IIIh ;lffill - : - -1 i . 00 3 i '' ' - -- ' "' 1 I Ill .jsSlssolii ..1;Jtc-'-.':.:;: f :l tafde. Quantities ! of Wheat Bought at Chicago for ri: i - rorergn onipiweru CHICAGO. Oct. 17. Liberal foreign buying led to higher prices today in, the wheat market here, tt was estimated that 2,000.000 bushels was purchased today' for shipment to Europe. Closing quo tations for Wheat were nervous at i-Ac to 2c net advance, December 1.50 7-8 to 91.51 and May$1.5 -8 to $1.54 3-8 with cora un M(HBi Jest t . - ! -J 1 l" I .!-: - 1 -'.: USGDi i, r A For Saturday we offer you the very choic est Meats at prices that " cannot be dupli cated, i . ' i : MILK FED VEAL I Choice Veal Steak Choice Veal Roasts s . y. . i ! 15c LB- 12HcLB- . ' ; ; ' Veal Stew . Fancy Legs of Veal p lOcLB. 20c ib. : " ''i -i.! " v J; - 'l Prime I Tender t Deucious Younfj , v - j ; , to i Sirloin Steak , T-Bone Steaks :; . i - 15clB. 15c LB. ,, :. r u ...t.'i t - I ' 1 Choice Beef Roasts Good Pot RoasU 12Hc LB. 8c LB. Sugar Cured Sliced Bacon . (without rind) , lb. FRESH Direct from the Coast whole or half, lb; ...... sliced, lb. ..... We carry a complete line of all kinds of fresh and smoked fish. StorV and see our varieties. . n Originators of 351 State NOT IN THE changed to 1 5-8 c lower and pro visions Varying j from 10c decline to 32c gain. -i Aside from derelopmehts in re gard to the volume of eiport bus iness, the chief factor governing changes in the market today ap peared to be news affecting the Argentine .crop outlook, reports of showers at various places in Argentina leading to a sudden dip in prices soon after the open ing. Significance was in some quarters attached to gossip that the bulk of available vessel room from Montreal during; November had been engaged for' the move ment of wheat from the United States. i This circumstance was construed as likely to increase the cost of Canadian shipments to Eu rope and therefore to enlarge the European demand for wheat from this 1 country. 1 Despite wheat ' strength, corn and oats averaged lower in price -' t v MIIIBlllill Utti, I .. I iuiu'Imj i: ill . V r ll'llllllmimiiAlMliihiiili.i'ii jiliilHl,iiil.lilll;Hl 'TT"N. ... . .1 I . ' 'ii'" 'i; I J: ftiii Mull H !T . . ' 1 ; f ; . ! ............. ...30c M SALMON! - 12i2c ..: ..15c Low Prices. Street COMBINE mai?k as a result of what was contended to be ideal weather for maturing the corn crop. On the other hand, the corn; market displayed notable selling power at times and a good deal of ridicule was directed against: selling "sunshine" in the corn pit. ';. ''''."'.-. I ' Higher quotations On hogs helped to lift the provision mar ket. i j .h RE-ORGANIZED YMCA CAMPAIGN SUGGESTED . (OttUinaA fxvtt pc 1) J ; ' - - tions 42, the best of the , whole campaign; and this brought the quantity honor td the Kafoury di vision. I The Hicks-Morris' divis ion : had the largest attendance, 29; the Arbuckle-McGilchrist-Eyre division had the financial honors with S2745, The executive com mittee reported $950, ; One ! contractor offered a ' con ditional subscription of $100 pro vided the building contract should be let in Salem. It Is understood that other important subscriptions depend on .the same condition. ' "I am rn favor of making this stipulation,- even It it might cost a little more money," said Team Captain William Bell, who re ported the one $100 pledge.; The whole organization verbally as sented to this proposal though un til the! money is raised, of course, there can be no contract for any body, j M the "Y" Is a strictly local organization, owing no dues anywhere outside, putting up Us own buildings, employing its own help and in every way as locally independent as any Salem business house or local workman, and as it is officered by men who have made II Purein the Can Pure ; in the Baking that's 7n n ririrsirW TEE VO&LD S One trial will make a test OAixs avTE3 Tnc ' - While they last we will sell any of the following pieces at 49c each. J 8 quart Dish Pans I . I 4 quart Preserving Kettles 9 inch Colander f 3 quart Pudding Pans 3 quart Miking Bowls 4 quart Convex Kettles , A Mistic Mit Free OUGHTOM Hardware ii 286 N. Cornmercial St. their money and their homes and their lives only In Salem, no one need to fear that they wouldn't be vitally interested In having the work done by home people. Dinner Again Today Dinner will be served today, as usual, and a final report made under the present organization. Whatever change in plan of cam paign may. be then agreed upon will be announced, and. the work will co ahead on that plan. The women Who served dinner J On , Thursday ftnd Friday were: Mesdames H. A. Smart, H. E. Ab bott, 11. C. Lemke, E. Adair, H. K. Ohling, Lee Wood. Huth Snook. Gordon Black. W. P. Miller, F. D. Southwlck, F. M. keed, E. B. Wood, Paul Stege, Harold C. Mil ler, Edith G. Anderson. J. H. Far rar, H. C. Firidley. f Eric Butler. Maud Fallon. It. ti. Farmer, Frank E. Brown, E. E. Elliott. H. M. Durkhelmer, Harry i Ross, L. E. Bradford, A. A. Underhlll, D. H. Craven, E. B. baughferty, A. Dav idson, " John iBertelson, James Lewis; Misses Alma Pohle, Grace Rasmussen, Piuline I Miller, Mrs. C. A. Kells and MrsjF. A. Elliott. Auburn Community Club , Has Officers Election The Auburn Cordmunlty club met last nfght effecting the elec tion of permanent officers as well as Staging a general Jolly up. Lloyd A. Lee 1 was elected presi dent, Joseph Tanek Vice president and Waunita Wallace secretary treasurer. J Arrangements , were completed for holding another meeting the second Friday In November. SEATTLE, 6ct. 17 Hay and grain unchanged. GREATEST convince you forget the rest c?Atrr otarn dhand with every piece. S jMARCUS . ... , , 17 DUN'S PROPHESIES BUSINESS REVIVAL Report Given Out By Expert Publication Carries Op . timistic Tone NEW YORK, Oct. 17. Dun's tomorrow will say: "Some new' signs of expansion, both in domestic and overseas commerce, have appeared. ; Des pite the handicap of price unset tlement, American consumption of cotton has Increased substantially and exports of that staple have at tained the largest volume in nine months. Similarly, the value of general merchandise shipments has reached the highest point of the present year, while foreign trade prospects have been further strengthened by . the successful placing Of the German loan. "Although a full response to constructive forces is still lacking, the main trend Is toward revival of business and all of the princi pal statistical measures show that the fall season has brought '; a definite improvement in condi tions. "Recent mild weather, follow ing the low temperature of September- has temporarily checked demand but has been favorable to crop harvesting and the larger buying in agricultural sections is reflected in the more optimistic reports from the west and north west. ": "Weekly bank clearings ' $7, 285,030,000." . t I I GENERAL MARKETS . MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 17. Wheat: . Cash, No. '1 northern 11.48 7-8 to $1.50 7-8; No. 1 dark northern spring, choice to fancy $1.59 7-8 to $1.69 7-8; good to choice $1.53 7-8 to $1.58 7-8: ordinary to good $1.49 7-8 to $1.53 7-8: No. 1 hard spring $1.49 7-8 . to $1.69 7-8; No. 1 dark hard Montana on track $1.45 7-8 to $1.63 7-8; to arrive $1.45 7-8 to $1.63 7-8; December $1.48 7-8; old May $1.52 3-8; new May $1.52 -7-8.- , i : ; ; 1 ' - LIVERPOOL, Oct. 17 Wheat: Closed 1 l-4d to 13-4 lower: October 12s 9 3-4d: December 12s 9 7-8d; March 12s 9 3-4d. BUESNOS AIRES, Oct. 17. r Wheat," Open 1 l-4c lower: Nov ember - $1.58 $1.51. , j ;v Iebroary SAN FRANCISCO, 6ct. 17. Receipts: Hay 24 tons; unchan ged. ' PORTLAND. Oct. 17. Grain futures: Wheat, hard white, blue Stem and Baart. October $1.58; November, December $1.60; soft white; October $1.58; November $1.59; December $1.60; western white, October $1.53; Norenrber $1.53; December $1.54; hard October $1.54 Hi November $1.65, December : $1.551; northern spring October $1.54; Novetnher December, $1:56; western red, Oc tober $1.50;: November $1.51; December $1.53; BBS hard white October 1.65; -November $1.66; December $1.68. : . Oats, No. 2 White feed, October $39; November, December $39.50 ditto gray October, November December $38. Barley, No. 2, 46-pounds Octo ber, November, December, $46: 4 4-ponnds October, November, $48. ( 1 . Corn, No. 2 eastern yellow ship ment," October, November $46.50; December $45; No. 3 ditto Octo ber, November $45.50;" December $44. v;- - t ." ' ., ber $33.'59; December $34 ; Mon tana mllirufl, December $33. MdyorGiesy Advocate : Of Permanent Bridgeis Salem must erect permanent bridge structures, either through the Issuance of bonds or by a spe cial levy, according to Mayor John B. Glesy, an' ardent advocate of this type of structure. "Long 'bridges will not be nec-. essary to replace the present bridges," Mayor Glesy said yes terday. "Several of these, euch as the bridges at South Churchy South Winter and South High, cart be- greatly shortened by filling in the approaches. High street, in particular, needs but one short span ovr the main channel." . . Rather than causing continual expense to the city in repairs and then having, to build . several bridges at on e, Mayor Glesy be lieves It is best to stretch the ex penditure over a number of jrears Ti 0 RAISE CAPITAL Ffl Mill MIES Pr6pose to Put in Bis f nd Aerial Tramway to i !. Market Rich Ores ! ! P. H. Kunkel.. connected with ihe Lotz-Larsen Mining company, has gone to Chlcaeo - where ar. rangements have been made with an investment concern to help In raising the necessary capital for more fully developing the property of this company at the Junction of Gold creek and the Little North Fork of the Santiam river, ! As most readers of The States man are aware, this property has already been developed to a point where there are millions of tons of irlch ore In sight; rich enough in popper, gold, silver and other values to Justify vast expenditures in Capital investment, for there are literally mountains of ore that will, every ton of It, yield profit above 1 the costs of getting it out and placing it on the markets, with modern machinery and meth ods.. ' . . So Far So Good . The company has bored into the bowels of the earth , with : tunnels and uncovered the values; it has bujlt si reduction mill and devel oped the water power of Gold creek to run it; roads have been built : and, completed, buildings haye been erected and machinery installed. So far so good. These men, Mr. Lotz and Mr. Larsen and their associates, have really done wonders, with what they have had to do with. They have literally hewed a mining property out of the timber and dug it out of ; the hills, i They have proved their property. Every ;; mining man who has visited it has fully verified this J statement, and has predicted the development of a great camp, with the securing; of fuQds to carry on mining opera tions as they ought to be carried on i ;r i Develop Water Power,: Too j The company owns water pow-f ers along the Little North Fork of 'the Santiam with energy whep developed to do' all . the work that Is proposed, with many, thousands of horse power to spare; to sell; to the others, i The present arrange ments provide for developing this water power, for building an aerial tramway to carry the ore in buck ets down the canyon seven miles, and to construct a large 'mill for reducing the ores at the lower or westerly, end of the tramway, j ; fThe managers of the company l SALEM MARKETS 4- I ItleM qste4! sr wboieMl sad sr prices raiTd : ij farmers. : N rtil prices are i . : OSAXV AJTO BAT So; 1 soft whit wheat....-. 1.43 No 1 soft red wheat , i 01.31 Oafs 50S5e Chet W $1 1 0t key : , i.tl5tl8 CloTer ky, "teled , $115 . rOKS. MTJTTOW AJTD BSET How, 150-800 ! tt. f 9.50(??i10.35 lioKs. 200-256 cwt f9$9.75 Hog, 130-160 cwt ...f9$10.00 Rough seaTy..... . a.2507 Light towi ,.; 6c (080 Top lreal. , ; , , -8e. Dressed Teal 13c Cows , , , , i le So Lsmbs . Springers HTy- heat Light Bens Old roosters .7c POXTLTKT ll20e 18e .12c14c ...Be Ducka .18c EQQS. BT7TTXB. MUTZT3TAT Creamery batter. cQ44c Bntterfat, delirered,... i, ., , - . ., :39c Mitk. per cwt ; 1 $1.90 Eg$a. selects.. i 47c 50c (itandards ; i 44o pnllete , XO. JOHN. If, , DIDX'T BAKE IT but it's Just, as fine as any loaf that mother baked or any loaf I could bake, and that's a fact, i I got it from ' Peerless baker and if you didn't know it came .from their store you'd say it was nice, soft, creamy, eakey, home-made bread. Yes in deed!" ,!.:.: -Always a bit better' Peerless Bakery 4 lto K. Ctommeirctal have assurances that they can have railroad connection at the lower end of the tramway when all this work is completed, or j in sight of completion. -; i ' This would develop the Lotz Larsen people Into large shippers of ore to the smelter.' and it would guarantee the working of other mines in the Santiam region, lead ing to the making of one of the biggest and richest mining camps in the west. . J . ' I That the Investment of the ad ditional capital for -building the mill, for constructing the tramway and for harnessing the water pow er, would be amply justified by the returns to the stockholders there is no doubt- : ? I - We have a choice Roast at bur regular Pork to Roast Pure Pork Sausage ; 1S2 None Better at Any Frice Hamburg Steak, freshly ground 12 l-2c Breakfast Bacbii ; ; 25c Sugar Cnrd; Oar Ovrtt Blake McDowell Market Where a Dollar Does its Duty Phone 142t t : ! j 173 South Cdisincrcial Open Until 8 p. m. Saturday Evening ROTE (Quality Groceries and Bleats) f - Stark's Delicious Apples " 800 Boxes of the finest eating apple grown, all frcrx the Gilbert and Patterson Orchards at Eola. Notbiri finer to send to a friend to show what the Wfllinittte Valley can do In the way of growing apples when pVcjcr care is taken of the trees. Fine size and color and the fancy packs are absolutely free from blemishes or spots. litra FancV Pack. 72 to S6. ber box ...$3X3 Fancy Pack 90 to 123, per Orchard Run, per box MEATS The very best meat we can buy, handled with the most sanitary aqnipment means that the meat will be delivered to you in the most palatable condition. Or der your meat with 'your groc eries,7 on one delivery and on one' account. . I - - . i MINCE MEAT Mince Meat made , in our own kitchens with ; the best raisins, currants and other ingredients our large store affords ', 1 1 25c Pound Our Own Mince Pies 35d Each CAKES and PASTRY Cakes made, of the best materi als, by women who make hun dreds of cakes a week, baked in a modern- electric . oven; these are tire reasons for the .delicious cakjes we turn out, -full assortment : for Saturday. Angel. Sunshine, Prune, Choco late, Nut. Cocoanut, Lady Bal timore, Mocha, Jelly Roll. Orders for special cakes must be in by 8:30 Saturday morn ing.'' Phones 1885-6-7. And in addition thlg w6ulj fclVe to Salem a gTeat minlnj csnp X her front door; conloniaatlia that has been long dreamed -of, and that seems how-to be fairly in sight, and likely to be realized daring the coming year. Babe Rutti and BcS MeViisel at -Spokcna SPOKANE,- Wash;, t Ccu Sl. Fifteen hundred people saw Dabs Ruth and Bob Heusel lead o ing teams, chosen from city lea-no players, .in an exhibition baseball game' here today. Each of the ti? league stars got a home run. lot of &aby Cccf to beef prices. iC2 box ; FLOUlt ' -. ....- - Flour . is advancing steadily with wheat. Monday . the re tall price goes up. Order your supplies (for the next three months today and you are sure to make a saving. Fisher's Blend, sack . . ..f Sapphire Blend, sack . . . t Crows, sack . . . . . . . . . .2.13 HONEY We have a shipment of the fird weed honey in pints and quarts. Pints 40c Quarts T5e : Valley Honey . Pfnts S3c, Quarts CZe Valley Comb HoAey- -y 25c Comb OLIVE OIL Victoria Pure Italian Olive 01 Pints BOc, Quarts DOe HalrGaiionsfi.es Gallons 3.23 COFFEE Why . pay for tin cans? we guarantee oar Gent Bled to intt you or your money re funded i 45e Ib.f 3 lbs. SOAP DEAL , A Scooter with 2ft bars White Wonder Soap C1.00 5 S No chzrsz tsr-CzIItzt?