The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1924, Page 12, Image 12

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KlMUIIt! : flMVf'l
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No store beautiful
or perma- permanent. Painted substitutes
ently attractive home can be
uilt tlfcn one that Is faced with
rick, and in this case either a
elected common red brick Or face
r ick " may . be used. An adran
ommoij brick is that the latter
re Invariably red, while in using
ice brick one has a wide range
f colons from which to make se
sction. ' ; : ! -. I
In tt&a connection it is ; well to
;Iat'6ut that in real burned clay
.ce brick the colors are obtained
y selecting clays that burn to
lose colors the color Us Ideterm
:ed by the mineral Ingredients In
le clay rand these colors are
do not have this quality. '"'
There are three possible ways
of using brick for facing abuild
ing. First, there is the solid
wall, consisting of selected com
mon brick or face brick for the
face with common brick backing,
and second, the brick facing- may
be built with a load bearing wall
of hollow tile, or worked in with
the so-called Idea, Brick Wall. Of
the strength, permanence, and
structural value of these methods
of construction there; can, be no
Question. Objections, of course
are made that any of these meth
ods of construction increases the
cost of the building. It is true
that the first cost' Is materially
greater than the first cost of a
frame building,. but this increased
cOst is quickly overcome by the
lower Insurance rate and the less
ened cost of upkeep and decora
tion. ' '
The third method is ffame con
struction with brick veneer. By
this method the builder has sur
rounded his building by a solid
I jt-Cx' -or r i7Kir-0j
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i ,- y - -.-LVWga
1 ca-o" -J
it , ; : " t
s (ki " r 1 L'uiMih start
'to finish."
With Copeland; Material . j
'We Have Everything to Build Anything'
J : ;alwAys a complete line of
I LIME AND CEMENT :: , :: ::
Salem Yard at West Salem Phone 576 "
Yards in iwest Salem, Albany, Lents, Hubbard,
- - Yamhill, Hillsboro. i H
1 i f
brick , wall, and to a certain ex
tent has reduced the fire hazard
particularly j from communicated
fires. : ! "
' Of the methods outlined, great
er value satisfaction are to be ob
tained from the masonry walls.
With the hollow tUe there is a
material saving in costs of con
struction . without a loss in
, 4 , ?
1 i -
-a 'floor ; ..
pUflfij I ied-(boom ,
strength, and the hollow dead air
spaces act as heat insulation, and
gives a drier, jwarmer wall.
There are many agencies stress
ing ' the use of permanent and
beautiful burned clay 1 products
from which ideas for the building
of the home may. be obtained sim
ply by the requesting that they
send i copies of their I bpoke.
Some make nominal charges ,jCr
plan books. , But it Would pay the
persons .who are contemplajttng
building a new home to make
use of these sources of Ideas' Tbr
home ' construction. ' Thej Amer
ican. Face Brick association, 110
S. Dearborn street, Chicago, Illi
nois, publishes several yery inter
esting and attractive booklets for
which a nominal charge In made.
Booklets A may also be obtained
from the Common Brick I manu
facturers association, jSl. N. Dis
corint biulding, Clevelandj Ohio;
the Hollow Building TiU associa
tion, Conway Buildthg, Chicago,
Illinois; and the Pacific North
west Brick Manufacturers Associa
tion. Burke Eldg., Seattle, Wash
ington, j
Of popular magazines : dealing
with home building in particular.
The American Builder should be
mentioned. While this) magazine
does not advertise exclusively the
use of permanent materials, it
always contains the pictures and
plane for beautiful brick : and
stucco homes. In addition, they
have gotten out a 164-page book
let, Radford's Blue Ribbon H&mes
which it is sending ; to 1 new. sub
scribers and which contains the
pictures and floor, plans for 157
beautiful moderate priced -homes
and seven garages. This! magazine
may be obtained from any of yie
book stores, or library pr can be
gotten ' from the publisher in
Chicago, I j i
I The Salem Brick and Tile com
pany, which has its plant and of
fice on the Tile Road, near the
Fair Grounds, is particularly in
terested in developing the idea
of permanent construction; not
only from a selfish view point,
but because it feels inf so doing
it is rendering a real piece of
service to the community and to
the home owners of the! commun
ity. ; It has a small collection of
plan books which its officers
would be glad to show, and ex
plain methods of construction, and
comparative costs. This company
is one of the Salem's genuine in
dustries and deserves your : inter
est. ; Its active members are also
actively Interested in the Cham
ber of Commerce and the; three
service clubs in Salem, and are
thoroughly imbued with their
spirit of service and square deal
ing. . ' j "
New England Hen Makes :
; ; y Record in Old England
1 LONDON, Sept ' 23 ( ''.CAP)
England has a world-record lay
er in a Rhode Island Red hen
from Wiltshire county, . Which
produced 312 eggs in 308 .days.
The hen laid an egg every day
for 44 weeks and on four; days
doubled up. i ., j
t The hen was entered in egg
laying trials of the county coun
cils show, and its performance is
given by the secretary as a world's
record. ; ':- ;. f- .
Zoning and City Planning
Given Attention Through--
out Country . !
The extent to which far-sighted
communities are undertaking' not
only city planning1 but regional
planning, the planning of suburb
an and country areas to conserve
their natural resources and dev
elop them along the lines ofhigh
est community interest, is indicat
ed in the returns of a survey cov
ering city and suburban planning
in the state or xsew lor wnicn
has just been . completed by the
New York State association of
real estate boards. , j,
, The New York report covers
twenty six cities, exclusive-of New
York City, whose growth relation
ship to its surrounding , territory
is being studied S by the i special
committee on the plan of .New
York and its environs. j
Control of subdivisions develop
ed, outside the city limits is re
ported by four of the cities. ; De
finite control over development of
subdivisions within the city limits
is now In the hands of the autho
rities in twelve cities, through re
strictions of zoning ordinances as
to height, use, and the like. Of
the fourteen cities reporting' no
subdivision' (Sontrol one is consi
dering, legislation to create con
trol, and one mentions good re
Suits of private restrictions.
Zoning is in force in sixteen of
the cities within the city limits.
and in the case of two cities the
zoning provisions extend to new
subdivisions, within three miles of
the city limits, i - Necessity for
such zoning outside the city lines
is suggested in .the replies, ;'
; County ; park commissions ' are
already providing for parks in
territory Surrounding three cities.
The city plan commission In one
city is at work on a project for
extra-mural park provision look
ing to the community's: future
One city has a plan nearing com
pletion. ; j
Co-ordination of main thorough
fares Outside the city -with those
within' its limits is a problem
that is beginning to demand solu
tion, p Separate traffic highways
for automobile freight outside the
city is one suggestion. ;Trolley
problems and bill-board control
are other matters which are com
ing under scrutiny of New York
suburban planning. j
Chitds & Bechtel Report
On Several Good Deals
Two i land sales, and exchange
Of residence property and an
apartment! deal are reported for
the last few days by Childs &
Bechtel, local realtors. j
E. H. Bliven has purchased a
6-acre tract in the Auburn district
two miles east of Salem from A.
E. Chenowetb, consideration
$1500; H. C. Carpenter has sold
a 10-acre fruit tract three miles
west of Salem in Polk county to
J. A. Gibson for $2600. j
Harry E. Young has purchased
the Lester: A. Wiles bungalow at
576 North' Twenty-first for
$2500. ,. ' i "
The apartment house, furnish
ing and lease at 365 North High
owned by George J. Parker, has
been purchased by Mrs. : Lucile
Baker ' for a consideration of
$1000. : i j - :
Misuse of Realtor :
Is Basts of Campaign
The campaign of the national
association of real estate boards
to notify persons,- firms and cor
porations improperly calling them
selves .Realtors that the term can
be properly used only to mean a
member of a real estate board
affiliated with the national, asso
ciation is meeting with results.
The Milwaukee real estate board,
for example has recently notified
fourteen non-members that their
action in calling themselves Real
tors was in violation of, an estab
lished trade right which has been
upheld by court decisions, and has
secured promises that the misuse
will be discontinued. -
The Detroit real estate, board
has taken up fourteen' cases of
infringement - of the use of the
word In the past six months. The
Louisville, Kyi, real estate board
since January hag slopped I eight
non-Realtor firms from advertis
ing themselves as Realtors. "
la addressing notices to infrin
gers calling their attention to the
association's exclusively right tor
the designation Realtor for its'
own membership, . . the Detroit'
board's plan is to use registered
letters and to demand a receipt
for them . '
: The Buffalo, N. T.,, real estate
board announces that It will pub
lish each week in its official ;
"The Realtor," the names of any
person, firm or -corporation in
Buffalo unlawfully using the de
signation Realtor. .
GRAZ, Austria, Oct. 9. (AP)
The fourth international con
gress of opponents of the tobac
co smoking was held here recent
ly. According to the speeches de
livered, the harm done by liquor
is little indeed compared to the
ravages inflicted upon . mankind
by the smoking habit.
Use Burned Clay Holl
P low Building Tile for
B ea u ty, Safety and .
Comfort.. ,
MiuiicArTiiDCn nvTUP
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THE TRACTS Between the Two Highways Just North of the Oregon
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Grounds WiU Be Ready to Put on the Market to Sell in ONE-HALF ACRE TRACTS
- -. .!
You May Select Your Tract Now. All Will Be Plainly m
Delay As First Choice Will Be Best. Three Roads Across
and Silverton Highways Making All Tracts Easily Accessible.
7: .P;-PPr:mPPP
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With Price
Connecting Portland
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