SEVENTY-FpURTII YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER: 14, 1124 TRICK FIVE CENTS SiliOi i WEDNESDAY Dirigible of United States Navy Has j Repairs and Other Preparations Com pleted for F iflht ALL ENGINES ARE THOROUGHLY TESTED Journey Up Coast From San Diego Will Begin at 7:30 A. M. Tomorrow 1 At 10:30 tonight Hear Admiral William Moffett of the naval btamu of aeronautics, in eon feren with I.iettenant com mander JZachary! Landowne, de rided that in view of unfavor ' able weather rlorts from the northwest Pacific the trip of the dirigible Shenandoah was lMstponed until Wednesday at 7:30 a. m. The naval weather chart received; from Major Bowie tf the weather bureau at Sau Francisco nhowed a heavy storm hovering .( over Queen Charlotte ' ttoand and points .southward. ' ; : V -i' ! , : .i i ! i i. .SAN DIEGO, Cal., Oct. 13. : Re-fueled and retprovlsioned, gir ders damaged in i landing here re paired and fresh helium waiting In tanks to be Injected into her - gag bags, the navy dirigible Shen andoah is swinging at her North Island anchor mafet tonight ready for the start at 2: 30 o'clock to morrow morning j on her voyage up the Pacific coast. - All day. the clank of the hand riveters' hammers in the ship's silver, cigar-shapfcd body, working on the strained girders, vied with the exhaust of first one and then ' another of her sii-cylinder gas en gines as each one was tnned up ready for the cast-off. ; Inspections Made ! ' Lieutenant Commander Zachary Lansdowne, commander of the Shenandoah, was early on the ground today supervising repairs, while Rear Admiral William Mof fett, "chief of the! naval bureau of aeronautics, alsb inspected the ' work. " i ; ' i ' At the foot of the mooring mast is a pile of steel helium contain 'ers, each carrying ; a" load of the compressed gas ( This will be taken on the last thing in the morning before ;the ship sails on its way northward. Waiting- aboard for all hands, from admiral to the lowest rat ing seaman of the crew, are wool and furlined flying suits and wool lined Arctic boots for the upper ir, ven over southern California, carries j a penetrating chill. It registered 35 degrees above: zero In the air lane the night the Shen andoah landed here. j Heated by Electricity Each f of the suits is "wired" for connection !to electric plugs fixe at Interval In the body of the fehip. If the wearer feels cold he tnay back up to the wall, 'plug in' and warm up -Provisions taken on today con sisted mainly of sandwiches, wropped in oiled paper, and beans. ' In the forward gondola is the tiniest of kitchenettes, and here on a gasoline stove the beans are warmed up and. occasional eggs are fried. Everything else in the food line except the coffee is cold nnd, owing to the danger of fire the stores of j gasoline aboard, smoking is barred. There are bunks for each offi cer on (the ship! and one for each member of the ; crew off duty. i These (are arranged In groups of four and are equipped with wool lined sleeping bags. 10ooOO CHICAGO ROBBERY CHICAGO, Oft. 14. Jewelry valued at 1100,000 was stolen early ) today by three armed ban dits, who held up a group of men . attending1 the convention of the national poultry and egg associa j tion on the ninth floor of a down J town hotel and escaped after, bind ing their victims. THE WEATHER OREGON: Rain; fresh to strong south to southeast gales along the coast. LOCAL1 WEATHER ! (Monday Maximum temperature, C3. Minimum temperature, 47. River. 1.6; stationary. Rainfall, .02. i Atmosphere,! cloudy. ,'..! Wind, south! Both Old Parties Unite Against Labor Party! in (English Political Fight Coalition Is Not Of ficial. Hut Is Plainly Seen in Many In stances By Expert Observers of Conditions. LON'DONi Oct. 13. (By The Associated Press.)- Apprehension of another j era of labor govern ment has driven the older parties to an accommodation that all ap peals in the past have failed to ac complish, namely, to the avoidance as far as possible of three corner ed contests giving parliamentary seats to minority candidates. r The headquarters of the conser vative and liberal parties official ly disavow jttaat any such accom modation had been arranged and assert that anything of the kind, if it exists is the work of local election organizations. Neverthe less, clearly there is rood under standing and this is seen in the un ionist predictions, already enumer ating the large number of labor seats which are expected to be captured in London and elsewhere ' Governor Pierce Makes Ap pointment to Succeed Late Jurist L. H. McHahan. an attorney of Salem, was yesterday appointed by Governor Pierce as circuit judge for the Marion-Linn county judi cial district to succeed the late Judge George G. Bingham. Mc Mahan took the oath of office yes terday afternoon and will begin his duties at the; court, house to day. His work will be mainly in the equity, division of the court. McMahan has withdrawn as one of the four republican candidates for the legislature. His appoint ment as judge and withdrawal from the legislative ticket makes it necessary for the Marion coun ty republican central committee to name a candidate to run in his place. ! Under the law McMahan's ap pointment ie only for the! period until his successor 'is elected and qualified by the election of next month, and McMahan announces that he will be a candidate for the office. It will be necessary for a judge to be elected by the writing in of the names on the ballot, since the secretary of state has already certified the contents of the bal lot for the county clerks of the state. J j McMahan was born at Auburn, Baker county, in 186C, and as a child came to the Willamette val ley with ! his people, living at Brownsville from 1867 to 1869, coming to Salem in the latter year. i - i , . In 1888 McMahan founded the Woodburn Independent, a news paper that is still published. He ran the paper until 1892, when be came to Salem and started the Daily and the Semi-Weekly Inde pendent, which he published un til 1894. j During 1895 and 189C he ran an editorial publication known as McMahan's Wasp. When the Roosevelt Progres sive party, known as the Bull Moose party, developed in 1912, McMahan lined up with that party. He i was a member of the state committee and was elected presi dential elector. McMahan was graduated from the law j college of Willamette university, and was admitted to the bar in 1898. : He was a mem ber of the legislative session of T923. A few years ago he was an Independent candidate for district attorney against Max Gehlhar, but was defeated. McMahan has farmed quite extensively in Marion county, at one time owning 1000 acres in the Mission bottom dis trict. '';: - J j s A large part of the grange and organized labor as a unit backed McMahan for the appointment as judge. He was opposed ; by the prohibition forces, who sought the appointment of W. H. Trindle. r- , , , STRAXGLER WIXS AGAIN LOS ANGELES. Oct. 13. Ed "Strangler" Lewis, world's heavy weight wrestling champion, again successfully defended his title against Joe "Toots' Mondt of Col orado In ' a finish match here to night. He won the third and de ciding fall with a toe hold In 4 minutes and 19 seconds. PASTOR ENTERS PLEA NOWATA, Okla.. Oct. 13. Joe E. Yeats, former pastor of a church at Alluwe, Okla., pleaded not guilty to a charge of abduc tion in district court here today. His trial was set for Nov. 25. The abduction charge grew out of his elopement more than a month ago with a 14-year-old girl. 1 ; - by avoidance of triangular con tests. ; ' i The first fruits of this under standing appeared today in the withdrawal of' the unionist candi date at Paisley, leaving H. H. As quith. the liberal leader, with a straight fight against the labor He line. Similarly in the Trades ton district of Glasgow, the union ist' candidate has withdrawn and the liberal nominee has been left to contest against Thomas Hender son, the labor candidate. Withdrawals of conservative or liberal candidates have been ef fected in other constituencies in accordance with local exigencies, and, should the process be continu ed,: It will bring about a complete change in election prospects, inak- (Continuad n 2) SIGiLS Fill M RECEIVED Brief Communications Ar rive Shortly Before Mid night Last Night CHATHAM, Mass., Oct. 14 The first direct message from the ZR 3 received at the station of the Radio Corporation of America here gave the; dirigible's position as latitude 1 north, longitude 38 west at 1:20 a. m. eastern stand ard time. The station had been in communication with the dirig ible since 1 o'clock when it began sending messages to the trans Atlantic filer. Communication conditions were ideal, the local operators reported. . The message giving the position of the dirigible was the first direct communication from the ZR-3 ob tained by the Chatham station. It showed that the ship was about 940 miles wesf of Flores islands, Azores, and directly on Its course." DIRIGIBLE HANGAR. Naval Air Station. Lakehurst. N. J., Oct. 13. (By the AP.) "All is well on board ship," was the -brief mes sage passing between the ZR-3 and the scout cruiser Milwaukee, which Lieut. T. G. W. Settle, offi cer of communication, intercepted here at 11:10 p. im., eastern stan dard time. ;'':? Only five words of a message which probably was longer were distinguishable here. , They were in German 'and very faint: "Alles wehl an board. Schiff." Tuned in for a time on the wave length of the ZR-3 the Chatham station of the radio corporation learned tonight the big airship was proceeding with but three of her four engines running as a re sult of engine trouble. , Although all else was reported well on board, her speed was cut down in consequence of the : en gine trouble. i i WILL SPEED UP Large Number of Persons Listed for Calls Makes -' Haste Necessary ' . Plans to speed up the YMCA campaign were outlined at a meet ing of all team captains and gen eral officers last night. The so licitors are running across delays, those approached wanting to put off their subscriptions until later. In view of, the large number of persons who are listed for calls, the committees will be unable to make all of the visits in the time limit unless the campaign is speed ed up to a great extent: An offer was received last niglft from youngsters who take a keen inter est In the YMCA to participate in the drive. s I i All pledges are made contingent upon the entire $200,000 being raised and in the event this goal is not reached the pledges become invalid. , Explanation of this con sumes a great amount of time when the routine Is repeated with every call. . ' Members of the Kiwanis club will be guests at the YMCA, luncheon today and atendance cards will be signed here instead of at the regular luncheon -at the Marion hotel. . ' ' . i I . Immediate answer to all callers is asked by the committee - in charge of the drlte. T , " MC IN HUGHES GIVES G D PI REPLY TflJll.OIS Criticisms Made By Demo cratic Candidate Regard ing Administration Policies are Answered , LEAGUE OFf NATIONS IS ISSUE DISCUSSED Opposes Submission on Do. mestic Questions to In ternational Group V INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 13. (By AP.l: American sentiment will not "tolerate' submission of domestic ( questions "to the deter mination of aify group of powers" Secretary Hughes declared) here tonight in a campaign address an swering criticisms; by John W. Da vis, democrat; presidential nom inee, of administration foregn pol icies.' : s. Mr. Hughes slid not mention the proposed league of nations proto col by name but he laid stress up on the question' of jurisdiction over domestic tissues, which at the behest of Japan, occupied as large a place in 1th recent discussions at Geneva. lie has not previous ly referred to Jhe'Geneva develop ments, directly or indirectly, In any public address. , I Refers p Davis Spech "Recently,"! the secretary said, "the question! has been discussed of the appropriateness of investing a group, of powers5 with the author ity to deal with domestic question, not, questions arising under treat ies which pasties have limited their rights iut with questions within the competency of a nation as to which U has not limited Its rights. The Sentiment of this country, I repeat, would not tol erate the submission of such ques tions which pertain to our own (Continued on pg 5) BEFORE ATTACK Defenders of Besieged City Finally Beaten Back By Invading Army SHANGHAI, Oct. 13(By The As sociated Presk)-4-General Chang Yung-Ming, fommander in chief of the troops, from Hupeh pro vince, whd cooperated with the victorious Kiangsu army in the operations! against Chekiang ut Hwangtu, West of here, took over the Lungivha Yamen, former Chekiang I headquarters at S o'clock this morning. Their defeated armies retreat ing in confusion towards Shang hai, General' Lungyung-Hsiang, military gdvernor of Chekiang pro vince, and his chief aide, Generul Ho Feng-Lin defence commissioner of Shanghai, loday announced that they had sigried an armistice with the Invading jKiangsu forces re presenting the central government of China, i . f Cenerals Lu find Ho, who led the defense forces fighting west and south of Shanghai for the past six weeks today sought refuge in foreign concessions while a re port was in circulation here that they had I been bribed to betray their leadersi i ' TOKIO, Ott. 13 Lu Yung-Hsi-ang and Ho Feng-Ling, who today surrendered -the; city of Shanghai to the attacking forces of the Chinese central I govrnment, have fled from Shanghai and are on their way tq Japan, the war of fice Was informed today. Chang, who arrived by train at the north station with 1500 troops, encircled the foreign settlement on his way tb Lungwha. The sol diers waved their banners, cheered and fraternized With the Chekiang soldiers with whom they had just been fighting. ; The general re treat 'of the dispersing Chekiang armies continued without evidence of disorder. j The Chinese chamber of com merce Is carrying out measures in conjunction with Wen Shih-Tseng, recently appointed commissioner of foreign affairs for Shanghai by the -Peking government for the dispersal of the defeated troops. - Wen Shih-Tseng and his etaff are taking 'over the bureau of foreign affairs. ; N A FALLS I RING THE BELL ! " .:'H ' ' . i- .1 ; .;. ; ' : ; -'- " - - -: ''! ry f ' ' ' i ' 1 " ' ' r '"j ' ' ' ' ' ' ; j I ( ! . ' -3 ' ' .'. j -BOB MEDIAN ' , FARMERS HEAR Progressive Advocates Re lief Along Lines of Mc-Nary-Haugen Bill KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct. 13. if . . .' Appealing to the farmefrs of thet west to support his Independent candidacy for the presidency. Sen ator Robert M. La Follette, in an address here tonight outlined the program for relief of agriculture, which he would eponsor if elected. The Wisconsin Senator declared he would give support to the fol lowing measures: Emergency legislation embody ing the principle of agricultural equality which; he said underlies both the McNary-Haugen andrthe Norris-Sinclair bills. - ; "Genuine, farmier representation in the cabinet and on the federal reserve and farm loan boards, the tariff ; and ; Interstate commerce committees and their govern mental bodies." S Repeal of the transportation act of 1920 and Immediate freight reductions to approximately pre war levels on agricultural prod ucts, livestock and upen materials and implements required upon American farms. ; Revision of the federal reserve! system "so as to remove its con trol from the hands of private monopoly and insure a voice iii its management for Users of the credit the farmers, merchants,1 manufacturers and ! employes on an equal footing with the' bankers5 who sell the people's credit." : Reduction in the price of;fer tillzer by governmental develop- ment of the Muscle Shoals project and similar water, power resources now under the control of the fed eral government. . j Sweeping . investigation within the department of agriculture and other executive departments "to! locate and remove every employed who owes his position to the ini fluence of the packers,! the rail roas and other privileged groups." ' .! DESTRUCTIVE FIRE ! BREAKS I1U TEXAS . 1 h-' i t Twenty Thousand Gallons of of Gasoline Destroyed Ten People Hurt f ; DALLAS, Texas, Oct. 13. Ten persons were injured, two serious ly, and damage estimated at $10, 000 was caused this afternoon by a fire which destroyed two tanks of gasoline at the tank farm and warehouse of the ! Clay Co. tiasof line company. Approximately 20, 000" gallons of gasoline was def stroyed, officials of the company estimated.'- ; i . ' jS The fire was the result of an explosion .'probably . caused- by a spark generated In a tank car or in a storage tank' by a pump of ficials said. ' ' ETTE RING THE BELL HEIGHT RECORD 1 FOR AIRPLANES SMASHED AGAIN Over Twelve Thousand Meters . Is Attained By Callizo, t. French Aviator , PARISj Oct. 13. The world's airplane altitude record of 11,145 meters 36,555 feety, made by the French aviator, Zadi Lecointe, in October, ; 1923, was J eclipsed 1 at Villa Coublay on Friday by be French aviator, Callizo, who 'set the' mark at 12,066 meters. ; Woodburn Man Likely to Be Named as Legislative! i Candidate I Immediately upon the appoint ment of L. II. McMahan yesterday as .circuit judge and his with drawal as one of the: four repub lican candidates for i the legisla ture, speculation developed as to whom tne county republican cen tral committee will nominate as a candidate for the legislature; in McMahan's place. Indications are strong that the nominee will be F. V. Settlemier of Woodburn, who received the highest vote' of the candidates who failed of nomina tion iii the primary 'election iast May. ! . j ' ' j ' ' The central committee will prob ably meet a week from tomorrow night to name, its candidate. : At the same meeting it is very prob able that the, committee will en dorse a" candidate for circuit judge to serve a six-year term. Judge McMahan now holds the place by appointment but thej appointment is good only until January, or! un til his" successor fa! elected -and qualified ithroueh the medium of the election next1 month.. McMa han will be a candidate to succeed himself. There are indications that he J will have opposition. Few names are being mentioned as pos sible candidates, but j the name of E. M.i Page is being mentioned prominently. , f The candidate will be elected by the writing in of his name on the ballot. ; , i Judges McMahan's first official duty was to go to Albany to ad journ court at the Linn county seat.1.- ! !- ' :'""!' Salmon Hatchery at : Mehama Gets Shipment ; MILL CITY, Oct. 13 The sec ond shipment of salmon eggs from the racks near Breitenbush ! was made Friday, when approximately 2,000,000 eggs were shipped to the hatchery at Mehama. Iti is plan ned to handle approximately 4, 000,000. eggs at Mehama hatchery this year, the .balance of the take to bo shipped :to the hatchery at IJooueville, where the first ship ment went about a week ago.! The eggs ' were delivered by Leroy Ledgerwood, manager of the' Me hama' hatchery. SETREM EH MAY DEiMITED FORD TIES BACK OFFER Automobile Manufacturer Withdraws His Bid for Muscle Shoals NEW YORK, Oct. 13 Henry Ford has withdrawn his bid for Muscle Shoals and, according - ta an interview with him in. the cur rent issue of Collier's Weekly, has assumed a ' waiting attitude by putting ' it up to the government to make the next move If he is to take any future action in the matter.- v , :- i :.i . -.- - The transaction, characterized by Mr. Ford as "a simple affair of business which should have been decided by anyone within a week," he declared, "has become a compli cated nolitical affair'-' and the bid wis withdrawn because productive business cannot wait on politics. ("Muscle Shoals" Mr. Ford is quoted, "That is not a live issue with us any! longer. More than two years ago we made, the best bid we knew how to make. No definite action- has been; taken on it. A simple' affair of business which should have been decided by anyone within a week has be come a complicated political af- fal i r. We are not in politics and we are! in business. We do not In tend to be drawn into politics." WASHINGTON, Oct. j 13 If ileinry Ford has withdrawn his bid forj Muscle shoals, as indicated by an interview'" published) in Col liers Weekly he has failed thus far to advise officials in Washington, of his decision.- ' ... Neither the white house nor th? war department, to which the bid was originally submitted heard anything that; would mean a change in the status of the propos al and none: of the congressional leaders now in the capital has re ceived any recent word from the Detroit manufacturer.. - Attention In : Washington was attracted as much to the maga zine's quotation of Ford's endorse ment of President Coolidge's sug gestion that an impartial commis sion be appointed to dispose of Muscel Shoals, as to the report of the withdrawal of the Ford offer itself, The magazine story came as a shock to supporters of Ford h of fer. :'"': '- ' " ' DB TROIT; Oct. 13 Edsel S. Ford, president of the Ford Motor company and son of Henry Ford, tonight confirmed an intervied in the ' current , issue of Colliers' Weekly to the: effect that Henry Ford had withdrawn his bid for Muscle Shoals.;- I IIYLAX WANTS STATKMKXT NEW YORK, Oct. 13. Mayor John F. Hylahj in a leter to Pres ident Coolidgo made public to night asked! the president for an official statement concerning 'the Safeguards provided American in vestor, in the $110,000,000: loan to Germany to ' be subscribed to morrow. The mayor said, that "silence becomes sinister at ' such a time as thia." - ' ''. - SI Q2.DDQ iJ W FDD B BUELDIHC Over $12,000 Netted Yester day By YMCA Campaign ersHicks' Army Wins Honors for Day REACH MORE PEOPLE, DIRECTOR COMMANDS More Than 2800 Prospect Remain to Be Visited By Canvassers' More than one-half of the total YMCA building fund is already in sight, as shown by the figures at Monday's get-togather dinner, when $12,743 for the day and $'02,687 was chalked up on the board. Dinner was served to 12? of th team workers, and to enough of the general and special staff to make it about 140 for the day. Division M, under command of Major T. M. Hicks, won many hon ors for the day's work. The team record for the mo3t money "col lected, $1,190 by the VIck team: the Knight of the Shoe Trail medal for the largest number of sub scriptions, and the largest total Tor division collections, $3,022. Division M, Major Hanson's army, had the largest attendance for' the day 35 hungry men. Joe Nee, of .Willamette univers ity, led the group singing, at i also gave two of his own Harry Lauder Scotch songs that were en thusiastically encored. The sing ing was especially good, the crowd joining in with a royal good will. "We've passed the peak of the campaign," said Director Booth. "But we're not yet reaching enough people. With more than 3300 name cards out, we have definite reports from only CC9. Those who haven't yet besaa U get deeply -Interested will hava ta do it now,; and report on these bth or 2,800 prospects. The money Ij here for this great cause if we can only- see the people and tell them the story. We ought to have 600 reports for Tuesday." Chairman Livesley urged haste in getting the campaign over, so that if the rest of the city fall-3 down after a sincere trial it might be possible to go to a few larger prospects and urge them to finish the job. " ' The executive committee re ported $6,010 from eight pros pects, the report falling a littla behind the general array report cf $6,733. The report was handed in by Paul Wallace, vice chairman. . Dinner Tor Monday consisted of - (Continued on pag 8) ILES1ITS British Heir Given Enthusias tic Reception at Every Point in City CHICAGO, Oct. 13 (By Asso ciated Press Edward David Windsor, heir to the British throne, was Chicago's guest on a private visit for 17 crowded hours today. At every stopping place the enthusiastic welcome of cheer ing throngs turned the affair Into a cordial public reception. Eager, smiling mulitudes awaited the royal visitor at every point of ad vantage throughout his 70 mU? auto tour. Lusty cheers and Lis throated auto horns saluted him a; every turn. In the wake of the passage throughout the day thou sands were left breathless by tli depth of their enthusiasm. "My word," said the prince to his host during one of the day's brief stops. "My word, but those Amerfran are enthusiastic and vigorous." He doTfed his hat and smiled grac iously in response to evpry greet ing. Chicago picked up the print o enthusiastically at Lake Forest, a suburb, soon after So'clock in tin; morning, lie was the gufst of Louis F. Swift, packer, lie was whisked along the lake short' ar.l through the ever growing thron: s to the stock yards for an hour's in spection tour and to the unWt-rbitv of Chicago for a somewhat formal reception byfcollege officera," city officials and some two hundrt J ! -vited representatives of th i imunlty. After luncheon" in lii' chinson commons the rartr stopped" at the field ma J(.ata. PLEDGED