. - . 1 - i I i - THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON i THURSDAY MORNING; OCTOBER 9. 1924 j t ! y. i V J Ik M r 1 ; t it- i ' : . I'll : f f v i . b f ..f i ; v 1 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF 9 - l i " " ' - Ask for Division j Suit was yesterday filed in cir cuit court by George? W. Whitnoy asking that a certain piece of Mar lonr count property be divided be tween himself and Anna C. Whit ney; to the exclusion of Lyman A Whitney, who is alleged to hae laid some claim to part of the property. Bargain At . .' ' , 'Rummage Sale. 165 N. Liberty, Oct. 9, 10, 11,1 o9 Gtorge Rodgers Estate- The approximate Value of the estate of Cf. "P. Rodger8,"who died as a'result of the airplane accident during tfce state fair, was set at f 1QO,000 In papers filed in county court : yesterday.;;." Mr. Itodgei-s died without learing -a will. . Marcel and Cart Last Longer After a Golden Glint shampoo. .-. ! . i oio Answer In Piled Hjames Reasoner, ho is being sued by Alice j Reasoner for di ' Torce, yesterday filed answer to her complaint. iJn the answer it was stated that jthe plaintiff could not possibly 'have been a resident f . of the state of i Oregon for morei . ; -i I .i . . . 1 tnan one year,, as alleged, in tne complaint.; In j substantiation of this statements her. whereabouts for,; the; last J several; years was traqetjUi U4 . also , stated . that he had ,Jways -conducted himself as a --dutiful- -and. loving -husband should. lA j ! - , Dance at Schendler's Hall every Sat. night. -o-ll' Start Work on Docks - That work on the docks to be erected at Court and Water by the Inland Water Transportation com pany will begin at once is Indi cated in a permit issued from the city recorder's office yesterday for $1200. Preliminary work of clearing away jthe brush was be gun yesterday. Other permits were issued to R. H, Varley for a dwelling to cost $3200 at 1170 Fairmount, " and - to Dr. W. J. Thompson for; a dwelling at 760 E street, to cost $2600. Card of Thnnks . ' We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our many friends for the many acts of kindness ex tended to William P.v Babcock dur ing his long illness- and for floral tributes at his' death. Mrs. Rose F.; Babcock,' Amelia Babcock, Ber tha Babcock, Mrs. Ida M. Babcock. Grace N. Babcock, Mr.' and Mrs. C. A. MauWing. o9 . .s. - a piui Rummage saie; 1C-.J. ttberyOct. lD, 1.' d9 ' JV?i ' V-' ' v .' - vMrsv M:,!-"E. Brooks, who Urea and tr 45 years hasjived atI3l8 North Commercial (st reet, J Salem, took first prlxe'aj the late Oregon -state fair on ..Salmon Fayerolle ctickens, Sheikas ben ery suc cessful Vith this breed of growing - ' ' -iS - r. ,:i 1 , , , ; ? .' ". . i - ; ' Salem Boy Honored : . ."Torn ' Robertson, registered In Ifie state 'university" from Salem, has been named assistant chair jman to Jack High ; on the Home coming committee. -The plans for this year's return of the graduates f e being extensively carried but. EuyajFumituro Fhcne 511 - rr1 Dr.RiH. White : Osteopathy - Surgery Electronic Diagnosis and Treat ment .' (Dr. Abram'a method). Office! Phone S5I or 469-J 'l vp8 V. S. Bank Bldg. it. i We're All Moved and now that we are located In pur new quartern at , ; 43 S. LIBERTY ST, we are In a position to give yon till etter service on your transfer and hauling work, i Vre Still Handle Feel . and have several carloads of coal due In a few days. Better gat your order in early. Phone 930 ; I! Larinsr JTrahsfcr z 7 .T Storage tCo. Fine Traffic Violators , Only minor; violations of the city traffic rules brought tines in police court Wednesday. Those fined were Jess Hart, 1460 Mar ket street, $5, speeding; G. Starr, route 9, $5, speeding; E. H.' Grant. Seward hotel, Portland, forfeited $3 bail for speeding; G. Lang, 340 Union, and E. Lawton, 1020 Cen ter, $1 each . for riding bicycles after dark without lights. The arrests-Wiles. ,were i made by Officer New Targets la Place With four new targets from the Ninth corps area depot in place at the local target range on the Salem-Turner road, interest ii? the range has been greatly Increased. Between 17 and 25 men are en gaged in shooting every Sunday. Prior to . the installation of the new targets two' old ; ones were used. . ' ' i ; .j " 'j" '. !' hills region. The orchards are ail served by one packing ' plant lo cated on the Marrion place.' The orchards are reported to be in fine straps and will produce a good pack. The apples in the deal in clude Jonathans, Spltzenbergs, Newtowns and Wagners. ' ; Visit Goln's Dahlia. Farm Jefferson.' oil Community Cubs to Meet J Stayton will be host to repre sentatives of the 23 community clubs in the' county at the first meeting of the Marion County Community club this fall on Thursday, Oct. 16, according to V. Lyle McCroskey, secretary of the organization. Plans are being made for a monster meeting and a warm greeting will be given, he writes. '. ; . - j i the - brakes to stop the'!-'coupe skidded, on, thet;wet . pavement, swung intp the other car and.then turned over. No glass was broken and only minor damages 'were sustained by the -machine. ;Mrs. Stewart received a! slightly bruised elbow. None of the occupants of the other machine, a Star touring car, were Injured! , Special Showing Of gowns fromNew York. The latest fashions at the French Shop. 115 North High 'street. -o-l 0 Dr. Lloyd W. Ivie Chiropractor and physiothe rapist, announces the opening of his- offices, 313-14 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 2114. o9 Zlnn Elected Captain- Ernest Zinn, 19. has been elect ed 'captain of the- Benson Poly technic : school football team in roruana, according to word re ceived here. Zlnn was graduated from the Washington junior high school a few years ago and is very well known in Salem. He is said to be one of few men who ; have recovered' from a broken neck, the injury being received when a belt broke' in a local laundry and an elevator dropped on hiB head. Zinn is majoring in electrical en gineering and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zinn. of 212 South Cottage. C. C. Russell Injured t C. C. Russell, living eight miles north of Salem on the River road, met with a misfortune through blood poisoning caused from a small splinter in his finger, and sine last Thursday has been re ported in a serious condition.. He will be taken to a local hospital to undergo an 'operation. Hops Are Sold m..i i aaa Valoa if tinn have .CI ,i4 Two Licenses Issued CIlaUKcU uauuo jrvswHh week, it Is estimated, with sales around 12 and 13 cents. Tn4 iff- ders have been for domestic. Con sumption. Durbin & CprhOyer paid 14 cents for one lo bfabout 100 bales of hops. v-.f.vr Dr. A. F. Ckf frier The Chiropractor, has moved to 226 Oregon Buildlnsi-'r Apple Deal Completed ; ; W. E. Marrion has sold the en tire crop of apples from his. 80 acre orchard to Young & Wells, who have purchased ; fruit from nearly 200 acres in the Waldo Bliss Beatrice Shelton Teacher of Piano High school credits granted. Studio, 345 1 Marion. Phane 1299; Derby building, 365. Typei?ritersl 95 Dow 95 IfonUly O. 1C z,ockwood S47 K. Com. St. Pkoo 8 RADIO HEADQUARTERS Tor ; RADIO SUPPLIES Open Evenings 91 NORTH CX)M3IEBCIAl4 ; Popular Priced Tailored Suits $23 to $45 Men's and Young " Men's D. H. MOSHER .: i TAILOR i ' i . j . Car for Hire ' j WITHOUT . Our autos are all kept In prime condition, v r therefore are absolutely" safe to drtvo. v - j f: f ! - TllJzkjINAL TAXI SERYICB , , j We hire them either with or without drivers. PHONIB SOSO Office at Stage s . DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE BBI sssssBssWssMBSaBT -II ll ' !!,S II 1 I i i ! " . 1 11 rzi LiABD BUSH - --CANKERS 1 . . y i t . - , t i . Crikyilc'-ra fr:n 10 a; n. to Ctstst" llealtors Y3ICA Guests There will be no luncheon held at the Marion hotel today noon by the Marion- Polk County Realty association, the organization hav ing accepted an invitation to meet with the YMCA building f fund workers Instead. ' Several mem bers of the association are taking an active part in the campaign. Prune Market Stronger Reports received from Paris yesterday by the Drager Fruit company are to the effect that the French crop will be very much under that estimated. It was also stated that there is-a good demand in Paris . for California "prunes of the smaller sizes. : , " . C : : . Marriage licenses, -vcere lashed ytssUrpfr Q -FloycV: MiWhtteand; Mildred. E.-Schrlnk., ' of Salem, and toi l Claude E. Riley ; of ' Stanton, Nebraska; ; and Elsie. ; Garner of Salem. ' The latter, couple were married later in the day by county judge Downing.' Dance at Schendler's r ? Hall every sat. night. o-ll Barbara Hanford Loses . r The case of Barbara N. Hanford vs Ed Sander was-decided yester day In favor of .: the , defendant The suit had been , brought 'for damages for an au.to accident al leged to have occurred on the Pa cific highway in June. 1922. Tne sum, of 2500 had been asked. Dolan Will Referee v ' Sam Dolan, well known here as referee Jn, many of Willamette's games, has been chosen to offici ate at the Stanford-University of Southern - California game. Evening Gowns ' Special showing of evening gowns .from' New York this ireek at the French Shop. Mme. Buff Morrison, Masonic Bldg. ' --k-10 I ,y.;; ;-J . :y,- Health Norse Has "Wreck Mrs. Helen M. Stewart of:760 North Church, Metropolitan hearth nurse, escaped uninjured when her Ford coupe was turned over at Center and Cottage about 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon after col liding with an automobile owned by W. M. Puhl, and driven by his nephew, John Dufur, of Gold Hill. The Puhl machine was consider ably damaged, losing one rear wheel when it was forced into the curb. Mrs. Stewart was driving south on .Cottage and Dufur east on Center. She Tailed to see the machine coming from her ' right until' too. late, i When she put on "' a- -ix DIED ' : ' J : CORNU-Mrs. Eliza Cornu, an old time resident of the Pratum district, died early Wednesday -. morning at the farm home one . mile east of Pratum at the age Of 68 years. Besides her hus , band, Fredric Cornu, she Is sur , vived by the following children: Mrs. Emma Johnson of Willam " iette. Or., Louis Fred Cornu and Blanch M. Cornu, both of Pra tum; also the following grand children; Cleo Helen:. Johnson, Lawrence George ' Johnson and C. Robert Johnson, all of Wil lamette,' Or. Funeral services will - be held from' the Rigdon mortuary Friday at 10 a. m. with concluding services at the , Pratum cemetery. " Rev. Mr. Baumgartner will conduct the services. RIGDON JSOfTS : Uneqnaled Servtos) Receive M&11 hv? Mrs. J. L. Stockton of274 N. Summer received a letter Wednes day morning from her daughter, Mrs. Culbertsoh of New York city. The epistle was carried ' by- air plane from the east and was for warded by . the ' regular route to Salem. It was dated October S and ' received wlt)i ' the first de livery on October! 8. 1 It" took' 24 cents in postage to send the let ter. '! ,? ' New York's Latest In evening gowps just received at the French Sbp. 115 N. High street. . ' I o-lO Birth Is Reported j , ; . Reed LeRoy is i the name of a baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Shelton of 19 5 North Fifth. October 7. The father is a cloth ing salesman. i , i Semi Floral GreeMngs Several' fine floral offerings have been received - by the Atlas Book & Stationer store with con gratulations and Well wishes for the future. A majority of the bouqnets and 'baskets were sent by Salem business! men and firms. First Showing Ot exclusive evening gowns from New York this wegk at the French Shop. Mme. Buff Morrison, Mason ic Bldg. ! ; ' o-lO Speeder Is Cited-4- 1 W. R. Robertsofi has been cited to appear in justice court to an swer to a charge! of speeding.. Auto Reported Stblen His Star touring car was stolen from the Hunt tannery, L.-. H. Elliott of 2359 Center reported to the police about 9 o'clock Wed nesday morning..! - Cancers Removed Yesterday Bv the use ; of, medicine. Dr. Stone removed a cancer from each ear of Mrs. G. W. Hunsaker of Turner, Oregon. o-9 Two Join TJona Memberships of Mark C. Mq- Canfster. i.'itock raiser, who lives a&'&ta'.So'uth Liberty, and off Otto Hillman, I uel dealer, Broad way and Hood, are announced in the weekly letter of the Salem Lions club. I" Deny Still Cnership s Pleas 6f not guilty to a charge of'' ownership, of ; a still found on the ; A. Henry plaice, 10 miles south of Salem,' were entered in justice court yesterday by Roy Miller and Zeno Hansard. Bail was set at $750 each. As both are laying oat lines of $500 and $250 respectively, thejj were returned to the city' jail untll such time as their - case is brought to 'trial. According to P. $. Knntz, justice, of the peace, : Hansard was very bitter and both refused to answer questions asked by thejudge and Lyle J. Page, deputy district at torney. : I ' 1 PERSONALS I 1 '' : 'i .' A. L. Downing, of 444 North Winter. Is confined ! to his home by illness. He is one of the old est members of the Salem Elk lodge. ,' F ' J. E. Shelton, former publisher of the Eugene Guard, and Ed Turn bull, ; manager of a new job printing v establishment, were . in the city" yesterday. 1 W. K.' Johhson, bf Tillamoolr, was in the city Wednesday. : ; E. P. Boyle was a visitor In Salem yesterday from McMinnvill'.. E. Ev Thayer Spent Wednesday morning in the city 'from Stayton. Fred A. Williajns:Will leave to day for a short f business trip to Hood River and 'i The Dalles. Shortly 7 after his return to the city he will leave for Grants Pass where he will spend, the greater portion of next veek. Ted Arnreiter and family left for Portland .Wednesday morning after spending the night with the nCP7CnIA DLULLlVlil ITPIIiri IIUIIII1 DRIED RI6IIT IIP : WITH SULPHUR " Any breaking fout of the skin, even fiery. Itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying .- a little Mentho-Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist, f, Because of its germ destroying! pf opertles, this sulphur preparation Instantly brings ease from skin irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. . 1 ; : j .: -. .Jt seldom, fails to relieve the torment and. disfigurement. Suf ferers from skin trouble should get a little jar of Rbwies Mentho Sulphur from any ."feood 'druggist and use it like f a cold cream. i- AdV. , I A ! SaUford and Wllllatasv' families. Mf. Arnreiter is mayor of .Agate Beach. Li, ; j,.. M. i . s, Mrs. A. M. Rogers, accompanied by her daughter, little Miss Llla, returned -to her home at Manzan ita after spending ' a fortnight in Salem visiting friends. ; i Reed VROwland was a Portland business visitor Wednesday. ) I Hartman Syndicate Sues West-Black for Damages Charges made in the report of Oswald). West and George Black to Governor Pierce of the Hart man Syndicate are characterized as a "damnable attack" by Wil liam D. Bennett, secretary of .the syndicate, who was in the city last night. ..Mr. Bennett had with .him a copy of the' complaint filed in Jackson county yesterday in which West and Black are made defend ants in the sum of $250,000, of which $50,000 is for special dam ages. . West contented himself with looking over the annual aud it and has never looked over the syndicate's holdings and Black has never been to his office', Mr. Ben nett said, j '.; . i, Chief of the allegations, in the complaint are that the defendants did hot use reasonable diligence or they could have easily learned that-the syndicate was not pro moted by E. W. and H. W. Hart man and that it had filed an ap plication of common-law trust to qualify : its securities and operate under the blue sky. laws; that the retort in question was 'sold to the syndicate at actual cost and with out 'profit or royalty to E. W. Hartman or any of his companies; that the prospeetus,-of which West had a'"copy,' does not state or infer that the syndicate ( owned 3000 acres of land, but that it "did own 320 acres withHhe remainder nn- Wje artttrp of Peautp Culture REQUIRES the most discrimin ating instruction, expert know lcagc and practical experience in au f the, modem methcxls 'and equip- ment,. . - ., -y , THE SCHOOL that offers this is the one to enter. Here you receive genuine diplomas and future recognition. . . Write for particulars pf ' f curriculum to i i School of r 425 Washington Street PORTLAND k t OREGON ! If"' - . K der lease from the government and thai the report was published with intent to injure the business of the syndicate. In Salem or the immediate vi cinity there 'are between 200 and 250 stockholders in the syndicate. 1 MEET AT BEND SILVERTON, Ore., Oct. 8. (Special to j The Statesman). Mrs. M. G. -Gunderson , will .leave, for Bend this coming week-end where she will preside at the Ore gon circuit meeting of jthe. Wom an's Missionary federation- of whfch she is president. The fed eration will meet October 16. s FOR YOUR THOUGHTS Have you entered our $50.00 cash prize contest? A crisp new $50.00 bill for an idea - ' I e ft ' ' - r Think up a good publicity stunt to start off the fall advertisinjgr campaign' - of the DUNDEE WOOLEN IILLS. n 7 j " ; Ask yourself this question : "If I were the -DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS what would I do to get 5000 people in front of my store." Then gel I busy write up your idea and bring it or mail it to ; the Dundee Woolen Mills, 167 No. Commercial St. SEE OUR WINDOWS " - ... . :' . -y . ,1 . ., - ', !':: for suggestions and j rules covering .this contest. , GONTCST CLOSES O CT. 6th I FT Where Else could one find perfect peace and solitude during the last few hours before the services, besides in one of our slumber rooms? Not,. in. a , private home, with all its confusion, surely. .' ; - The slumber room is another of the factors that have made funeral home service sri nearly universal. WEBB'S FUNERAL PARLORS 205 Sa Church Sfrcct Phone 170 Bishop's r I . ;I . ' -- . . I . . . : ; 1 -' - . ' - f J t rr r r - 1 1 ' ; w1 : -H f J . h 1! - . v I - ' "'L"iv I 5 - !. i v .i ' ' : j ' i r - . 3 i ' - I . r 'I i. BISHOP'S VIRGIN WOOL FABRICS HT1 TTft li wo ra n . i No man whb . truly cares about his dress 'likqs to wear what everybody wears. He wants totif" whistle, not i the echo. ' That's the reason we Jiavei new "clothing arriv- ing daily. These Virgin Wool Suits are exc;lusive. They are made to "our own private specifications from4 virgin wool fabrics made by our own mills, this insures exclu siveness of style and patterns. ' ' ' ' : ' i TWO PAIRS PANTS mum i i n ' ' rJ y III. s Ill i ' ' ' j i . ; ; . . --.,-....' ' : , - - . ! t