" V"J ' a IW - $ ' w- We.s. W 4 .. . L ! ' J ? ATJD8EO BUKC3 ' : j 7 Vsr . PHONE: 101 rrIIE GOLDEN HOtJfc CLUB i L opened the fall social seas m with a delightful 1 o'clock luncn eott' yesterday for which; Mrs.. D. N. Hendricks was hostess,' Covers wefe placed for, eleven. The luncheon table was effectively decked with yellow flowers and yellow candles, with the same 'color scheme predominating In the favors. A basket of mari- ' golds and chrysanthemums form r ed the centerpiece. 1 Mrs., R. J. Hendricks was guest of honor, for the! day. The afternoon was spent with sewing and chatting. Mrs. J. R, Pemherton is the cjub presi dent. . ' . . -, i ; -, ,- Covers at the luncheon were placed for Mrs. ' L. & Springer. Mrs. Mason Bishop. Mrs.4 Ingrey, Mrs. Siewert, Mrs. Fred Ellis, Mrs. Brelr of Woodburn, Mrs. J. . R. Peiaherton, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, . Mrs. Claude Van Slyke, Mrs. Er;c Butler? and . the hostess, ! Mrs. D. N. Hendricks. 4 i ' Ralph Emmons, Who -left last -month for Seattle to J enter the University of Washington, has be&v Compelled to return to his home on account of Illness. i '. . j Having nesrotiated for the exclusive Salem agency for "Baby ; Boudoir! and "Eyjar Novelties we announce to Salem women the news! of the arrival of the very I desirable stamped semi-made art goods. . . :. , :;" : V While shopping stop and examine these, get acquainted withj particular. BabyBoiidoir Infants Dresses, jGertrudes, Nightingales, bibs, pillows stamped and hemstitched on best quality materials. 5 Children's School Dresses, 8 to 12 years. Made of Ever fast suiting, stamped and made up $3.50. j .' ' . Children's Pantee Dresses, 2, 4 and 6 year sizes, stamped and made up, Eyerfast suit ing, price $2.75. j Women's stamped, made up Dresses, Everfast suiting, 16 ' to 42, price, $4.95. 4 W, V V. 1 1 in aJKff.Oxeson Statsmaui, Salem; .Oregon. ' Enclosed find $3.00 dax rate. r Name ... - Address 1 This rate applies to renewal as well as new suHscribers by mail. Subscriptions started when desired. - ! "Xhjs offer closes on November. Istl After that date the regular t price of $5.0tt for inail subscribers will prevail. . i Th manv friends of Miss Mabel Marcus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Marcus. wIU be interested in the fact that she was pledged ihis week to membership in the belta Psi Kappa honorary physi cal education fraternity at Oregon Agricultural college. Miss Mar- . . AW 1 cus, wno is a senior at mo uui terslty. Is a Sigma Kappa. The Sweet Briar club, meeting for the first autumn gathering, as te guests of Mrs. Glen L. Adams, ojpened the afternoon - with, the election of officers. Mrs. Karl Kigel was elected president; Mrs. Ed Pratt, vice president, and Mrs, Zona Allen, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Taylor was a special guest of tae ' dav. After a conversational hour the hostess served refresh ments. : j i i The members of the club are: rs. W. C. Franklin. Mrs.. Ed Pratt. Mrs. Karl Kugel, Mrs. E. O. Moll. Mrs.. James Imlah. Mrs. v. C. Chaffee, Mrs. C. O. Page, rs. Al Steiner. Miss Nellie Tay lor, Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mrs. L. A. Crote. Mrs. William McCall. Mrs. Mose Adams and Mrs. Glen Ad orns. (y'-V Announcement ! j Eylar Novelitiss j Eylar Novelties stamped and semi-made of Eyerfast linens , - . i Lunch sets, white and colored. Buffet sets, white and colored. Dresser Scarfs, white, colored. Pin Cushions, white and col : ored. " Towels, white and colored. Handkerchiefs, white, colored. Kerchief Cases, white, colored. . Aprons, white and colored Salem's Leading Department Store. Exclusive Agents for Royal Society OS) USE THIS COUPON for one year's subscription at the bargain By MaU Only ...... .....JR. .... ;Thi iadl'ea' telrcle ol 1 Uh GAR wtllrineet ior anlraportantrinert- inr at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow af ternoon at the armory. The mem bers ire especially urged -to be present. : y : The missionary society of the Firs .Congregational ; church will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs.: John J.. Roberts, 768 State street. Mrs. V. C. Kant ner has charge of the program, while devotions will, be led by Miss Marian ..Wyman. ; Hostes ses with Mrs. Roberts will be Mrs. - Frank Neer, Mrs; L. C- Far mer, Mrs. E. A. Poulsen and Mrs. A. A. Gueffroy. . '. . The Loyal Daughters' class of the ' First Christian church met at the' home of Mrs. John C. Humphreys on Tuesday evening to organize a mission study circle, electing the following officers President, Melba Robinson; vice president. Miss Dean; secretary. Frances Plov, and treasurer. Inea Wood. The' name selected for the circle wasi Ele Bant'amo. which means in the African language, "For others." A study of world religions will be the program for the year. I Mrs. LaMoIne K. Clark will of ficially represent the Salem Worn an's club tomorrow at the Fed eratlon breakfast at 11:30 o'clock at the Multnomah Hotel in Port land. Mrs.; Clark will also remain Ill ...'.Box............ on-rfot3ay m . 1 . .. . . - 1 j - . Today- First Baptist churdv Woman'aV, society. chuTch parlort.' 2:3 ,i Jason Lee ehurchrfsupper,;- South Salem Friend woman's Missionary society., MM. Ethel Miller,- 1620; South H!h street; hostess. ' 1 ' t Woman's Missionary society Of First Presbyterian church. Miss Gertrude Eakln. hostess, at Salem Indian school at Chejnawa. 2:30 o'clock, and Professional Business Women's sale. ! ; .! f . j ; ; . -X. ", Three-Link club, club rooms. Social at Baptist chnrch for Sa lem high school students, 8 o'clock Miss Frances M. Richards, hos tess at tea, 3:30 tlo 8:30 o'clock, Lausanne' halL Missionary soeiety. i First Con rreeational church. Mrs. i John J. Roberta, 768 State street,? hostess. Young people's social 'evening. Baptist church. ; j j ' Saturday I ? " Salem ' Woman's plub. Club house. Business ! mebtirig 2:30 o'clock.'" ; ' ! ' ' ' . Professional and Bu$tas Wom en's sale, 165 N.' Liberty f v Ladles-circle of the GAR, arm ory, 2:30 o'clock. 1 In Portland -ior the Business and Professional Women's club din ner at the YWCA In the evening. Mrs. C. K. Spauiding, president of the Woman's club fwill be un able to attend the Portland lunch eon on account of the business mefln of the club here at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afterbooni '.trp The members of r, tie Woman' Relief corps will present a beau tiful silk flag at 9:30 o'clock Sun day morning to the First Methoa 1st Sunday school. Mrs Louise Kinc will make the presentation The menibers of both the GAR, and the WRC are urged to attend the ceremonies. J A delightful social lathering is planned for, this evening at the First BaptisPs church I when the student council and th BYPU will entertain Jointly for t the junior and senior high school and uni versity. students. Thi ehtertain- ment for the evening Is planned for the pleasure of al Refresh- l ments will be served. i ' . With tha YMCA drivTe para- mount among current civlc inter- ests, a large number of prominent local women contributed to the success of the large opening din ner on Wednesday evening. With Mrs. F. A. Elliott chair man of the entire arrangements, the following; committees served: 4 Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Hfrs. Russell Catitn. Mrs. ts. u. cross, Airs. j. P. Bishop, Mrs. J. H. arrar, Miss Van Patten, Miss Marian Wyman, Mrs. A. ; F. , Marcus, MrB.' F. S. Anunson, Mrs. G. R. Jjohnel, Mrs. Frank . Powers, Mrs. J3ates. Miss Bates, Mrs. T. A. Raff My. Mrs. W. Pickens, Mrs. Nathan Pickens, L. C. Barnestt.i Mrs. G. fc. Ross, Miss Mina Gile, Mrs. A. I A. . Un derbill, Mrs. Curtis Cross,' Mrs. C. E. MillerMrs. A. B.. Hansen, Mrs. A. H.-White, Mrs. J. F Pekley, BBCOME A BEAUTY SPECIALIST Earn 40 to 50 i week - Tie secret of the mot ftmmtu bemmtf specialists nfc fomrs MarcellinerScientifk Hfir Dyeing. ' i Waving, Bleaching. Facials, Mud packs. Skin work, Manicuring and , all branches of beauty 4mltar i , taught by expert ojpratora COM PLETB COURSE with practical shop experience. 4 , UODERATB itbkms , Emtoll Now,. . WnU'for Terms. L Day 4mJ Ereumt Classes ', . j' ADomM: Miaa Locicwooo 323-27 PAmn Bt.oa.. powtuamo. oaa. main osaoi l I' Hi ; j Msg ?:"'s' Mrs. F. B. South wick, Mrs.- I. D Mrs. H. - Swafford, Uxfi. Stanley, Anne Tow and F. M. Reed. Af further group, asststlng yes- Jerday' ,non, inciuded Mrs; D.- D. Sodolotsky, Mrs' W. Davies Mrs. George O'Neil, Mrs. Earl Gregg, Mrs. McKIllop, Mrs. Lath am, Mrs. B. J. Patten Mrs. Mary Bishop, Mrs. Lowry, Mrs. Klght- linger. Mrs. Tucker. Mrs. Burtle son, Mrs. Ralph Thompson, Mrs. Hatch, Mrs. " Charles ,McIntyre, Mrs. Reeves, Mrs. Apderson, Mrs! Chester A. Cox, Mrs. Charles El gin, Miss Edith Hazard, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Daugherty, Mrs. James Nich olson, Mrs. C. B. McCulIough, Mrs. Merle Rosecrans, Mrs. A. T. Wool- pert, Mrs. Harry Love, Miss Ruth Rullfson and Mrs. John Farrar. ' The B.' E." club met Wednesday evening for the first meeting of the season at the home of Dr. and Mra. 6. L. Scott. Six tahles of five hundred were in" play; - with autumn leaves and flowers forming- an attractive background. The ladies' high score of the evening went' to Mrs. Claude Townsend, while for the men ' Otis Watklns won. ' The consolation prizes were gained by Mrs. John Spong and Edward Fandrich. ; In the serving of refreshments the hostess was assisted by Mrs; S. E. Kightlinger, who will ; be the next hostess for the club on October 22. . - , ' Guests of the club for the eve ning were Dr. and Mrs. ; B. - F. Pound. -f ' The membership list includes Mr., and Mrs. Edward Keene, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Watklns, Mr. and Mrs. John Spong, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Olmstead, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Fandrich, Mr. and Mrs. F E. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Stafford. Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davles, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. 9. E. Kightlinger and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Townsend. ' ,, - ' . :- Mrs. W. S. Haley, manager of the Miller Beauty parlors, was In attendance at the first annual Portland . beauty and style show which was held at the Portland Odd Fellows hall, A style show, displaying many attractive cos tumes, was held in connection. Prizes were given for the best examples, of hair dressing, v Mrs. Haley Is . especially inter ested in bringing a similar beauty an1 ct via hn tn Salem ' ; J : 1 ' "i. -, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Seton Kaufman Ruth Barnes) will ar rive here, Saturday from Seattle be guests for the wedding of Miss Esther Parounagian and Mr. Ralph Barnes. ; Mrs. George H. Hall, a great-aunt of Miss Par ounagian, will also be present for the ceremony which will be per- formed at 4 o'clock 1 Saturday af ternoon at the First Methodist church. ; 1 : 1 i T ! jMrs. LaMolne R. Clark, Mrs. J. A Churchill, Mrs. John Albert and Mrs. C. P. Bishop are among those from the : Salem Woman's cjub who will be in attendance at the Federation luncheon Saturday at the Multnomah hotel. Mrs. Bish op;, as chairman of the home prod ucts committee for the state, is going in the particular Interest of that work. A number of -others from the Club here will be unable to attend the luncheon on account of the regular meeting coming on the same day. , Amendments will be the subject for discussion on Monday at the weekly meeting of the Woman's Republican Study club at the home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop. The. meet ing has been called for 2:30 o'clock. : The Business .and . Professional Women's club is opening the doors at 165 N. Liberty street yesterday morning tor .the first hours of a three-day rummage sale.' 'Much interest Is being centered around the announcement of the Use Our Collection Department Marketing; time, Mr. Farmer, is fwhen you can ' make splendid use of our Collection Department. . I Just give us your Notes, Drafts, siiis or iaaing j and Acceptances and we shall, through our wide V connections in other cities, gain prompt remit- ' tances for you.- - ' '..)! '. ' ;': ' I - ; i -- - I . ! i I As you use the facilities here at the1 United States National more fcnd more, j you'll realize : how valuable an efficient and helpful banking connection can really be for you. ' j United States National Bahk Salem.Oregon. all day Itii akV which thV Tilrei IJnkUclPh-wirt-gponsoT at the IOQF hall on November 15. A cafeter ia, a country i store, fancy-work, dolls.' antiques, candy, a minstrel shows, 'a side show, and forfune telling will all be features of the anticipated event. . . ; J ; ? On Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock! at the home of the bride's brother, Harry E. White, occurred the marriage of . Mrs. Mildred Schrnnk and Floyd M. White. Rev. E. H.' Shanks officiated using the beautiful ring service. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. F. H.1 White and. a young woman of charming personality. She was attractively gowned in a frock of tan canton crepe and carried pink carnations The groom Is the son of Mr; and Mm. B. A. White and Is a .well knownS business ! man " of the city. Mr. and Mrs. White left at once by motor for a short honeymoon at the Tillamook beaches. -The women's society of the First Baptist church; will hold their re gular-meeting at the church par lors on Friday afternoon at' 2:30 o'clock.' Mrs. C. T. Hoover, Mrs, A. B. McKIllop and Mrs.' Lottls are hostesses, j . , , The following program has been arranged: ; , Devotional, Mrs. H. S. Gile; vocal solo, Mrs. J. Dale Taylor, A series of five minute talks on "My Personal Interest In Missions" will follow. Medical Missions and White Cross, Mrs. T. A. Rafferty; Chapel Car, Colporteur and Gos pel Missions, Mrs. S. Willis; Com munity Center, Mrs. C. B. Huber; Foreigners in Our Own Land, Mrs, H. C. Lempke; Work Among the Indians, Mrs. John Sholunl; Work Among the Negroes,; Mrs E. H. Shanks. . Negro spirituals Our Stations in j Cuba.vMrs. Geo O'Neil;! Our Kindergartens. Mrs Harry E. White; Missionary Train ing Schools, Mrs.-'Thos.'-H. Clare; w. w. ;o.. Miss Mina GOe; Steiv ardship, Mrs. O. B.Neptane; piano solo, Miss Truth "''Huston.. I The program will be , followed by social hour and light refreshments Six Salem girls are among those receiving bids this week from so rority chapters at the Oregon Ag ricultural college. ' Miss Margaret Pierce and Miss Catherine Hartley have been pledged Alpha Chi Ome ga; Miss Odile Matthews, Alpha XI Delta; Miss Elizabeth Taft. Gammai Phi Beta; Miss Margaret Breltensteln, Pi Beta Phi; ' and Miss Margaret Smith, Beta Kappa. Mrs. fM. E. POe of Vancouver. Wash., jjister of;C. C. Russell.; is at the Russell home during Mr. Rus sell's sickness; i The. Woman's Missionary i soci ety of the First Presbyterian church i Will meet at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Salem Indian school it Chemawa as the gae&ts of Miss: Gertrude ' Eakin. i Mrs. Harwodd Hall and the students at the 'school will assist in pre- senting the program. A feature of the afternoon will be the trave logue by Mrs. Hall covering some of her travels In Mexico with an exhibition of curios collected in that country. All 'women of the church are particularly Invited to attend j this meeting. After the program the visitors will be con ducted I through the buildings. Those who will furnish cars and those who would like transporta tion are asked to telephone Mrs. Bares, ,2004-w. I In order that transportation arrangements may be- made. - i One of the charming pre-nup-tial affairs of the week for which Miss Esther Parounagian was the inspiration was the dinner; party Tuesday evening at the Beta Chi sorority. Covers were placed for twenty-four. ! - i NEAV GOV ERN3IKXT ACCEPTED - SANTIAGO, Oct i-r-Argentina, Brazil find Uruguay 'have recog nized the new ; Chilean . govern ment, it was announced-today. 1 ! J I' GtASSIFDEI) SEGTIOH v- Phoaa CJ -AflTertMng Pegt. , CUifSTXIXO ADYXSTI8ZXXSTI Xato pn waratj Par tawtlna ' " ' ' : TarM fauartfoaa , ..; la M Money to Loan T. K. rOKO ' (Ovar lid m Baak Baak) BEFORE TOU LEAVE YOUR HOME or car ' aava it ioaaraa properly. Fkoaa 161. Back Headrieka, XJ. 8. Bank BMf. ; a38tf t ' AUTO TOPS '" AUTO TOPS SIDE CURTAIKS PUT oa door rods. Proparo bow for a rainy day. Call and aeo O. J. Hull, at his Bfty location. 219 Stato St. 8-a29tl FOR RENT-' ALU OR PART OF 9 ROOM HOUSE DI iddr into threo arparato-iapartmanta; partly furnithed. Two blocka north of CaoitoL Phono 630. ! 4-ol0 FOR REXT I Babnrban bom of 3-aerea cloao la on parad read, nice saw building, 923 per montn. i THOMASOX 821 Stat Bt. ' 4o9 PRTHTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BT TU". wording "For Boat." prie 10 eonta oaeh. Btatoamaa, suamoas uiuco, aa Oronnd rtooi'.- -; '"- i FOR RENT Apartment 5 FOUR ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT 'Private bath. 1047 North Commercial. Phone 1168-J. w - . . -oia APARTMENT, 733 N. COMMERCIAL .1 5o9tt HAZEL APARTMENT8 LIGHT, HOT water and bath, 2361 HaaeL Phono 1989-W. i".. , S1 CUZAS. ATTRACTIVE S ROOM ' Apart ment for two. Clote in. 447 Center atreet. Call evaninxa after , 6-013 PiTTOV APARTMENTS HOT WATER. heat.- private path. CaU' Pattoa'a Book atore. 5-o2tf TWO FffENISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooma, 1983 Stato St. i . 5 i20 THREB ROOM FURI8M? APART. aunt, awa A. Dimmar. i w- FOR RENT APABTMIKr 1 MO. 3onnnereiai. ' HAZEU GREEF1 I Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Peoples and daughter of Salem visited hrpther Carl llorrla Sunday. .. . . Will Zeantokl has returned from a hunting: trip in wanumsvu" county. ' - The Woman's Missionary asso ciation will have literature meet ing at the parsonage Tnursday, Oct.' 9. '-' I " - Edna Davis has returned from Roseburg. ! ! Fay. Spaplding of Salem spent the week-end with Ellen j Clemens. Louis Kobow is building an up- to-date chicken house Tfith elec tric lights. Biddy Is expected ! to be on the job winter as well as summer. ; . School began Monday! with 50 pupUs in attendance. I j Mrs. Olive Beardsley la running a Jitney taking a number; of pupils to the Salem schools. ; - Mrs. Lonis Kobow is suffering from bolls. J ' i t A: number of friends surprised Rev." Lula Luckey at the parsonage Wednesday evening. Miss'Luckey was : returned as pastor I for the coming - year at conference re cently.-; f '-'. - ;: j . 'I I GENERAL MARKETS i PORTLAND, Oct. 9. Grain fu tures: Wheat, hard white, blue stem, baart and soft white, Octo ber, November - $1.57; f western white, October 1 1.5 4 i November $1.54; hard winter, 'northern spring, October, November $1.52; western red,' October, November $1.51; BBB hard white ! October, November $1.65. I - Oats No. 2 white ; feed, Octo ber $39.50; November. $41;. No. 2 gray October $38.50 ;( Novem ber $39; eastern $38 pounds Octo ber, i November $38; eastern 3 -pounds, October, November $3T. ; Barley No. 2, 46 pounds; Octo ber $49; 44 pounds. October, Nov ember $46; eastern 46 ! pounds, October; November $46. j ;. Corn No. ; 2, eastern yellow shipment. October, November $48; No. 3 ditto, October $47.25; Nov ember $47. " i:' '-'':: Millrun October;2 November; $34;; Montana' mlllrun November, $32.50. .; j- V. !-o I 1 SALEM MARKETS I Prices aaotod . are wholeMle and are prioea irocerved - by .farmer. : No retail price. are aivea. ' - i S BATS AND HAT No. liSOft white wheat- .,... S1.40 No. 1 soft red whrat-.. ; ,......!. 85 Oata . ' , i.50c55c Cheat hay $12 $13 Oat hay . ..:..$14 f $15 CloTor hay. baled i 12 ( 814 POXJC acVTTOX AJTD BEir ' Hfoicn. ISO-2 OO ort. ...,$$9.85 Heirs, 2W-230 tvt :f 8,5O5nr,9.60 Hoga, 250-300 cwt ... $8fa 9.50 Rourh hesTy 6)4e Q TMi Light 101 i , , .., 9a Top Teal, dreaaea, , , 80 Cowa , 1 O ta Lamba . -$Va POULTBT Heavy bene Light hen 1T BXTTTER. BOTTERFAT croamei Batterfi ry butler -..j.........;.dc(g tic 'aV ltliTered, ....;!( Milk, per rwt ..$1.90 Erra, eelects-..,, 1., 1, i 1. ,.ao - standard -,.t ... ,". . .iA-:,. .40 Pallets.' ,h.. .... 1 $S Oaa wak ix tarttoaa) , Oaa aMata ... , , ., . , , , .... T0 Blx atta enknet. mi aioata 13 IS atMUu' aaatnet, pr auxtk 13 Uiataui fat amy a4vwtteaMmtSSf -, FOR. KrnVrlSooina O FURNISHED'" ROOM. MODERN HEAT- a, near pttoir faras. rhoat 187TB . ' 0-10tf FURNISHED HOTJSEKEEPINO ROOMS., ona Dioca from pna una. sill Mtpia arenno. V 6-oll FCRXISHED ROOMS WITH KITCHKN pnviUfe. "449 orta High. . . -ol2 HOUSEKEEPIXO BOOMS, 110 DIYI 6011 atoa. . . BOARD AND ROOM AT 623 K. COT- tage. 6-oli HEATED, rCRHISHXD ROOMS WITH or without board. Jaqoira 545 Ch. meketa St. -o3ll ROOMS TO RENT CALL SOAa-fT. S-"f FOB RE XT Ilousea TWO ROOM COTTAGE. GOOD LOCA- tioa. ; Call 1794-. 7-ol2 5 ROOM HOUSE FURNISHED OR UN- furnished -for rent. - - Oartrmda J. IS. Paso, 492 N. Cottaco. T-o7tt FOR RENT: 7 ROOMS. MODERN. FUR- aiabod. 860 a. Cbvraa atroot $65.00. W. H. GRABENHORST CO, 275 STATE ST. . t03 S ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT CLOSE IN. Uertrada . aU Fafo, 492 Kona Cot tar St..-.. ..i, .. ., , t-.,.:- 7-23tf HOUSES FOR KENT SMALL MODERN 1565 S. Cottar. S2&. & rwm Oak U f 30. a room fnrniahod $45. 6 rooa 199 North Slat- for 625, with carac. . BUCKS HENDRICKS : TJ. & Bank Bid. 7-a30tf HOUSES TO RINT , L. WOOD, S4! FOB SALE Miwllanrons 8 GRAPES FOR SALE F. L. WOOD. 8011 Weit Saloau APPLES AT ERNEST ANDERSON or chard on Oak grove road. Polk county. 8eTeral Tariotiea, 65e per box orchard run. Brine boxe. Phono 17F31. 8-oia FOR SALE GARDEN BAND. NOW 1 3 th tuna to pat your fardea in food haps far apriar aoodinr. RaionbU price, i Phone H. J. Boardlr, S6F3. - 8-o28 TEAM AND PIGS, OLDER AND Yooa- er. Woinee le; Vetch aed 2 Vac per lb. EH Finney, Rt. 2, Gerraia. '. v i f 8-O10 APPLES DXLIYXBED Phono 87711. 8-a28U Apples Com t Geo.: K. Tkoirntoa'a. Gat apples at radocad prlca. Phone 97F12. 8-0II Beautiful Oregon Roc I i And e1eva ' otter Oretoa sonra t father with a fine eolleetioa of patrkt (e Mara, aaerod aeags and atasy e-f time faroritea. ' ALL TOR SSe. ' (Spoclal prioe la aaaUty lots) Eapoeia&T adapUbl for aehooL eoSj ' aroaity or homo ainxiaa. feasd for- Western Scnstci: TO pates mow jta Ita tWrl a21Uaa . ' ' PabUOea py 1 OREGON TEACHERS KOSTULT 115 8. OaauMrelal St. Saloaa. Or. GOOD STEP LADDERS ASD PORCf swiasa at a sartala. 1751 Waller ft - -- a-jaai FIRST CLASS OATS AMD TETCH HAV Phono 84F12. . nrresposa Notices Tretspats Hetiees, site 14 tacit as by t laehaa, priatod aa rood 10 eaaet eaaTaaa boariac the words, Notice It Hereby Glren That Trospaaaiar It Btrietly Torbiddea Oa These Promlaos Uader Peaalty Of Froseeatiea." Prie 15 oaeh or two (or SSe. Etateamaa Puhliakiaf Oompaay, Salam, Oreroa, - - - $-stf PRINTED CARDS, SIZ 14" BT TMM wordiac "Rooma to Boat. price If eeats oaeh. Statesmasv Bsslaass CJ flee, Gronnd FVoor. - 3. rOB SALS OLD BEWSP APES 3, 19 coat a baadla. OireaJaUoa aopacuaeat Oreroa Kateemaa. FOB 6AIIvectoc O FOR ! SALE PLYMOUTH ROCK PULL ota and niee frya. Phase 263 Eve nings, 88F13. 9-oll FOX TERRIER PUPS 5 WEEKS OLD. mack ana while. Cheap. Mr. Stuart, . Model Bakery. Phone 1657. 9 11 SPITZ PUPS FOR SALE 481 SOUTH Cottage. 1 ; 9-el2 FRED W. LANGS, VETERINARIAN- . Of floe 430 8. Comaurciai. Phone 1198 Re. Paoa ista. e-mantf WOOD FOB SALE 11 NUMBER 1 SEASONED I GRUB - OAK wood . Phone 7F2.. ll-ol2 SECOND GROWTH FIR AND OAK AT very reasonable prices. Phone 27FS. . ' ll-olO SECOND GROWTH FIR AND OAK AT ery reaaoaablo prices. Phono 27 FS. r. ll-o9 THE VERY BE8T DRY WOOD OP ALL kinda for aalo at reasonable prices. John H. Scott. Phone 254 or 22. lloll JUDD SAWS WOOD. Phone 142. ll-o25 18 INCH AND 4 FOOT WOOD OF ALL kinds. Price roasonsbl aad prompt deli very. Phono 1958-W. Il-sl8tf STOPI DON'T BUT INFERIOR WOOD I Get the best oak aad fir; also coal. By phoning 1855. H ilOtf 16 INCH WOOD FOR NORTH SALEM from aev as ill near Deal school. S loads 15. Phono 1220. 11-9U BEST GRADB OF WOOD 4 ft. ana 16 inch. Dry er frees mill voot, J Dry eecoad fravta fir. : Dry old fir. Dry 4 ft oak. Prompt delivery aad reaooaable prlss FRED E. WELLS. $80 Boat Char Phone 1642. . ll-i 15-INCH OLD FIB. 4 FOOT OLD Fill Booa4 a-rowth oak aa4 ash. Fhe' 1 . 1 1F8. if. D. Aiayflold. ll-j4 FOB BALE -DBT "1E0OND-G ROWTH (I i.waod.. 4 ft. . For trswediete doiivert I Phone 106, . 4-lli. 1 tf i - 4