The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1924, Page 10, Image 10

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- fiTS PHONE: 10t
si, J
. ..Westward and ever wjestward and ever still -
The pointing linger ot the fir. 1 1
lii the deep valleys and on all the hills, "
,;iXnd oi tlx?! mountain I slopes, rank upon rank.
t iDUnse wim spire-mte lops lumru me
" ti taliT green monarch W the smiling West,
Brother of pine and spruce and tamarack, K
VAnd cousin of the friendly neighboring oak:
-Strong, .straight uplifted, murmuring like the sea,
.Forever, swaying to the j -whispering wind
t From -sunlit top to "cool green-Bhadowed bole;
'Spine 'kinship bast thou with my inmost soul.
, Thou'rt more familiar: than a friendly touch;
U Qtt'et welling sense of horn",'
Comes with first sight of thee, O gallant fir.
So green, so tall, so still: some symbol thou
i Symbol of hidden quest the adventurous seek,
?lh -Wgh-hearted, and! the predestined free.
10 Douelas firt O splendid somber tree!
xAugst. 1924 j y. ',
I The Kensington club, opening
season with a business
S-1"'5tting; on Thursday, elected the
Tollowljig officers: President, Mrs.
Pq ; Jrl Wilson ; vice president.
i'TiC Yl S. c Anuusen. secretary
MH5r; iMrs. Albert Smith, and
HlJbrteK. Mrs.' Gorge King.
f.tThe -members- of the; club In
efcude Mrs Paul Houser, -Mrs. Geo..
lOn. .Mr' Frank Power.! Mrs.
Anna Van Horssen iCelson
Herbert Hauser, Mrs.; Albert
Smith. Mrt. Henry - E. Moores.
Mrs.-N. C. Kafoury, Mrs. Ottb J.
Wilson. Mrs. I. M. Doughton and
Mrs. F. S. Anunsen.
The Salem Woman's club ' an
nounces next Friday, October 117,
as the definite date for the presen
tation of the anticipated play,
"What Every Woman Knows," at
Waller hail at 8 o'clock..
(UiW S) a fill I! nil
I r i i ' n 'II niMiii mum i i I
Table d' Hote Dinner
? $1.00
Sunday, October 12.
, FreshBerry Cocktail. I : - .
Consomme Royal or Chicken Giblet with Rice
,.: . Fruit Salad with Whipped Cream;
' or. -
. -.,' Fresh Shrimp Louis
"ry. Belle. Special Steak Barenaise Sauce
Fried Young Chicken on Toast Rasher Bacon,
, Baked Sugar Cured Ham Sultana Sauce
".vi . l Chicken Fricassee Home Made Noodles ' ,
4-v. i Roast Domestic Duck . Apple en Glase.
4 ; . s .'Prime Ribs of Eastern Steer Ail Jus
r i -;f r resn atnncr iseans -
Snowflake Potatoes.
.Cahdled Sweets
; i.-' . : ' j,; Dessert:. , - ... ....
"f 'Gray. Belle French Pastry Pie Cake
Fresh Peach Sundae
or Sherbet
Coffee -
Ice Cream
Complete a la Carte Service
' . Gray Belle Hot Chicken Tamale?. Chinese Noodles
:. ..:
v. ' . '
f - f
V' f
! . ; - v- v ' ;
Ti, . - "
K v v I -i - -
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"rf".: :;:;;:'::: If; " ' ' ' "i , - m Mi f I
IgaptjMHSHMMSMMHMSHHaaasaaWaaBMBMM i-:- '4MW' . ' .
: .1
Dramatic artist who will appear in a delightful program Tuesday
evening at Waller hall, providing the regular October (Arts' league
program. - ' ' . j 1
locaf folk will have the hap
py privilege of seeing and hearing
Miss Franz Doerfler, dramatic
reader of Portland, who will give
the October Arts' league program
at 8:15 o'clock at Waller hall.
Miss Doerfler, who is singularly
gifted in dramatic work, is active
ly connected with the Forrest Taylor-stock
- company, playing this
season at the Heilig. She has had
many previous engagements both
In California and in the east, meet
ing with splendid success. '
She has a satisfying Interpre
tative style, and Salem people will
be thoroughly Interested - in -the
Fall classes - starting In poly
chrome I and compp work;
parchment shades; : charcoal
drawing and oil painting. 75
cents. Start your Xmas work
- Art Studio ' f
Room 25, Breyman Building
program she has arranged. Among
the many features jwilj be the
reading of a group On poems from
those of Gertrude Robn Ross.
j She will be assisted by her
brother. Martin Doer lerj basso," a
former pupil of Areni. j . B' -
j Miss Doerfler will arrive i Sa
lem early Tuesday fevehing, her
theater engagements in jj Portland
occupying her up to lime for her
Salem program.
Mr3. J. M. Clifford, as art di
rector of the league, is chairman
of tie committee in charge. Her
assistants are. Gertrude r FCQbison
Ross, Mrs. John w. Harbison,
Mrs. F. G. Franklin SMoIly'Rrunk
and Mrs. W. F. Fargo
Tickets for the program which
will be given at Waller hall at
8:15 o'clock, may bp secured at
any one of a number of places
including the local IboOk stores
and Miss Smart's specialty shop on
G. Frank-
e ticket sale
Court street. Mrs
lin is in charge ot th
among university students
Chapter AB of the
hood w'U meet
at 7:43 o'clock at
Mrs. W. D. Smfth,
BEFORE a large company of
assembled friend the wed
ding of Misa Esther Parounagian
and Mr. Ralph W. Barnes was
solemnized at 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon at the First Methodist
church, Reverend Richard Avison
of Forest Grove officiating.
The altar was transformed with
a profusion or orchid, and yellow;
chrysanthemums banked . with
palms and fern. Tiers of white
candles added to the beauty ot the
scene. Preceding the ceremony.
Miss Genevieve Findley, at the
organ played "Meditation." fol
lowing which 'Miss Lorlei ! Blatch
ford sang "At 1 For You.? Both
the Lohengrin and the Men
delssohn wedding marches were
used. ' '
The bride, attractively gowned
in ivory Malllson brocade, worn
with train, and a flowing veil
caught against her dark hair with
a corong of pearls, approached the
altar on the arm of her father.
Reverend Marcus B. Parounagian.
Her lovely shower bouquet com
bined Ophelia rfnd bride's roses
with delicate fern. Miss Mary
Parounagian,' sister of the bride
was maid of honor. She wore
yellow georgette and carried a
cluster of yellow chrysanthemums
Which merged in a perfect way
with the decorations of the altar.
Mr. John Lucker attended the
groom as best man. j
Ushers for the afternoon were:
Mr. Truman Collins of Portland;
Mr. Clarence Gillette of Portland;
Mr. Charles Robertson; and Mr.
D. Russell Rarey of Woodburn.
The bridesmaids -were Miss
Mabel Da vies' of St. Helens, Ore
gon; Mirs Caroline; Stober of
Portland; Miss Anne Lavender of
Pendleton; , and Miss ; Margaret
McDaniei of ! Portland. Miss
Stober and Miss Davies wore
frocks of orchid georgette ami car
ried roses of a deeper hue. Miss
Lavender and Missr McDaniei were
attractive, in : peach georgette
Their flowers , were i azure
delphinum and roses.' 1 j
Little Elaine Sherman.: daugh
ter of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Sherman,
in a frock of apricot, carrying an
arm basket of blossoms, was flow
er girl. : David Thompson, the son
of Dr. and Mrs. Fred H.jThomp
son, was chosen as ring bearer for
the occasion.j ' 1
A reception at. the home of the
bride's parents followed the cere
mony. . The rooms were! beaut!
fully decorated with yellow and
orchid gladioli and a profusion of
rose asters. A yellow color scheme
was carried out in the dining room
appointments where Mrs.! Willard
Seton Kaufman (Ruth Barnes) of
Seattle, cut the Ices; and Mrs.
Merrill D. Ohling poured. Assist
ing in the serving were: Miss Eva
Tacheron of Gresham. Miss Doro
thy Owen of Portland, and Miss
Carol Cheney of Vader, Washing
ton,,:; j -j:-';?-':
Out of town guests present for
the ceremony included: Mrs. T. S.
McDaniei and Mrs. G. II. Hill of
Portland; and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lard Seton Kaufman of Seattle.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are
very popular here. Mrs. Barnes,
who graduated from Willamette
FEO Sister-
tomorrow evening
e home of
1745 Center
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The French Shop
; Autumn Hats '
Expressed in Felt Velyet and
"Meadowbrooks Arbiters of the
correct modes for sports and gen
eral utility wear, I They're here !
Picturesque, colorful, chid. Ameri
can women have proclaimed "Mea
dowbrook" the hat of hats for
smart autumn wear. Moderately
priced $10.00 up. j
An Interesting Offering in
Millinery Specials ;
Jfor this week. We have selected
'from our regular stock v50 hats in
felts, velvets, etc.,1 regular ?5 to
$8.50 values at $3.50.
A group of 40 models selling up
to $14.75, at $7.50.
A group of beautiful velvet and
velour models selling up to $16.50,
at $10.00. : ;-. '
Many attractive new models are
now on display in (the smart gold
and silver metal hats, rich velvets
and brocades, etc. J
Luxuriously Furred
i Coats
In fashionable fabrics, and include
Velva Suede Ottoman Kash
mana and - other popular fabrics.
Pricedifroirr $25.00 up. - 5.
i Introducing Our New
Hosiery Department
Specializing in Mission-Knit, a
Hose of merit. All wanted colors.
Introductory prices for one week
only: - :
$3.00 values at :.$2.65
$2.35 values at J.S1.95
$2.00 values at - ...$1.65
$1.75 values at , :.$1.40
-Kayscr Hosiery (All Black)
$3.50 values at $2.75
.$2.90 values at .. .... .$2.10
- . . Wonderful Selection J
Evening Gowns 1 i
Trimmed in beads, furs and
ostrich, priced from $35.00 up.
Afternoon and dinner gowns in
smart array at most attractive
prices, i'- ' : i ' :
, Gpwns for street and; informal
wear in Bengalines-Rcp Silks
Satin-Backs crepe, etc.; Priced
from $19.75 up. 1 i '
- Newest Versions of the
Modish Ensemble
; '. Costume
The costume that begins with
a suit and ends with a harmony
ewas; thev season Exceedingly
' smart; when frock " or coat is worn
Separately. ' Prices, range t f rom
$45i00,'tb $125.00.
1 to ..... 1
. 1
f 1 1
1 1
i 11 -(
!.. 1
."' t
J I - . . 1
- : !
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M. Buffe Morrison
115 North High Masonic Temple
mm,tmm mtmmm
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Beautiful home
dying and tint
ing is guaranteed
with Diamond
Dyes. Just dip in
cold water to tint
soft, delicate
shades, or boil to
dye ' rich, perma
nent Colors. Each
15 -cent package
contains directions so simple any
woman' can dyg or tint lingerie,
silks,- ribbons, skirts, waists,
rtresnes. coats: stockings, sweaters,
draperies, coYerlng8, hangings,
everything new. j
Buy "'Diamond Dyes" 410 other
kind and tell your druggist whe
ther the material you wish to
color is wool or silk, or whether
it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods.
Adr. - -
: M
and Miracle Reducing
Girdles for stout figures.
Renska L. Swart
" " 543 Court Street
CCBtiaa4 a ?Ul )
For Miscea
and Children
For most part they follow the
lines most fashionable in grown
up styles, tempered here, and
there, of course, to produce ex
treme youthf ulness.
They Will Pleace You
Instantly Because, of their
Practicalness I
Sizes from 4 years up to 16 years
They are of ; proper winter, weight, pro
dding ' warmth aridScomfort on wintry.
rainy' days. - Materials are Bolivia, Polo,
Velour, Blocked Bolivia, Downy Wool and
others. Many have f iir collars and many
tiave their cuffs trimmed with fur.
Prices Range From
! 1 .Si.
$3.95 up to $26.75 ;
Are You Prepared for the Cold NighU? " f
;::-qpd Blanket Valtmes
' You will find a great variety of cotton and woolen blankets
j ' . in our downstairs store.
$1.98, $2.49, $2.75, $2.95, $3.98, $465 up to $15.00
! .
receive careful1 attention. We
pay the express or postage
within a radius of ;a hundred
miles. .;: , i . . .
Satisfaction; Gurahteed :
on every ; purchase . or your
money cheerfully refunded. ?
Salem Store
466 State St.
Portland Silk Shop
, 383 Alder St.
.J f ' - , .
' i .4 f '
! M W:
iH9 fl TbifX
For Popular Wear
' ' : .
The New Fall Coats wind their
"straight and narrow' way thru
the mode, very new in fabric and
detail. ' . . , '
'. There are a thousand novel ways
of placing fur on a wrap and each
of these is charmingly represented
in the large selection which we
have put on display.
Particularly Keen
Is the silk finished Bolivia with satin lining.
The collar, is Manchurian Wolf or Muff lin.
Or the new suede with satin lining, side tics
and seal collars at j i
17 :
The cross bar, Teddy Bear is exquisitely tail
ored with' tucks and tics. The linings' arc of
crepe and, of course, it is fur trimmed.
To; be iblcVtqriof f er truly
good ;tbats-t.'the prices
yiu dcsirev4o pajv p