The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1924, Page 11, Image 11

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SUNDAY" MORNINtt; "OtrtOKER 12; 1924
- COCKT STREET Corner K. 17th and
Court atreets, R 1 Putnam, minister.
Bibl. school 9:45 s. . Get there early
if you want to hear the 'special by Miss
Turner's orchestra. Lt'a go OTer the
200 mark today, i Then, next Sunday ia
Rally Iay and Vover the top" wo go.
Watch for the report of the committor
today. Bo JxMster for the 'Jteda ',
the I' 'Blue'.? or Ith. "Yellow." Which
troop is foing- to win! Come, hear all
about it. Junior following the commun
ion service. 'Mrs. Grace Kowits in charge.
Morning; worship- and sermon 11 a. m.
Sermon: uf, 'One Next to Ton Cao
paiCB." TVnat is it I Come and hear
the i messaro. ,. Senior and Intermediate
Endeavor 6 )30 p. m, Evantr.listie service
7i3tt p. m. Sermon: "The Humanity
add Divinity of Jesus." Mid-week church
Iayi 2:30-9 p. m. ' Every member Breed
, to attend thia mid-week service. Cafe
rancn. tocether at .
lnnch and come on 1 V
m. Brine
lVe extend a
hearty welcome to all to worship with us.
8T. PAUL'S (Episcopal) -
Servicea at the usual hoars. Holy Eu
charist at 7:30 a.' m. Church school at
9:45 to which all - children are invited.'
. Morninf Prsye'r' al sermon by the rec
tor at 11 a. m. Masie by the vested
choir; AU welcome at any! and all aer-
: Ticesi . - .: - - :'.V' "
I . BAPTIST if. '
FIRST Rev. IE. H. Shanks, pastor.
Bible school at 9:4,5 a. m. Mr. Edward
Sehaake, superintendent. Morning wor
ship I at 11 a. m. Sermon by. the pat
tor. Subject: "They That Art In Christ."
Anthem: "Spirit of God," (Hums son.)
8ek3 "How Beaatiful Upon the Monn
tainsi. (Barker.) Sung by Miss Ielle
Amilsr. Violin solo offertory. Lento
Chopin, by Mils Helen Selig. -At the eve
ning worship, M iss - Ruth El i Rots w ill
deliver the principal address. ,. Subject:
"The Fonr-FoldXLife," ; The-pastor will
also spak . hrietly on '. t ;TJ"e .Deity of
Jesus." Anthem, "Near My God.- to
Thee."" Spence. Solo, " "Behold, The
Master .Passem by." (Hammond,) sung
by Mrs. E. H. ! Shanks. Violin selo of
fertory: "Reverie-Sanconier," Miss Helen"
seiig. i - f i , - ''
i . CATHOLfe ' "
ST. JOSEPH'S Rev. . R. Buck, pas
tor. Communion mass at-7:30; Children'a
asaaa at 8:30 and High, mass and sermon
at 10:30. Benediction at 7:30 p. m.
Everyone welcome. , ... .,. -
!'. ",!' ' 4". " '
FIRST Liberty and Center streets. W.
C. Kantner, minister. Sunday school at
10 a. m. The classes are fillinr no and
- the school ia resuming normal conditions.
.Rally Sunday will be observed October
19. M. 0. afcCallister; superintendent.
Morning worship at ll.n. The ser
vice will be a Memorial service in memory
I members who have died daring the
past year and reference will be made to
ail members who: have passed away, -during
the present pastorate. .At 7:80 p.
m evening worship. 1 The program of the
evening will tnclade several special num
ber by the choir; popular singing, by all;
and a brief address .iy the minister on
"A Great Investment.. , Piayermeetipg
Tlrnrsday at 7:30 p. m. ; Topic:' "The
Iwardr ! Jyae.'- i' i ;
.CENTRAL South Nineteenth. Harry
w.- Johnson, m:nnter. 10:00 a. m. a
Sally program j with promotions exercises,
and presentation of the teacher and of
ficers to the arhool.'i io;30 p. m. young.
peoples- sneetrng." Walter MeCttae is-leader.
7:30 preaching service; communion
and reception of members.
. . '
FIRST Center and Hich Streets. J.
J.' Evans, minrnter. Miss Qiattie Mitchell,
missionarr. Bible., school -ooeft at 9:45.
T&e clasaeav aed. departmearr are enlarg
ing rapid ry. " Every of pupil tm
find a eongenll-pto wit ft-' a. good teacher.
se men ol vttf enure A join, ia the. men s
kss at the l:gswrAK1rtt-i&astor.
ifc?nr,in tnat 1
'rank and TSlrs. 1
' great sta;
rlfcsa last Sondsr, Mrs. Fran
kllie fsrrisb Hinges wiU give the ape-
cial number Baaday morning t 9:30. All
men. wekom.e,' The' pastor will preach
both morning and evening:" Large chorus
choir at the evening service. Practical
aennoa topiea and helpful service. '' The
yonng people meet art rS0. -
' .-;-; I , - BVAHOHUC At -
FJRS.T-Corner Liberty and Center
streets. Sunday school 9:45; preaching
11 o'clock. Rev. G. R. Stover will preach
the morning sermon. ELCE Senior and
junior- 6:80. i The evening service be
ginnhir at 7:30 will be in charge of
the WHS. Mrs. G. N. Thompson will
bring the message , of the evening. Mrs.
Thompson is known -at an ? evangelistic,
successful worker. -' 'While--a student in
Moody instituie,' .Chicago, she was active
' in -city mission work ; lster she waa ap
pointed with her husband, assistant min
ister,' on several charges in Iowa. Yon
wjll be; welcome.
ri-'". N- r: : y "v It tV. S1 1 'w.
- HIGHLAyr Corner of ' Highland sve-'
nue aad Church street. Edgar P. Sims,
pastor. : Sunday services: Bible school at
10' a. m. with Walter Stanton as aoper
iatendent. Prearhiag at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p.m. C'E at 6:30-n. m. . Younc
peoples' prayer meeting on Monday eve
ning: at 7:30 Mid-week', prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:30 p. m. we wel
come yon to. worship with us. - The gospel
is. still "the ipower of God unto aalvation
to-very one that belie veth. '
Eighteenth streets, (?. Koehles, pastor.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Pivine ser
vice with sermon In -German by Rev. A.
Timmeke at 10:30 a. m. Young -peoples'
meetins at 6:30 p. m. Mid-week meeting
on Thursdsy at 7:30 p. m. Bible school
on Saturday from 9-12 a. m. Catecheti
cal instruction from 1-3 p. m. t A cordial
invitation to our services. '
PIRST Corner Church and State
streets. Blaine K. Kirkpatrick, minister.
Class meeting 9:15 a. m., in the north
west corner room downstairs. Sunday '
school 9:45 a. aw- -1L i Shanks, super
intendent. . ttauy JJay is not the climax,
but the beginning. Six hundred and sev
en Were present last week. Help us now
to make it seven hundred. With our new
annex we have a place for everybody.
Plan to worship and study with us. Morn
ing worship 11. o'clock. This is the
church of good music. The choir of 50
voices, under-rdixeetion of Prof. - E. W.
Uobson, with Prof. T. S. Roberts at the
organ, will give special numbers . both
morning and -evening.-; The sermon, by
the pstor,-will be' eat the subject: "The
Man With The Measuring LUoe. Class
in Evangelism, :n preparation for Win-My-Cham
campaign holds its first ses
sion at 5 o'clock in the student forum
room in the annex, l Epworth league
meet at 6:30 o'clockj Lloyd Walts leads
first chapter with the subject: "Who ia
lour Master! ' -.Second and Third Chap
ters meet in the annex, under the leader
ship of Marion Lehman and Kenneth
Johnston.. Evening service 7:30 o'clock.
The pastor' a subject will be: "Certainay
versus Agnosticism. ' i This is the second
of a series of sermons on the subject:
"Sidelights on First Century Christians.','
You are invited to hear this entire aeries,
the big job this week Is the YMCA cam
paign. "Let' a Help Build the Y". The
talk period of "Church Night" opens
Thursday evening, i New program out
lined. - Everybody welcome.
; JASON LEE Corner North Winter and
Jefferson streets. Take the North Com
mercial street car to Jefferson avenue-
Thomas Acheson, pastor. . Leroy Walker,
assistant, in charge of the junior church.
This church extends a welcome to stran
gers and visitors. We specialise in mak
ing you feel at heme. We welcome you
to the following services en the coming
Lord's day, 9:45 aw m. .Rally, day San
day school session, when we expect a
crowded house to bear the program pre
pared by the young people. Parents of
the' young people urged to attend,, and ail
who have been, eat from Sunday school
work are urzed to be back.- Public wor
ship at 11 a. m. Subject: "Answering
The Call of The Year Ahead." by the
pastor. Rev. Walker will preach to the
junior church downstaira at the tame
hour. loung people 8 to 16 years tn-
viiea. 3 p. m. tue r.pwonn league win
conduct a devotional service at .the Old
Peoples home. 5:30 p. ' m. classes ia
evangelism will be held in preparation
for-Win-My-Chum week. Old people who
are , Interested invited to join, ia these
classes. Epworth league devotional meet
ing 6:30 p. m. A: full house of yonng
people at every" meeting. Join them.
Special ' evening, service at 7:80 p. ' m.,
especially designed for students. Sub
ject." '"Deciding "Life's Issues Where t
and How?" A, special invitation, ia ex
tended to nigh' school and Willamette uni
versity students. Public also welcome.
Good music both morninf and evening,
and -fine follewsitip MSdweek devotion
al meeting , on Thursday; evening 7:30
p. m. , " t , - .1, J . '
FIRST On Church street, between
Chemeketa and Center streets. Ward Wil
lie Long, minister. 9:30 a. m. Sunday
school, Mr. H. E. Barrett, superintendent.
11:00 a. m., morning worship and com
munion service The choir-will sing "O
Lord Remember Me." Roma and Evange
line Burlette Long wUl sing "Nailed to
the Cross," (Tuliar.) New members will
also be received at this aervice. 3:00
p. m., junior young peoples' society, also
the intermediate young peoples' society.
5:30 p. b. Twilight social hour' sponsor
ed by the women of the . church for the
young people. -Mrs. A. P. Marcus hostess.
tt:30 p. m., senior and advance interme
diate CE aocieties. 7:30 p. m. popular
evening service. Sermon "Principle of
Power," II ( by the minister: Congrega
tional sing and special music. Service
out in one hour.
Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
Martin Fereshetinn, minister. Church
school at lO a. m. Graded instruction.
Class . for adults conducted by the min
ister. Subject of the ray, "Is Life Worth
While." '. levotional services at 11 a. m.
Subject of the sermon, "The Hoar of
Decision. " Mrs., jreresttetien win oner
as a contralto solo, "The Blind Plow
man." Mrs.' w. A. Denton at the or
gan. On next Friday afternoon at 2 :30
the Alliance will be . entertained by Mrs.
W. E. Anaerson and Mrs. Cox inf the
Emersion room of -the churclu (
LESLIE outh Commercial and Myers
streets. H. P. Pemberton, pastor. Yen
are cordially invited to attend the ser
vicea of thtjb cHVjeh on Sunday an follows:-
Sunday hcuoor a 9:45. E. A." Khe
Un' superintendent. Growing in num
bers and 9wi1w rfon 'will belong to:. a
coinr concern -if you belong here. Ep-
wortTleagua At 80. All young people
Mfvl. avrs.oriBe sou rm vtivub aiu
interesting study of a live! adbjeet. Mornr
tng-.worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon. sub
ject: I Believe in God."-. Even:ng meet
ing at 7:30. Subject: Anehora.' Short
gospel message and good' music mark' thia
hour. You will be heartily welcomed and
made to feel' at home la all these meet
ings. No happier way or better place
to spend Sunday than with thia conxre-
fatioxL. ..Come with u and make thia your
ome church. " j - -
North Winter and Market atreets. Rev.
Mortimer C. Clarke, pastor. Sunday
school at 9:45, Dr. Frank S. Schuts, su
perintendent. Classes for ' all aixea and
ages manned by teachers who believe the
Bible to be the inspired Word of God.
Sunday ia Quarterly meeting' and the reg
ular quarterly meeting services will, pre
District Elder. Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee at
vail with a Love Feast and the old Metho
dist type at 10:30, and preaching by the
11:15 followed by the sacrament of the
Lord' Supper. Young people meeting at
6:30, led by Mis Martha Jaquet. Song
and praise service at 7:30 and preach
ing again in the evening at 7:45 by Rev.
W. N. Coffee. Next Tuesday the all day
meeting of (he. Marion County Holiness
association will be held in the church
with preaching at, 10:30, 2:30 and 7: SO.
All are invjted to thin meeting. Prayer
meeting each Thursday evening' at 7:30.
You will receive a cordial .welcome at each
aervice and will enjoy the splendid spirit
ual atmosphere of this. church.
i i
Firjst Baptist Church
'Liberty and Clarion
; Rev. E. HTshsmkt i
- ' Pastor
1 Solo: How Beautiful Upon the Mountains-Harker,
Miss Delia Amsler.
Miss Ruth E. Ross, Geneva Conference.
V Rr' Po)in1l 4-VtA Mootoi Taaaaa T?xr Ugmmnnd
Mrs. E: H Shanks. !
FIRST Corner Twelfth, and Mission
streets, Sunday school 10" a. m. Classes
for all axes. Preaching 11 a. m. Sub
ject: "Heart Purity." Evning service.
Christian Endeavor, $: 30. Topic: "My De
nomination; its ii. story and Teacnmgs. -Leader,
Wahef Wells, Preaching 7 :30.
Subject, "If Christ Had ' Not Come,"
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at
7:30. Yon are invited to attend, and
worship with us. Our services are grow
ing in interest. ' This ia the church for
strangers: w will make you feel at
home. Come and bring j your children.
C. W. Tib bet, pastor. .;
CASTLE CHAPEL Seventeenth and
Nebraska street. Sunday school lO a. m.
Preaching 11, by our' new pastor. Rev.
Mower. Be sure and ; come and hear
him. Get here for Sunday school. We
need jon. ,.
I . i .i
Tabernacle Ferry street. Pastors H. E,
Caawell and Mrs. Caswell, 173 South Cot
tage street. Phone 1434-J. Sunday school
convenes at 2 p. m. There ia a study
of the lesson for all ages under full Gos
pel line. Afternoon preaching service
3 p. m. h Subject, "The Everlasting Cov
enent." ! Evening evangelistic service at
7:30 p, m.. Tuesday evening 7:30 prayer
and praise.' Friday evening 7:30 Bible
study. Saturday . evening the yonng peo
ple have charge, the aervice opening at
S p. m. ' r . .
BETHANY Corner of Capitol and Mar
ion streets. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
As it is our annual h or vest home and
mission service. Rev. L. Selzer of Hills
dale, Orer will be the speaker of the day.
The service will begin at 11 with German
harvest home sermon, followed . by Holy
communion. In the afternoon we will
have an ' English mission sermort. ; No
service in the evening. . M. Denny; min
ister. !
and Market streets. - Prayer servlee at 10?
o'clock with preaching at 10:30 by Rev
C W. .Tibbet of the United Bretheren
church, i At 2:30 Rev. i Edgar P Sims
of the Highland Frienda church will
S reach, and in the evening Clarkson V.
inshaw, superintendent fof the Friends
yearly meeting will preach. Bring your
lunches and spend the day Hot tea and
coffee will be served free with your lunch-'
es. ; These meetings are I! strictly interde
nominational and all are Invited to at
tend the day a services.
International Bible Students' Associa
tion meets every Sunday in (Derby hall.
Corner of Court and High ! streets, for
Bible study. Hours from 10 a. m. to
12 noon. Esekiel temple atndy at 2:30
p. tn. AU those interested are welcome.'
jj' i
; 134 North Church stret. J. J. Gilleepie
pastor. . Sunday school 10 a. ,m. Preach
ing service 11 a as Subject: f 'God's Plan
of Salvation," Matt 5:312. Young peo
ples servicea 6:45 and song and testi
mony and preaching service 7:30. Popu
lar weekly prayer meeting" Wednesday
evening n :30. Come and etijoy the fel
lowship of the people of. God.
" 251 Mission street, Ralph D. Bullock,
pastor. Services Sunday 2:30 and 7:30
p. m. Prayer meetings ( and. Bible study
Tuesday, Thursday and; Saturday nighta
at 7:80. These meetings fare purely.
Apostolic in precept, and practice as re
corded in the Acts of the Apostles. Come
and receive your "portion of meat in
due season." ;
Nineteenth and Marian streets. C. H.
Hopkins, minister. Sunday school 9:45;
Morning worship at ll o'clock. Sermon:
"The Last Great Prayer; Meeting."
Young peoples' meeting 6 -.30 p.; m. Eve
ning worship 7:30. Sermon' "How Much
Does the Bible Allow a Christian to Sin!"
FIRST CHURCH Sunday school room
of hevs church building, corner of Liberty
and Chemeketa streets. Sunday morning
services at 11 o'clock. Sunday evening
at 8. Subject of lesaon sermon: "Are
Sin, Disease dnd Death Real t" Sunday
school at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday evening
testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading
room,, 209 Masonic temple, open every
day except holiday and Sunday from
11:15 to 5:30 p. m. All are cordially
invited to our services and to our reading
room. J
Meets each Lord's dsy at 10 a. m. for
Bible study. Preaching at ll a. m. Oct.
12. by Brother Zaa Love. Bible atndy and
drill at 7:30 p. m. Brother Fay Cassell
will begin a aerie of meetings on Oct.
15, 7:30 p. on Shipping and. Cottage
street, u
343 V Court street, C S- Johnson, pas
tor. . Sunday school at 2 p. m. t' Services
at 3 aad 8 ' p. m Meetings Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday evenings Our
meetings are growing in numbers and. interest.-
The Holy Spirit is With ns, bap
tising aoula with his power. We pray
for the sick. Our work is non-seetarian.
All are free to- come and worship with
1: .; , ;. t : . - .... .: ..i
monthly all day meeting of the Marion
County Holiness association is to be held
this month in the Market Street Free
Methodiat church, corner of North. Winter
v .
Hoboes at Altoona Need
' Never Lack Good Shelter
i 1 . ' r . f . - .:
ALTOONA,! P:, Oct. 9 (AP)
Although it's only an old barn, it
has a reputation, thrpughout the
United States. It is knowr as
Hagerty's Barn and it is located
on the outskirts of. Alioona.
Years ago a mart nained Hager
tj, who liyed . ! just outside, the
limits of this city, j owned the
barn, which became) a favorite
stopping place for the; knights of
the road traveling along the route
of the present Ldpcoln highway.
Mr. Hagerty never objected to the
hoboes stopping in his barn, eren
after- fire, believeq to have been
started by them, destroyed the
original building. Mr. ITag'erty
built, a new barn! and wjien - he
died., enjoined ibis (heirs never to
close the building's doors to,
tramps. -.The heirs havel done his
bidding. j 5 .
; Every night from two or three
to a dozen ; hoboes stop there.
Meals are cooked nearby. Fre
quently the visitors do their laun
dry and string thef clothes on
ropes near the barn. j
' A resident of this city, travel
ing in the west this summer, was
asked by a man from California
it he knew where Hagerty's Barn
was located. The Altoonan replied
in the affirmative, , and the west
ern man said be and many "trav
eling friends" Aad stopped at the.
place. . .A -
, . :., - . - l
LONDON, Sept. . 2 (AP)
Modern Englishmen are living up
to the title of beef-eaters which
their habits in the pre-Vlctorian
era assigned to them. Londoners
are big meat eaters,! particularly
of beef, and last year an average
of 37.9 ounces of meat a head
was sold each week; in London.
The city's meat bill In.' 1923
amounted to -llTS.OO.OOOi" -
t '
eVe- afasit Been
at the
f Odorless Cleaning, a Specialty; j
"231 North High. Street Telephone 9k
C. F. DO ANE, Proprietor
a. !
' " i . ' i .-.', :
, t i
j j- '. ' -
u v
XT?: - -X
i . -N ?
'. v.;-.'-
&oW.-"'aMsa.' K-St :MV': 'Jfa " aaast. Af.s.-. "LA
r .,
m - '- .
K " 3 l
1 -
"x Pantomime by, Mrs, Frank Brown and
Mrs. Hallie Parrish Hinges
" 9:30, Sunday Morning, Bligh Theater
v John J. Evans, Teacher ' '
A class worth while for every man, without distinctioi.
V in race or creed all welcome.
Popular Songs Patriotic, Religious Service
BURNETT BROS. "Pay Us As You Are Paid?
Eight, otores in Washington. Oregon and California
. 5V.. . ------- . , .- . ..'- - .t
: M :i - . ...r.i '-U.-'' : - w
' If everybody knew how fine and how beautiful these braclet
watches are there wouldn't be one left by noon tomorrow!
For we shall sell them at the lowest price we have ever been able to quote
and what's more everybody who wants to get one may have one oh
payment of a single dollar! What a fine chance to get a Christmas Gift and
be all ready for Mr. Santa Claus when he comes around !
Each watch has a 16-jewel movement and is encased in
a fine white gold filled case which is guaranteed for five
and twenty years. The price is just about1 onehalf the
figure you'd expect to pay- -.J
x in
a w civc uuiiaia turn lurivMivc vciils aAcvdy ucwa uwuguii
so fine a" watch before. (Alas and maybe never will 1)
again 0
While they last take one for a dollar. Pay the balance
a dollar a week. I -
We Repair re-pIatere-mountre-new and do
ry thing that can be done to your watche
your silver or your jewelry except
recover the
losf! Pleasantiyr-ecpnomicaIly---quicIdy.
' !
"T- . - - '' T
(fcbaigcno)) :
VhtcoKsts u
Come: Bring a Man
Salem. Or eqqw
" 1