The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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flliliMSE:.:, '
La Toilette Club ;at Univer
sity Determined on Pub
lic Debate
Following refusal of the Repub
lican club of Willamette univer
sity to accept the 'debate chal
lenge Issued to it by the La Fol
lette club, the third party organl-
- xaUon has prepared a second chal
lenge which will be presented to
the Coolidge supporters tomorrow
morning. The second challenge
gives the. Republican club the
privilege o going outside the stu
dentriwdy to secure two speakers
- I ii i m ii- ammmmmmm
'f , I f i
Famous Jacobs Oregon City Make!
- . I ! U ' I : '' ' !
We're ready i to help you meet your needs with a
Jacobs Oregon City O'Coat of pure Virgin Wool. This
is new fleece as it comes from the sheep'i back, never
used or worked before: I
Just the right weight to give you a full measure of
comfprt and service. A beautiful range of patterns and
colors. i . '
Priced to enable you to obtain an O'Coat of national
ly known quality at a moderate figure. Remember it's
pure virgin wooL K !
' 522.50 ;;525.C0 527.50 1; $29.50
mm mam. Ms
. 426 STATE ST.
All Thfe Amazing. Facts
About Tlie j Clirysler Six
THe fact that the Chrysler
Six is not only; different
from conventional cars,
but is vastly superior has
created a demand that has
taxed the resources of a
great organization.
A i - " s - i. "- - !'", f
Tlie. whole country is talk
ing about this car. You
yourself have undoubtedly
heard much about its per
forrtiance, its economy and
its other unusual charac
teristics, t
Q.I B.
, . . .
to meet the two speakers, which
the La Follette club, will produce
from among its own membership.
It is understood that the La Fol
lette speakers i will probably be
Southworth and Alden, former
vareity debaters.;. "
The challenge will be handed to
Dean Alden to read with the an
nouncements at chapel tomorrow
morning. In case he declines to
read it, on the ground of its politi
cal nature, it will be posted on the
bulletin board, and a copy, handed
to the president of the Republican
club. : The text of the challenge
follows:' i
"To the Republican Club : of
Willamette university: i
"The La Follette club of this
institution has been organized for
the purpose of taking an active
part i in national politics, and is
composed of persons who have
definite, reaeons, for believing that
Coolidge should - be put -out and
fi A r"n"lP
A .Ride. Will Prove
elation of the contribution
it has made to the advance
ment of motoring.
There are many other
things that will arouse your
enthusiasm when you ride
in the car. You will be
especially impressed with
the way space has been
engineered. Chrysler cars
are not excessive in size.
Yet they offer the spacious
comfort ordinarily associa-1
ted with heavier cars.
But if you have not exam- A demonstration awaits
incd it, ridden in it driven you at any time that suits
it you have no. real appre- your convenience.
i We are pleased to extend cite convenience o; urne-payment.
; Ak about Chrysler's attractive plan. Dealers cveryv.4eie.
Ginffrfch Motor.. Co. (
. M 5 y, 5
Commercial Street : SalemJO
La Follette put in at the coming
"The La Folletie club Intends to
make these reasons public The
reason include indictments of the
present administration which, if
true, render it unfit for public
trust and confidence. - It . would
seem' only fair that the Republican
club be given an opportunity to
refute " these Indictments it It is
willing and able to do so. The La
Follette club is not ashamed of
its candidate, but feels able and
anxious to defend him against any
statements made against him. by
anyone, anywhere at any time.
"In view of these facts it ap
pears to the La Follette club that
the opponents of Robert La Fol
lette should present their argu
ments against him in open day,
giving i opportunity, for clear and
logical analysis of those argu
ments. It also appears that the
opponents of Calvin Coolidge
should do the same.
"So for the second, time the La
Follette club challenges the. Re
publican club to a public debate on
national candidates and Issues,
this time offering to the Republi
can club the privilege of securing
any speakers from anywhere that
it may see fit."
"Tomorrow's Car Today" Is
the Slogan Chosen; Port
land Man Wins Third
The above slogan lias been sel
ected by the Board of Judges and
awarded first prize In the Star
slogan contest.
The winner of the first prise
is George L. Hammond E. 2919,
34th avenue, Spokane, Washing
. After a careful re-check made
by the judges it was discovered
that the same slogan had also
been submitted by another contes
tant, and as it was deemed im
practical to split the first award
a 1925 Star sport model touring
car was also awarded to this con
testant. ;
i The winner of the second prize
is Evo De Concini, 1301 E. Speed
way street, Tucson. Arizona.
; The winner of the third prize
of $50 was Clarence Cook. Hotel
Portland. Partland, Oregon , and
his slogan was "Successful from
the start."
. The judges had. a hard task be
fore them in selecting, the slogan
from, among 280,000 submitted
and much time was consumed in
going over them, as each one had
to be carefully studied and while
aU of the slogans submitted were
good, several thousand were ex
ceptionally good.
t There are two 1 classes: those
who think the nude is art, and
those who think fancy sofa pillows
are. i
. - . 45"...
i I
JV) Cr
At Seattle Washington 55;
Whitman 6.' !
At Corvallis OAC 7; Multno
mah 6. ' I
At Pullman- -WSC: 12, Conzaga
ii. .;. . ; J ,"... I :
At Eugene -Oregon 20; Pacific
0. : 1
At Stanford university Stan
ford 7; Olympic club 0.
At Missoula Idaho 41; Mon
tana 13. -
At Los Angeles USC 29; Ari
sona 0. . . .'
At Tacoma CPS f33; Linfield
college 0. ( ; . ''
At Brunswick, jdei Bowdoin
16; Amherst 14. I
At New York4-olumbIa 35;
Wesleyan 0. ' i i
At Anapolls r4 Navy 3; Mar
quette. 21.' l
At Itnica Wijliams 14; Cor
nell 7. . j :
At Cambridge d Harvard 16;
Middlebury . 6. 1 A
At West.Point4-Army 20; Uni
versity of Detroit 0. i l
At Madison Wisconsin 7; Coe
7. P
At Princeton Princeton 0; Le
high 0.'. . J I : ,
At Minneapolis Minnesota 20;
Haskell Indians 0. r
At South Bend Notre Dame,
34; Wabash 0, I J v
At Ada, Ohio4-Ohio Northern
2; Ohio Wesleyani 3-i .
At Lexington, Ya.-f-Washlngton
& Lee 8; Wakeforest 10.
. At Charlottsvilie, Va. Univers
ity of Virginia 26; Randolph Ma
con 6. . - : I
At Lawrence -Ames 13; Kan
sas 10. s
At Syracuse---Syracuse 24; Wil
liam &. Mary 7. I
At New Brunswick. N. J. Rut
gers 35; St. Bonaventure 7.
At Champaign I Illinois 40;
Butler 10. I j
At Pittsburg West Virginia 7;
Pittsburg 14. ; l,
At East Lansing, Mich.: Michi
gan 7; Michigan! Aggies 0.
At State Collage Penn State
26; Gettysburg 0.
At Evanston 4 Northwestern
42; Cincinnati 0. r
(Contioned from p 1)
formed the $68,000; into 'six or
eight cows' right! in the presence
of the audience. ; "
. "There has been no more deli
cate appeal to this vaunted sense
of humor than the enforcement of
prohibition, la private life Secre
tary Mellon was fa boss distiller.
In public life he has made a fail
ure ' of prohibition 1 enforcement.
but when Senator Couzens wanted
to investigate Mellon, for the first
time the White Houale became vo
cal. ... - I
"You can Imagine the hilarity
behind closed ! doors when with
a. straight face treasury officials
assured President Harding that it
the soldiers werefgiven a compen
sation the treasury would go
broke, , and 1 shortly afterward
snickered as they paraded a sur
plus. Don't you- .know Bascom
Slemp and Edward Bi McLean had
a Jolty time iForida when they
were practicing pn giving horti
cultural names to their friends.
They say official T Washington
latighed until their sides shook
when they learned that 'apples
was the code for FaIl.
"Could anything be funnier?
"Our; foreign policy, when we,
have had any, has been almost as
side-splitting as Sancho Panza's
travels.'! r
(CoatinneA from sgt 1)
out resort to compulsion."
Referring again to the new bus
iness standards and' the govern
ment's position, the president de
clared the ideal now s that neith
er! concentration I nor competition
shall be permitted to the extent
of .injuring the public interest.'
"Whether a business unit Is
good or bad," he said, "is to be, de
termined hot by its size but by its
practices. No business is allowed
to set aside the law of supply and
demand, the rules Of open bar
gaining and fair competition. The
supervisory and regulatory power
of society, exercised- through the
processes of government, is
brought in as the supreme auth
ority. No business may hold It
self above consideration of. the
pu,bllc Interest and. recognition of
public authority.! Business is re
quired to adjust itself to this view
Yea Cannot
Hide Your Fat
Ovrrfat ia the one minfortune which
yo cannot hide from Tourelf r from
inqsf around yon. ; ii : too thin, your
drH8maker or tailor-rail eppply the de
f irienciea. but the eerfat rarrr a burden
they cannot conceal., - There ia one aure
way, to reduce yours weight quickly and
tIeesantly the fatnoua Mag-mola PreartrpV
twn. 5 This preacripttoa changes the fatty
Unities and fat producinr foods to solid
f leah and , energy: It helps the generel
health end. detention; . It permits yon to.
eai suDBianual food.: it leaves the sk. a
eleer and smooth. This famona preacriD-
tion is now condensed into tablet form.
Kite h tablet contains aa exact dose ot the
sane Injrrcdienta that made the orisinal
preacriptioa capable f reducing the tnt-
fat body teedily and- easily without the
untet ill effects. Take one tablet after
each meat and at bedtime until the nor-
mat weight is reached i nad the bodily
health . completely . restored. Ask Touf
drocrist for Marmola Prescription . Tab-.
ww vi cun irnv uti i ia r fro tne .ti irninil
Company. ' General Motors Buildingr. De
troit, Mic?., and yoa wui rererre enouh
pess and. happiness. . ;lVoot put off fettiilg
tiendrr -taia - la? your opportunity to
make yourself . attracttre-so Set box
of its public relations. It it will
not fully and voluntarily adapU
itseir to these conditions then they
will be Imposed upon it by the
force of Jaw. '
The Guy BarJett trio is com
pased of. three young men who
are billed as singers extraordin
ary, From advance notices they
Will provide one of the hits of , the
bill, as they have received favor
able mention over the Ackerman
& Harris circuit. ;
Mohroe and Lauretta offer an
act called "Eight Minutes In the
Art ot Terpsichore." They are
said . to be fast, snappy dancers,
putting on peppy numbers which
never fall to , lease. Mr. Monroe
is declared to be a toe dancer Of
more than-ordinary merit, and it
is said few women can! equal his
performance. The act is Drettily
staged: ' - !
Moore and Horton ! offer a
sketch called "The Waiter and
the Dumb-waiter,'' which is class
ed as a breezy flowing comedv.
designed to keep every audience
witnessing its production in a ran.
stant uproar of laughter. ' Mr.
Moore has been featured in
Friendly Enemies' "Rose Maid"
and "As You Were.' Mis Hnr.
ton has had a musical comedy
career. '
Pawnette, the Indian girl, re
sents a number entirely different
from the general run.1 She appear
urst as an old-fashioned Indian
girl and gradually works Into a
modern girl of today. gh eivea
several specialty ' dances and
makes four changes, of costume.
onnson Brothers and Young, a
harmonv trio
fifth act; on this well balanced
Din. Wesley Barry in "Penrod"
Is the feature picture on the show.
(Continued from pace 1)
Mae Couchman, Alberta' Bohrn
stedt, Elsie Tucker, Pauline Find
ley, Rosalind Van 1 Winkle, Eliza
beth s Wacbteri Irene Breitbaupt,
Helen Breithaupt, Muriel White,
and Eloise White. ; i '
Minute-man speakers are to be
heard in all the 30 Salem pulpits
today, where laymen will present
the case for the Y. Many of the
Salem pastors are giving 'their ut
most whole-souled service to the
Y. campaign, as a necessary supple
ment to their own ; church work.
and the bigger Y campaign fita In
to their church scheme almost as
well as if the building were in
their ,6wn church name. .
"Got to raise your sights, fel
lows," was Director Booth's com
ment.' at the . Saturday dinner.
Show up the Y as the builder of
better citizens and tht road to
lower taxes by cutting police costs
and social (wastage.- -The more a
man has, the more he owes to the
Y to protect his interests finan
cial,, social,, everything." ,.
Chairman Llvesley urged that
the canvassers redouble their ef
forts for the coming week, so as
to finish up the job with enthusi
asm and give it the prestige of
quick action.' The executive com
mittee hopes to find one or two
of the. big; challenging gifts that
will make everybody feet good and
insure i the campaign' success.
It is especially urged that the
small subscribers come through
with their good will and whatever
money they can spared The Y is
made up of men and riot of money,
and the sincereiregard of the man
who has only the price of a mem
bership is worth more than the in
different tolerance of mere money.
It lis, up. to jevery subscriber to say
whether, he is, giving an adequate
gift, and the Y canvassers accept
anything in the spirit of helpful
ness, j The Interest of the many
men wno reany neea rne x is go
ing td maintain it when the big
building comes, and no gift that
evinces Interest is too small.
Five Men Nabbed in Connec
tion With $15,000 Pay
, , , roll Robbery :
EL PASO, Texas, Oct. ll.Five
suspects .were under; arrest to
night in connection with the $15,
000 "Eruption Mining company
payroll robbery and the Chinuanua
and Oriente train holdup 41 miles
south of the border yesterday in
which eight members of the crew
and B. F. Baker, mining company
auditor were shot to death.
'.Twoof the prisoners were being
held in jail at Villa- Anumanda,
Chinuanua. . .They were on foot
and armed when they were arrest
ed on the railroad right of way;
according; to .reports . received in
Juarez. They had no money, it
was said. I .
One was said to be an Ameri
can- The other thjee, suspects
were arrested on the United States
Bide of the Rio Grande, about five
miles south of El Paso.
Manuel 'Ortega', Juarez customs
guard,, who was reported missing
from the train, Is alive.? -He-owes
his life to the fact that h over
slept yesterday morning and the
i . ... ...
It is going fine
Cr. I ". v.'-y ;vr":iV;
The YMCA building campaign.
r,,J .": i :...; ."t v'm
But there is' a long way and a
short time o ' go yet, and every
one nust be up on his toes every
minute to the close. !
1 4- V . - :i
. The news of. any Oregonian
plugging for La Follette ought to
be I put in the joke column. , He
is against every single thing that
would Help Oregon. He . belongs
with1 the sugar trust and the peo
ple who pray 'with their faees to
Moscow. ' i ! '
'v-i! -v r-;) '
The supporters of the coconut
cow are lying to the voters try
ing to make them believe the
Oregon dairymen want to drive
nuts out ot the state. . Nothing
of . the kind. The dairymen merely
want to compel the nut fellows
to keep milk products but of their
product. Then they can make nut
products till the cows come home,
and sell it to all who will buy.
Nut products are all right for
what they are all right for. But
they are not- all right as a sub
stitute for the products of milk.
U ?(.
Elinor Glyn runs from "Three
Weeks" through "Six Days' and
"His Hour" to "The Great Mo
ment" and now we are looking
fori her "Split Seconds."
:.!,;: , fvy-;' . -. !;-
Gen. Dawes has t proposed - the
name of Senator Brookhart for
membership in the Peewit . ' club
and it is becoming generally evi
dent that this is where the- Haw
keye bird belongs. ,
h .
German bankers are coming to
this country in order to get open
ing slices of the German bond is
sue that will be first offered here.
They seem to think that they have
a pretty good country, after alL
- I V -.-I
The average American farmer
netted only about $900 In cash
last year, but he made his dollars
go. j farther than the man in the
city and therefore fared propor
tionately better. There are said
to; be 7000 "worse things In the
wQrld than being an American
farmer. 1 .
1 : - m V -
Automobile owners will spend
three times as much this' year as
it costs to run the world's biggest
business the United States gov
ernment. They will spend at least
$12,000,000,000 this year on
cars, trucks and their mainten
ance. The "biggest business"
this year 'will cost only a third of
that and possibly' less than $4,
000,000,000.; The figures give
some idea of the tremendous dev
elopment of the motor-car indus
try, 'only a generation old.
- !
Coolidge : Strongly Attacked
m Speeches in Northern
i , California
Centralizing j all his criticism on
President Coolidge, Senator Wheel
er, independent vice presidential
candidate, closed up his northern
California campaign tonight wirh
an address before a downtown La
Follette rally in San Francisco.
He) was taken directly from the
meeting hall to his train ; for San
Difego. During the day he ad
dressed women at a noon lunch
eon. ... .. ;,.
If I want you to decide In your
own minds whether or not the key
to i Calvin Coolidge's character ta
not found in this bank and cam
paign fund transactions," he said,
after concluding a repetition pf
the frequently told story of state
fund deposits in the Common
wealth bank; at Boston when the
president was governor ot Massa
chusetts. "See then If you have
not found the explanation of the
strange silence that has emanated
rrom tne Wnie House during the
palst year. Silence in the face of
Teapot Dome exposures; silence in
the face or criminality in the de
partment of justice; silence but
hidden opposition. .
J 4 Nights Only. Starting Monday
lair d's i Comedasffic
. J Formerly Macy & Baird Go.
Drama Comedy rVaudeville Music
Picture Too ' ; Come Early
Pictures Start at 7, Curtain 8:45
. x -
1 .
Loss of Interest By Nippo
nese in United States Is
NEW YORK. Oct. 10. tfapan
has turned her face, toward Rus
sia and her back on the west,' to
ward America, as a! result of the
Japanese exclusion act of congress
members of the house of bishops
and the national council of the
Protestant Episcopal church were
tsd today. j,i ..; " i , .- j i '
' Their informant -waa Dr. Ru
dolph B.j Tusler director of St.
LUke's international hospital at
Tokio, who said he spoke from a
knowledge of Far Eastern icondl
tiors and peoples, gained through,
a 2u-years association. America
and Americans held! a. warm place
in the hearts . of th Japanese up
to the time of . the exclusiona
position wifich was! strengthened
with the generous response of Am
ericans to the call for aid j which
grew out ot the earthquake ;ot
last year. -But In the minds of
all but a comparative few persons
la Japan the exclusion act's , pas
sage utterly destroyed American
prestige in the Island empire, he
declared. . j ;-
"Drought Is unusual along the
coast," says the geography. Also,
strangely enough, along the bor
der.. ... 4 :!! ' "V-' : I -K-
j'i.:.4v;:in iji'- s::; ;
"Find Your
Robinson ;
j : "Dancing Novelty"
I "Walter and Dumb-Waiter"
I "Something Different"
j "American Indian Girl" -
j Johnson j Bros. & Young
' Harmonr Trio
Gilmore Dobie's Winning
Streak Broken at Ithaca
ITHACA, N. Y., Oct, 11. Cor
nell's string of 20 consecutive
gridiron victories was broken to
day when Williams defeated the
big red team 14 to 7. Misplays
and fumbles by the Cornellians
and a dazzling aerial attack by
Williams were - the principal fac
tors in the Ithacans' downfall.
dies cine s
Tiinniinn ur
Republican Nominee Gives
Speeches From Platform
. 4 of His Train .
WICHITA. Kans., Oct. 11. (By
the Associated Press). Charles
G. Dawes, republican candidate for
vice president, visited Kansas to-
ter. with Kansas." but "where do
you stand, people of Kansas."
Mr. Dawes asked this question
In read platform speeches at At
chison and. Emporia at a noon
meeting in Topeka and at a night
rally here in Wichita, i
liia ta Kr4 ast . t J
I J ! fmv t, A. rw 1 - a
Tenrod "
i i
U f
trair went on without him.
ana start toaay. aut. :
..acsT-1. ti?yri