The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1924, Page 10, Image 10

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? VJT-1 ' PHONH: 10
Good morning Life and all
Things glad and beautiful.
My pockets nothing hold.
hut he that owns the gold.
The Sun. is my friend j
llis spending has no end.
Hall to the morning sky,
Which bright clouds measure high.
Kail to you birds whose throats ;
Would number leaves by notes; j
Hail to your shady bowers,
Xnd you green fields of flowers.
t . . ;-: i- -
Hail to you women fair j
That make a show so rare
In clotl as white as milk
Be It calico or silk;
Good morning. Life ahd all
Things glad and beautiful.
j vj v William H. Davies.
C OVERS for sixty-five women
were placed at the luncheon
yesterday at 12:30 o'clock at the
Marion hotel for the American As
sociation of University ; Women.
Folders announcing the coming of
Dhan Gopal Mukerjl awaited the
guests at each place, the club vot
ing officially to sponsor the lecture.;,-'
f ' -. '
Dr. William Greene Hale spoke
in a scholarly and authoritative
manner on International Relations,
analyzing; the conditions and pre
senting the situation clearly.
Preceding the j luncheon dele
gates from branch organizations
of the association met in interest
ing, convention, j Plans were de
veloped and a number of commit
tees appointed. '
The silver tea which the
Daughters of the- American Revo
lution are sponsoring on Tuesday
afternoon will be one of the most
attractive social and benefit af
fairs of the week. The home of
Mrs. B. L. Steeves, 1594 Court
street, will be opened for the
riin rt i si f ti ii ir I
Table cTHote Dinner
Sunday,1 October 19.
Fresh Fruit Cocktail
Consomm au' Celerl
or Chicken Soup, a l'Neapolitaine
Head Lettuce. Mayonnaise, or
Waldorf Salad, Whipped Cream
Choice of i
Fried Unjointed Spring Chicken, Country Gravy
Gray Belle Special Steak, a la Minute Sauce
Chicken Fricassee, Steam Dumplings
Roast Leg of Veal, Oyster Dressing
Stuffed Baked Chicken, Cranberry Sauce
Prime Ribs of Eastern Steer au Jus
Creamed. Cauliflower J
Fried Sweet Potatoes Snowflake Potatoes
i ' j
! Dessert ' I
Gray Belle' French Pastry Fruit Jello
Pie Fresh Peach Sundae Ice Cream
Tea : Coffee Milk
Cake i
, " 'j - Complete a la Carte Service
jf s. Gray Belle Hot Chicken Tamales Chinese Noodles
event. Calling hours will be from
2:30 to 6; o'clock. The proceeds
will go directly to the educational
support of a Tanasee college girl
of the mountains of South Caro
lina. .: j
Mrs. J. W. Harbison is chairman
of the arrangements. Mrs. S. C.
Dyer and Mrs. H. B. Thielsen will
preside at the tea table. Assist
ing ! about the , living rooms will
be Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mrs. U. O.
Shipley, Bj L. Steeves, Mrs. Sey
mour Jones, Mrs. James Heltzel
and Mrs.i pa, ( Moine Clark. The
dining room hostesses will be
Mrs. John1 W. Harbison, Mrs.
Carey Martin, Miss Lillian Apple
gate, Mrs. H. T. Love and Mrs.
Lewis Griffith.
A delightful program Is plan
ned for the afternoon with Mrs.
A. J. Rahn to give readings and
Mrs. Harry Styles to sing.
! j
Mrs. Clarence Van Slyke and
daughter! Clare, and Miss Harriet
Van Slyke of Chelan, Wash., are
guests of Mrs. Agnes Harding at
835 Union street. They plan to
be here for a week. . v
J ; ; -
The Oriental room at the Gray
Belle was ! the scene of a Hallow
e'en banquet at 7 o'clock las(t
evening iwhen the Gunnell-Robb
studio entertained for the pleasure
of the members of the, Willam
ette Valley Photographers associ
ation. A gorgeous jack o'lantern
centered the banquet bjoard which
completely carried out the deco7
rative Hallowe'en motif. Covers
were placed for 30 , guests, with
the speaker present from Port
land. ,' ; ; '.
. i ;
Rev. C.jC, Poling, pastor of the
First Evangelical church, home
from three weeks in the east, will
conduct the regular services at the
church this morning and evening.
Mrj Poling attended both the
meeting of the board of missions
in Milwaukee, and the board of
publications in Cleveland, Ohio,
being a member of both boards.
In j South1 Bend Mr. Poling had
charge at one of the services in
the Broadway church and oil a
later Sunday had the opportunity
or preaching in the Trinity church
of j Johnstown, where he was
licensed and ordained. Mr. Poling
also visited his three sisters, Mrs.
C. I J. Hammers, Mrs. Edith
George land Mrs. Harry Dunmire,
whose homes are near Johnstown.
M . ' i "
The members of the WCTTJ'will
meet in the hall at 2:30 o'clock
Tuesday I afternoon. Mrs. Alice
Jennison j will report on the con
vention I held In Corvallis. The
later part of the afternoon will be
given over to a- thorough consid-
A Great Sale of Good Corsets
Lady Ruth Front Lace La Vida R&G
Redfern Wrap-Arounds j
These Corsets emphasize good lines; improve bad ones. Your
clothes drape becomingly, oyer them. They will give you
that "Like an old glove" comfort and their distinctive work
manship makes them the most perfect corset ever constructed
About 125 "Corsets On Sale
$2 50 corsets 98
On sale X
f 3.50 Corsets Q?9 $5.35 Q79
On sale
Corsets, sale.
$9.75 corsets
On sale ......
Only Two of
These !
Positively Not On Sale Until
Tuesday 9 a. m.
Specieil Blanket Values in Ouri j
Downstairs Store ! j
r About 500 Pairs to Choose From 1 1
Satisfaction Guaranteed on Every Purchase
or .Your Money Cheerfully Refunded !
receive careful attention. Wei
pay the postage or express
within a radius of a hundred
Salem Store i
I 466 State St.
Portland Silk Shop
f 383 Alder St
ii mim ii i ' ii in 111111111 iiiiiiiiwuii
irrjmsuisheJ Hindu lecturer
and author who appears: at Waller
hall next Saturday evening. '
rVHAN cropal Mukerjl, distin-
mJ quished Hindu lecturer and
author will- appear in a lecture-
date at Waller i Hall f Saturday
evening October 25. The lecture
will deal with India, inysterious
Inscrutable India. the land of
color and lure of jingling temple
bells and strange eastern odors,
the India of Tagore land Gita
Govinda. if !
Young, attractive,' eager, full of
enthusiasm, President i Wilson of
a Rochester, New' York club, re
markedthat "the club nas been
privileged to listen to many able
speakers, l and had heard many
interesting talks . none; was more
interesting than the one given by
Dhan Gopal Mukerjl. I
And this is what hist university
thinks of him. Dr.David Starr
Jordan, President Emeritus of
Stanford university, upon reading
an erroneous announcement in
the Atlantic Monthly that Mr. Mu
kerjl was a graduate of the Uni
versity of California promptly
wrote the magazine tfiat he was
an alumnus of Stanford and that
the university did not intend to
lose him. t ' 1
t Mr. Mukerjl is then a college
man, and a travelled plan of the
world; a scholar steeped in the
lore of Eastern j literature and a
man sympathetic with: the Ameri
can mind and our material pro
gress; a serious, profound think
er with a viyid sense 6t humor.
' Salem is already receiving com
mendation for being one of three
cities in the far west to book him.
A large number r from Portland
will come down to attend the lec
ture.' . . 1 : .
eration of election j bills. The
meeting is open to thbse interest
ed in these current matters.
- I
In addition fto winning "tlie
teachers' diploma in the final Fonr
tafnebleau examinations Franklin
B. Launer was also awardd honor
able; mention in the porformers
class. With no dinlomas awarded
in this class, and only one other
honorable mention,"! and that to
a student with three years of
study in Fontainebleau, such suc
cess speaks highly of the results
or only three months Jwork on the
part of Mr. Launer. j During the
winter he will study in Paris.
The Three Link club Is plan
ning for Friday afternoon a Hal
lowe'en social. The invitation Is
extended to include .any Rebekah
The hostess committee for the af
ternoon is named as follows: Jen-
nie Kruizengai Elizabeth Waters,
Ethel Fletcher,.: Myrat Terrill, and
Louis9 Dowling. Those who are
in charge of the entertainment
are i. Madeline Nash, Viola Tyler
and Hannah Beard.
Mrs. C. P. Bishop has as her
house guest her sister Mrs. C. T
Roberts of Hood River. Today
Mr. and Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Rob
erts are motoring to Corvallis to
be the guests of Mi& Roberts' son
who is a student in the college.
The Marion' County Christian
Endeavor convention will be held
in the First Christian church in
Silverton on October 24, 25 and
26. The opening address on Fri
day evening will be followed by
a get- acquainted social in the
basement of the church. It is
hoped that , every society in the
county will be represented at this
social. Saturday will be devoted
to class work in Christian Endeav
or methods, and will be led by
state or county officers. At 6:30
a banquet will be served, and a
pep session will follow. Plans are
almost completed whereby a mis
sionary from Japan will speak Sat
urday evening. 1
Sunday morning delegates will
attend the church of their choice,
and no convention meetings will
be held in the morning. Sunday
afternoon's program is complete,
including an address and special
music, followed by a union C. E.
meeting of all the societies in the
county. j '!
Miss Viola Ogden of Portland
and Mr. Walter Meyers of Eugene
will be the state union represen
tatives at the convention. Hugh
McCallum of Jeirerson will lead
the singing. j,
AH delegates are to be enter
tained in Silverton homes, given
room and breakfast free.
Registrations, accompanied by
a small fee of 25 cents, should be
sent to Miss Hazel McMorrls, 160
North Eighteenth street,! Salem.
,;:" j
The YMCA. swimming classes,
which afford recreation for 125
women and girls every Wednesday,
will have the service of j Mrs. Stu
art, one of Salem's best known
"urses. beginning ; Wednesday.
Mrs. Stuart will be at the nata-
torium to give the required lung,
heart and skin examinations neces
sary for each new member of any
of the classes. The women's class
meets each Wednesday morning,
school girls in the afternoon and
business girls in the evening.
V '
The Girl. Reserve work at the
girls' training school; is being or
ganized in an interesting manner
under the leadership of Miss Hazel
Malmstem. The work comes un
der four separate, groups with
Miss Elaine Clower, Miss Lucille
Wylie, Miss Mildred Grant and
Miss Elizabeth . Silver each in
charge of one.
Yesterday the formal recogni
tion service of the fall semester
was held, with those attending in
eluding Miss Marian Wyman, Miss
Malmstem, ; Miss i Clower, Miss
Wylie, -Miss Grant and Miss Sil
ver. 1
Miss Vivian Brotherton of Port
land, who has been the house
guest of her sister, Mrs. Clifford
Brown;, for the past two weeks,
will leave for her home today.
Mrs. Brown will motor to Portland
with Miss Brotherton.
The American Legion auxiliary
will sponsor a delightful enter
tainment tomorrow evening plan
ned for the pleasure of the legion
members. Invitations are cordi
ally extended to all wives, moth
ers, sisters and daughters of legion
men to attend the anticipated f
fair for which McCornack hall will
be the scene, opening at 7:30
o'clock. Mrs. H. , R. White Is in
charge of the program arrange
ments, for the evening.
Mrs, Maude S. Weir of Portland
has .been appointed chairman of
education for the Oregon Feder
ation of Business and Profession-
al Women's clubs by the presi
dent, Mrs. Alice B. Maloney, of
Marshfield. Mrs. Weir is active in
PEO work as well as In the local
Business and Professional Wom
en's club and other activities.
Mrs. Ella . S. Wilson of Salem is
state chairman of legislation for
the Business and Professional Wo
men, and Miss Ann Sherlock of
Portland heads the membership
committee. Miss Mozelle Hair of
the University of Oregon, Eugene,
heads the health committee.
Mrs. Josephine Forney, chair
man of the publicity committee, is
outlining plans to be of aid to
chairmen i the different clubs
Miss Ruth E. Sheldon. The Dalles
represents "The Independent Wo
man,', magazine of the organiza
tion. Miss Mamie Ziegleman of
the Portland Woman's Advertising
club is chairmon of the finance
committee. The I committee on
personnel research is in charge of
Mrs. Pearl Baldwin, Portland.
Miss Cecelia, Beyler af Astoria is
chairman of the program com
Appointments of women to as
f t JtXMP,
Your success in (life de
pends on how you use
your time.; You should
study the methods of suc
cessful b u s i n e s s men.
They will advise you to
get a business f training
before you go to work.
If you have been com
pelled to go to Vork be
fore getting this training,
go to ouf night school.
Wo have both ;day and
evening classes.
try. si ajj
I Social Calendar J
O ' ; Today O
Berean class' of the First Pres
byterian church. Mrs. C. A. Park,
teacher Church auditorium, 9:30
a jth. . '!
Tri-C class of the First Presby
terian! church. 1 Woman's club
house,' 9:30 a. m. Mrs. R. M. T.
Hester, teacher. ! r
Bally day program at First Con
gregational church, 10 o'clock.
Playlet, "Esther, the Queen."
s , Monday
Order of Rebekahs. Pot-luck
supper and social night. Odd Fel
ows Ijall. ,'
General Aid society of West
Side circle of Jason Lee church
Church parlors. 2 o'clock. Cen
tral Aid society hostesses.
American Legion ' auxiliary en
tertainment, 7:30 o'clock. McCor
nack hall. ' ,
i I Tuesday
Daughters of the American
Revolution. Silver tea, 2:30 to 6
o'clock. Home of Mrs. B. L.
Steeves, 1594 Court street.
Modern Writers club, Mr. and
Mrsv Charles , Lisle hosts. ,
hi , . Thursday
Chapter O of the PEO Sister
hood, bazaar.
Three Link : club, Hallowe'en
party. . '
f Saturday
Salem Woman's 1 club, club
house. ' i 1
t -
Rubber Abdominal . and Dia
phram Reducing 'Bands.
i - i
3Iadam X and Miracle
Reducing Girdles
. ' : ' ' - i ;
for Stout Figures
The Specialty Shop
Miss Renska L. Swart
sist On the committees, of which
these women are chairmen have
been -made, and work of the feder
ation is being carried on actively.
Oregonian. j
Dr. and Mrs.'D. X. Beechler are
home from a pleasurable vacation
trip, i of which fishing was the
chief! diversion, to Waldport. Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Tatham of Water
loo, Indiana, accompanied them as
guests. Mr. and Mrs. j Tatham,
Mrs.i Tatham being a sister of Mrs.
Beechler, have been house guests
at the Beechler home for the past
two f weeks. They plan to leave
for their home In Indiana tomorrow.?-
I .
Representation from four out of
the five Oregon branches of the
A. A. U. W. met at the Marion
hotel at 10 a. m..for a conference
and the forming of a state organi
zation. Portland was represented
Fall classes starting in poly
chrome and compo work:
parchment shades; charcoal
drawing and oil painting. 75
cents. Start your Xxnas work
now. '.
! Art Studio !
I . .
Room 25, Breyman BuOdlns
Received This Week at the
Atlas Book &
Stationery Co.
The White! Monkey John Galsworthy t
The Old Ladies Hugh Walpole
The Passing of Charles Lawson -Louis Tracy
The Grand Duke Fiancie Frank Hiller
The Boy iri the Bush D H. Lawrence
Red Cliff Eden Phillpots
Balisand Joseph Hjergesheimer
The American Revolution-Charles H. Mcllwain
The Best Poems of 1923 L. A. G. Strong
Mark Twains Auto-Biography Albert Bigileio
Paine ' I
The White Devil of the Black Sea Lewis Palen
by fifteen members, Corvallis four.
Eugene three and Salem seven.
Mrs. Cooper, of Portland, section
al director for this district opened
the meeting. Miss Mozelle Hare
of the University of Oregon was
made temporary chairman and the
delegates proceeded to - adopt j a
constitution and. to the election
of officers. Miss' Hare was elec
ted president of the state organi
zation, Mrs Kate Jannison of Cor
vallis, president and i Mrs. R. A.
Klein, of Salejm, secretary-treasurer.
Meeting adjurned to at
tend the luncheon of the 'Salem
branch, resuming at 3:30 p. in.,
for finishing business.
President Hare announced the ap
pointment of Mrs. Coleman . of
Portland, chairman of educational
committee, Dean Jannison, chair
man of membership committee,
Mrs. Wilbur of Portland chairman
of the scholarship committee. The
committee will be completed by
the other four societies appoint
ing a member. In this way it is
hoped to unify the work of the
branches of the state working tor
the benefit of education with a
common aim'.
The second luncheon of the A.
(Continued a pif 1)
ii m ii :
Miller's Siilbwaiy
i ' I . ' ' I. .
Ladies House Dresses . .88c
; Stevens Bleached Linen Toweling ...19c Yd.
Men's Steam Shrunk Union Suits .. $1.49
$1.90 Sheets
Boys Cotton Hose .l...i:..
Good Quality Gingham
. .25c
Bargain Square Special
Boys' Shoes, Reg. $2.15, for $1.65
Monday and Tuesday Only
Are Always Slender in Line
l - ' ' i - " -
FABRICS, fur and fashion
are blended in perfect har
mony in these new wraps,
each model claiming a smart
ness and; distinction, abso
lutely individual!
! There is a wide selection
in color and materials.
.We are again 'featuring, a
showing for the office and
miss at
Silk finished Bolivias beautifully
made along the straight lines. Trim
mings are of Manchurian Wolf while
each is lined with satin. ;.;
383 Court St,
Phone 890
Suedes are very popular this sea
son with their side ties, seal collars
and buttons. All are fully lined,
land tailored with utmost care. "
; Teddy Bear Clothes in cross bar
weaves seem to lend the wearer
that individual aire of smartness.
i The linings are crepe and trimming
lis of fur.
To be able to offer
truly good coats at
the prices you desire
to pay.