i - - : i : .. : I . -: - - - r -:;:. ..; ' -v '4' :vv ";P. -"' "-J; I : ; : i V'. i'..- ;.!-;'- 1 - - i i J SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING; OCTOBER 11, 1924 ? PRICE FIVE CENTS s 4 " i - J - ! iii 7 -; i I I). i I 4 SEITOilll. LAST GIE OF SERIES 4 TO 3 World's Series Is Clinched When EarlJ McNeeley Brings Ruel in for 1 Win ning Run in 12th Inning WALTER JOHNSON FINISHES MATCH Hope-of Eighteen Years, Thought Lost, Finally Realized By Veteran ' WASHINGTON. Oct. 10. (By the A. P.) The miracle of base ball, the dream of 40 years came true this afternoon when Wash ington won the baseball cham pionship, of the world from the ;few York Giants? in the most thrilling dramatic, climax that any. .diamond series has ever seen. .'. 4 Ont of the depths of two crush ing defeats, Walter Johnson, one. of the greatest pitchers the game has erer known and Idolized, came back to the heights and reached bis goal, the end of. the 18-year trail by leading the Senators to victory by a score of 4 to 3 in 12 innings of spectacular, pulse gripping baseball. And when Earl McNeeley, young outfielder from the Pacific coast, drove In "Mud .dy. Ruel, with the winning run, 'after the "mighty bat of "Bucky" Harris had kept the Senators in 'their . greatest fight, the rookie also drove a vast crowd of more than 30,000 that Included Presi dent and Mrs. Coplidge into an outburst of victory-Inspired frenzy unprecedented ;ln he history of the national gamej V McJfeeley Starts It TAe crack of McNeeley's bat was the: match that set fire to con flagration of enthusiasm, a whirl wind of. excited Joy IBaC'swept the big crowd as it flooded upon the field, then rushed jwlldly for the dugout Qf the . winning team, and gave unrestrained .rent to spirits which, first . through a victorious American league campaign and then through one' of the most memorable championship battles of all time had been whipped to fever pitch. 1 I The president of the United States and his wife,' watching their third game, clappjed and ; waved their hands with the enthusiasm of the most ardent fans. Men and women, many of them promi nently ..known throughout the country. Joined with the rabid throng of fandom In that tumult uous outburst. I Fashionably dressed women hugged on anoth er In Joy, cheer leaders , sprang up as if by magic, while hats were thrown Into the air' with abandon. For more than an hour, after the game the crowd swirled about the field and the clubhouse where the Senators; were given a continual - oration and nearly "mobbed.' City Celebrates . - , j ; Tonight he f nation's capital gave Itself orer to the celebration to the greatest baseball achieve ment, one of the greatest the team has ever known. The victory not only stirred the country's hub, but ' undoubtedly swept magnetically throughout the land to the cross roads, and to the boulevards, for' It seemed the whole nation had rooted for "Bucky'S Harris and his band and shared; Washington's own joy in the triumphant out come, j Never has baseball's premier crown been, won j under circum stances so remarkable as those this afternoon In the seventh and de ciding game of a series that has swayed back and forth with bril liancy, uncertain until the last thrill-moment. Hot since the famous series of 1912 have Amer ican and National league rivals fought with such- tenacity 'and i courage for the title, and oddly enough it was the Giants who swent down to defeat this time as they did 12 years ago before the Boston Red Sox: -tit was a shat tering setback for; John McGraw, gray-haired veteran pilot of the Giants, turned back on the thresh- (Cantlaned a pu S THE WEATHER OREGON: Partly cloudy and warmer; . moderate westerly winds. : LOCAL WEATHER (Friday) -Maximum temperature, 56. Minimum temperature, 34. River, 1.7; rising. -Rainfall, .01. -I v . , ... i -i4 v ina, west. Final Averages Show j Washington Outbatted, Outfielded by Giants WASHINGTON-,. Oct. 10. (By The Associated Press.) The Sen ators won their first world's se ries despite the fact that they were outbatted and ontfielded by their New York opponents. iThe final averages for th seven games show that the Giants bat ted .261 and? fielded for a mark of .980, while Senators hung up a hitting average of .246 and a fielding figure of .964. Bill Terry, Giant first baseman. Iwaavthe leading individual hitter with an average of ,429 for five games. a . '',. : m : Roger Pickinpaugh, crippled he ro, compiled a mark of .417 for four fames and. was. second on the list, but Joe Judge, playing in all seven games, was the real batting king of the Senators with a" .385 mark. :- ""- Y 'V ; .'i Travis Jackson of the Giants and "Muddy" Ruel of the Senato'rs had the poorest hittiig records of any of the regulars, each getting but two hits and having marks of .074 and .095, respectively. Sixteen Billion Gold Marks i Handed to Reparations 1 Commission f PARIS, Oct. 10. The Dawes plan for the 'payment or repara tions by a settlement of the Im broglio which has j kept Europe upset erer since the war, became virtually effective today when the Germans handed over to the re parations commission ' industrial railroad debentures totalling 16, 000,000,000 gold marks, and the commission approved the contract signed M London for" the 800,000, 000 gold mark loan to Germany. :, .The appointment of an Amer ican citizen, Thomas Nelson Per kins of the Boston," law firm of Ropes, Gray, Boyden and Perkins, to act with the commission on the execution of ) the plan completed the preliminaries. The formal an nouncement that the Dawes plan is in effect, however was delayed until Monday. ,It was disclosed at the head quarters of the commission that the German loan will be handled in .the form of 25 year bonds is sued at 92 and bearing 7 per cent interest with amortization pay ments each year of one twenty fifth of the capital. The trustees of the loan In ad dition to the agent general of re parations are Mr. Perkins, Nelson D. Jay of Morgan, Harjes and company, and the Dutch banker. Dr. J. Ter-Heulen. j ,' ' i : WHEELER, WIFE Third Party Candidate Con centrates Efforts in and Around Frisco OAKLAND, Cal., l Oct. 10. Senator Burton K. Wheeler, inde pendent rice' presidential candi date opened two days of speaking engagements in San Francisco bay cities by reviewing before an Oakland audience his charges as to rate agreements on the govern ment's Alaskan railroad, and his account of banking transaction in Massachusetts state j funds when President Coolldge was governor of, that state, r Electric facilities were called Into service in order that gatherings in two separate halls might hear hear his simul taneously. ; ; i Mrs. Wheeler, wife of the can didate, likewise made, a campaign address In support of the La Fol lette ticket on which her husband is, running. She told an afternoon audience which was chiefly femin ine, that in 'Washington, where both men were known, support was more evident for Senator La Follette than the president, and argued that a national administra tion by the political leadership, she supported 1 would make 1 for pacific conditions in the world. SILVEUTOX TEAM LOSES ' The Silverton high school foot ball team was defeated by a' score of 7-0 at Oregon City yesterday. A banquet was given last night tot 13 !eEi !? r2tsn DIES p l a r j mm. K ADDRESS . "Gbose" Goslln, whose record of three home runs tied the mark established by Ruth last season, was the leading slugger, with a total of 21 bases on 11 hits. Ham ris was close behind withv 17, In cluding two homers, while Frisch led the Giants with 16 total bases on 10 hits;. Frisch , had the most : two bag gers, ! f ourj .and he and Terry got the only triples of the series. Sam Rice was the leading base stealer, with two thefts. ' j Although their fielding average was not as good as the Giants, the Senators completed 10 double plays; against four for their opponents..!- j.. j i 'j Tom Zachary. Washing to n southpaw was the only pitcher to win more than one game, while Jack) Bentley of the Giants and Walter Johnson, of the Senators, the iron men of the series, each won land lost two games. I Mar berry figured in four games, three of which he served in a relief ca pacity, i . BRITISH LABOR HINTS BREAK Suggestion Made That Pre. mier MacDonald Is Not Popular in Party , LONDON, Oct. 10. (By the A.P.1 At the opening of the cam paign for what universally is de scribed as an "unwanted" elec tion, jperhaps the most striking in cident is, the extraordinary attack on Premier MacDonald published in the intellectual laborite review. The New Statesman, organ of the independent labor party. . If the attack; faithfully represents the feeling of any large section of the party and is not the outgrowth of some personal feud if is re garded as Implying a serious crisis within the ranks of the party. Paying tribute to Mr. MacDon ald's remarkable gifts, as a par liamentarian and foreign secretary the article says some Qf the high est officials In the foreign office consider he has been the best for eign ' secretary Great Britain has had in a quarter of, a century, and that if he is not mourned elsewhere : he certainly will be mourned at the foreign office. . Yet, the article proceeds to say that J Mr. MacDonald alone is re sponsible for having brought the country into the present "absurd political predicament; that yet while he has been an immense a success as foreign secretary, as prime minister he has. been an ut ter failure. "M j, ; The article complains of what it terms Mr. Macponald's ridicu lous j "amor proprae, vanity 1 and aloofness from his colleagues," and says: . ; ' "If he could sink his vanity and prejudices and admit the possibil ity of there being other, men be sides: himself, he might . be in power another year or two." Washington Judge to i Preside at New York SPOKANE, Oct. 10. Federal Judge J. Stanley Webster of the eastern Washington district has been! called by Chief Justice Taft of the United States supreme court to preside for one month, in the Nei York City federal court. He will leave here in time to arrive in New York Nor. 3. s' for Receipt Games $11093,104 ih the World's s Series AWSHINGTON, Oct., 10 (By the A P.) A new record for world series receipts was established by the Giants and Senators. Figures for the seven-games, ill, 093, 104, exceeded by $38,289 those of the only; other million-dollar, series, the sixth contest battle between the Giants and Yankees in New York last year. , Attendance figures were not shattered, however. The mark of 283,695 set in this series fell 17. 735 short of the 301,430 which saw the classic last season. Washington players wilt divide I14S.991.63 of , the .total fund', and i New York will split $99, .327.75.. The remaining 25 per cent' of the total players share will be divided among the second and ; third place clubs In each league.' ; : . . T&? Washinstog 3?l03 wlj ba CAPiTAL GITY STAGES! BIG GELWIO immense Crowds s no w Great Jubilation at Vici tory of Senators Over th New York Giants' ; FIREWORKS j SIRENS, ADD T0I THE UPROAR i: i Pennsylvania j Avenue Be comes Mass of Howling, Cheering' Humanity . WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. (By the A P.) The national capital to day celebrated the winning of its first baseball championship with as much noise ' land racket , as it greeted the news of the end ; of the World war. I ! f ' From every street in the city rose the din of thousands cheering the arrival of the Senators in base ball's promised pand. The firing of small cannon the crack of pis tols, the bang qf firecracker, the honk of automobiles and over worked lungs of half-crazed base ball fans were j blended, into the deafening roar. i Noise Is Intense Horns and sirens were coupled with racket makers, and all of Washington was out to promote noise. . r ; . From the eapltoi, up Pennsyl vania avenue tol the White House a cheering, howling mob surged. King Baseball had conquered the city and in turbulent fashion led his followers In endless parade, Like a college town wild over a football victoryj Washington be haved, but on al larger scale. . i Traffic cops were lost In the melee as thousands bf automobiles became twisted In i honking pam in the downtown streets of the ctiy while machines I almost ceased to move as occupants climbed out on running boards o yelL . Washington had lived to see Its first world pennant for a while many thought t .would,, not live' through It. L J ' V Ambition" Achieved All the years of cultivated dig nity that the city had stored up exploded with, a bang. The city that for nearly two centuries had been called upon to witness the biggest celebrations of a nation, tonight went wld over the first celebration tha it could really call all' its own.j f .Thronging the :streets In groups that ranged front three and four to long "lock-stepi processions, peo ple seemingly In countless num bers paraded and cheered. Every person Was equipped with-, some kind of noise maker. Dinner bells had been snatched from the sideboard to clang for attention beside big bass drums. Whistles and horns fronj1 roaring people strove for supremacy from all sides' 1 1 Washington hkd wanted its ball team to win as had never wanted anything before, and the strain of seren days of breath-holding base ball culminated In a "main, street" roar that would f-iral the combined efforts of all the sand-lots in Am erica. j i POSTPONE. :ZR-3 FLIGHT FREIDRICHSHAFEN,, Oct. 11. (By the Associated Press ). The beginning of the flight by the Zeppelin ZR-3 to America has been postponed iuntil tomorrow; Seven j : split into 26 shares of $5,730 each. Manager -Harris announced after a 'meeting! of. players which followed the. game. Miller and Taylor, sub-infietders. and Al Schacht, coach,! eack will receive two-thirds of a share, and the 24 remaining portions will be equally divided among the' other players. Coach Nick Altrock I and Trainer Mike jlartin.' , liump sumsHwIU be donated by the: players to Wade Lefler, outfielder.! who was in eligible for the leries. to the club house boy, and to the Senators' batboy. :j ! ,t; , . , Th8,.Glanls .mt hurriedly, .after the contest to catch a train and did not, announce? a division of their cut. , . The! approximate fig ure for each .of tbe.26.men on the Giant eligible list, including Coach Jennings, would be $3,820, WASHINGTON VOTER SELECTS FROM ELEVEN Number of Parties Certified to Lacks Just One of Be f Ing Even Dozen ! OLYMPIA, Wash., Oct. 10. Names of candidates of eleven parties were certified out td the various county auditors ; in the state by J. Grant Hinkle, secre tary of state today. , There will be seren Bets of presidential electors for the roters to choose from, the remaining four parties having named only candidates for state offices. . i . t Six aspirants for the guberna torial cbalr will contest for votes, and complete state tickets have been filed by four parties. , Fol lowing are the candidates for governor:'-. -. ; ! " '; Roland II. Hartley, republican; Ben F, Hill, democrat; J. R. Oman, farmer-labor; W. A. Gil more; progressive i state party J David Burgees, socialist labor, and Emil Herman, socialist. On the judicial ticket, which Is non-partisan. William H. Pember ton. incumbent, will be opposed by William David Askren for the re maining place to be filled on the supreme bench. Two candidates, Chief Justice John F. Main and John R. Mitchell, received suffi cient rotes in the primary election to insure their reelection, but their names will appear on the ballot as a matter of form. " f. Giant Naval ; Airship Makes . Landing at 11, O'clock Last Night SAN DIEGO. CaL, Oct. 10. The Shenandoah passed Oceanside, 42 miles north of San Diego, at 10:15 p. m., according to a tele phone report received here. She arrived at San Diego at 11 o'clock. t.'. From Santa Anna to San Diego the ' big navy aircraft flew at the rate of about a mile a minute. The 27 miles from Santa Anna to San Juan Capistrano was covered in 26 minutes,, the Shenandoah arriving at the latter place at 9:41 p. m. Twenty nine minutes later the Shenandoah had covered the' 30 miles from Capistrano to Oceanside and the same speed was maintained until .the craft had reached this city and passed over Point Loma, preparatory to land ing on North Island. So fast did the Shenandoah fly that residents of this city, waiting to get a view of her,1 failed, with a few exceptions, to pick her out in the moonlight, i . The task of mooring the Shen andoah proved to be a long one. Heavy winches were used to expe dite the task, but officers in charge said soon after the begin ning of it that it would require about an hour to finish the Job, as the men at i North Island had a stiff wind to contend with. Declaration Made That Pro gressive Was Wrong in Calling it Secret L' WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 An nouncing; the. . finding . after a search of public records of an agreement bellered to be the ono referred to by Senator Wheeler fn recent campaign addresses as a "secret contract between (J P. Morgan's Alaska Steamship com pany! and the government-owned Alaska railroad", fixing the divi sion of freight rates between the two concerns on joint shipments, Secretary Work today declared that the .contract neither was sec ret . nor confined to the two or ganizations designated by the in dependent vice presidential can didate. ' : . . : ; . "Senator Wheeler seems to, have been misinformed," said Secretary Work, who explained the con tracts were entered Into befpre he assumed charge of the interior de partment. "The joint transfer contract between the Alaskan steamship and the Alaskan rail road is not a secret agreement. It is on file with the interstate com merce commission and , anyone who "wants to see it may do bo by simply making the request." ; " 'EMBARGO STARTS MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. . 10. An embargo, on Incoming J grain at Duluth which became effective October 2, was lifted at 11:59 pi m. tonight, t f SU IfiD ; LiI: WHKP1PEB H PUNS FOR FLQATInG Negotiations are Completed I Whereby German Govern j ment is to Borrow Eight ' i Hundred Million Marks OVER HALF WILL BE t RAISED IN AMERICA $1 1 0,000,000 Total Amount to Be Sought in the United States LONDON, Oct. 10. (By the A. P.) The negotiations for a loan of 800,000,000 gold marks to the German government, provided for by the Dawes reparation plan, were successfully concluded this afternoon and the loan will be put on the financial .markets of nine countries including Germany,; within a few days. More than half Of the entire loan $110,000,000 -4-is to be raised In the United States, j i; I r! The bonds will be dated ! Octi 15, mature In 25 years, and bear 7 per cent interest. ) They will be; offered to investors at 92, yields' ing approximately 7 per cent to maturity. -The terms of issue in the various markets are virtu ally identical. j . , j : Signatures to the agreement to loan money to the German gov-- eminent were fixed; this afternoon in old Bank of England building. Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, president of the Relchsbank and Dr. Hans Luther, the German finance mln-i totllV tflnrnAil mw Iawwiamm. T D 1 Morgan signed for j the American Banking syndicate, headed by his own company; Montague Norman for the Bank of England; Jean V. Parmentier, for .. France, and tha other financiers for their respec tive financial fields on the conti nent. ' j - j A ; , j j Mr. Morgan subsequently Issued a statement which follows in part: "The contract .under which the loan of 800,000,000 gold marks is to be issued for the German government, as provided under the Dawes plan, was signed this after noon, the shares undertaken by the various markets being as fol lows: : ' ! ' J i"A nominal amount of $110, 000,000 In the United States; 12, 000,000 pounds sterling in Great Britain; 1,500,000 pounds sterl ing in Belgium ; 3,1000,000 pounds sterling in France; 2,500,000 pounds sterling in,' Holland; 100, 000,000 lire in Italy; 25,200,000 kronen in Sweden, and 3,000.000 pounds sterling in Switzerland. It is arranged that the small residue required to complete the full amount of 800,000.000 gold marks will be taken in Germany. - j cj "The contract. for the issue be comes effective upon receipt of of ficial notification from the repar ation commission that it has com pleted its action subordinating tlje present reparation claims against Germany to be lien of this loan and that' it has taken the necessary action ( for putting the Dawes plan completely Into ef fect." '.- J K - . ! To Studv i Columbia i Irrigation Project ! SPOKANE. Oct 10 --Charles K. Lacker, builder of the Miami con servancy flood control system in the Dayton, Ohio, district, will start tomorrow on a study of the canal, dam and tunnel construc tion of (the Columbia basin irri gation project as one of the' spe cial engineers appointed by the federal government. He will go oyer the project with a view of studying construction costs, ; Ar thur Turner, one bf the engineer ing staff, jsaid today. MEXICAN BjHTS , , 4 Train Wrecked and t Robbed at Point 30 Miles South i : i of Jaurez i EL PASO, Texas; Oct. 10,-f-NIne persons were killed, one or two Of them Americans, when Mexi can bandits wrecked and robbed a train on the Chihuahua & Orient railroad near Candelerio, about 30 miles south, of Juarez, according to messages received tonight by military authorities in , Juarez. Troops ware ordered tonight to try to Intercept the bandits, who afe believed to hare started for Ski IS"! !! 9l Sk Grange, SLAY AMERICANS ifEllllE-flffl) OF.mt mm. f M- Total Reported Thursday $75,975 Albert Team Again Wins Award for Biace-t Sum Raised One person Gives Pension Chtcl: -Luncheon Is To date, the YMCA bufldihgr ,' campaign has netted $75,975, a little, more than amount in two davs of canvassinsr. At the Friday noon dinner, team pledges were repenta a a - Imn'i rnn i rri ?i.t 1-1. Aaitit.m aw i t-4-m t amounting to $24,930. These report of $13,605, made a total a little more than the first day. For the second day,; the Albert team won the crown f cr the biggest sum; raised $4,010 from 13 subscribers. Thl3 gave to the general division commanded by Tero Hick3 the honor of leading the army for ' -4 1 DIES DEFENDS f ' - - . GO PTi s i La Follette Is fJot Man, Is Statement Republican OMAHA, Nefc. Oct. 10- (By The Associated Press. )Met .In Nebraska today by democratic as sertions that In discussing the La Follette court attitude he was "setting' up a straw man," . Char les O. Dawes responded that "i It is a straw m&n. he has consi derable of a punch! in him The republican j nominee tor vice president first, announced that "soft pedal!- "the iom t4 questions by the L Follette lead ers wuold . not deter him from continuing his discussion, jot that question to the virtual exclusion of all other subjects. Then read ing an editorial in the state's leading . democratic newspaper that he had raised the court ques tion as "a straw 'man toj knock down, he made his response to it in rear platform speeches at Grand Island, Columbus and Fre mont before arriving here to ad dress a large audience tonight In the city auditorium. . "It Is the whole issue," he as- serted. "If it succeeds, it means chaos. Let there be even .the. first intimation Of success and see what It does to that confidence upon which all prosperiy U based. "What is. more than a question of prosperity, more than a ques tion of wages, price of farm pro? ducts . or anything else is' that question of uri patriotism ; where we- stand as American citl- rens." , . I Brewer Withdraws in Favor . of Steck in Iowa Sena- torial Race DES MOINES, Ipwa, Oct. 10. (Bv Associated; Press.) A new political turn developed today with the withdrawal from the senator ial ;race of L,uthetj B. Brewer of Cedar Rapids, republican indepen dent candidate.! In withdrawing his name, Mr, Brewer denounced Senator Smith ;W4 Hrookhart as a "deBerter,, of bia' party aid gave his followers and j the democrats the campaign slogan "sic 'em Steck." urging them to support Daniel F. Steck' of OttumWa, the democratic senatorial nominee. Republican state headquarters declined, tonight tp comment on the day's; development. , The party leaders had frowned uport Brew er's candidacy when it was an nounced and said they did not wish to comment on : his withdrawal. Nor would they speculate upon its effect upon the election, ing the exten of Brewer's ing was problematical. declar- follow Mr. Steck. in recent campaign speeches, has made a special ap peal to republicans who dislike Senator ' Brbokhart's repudiation of the Cool id ge-DaWes" ticket To this today was added the state ment of Brewer that' Steck .had taken "the right position" on what he termed two of the chief Issues raised in the present campaign- the authority of the courts and government ownership of . ; rail roads,, ; ' j T . ( - ' a Straw of H i IE FAVORS MO MB m Served by Women of City one-third the total required with the executive cominittca of $38,535 for the day's work. the day. a total of 414 subscrlpti-rs was reported . for the. two days, 255 ot them being reported for Friday.' Outside of the big ones listed through the executive cout mittee, this makes a little 1 i than $100 per subscriber. As lla campaign - committee counts cm close to 3000 separate subscrip tion prospects, there would be a fine surplus if all should hold up to this rate, though it is believe 1 that both the number and the $100 standard win fall short of realization. Perhaps there never was a campaign that reached It A high. One woman was reported ty Secretary Kells who gave over, her pension check for the T bsili fng fund.. This was a long wbHs ago.. The money has been key ing company with the $204 raised by the Salem, Boys' chorus for the same fund. It is announced that this Is net a mere annual maintenance cam paign. It is for two years' xaaia tenance plus the, building. . Car. a small subscriptions have been re ceived evidently under the-. I; pre88ion that it la an annual evert. It Is that, with the $100,000 balll Ing added. Because 1 ot the t'3 drive this year, it Is hoped to- net have to make a. maintenance cart paign next fall, so the present campaign is hoped to cover that also, In one grand sweep. As tla money , need not be paid Id Imme diately, but can' be called' for .3 the building progresses, it will ta easy to meet the demands. There will certainly be no .more c&lla from the present building. Any good building subscription at this time will include a membership with full privileges so long as the old building is used. Gold paper crowns were award ed Thursday's, winning, subscrip tion team, led by Joe Albert. They will wear their crowns for another day on their Friday rec ord. Fred Erixon's team was awarded the medal for having made the largest number of visits. Beginning this morning, a daily prayer meeting Is to be held at the Y, beginning- at 8:30, for the success of the campaign. "No such enterprise was ever put over without deep, fervent prayer," said Director Booth. He hopes to have anywhere from 50 to 100 men there each morning, to get a good start for the day's work. " . Dinner was served to 121 team workers and about a score of others on the executive and gen eral staff. They dined Friday on baked salmon, salad, apple saace, curried rice and other, parts cf a balanced, fighting menu. The dinners presided over by -Mrs. F. A. Elliott and Mrs. C. A. Kells are helping amazingly to make the campaign seem interesting. Those who served for Friday were: Mesdames Shattnck, Hazard, Bernice Robertson, C. II. Edmund son, C. K. Spauldlng, P. M. Greg ory. J. H. Albert, J. C. Griffith. Ausman, Hewlett. Willis - Moore, A. M. Rausch, A. A. Lee, E. C. Miller, F. A. Baker, J. H. Farrar, Paul Hendricks, C M. Epley, Chester Cox, Arbuthnot, Simpson. Couchmah, Eric Butler, 11. R. White, W. L. Pemberton, Fern Daugherty, L. E. Morehouse, F. M. Reed, Belle Roberts. A. Snook, Bert Hewlett. W. S. Moore, J. A. Albert, Gordon Black, A. E. Dalke and Ben Vick. A new corps of dinner-makers will . serve each' day, they being drawn partly from the organized church forces, and partly from volunteers who are deeply inter ested in the work. - - With six more- days to go, one of them being Sunday and so. not a real campaign day but a day that is counted on to have a pro found influence on the net result, there seems little doubt that tha program .will go over as plane I. Secretary Kells, speaking of tha matter,' said: ' . "We have not asked for a penny (CPthtf en i i)