "ecru. ; Bandings, braids
and other trimmings will be shown
for this special occasion. '
New ; wide belts are here- and'
If your dress calls for a belt we
hare ample selections foe your i
choice. ! .:
Importedand Dome
stic Wash Fabrics
Suitable for the
0n Hour Dress
Ginghams U
Cotton Crepes5
Ever fast Suitings"
Imported Linens
Basket Crepes
;. Devonshires
Remember the Dates
Watch Our Windows
Something New
i s Every Day
... : -: f ; ." -
, ";-t; '' ;" ""'v'. ' . ' '. :
Beginning Monday-Two Demonstrations Daily A1F
I '
I i
I :
! j
l ':
.- J
' . Y
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