The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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    ; !.;. i ' j .
Part Ono Eight Pages
, . i
Eighteen Pages Today
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".; .:):. " l ; :. . ' "M-;,;"
Pledges Working Assist
tance Between Business
and the PiibliQ
Government Must Not Be
Dominated By! Privilege;
- u Is Statement ,
: j-: --:;h. - i
WASHINGTON, tjet: 11- Work
ing cooperation between business
and the! public "in accord with
the dictates of common sense,"
was held np tonight by President
Coolidge In an address, by radio
to employes of the H. J. 'Heine
company, gathered at banquets In
-various cities to celebrate the an
niversary of the founding of the
business as-the "true and practi
cal ideal" wished by the government.-
;- . - j-' ; -.-:
The supremacy of. the govern
ment has been the main motive
dominating the economic and po
litical development pf recent years
he said, adding thai it has brought
the public interest Into the equa
tion of modern industrial and com- i
mercial relations. 1 . '
fjBut the government, Mr.
Coolidge declared, prefers to let
business go its own, way, "so long
as that Is the right way; so long
as it is the "way of honest and
genuine service to he real public
interest. ' : - i
i :The government.; he continued,
mfnst be the servant "of the pub
lic welfare and the; creation of an
informed and seasoned' public
opinion. !:' J ' " -
"It cannot be dominated by any
privilege, the president warned,
"it cannot be subservient to any
private advantage.! It must ; al
ways .represent th public. "With
the hearty sympathy of business
thd the people we have ' made , a
long advance toward such a stan
dard. There? anr - encouraging
sighs of readmessl td go farther
on." the same vayj - The govern
mentr will-surely W- prepared to
giro all encouragement In such a
program. For, byj these methods
only shall we bring about a proper
balanee, a secure and lasting ad
justment of the supreme Individu
al Interest by bringing It into har
mony with the highest consider
ation of the national welfare.
The people of America will keep
control and ownership of ' their
property, Mr. Coolidge insisted;
"as a preliminary to the mainte
nance of their supremacy over
their government.":
They know," he added, "that
when the government begins to
fn property it begins to own
people. They want all these pow
ers in their own hinds."
It is the firm policy of the Am
erican people, the president de
clared to' insist that "business
forms and methods shall be sub
ordinate to the public interest."
In this, regard, he said, public
authority: as represented by the
government has taken up the at
titude of "moderation and reason
ableness in dealing with these dif
ficult and complex problems."; '
; Blows aimed at curbing and reg
ulating monopolies have been em
ployed for control and regulation,
not, destruction, he explained.
"It is jno part of public policy,
as' the American people now con
ceive It, (to tear down legitimate
and useful business." ; I
,' Exemplifying the changed atti
tude of the public and Interest in
their new relations Is the changed
policy toward consolidation tn rail
roads, Mr. Coolidge said. Point
ing out the public! has now sanc
tioned a; consolidation of the rail
roads by act of congress by com
pulsion it necessary he declared,
"There j Is gratifying Indication
that, this new program Is to be
accepted and put into effect, wlth-
:(Ooatiaa4 a pac 3)
X OREGON Cloudy in the
southeast and .rain in , the
north; and west portions Sun
day; (somewhat:! warmer; In
creasing southerly winds, gales
on' the coast. i
i . (Saturday)
Maximum temperature, 60.
Minimum temperature, 38.
River, -1.5, rising.
Rainfall, none.
Atmosphere, clear.
.Wind, west.
New Rebellion Develops Dur
ing the Fourth Week of
Producers' Warfare
SEATTLE, j Oct. 11 Seattle's
milk war in its fourth week as the
result ot cutting the price from
11c a quart to 9c, developed a
rebellion' when 125" members of
the Seattle milk shippers associa
tion met here today, barred their
officers from attending and took
defensive steps to "raise the. price
of milk, oust the board of direc
tors and save farms from ruin."
In addition to the exclusion of
the association's directors, all Jap
anese members were excluded. The
meeting represented about 30 per
cent of the association's ramber
ship. .1
i Charges against the directors
were contained in recalled peti
tions signed and are to be voted
on October 25. The members ask
ed that the price of milk to the
farmer be raised from SI. 85 t
S2.75 'a hundred nounds. N
Long Flight Across Atlantic
Begun at 6:30 in the
Oct. ,12. (By the Associated
Press) The dirigible ZR-3 start
ed on her trans-Atlantic voyage
to Lakehurst. N. J.. at 6:30
o'clock this morning: The air
ship headed in the -direction of
Zelfort. !
The dirigible will await weather
reports at the French town : of
Belf ort before it is decided
whether the northern or southern
route Is to be ' taken.
S. 0. P.
President Coolidge Gets Op
timistic Reports of Na
tional Campaign
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. -Several
optimistic reports on the po
litical situation were presented to
President Coolidge today when he
Indulged in a series of conferences
with various visitors. For the
second time in as' many days, Mr.
Coolidge was advised, by a farm
leader to hold up for perhaps a
week or bo the appointment of the
commission he has proposed to in
vestigate agriculture, lest Its work
become involved, in politics.
. C. E. Bradfute, president of the
farm bureau federation, expressed
this view today, at the same time
agreeing with Mr. Coolidge . that
the time is now appropriate for a
survey of farm conditions. Farm
ers, he said,! generally were in a
much Improved' state, but he de
clared that this was only compar
ative and there was much' which
could yet .be. done to place the
country solidly on Its feet. :
The political situation in Iowa
was discussed with Harvey Ing
ham, Des Moines publisher who de
clared the ) republican national
ticket,- although affected . some
what by the campaign of Senator
Brookhart, republican nominee for
the senate there,' would carry the
state.. Senator Brookhart also, in
his opinion ! will be elected, - he
saidt, !
: Mr. Coolidge has arranged to
speak before a meeting here on
October 23 of the eastern division
of . the' Chamber of Commerce of
the United States. He also will
speak next Wednesday at the un
veiling of the statue here of Bish
op Francis Asbury' of " the Metho
dist Episcopal church.
The president tonight spoke
over the radio to (employes of. the
H. J. Heins ' company, who were
gathered at banquets in many ci
ties to celebrate the anniversary
of the founding of the bureaus.
Portland Man Makes'
Appeal to Coolidge
Portland; Oct. 11. convict
ed in federal court here of violat
ing prohibition laws and sentenced
to serve- six months in jail, Fred
T. Merrill, roadhouse proprietor
and - ex-councilman ' of - Portland
has appealed to President Coolidge
for clemency. It was announced at
the office of the . United ' States
attorney today. :-,
Present Secretary of State Is
I Bitterly Assailed By Mem
ber of President Wilson's
States That Attempt Is Made
to Joke About Re
publican Failures
"WASHINGTON. Oct. 11. -Secretary
Hughes recent campaign
speech in Cincinnati was made tha
particular target pf an attack de
livered against the record of the
present administration here to
night by Josephus Daniels, who
served- as secretary of the navy
Under" Wilson.
; Mr. Daniels took as his text for
a radio address the declaration of
Mr. Hughes that "we not ! only
have common honesty in ' this
country, we have a sense of hum
or." This, said Mr. Daniels, shift
ed the republican campaign : to a
new strategic base. ; 7
"The conspiracy of silence," he
continued, broke down everywhere
except in the White House. Oh.
I forgot, and in the navy depart
ment. It was converted Into a
deaf and dumb asylum until after
election. The muscling of Wilbur
was not a new policy, however.
, "Every responsible man , in the
navy department was muzzled at
the Washington, conference while
the secretary of state hauled down
the Amerclan flag and handed the
supremacy of the sea' to Britain,
the supremacy of the air to France
and the control of the Pacific to
Japan. i
"The secretary undertakes now
to make a joke of a long' series of
scandals and rejoices that we have
a sense of humors It is a novel
method of campaigning. But Mr.
Hughes is a past' master at prac
ticing it, not to speak of his abil
ity to see a joke which did not
exist in the income tax law which.
as governor of New York he op
posed, or his sense" of humor be
cause of his political associate,
Newberry, whom he defended, or
his ability to laugh up his sleeve
at the trick of ; the famous pro
curation of the 31 that the only
way!: to insure entrance by this
country into the leage of nations
was to elect Harding and Cool
idge.; . ."..v; ':? ; '
, "But the flowering of the sense
of humdr sd much praised came
when it leaked out that the oil
kings had obtained the 'whole; of
the 80,000 acres of the naval pe
trol i reserve. Fall and Sinclair
had a hilarious time at Three Riv
ers. The sense of humor , was
most appealed to when the end
man of the performance trans-
( Continued on sags S)
Members of
Nothing But Memories' Left'!
; line from famous
WASHINOON, Oct. 11. - The
world's champions of 1924 as a
baseball ' team disbanded - todBf,
leaving their record engraved in
the permanent history of the sport
and In the memories of its fol
lowers. Ceremonies' marking the
disintegration of the fighting ag
gregation which brought I Wash
ington her first league and series
pennants were informally I staged
today in the local' : club house.
They consisted of the simple hand
shake; a slap on the shoulder and
"seei you next spring, as most
members of" the team departed by
train or automobile for their seve
ral homes or for the scenes of
winter activities.
. , .Prior to leave takings. Manager
"Bueky Harris appeared with a
fist full of checks marking the
winner's split of the world-series
"take." There were 24 checks,
each for $5,959.64, drawn to the
22 active members of the sena
tors, with two additional made
out to Nick Altrock and Mike
Martin, the club trainers' and
commanders of what in the army
would be the morale section: . '
The players' themselves chipped
iri 'for. Wade' Letler, for Frank
Baxter, a lame bat hoy, and the
ground keeping squad, and the
Washington club -wired' a' bonus
Shoe Salesman fend Woman
Companion Attacked Near
Salt Lake City
C. H. McQuown.i salesman, em
ployed by the Boise-Payette Lum
ber company jwas shot and instan
tly killed and a Woman compa
nion beaten Jnto unconsciousness
by a lone bandit who held them
up as they were driving along a
deserted road here 'tonight. Mark
Collins, a transient motorist from
California is being held on suspi
cion. ' 11
MrQuown'ls said to have been
a former city official of Buhl,
Idaho. 'i '
Three Political Parties Lose
No Time in Starting
1 ! flffphcivps
LONDON, Oct. il. (By the
Associated Press) .The three big
parties have lost nd time In plac
ing their preferences before the
electorate. Three election mani
festos are out tonight. The labor
manifesto is signed among other,
by' Ramsajr MacDonald. John Rob
ert Clynes, Rpbej-t. Smlllle; -George
Lansbury and Arthur' Henderson.
The conservative manifesto Is
signed by Stanley Baldwin, and
the liberal, by H. H. Asquith and
Mr. Lloyd George.
The first noticeable feature,
which undoubtedly is an out-
growthh of the hew experience of
the country In having had a labor
administration Cor the first time,
is the small part how played in
the election literature by foreign
affairs and the ; defense question
These are scarcely mentioned in
the labor manifesto, apart from
the Russian treaties and a brief
paragraph cl&imng Credit for the
Improved - relations with France
and Germany and noting: the im
portant steps j taken at Geneva to
ward ; arbitration, j security and
general disarmament. :
In the libera) document, allu
sions are equally scanty but in the
conservative manifesto, following
the tory tradition, the empire .and
foreign relations' are given greater
attention, but still are overshad
owed by social and economic
questions. In reference to foreign
affairs, Mr. Baldwin pronounces
bis party for "cooperation' in all
matters admitting bf common ac
tion with the United States" for
the support and strengthening of
the league of nations on practical
lines. : ' . " ii 't
will! regard to defense, he says
that the unionists,! If returned to
power, , will have to "examine
afresh the position in which the
defenses of the -empire have been
left by the present administration'
and while favoring any practical
proposals for the general limita
tion of armaments must "scruti
nize carefully, in conjunction with
the dominions.:; i
Club of
of Team That Wrested Coveted
JNew York Giants
of $1,000 to Wid Matthews, who
was sent to Sacramento in mid
season as part of the $50,000 deal
which brought McNeeley here
President Clark. Griffith declared
as he signed the check that "the
dividends on that investment were
fat enough to Justify a generous
view of the situation." ; .
Uncle Sam, as a silent partner
In the enterprise,; will receive
$109310,40 through the internal
revenue Imposts. An official state
ment from the; treasury today
placed the total admissions at
$1,093,104, upon which a tax of
10 per cent will be levied.
There was little: to suggest the
triumphant contestants of a sea
son's battles in the little group at
American league park today.
Weary to the final degree and
sapped by the strain of yesterday's
12-inning struggle, the players
barred baseball and any remotely
related topic from ; subjects fit to
be discussed.; j 5 ; ! ,
Weary for the most . part, they
stood silent. Waiting, while attend
ant cleaned their lockers and
packed the uniforms and other
personal belongings in waiting
trunks. Then a trip to the treas
urer's office for a final "ok" on
the accounts, and one by one the
group' departed, I
Jury Deliberates Hour and
Half Before Bringing in
Verdict in Sensational
Trial at Tacoma
Accused Man Not Visibly Af
fected at Delivery From
Death Sentence
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 11.
Roland R. Pothier was acquitted
of the murder of Major Alexander
P. Cronkhite by a jury in federal
court after deliberating for ah
hour and a : halt this : afternoon;
One ballot was taken shortly af
ter the lurv retired : at 2:45.
showing the jurors in accord oh
acquittal according to the evi
dence on hand. 'After discussing
various phases of the case, the
jurors decided that they had nb
evidence to justify conviction and.
notified the baliff at 4:15 that
they bad reached a verdict.
Cantain Robert RosenblutB,
jointly accused with Pothier for
the alleged murder, will not be
tried, according to Thomas P. Re
velle. United States district attor
ney. : Rosenbluth's trial was set
for October 22 and the grand jury
Indictment against him will be
dismissed on motion of the gov
ernment. Revelle said. ,
Government Aot sarpnsea
The verdict came as jno surprise
to the government, it was said.
Revelle declared before the ver
dict came in that the government
realized that its case against tne
defendant was not strong. In fact
the question of dismissing the In
dictments was raised shortly after
the grand Jury returned its find
ings two years ago, but Attorney
General Daugherty ruled that
having been placed under a cloud
by the Indictments the defendants
were entitled to have their names
cleared by a Jury, Revelle said.
It developed , today through rec
ords in the office of United. States
Marshal Edward Been; that Maj
or General A'delbert : Cronkhitei
father of thV slain man and mov
ing spirit in the investigations of
the last six years had been sub
poenaed by the government as a
witness more 'than '30 days' ago
but has never' answered the sub
poena Several telegrams have
been" sent to General Cronkhite
bv the federal authorities within
the last .three weks and the only
response received was about 10
days ago to the- effect that the
general misunderstood the nature
of the summons.
Pothier Unmoved
' ' Pothier showed no .emotion eith
er before or after his acquittal.
Asked about his Intentions and
how soon he would return to hU
wife and baby In Central Falls,
R. 14 he reDlied that he would do
nothing ' until he had made ar
rangements with the government
for transportation.
Under, the court's Instructions,
the jury might have brought in
an. of four verdicts. Tney are:
Guilty of murder in the first de
gree, guilty of murder, in the first
deeree without the death penalty.
guilty of murder in the second de
gree or not guilty, i The jurors
ihitod from reaching a
verdict of manslaughter and If
they determined that Major cronK
hlte met his death at the nana 01
Pnthief accidentally they were in
structed ? to acquit, even though
they found the defendant guuty
of gross carelessness and negll
men In the use of his pistol. The
manslaughter verdice. was with
held through the statute ot ami
tations which provides that a per
son cannot be brought to trial oh
this charge three years after the
crime was committed. The charge
ot fist degree murder-is never out
lawed by the passage of time.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.; Oct. 11.
Harward's football team, showing
ample' driving (power, , put. less
scoring, punch, defeated Middle
bury college, 16 to 6 today.
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 11. Pro
fessor Edgar Lucien - Larkin, di
rector oft theMount Lowe observ
atory and lecturer and writer dh
astronomy, died today at Uplands,
east of here. He Was 77 years
150.000 ( j ? H 5Q00O
I X Q - :- : i
SSw 5fBij
Attempt to Borrow $110,-
i 000,000 Will Be Led By I
J. P. Morgan & Co.
j NEW YORK, Octf ll Ameri
ca's portion of the $200,000,000
German loan under the Dawes
plan, amounting to $110,000,000
will be offered to the' public on
Tuesday by a nationwide banking
syndicate headed by J. P. Morgan
& Company and Kunn Loeb &
Company. The demands of the
smaller dealers indicate1 that the
offering will be' heavily oversub
scribed. J. P. Morgan & Com
pany, in a formal statement, said
In part: . .', ' - ,
; "The proceeds of . the American
stare of the loan; together with
the portions to be offered In vary
ing allotments in Great Britain,
France, Belgium, Italy, . Switzer
land, Holland, Sweden and Ger
many, are to be used : to 'make
operative the plan of : the first
committee of. experts appointed by
the reparation commission, popu
larly described in Germany, ' and
of financing essential deliveries in
kind during the preliminary period
of economic rehabilitation."
I The full details of the loan will
not be made known until Tuesday,
but It was learned today the pro
ceeds will be used as a gold re
serve for the new bank set up
under the Dawes plan and sent
to Germany as fast as they are
needed. The bonds carry sink
lug fund provisions, which are
said to be sufficient to retire the
issue at maturity. f i
While the German loan does not
carry the guarantee of several na-
tjons as did that recently granted
to Austria under the league of
nations ' supervision, the pro
tocol la the London agreement
whereby the ' principal nrIons
concerned recognize the priority
of the loan over all other obllga
tfons was described by one banker
as a "guarantee of conduct."
J Successful flotation of this issue
is expected to stimulate the exten
sion of credits to various German
industries, which will now be able
to receive payment from their
government for the materials that
they have sen to France and other
allied countries in the form of
f deliveries ; In kind" on ' the re
parations account. '
Old Oriental Feud Flares Up
and Kesults m Shooting
of Chinaman
NEW YORK, Oct. 1L Wink
Wing, a Chinese laundryman, may
die as the! result of two bullet
wounds he! received tonight in
what the police. believe is an ex
pansion ot the tong war to Brooklyn.-
: , ;
I After the shooting, orders went
but ' from Brooklyn police head
quarters doubling the patrol over
Chinese restaurants, laundrys and
other places where it was feared
the feud might flare up anew.
Several deaths have occurred al
ready in Manhattan as a result of
a mysterious outbreak among rival
tongs which have been , quiet for
several years. '
NEW YORK, Oct. Ill All se-
duritles and' commodity1 markets
in New York and Chicago will be
closed on ' Monday in observance
of Columbus day.
Damages Sustained in Flight
and Landing Being Rap.
idly Repaired
SAN DIEGO. Call., Oct. 11.
With expert mechanicians busily
engaged in repairing damages sus
tained in its battle with the ele
ments during I the early! : flight
from Fort Worth, LTexas and in
landing at the North' Island naval
air station last night, officers of
the Shenandoah expressed confl
dence this afternoon: that the huge
dirigible will be i in condition to
resume the 'next stage of its- flight
Monday. ' .- i ..
The coast route from San Diego
to Seattle 4s to be followed on
the flight north, is has been de
termined. . The' only slight de
viation to be made will be at Los
Angeles Where j tlte Shenandoah
will leave the, coast line in order
to fly over the business district
Of that - city. - Sani Francisco is
expected to be reached I Monday
afternoon and arrival . at t Camp
Lewis is scheduled 48 hours from
the time the Shenandoah leaves
&an uiego. WttU tUe exception
of one enlisted man who was tak
en ill yesterday and removed to
the naval hospital here today, of
fleers and crew, are reported . in
good health and i enjoying the
cruise. ; . j . '.
. The announcement of the "sail
Ing" for early Monday morning
is definite, according to. naval of
ficers, providing repairs and tests
necessary can be completed by that
time. . .This, experts declared, was
entirely possible. J j.- : j
The route to be followed up the
coast, wind and Weather permit
ting, will be along the seaboard
to a point south j pf Los j Angeles
inland to carry the' Shenandoah
over the city of Los Angeles, .then
back to the coast; line and thence
along it northward '- j '
Expert mechanics thronged
about the aircraft "all day! and
worked on throughout the night
repairing the girders of the ! rear
gondola, damaged ! when the ' ship
landed here last j night after, her
stormy battle bvjr . Arizona and
California. The I gasoline tanks,
slightly "out of kilter" also were
being attended to and gasoline
engineers were tuning up the great
motors of the flagship of the skies
for. her 'voyage Ipp thel Pacific
coast. ; '- -"
Meanwhile San j Diego and the
surrounding country were making
the most of their j opportunity to-
take in the navy's . $2,000,000
aerial beauty. . : j j -.'.' '
' From earljr mjornihg crowds
BWarmed about the naval air base
ahd were kept back. 300 feet from
the foot of the silver giant's
mooring mast by patrol of ;cav-
alry. ; ;-!;. :! ! . :
Man Goes to ' Hospital Fol
lowing Collision -at State
. and Church
In a collision' between tWo ligh't
touring cars about 6 o'clock -last
night William Allen, about .24,
received possible internal injuries
and a broken collar bone. He was
taken to a hospital for treatment.
The other machine was driven by
Felix T. Wright, j of Route 4.
The Allen machine was stjrdck on
the rear wheel and turned com
pletely over. The Wright- auto
mobile was also badly damaged
The accident occured at State and
Church streets'.
Total in Building Campaign
Now $90,044, With Excel,
lent Results Reported for
Chairman Livesley Urg:a
Canvassers to Redoubla
Their Efforts
Subscriptions amounting to $14,
014 were reported at the YMCA
building campaign dinner Satur
day noon. Of this sum $3,664
was reported from the canvassing
force, and $8,350 from the ex
ecutive committee that looks after
the big ones. One of these was
from the Charles K. Spauldlng
Logging company for $5,000. The
total Is now $90,044.
"We do not usually' work on
Saturdays," said Director ooth.
But here it was thought best to
keep going straight through, and
so we did it. I am delighted with
the response, financially and
numerically. I didn't dream that
so many good fellows would be
on thejob as have shown up here
today. We'lL-have a. vacation to
morrow, save for what anyone
wants to di soliciting for a Y
building is bne of the. best Sas-v
day jobs a man can ever do but
we'll sure hit it hard next week.
We 'ought to put it over before
the eight days is over.""
; The . Y division commanded by
Major Allen Kaoury, won three
distinctions yesterday, one for
the largest ' ndiT3duaI subscrip
tion, the largest division collection,-
and the largest number of
Individual subscriptions. ' Willian
Bell was the captain of the wia
ning teamin'thls division, with
$680 subscriptions. Cooke Pat
ton's team won second honor fol
good collections. Division A,
Major George Arbuckle In com
mand, had the largest number c(
workers present for dinner.
Dinner was served to 102 regu
lar solicitors, besides the general
officers and the outside workers,
about 120 in all. Serving was
done by the Girls' Reserve, the
junior division of the YWCA.
Chairman T. A. Livesley, thank
ing the women for their service,
promised them the full run of the
Y bathing pool and other facilities
when the new building comes.
-The women -. who served were:
Mesdames L. D. Waterman, -A. F.
Marcus, H. A. Swart, II. A. Smart,
L. M. Purvine, John L Truax, II.
C. -Epley, A. E. Simpson, E. D.
Prbctor, J. II. Farrar, Frank E.
Brown, W. B. Minear, L. C. Priem,
Carle Abrams, Lloyd A. Lee, Gor
don Black, F. R. Vance, Misses
Lillian Applegate, Helen Litch
field, Eloise1 Heinecke, Ella Smith,
(Continued on' paff 3)
Pledges Strict Enforcement
. Before Enthusiastic
Crowd at Chicago
CHICAGO, Oct. 11., Senator
Robert M4 La Follette told an en
thusiastic, cheering audience here
tonight that if elected president
he will see to It that "all" laws
are enforced "without fear or
Referring to prohibition for tte
first, time since he set out on an
extended stumping tour, he add-"
ed: -
"The trust magnate and the
bootlegger will fare alike."
; The Independent candidate said
be wanted his enforcement pledge
construed as applying to "all law9
Which the people ' through ; their
representatives permit to remain
upon the statute books."
"Only through such vigorous
and just enforcement," he added,
can respect for law be restored
and the statute books be purged
of laws which are unwise or ob
solete." ; '
Sticking consistently to prepar
ed text, except for a few brief in
terpolations, Mr. La Follette sum
med' up the points made by him
In previous campaign speeches
this week. ' Time , and gain he
was forced to sum)end until cheer
ing died down.