The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Pastors to Mert I
The first meeting of the Pastors
union, following the vacation sea
son, will be held Monday morn
ing at the city library. The hour
of meeting la 1 0 : 1 5 o'clock. The
pastors of the city J are expected
to be In attendance.' J. J. Evans,
pastor or the First Christian
church, is the' president, of the
union.-. I i
Fop runt. Fire Room
Furnished apartment for adults,
with garage, j T. A. Albert, 860
Mill. ; j ol2m
Rare Spider Fount! V
W. W. Wells, -whtie at work on
the Gertrude J. M. Page place on
South. Liberty street, yesterday
' found a species ' of; spider that
seems to be rare irt the Willam
ette valley. The body of the spi-
, der is large,, about) three-fourths
of an inch id diameter and the legs
cover a considerable spread, ,of
1 territory. It was found in a web
in some shrubbery.! 'j
at the
; lege
of the
Apples Wanted
furnished, j Gideon Stolz
corner Summer and Mill.
!, I - . I o-12
. Sack
Co., near
One of Riz Me
Dr. D.; C. Livingston and Mrs.
Livingston of CdrvAllis were Sa-
vi$itors yesterday. " Dr. Liv-
ftas the chair of geology
Oregon Agricultural col
i hA la one of the big men
west, and in "fact of the
cjountry, in his line.
i All
Man's S
for School W
es. all prices. See our
Let ns show you. The
Shop. ; , f 12
Sew Teacher I Added
When, the Salem Heights school
.opens jtomorrow morning their
will bell a third teacher on the
( force, Mrs. Harriett Zosel having
' been obtained to take care of a
room that Is j just ready for oc
cupancy. Mrs. Zosel taught ' at
the Liberty school last year.
Vinegar Apples Wanted
Sacks furnished. j Gideon Stole
Co., near corner Summer and Mill.
i . 0-12
Lions Visit Toledo
Several automobile loads of Sa
lem Lions started for Toledo early
Saturday afternoon in order to be
Buys Furniturb
Phone 511
Dr. B. H. White
Osteopathy -j Surgery
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
xnent (Dr.; Abram's method).
Office Phone 85 or 469-J
606 U. a Bank Bid.
1 ' '
We're All
and now that we are located In
our new quarters at
we are in a position to give you
till better " service on your
transfer and hauling work.
We Still Handle Fuel
and have several carloads of
eoal due In a few days. Better
get jour order In early, :
.- ; j. Phone 030 " j
Larmer Transfer &
Storage Co. i
present for the presentation of a
charter to the recently organized
Lions club of that place last night.
The ceremonies will be concluded
today, with a clam bake at New
port. An invitation was received
here to come) along prepared for
a duck early this morning.
Cooper's Underwear for Mei
-Best for wear, best for value
$1.25 to $6. Select yours now for
days. The
Twenty Birds ; Keceivetl
Bids of 20 Salem painters have
been forwarded to Washington
D. C, by John H. Farrar, post
master. The bidders are all
equally anxious to , paint all the
city boxes. The bids will be con
sidered in the east arid it will be
nearly two weeks before a reply
can be expected. Paint for the
job is furnished by the post office
department, j
Dr. A. F. Gof frier
The Chiropractor, has moved to
226 Oregon Building. ol2
Win Dealer Fined !
When Charles Hennegan was
given a hearing before P. J. Kuntz
justice of the peace Saturday; he
was fined $230 for possession of
wine. Hennegan, a farmer living
about three miles north of Wacon
da, was the object of a raid this
week by Deputy Sheffifs Roy
Bremmer and Bert Smith.
Buy That Comforter
Or blanket now. A fine assort
ment to choose from. C. S. Ham
ilton. " ol2
hospial can be deported to foreign
countries within a few days. Neg
otiations for the deportation have
been under way for some I time.
The patients will go to Greece,
Italy,! Norway, Russia and other
countries. I
Men -
Time for that overcoat. Choose
yours now from our large showing
$18.50 to $40. The Man's Shop.
Mortgager Foreclosure
Complaint was filed in circuit
court yesterday by F. S. Lamport
against H. Moore, tasking fore
closure on a piece of Salem prop
erty now held by the defendant.
It is alleged that the plaintiff
holds a note from the defendant
for $1450. : I :
The Xeurocalmeter .
Signifies accuracy in Chiroprac
tic. See Dr. O. L. Scott, U. S.
National bank bldg. olltf
Bozell Gets Summons
According to papers filed yes
terday in the circuit court, asum
mons ; was served on Fred Bozell
by the authorities of Tillamook
countyon October 3. Bozell is de
fendant in divorce proceedings
now pending. ;
Men : .
Time for that overcoat. Choose
yours now from our large showing
$18.50 to $40. The Man's Shop.
5 o!2
Liquor Owner Fined
After having spent eight days
in -the' city Jail while making up
his mind how to plead to a charge
of having moonshine liquor in his
possession, Ira E. Spencer ap
peared before Judge Marten Poul-
sen. who presides over the police
court, and was fined $100 Satur
day. Spencer was arrested Octo
ber 3 by Officer Edwards and en
tered : his plea after consulting
with an attorney.
Rush Wins Suit
The case of W. R. "Rush v T.
R. Eaton was decided yesterday in
favor of the plaintiff. He wis
awarded $55 payment on an auto
mobile and $86.66 payment for
wages due him. ' The original
complaint asked $55 payment on
the car and a total of $280.66
wages said to be owed by the de
fendant. !
The Neurocalmetei'
Signifies accuracy In Chiroprac
tic. See Dr. O. L. Scott, U. S.
National bang bldg. i olltf
Demonstrate Gopher Killing
For the purpose of demonstrat
ing various ways to exterminate
gophers, A. W. Moore, of the
United States biological survey,
will be in the county for the next
two weeks beginning Monday.
Both Mr. Moore and S. H. Van
Trump, county fruit inspector,
have been over the ground and is
probable that gopher poison will
be spread in sections south! of
Turner, near; Geer and north of
Silverton. It is planned to cover
the various districts of the county
extensively. I
Cyclone Pictures Shown V
Newspapers have been received
here by former Wisconsin resi
dents showing views of the recent
cyclone which devasted the north
central portion of the state.
Use Our Distributive- ; ;
Payment plan if you cannot
spare the cash. Pomeroy & Keene,
Jewelers and Opticians. al2
Will Deport Patients
Dr. L. E. Lee Steiner, super
intendent of the state hospital for
the insane, has received Informa
tion from immigration authorities
that six patients from the state
Bliss Beatrice Shelton
: Teacher of Piano "
High school credits granted.
Studio, 345 Marion. Phone
1299; Derby building, 365.
15 Dewa
' S5 Montkly
O. X. ImxvmA
347 N. Com. St.
Pkoa 806
! For
. Open Evenings
I Popular Priced I
Tailored Suits $25 to $45
Ilea's and Young Hen's
; I . j Cars for: Hire i;.
Par antos are all kept In prime condition,
therefore are absolutely safe to drive. ; - .. '
i We hire them either with or without driver, ' ;
PIIOXB S020 1 Office at Btaaje Terminal
Established 1863
: .1 ' . r - ' .. -
- General Banking BusinssJ
planks used by Several Salem in
dustrial concerns in the transfer
of commodities from freight cars
to warehouses, the city attorney
has been instructed to draw up
the necessary pa persr. The bonds,
which will be large enough to
cover any reasopable accident,
will be posted with the city recor
der. Two of the1 concerns the
order will effect are Sthe Star Fruit
products company and the Wil
lamette Valley rocry company.
Use Our Distributly
Payment planf if you cannot
spare the cash. Pomeroy & Keene,
Jewelers and Opticians. al2
Motorcycle. Stolen I
Complaint ttiat liis motorcycle
had either befen stolen or else
taken without; his permission was
made to the police! last night by
Cody Evans, q well-known Salem
f' otorcycle ridler
;; j - fj-4 .
fonpoleum Rtigs--f- j
9x12. slightly imperfect, now
$10 and $14. C.jS. Hamilton. oI2
Sieolers are t'ite!--
Two speeders-1 Were arrested
Saturday afternoon by Officer
Hickman. These? were Helen Cor
nesies and James Stafford. Both
were cited to appear in the police
court Monday afternoon. Ray
mond Sealy was; arrested by Of
ficer Wiles for having no light on
his bicycle afterddafk.
from the Hunt cannery October
8, had been recovered In Portland.
The machine belongs to L. H.
Elllott'of ,23.",9 Center. v-i
DIhtherin in C ity
Seven cases .of diphtheria were
reported to Dr. William II. Mott.
city-health officer, during the last
week. In addition, to these there'
were two cases of chicken pox and
one each ; of scarlet fever and
malaria. y
Efjptian Henna for Tinting Hair
50c. Perry's Drug Store. o!2tf
RoM'braugli in England
Word has been received by Mr.
and Mrs. W. V. Rosebraugh that
their son, Arthur Rosebraugh, had
arrived safely ait Liverpool and
would spend ; this next week at
London, looking; Up people for
whom he had letters of introduc
tion from Col. John Leader. Mr.
Rosebraugh is the Oregon Rhodes
scholar and after his brief visit
In London will ;)eaVe for Oxford
where he will le enrolled as a
student. . s l !
Sweaters for School W
All styles, all; prices. See our
windows. Let Us show you. The
Man's Shop. ,j ol2
Pleatings Done at Salem Elite j
Satisfaction and prompt service
guaranteed. See; new line of pat
terns, 329 Oregon Bldg. ol2
1" ' , j" j
Placard Donated i i 1 :
In compliment to the business
and professional women who have
been conducting a three-day rum
mage sale, Murray Wade donated
an artistic announcement placard
which was deeply appreciated by
the club.
Preseott's Kings and Spltzenberg
Apples at 65 cents at orchard.
2 miles in Polk county on Oak
Grove road. ol2
Madsen vs Punk Tomorrow-
Expected to be one of the long
est cases heard at this term of
court, the case of R. C. Madsen
vs W. R. Funk, et al. will begin
tomorrow morning. It is sched
uled for three days, but doubt has
been expressed as to whether It
will be completed in that length
of time. Madsen is suing Funk
for damages said to have been in
curred in an auto accident on the
Silverton-Salem highway.
If in
Of a new comforter or blanket.
see our display first. C. S. Ham
ilton. . ol2
Marriage License Issued
A wedding license : was issued
yesterday at the office of the
county clerk to Charles Kutsch of
Halsey and Minnie Schulze : of
Mount Angel.
Preseott's Orchard-
Is but ten minutes drive from
Salem. See sign on Wallace road
In Polk county. Come : out and
get your winter's supply of apples
at 50 cents up.
Will Require Bond-
In order to pro.tect the city
from possible suit fori damages
which might result from the col
lision of automobiles with gang
'-:!": -Died ! j ,
THOMPSON George Thompson
died at a local hospital on Oct
11 at the age of 53 years. He
is a late resident of Molalla
The remains will be forwarded
today, October 12, by Rigdon
& Son. ! ;
BATTEY William C. Battey died
at a local hospital. October 11
at the age of 41 years. He Is
survived by his widow Mary
Battey, one son Arthur, five sis
ters Mrs. J. Z. Rowlee of Crlsco,
Iowa, Mrs. Mary Nunnemaker
' of Salem, Mrs. Ruby Bloom of
Cloverdale, Ore., Mrs. ? Agnes
Seeley of Berlin, Ore., Mrs. Nel
lie Blackburn of Cloverdale,
Body at Webb's Funeral Par
lors. Funeral announcements
' later. i
rjneqnaled Serrleel
Two Speelers Cited '
In justice court Saturday E. L.
Staples was fined $15 for, speed
ing. A similar! charge was filed
against Walter Oodsey, but he did
not appear. 1' ;
The Valley Ctill L
Will be closed for about ten
days after midnight Sunday dur
ing which time. the place .will be
remodeled, n . u I i ol2
Sweaters for School Wea:
All styles, ' all: prices. See our
windows. Let us show you. The
Man's Shop. ' ,'f ol2
Gets BuOding Permit
H. M. King yesterday received
building permit f for the ' con
struction of a' dwelling at 375
South Twenty-third! The residence
will cost $2800;! . ;
; 4 '
Vinegar Apples Wanted
Sacks furnished.; Gideon Stolz
Co., near corner: Summer and Mill.
KIwanis Meets at MY' '
The weekly letter being sent
out to . members of the KlwaniS
club is Very brief and to the points
It states that the club will meet
with the YMCA at the Y gymnas
ium Tuesday noon from 12:05
until 12:55 o'clock. There will
be, no solicitation.! 'i
Good Wood
At right prices, 16-inch mill and
4-foot dry slab. Immediate deliv
ery. Spaulding Lumber company.
. olT
Spinet Iek
In mahogany, a No. 1 selpction
to choose from. C. S. Hamilton.
Will Can lumpkins
Cannirfg of pumpkins is under
way at the Oregon Packing jcom
pany plant and will open at, Hunt
Brothers in a few days, depending
upon the frost. r Both the crop
and pack are expected to be light
this year. 1 .''!
Men . " . ' ,
Time-for that overcoat. Choose
yours now from our large showing
$18.50 to $40. The Man's Shop.
Evans Class Meets .
The second of the John J.
Evans Bible classes tor men will
be held at the Bligh theatre at
9:45 o'clock this morning. Mrs.
Frank Brown will give a panto
mime and Hallfe Parrish Hinges
will sing. The classes are having
an average attendance of around
125 'men. ' h ; f ;
For Rent, 5 Rooms
Modern with sleeping porch, ail
in good order. Lights, water and
phone" free. Can give possession
at once,
Call at I 410
Cooper's Underwear for Men ':
Best for wear, best for value -$1.25
to $6. Select yours now for
these chilly days.? The Man's
Shop. ol2
To Vote on Taxes
dut of the 90 road districts in
Marion county, 36 are having spet
cial meetings called- on November
8 in order to vote on special road
taxes, it was announced yesterday,
Stolen Auto Recovered
Word was received by the po
lice department yesterday that a
Star touring car, 'reported stolen
Will Inspect Routes
The semi-annual inspection : of
rural mail routes will be made
this week by A. G; Gibbard. as-
:1 rt f
Pencil Sharpeners
. , -f j. i
For j
I ' j, and .
i , School
3 "If it's for the office
we have: it."
Insist On
: ; ' n - I -.
It's Better!
- s
- : ' r ': - ;
Mistland Bakery i
Glenn Gregg-lEarl Gregg
1097 Chemeketa
some call it. Our optometrists have helped hundreds of
just such cases. The strain, often caused by the wrong
style of frames, imperfect lenses or poor fitting, can be
removed, j We are ready to show you the difference.
301-2-3-4 Oregon Bldg.
Dr. Mendelsohn
Eyesight . Specialist
I v c !
k . , m
810 United States Bank Bldg.
I In purchasing glasses meas
ure your economy by the serv
ice received. '
- : - !'',
1!The best of lenses are prac
tically useless unless your ail
ment has been diagnosed and
glasses prescribed according to
your need.
a lj i
j I fit glasses correctly.
j My prices are very reason
able for the services and mate
rials received.
i - ,
One-third of a century of
practical experience is at your
service. I guarantee satisfac
tion in every respect. .
, I do not belong to any com
bine which can dictate prices to
ine. ' .i
1 Dr. M. PJ Mendelsohn I
siistant, postmaster. The, trip is
planned to see if the patrons are
all fully observing the postal laws
and regulations. As soon as a
schedule S3 worked' out to1 take
cire of the two new carriers re-
cntly added to the city force and
tHe routes are re-arranged, the
cfty routes will be inspected. .
Blankets and Comforters ;
JSee window display. C. S. Ham
ilton. ol2
Tulip and! Daffodil Bulbs
I Now ready. OrderJ W. Ci
Franklin Tulip farm, Wallace rd.
Phone 52114. ol2
if ; f
rbnltry Sleeting Scheduled
f Plans are now being made for
the third annual Marion-Clacka-
ENJOY the added warmth and com
fort that only good coal can give you
this coming. winter.
i .". .i i ' .
WE have the coal that is "just right"
for your heating plant. j
GOOD coal from 12.75 per ton upl
DON'try to make one kind of coal
do for every purpose, consult us as to
the kind best adapted "for your home.
Phone 1855
ralers in High Grade Coal and Wood
See our full page aid in Telephone
! Directory.
'-. ! - - II- " . . .
' i ' u " i '-" .
mas county ' Pouitfy 'association
show to be held at. Ilubbard on
December 10-11 and 13, according
to G. W. Speight, of Hubbard,
who was in the city! yesterday. Mr.
Speight is chairman of the board
of. directorst and timer" Gribble,
of Canby, presidentjof the associa
tion. The list of prizes w-ill be
announced later, j
Select Christmas Presents Now
Small payments ! make it j easy.
Love, the Jeweler, Salem. o-lOtf
Rins Cuts Fingeiw- '
While unloading a box of fish
at the Midget Market. Saturday,
Paul Schmidt, of 1096 North
Seventeenth, a deliveryman for
the American Railway express
company, cut one ! of -his fingers
to the bone. One, of the boxes
caught on his ring, causing tha
cut. The"iing was so bad'.y
bent that it was necessary to cut
It from his -finger. The Injury
while painful, is not serious.
' S I 4'
JJ. The llegisterinti Piano
! t
Makes Musicians
Sounds almost unbelievable !'
doesn't it that, with no technical ;
training whatever, any lover of good
music can play the Gulbransen
Registerfng Piano with just as much
expression: and feeling as a profes
sional pianist! :
Unbelievable? Perhaps. Yet true,
absolutely! You can quickly satisfy
yourself about it
investigate. Find out ai first
hand! Let' your eyes and ears con
vince you! Learn how through
keys pressed down in Gulbransen
playing, not knocked down, as in
ordinary player-piano-playing' the
Registering principle now makes it
easy for , you to produce musical
effects as fine as the mpst delicate
.fingering on the keyboard!
.1 Each note registering your exact
"touch j its shading graduated
not played jut loudly or sofdy, but
Jevery note controlled separately, in
'dividuaUy.. Notes and phrases of the
.melody brought our accented with
jfrverV degree of emphasis possible to
the best hand-playing. You will be
absolutely astounded at the genu
inely human feeling you can put in
to everything you play on the
Registering Gulbransen!
2 Years to Pay!
M ;7 TV, and we will tell you about our easy-payment
ail 1 niS plan on Gulbransen.
$420 $495
$575 $650
fiTiItinimn Tnd Mark
519 Court Street.
Phone 441.
Orfiss Uozia frc3t 10 a. tx, le 5 p. n.
.si j r