THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1924 f 7 alem's Great Market Plac Section f i I i- - . V i J r ' A V . i I: i ! ' J !'." 4 1 WANTED MIscellaneotM IS WOODM THB ADOTIONCIBV- BUYfe ramitare iw wik. Pawae all MISCELLANEOUS 14 LOAKS WANTED 11700 AND $1800. rim Mtf a, security nod aim galea aomee. and ? -pr cent. BECKE KENDRICXS V. 8. Bank BW 14-eatl WARREN NURSERIES WALNUTS, Fil- erta, . Uherrtea. and general aarsery etoek. Special prieaa given an early orders. Price liat seat oa request. O. U Warren, B. 9. Salem. 14-eJl iXARN AUTOS IN LOS ANGELES v Big-pay jobs opaa bow. Start eas practical course. Work guaranteed. U ' antra room Bad board while learning. ; FREE inaatratod 84-pege catalog ex plains everything. Writo Dept. 127. National Automotive. 4004. S. f icuerea. lioo Aareiea. - - . . HELP WANTED 15 WANTED RE-TOUCHER. APPLT Ken nell, Ellia atudio, 48 Oregon Bldg. 15-o22 HELP WANTED Female 17 TTPIST8 TO TYPE AUTHORS' MAN wecripta. aparo time, experience unnee- s weaery. Typist Service. Boreas 140 Haleey St., Newark, Jisw Jersey. 17-ol8 lisle and Female 19 SALESMEN OR SALESLADIES. BIO pay Belling kick elaaa product. For appointment Poena C. ' H. Williams. Marion hotel, Saturday p. m. 10-O18 POULTRY AND EGGS SI. WILD MALLARD DECOY DUCKS. Wake's Petlaad. l-ol8 LOST AND FOUND 23 LOST SOMETHING t WIND IT I PHONi a wea ad te Tka Statesman. Fkaae 38 t-m LOANS 24 WASTED $3000 ON GOOD SECUKITY room Q ntodern koaaa $4200. Eaai aat parmeaU. Gartrada 1. M. Faga 492 K. Oattaga St. . - : 2428tf. MONET TO LOAN ON FARM FR0P rty. Lowaat rate obtainable. Sea Mr. MeCurdy la Homer Smitk'e i of tie. SteaToa-Moara BUg. 4-a20ti MONET TO LOAN IS AMOUNTS glOOO ta 92SOO, 7 per coat. . I BROKE HXNDRICrS 1 V. g. Beak Bldy. 4-16tf REAL. ESTATE City 23 Own: Youi Homo TODAY'S SPECIAL. $325 will bay a beaatifnl large eor er lot, 10O feet, aaat- front, oa Capitol atroet. Bayer to aaaume aaaeaamenta. Horry aad aea Child h Bechtel, 540 Bute St. 25-16tt Read This Advertise rv ". ment Moat be sold at onee. New five room ban f alow witk built in kitchen, break fast nook, large living and dining room ! combined, fine bnilt-in buffet, beauti lal light fixtures, np to date bath fcnd toilet fiztorea. basement, furaace, built "fa afalrway aad possibility for aleepiag . porch, front and back porch, garage, aire lawn, beaatifnl - loenat ahada in front yard, lot 100x50 feet with alley, ea paremen.t aad only f 4900, $1500 cash, bfc lance to Butt., i Socolofsky. Realtor $41 State St. 25-ol8tf. WANTED - - Good income baaiaeaa property; That ia priced right. We ha. to a caak buyer. Bee ChiWe Bechtel, 540 State atroet. Act quick if yo wUh to sell. 23-ol4tf BT OCTOBER 20TH Salem Highway Tracts The tracte between the two high way a, iuat north of the Oregon State Fair Groan da will bo ready to -put oa the market to sell Ut one-half ax re tracta. An Ideal Location For : - - Suburban Home Ton may aelect your tract now. AH ,wlll be plainly marked with price. Don't delay, aa flrat choice will be ' bait. ; Three roads across tract connecting Portland and Silvertoa highwaya. mak ing aM tracta easily aceesaible. price ranging from $400 ap. accord lag to location. Rich L. Rcimann 307-308 Oregon Bldg. Phono 1013 THEN TIRED OF HUNTING SEE ME I have hundrede of propertiee mooting every thinkable demand. My ayateas avea tima aad : ahoes. If what yoa : want ia to be found I eaa find it. Let ; me help yoa HARRIS. 317 Oregon . OBIldinC. Pbeae 455. 1B42-J 25a26tf ONE-VERY GOOD BUY! 1' A good buy ia a bunralow. eoavea lent to SP R. R. ; State Houae. the aniversity. and 12th at. cannery or woolen mills, etc gzooo; one-fourth " down. . v It Is .' In perfect condition, clean. eweet aad fresh. Owner haa iaat apent $700 on it. Close to car aad school. The best bay for the money I have bad for months. Was, Fleming. 341 State 8L 2S-ol2tf & ROOMS MODERN GARAGE. ON ravine at 1167 N. 16th. Close schools. Price $3SOO aad terms are $500 dowa. ' balaace a?5 month, tjnira posseaetea. BECKE A HENDRICKS RKAIi ESTATE City 23 EXTRA LARGE LOT Located in fine residence district, lie 90x145 feet. Priced below value. See us today. ' - W. H. ORABENHORST CO. 275 State 8t. : , 25-ol8 SOME COUPLE THAT RENT. HERE'S three trim bungalows of 4 rooms. Two brand new. All vacant. A down pay- - ment and monthly payments and you'll own something that won't hnrt you. Get the key now. ! BKCKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. i 25-ol8tf ATTENTION HOME BUYER 23 acre farm all in cult. 6 room house, barn, out bldgs. : 4 aerea bear ting prunes, 8 acres loganberries and grapes, 3 acres cherries and apples. Good team, cow, chickens, farm tools and machinery. Several tona hay. 10 miles from Salem oa paved road, near small town and achooL Snap. 16500; good terms. Will take Salem home for part payment, i Good 5 room modern home, large lot, fruit. , Only $2800; terms. Will take vacant lots for part. 200 acre farm, good level land, half In call, modern 6 room house, large barn, silo. 10 acres prunes, family orchard, berries. 30 acres timber. Well fenced, watered, i 2 miles from town, 1 mile to school. Good genersl farm. Price $60 per acre; terms, or will take email acreage near Salem for part pay ment. i i 3 nice suburban homes fsr Salem homes, i i ! 18 room psartment house. $6000. It you want to buy or sell, see us. FERRIS E MARSTERS Commercial Club Bldg. i i 25-ol2tf WE'VE A 6 ROOM HOUSE OUT North aad near all the schools that ought to cure your waiting paralysis, lot 50 by 247, modern and garage and b lot : of walnuta and cherries and the price is only $3100; A A room home ; on State . that , will . make your gashing frienda run out of adjectivea for $7500 aad terms; A 5 room modern home out north near Capital that is ao good it ought to be made legal tender and etamped by the government mint for $4000; And we have another "mint julep" of a place. S rooms and garage and woodshed out north for 82800; -only a little down and an honest name are needed. McOILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. f . I . i ' i 23-ol8tf $100 DOWN! I $20 per month bays a good 4 room home on paved street. Price $1555. Immediate possession. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 275 State St. , I 25-ol8 $400 DOWN IMMEDIATE POSSESS ion. Here' a good 5 room eloae in. On paving and ear. Price $3250. See at 1154 Oak street. ' BECKE HENDRICKS U. a Bank Bldg. 25 o!2 TWO REAL HOMES TERMS. ONE 7 room at $3500. other of 7 rooms at $4700. Both well located with large iota ana on paving, y aoo down ' on either. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 25-ol8tf $4000 BUY8 7 ROOM MODERN HOME near junior high, furnace, garage, fine lot and variety of fruit. ; - $6500 boys strictly modern home and garage, new, 6 blocks from Ladd Bush corner. . $7500 beys very beautiful stucco home of 6 very large rooms and every modern feature, receaaed bath, hardwood floors, garage, creek property. Yeu cannot begin to duplicate thia at the price offered. ' . WINNIE PETTJOnx, Realtor 218 Oregon Bldg. 25-012U MODERN HOUSE OAKS, f 4350. See at 1275 E. Street. Garage, furaace, fire place, Idry tubs, Isrgs lot. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. t 25 o8tf FOR SALE NEW 8TUC0O BUNOALOW strictly modern, paved ; street, fruit trees. $4000. i F. L. Wood. 341 Bute St. v I 25-ol4tf BUNGALOW BUYERS LOOK THESE UP j 9su; new and well built 0 room bungalow witk live lota, best of land, real snap. ANOTHER ONE $1750; houae 6 rooms, 3 lots, owner . leaving the city. $300 CASH Bays modern bungalow, 5 rooms Prioe $2500; immediate possession -For Bunsralow Bargains See CHILDS A BECHTEL 540 State St. 25-olBtf MODERN 5 ROOM GARAGE, PAVING $3C00, terms. See at 1167 N. 16th. ! BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. I 25-o8tf ' LOTS! LOTS! On paved street, north front, located on Lincoln near Commercial. Price $700 each siie 50x150 feet. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 275 State St. i 25-ol8 ROOMS MODERN 83500, FURNACE. Reasonsble terms. South. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Beak Bldg. i 25-ol2 A Good Investment Is Worth a Lifetime of Saving JUST THE PLACE New 5 room bun , j galow, basement, furnace, fire -place: paved streets. Close to ' school. 1 Owner wants to go to Portland. i EASY TO BUY Little 3 room houae. Your own terms. NOW IS THE TIME To invest in t farm property. I have aeveral t farms to sell at price. See me and I will show yoa where yon ' can make a few thouaaad dollars. We baild to eait purchaser aad aell to him oa easy terms. We write insurance. Rich L. Reimann t Realtor I 307-808 Oreson Bids. 1 Phone 1013. , . 25-o9tf 1EAUTIFUL HOME $7000. BRAND new seven room, with everything. Im mediate possession. BECKE A HENDRICKS TT. S. Bank BMt. 2S-af MINUTE MOVIES FULLER PHUN and ARCMiBALD CLUBB id 2. snappy odc- redcr. CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT Ipnoduced- by E0- NJJHEELAH - rWMATS THE MATTES. My POOR MAN . - VJHY so sai Mt tS- I , C0URA(3E0.r, REAL ESTATE City 25 SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE ON EASY terms by Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. 25-o7tf . j ! WHY WAIT ' : Buy ; today. $2300. New four room bungalow on paved atreet and car line, immediate possession. $250 down; $30 per month. Ca.ll 515 and we will be pleaaed to ahow you. W. II. GRABENHORST A CO. 275 State St. i 25-ol8 VACANT HOUSES, 1180 MADISON; 1414 Mission; 912 South 12th; 1167 N. 16th; 1654 S. High. These are all plastered modern homee priced $2000 to $3900 and for aale like rent. Im mediate possession. "j BECKE A HENDRICKS ,j V. 8. Bank Bldg. 25-o8tf ROOM; HOUSE, BASEMENT. FUR nace, $4500; easy payments. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. 25-o7tt $2200 HOUSE SOUTH 5 ROOMS AND Sleeping porch UJlastercd, on trim amalt lot close to achoola aad car. $500 down, balance like rent. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. iBank Bldg. 25-ol8tf LARGE j HOME CLOSE SCHOOLS 7 rooms one floor modern, $4700. Large lot on 1 paving, garage. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 25 o8tf i LOOK I $2000. Good four room home located close in near car line. $500 down; $25 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 275 State St. 25 o!8 WILL TAKE 80LDIERS LOAN ON eloao in property in good condition. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. T ; : 25-oTtf LARGE HOMES 8 TO 9 ROOMS. WE have three beauties at $6500 to $7500. Both new. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 25-a30tf 4 ROOM HOUSE ALL FURNISHED Close in, east front, paved street. $2, 50O. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 North Cottage St. 25 a23tf STUCCO BUNGALOWS NEW WE have two -small modern that a dowa pay ment and balance like rent will take. Both have furnaces, hardwood, etc. i BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S.: Bank Bldg. 25-o8tf SNAP I $325, cash, buya a beautiful lot front ing 100 feet on Capitol atreet. Buyer assuming assessments. See Chilis A Bechtel, 540 State St. 25-el4tt 7 ROOMS NORTH NEAR SCHOOLS $3500 and $500 down takes. Large lot. - BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Baak Bldg. 2512 SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME AT- traetivelv located east front. 81SO0O; 49$ N. CotUge. 25s26tf. $2000 TAKES ROOMS. PLASTERED. hot water and ba;h. garage. Bee at 1414 Mission. i BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 25 o8tf 7 ROOMS NEAR UNIVERSITY $5O0 down, halnnca like rent. Furnace and fireplace, garage. Price. $4700. Ex- cellent buy aad quick poaseaaioa, : BECKE m WtLiilUB. . U. 8. Bank Bldg. 23-12 PRINTBD CARDS SIZE 14" BY TH" wordiag "For Sale, Enquire At." Price lO caata each. Statesman Business Office. Ground Floor. JUST PLAIN HOME 7 ROOMS WELL built, good condition, plastered, beta and hot water. Extra large lot with fruit, garden. Garage. Walking dis tance high school aad business. Price $3500: $500 down, balance like rent This is good buy. ' BECKE A HENDRICKS : V. 8. Baak Bldg. 25 o8tf ' i i i , ACT QUICK '1 i A real bargain in a new five room modern atuece bungalow home en paved atreet, located on N. Church street. Hardwood floors, basement, furnace and fireplace. Immediate possession. Let as ahow you tbia home, you will like it. Price $5000; 32300 down to handle. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 275 State St. Phone 515. 25-ol8 BUSINESS Opportunities 20 BARGAIN LOTS SOUTH. SOME FOR $5 to $15 month. ' i BECKE HENDRICKS TJ. S. Bank Bldg. : . f 2612 INVESTMENTS SMALL HOMES. WE have aeveral email homes in excellent condition today that $500 down will handle. Your renter will about buy them for you. ' I BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S.I Bank Bldg. 26-ol8tf INVESTMENT 2 HOUSES CLOSE IN for $3000; $800 would handle from now ion and the renters buy you the property Others Urge and small. ! BECKE A HENDRICKS TT. S. Bank Bids;. 28-ol2 REAL ESTATE Farma 28 16 ACRES $3250. GOOD BLDGS. AND close Salem. Thia ia best small farm buy we have ever seen. Immediate pos session and terms. i i BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8.i Bank Bldg 28-ol8tf j SILETZ VALLEY -r-Dairy and Stock Reaches i Well located ' 63 scree well Improved dairy farm. Well located fT.000.00 126 acres 3 miles from Si- lets.1 : All bottom land $8,000.00 ISO acres. lOO bottom land under cultivation. , Large out range $8,500.00 467: acres stocked and equip- i pedj 50 head cattle. Excellent buy! J $12,500.00 700 acres, stocked and equip ped, 45 head cattle 315,000.00 , i : A. H. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor and Inanraace 147 No. Com'l St., Salem. Oregon. i , 28-ol2tf 10 ACRES TERMS. 4 ROOM HOUSE, irood small barn. Just outside limits. Immediate possession. Price $3500. Will take aome trade. ! i BECKE A HENDRICKS 1 U. S. Bank Bldg 28-ol8tt Read the; Classified Ads. (All OH -r HIM snvavsa. . . a . a I l"l I Jk 9 rt a a rCT b n I MTTBD ' tM r tm I i rs. , 'SALL'VMRONG-' ALL VAIR0NG.'.' !i .1 ! IKS S I T I OLV'-IO S ISV ' REAL ESTATE Farms 28 REAL RANCH BARGAIN 172 ACRES $6500. Bldgs. Million iand half good timber. Springs and two creeks. On good road. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg , 28-ol8tf FOR RENT I HAVE SEVERAL SMALL and large farms , for rent. Some irri gaied. Good bean and flax land. : , P. L. Thomaaon. Turner, Oregon. 28-ol7 REAL. ESTATE Exchange 29 SPECIAL i To exchange: ; 57 acre dairy farm, stocked and equipped, fair buildings. The price is only $4200. Will take part in Salem property: We have a fine suburban borne to exchange for a farm. ' Apt. houaa clpae in to trade for a 5 room home; 3 acre auburban home to trade for 40 or 50 acre farm. Nice new home with garage. Only $2500. THOMASOJf 83m State St. i 5 29-ol5tf EXCHANGE 20 ACRES IRRIGATED land, improved, near Hermiaton, Oregon, for house and lot in ; Salem. F. L. .Wood, 841 State St. 29-ol4tf WILL EXCHANGE FOR VALLEY Farms. Choice 50O acre,, well improved fsrm in central South Dakota, clear of incum- - branee. Want Oregon, land or prop erty. Also 60O acres in central north en Nabraaka. Well improved, stocked and equipped. Clear of incumbrance, for Oregon grain or stack ranch. Ex changee in farm and city property a suocalty. Barber, 200 Gray Bldg. 29 ol7tf EXCHANGE 160 ; ACRES LAND FOR a good car or house. F. L. Wood. 341 State St. i 29-ol4tf FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM BUNGALOW basement, gvrage, paved atreet. fruit treea. Eaat Salem. $4500; or will trade for amaller bungalow. ' F. L. Wood, 34 1 State St. J 29-ol4tf ILEAL. ESTATE Subui bu SO SUBURBAN HOMES 42200; one acre. 4 R bouse. - 81250; dandy 2 acre tract. 2 room hense, wood aHtrd, full of wool. Deep well, -good road, close in. $2550; dbndy 8 acre tract, coiy 5R bungalow, garage and barn. Not far oat. a $2000; beaiiiif'O 3 acre tract, 4R bunaalew. Paved road. Snap. ! For Farms Any 3in fi.. PHI I. US A BKC1ITKL 540 State St. . : 30-olStf BRAUTIFCL SUBURBAN HOME Mile , to Salem aa paviag. Haa wander a room hauaa with hardwood floors, ce ment basement.; Idry. fireplace aad fur nace. Liaoleums. drapes, electric range and double garage. Priced $4750 over all. And immediate possession. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. B. Bank Bldg ' . 80-ol2 USED CARS For Sle SI VarA roadster .1. I .$ 60 1920 Ford touring . i . ..$165 1920 Chevrolet touring $175 1923 Chevrolet touring $415 : We trade or give easy terms. i NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. J sf - - 31-ol6tf fOR SALE 1922 MAXWELL IN Ex cellent mechanical : condition. A bar gain. Phone 432-R. 31-019 1920 Fords . ,.$150 to $175 1923 Ford roadster ,-i ........$310 1924 Ford tearing like new. with lots of extras. i $410. Overland touring cere .4-$ 150 to $200 Chevrolet tourings i.$200 to $350 Bulck Six roadster : -. $200 Oldamobile Si; touriag . $200 1922 Oldamobile sedan like new $850 1924 Gardaer Brougham, five paasen-' t-er, like new ., $1090 w. km others for vou to aelect from Coma in and took them over. And if yon are in the market you will be sure to drive oae aome. : "After We, Sell We Serve" P. W. PETTYJOHN CO. ia ikj r.i.n.i.i.1 Kt: Pinna 1260 ij 3lol6tf USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touriaa Cari ..$ 85 to $350 Roadsters . Coupes Sedans . Light Deliveries . Ton Trucks . 75 to 825 . 275 to 450 .J225 to 450 .5 65 to 275 .;125 to 885 Bugs" 75 to 225 All cars are guaranteed Liberal Terma. Open until t p. m. every evening Sunday's 12 a. m. (Church Street Entrance) ! VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Salem. Ore.. 260 No. Hiah Pheae 1995 - a 81s2)ttf I PRINGLE J. If. Cobiirri and Mrs. Vera Kunn surprised their friends by being married at Albany October 16. Both parties are quite well and favorably, known to many peo ple in this vicinity! Mr. Coburn brought his bride to his well kept farm near Pringle school house, where they will gladly receive their frlends The people of this vicinity are pleased to welcome the bride, and join in wishing this happy couple I Ions life and much joy. I I On the night of October 16 a budget meeting was held at Prln gle and the necessary budget was voted unanimously; The fine Weather makes every body' rejoice and is especially pleasing to farmers who are put ting in their crops.1 Mr. Gurgiirich is making some additions to ; his house, as more room is needed. rights protected by The George Matthew Adams Service Trade Mark DEAR . DEAR ' ev. u.b. ANOTHER POOR DrSyE. t'MC? UN FORTUAf ATE MUST. CHEER S DEVOTM(? MVCM OF HIS "TIME: "TO JPIV. r" POOr3 OH. COME MOW - SUEELy VDU PONT MEAN TeIl me vwwy yovJ "iPlNk A NOAlDER' FUL tvIinCt Like PROH.B.TiON t At I XllDnMfl . rr i i CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business j A3CBT7LANCB AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR night. hum ooo. lis bouib Liberty. AUCTIONEERS F. ft. woonnv i Expert Livestock, - furnitnre, real estate AUCTIONEER Res. 1610 N. Summer Phone 611; foi Bales dates. , i t L. E. TaLBOTT . Auctioneer: Phono 470 202 U. & Bank Bldg. - - j-15 O. SATTERLEE Auctioneering 1 Rooms 25-26. Brevman Black Phone 430 or 1211J. ne-12tf AUTO PAINT IN 0) HAVE US REPAINT YOUR OAR WITH ear new permaaent finish. " AUTO BXFAXRIVa Cylinder rrindins. crank ahaft true- ins;. We're anecialiata. Donerite Ma chine Shop. - Automotive machinists, 849 Frry St. - BATTBST AMD BLECTXIOIANS B31 Comrt St. ,JOK W1LLJAM8 PRE8TO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Statiea. - Expert battery aad electrical work. Ferris Bros Pkoae 1803, 418 Ceart.: , ' r R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South XICTCLES AND EEPAIKDia LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICT- elee and repairias: 38T Conrt. CHINES KEM3DT L. L. DICr I M. HUM. CHINESE Medicine Co., help any known disesse 420-426 nHata St. Baiem. Uregoa. e-30tf : CHIROrODIST DR. S.F. SCOTT. GRADUATE N A tional . University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Pheae S4Q. OKIROFXAOTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 87. res. 82B-R. CUtANXBS DYXXS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phone 1868. We apa- cialiseisnjjneayjerjnce CONSULTING) ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Conetruetinc eanneer. Survey s, esu matee Jna. H. NeeL 810 Oregon CONTRACTORS rOR CEMENT VORK i CALL AT N. Summer arreet. rkone 674-J.. CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General eontrertiac and building. Est I mates gladly furnished. Phono 1B67R or 59F12. dMtf DRESSMAXXNO PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BT 74" t word ias- ! "Dressmakinc" : price 10 ' cents each. Statesman, Business Office Ground Floor, ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. PL.KEKER BLECTR1C CO. - House wiriac by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phone 980. 471 Conrt St, I HALTK ELECT RIO SHOP Electrle Ftxtnres -Washing Machines V senna Cleaners $37 ,fnrt St. Phone ,488 Res. Phone 702$ FINANCIAL LOANS -at AD E ON GOOD CITY PROF erty at a low rate ea the easy payment plan, ao at end ef year , yoa are an ' paid up. Farm loans oa large or small tracts: private money. See first aad you will go no farther. G. W. Laflar, , 410 Oregon Bldg. s City Loans ANDERSON RUPERT ' Agents . 409 Oregon Building LOANS Farm and City Most liberal ratea aad paymong privilegea. HAWKINS A ROBERTS J 203 Oreroa Bids-. i Salem.-Oreron t , : fS-tf FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST. loncer time, no commission. Protects against adversity. City loana, lowest rates, monthly inatallmenta. pre-pay ment privilege. J. O. Biegmnnd. room iitw iirto m Hnsh hank. THAT ' aaini' ftaa ; 1 Higk Street at Trade ; msii ii . anr I " ln, j. GZZL . I 7 f'fMise -1 &002E 50 DOCtOone r i hf warn Mmm BUSINESS and, Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference , FINANCIAL I Farm Loans I ANDERSON RUPERT i 408 Oregon Building 6L0ANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on. city or farm property. : Reserve De posit company. 72 Fourth Street, Port land. Or. J i FARM .PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send , 15e to tba Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription. , Mention this sd. - ! ' t rOULTRYMEN . SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months trial for tba beat and oldest Journal In the waat. - The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breders at the Northwest. 'Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial atreet, Salem. Oregon. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral w r e a t h a,-decorations, u. F. Breithanpt, florist, 128 N. Liberty Phone 880.' V . FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIRE tu tors, 210 Center. Phone 1B50. i FUKNITUKR STORES! G1ESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY i furniture for lass moaey. 873 Ueurt, ' Pkona 464.; v PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW aad aecond head furnitnre;! 271 N. Commercial. - : 1 J HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons.. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. j HEMSTITCHING; STAMPING.! PLEAT- lag. The Petite Shop, Room 5, over Busicka. j ! n29tf SALEM ELITE H E MS T: ITCHING pleating, bnttona, stamping aad needle work828 0reonbldhenejnr HOMBOPATMXO PaTTSICIAN DR L. O. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHM3T. Does a general practice. Treats Goiter, Gall Stoaea, and Dropsy,: arising from diaeaaea of heart, liver or , kidneys without operation. Office and resi dence, 29ft N. Liberty St.. Salem, Or. Phone'147. ' rjrURANCE WARREN F. POWERS i Life. Accident. Fire, Automobile : 219 P. B. Nat l Bank Bldg. Phone 607 LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and women, 474 Conrt St. LANDSCAPE GARDENING ERNEST IUFER. LANDSCAPE GARDEN- er prepares plana. General grading and planting. Rock and Wall gardening a specialty. Route 1, Box 11. Phone il6F4. ' n-2 LAUNDRIES 8ALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 318 S. Liberty street. Phone 25. a i a a a a largest beat. Established 1889. . CAPITAL CITT . 8TEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 12 64 Brosdway. Phone lsa. 1 MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. . , . 1CUSIO LESSON! COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated, ataadard music Semi-classic and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School, Me- Cornnck Bldg. inrsio stores SHERMAN, t CLAT. CO., PIANOS ' Steinways, Duo-Art and others. Moore's Musie Honse, 415 Court Street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet ' music. and Diana studies. - ucpsmng pnono Cranks and sewing machines; 432 State street, Salem. i - TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor-or Brunswick. H. 1. Htiff i'urnl nreOOjMMieDejjt NATUROPATHI0 PHYSICIANS DR. A SLAUGHTER A 0 U T E AND - cnrouic tliseaSes; 415 Oregon Bldg, 5 Phone llrt. 1 ; NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE j TREES rr s Fearcv Bros.. 237 eJtate. ! OPTICIANS ! THE EATON OPTICAL CO. j Ohara-es reasonable Examination free. ?2H2 N. torn mercial Kt. i-none idw7-m. FAPERHANGING AMD PAINTING WALL PAPER-BAMPLE BOOKS AND f books ea wall decora tiona. Max 0. I Buran, X79- N. Com'L, Salem. r i s '1 11 Registered U. S. Patent Office) , f - ',1' .-" !' fjr chamce: A eG BUM , W1TH A DEEP GRIEVANCE: : WIS I BEEAST I : I bmr- . . . .r- , -Tl IC -rtC!: SCS I .:.-! DIRECTORY PApsKHANaaro ajtd PArjtTnro PHONE GLENN . ADAMS FOR HOUSE j decorating, paper hanging, tinting, ate. ' Reliable workman. PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING I and shippiag, call. Stiff's Furniture 8tore,-Phone 941. s-30tf PHYSICIANS As SUROE0NS Qeorge R. Vehrs, M. D. j ' Special Attention . : ; I Surgery, Gynecology, Obstetrics 410-11 U. 8. Bank Building ; . Office hoars 10-12: 2-S aad by appointment Office Phone 615 Res. Phone 775. PIANO' TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI : ano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music i Store. PLUMRINO PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros 41 8. Liberty i Phone 550, M9tf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL i work. Phone 495- W. Shop 127 Union etreetAIGodfrey RADIATORS, FENDERS. ETC RADIATORS. FENDERS. BODIES made rrejjeJrejitJNBaStoet. RADIO RADIO DOCTORS -8ALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. 8. BARTON, Prop. f Masonic Tewyle Phone 1200 UPATBxjra ALVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St. . I Umbrellas. Cutlery aad Keys Lawnmowera, rasor-bladea, aeissors. knives and tools aha srpened S0AVEN0ER8 8COS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR- baa-e aad refuse of all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned aad dead animaJa re moved. Pbonee: Office 35: Res. 2058 SECOND BAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ins- and ahoes. : Best prices paid.! Cap ital Exchange; 842 North Commercial Phone 1868-W. ' STOVES AND STOYS REP AIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yeara experience. '' Depot national fence, aises 28 io 58 in. high. Paints, oils and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hop 'hooks. Salem Frnra- and' Stove Works, 250 Oonrt Street Phone 124 TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL' CITY TRANSr fcit CO. .226 State St. Phone . UistribunnK. lor warding aad storage our specialty. Get our rates. - WE MOVE STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold goods. Our specialty is piano aaa furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the beat coal and I wswL Oall an ui for Drieea. Wa i good measure, rood quality and good ; service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF , ALL kinds. Phone 19F8j TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES . O. W. Parker. General Manacer Central Siage Terminal Salem, Oregon. SALE M SI L V EaTO N D1V1H1UM Leaves Salam, Central Stage Terminal 7 a. m.; 11 a. m. ; 5 p. m. Leaves Silvertoa News Stand: Salem-Independence-Menmouth Division Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal 7 a.m. $ a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 pjn. t 5:10 p.m. Leavea Monmouth, Monmonth Hotel: 8:15 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 8:15 p.m. Lesv-a Independence, Beaver Hotels 8:30 ajn.; 9:60 a.m.; 1:15 p.m. 4 p.m.; 6:30 p.m. ' Leaves Central SUge Terminal, Salam for Daliaa at: T a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.m. Leavea Gail Hotel. Daliaa, at: -a a m 1 n.m- 6:15 o.m. We make connections at Salem to all parts of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. J. W. PARKER; General Mansfer WATER flAI.KM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO, a. Office. 801 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount ea domes tie flat rates paid in advance. No deduction for absence or sny eausa unless water is shut otf your premises. Tribute Paid Discoverer Of Australia and Hawai HONOLULU, Oct. 11. (AP). Creation of a British national shrine on the shores of Kealake- kua bay, island of Hawaii, stands the monument to where Capt James Cook, discoverer of the Hawaiian islands who - was; killed by the inhabitants in a fight thai occurred on his second visit, was proposed here in -an address of Sir Joseph Carruthers, prominen Australian statesman who jrepres ented Australia at the rece$t Pan Pacific Food Conservation con fcrence. .- j ; - ; ' Sir Joseph said! that an. eTfort would be made on, behalf ! of the Australian ; commonwealth to ob tain the ownership of a right of By ED WHEEL AN MATURE FILN; PRETTY K; PLACED ; WERE. To-MOKIROW 1 way from the Kona road to the monument where Capt. Cook was slain, which la accessible now only by water. He added that a shrine at the spot would serve as a closer link of friendship between the United States and Great Britain and between the territory and Australia. . Sir Joseph said that he had ob tained the land In Australia' where Captain Cook landed In 1770 and that 100,000 persons annually visit the shrine which was created : there.. r j "My principal object In coming; nearly 6,000 miles from Australia to Hawaii," he said In an address 'was tp pay tribute to the memory of one of the greatest men In the world, and I feel amply repaid in being privileged to visit the sac red spot on the shores of the bay where Captain Cook was killed. Captain Cook discovered Austra lia and opened the gates to the white race and he also discovered Hawaii." He reviewed the life and achie vements of the navigator, paying especial attention to his feats In the Pacific. ' You can't kiss a girl these days who doesn't know how. PUBUO NOTICES Notice of Intention to Improve Court Street From Eighteenth Street to Mill Creek. Notice Is hereby giventhat the ; Common Council of the City of Salem deems it necessary and ex pedient and hereby declares ita ( purpose and Intention to improve Court street from the east line of ., North Eighteenth street to the west bank of Mill Creek, at the : expense of the abutting f and ad- t jacent property by bringing said ' portion of said street to the es- ' tabllshed grade, constructing ce ment concrete curbs, and paving'.' said portion of said street with a six-inch cement concrete pavement' 30 feet in width In accordance . with the plans, specifications and; estimates therefor, which were adopted by the Common Council op October the 6th. 1924, now( on' file in the office of the city' recorder and which are hereby re , ferred to and made a part hereof. ,. The Common Council hereby declares its purposes and inten-' tion to make the above described improvement by and through th. street Improvement department oJ ; the City ot Salem. . By order of the Common Conn cil the 6th day of October. 1924. ! M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date ot first publication hered is Oct. 9. 1924. o21 Notice of Intention to Improrf the Alley In Block AT of City of Salem. Notice is hereby given that tht- Common Council of the City ci Salem deems it expedient an'' hereby declares Its purpose and in tention to improve the alley run -ning ; northerly and souther through Block 8 of the original plat of the City of Salem, Marion county, Oregon, from the south line of Ferry street to the north line of Trade street, at the ex pense of the abutting. and adja cent property by bringing said alley to the established grade and paving same with a six-inch ce ment concrete pavement 16 feet in l width In accordance with toe plans, specifications and estimates therefor which were adopted by the Common Council on the 6th dajr of October, 1924, now on file in the office of the city recorder and which are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described improve-" ment by and through the street! improvement department of the City of Salem. . By order of the Common Coun cil October the 6th, 1924. M. P0ULSEN, City Recorder: Date of first publication hereof is Oct. 9, 1924. o21 Notice of Intention to Improve. Wilson Street From Commercial Street to Riverside Drive or' Slough Road. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council deems It neces sary and expedient and hereby de clares Its purpose and intention to improve Wilson street ' from the west, line of Commercial atreet to the east line of Riverside Drive or Slough Road at the expense of the abutting and adjacent prop erty, except the street and alley intersections, the expense of wh!ch will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement con crete curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with a six-lcch cement concrete pavement 30 fet wide In accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates there for which were adopted by the Common Council October the Cth. 1924, now on file In the office of the city recorder and which are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. "The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to make the - above described im provement by and through thi street improvement department cf the City of Salem. By order of the Common Coun cil the 6th day of October. 1921. , M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date or first publication teren? la Oct.' 8, 1924. ell ' U. 8. Bank Bldg. 23-18ti