Tim OltlJGON iSTATZolIAlTi ctlixioij V v 1 y ) t 1 ) V v 7 HAVE DIB TIk'E v.'l-.- T Armistice Day Celebration Surpass All Previous Efforts; SILVERTON. Ore,. Oct, 9.4 (Special to The Statesman.)---Delbert Reeres Post; No. ,7, te American legion, held an import ant meeting at , the Knights of Pythias hall" Monday night. At this time It was decided to hold a large Armistice day' celebration, which according to Poet Command er JHarry V. Carson, Is "to be tb climax of all Silverton celebrations and to be the blggestj eyer." Com mittees in charge are:' General committee, John Elder, George To we; program, committee, Seth Bee be and Otto Legard ; show, Oerge Borerick and A. J. Titas; parade, LeRoy Lemmon and Ar chie Holt; decorations, Simon Slet ton, G us tare Bock : and Casper Towe; dance, Nye . Bristol and George. Anderson; store closing committee, A. Tucker. . . ' i . The pest roted to' have a regn lar firing squad so that one would mot haTe to be gathered at eath military funeral. Those appoint ed are H. Hutton, H. Wells, jS. Sletton, G. Anderson, A. White, Louie .Jtue, A. Han gen C. -S. Sphoon. --"' . ; , j ' j The post will also stage a m(n stral show some time daring the fait The committee in charge jbf this is A. J. Titus and Archie Holt. i W. Long, high school athletic coach and also member of r (be American legion, spoke on the de- Erezk a Cold Right Up with "Papa's' Cold Compounds Take two tablets every ; three hours until three doses are taken. The first .dose always gives " relief. The second and third d o s e s completely break, up the cold. Pleasant and safe to take.. Contains no quinine or opi ates. Millions use "Papers Cold Com pound Price, thirty-fire c tnti. guarantee iCAdvT I -' ' IB ) ) You Will Enjoy This Good Stove In Your Home ? mate '4 - Ideal . !! C for use in houses kavincr no base nicnt. Insures even temperature in all parts. Charge Interest i sireabUity f harinr; an athletic field, .SflTrton,,; The post fook the matter, under advisement and a "omilttee ;raa ap"poIated td In vestigate what eonld be done 1 in this matter. The committee is composed of W. Long and Charles Johnson. ! Willamette Glee Club Is Soon to Be Chosen The Willamette Men's Glee club, at an election early this week; se lected Clair Geddes as : manager for season of 1924-25, and Daniel Schreiber, secretary treasurer. ; Of men who have tried put their voices with Professor Hobson dur ing the past week, 32 have been chosen as good, enough to be In cluded in the practices and out of this number the final 20 voices which will compose the glee clib proper will be chosen, five voices in each section Two practices a week will be the rule until the tour" which wilt probably take place about next spring vacation. It Is thought this year that only one trip of more extended dura tion will take the place of the two tours of last year. Last year a 10 day trip south as far as Ashland and a 12 day f trip north with Vancoaver, B. C, as the farthest point, made up the season's schedule. A motor bus was char tered for the two trips and the singers traveled de luxe style, hav ing entertained in the majority of the towns which they visited. It has' not yet been decided whether the line of march this year. will be north or south, but two .weeks will be taken up In the tour. . ' Professor Hobson is noted for the thoroughness of his methods and it is sure that nothing but the best material will be used In this year's glee club. Last year's work netted the club $175. Walnut Crop Is Good In Silverton District SILVERTON; Ore., Oct. J. (Special to 'The, Statesman.) r Harvesting of the walnut crop is underway at Silverton and indica tions are that It will be a remark ably fine crop; this year. Some growers report that their trees do not contain as many nuts as in some years but that the 3 nuts seem to be of a ; finer quality. Others report having as bountiful a crop as ever. The Ames grove which contains 20 acres Is report ed as yielding big this season. As yet little of the blight which causes the nulla to stick to the' hut after the latter has fallen from the tree, has been found' about Silverton this year. i . J ' And the cheerful loser onay, be trying JnatefulljE to diminish your Joy in liclilng nim. ' Without UntGFGQti Buys Any Bridge-Beach CUPDElSOn CEElCULATOn,. I DiaaCcnuf:rtd!:WtnThx:dSircnICc::dr5Rc:3 SuptHor Cast Irea ' Thr-out From Top Openings Outer Cast Cadnrs . Plaia or IBaaoxM A!r FIim Btwea Kr Qumkw and Casing GfCfllatiwi IastMd af RailiitfCTi Cool Air Takaa . in at .Bottom . . urga Basa Qearanco J-7 k---r L- . ST. LOUIS h I lid fcr U:2-fa 11:5 EiTbs JO 377 COURT ST Aim jinn i X BE CE Program for Use in Schools Is Sent Out By Super i intendent i The program for Frances E. Willard day, which is to be ob served In all of the scaools of the state on Thursday, Oct. 24, is be ing distributed to superintendents and t teachers from i the office " of Superintendent of Public Instruc tion J.; A. Churchill. ; ,. VI ' ' In stressing ; the Importance of observing the day, Mr. Churchill says, in be forward: . ., 1 f "In the light of present-day Ideals, a profound interest in child training, and sweeping legislation on behalf of child welfare it seems scarcely believable that at a com paratively recent time it was pret ty generally considered 'nobody's business' if a drunken parent kick ed and cuffed his children, spent their means of sustenance in the ever nearby saloon, and deprived them of any nope of a decent life or adequate education. Picture such a condition in our midst to day, and then turn with reverent and grateful appreciation to the noble women of the WCTU, whose prayerful and unceasing labors, lnsofat as prohibition by law can do so, have eradicated forever from our national life the insidious and malignant disease of alcoholic Intemperance. 3 "Hoping; VjKFe there was little hope, fighting always with unwav ering fortitude against the massed strength of wealth land influence, scorn and ridicule, this small but courageous army of women grad ually gathered recruits and march ed to victory. '., "Their leader and standard bear er, Frances E. Willard, we hall as a national benefactor, one to whom ; we delight to, pay a just tribute; of - honor. - In honoring her, we honor her cause -and her loyal followers whose badge is a simple! white ribbon, and whose weapon is righteousness. ' "The observances of .Frances E. Willard day is not sojely for the purpose of memorial tribute, but is an educational factor through which the student may be led to glimpse the patriotic vision of this great teacher ., and - leader whose life was consecrated to the ser vice lot lifting higher the stand ards of America's, highest ideals the welfare of her, people. .While Miss Willard did not live to see the passage of the Eighteenth amend rjnent ..her prophetic wlslon no doubt looked much farther ' into ' T1TI G moa-BACN 'ty)l?iKOlsJ Black and Nickel Cray or Bin Enamel Rcvcrsibte Pip CaUar for High or Low FIim Illvirainated Air Tifht Food Door, Large Stsa Largo -Oval Fira Pot - and Dome -. Dnpkx Cratca for Coal or Wood Koomv Asb-Doar Flu Air Tight ) Bridga-Beach SpocUt Draft SUda TakosUp Small - - Floor Space : n Emrl fa a Fence WILLI IU LEBRATED 0 I Elasy Terms We Charce No; Interest the 1 future rand saw a: day :when lawlessness, due ( , "o intoxicating llqiior would be-j but; a' inerabry; when illiteracy', will tiae teen stamped from ' our national ' re cords; when there5 will be no ab ject poverty, and When the returns from fruitful labor may be utilized in equalizing educational oppor: tunities. h j ; "May. the children of Oregon learn, through the observance of Frances EI Willard day, how Miss Willard's contribution become their 'heritage tor a fuller life and a finer citizenship Anti-Cussing Society At Salem, High School ' Announcement ;is made In the Clarion. Salem high school publi cation, that an "aiti-cusslng" club has' been formed. ; In commenting upon the new organization, i the Clarion prints th following: u , 1 I f IK- I Face Powder Do Luxe which you purchase H Peroxide FREE There are many other assortments equally as good Oriebottlt Nylotis Liquid Shampee ' Larta aU. FREE with'' One bode - TJyal-. : Hlrsutane; Aaplaadid bair dre 1fi . . .. a4 toaU. S1.C3 Ask ttm H. 1 One box Lawn stationery (24 ahta 34 aavelopai) FREE wita ' One-half ounce Nylotis Perfume iaatina. rjelhiful,,,. ItOns tube Ny . Denta Tooth Paste . with One Nyal Tooth ' : Crush 52c AakforNa. S One box AmkfoNo.7 nmm SlwfU P ' Uatalba Oriantal ar MUw 0i FREE 1 One Nytetie Slnjle Compact One Jar One Nytotit ; Double Compact; NatufcQa PowdrjO ieatal or Medium Rous pllEE! r with H ' ' One ounee Nylotis Perfume I $2.C3 1 Aak tmt No. I ' :' Osj CiJca Myitis Fts. Cresa i FREE with - Sbara f Soap j U ' FOZE fvS5 One tube Dsnla jLiL Tooth Pt r Paste , ZS 1 www , One bottle Nylotis Beauty Balm A Squid faea powder. Flaah or Whlta. ' I 150c , . - - ! AakforNe.4 3 Vsiwc:d Uwa EBY:!:ps! v FREE : with. . . fs. (90 sheets) Wedge nreod Lawn Writing Paper 1 Amk for No. S j woocwooa 0:3 fc:rj liylciiJ Uzzzi Crr:a j-i Large alaa 1 ! FREE 1 ! v with !'-. One box Nytotls Faee Powder Do Luxe Th kiad that stay on. Fleah, White, BroaetM ' "- . i 75c . CAdiferNt ST k-ICXCdTO Uil IC wT Cays J f ; ! tltt seems a that; this s is an torjrani- zation o, a r more or f- less., secret , frirtner thn fnrfet rirrvrnlH ryi t boy id ehool.-.the ohjeetfof wich laobviouW ?'" ; v I ' ' ' - According to a report received this week1! from one of the Mem bers, this ban on profanity holds only while one is within hearing of other people '.but he may retire behind the barn or into the great open spaces and express himself as he, likes. : . This organization is well worth while, and there is a large field for its endeavor in Salem high. Ix is "to be fioped that it will flourish, and stamp out swearing from among the habits of all the boys In school, j. KNOCKED OUT IN CTII NEW YORK. f Oct. ,9. Jack Zlvic o;T Pittsburg knocked f out Jimmy IJarcy of New York in the sixth round of ' a, scheduled 12 round jhoat here tonight; ' The purpose of ; Nyal products. absolutely FREE; For example : ,' With Wedge wood One Jar Nyal Face Cream s with Peroxide BmallaUe FREE - ' with - One box Embassy Lawn Stationery (R4 jheete 24 envelopaa) ; 50c " AakforNo.e One can Nylotis Talcum FREE with One Jar Nyal Faee Cream with Peroxide Largeaiaa 50s i ' AakforNa. 14 J 0:3 t:is Nylotis Face w ; i . ' with j' ! One bettie Nyfotis Shaving . Lotion ' Trce aiaa. 3m eaooch bite to ajve rttefrahing f"hpt eorinkle top 50p ' Aakfor No. 11 . I. . Powders Larcaataa FREE? ' with ) Nylotis Celd! ursam 65c far N. IS One far Nyal Faee Cream with Peroxide - - . " Large Sis. j, - f! FREE 1 with ' One box Wedgewood Lawn Stationery 4 ahaeta 24 aBTetopaa) 75c i Ask for IS One Jar 5cg Lara Ocs 1 Hyal VtlS2l FREE with .' , : ' One Nyal Water Bottle ,:. ' Full two -quart : Gasrantsed. ' $2.25 Ask for No. 20 U Wllicn lO IttHc savtuiiage m liiis LUUucj-aTLU duc. iicuucyaj. iL.uii.-ajr, riuajra u Come Early While Our Assortments' Are Complete NELSON & HUNT,-'DRUGS- - CIGATtS, MAGAZINES AND CANDY ; CORNER LIBERTY AND COURT STREETS - - "ONCEA Hojding Growers are fi r- HAwaitmg Higher Prices J In . ; ' l Qrowers who have not yet sold their prunes are holding for high er prices and the unsold stock of prunes is ; being narrowed to 40-iOg, according to a letter to the trade from Robert Cv.Paulus. The letter. In part, is as follows: "The packing of prunes, is on f ullf blast at present. All packing houses are being crowded to their capacity to get out the shipments of their, early orders. The pack ers! as, a rule, are so busy, with thefe early shipments that they have not taken much interest in thel market which has been quiet for the last two or three weeks. There is renewed activity the last twd or three days, however1, on the parjt of the interior market. , . '?The unsold stock is narrowing down to one size, practically all 40-508. There will be a, few more I on the this Sale is to make You buy one and we s at f the regular retail price, we give you a larne jar (Products asa Ml P- ! :" j - 'i i ii" in a ' 1 . 1 . oT . One can Nylotis Talcum with . ! One bottle Nylotis Almond Cream Lane aiaa . ' ; 50c ? Aak for No. IT Nylrfls Shavlnj FREE One bar Nyal Oae box Nyal Eczema Ointment, FREE Cie come Nyal Hot , Springs (Brand) Medicine . Tlii preparatioa haa beea oeed with aucreoi in eaaea Of poor or impoverished blood and it'a re ulva; rheumatim. and many forma of blood and akia - $1.00 r Nrr-AcSc lor No. XS .One box Embassy 1 Lawn Stationery (34 aheete 24 eaTdopee) FREE ''; " I with box Nylotis Face . Powder De Luxe Fleah. Whit., Brunette I 75c for No. IS Nyal Face Cream with' Peroxide mm, yaaishing. Aa exi ) stoneR I ROOT M h- f gt!i 1 ft 'tS "'A o M eeiieat powder ba.. FREE with One box Nylotis Face Powder De Luxe Fleah. White, Brunette ; 75c - - Amk f w No. 13 Nyal Rubber - Oss Njtl Wiler Esi'.!t FsJQ two quart Guaranteed FREE ; '. . with i One Nyal Fountain Syringe Three hsrd rubber pipes S foot rapid flow tubing. Gustuteed. v" $2.75 ! " . Ask for ru. 27 - TRIALS A L:7 3 0-4 bsv'and: -also -a . , few a 5O-60 1. (G rowers : wh o, Aia.ye 5 0-6 Oa .are not laiiijqa wija. ,xe price jwnicn 1? being offered; at present,; and "are holding for more' money. Practi cally all of the growers who have not sold feel that the market will be higher after the T first of the year. The unsold stock at present probably does; not exceed 15,000 pounds and the growers, as well as the packers, feel thai this will not begin to take care of -the de mand for the' next nine or 10 months. . ', : , ' ' "One of the large packers has been reported making prices under the Quotations of other packers. This is generally looked upon here as an attempt to depress buying upon the part of the trade tempor arily so as to shut off the market for the growers, thereby "enabling this packer to buy a lot of cheap prunes on which hei can make a good profit when he comes "out .with a price later on ia parity with r h -. ; . -' . ,'-: a. " you acquainted with give you one or more each box of Nylotis listed below. Some of them will just fit ycur J . Medicinal Prcdiic DS9 C:a Hjsl Jifta Reeta tired feet. FREE . ' :" with .. V One bottle Nyal Corn Remover Liquid For hard and aoft eoraa, warta and bnniona. - -i 25c . AakforNo.20 One bottle Nyal Milk of Magnesia Large aiaa FREE - with ' One bottle Nyal Malt Wild Cherry and Cod ! Uver Compound Lara aiaa. Aa eteeQant tosie aad reeonatruetor. . $1.C0 forNo.ZS Skin Soap -( -j - A One jar i Nyal Liver Salt Large' aiaa' .:' FREE .. with One Bottle' Nyal Stone Root Cempound large aiaa. j An efficient treatmeat for ear tain disorder of that kidneys and bladder. Oireereiiof in pern in the bock, ewelhng of the feet ' aad ankles when caused by de fective action of the kidoers. $1.C3 f AakrorNo.'l ' ' Six bars "FREE ' with : One Nyal Vaginal , -, Douche 2.00 Ask for No. 2S AYS-NY A L V , the other tackersi C rCTer3 ' t: being, encouraged. Jy. tie oth. '. packfrsnd't tprtako,the xrices of-, fered and td ,store their prune?. Very few'are being sold by grow.' ers at present." - 4 : They claim the Prince of Wales sets the styles for young AmerU cans, and ne stayei out all night. Willamsttc Vcllzy TKmsfsr Co. Fast Through Freight to All Valley Points Dally. ' Speed-Eff lcIency-Serviee Salem-PortlancVWoodburn CorrallU- -Eager e - Jefferson Dallas - Albany Monmouth Independence - Monroe .. . . Ssringlield SmPUYTRVCZl V iof NyalFcce Crcrn ; m-J JUL ill ' M M in-' - - 7 Lr7 ''-X 7 m,' - A laxatira eold tablet. 0h3 tCZ Itjftol ItMwUvjS A Bsedlcated, antiaeptio throat FREE . , j ' with'- 1 5 " One bottle Nyal Honey and Horenound ' Compound Large else. Aa old-faanioeed formula for eoaghe aad eoida. ' " Aekfavro.l " ViiiIIHii C T Ms Three ttrs tlyzl Vzlxi Crrp with . cue tcfj r.'yii r.:::utf, ' Large atM. . Ask for No. 13 g j b d One box a lasathre odd ... j FREE with " One box Nyal Hutkeys A BMoWtad. aa-' tiapetia throat paatilla. ' 25c , . Ask for No. 21 ANTL'-' T" - T F Drnwrr. u a. A. 0:3 t:x D!;:;t:v3 Tii:. . EkaaOaisa .. Fuuu with One bottle Nyal Kinkla T&ttiU (lOOtableta) .;'-' WW . Askfor!4o.t4 Face rc-A:r Lerrer- One jir f.ya! Ftte Cream J- Ona -xC- v Ua.iC: :., 7 - , la k , with Cns f, Ccrr. !?r ... j .1 . V..&r CCkii . . FciSfc'il Crlr i Full two cihh Gi'rar"i rls , Ask for No. 23 ' c