The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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we Oeliver
Anything Ani Place
PHONE 1263
Ceremonial and ' Initiation
Staged Last Night By
Several Posts
Representatives from nearly all
the Veterans Of Foreign War posts
in the stiate, including a delega
tion of about 35 Trotn Portland,
gathered ! here last might for a
huge ceremonial and Initiation. A
class of 11 8 candidates was initi
ated. '
The drill team from World War
Post No. 907 had charge of the
active work, i This team has par
ticipated! in j other i ceremonials
throughout the northwest.
Included in the list of visitors
are the departmental officers, J.
W. Jonesj, state commander; B. II.
Teoraans; quartermaster, and L
A Gleamy Mass of Hair
35c "Danderine" does Wonders
for Any Girl's Hair ,
Children's Imported English
! Wool Hose
Sizes 72 and S Only
Leather Hand Bags
Sheets 81-90
Extra Quality 36 Inch Outing
Men's Cotton Union Suits
Men's Army Last Shoes
Miller's Subway Store
Girls! Try this! When comb
ing and dressing your hair, just
moisten your! hair brush with a
little "Danderine" and brush it
through your hair, the effect is
startling! You can do your hair
up Immediately and it will appear
twice as thick and heavy a mas3
of gleamy hair, sparkling with life
and possessing that incomparable
softness, freshness and luxuriance.
While ? beautifying the; hair
"Danderine' is also toning and
stimulating each single hair to
grow thick, long and strong. ! Hair
stops falling! out and dandruff
disappears. Get a bottle of de
lightful, refreshing "Danderine"
at any drug" or toilet, counter and
Just see how healthy and youthful
your hair becomes. Adv.
.Ml ' j : : '. !
P. Anderson, state adjutant. Pete
Compton, commander of the World
War post, and Colonel Hamer.
commander of Over the Top post
No. 81, both of Portland, each
headedj a large delegation from
their respective units, i i
Nearly 100 men in uniforms of
the various branches of the serv
ice and others n civilian clothes
attended the ceremonial, which
was held at the armory. ,
Sunday morning there will be a
meeting of the! departmental of
ficers and council to outline plans
for the year. These include an
intensive membership campaign,
with , three times ; the present en
rollment as the goal; the organi
zation I of new posts and routine
business. . ! . I
Members taken into the organi
zation last night: were Frank E.
Cbitty, W. N. Baker, T. C. Peer
enbor.n, Lute Savage, Hans Hopf-i
stetter, E. H. Linney, Wilber L.'
Moorman, Clarance Mof fenbir,
Russell F. Stanton, James W.
Reed, E. C. Charlton, James F.
Thrift. William C. Mickelson,
Charles Gjedstedt, Charles S.
Huddeleston, Roy W. Remington
and Norman J. ; Myers.
She is the American dairy cow,
one of the greatest benefactors
of human . kind from infancy to
old age. 1 She feeds the multi
tude, and with most nourishing
and life-sustaining of foods. It
is meet that she should receive
recognition and credit for the part
she has filled In the long march
of civilization, j J This tribute to
her by the Outlook is food for
thought: I i
-"Looking at her as she stands
in thefre3h grass by a brookside,
placid,! fawn-eyed, unpretentious,
one would never suspect that she
has saved the lives of 12,000,000
children. She is the best friend
that war-worn Europe found in
the world.. She relieved the suf
fering; of today; she saved the
men and women!; of tomorrow.
Without her, the slow! wasting of
war's jaftermath ; would spread) a
more terrible devastation in 1940
than the red carnage of the bat
tlefroht ever brought In the f ren
ted years of conflict. She over
came the enemies that walk in the
wake of war famine, and pesti
CLu-k'a 5th Cruise. Jan. 20' from New York Feb. 4 from Los Angeles j
122 Cays, including Hotels, Orivfs, Goidaa.
Bt apsciallT chartered
Canard- Anchor S. S.
. etc
New 17.000 toa
A floatius: paU.c for tha trip. Route Nw York. Havana, Panama Canal. Los Anele. Homo-
Ivla, 18 Uy In Japan and China. Masai. Java, Singapore. Bomtab i option OI la amy a in
India; Ceylon. 3 day Sa Cairo, Jerusalem. Athsns, Naples, Monte Carlo, Cherbourg: Utop
over), and Cunard flyer ?A;uitjcJ," Mauritania" or "Berensraria" back to Kw York.
Jan. 31. 1925 by specially chartered new Cunardcr "LACONI A." 20.000 ton oil-burner . C2 day
with 17 daya in Eirypt and ?ilestin; Spain. Italy. Greece, etc ;
KCd-Sumnier Cruise to the WtMern Mediterranean and Norwav. Jury 1 ..
S3 aays, 3550 up. by specially chartered Cuaarde "Lancastria." 17.000 ton.
FRANK C CLAUK Times Baildinj, New York j Established 1834
Goodrich Hot Water Bottles
Values Up
to $2.25
CO f)
Schaefer's Drug Store
T" The Penslar Store
135 North Commercial !
Phone 197
OregonjPulp and Paper Co.
. ' , Salem, Oregon
v'twl';! ' -; -.1 "-!'' ; ':''3 y-'.A: V -.; .-jiT'v. j-- '-y
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap-j
pings, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Glassine,
Drug Bond, Tissue Screenings and Specialties. '
lence, and children dwarfed and
imbecile. I She is 'the American
dairy cow. She stands in the
stanchions of the United States,
23, 000,000 strong. Every two
dairy cows in the United States,
on' the average, have saved one
child's Ilit'e in Europe in addition
to doing their duty at home. ,
t'Sectetary Hoover paid the cow
this tribute wlien he addressed
the World's Dairy Congress '; in
session fin Washington: 'The feed
ing of these masses of ; under
nourished children ; demonstrated
from the outset, he said, "that
there yj-as no substitute for milk
and that, while a wide range of
alternatives existed among other
foodstuffs, this commodity S was
essential for their restoration to
health jand strength. It i could
well bf said that the saving of
these millions of children was ac
complished only by virtue of the
. . . . . . . . .
strengtn oi tne American aairy
"That ought to settle the age-
old argument as to which of the
domestfc animals is man's best
servant. Much poetry, eulogy,
and fine sentiment have been
written around the horse and the
dog. f The cow has been compa
ratively little on the printed page
and hardly at all in the history
of wars. Hers is not the heroic
role of !the( soldier's mount, of the
police dog among I the tangled
wires, not even of the braying
mule in a pack-train moving
through the mud. She is one of
those who, when fifes scream and
battle-flags fly, stay behind and
do a homely duty. Yet without
her the world were lost."
Received; just yesterday, a new
shipment of,
Pullover Sweaters
Newest Istripe and check pat
terns.' Don't miss these. TheyMI
go fast because they are different.
Great Values in ,
now. The finest grade wool, lisle,' '
cotton and mixed garments are how
ready. Yoji can count on real satis
faction frOm i any of these gar
5 . ! . ..- .
To be Without a New
Fall and Winter Hat
is unheard of. Newest style and
latest colors.
'$3.00 up
fil wfw ft 't.
For superior quality and value, solid comfort,
authentic style and good looks, our line of Over
coats cannot be surpassed. They have the style,
they have the wear and they are moderately priced
We've Marked Farewell Prices on
Nearly 1000 New Winter Overcoats
$20-$25:-$30 $35
t -
Others up to $60.00
Even if you haven't the cash our special payment
plan makes it easy. Come in tomorrow
Plain and Stripe Pattern
made of finest flannel, muslin and
twill materials, cut large in size.
52.00 up
Men's Collar Band Shirb
of finest quality madras, silk stripe
madras, broadcloth, rep and silk
materials at new low prices.
$1.50 up
The Cut Silk
Four in Hand Ties
now lead : the pace in neckwear
style. See the new stripe effects.
County Court Places $2400 1
In Budget for Health Work
The county court has placed on
the ballot for November 4 a pro
posed jbudget i for county health
work. This is the first timA the
court has placed before the people)
the question as to whether they
are interested in the health of
their children. i j
During the past six months
health j work has been going on
amongj especially the children of
the rutal districts. This has not
cost the county a dollar. All ex
penses ihave ben made by women
who fel a deep interest in the
health of the growing child.
Every jlollar needed for the work
of the past six months j has been
pro vide! d by women from the sale
of tuberculosis stamps.,.
These women, who are not as
sured of a fund for keeping up
this work, are appealing to the
women- of the county, and the
fathers; as well, to vote in favor
of this! proposed budget of 2400
a year.; They claim that a county
that is assessed at more than
$43,000,000 and really worth
more than $100,000,000, can af
ford to spend $2400 a year in
looking after the health of its
The j women who have secured
funds tiecessary to keep up the
child healtl1 work the past six
months are appealing to the vtoters
of Jefferson precinct to help in
keeping up the good work, as
funds will not be available after
the firpt of the year.
Reports from all parts of the
county! show a growing interest
in health work among children.
Marion! county, the second richest
county! in the state, has been one
of the! most backward when It
comes to child health work, t The
county! court has not on its budg
et a dollar to spend in county
health Iwork. Jefferson Review.
Marquette Outclasses
Annapolis Gridsters
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Oct. 11.
Uncovering a. .driving offense
which they had apparently held in
reserve, after finding that they
were able to stem the opposition
attack land prevent their goal line
from being crossed in the earlier
stages,! Marquette university of
Milwaukee, Wis., literally swept
the Annapolis midshipmen, off
their feet In the final period of
today's intersectional '.football
game here, winning 21 to 3.
2500 New Freight Cars
For Great Northern RR
SEATTLE, Octi 10. Directors
of the Great ; Northern railway
have authorized Rlph Budd, pres
ident, to purchase 2500 freight
cars costing $5,500,000, accord
ing to advices recfeived here today
by railroad off icials. In addition
to these, the Wefetern Fruit Ex
press company i$ building 3500
refrigerator cars for: use by the
Great Northern j
, Between eight land te million
feet of lumber tti be used in
constructing the freight cars and,'
in accordance i with; the Great
Northern's policy,"; the lumber will
be purchased frq'm imilJa on its
lines. . I I
: In the Ladies Companion for
1859, is the fBlloving recipe for
pickling cucumbefs:
Pick the small green cucum
bers. Turn on boiling water and
in 4 or 5 hours jstake them out
and put them in cold Vinegar, with
a spoonful of alum and a teacup
ful of salt to eVer gallon of vine
gar from the cuf umbers; scald
and skim it; thei tUrnit on the
pickles, ; and scal them without
bailing a few minutes. Then put
them hot in the vcfssellfor keeping.
To make them bfittie, scald sev
eral times. Put ih affew peppers.
Truthful Radio j Amateurs
To Be Given Certificates
CHICAGO, Oct.jj lQ (AP) An
other innovation? ih the radio
world will be launched Oct. 14,
when a score of the leading broad
casting stations :of 1 the United
States and Canada will begin the
issue of engraved stamps, each
bearing ; the surcharge of the in
dividual station, .o listeners who
submit reasonable proof, they
have actually heard a station's
program. 1 j j ;
It is planned to give radio fans
another sport in ftainp collecting
ag well as make bona fide the re
ports of lohg distance radio? re
ception. The Idea, conceived by
Towner K. Webster j brother of
the novelist, has been adopted by
stations Lin virtually all the larger
cities of the country fand later is
expected to be f universally in
vogue. I
The stamps i bpar I : upon their
face a picture of Jan jeagle stand
ing between two aerial tovers of
a radio-casting station, the one
emblematic of thej king of the air
and other signiryjng jthe king of
the ether. Below the pictured de
sign of the two kings are the sta
tion call letters arid in the corners
are the letters EKKd. selected to
identify the stamps from spurious
iseuea which might be put out.
An album has been prepared for
the stamps, with! pages arranged
by states and provinces. For the
luckier fans is a page for stamps
for the more powerful foreign
' I :
: .' I i .-' '' :"
stations which are occasionally
heard in America. The stations
having the greatest :i amount of
power are' listed i in the upper
lefthand corner, and ;i those with
lesser power range to the right
on lines below. i"
In addition to the regular sta
tion stamps it is also proposed
that commemorative stamps be is
sued for special events which are
broadcast, such as the inaugural
address of the next president of
the United ; States, the national
conventions, or other events of
nationwide Importance.
' Correct this sentence: "Now
let's have a nice long , chat," said
the President. .
Rough Diners Wreck
Table Ware at Wembley
: LONDON, Oct.' 9. (AP.) The
average 'daily crowd ofi.70,000 peo
ple eating in the: numerous res
taurants at the Wembley Exhibi
tion are responsible for the smash
ing of -30,000 pieces of, crockery
every six days. In an average
week the breakages are 761 dozen
cups, 345 dozen saucers, 472 doz
en plates and 774 dozen miscellan
eous pieces, according to the firm
which has the contract for feeding
the visitors.
, These figures do pot include
glasses broken in the drinking sa
loons, and it is stated that it is
no uncommon thing in a busy
week for one bar to smash 1500
glasses. As there are some 54
bars in the . exhibition, it is ap
parent that the number of glasses
smashed since the exhfbition open
ed in April must be about 700,-
ooo. , ;
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
Fa6t Through Freight to All
Valley Points Daily.
Salem-Portland-Woodburn '
Corvallls- -Eugene; - Jefferson
Dallas - Albany. Monmouth
Independence - Monroe
Capital Hardware &
Furniture Co
Best Prices Paid
285 N. Com! St. Phone 347
, Biographies . are replete with
th oft repeated story of the poor
bojr who was determined to obtain
an education at all costs, provided
the; efforts were honorable. You
hae often read of the struggle to
obtain a college education of the
hours of hard work long before
the more fortunate student has
awoke from a pleasant night of
sleep and again of how the stu
dent ceaselessly continued to labor
lorig after j his classmates , have
dimmed their lights at night. It
is jof such trials and tribulations
th4t is chronicled the story of
Harvey Rosen, a student at Willa
mette university.
When Hamilton F. Corbett, of
Portland, donated $350 in cash
prizes through the Oregon depart
mtint. American legion, to be
awarded the! three winners in the
KluJte wide essay contest on
"Peacetime Patriotism" it is
cloybtful that he had little else
in mind than stimulating patriot
i.m in the minds of the younger
generation.-' At any event it is
impossible that he could have con
ceited thai the first prize, a
check for $200, would enable a
deserving student to continue his
course at college for the remain
der of the year and possibly for
tli? next year as well. '
Harvey Rosen is 21: years old
and a student at Willamette uni
versity, in Salem. He was' de
termined, as were the young men
whpm the biographers write about
Lift OffNo Pain!
Doesn't, hurt one bit! Drop a
little "Freezcme" on an aching
corn, instantly that corn stops
hurting, then shortly you lift it
right off with fingers. ,
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle
of "fFreezone" for a few cents, suf
ficient to remove every'hard corn,
soff corn, or corn between the
toes, and the foot calluses, without
soreness or Irritation. Adv.
to fit himself for his future by
' " f " - . j - . - 4' -
obtaining a college education. Un
daunted by the Inability of . his
family to ; give him financial as
sistance, Rosen enrolled this j fall
with a total capital of $25, J an
amount insufficient In Itself to
pay fori more than the entrance
requirements. Hep immediately
obtained a job-and iwent to work
outside of classroom hours.
Just what were his sensations
when he learned that his essay, in
competition with others had been
adjudged.? the best In the county
and then had been awarded first
place in; the state contest, -are un
known. His parents are un
doubtedly filled with pride at his
achievement. His j fellow stu
dents should receive added stim-
urns ana a greater realization ana
appreciation of thelf opportunities
and others be thrilled by what. he
has accomplished. - j ; . L;
Aside from the pleasure of hav
ing written the bes essay ins the
state, mere is tne j nnanciai r as
pect. iThe money: came as
Godsend, for with it and economy.
He will be able to continue his
studies this year. . Summer vaca
tion will arrive and an opportun
ity to provide for Jnore funds
Careful husbandry of the money
will permit him to I enroll as a
student again last year. .
' George P. Griffith, state com
mander of the American ' legion
and Clifford Brown, chef la gare
of the Societe des 40 Hommes et
8 Chevaux, invited ; Rosen to
drive to Roseburg, his home town,
with. them. The check was tak
en along. Umpqua post of th
American legion had arranged f oi
fitting ceremonies. Rosen's father,
mother and little sister were pre
sent when Commander Griffith, in
the name of the state department,
presented him with the little slip
of paper that meant so much. A
simple ceremony, yes, but never
theless Impressive. . ,
Peace time patriotism? If there
be such, then Harvey Rosen snrely
deserves the distinction of being
a peace lime patriot.
As tonconscious humor, there
is the rumor that Dempsey will
marry and retire from fighting.
Suits Cleaned
and Pressed
i u
Suits Pressed
152 So. Church St; '
Salem, Ore.
Will Buy Any .
Make of Typewriter
L. C. Smiths
Every Machine Carries Full
All Makes Rented
Expert Repair
Atlas Doo!
Stationery. Co.
465 State St. I
i. .-
Our New' Kame--Our
New Location.