-1 4 TTIE OIIEGON STATE32JAN. SALEM. OltEGOU FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 10, 1.924 alem's 'Rise ectioe rket Great Ma . t g H ; ,4; J V J ' J 4 Jt i ' 1 I i v ft 1 w a t f t WANTEI Emptoyment 13 ; i - SHINGLING AND ROOr REPAIRING 445 Tomer SU Phone 6U4-K. jl j n9 WASTEU-CHILDREN TO CARfc FOB , day r hoar at nay own home 449 Nortk High. I ; 2-ol2 PRACTICAL NURSE. CALL 341 morn : inrt or 321 afteraoon. 12 ol0 ROOFS RESHINGLED. REPAIRED BT day or contract. Paoae 1769-M, 13-el2 Green Roof Painting ; U alack, vellew, bine. Call end ask to aee aoore af My to Met palatine? nnd r atafUag. I V. R. MATHEWS nM ti7. ls-altf XXPERIEXCXD STENOGRAPHER Wane prmaaeat poeitien. Good refereacea Address IIMl fttateemea 12a31ri , WAXTEIV MUcilJUMiotw IS APPLE WANTED FQR CANNING. i -Spitt, Xewtoni, Rome, Grime. Will I tali entire 'crop at orchard in sacks. Address - Ward K. Richardson, Salem, Oregon- '. - 13-ol5 WANTED MIX AND WOM1H W taka (aria paper aabecriptieae. A awe , proposition te ue nfai people, as !. dree taa Pneine Boaaootoad. Btai BLdg.. Selena, Or. WOODBT THB AUCTIONEER BDTt M tarmhnre fa eaea. . Paoae Sll t ; UISCELLAJiEOCSi 14 LOANS WANTED 91TOO AND 9100 First Mtge, security i esodera Salem homes. -6 sad 7 w eenu ! BECKE k HENDRICKS TJ. S. Bank Bldg i 14-o2ti J.EARN AUTOS IS j LOS ..ANGELES Big-pay-jobs open- bow. Start - eaay practical coarse. Work guaranteed ta learn roan aa4 toar4 - vkile lrarniar jPREB illHttrated 4-pafa catalac a pUina ararytoiBr. Write Dept. 127, Natioaal AatomottTa, 4004 8. t'irkrrea, Lea Aagelea. . i: . Mn3 WARREN NURSERIES-i-WALNUTS. Fil berts. Caerrias, afcdi nral aarsery . atoek. i Special -pritee (irea ( ea iearly orders. Price list sent oa reqaet- O. L. WTrn, R. a, Blen. 14-o3t HELP WANTED Female J 7 CAN TOU, EMBROIDER f WOMEN Warn ed to embroider liaeoa for as at home daring" spare time. : Intersaatioa upon reooent. . Belfast .Company, Dept.! 72", Hantinctdn. lad. 17-olQ mzUP WANTED WAle 18 WANTED ONE OR TWO OIRL boarders Phono 31 l-vr 1B-Q12 J llxla Aivl FemJo 19 HOP PICKERS I WANT TCT7I TRUCK lea Tea Coouaerciai and Casxt rta. erary saoraiac at :0 sad retaras altar pik ia. etora oa freanda. C C Raaaoll, Pfcoiia SB rta or aeo Pto Wj'r, J POULTRY A2fO- EGGS 21 : -, . 1 i - FOR 8ALK MAT HATCHED TAN crrd pullet. 50c each. MeClaaham . ineaaatort, 220 egg aiie, 12.50 eaca. Pboae 115r22. - 1 ' 1 21-elO LCGT AND FOUND! 22 LOST BLUE GRAY MALTESE KIT ten. 174 Fir. Reward. 22-oll LOST 80MITHIV9I riND IT I PHONt wee ad t. Ta4 SUteaameJav Paoae LOANS 24 WANTED 300 ON GOOD 8ECCRITT 6 reoam ail mod era ho ate f fiOO. Easi est paymats. Oartrud J. H. Pat M K. OottaAa St, j a4rttL MONET TO LOAN ON FARM - PROP arty. -Lowest rate ebtaiaable. 80 Mt. , McOurdy in Honor Smith'a of liei. SieSTss Moora Bldg, 14-s20tf MONET TO LOANIN AMOUNTS a 1000 te iaSOff, T pereant. ! BECKE HJCSDRICKS TT. f. Pk P'lf. r td-altHf '.nEAIi ESTATE -City S3 Ovil -1 Yout iionte 8MALL HOUSE FOR SALE ON EAST Ifnni OT VC(i(ll jaw,. X al a; rOUKHOOM HOCSB. NEW, FULL -eat, pared street, oast front, 93200: terma. , Paoae -1229-W. 25-ol2 I i , , i ii i I ; i i I i A Good Investment Li3tihie of Saving JUST THE PLACE i-New S roosa ban sralow, bSftetaent. faraaee, fire pUee:, paved streets. Close j to . . acliooL - Owner ; wsota te go to Part iaadJ '. ' .. f EASY; TO BUT Utile 3 room hdtise. Your owa terms. , " , t NOW IS THS TIME To inseatjin fans property, -s I . hare seTjral farms to1" sell at Vj price. See tee ' ad I -4U tksv you where jou - - ran make a few thousand dollars. We- build -to suit porchaser and sell te tiint'oa raty terms. - f j ; we -write --tasaraeee.' -j Rich: L. Rcimann I t . I Realtor S07-308 Orejoa BIda. Phone 1093 if: 23-oOtf MODERN SIX .ROOM HOUSE COM pletaly. aewly' and artistically faroisb ed Be -owaer oa proaiisaa, eeraie Oak and Liharty. j S5-al FOR ' SALE OR-, RENT ) 4 room home with basomeat located 6i Sowtb- Cmmcrrlsl -street. Priee i $31 terms. Rents! 925 per ma, W..H. GRABENHORST CO. 27S fciaU.JBt.. .. . ;; ; .. S3-e7f WIIL " TAKtt , - SOLDIERS IXAN O close;:. in 'property t,n ; rood eodu:o4. Uertnada J. M. Pass.. 492 N. Ottard. MODK.RN T'ROOM OARAGE. PAVINO I3&00. terms. See at 1 1 B7 N. 16tbi , - BECKE HENDRICKS I IT.-B; Dank- Bid - . 2-loat FOR..TH E. .W E EK. .END. ft-.tiv "vluced prices on the followinf ,proprlIea:'-;-'s- .:-.-, e-artt-'tT,' odet bangalow, 6 rnma.neaf 'sVsfe house.' ' . " " $-.''X-;ejiy,I.rooiB-ioJOtc. .Trade for smaller oae. - - . -jr - . f3509-appy bttnsiilow, 5 rooms, 1 5fM dei'n, , bslsnVs fU.! munll. t2SO, ' 4neace Jito'tand. bupjalow. 4;rns.", sento frw:t.i , rMXV PrAsleit-bBsiBesa corner. CS'5:l0-Dowatewa'' income property. 4$rt0fVt-i'Plyhijretfecttonerr store. fi.tl300-r-jncery atoct a usMtrra, Llrif--'rooms, good,' KjiiinV cheap rottt... '. . 'UVT8! LOTS! LOTS! oa paed streets.. 9175 aad ap Before yoa boy Bee CH1LD.H A BECHTEL - - 540 Sta'a St. REAL ESTATE City 23 FOR SALE LOT 2 by 132. LOCATED in McLa'.no addition, corner north Liberty between Jefferson aad Nor way. Priced reasonable. Address owner, 328 loth street. Portland. I ' ' . 2Vol2 ' SPECIAL I. 'f ' - 100 acre dairy farm stocked and equipped to exchange for Salem prop- erty. t ; Grocery store aad living rooms and - carafe with 2 year lease for sale at bargain. We have a bnyer for a 3 or 4 room house.: i Some good " Salem property to ex change for 40 to 60 acrea suitable - for dairy. THOMASON 331 U State St. 23-e9tf A SOUTH SALEM. DOUBLE CONSTRCC tion, - Dutch CoieniaL six room home. Garage. Extra Urge lot. -Reasonable paymeat and balance like rent, 96, 230. ' , y- Eight room modern borne in East Saiem. Two lots, small barn. Poultry house, i fruit and berries. Reasonable terms. : A bargain at 93500. , A. C. BOHRN8TEDT I , 147 No. Commercial 8U Salem, Oregon. 25-o9tf ' : VALUES 9850 BUYS ONE OP THOSE GOOD lota in the Oaks addition. 95250' buys two acre tract on Gar den read. Tea room house, with ws- ter system, basement, barn and ga ' rage. . ' KRUEGER 147 N. Com"! Ct. 23-o LARGE HOME CLOSE SCHOOLS 7 roota one (loot modera, 91700. Large lot oa paring.' garage. BECKE k HENDRICKS V. 8. Bank Bldg. 23-o8tf ROOM HOUSE. ' BASEMENT, FUR nsce, 94300; easy payments. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. 23-o7tf BEAUTIFUL HOME 970OO. BRAND new aerea room, with every thing.; Im mediate possession.! BECKE A HENDRICKS i U. S. Bank Bldg. 23 o8tf 6NAP1 r i Fear lots one fseing oa pared at.; and ear line. Price 9750; 930 down i 910 'per month. 1 W. H. ORABENHOBST CO. ; 273 State St. i 23-o7tf IP TOU HAVE 9700 CASH AND WANT a bargain ta a six room bungalow with modera conveniences, aad a fall base ment, on a fine 30x120 foot lot, price only 9700. Come in aad see aa. 93300 buys a fine modern bungalow ea north 16th Street, no basement, but pared streets, sement sidewalks. Very easy terms. . 3 room cottage oa Miasioa street, eome -aaoden conveniences for .only 91. 70O, and terms. . Hera i another one oa north 24th street, modera - eoareaiencea, pared streets, one of the best for only 92. 700, easy terma. : - - Fiae large apartment bease, in a rood district all rented, bringing a fiae income, ahade trees. A real pleasant place to lire in comfort. Price only 98O00; aad will give some terms. Sacrifice sale in a 96300, 7 room cottage, with modera Conveniences. All kinds of fruit and shrubbery, aad ber ries, large barn used for garage, chick en run, cement walks aear school. A real home for some one with a large family. Price 94500 ; terms. Moisan & Ulrich Phone 1354122 North Commercial St. i 25-Oct27 , WANTED ' Several low priced houses that caa be aotd oa very easy terns. The de mand is greater than supply. See Was. Fleming. 341 State St, or phone 303. i ' 25-o4tf VACANT HOUSES, 1180 MADISON; 1414 Mission; a 13 Hoatn tztn; 1101 N. 16th; 1634 S. High. These are all plastertd modern homes priced 92000 to $3900 aad for sale like rent. Im mediate possession. BECKE k HENDRICKS U. S. Baak Bldg. , 25-oStf 91630 BUYS A HOME FIVE BLOCKS east ef university, vteu built-in, rood plumbing, part basemeat. 92630 buys -7 room home en State street, interior very attractive, cars re, 92700 buys 5 room boose, oa paved street, garage, basemeat,- aad built-in f eatnres. - i 93230 buys : 5 room house without basemeat. corner lot. 102 to -creek in depth, variety ef fruit, trees. 9750O buys 6 rooms stucco house, large ' lot, f iaeat of plumbing, creek property, priced to sell. . WINNIE i PETTYJOHN Realtor 216 Oregon . Bldg. 23-o4tf FOR SALE FIVE ROOM STUCCO ban g-alow, paved street, fruit trees. A aaap at 93700. Strictly modera six room bungalow, east front, paved stret, oak floor, 95500 ; worth more.- Four room bungalow 9850, easy terma.' Exchange homo la Bales for Portland. Seven room bungalow for amaller house. 73 acre farm for acreage. Home in Seattle for Salem. Four room house and cash for larger house. P. L Wood. 341 Stat St - 25-o2tf Best Buys and ; v Exchanges One room house. Vt acre lot with fiae shade trees, 9800 9150 cash, bal ance 20 monthly at 6 per cent.1 ... - 6 rooma part, modera. woodshed, cor aer lot. paved on both sides, 91375 all cash. 4 room part modern bungalow wood shed, coop, lot' SO by 135 feet, good soil, $1300; 9150 cash, balance 920 and interest monthly, 5 room strictly modern new stucco bungalow, garage, bearing fruit, on paved street, close to school and store, $7050:- terms. 7 room strictly modern brick bunga low ia fine location in Tacotna. Wash iagten to exchange for modern Salem home or income, price $,"0OO. - 0 room ttrictly modera completely furnished heme, 6 blocks from I.sdd k Buhh bank, choice location, $6500; terms if desired. Houses to rent mon-y to loan. Socolofsky i Realtor 23 1W MINUTE MOVIES CONCERNING- i .LETTEGJ Pr?ODUCESL EC VsHEELAN . ' - REAL ESTATE City 23 WHEN TIRED OF HUNTING SEE ME. 1 have hundreds ef properties meeting every thinkable demand. My system aavea time and . ahoea. If what yea want la to be found I ean find it. Let me help you HARRIS, 317 Oregon building. Phone 455, 1942-J 23s26tf. SEE TniS BEAUTIFUL HOME AT tractively located east front. 913000; 499 N. CetUga. 83a26tL GRAND VIEW. COZY HOME. 7 room, plastered house, baih, basemeat, city water, drilled well, garage,' f rait. Near school and earllne, 93200; terma. 2390 South Church, block eaat ef aouth end High street. Owaer. 25-o9tf FOR SALE BT OWNER BUNGALOW. Modera. Everything paid. 649 North Slat 8k 25-S16U 92000 TAKES ROOMS. PLASTERED, hot water and bath, garage. See at 1414 Mission. BECKE HENDRICKS ' V. S. Baak Bldg. 23-oStt LARGE HOMES 6 TO 9 ROOMS. WE have three beauties at 90500 to 97500. Both new. ' i f BECKE k HENDRICKS f U. S. Bank Bldg. 25-aSOti 94001 aCTS ; A good six rovU hoaae with modera electric water aatem, modern plumb ing, electric lights, located on Heights south of Salem, one of the best views areuad Salem. Thia place consists of one acre. W. H. ORABENHORST k CO. ! 275 State St. 25-o7tf I ROOM HOUSE ALL FURNI8HED Close in, east front, paved street. 92,' 500. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 North Cottage St. 25-s23tf PRINTED CARDS BIZR 14" BY 7" wording "For Sale, Enquire At," rviea , 10 ceata each. Statesman Bnainaa Office. Groand Floor. ! INVESTIGATE THESE Good 4 room modern bungalow North Salem. 92650; easy terma. $5000 stock goods ia good ; valley town for Salem residaace. Good 112 acre farm, good bldg., atock and tools. 80 arras in crop. Ex change for Salem home. New 5 room modern bungalow, 2, 750. easy terma.' Dandy good business paying 25 per coat for city residence. Good garage, stock groceries, confec tionery, for sale or exchange. If you want to buy, tell or exchange aee us. i PERRINE k MAKSTERS Commercial Clab Bldg. 23 s28tf SMALLER HOUSES WANTED in exchange for a 6 room, a 7 room or aa 8 room. Oae located aouth. ons north and one east. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. 25-o4tf MODERN HOUSE OAKS, 94350. See at 1275 E. Street. Garage, furnace, fire place, Idry tubs, large lot. BECKE k HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 25 oStf Best Buys and . Exchanges , 91200 for Grocery stock and fix tares. ; ' 2Va acres, 3 room bungalow, coop, woodshed, close to car line, will ex change for 91500 business. - 60 acres, bouse, barn, coops, fenced in limit ef email town, price $3000, will take 91300 residence in Salem na first payment. 6 room modera residence large lot, fruit, ia Portland, waat &0 aero ranch with fair . buildings, withia 5 miles of Salem, not ever 97000. ; Socolofsky, Realtor . 341 State St. 25-o3!f 9150 DOWN Will boy a fine Vi acre tract lo cated oa ' heights just soath of 8alem Vt mile from cay line oa gravel road. Three room garage house with wood shed and chicken house, well. Price 92500; mortgage, 91800, 6 per cent in terest, te be assumed by purchaser, balance 915 per month. immediate possession. W. H. ORABENHORST k CO. 273 ; State St. 25-o7tf NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. GOOD LOT South Salem. 92.000. The beat of terms, like rent.' Apartment house furnished, tor 94.&00, terma that will pay for it- . elf. Some choice dairy ranches for exchange, . fsrn.a in Minnesota, S. D.. and Nebraska, for Oregon, for farm aad city property exchanges. We have the goods. Barber, 200 Gray Bldg. 25S19tf BEST BUYS IN COUNTRY SMALL Slsce close in for sale or will take small erne for part paymeat and give got,d terms on balance. Call and see for your . self. Box 22, Penitentiary road, er room 4, Breymaa Bldg. - ; 23-ol0 STUCCO BUNGALOWS NEW WE have two: email modern that a down pay ment and balance like rent will take. Both have furnaces, hardwood, etc. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 123 e8tf A BEAUTIFUL ' SUBURBAN HOMB OF 8 acres ia eaerriee. English walanis and logs ns. Very close to Salem. 7 room, modera houae almoat new. Full basement, furnace, fireplace, plumbing all ia, lots of built-ina.- Small barn, chicken bouse. For sale at 912.000 er trade . for Portland property, t Write er aee Mra. Meyer, 147 N. Commercial St. f ;.. , .,v ,. - l'23-5tf FOR SALE 3 GOOD EAST FRONT lota oa Capital street, paving paid. ' Good terma. t : For ssle good lot ea Norway, 50 by 125 for good cast front lot ea Map le avenue, 9250. i - 4 block, 7 full lota, close to Engle srood or Junior high echooL I500 for all. " i 6 good lots 50 by 100 ea paved street tor 910OO-. Good lots ia Salem Heighte and Neb Hill et all prices. 3 acre tract well improved end room i modera house. Very close In. Good "terma. 147 N. Commercial St. Mra. Moyer. ; 23 a3tf JUST; PLAIN HOME 7 ROOMS WELL bo i It, good condition, plastered, bath aad hot water. Extra large lot with fruit, garden. Oarage. Walking dis tance high school and buninett. Price $330O; 50O down, balance like rent Thia is good buy. i BECKE A. HENDRICKS ; TT. S. Bank Bldg. ' 1 - ' 23 o8tf (All S&OUT.SIX. MONTHS, A(VP FULLER. PH UN i MJ EE-IAN '5. T AT COMEDN . - HAPPENED i"rD AidTiCE- AlVOUNG LADy eCTWl NG r3EAUTlE? AHt pPPEISED WEf? A CCVMlTiACT "Tc PLAy IN Ml S COMEDIES. Tu. VOVHG-: LADY'S AAMg vAS WSS . SoW OAJiS&A TW 1MLE.BK1V OF - WOKOMO, 'iADlANJr r 1 : I j i. . r 1.-. f,rbuRf. u iJL. . Lof .Tub , REAL ESTATE Trades 27 e- -i i WE'VE A LOT Off PROPERTY TO trade. For instance, 5 room house w.th bath and elee.ric rs'oge and water beater- and a nice $800 uertgage to trade for vacant lot; 10 . acre weed patch that's fruit land and only a few miles out for vacant lot ; a modern house on Capital and a 3 reom house north of State for farm; i room $3000 house for 94500 house; 80 acres good im proved land for residence; a dandy chicken ranch that's ready to go for Salera property erl small farm; tore building snd bUMessifor small farm or residence. l Med I LCI! R 1ST PliXNIXGTOS 209 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 14U 27-10tf REAL ESTA,E-Farms 2 TIMBER LAND Near Salem 9o5 per acre. See us for real bargains. 3 W. II. ORABENHORST k CO. 273 State St. 28 o7tf I'm fTooiOId f to farm any longer so 1 want to sell my lease on a 28-f acre farm together with all the stock and equipment, cheap. Or might consider city er suburban property for it, 93000. Ak my agent, Robinson, in Oregon Bldg about it. 1 aearly pay my rent from the pasturage of stock. 28-olltf REAL ESTATE- Exchange 2f EXCHANGE SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, built ia kitchen, baNement, paved streeH East Salem. Want small house or will take car. Owner Box 07. Salem.' . , , - '-.:?;'. . f . I 29-ol2 LOT FOR AUTOMOBILES LOT 23, block 2, Burlington addition to Salem. Next lot to corner 21st and 'D" SO by 13-. Price 95oO. purchaser as sume balance, ha paving. Will accept automobile or ; email amount of cash and easy term. Owner, K. W. Tripp. Albany, Oregon, i 29-ol4 REAL ESTATE Suburban 30 . , i 93300 sBUTS 6.32 acrea With; smell house located on Silverton road 2 miles from city limits. See u fer-bargain. , AV. H. ORABENHORST k CO. 275 State St 30.07tf v 9100 DOWN Buys a good fie acre tract on Asy lum road. Price $15U0, balance per month. 1 W. H. ORABENHORST k CO. 273 Slate St.- f ? 30-o7tf USED CARS For Bale 31 1 ii . BCICK SEDAN USED 2Vi YEARS Fine condition. Terms. Phone 2UOtf.f. :i, I 31-012 FOR BALE 1922 Dodge sedan. 3 cord tires and dise wheels. -car' f Ally equipped, $1075. 1929 Chevrolet I touring $150. 1921 Dodge delivery, $350. 1923 Dodge touring, a real barsain. 9700. 1924 Ford coupe, 'new cord tires, lots of accessories $535. 1920 Mitchell tourins, completely overhauled $275. I 1920 Chevrolet F B, new top. cur tains and 3 near Icord tires 9350. (Terms ' , BONESTEELH MOTOR CO. ... I ' 31-ell 1 ' BUICK D-43 GOOd RUNNING ORDER. Five good tires. 100. Inquire at . 1593 North Cottage. I 31-ol6 Why Walk? : We have ia' Nol 1 condition -One Chevrolet touring. , One Buiek roadster. 1922 Gardner louring. 1923 Ford touring. I9-24 Overland flouring. 1924 Chevrolet i sedan. 1923 Star tourlnj. .1923 Ford coupe. 1924 Star epoet touring. One Dodge coupe. And many ' Others te chose from. 'TERMS ,; B. Notidenson Motdr Co. " DISTRUTORS Gardner j Cars i 156 Sooth High sk. Salem, Ore. 31-el2 FORD ROADSTER, (CHEAP FOR CASH. Phone 1307-R. , f - j 31-olQ CHEVR0LF.T8 9-30.01) TO 9330.00 FORDS 9150.Q0 TO 9250.00 Buirk Roadster. 9250.00 -Oldsmobile Touring. 9250.00 OverUnds 917.00 TO 9250-00 1923 Oldsmobile Sedsa 9650.O0 'After We Sell. Wfe Serve" F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260. ' j j 31Q5tf Chevrolet tour. 9.0 esh, $2 month ' Chevrolet tour; 8150 cash, 920 month Chevrolet tnr. $178 raah: $25 month NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. '. i - i .: 31-3tf USED FORD ffARS FROM AN authorizedIford dealer Touring Car .4 .- "3 te 9350 Roadsters ... 4 75 te 825 450 450 coupes ....... j. Sedans ....... ..., Light Deliveries 275 te 223 to 65 t' 273 35 Ten Trucks 4 I25 to Bngs" i. 75 to 225 All cars are guaranteed Liberal Terms. Open until 9 p.im. every evening - 8undy sj 12 a. m. (Church Street Entrance) VALLEY MOTOR;. COMPANY Salem. Ore.. -260 Kb. High Phone 1905 j i 3is2tf t i j ' . The movlo hqro tomes througH countless battle unncrstched ex cept for a. shot in the arm 4- The ancient h-ader appealed to the -wise men tio modern appeals more frequentljl to- the gallery. ; rights protected by The George Matthew WAS SMOljjAj IQT? Qf A&JlITV. i?A "TTJ . CLASSIFIED j Of Reliable Business AatBTJLAjrCB AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAY OR night. Phone 666. 173 South Liberty. AUCTIONEERS P. N. WOODRY Export Livestock, furniture, real estate - AUCTIONEER Re. 1610 N. SAtmmer Phone 611 for sales dates. O. 8ATTERLEE Auetioaeering Rooma 25-26, Breymaa Block Phc.Be 4S0 or 1211J. - jne-lStf ATTTO PAINTING HAVE US REPAINT YOUR OAR WITH our new permanent 1 f taiah. High Street at Trade AUTO SEPAXRXKO Cylinder grinding, crank abaft true inf. We're specialists. Donerita Ma cbiae Shop. . Automotive machinists. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS C VflllcM 0 531 Conrt St. JOE WILLIAMS PRESTO-LITE BAT TE R Y SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work; Ferris Bros., Phone 1803, 418 Court.. ; R. D. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD K. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICY - rles snd repairing; 887 Conrt. CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM, OHINESE Medicine Co., help any known disease 420-420 State St., Salem, Oregon. " a-30tf CHIROrODIBT DR J. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tional University Beieneea, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U SCOTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87. res.- 828-R. CLEANS RS A DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 S. Commercial. Plione 1868. We spe cialise on one oay service. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Constructing engineer. Snrveya. eatl . Dates Jno. H. Neef, 919 Oregon Hidg. rnone 77a. CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 4?0 t , V., Summer, street. Phone 674-J. CHERRY - CITY CONTRACTING CO. Oeneral contracting and building. Esti mates gladly furnished. Phone 1H7R ' er 59F12. d28tf DRES8MAKINO PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7V4" wording "Dressmaking';' price 10 eenta each. Statesman Bosines Office 1 ' Ground Floor. : EUBCTRICXAN8 SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A S O N I 0 building. , Phone' 1200. , ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND 8UPPLT Co. Phone 1934. 222 N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. Houae. wiring by hour er contract. Ea ' timatea famished. Paoae 980. 471 Court St. BAXZX ELECTRIC y. 8H01 XOeetrie Fixtures Washing Machtaea Vacuum Cleaaera 987 Court St. " Phone 488 Boa, Phone T025 . PINAVCXAX ; LOANS MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP erty at a low rate on the easy payment ' plan, to at end of year you are all paid up. Farm loans oa large er small tracts: private money. See first and yen will go no farther. Q. W. Laflar. 410 Oregon Bldg. City Loan ANDERSON RUPERT . - Agenta -dOS Orsgoa Buildiag LOANS Farm and .City ' Most liberal ratee and paymeat privileges. HAWKINS 4k ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg. , Salem, Oregon - i' : i- - fa-tf FARM IX1ANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, no commission. Protects against adversity. ' City loans, lowest , ratee, monthly inatallments. pre-pay-ment privileges.' i, C. Siegmnnd. room 2. over Lndd k Bush bank. Farm Loans ANDERSON RUPERT eon Oregon - nnnung Adams Service Trade Mark ----- y - .- i '"-'. ' i ana Oreenn - Hntlding (lUBSSI ' vi IJtllll jvLU C3ET VDU A g&EL' iVl Saw- rV--- A IBUSINESS DIRECTORY and Prof essional . Firms Arranged in Alphabetical, Order for Quick Reference 1: i FINANCIAXi 6.OAN8 UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on city or farm property.; Raerve Do posit t-cmpany. 72 Fourth; Street, Port land. Or. ' FARM PAPER IF I YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST fhrm paper, send 13c to the Pacific , Homestead., Salem. Oregon for n three months' trial subscription. M e a t i o a this ad. , PO ULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent sUmpe for apeeial three months' trial for the best aad oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments are of apeeial interest to : the poultry bredera of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 111 Cob iwerclal street, Salem. Oregon. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING- BOUQUETS ' funeral wreathe, decorations. C. F. Breithaupt, florist. 123 S. Liberty Phono 380. , FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL- DIREC tera.1 SI0 Center. Phone '1656. FURNITURE STORES G1ESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less moaey. 872 Court, phone 464. PEOPLES FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 N. Commercial. s HBMSaZa7HINO " a.' I MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 0, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. r HEMSTITCH I NO,' STAMPING. TLEAT i ing. Th Petit Shop, Room 6, over Buslcks. , . a29tf SALEM , ELITE H BMSTITOHING pleating, buttons, stampiag and needle work;32n ttregonldg. Phono 379. I HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. 0. ALTMAN, HOMEOPATH rST. : Doea n general practice. Treata Goiter, Gall Stonei. and Dropsy, arising from diseases of heart," liver; or kidneya without operation. Office end resi dence, 294 N. Liberty St., Salem, Or. Phone 147. INSURANCE f WARREN F. POWERS I Life, Accident, Fire, Automobile tit V. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phoae 607 LADIES TAIXOKINQ D.s H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Ceurt St. LANDSCAPE GARDENING ERNEST IUFER, LANDSCAPE GARpEN Cr prepares plana. General grading and - planting. Kock and Wall gardening a specialty. Route 1; Box 11. Phone 116F4. ' n-2 ULUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 818 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. oldeat largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Vuality work; prompt aervice; 12 6 4 Broadway. Plione 165. 4- MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY PI)i!llT-W. 1CU8I0 ZX8S0NS A: COURSE IX BUSINES3 PIANO Splaying. Popular syncopated, atandard music Semi-classie and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School, Me- A'ornack Bldg.- - ' I MUSIO STORES SHERMAN, CliAY k CO.. PIANOS Steinways, Iae-Art and others. Moore a Musie Houae. 415 Court Street. GEO. C WILL; PIANOS. PHONO graphs, aewing machines, sheet music. and piano studies. Repairing pbono grapha and sewing machines; 432 ; State street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW gVietor or Brunswick. II. L. Stiff rural tnrCofusjeDegt I NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE -AND chronic dieeases; 415 Oregon Bldg. ' rPhene 11. HURSZRT STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREE 8 rearcy nrot,, hi wtaie. , OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. 1 'Tliairees reasonshla Examination free; 1282 N. Cwnmercial St. Phone 1097-M PACKING AND SHIPPINO FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING land shipping, rail Stiff's Furniture ' Store. Phone 941. : a-30tf n PAPERHAKOINO AND PJJMTIJrO WALL PAPER SAMPLE BOOKS AND books en wall decorations. Max 0, Ifiuren. 179 N. Com 'I., Salem.1 ' ? Registered U. S. .'stent Office) & ' : I' : '-'.""'' TOq PHUNJ VJL'ATCMED MEG CLOSb-L-JLy AS'D VL'AS M&teB nVAN ; PLEASED VWiTW WcCl ABJLlT) AiT A SCEEBM ACTE:- ' . SOON SUB ATTCACnKt TT4E AT-mAJ'TlOKl or miNiviTe. -movie. fhs , a NUMbIG- OF- rWEfA vvsmMG IAJ To IMCPOJCE. AS TO MFS JDEAiT- KJAME? TWENTy DOLLARS W GOLD vutLf BE PAID "tVJE. .MlVJlB M0VI5 FAN ,SUB MlTTlM G-, BEFORE: CXTO&Efc. I S.- ,TE;' :i vawe- ' SlecJed. ev xvdctBS . as EEST! UlTfeD -rW. MISS TWINKLE BEBBy. SENJt) ALL AJAME Tb FULLEO pMDA,1 MIM-JTE MOViE. COMEDIAN . CAfeE OF PAPEKHANOINO AND PAINTTjra PHONE GLENN ADAM8 FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, ate. Reliable workman. PHYSICIANS It BURGEONS George R. Vefirs, M. D. Special Attention Surgery, Gynecology Obstetrlea 410-11 U. S. Bank Building . Office hours 10-12; 2-5 and by appointment Offfee Phone 61S Res. Phone 1975 J PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tunsr. Leave order Will's Music S'ore. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros., i 141 8. Liberty Phone 550. : . M9tf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phoae 495-W. ; Shop 127 Union atreet. A. 1 uodfre; RADIATORS. FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. J. 0. Bair, 936 State St. RADIO RADIO DOCTORS ' SALEM ELECTRIC CO. i F. 8. BARTON, Prop. Maaonicenple PJheinel200V REP AIRING aLVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St. Umbrellaa. Cutlery end Keys lAwnmowers, rtsor-bledet, aciaaora, knives and toola sharpened, . SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE OAR bare aad refuse of ail kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Cess . pools cleaned and dead animals re tnoved. Phoa; Office 85; Res; 20S8j SECOND RAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and ahoee. Best prices paid; Cap ital Exchange: 842 North -Commercial Phone 1868-W. STOVES AND 8TOVB REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sixes 26 :e 68 in. high. Paints, oila and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hep hooks. - Salem fence and Stove Works, 250 Cenrt Street. Phone 124. amBBaaaBaaaBxeancaBass TRANSFER AND; H AUXIN O N CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phone 993, f lsistnbutiag, for warding aad storage our specialty. Gel Our ratee. - - j i i ' WE MOVE, STORE t.VU SHIP HOUSE hold gooda. Our specialty ia piano aad furniture moving. iVe alao ut coun try tripe. We handle! t.ie best es' and .wood. Call oa na for prices. We fciv rood measure, good quality and good ' aervice. Larmer Traasfer Co. Phone 93 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF i A Li. kinds. Phone 19F8. ' TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES O. W. Parker. Oeneral - Manager Ceatral Stage Terminal Salem, Oregon. 8ALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m. ; 11 a. m.; 5 p. m. Leaves Silverton Ncwa Stand : - a . i m m . a m - Salem-Independence-Monmouth Divialoa leaves saiem. ceatral stage Ternuani 7 a.m.; 9 a.m.; 11:10 a,m.; 8)10 p.m. 6; 10 p.m. Leaves Moamonth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 8:15 p.m. LeaveS Independence, Beaver Hotel i ' 8:30 a.m.; 9:50 a.m.; 1:15 p.m. . 4 p.m.; 6:3t p.m. Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Salem ' i - for Dallas at: , T B-m.; 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.nu Leave Gail Hotel, Dallas, at: j " . 9 ajB.: 1 n.m.r 6:15 o.m. We make connections at Salami to all parts of th valley. Extra tripe by ap pointment. I J. W. PARKER.? General Manager. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. Office, 801 South Commercial St. Ten per eent discount on domestic flat rstes taid - ia advance. No deduction for abseace or any cause nnlea water is t ff rirnr nreniisea. SCOTTS MILLS I w SCOTTS MILLS,! Ore., Oct. 8. Mrs. Fannie Crofoot of Abercrom- bie, TC. D., and- Mrs. Josephine Dow of Buffalo Wyb., who have been visiting their sister-in-law. Mrs. Alvina Losinger, for several weeks, left for their homes ;ln the east Thursday, f Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Mage visit cd in Portland two days last' week Miss Beatrice Amundson has re- By ED WHEEL AN it t -, - turned to Eugene where she Is a . senior at the U. of O. Mr. James Culley has been quite ill the past week at his home- at. Crooked Finger. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shepherd and family of Molalla have moYert to Scotts Mills, Mrs. Shepherd b-' ing the teacher of ' the Nobis school which started Monday. Miss Loraine Hogg: has returned to Salem to school, being a senior in the high school. Mr, and Mrs. O. H. Brougher, . , Rev. Mr. Brown and Mrs. Addle Smith motored to Portland Friday. . John Brougher has returned to . Portland where he is a student at the medical school. Miss LI la. Brougher is taking a training course at St. Vincient hospital ia,,.. Portland. Mias Dorotha Shepherd Yisited - Miss Vera Moser on the Abiaua over Sunday. . Mrs. Tressle Davidson of near i Portland visited her parents. Mr. . and Mrs. E. R. Lawrence, over the week-end.. Ford is selling about 5000 ears day, much to the disgust of a sho men. -l '-. PUBU0 K0TICT3 Notice of Intention to Improve s-obut street om Elghtemtb Street to MU1 Creek. Notice is hereby glen that'thJ Common Council of the City '6f Salem deems it necessary' and ex pedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to Improve Court street from the east line of North Eighteenth atreet to the west bank of Mill Creek, at the expense of the abutting and .ad jacent property by bringing saU portion of said street to the es-.-i-ii-i . . tauiisuea graae, constructing ce ment concrete curbs, and paring said portion of said street with a six-inch cement concrete pavement 30 feet in width in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates therefor which were adopted by the Common Council on October the 6th, 1924, low on file in the office of the city recorder and which are hereby re ferred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council 1 hereby declares Its purposes and inten tion to make the above deserjii Improvement and through t': a street improvement department the City of Salem. . v By order of the Common CoutJ cil the 6th day of October, 1924. U M. P0ULSEN. City Recorder, Date of first publication here. Is Oct. 9, 124. ,o21 Notice f Intention to . Improva .the Alley la Block 8 of City cf Salem. , Notice is hereby given that th5 Common Council of the City cf Salem' deems it expedient and hereby declares its purpose and in tention to Improve the alley run ning northerly and southerly through Block 8 of the original plat of the City of Salem. Marioa county, Oregon, from the south line of Ferry street to the north line of Trade street, at the ex pense of the abutting and adja cent property by bringing sal4 alley to the established grade aad paving same with a six-inch ce ment concrete pavement 16 feet in' width in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates therefor which were adopted by the Common Council on the tth day of October, 1924, now on file in the office' of the city recorder and which 'are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. The Common Council hereby de clarer its purpose and intention to- , make the above described improve- ment by and through the street r improvement department of the rt City of Salem. s By order of the Common Coun- cil October the 6th, 1924. , M. POULSEN. City Recorder. 1 Date of first publication hereof is Oct. 9; 192 4. o21 Notice of Intention to . Improve AVibon Street From Commercial Btrwt to Riverside Drive or Slough Itoad. Notice is hereby given that the . Common Council deems it neces sary and expedient and hereby de- ' dares its purpose and intention to Improve Wilson street from the west line of Commercial street to the east line ojr Riverside Drive : or Slough Road1 at the expense of the abutting and adjacent 'prop- s erty, except the street and alley ' intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of 4 said street to the established grade, constructing cement con- lm crete curbs, and' paving said por- . tion of said street with a six-Inch cement concrete pavement SO feet wide In accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates there for which were adopted by the Common Council October the Cth. 1924, now on file in the ofrico of the city recorder and which are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. " The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make' the above ' described im provement' by and - through the street improvement department of the Cily of Salem. By order of the Common Coun cil the 6th day or October. 1924. - ' - m. PouLsn.v; city ru. ... . . t Date of first publication hereof J3 Oct. 9, 1924. t:i ivt iuvestaatata 25 elOtf