.1 ( THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON TUESDAY 'MORNING. OCTOBER 7. 1924 Classified .Section Salem s Great Market Place f V 4 I WANTED MlscenAWou 13 Wanted ken ANDfwoatiH tj take farm paper subscriptions. A goo preposition to tbe rlgbfe people. Ad dree Ue Pacific Horn oat sad, Stat Bid. B4IMB. UT. WOODBT TH I AUCT10NXKB---BUTt taraitare i II FORD TRUCK WANTED 219 STATE 13-08 St. Pbone 937. MISCELLANEOUS 14 X.OAN9 WANTED 81700 AND 81900. first f tge, security modern Salea komes. 8 and 7 per cent. BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg J 14-o2tt LEARN AUTOS IN LO& ANGELES Big-pay Jobs open I nowi Start easjt practical course. - Work guaranteed U earn room and board while learning. FREE illnatralod 84-page catalog es pials everytklag. Writo Dept. 127, National Automotite, 4004 S. Figueroa - lxx Angeles. t , 14-a3 : WAKREN NURSERIES WALNUTS. FU V j berta. Cherries, and general nursery Stock. Special prices given en early orders. Price list sent on nqiMk 0. L. Wsrrea. R. 9. SaJont 14-o31 j HELP ; WANTED 15 EXPERIENCED APPLE PACKERS want- ad. Apply at i Ryan Fruit Co Trade and Hirb. ' 1 15-o7 HELP WANTED female 17 SCHOOL GIRL TO WORK FOR BOARD and room, if sat bo ablo to cook. Apply ' 303 Sooth Winder. i 17-o7 HELP WANTED Male 18 WANTED BRIGHT. INTELLIGENT boy, 14 years of ago or jpver to deliver morning root. Apply Cfrcuiatioa Man- srer, Oreron Ststesmsa. 18-o7 Uale and Female 19 HOP PICKERS I WANT 5 YOU I TRUCK leave Commercial and Coort rts. aver) moraine at 8:30 and returns after pick las. Store an treuads. O. CL Russell Pboao SB EM or see Ben Wilt. 19-sl4tt SALESMEN 20 BEST BUT IN ACREAGE 24-a 7 mi from Salem some beaver dam land, 1-a in royal aan cherries, apples and pears. S-sprioXS, 5-room boose, and barn, all fenced. Wnst more could you Mk for $1300. j $500. cask,' kfoisaa Ul rica izz k. ion t pnone ins-. iwt LOST AND FOUND 23 POCKETBOOK NEAR BUSICK'S CON . tainlnr ti and I keys, j Leave States man. , ' ": : i - ... 22-o7 LOST BOMETHING f FIND IT I PHONi a want ad to The Bta teaman. Pkeae 23 LOANS ' 4 WANTED $30OO ON GOOD SECURITY room all modern bouse $4200. Easi est payments. Gartrads.J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage Si. j . 24a2Stf. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROP- erty. Low eat rates obtainable. See Mr. McCurdy ia Homer Smith's of- . fice, Steercs-Moers Bldg. 24-s20tf MONEY TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS $1000 te $2oou. t per cent. BECKJE HENDRICKS TJ. & Bank Bide. 4-al6tf REAL ESTATE City 25 -Own r Yoarl Homo WILL TAKE SOLDIERS' LOAN ON close in property in good condition. Gertrude J. M. Fsge, 492 N. Cottsre. 25-e7tf FOR SALE OR RENT . ! 4 room borne with basement located ot 529 South Commercial street. Price $3150; terms. Rental $25 per no, W. H. GKABENHOKST CO. 275 State St. 25-o7tf NOW IS THE TIME ' to buy land. Here are a few improved small tracts and farms with special low prtee lor quick sate: , $220O Close ia 1 acre tract, $25091 acre paved road. $10004 acres, 2 acres in filberts. $2700 .Fine 5 acre tract Snap I I $4750; 42 ACRE FARM . oa Ota famous Howell prairie, 60 ACRES; 93200 ! S4tt ACRES fair tmildings. paved road. all feaced with- woven wire. Borne cleared land. Borne timber, 6 V miles east Salem. Only $1500 down. Price aaoowe neat buy in tbe valley. ; See CHILDS ft BECUTEL r . '-. 'Realtors .-..'.. $40 SJtoto St. 1 35 o7tf FOR ' SALE BT OWNER SIX ROOM modern noma nearly sew. Oaks Addi tion, fall cement baaemeat. double gar age, large lot. beautiful trees, winter's wood. Immediate possession. r jty- , Eight Hundred, terms.! Phono 172 1-W . 250$ A NEAT 5 ROOM PLA8TERED HOUSE paved street modern except basement, 2 blocks to car, 8 blocks to school. Built in kitchen and double wall fruit room. $300 down. $25. Price $2300. Clear . title,' immediate possession. See 3. A. Mills, 831 4 Stete St. 2508 SPECIAL TO EXCHANGE NICE 2 ACRE suburban home - all new buildings, 2 mUes out. Want to trade for 20 or 30 acres. ' s - . WE HAVE A $3300 FARM MORTGAGE to eate.haace for a small fsrm. KEW HOUSE WITH GARAGE SNAP -forl50. ft ROOM HOUSE WITH. NICE CORNER lot close to Stste Street bargain- for $1650, with $30O down. SOME GOOD SALEM . PROPERTY TO v exehaogs for 40 or 50 acres improved fans. - i ' THOXASON 331 V4 State Street. 2505tf. 1 " ' ilf - ' . . A w,iMtvgw fc . , T V O I aval nvav&amu i u In Busgslows, Houses, Vacant Lota, Small Tractsj Farma. Business rreperty. priced to sell quick. I A REAL HOME $11,500 On Court street, close ia 88.310 On Stste street, close in $5,000! fiNAP 7 blocks from Bush Bsnk .- 1 , A REAL BUY $420O-i Modern House, 7 rooms and one acre best el una J 938504-Modern! Bungalow, 5 rooms. Fair- ! mont Hill, Urand view 25M4-OMd House. 6 rooms. 8 lots $3500 Modern Bungalow, 5 rooma.only i $300 down, balaaee $25 month $700 House. 4 rooms, 2 lots, terms MODERN SUBURBAN HOME $4800 i-e-nly $1600 cssh down buys It tHas Electric Lights, Bath, Water r3. T . ........ t . Tl.nl- try House a Keel nap ' . 64 Vs ACRE SNAP 81500 Cash balance long time , i BUSINESS PROPERTY tAOOO-i-Good Corner Property $5350 Store Bldg. Best of Location, $60O per year iaeome " FOR REAL E8TATK BARGAINS 8m CHILDS ft BECUTEL . 640 Bute Street r 2305tf nnnv HOG8E. BASEMENT. FUR- nsee. $4500; easy payments. Gertrude J. M. Pr. 492 N. CotUge. 25-o7tf irnTJirTiv BIX ROOM : H0USI COM- pletely. aewly and artistically, furnish ed. See owner ea premises, eorner REAL ESTATE City 25 SNAP! Four lot one facing on paved at. and car line. Price $750; $60 down 810 per month. W. 11. UnABr..HUaST ft CO. 275 Stat. St. t 1 25 o7tf ft VACANT HOUSES FOR SALE, leaao or rent, reasonable 1043 Norway; 1180 bfadison; 1098 N. 21at; 1505 S. Cot tage. Others. ' TJ S. E?nk Bide 25-o2tf IF TOU HAVE $700 CASH AND WANT a bargain in a sis room bungalow with modern conveniences, and a full base ment, on a fine 50s 120 foot lot, price only $200. Come in and see us. $3500 buya a fine modern bungalow on north 16th street, no basement, bnt paved streets, cement sidewalks. Very easy terms. ;.--. 5 room cottage oa Mission street. some modea conveniences for only $1, 70O, and terms, i Here is another one on north 24th street, modern ; conveniences, paved streets, one of the best lor only $2, 70O, easy terms. . . Pine large apartment bouse, in a good district all rented, bringing a fine income, shade trees. A real pleasant place to live in comfort. . Price only fSOOO; and will give some terms. Sacrifice sale in a $6500. 7 room cottage, with modern conveniences. All kinds ot fruit and shrubbery, and ber ries, large barn used for garage, chick en run, cement walks near school. A real home for some one with a large family. Price $4500; terms. Moisan & Ulrich Pbone 1334 -122 North Commercial St. i 85-Oct27 WANTED .. Several low priced bouaes that can be ' sold on very : easy terms. The de mand is greater than aupply. See Wm. Fleming. 341 State 8U. or phone 303. 25-o4tf IT bll uuuui. rvai S-9 tale Is An Investment With Increasing Value" Fine modern 5 room bungalow, gs rage, paved street, a fine lot; will take $4100 if sold in 10 days. Art quickly. - 7 room house, garage, furnace etc., owner bad to leave town; make offer. 10 acres just off the Pacific high way, 5 acres ia berries; this is a snap xor sjsuo. - Good farm for rent. Some stock and farm implements for sale. Have $5000 to loan on farm prop erty st e per cent; win divide. Rich L. Reimann Realtor 807-308 Ore. Bldg. Phone 1013 25-o3tf SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE ON EAST terms by Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 N. Cottage. t ; 25-o7tf $1650 BUYS A HOME FIVE BLOCKS east of uaiveraity. 1ft ell built-in. rood plumbing, part basement. $2650 buys 7 room home on 8tate street, interior very attractive, garage. zfuu ouys a room House, on paved street, garage, basement, and built-in features. . i $5250 buys S room bouse without basement, corner lot, 102 to creek in deptn. variety of fruit, trees. SYiOO buys o rooms stucco '. house, large lot, finest of plumbing, creek property, priced to sell. , Realtor 21 Oregon Bldg. i, . , 25-o4tf FOR SALE FIVE ROOM STUCCO bun galow, paved street, fruit trees. A snap at $3700. Strictly modern six room bungalow, east front, paved a tret, oak floor, $5500; worth more. Four room bungalow $850. easy terms. Exchange borne in Salem for Portland. Seven room bungalow for smaller house. 73 acre farm for acreage. Home In Seattle for Salem. Four room house and cash for larger house, .. L Wood. 341 State St - 25-o2tf $500 DOWN. BALANCE EXACTLY Uke rent. We have three new modem bun- f slows that will handle like that. All ave basemnts; two have garages; all are vacant; all on paving. BECKE ft HENDRICKS ' U. 8. Bank Bldg. ; - 25-o2tf SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME AT- traetively located east front; $13000; 492 N. Cottage. ; , 25s26tt WHEN TIRED OF HUNTING 8EE ME. I have hundreds ef properties meeting every thinkable demand. My system saves time and i shoes. If what you want la to be found I eaa find it. Let me help you HARRIS. 317 Oregon building. Phono 455, 1942-J 25s26tf. GRAND VIEW. SIGHTLY HOME. room, plastered bouse, bath, basement. city water, drilled well, garage, fruit. Near school and cariine, $3200; terms. $390 8outh Church, block east of south end High street. Owner. 25-sl7tf $4000 BUYS A good six room house with-modern i electric water system, modern plumb ing, electric lights, located on Heights south of Salem, one of the best views around Salem, i This place consists of one acre. .. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State 8u , 25-o?tf LARGE HOMES 6 TO 9 ROOMS. WE hsve three beauties at $6500 to $7500. Both new. ' BECKE ft HENDRICKS TJ. 8. Beak Bldg. 25-s30tf t ROOM HOUSE ALL FURNISHED Close in, east front, psved street. $2 600. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 North Cottage St. 1 - 1 25-s2Stf OAKS LOT CHEAP $1100 ON TERMS. Paving and walk. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Baak Bldg. i 25 s30tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7 wording "For Sale, Enquire At." Price 10 eenta each. 8 ta teaman Business Office. Ground Floor, i i TWO HOUSES FOR $300-8OME terms. Close in. Home and investment. BECKE ft HENDRICKS TJ. S. Bank Bldg. I 25-s30tf FOR BALE BY OWNER BUNGALOW. Modern. Everything paid. 648 North tlst 8t 25-sl8tf RIINUTE MOVIES EHL IHCXT,Dey 4 LP KUrvru ui- MO TIM& iM STAeT- INS A POKER. CAMS WITH DttVE DESMOND. THE SUSPECTED CAttD-CHEAT . -PIONEER A rSt ! ; PERILS- Zg&glk-; "SllL ; i ?! Sed ; i REAL ESTATE City 25 INVESTIGATE THESE Good 4 room modern bungalow North Salem, $2650; casy terms. $5000 stock goods in good valley town for Salem residence. Good 112 acre farm, good bldgs., stock and tools. 80 acres in crop, i-x-chsnge for Salem home. New 5 room modern bungalow, $2,-75o,- easy terms. Dandy good business paying 25 per cent for city residence. Good garage, stork groceries, confec tionery, for sale or exchange. If you want to buy, sell or exebsngs see us. PERRINE ft MARSTERS Commercial Club Bldg. 25 s28tf SMALLER HOUSES WANTED in exchsnge for a 6 room, a 7 room or an 8 room. One located south. ; one north and one east. 8ee Wm. Fleming, 341 : State St. 25-o4tf NEW SMALL HOMES TERMS. WE have three brand new priced $3000 to $3900. 4 and 5 room. If, you rent try one of these. lmmediste possession. f BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bsnk Bldg. 25 s30tf Best Buys and Exchanges' ;' $1200 for Grocery stock and fix tures. . , 2V4 acres, 3 room bungalow, coop, woodshed, close to car , line, will ex change for $1500 business. - ; a, i 50 acres, house, barn, coops, fenced in limits of ems 11 town, price $5000, will take $1500 residence in Salem as first psyment. ' 1 6 room modern residence large' lot, fruit, in Portland, want 50 acre ranch with fair buildings, within 5 miles of Salem, not over $7000. Socolofsky, Realtor 341 State St. . 25-o3tf J $130 DOWN Will buy s fine 6ts sere trsrt lo cated oa heights just south of Salem Vi mile from car line on gravel road. Three room garage house with wood shed and chicken house, well. Price $2500; mortgsge, $1800,-6 per cent in terest, to be assumed by purchsser. balance $15 per month. immediate possession. : W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. i 275 State St. 25 o7tf NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. GOOD LOT South Salem, $2,000. The beat of terms. like rent. Apartment house furnished. for 84.500. terras thst will psy for it self. Some choice dsiry ranches for exchange. fam.a in Minnesota. S. D. and Nebraska, for Oregon, for farm and city property exchanges. We have the goods. Berber, zoo Uray Bldg. ZtSlU $20O0 TAKES 6 ROOMS 1414 MISSION plastered and excellent eondit.on in side end out. . Bath and hot water. Garage. $500 to handle, balance $25 month. " I BECKE ft HENDRICKS 5' TJ. 8. Bank Bldg. 25 s30tf BEAUTIFUL HOME 8 ROOMS CLOSE to sll schools for $500 down, $50 a month. Another 7 room-on same terms. Prices $4700 snd $6500. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8 Bank Bldg. 25-s30tf BEST BUYS IN COUNTRY 8MALL SI see close ia for sale or will take small ome for part payment and give good terms on bslance. Call and see for your self. Box 22, Penitentiary road, or room 4. Breyman Bldg. 25-ol0 A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME OF 8 acres in cherries. English walauta and logaas. Very close to Salem. 7 room, modern house almost new. Full basement, furnace, fireplace, plumbing all in. lots ot built-ins. Small barn, chicken house. For sale at $12,000 or trade for Portland property. Write or see Mr. Moyer, 147 N. Commercial St. J - 25-5tf FOR SALE $ GOOD EAST FRONT lota oa Capital street, paving paid. Good terms. For sale good lot on Norway, 50 by 125 for good east front lot oa Map le avenue, $250. Vi block, 7 full lots, close to Eagle wood or Junior high school. $1500 for aU. - 6 good lots 50 by 100 en psved street for $1000. Good lots in Salem Heights and Nob Hill at all prices. 3 acre tract well improved and 9 room modern bouse. Very close in. Good terms. 147 N. Commercial St. Mrs. Meyer. 25-s5tf 8 ROOMS. FURNACE. $3500. SOME terms. Quick possession. BECKE ft HENDRICKS . U. 8. Bsnk Bldg. 25 s30tf B mBil II sa MMM BUSINESS Opportunities 20 : APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP I $700 if sold todsy $700 will buy 16 room spartment bouse ia down town district, with 2 year lease. Ohesp rent, good furniture, and every spartment occupied. Owner leaving city, must sscrifice. Don't wsit s week to see this for you will be too Isle. Do it now sod see Child s ft Bechtel at 540 State St. 28-e7tf BRAND NEW 5 ROOMS $300 DOWN takes, bslsaca $20 month. Don't miss this. Move in. BECKE ft HENDRICKS TT. -S. Bnk Bldg 26-sl7tf REAL ESTATE Trade 27 THESE ARE SOME OF THE TRADES we hsve to offer: Strictly modern $5000 house out north, fine location, double garage, for farm; Nice little 3 room house out north for one around $3500 north of State: $3000 home out north for one better; $7500 home for one around $4000; 7 room house and S lots for land; 10 acres for lot; House for good lot: 7 room house snd acre for timber land; 8 room modern house for timber land; 40 acres clear and on Pacific highway north, for Salem resi dence; 65 acres clear and improved, north near highway for 8slem resi dence; $20,000 clesr income for clear i land: $100,000 clear income and land for merchandise. McGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. ' 27-o7tf BIG OLIVES, BIG INCOMES, CALIFOR nis olive orehsrd, bsrn, modern house, " i garage. Sell ressonsble or trsde for home in or nesr Salem. Owner Mrs. Louise Keene. Cornier, Cslif. 27Q8 (AU W W V" TZ . c. flu. : I REAL ESTATE Farm 28 FOR RENT 20 ACRES FIVE MILKS east of Halem, GrapeLaue larm. Tur ner, Oregon. - 3 . 28- TIMBER LAND Nesr Salem t5 per acre. See us for resl bargains. f. W. H. ORABENH6RST ft CO. ,275 iitste St. I S ' 28-o"tf FOR RENT; 200 ACRE FARM, STOCK, teed, equipment and lease for three years. Inquire Hrovkside Auto Park. 9 miles north of fcaleraj Pacific highwsy. Rath ft Hepler, Bruoks, Ore., Box 257 j -i . 2807 20 ACRES lVi MILE !OFR TORTLAND highway, 14 mi from fjslem, 2 Horses, a cows, all machinery, place nearly all in crop. Price $'JlH) good terms. Moi san ft Ulrich, 12 No. Com'L phone 1354. 1 ' 2M7 Excellent Dairy Proposition Located 3 Miles Prom Salem -.:- I 40 acres improved farm; all in cultiva tion; well watered wiUr- gravity flow of spring wster. piped to barn and in house, also to various other places on premises. This is one of the best fsrm and dairy propositions to be found nesr Salem -and a real bargain at prie, $7000. One thousand dollara cash and the very beat of terms on balance, at; 6 per cent. This offering is for quick sale, ao please see me at once ana let me now you me pro perty. ' I also have some niee close in im proved acreage homes! snd un-improved nice city lots and residence properties well located on paved -streets, several of which are exceptionally, nice, new Bunga low homea with all up-to-date modern im provementa. Some of ij these are offered now for quick sale at less than cost. Buy ers will only be consulting: their own in terest by investigating; my offerings. Wells fallman 229 Oregon Building, Salem. Oregon 28-o8 19 Acres good improvements I and producing Now I not away off in the future but Now I 1 a Don't fail to see me about this place todsy. ; ROBINSON Ores-en Bldg. i 28-o5 105 ACRES AT $100 AN ACRE 28 seres i clesr, bslance wood :timber. un excel lent road and RR. fnorth of Salem. ' Terms you can meet. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. T 28 s30tf SEE THIS FARM 200 ACRES FOR i $20,000. Right on main highwsy close to Salem. 9 BECKE ft HENDRICKS ; XT. 8. Bsnk Bldg. 8 28-s30tf REAL ESTATfi-4-Exchange 20 EXCHANGE HAVE U 8EVEN ROOM Dtastered house, basement, bu.lt in kitchen. Daved street, fruit trees. Own. er Box 67. Sclem. 5 - 1 t9-ol REAL ESTATE--Sabarban SO 83200 BUYS 6.32 acres with small" house located on Silverton road, 2 miles from city limits. See us for hjsrgatna. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. i 30.07tf INVESTOR INVESTIGATE. A 6 ROOM estate property lost painted two ana three costs. Kewf shingles, plaster. bath. Close to school, esr and paving. Corner lot with fruit. Must be sold iv and $2000 cash takes. This is best cheep house boy we hsve. seen. See at 1414 Mission. Immediate pos session. U. 8. Bank Bldg. 30-tt $100 DOWN Buvs a good fives sere tract on Aay lum road. Price $1500, balance $1C per month. ' !.W. H rjRAHFN'HORST ft CO. 275 State St. I - ' 1 30 o7tf USED CARSr-Fbr Sale 31 4 CHEVROLETS $58.00 TO $350.00 FORDS $150.00; TO $250.00 Buick Roadater, $250.00 Oldsmobile Touring, $250.00 Overlanda $175.00 TO $250.00 1922 Oldsmobile ;Sedan $850.00 "After We 8ell We Serve" F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. MO V Commercial iSt- Phone 1260. I 3105tf Ford Bug, tires and motor good $60 Ford roadster. $85 leash. $18 month Chevrolet tour. $50jcash, $25 month Chevrolet tour. $12Q cash, $20 month Chevrolet tour. $17$ rash; $25 month NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. j 31-oStf USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring Cars .i...$ 85 to $350 Roadsters 1 75 to 325 Coupes i- 275 to 450 Sedans J... 225 to 450 Light Deliveries f 65 to 275 Ton Trucks ... J 125 to 385 "Boss" I 75 to 225 All cars are guaranteed Liberal Terms. Open until V p. n. every evening Sunday s 12 si m. (Church Street Entrance) VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Salem. Ore 260 No.l lUih Phone 1995 ' 31s2fltf MOTORCYCLES for Hale 33 6 , 1924 BARLEY-DAVIDSON MQTOR cycle. nearly new, 280.00; terms. Csll 2190. Chemekets. J i i azut NEARLY NEW 192-1 ELECTRIC Equip ped 74 . Harley-Isvidaon motorcycle, fullr eouiDDed. $28$: terms. Call 1143 Oak St, 6 p. in.i evenings or Phone fai.W 1 32 o8 Classified Ads in The Statesman Bring Results rigbta protected by The George. Matthew Adams , Service Trade Mark t Got vou DCADfTD RiGWTs THIS fTlMe.7 CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE I. AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAY OR sight. i Dkua Asia a aa -s -. isvufj . guv. 1(9 DOutB JUlDettJ. AUCTIONEERS P.1 N. wonnRr . Expert Livestock, furniture, real' estate Res. 1610 Hy Summer Phono 611 for salea dates. UK. TALBOTT Auctioneer Phone 470 202 U. 8. Bank Bldg. O. 8ATTERLEB ; - Auctioneering Rooms 25-26, Breymsa Block Phone 430 or 1211J. jne-12tf AUTO PAINTING HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH our bow permanent finish. toauvrCaso High Street at Trade AUTO XXFAXBIHO Cylinder grinding, crank abaft trac ing. We're specialists. Donerite Ma chine Shop. Automotive -machinists. 849 Perry Bt. 1 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS S31 Court St. a)Os WILLIAMS PRESTO-LITE BAJTERY SERVICE etation. expert battery and electrical work. Ferris Broa Phone 1803. 418 Court. - R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 Soulk BICYCLES AND ; EXP AIRINO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY cles snd repairing; 887 Court. CARPET AND RUG WEAVINO SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven aay sise wnnout seams, new mattresses mads to order. Oil . mat tresses remade. Feathera renovated. I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs. 13 Vfc snd Wilbur streets. " Phone 1154. Otto F. Zwiehcr, Prop. CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM, CHINESE Medicine Co., help say known disesse 420-426 State St.. Salem. Oregon. a-30tf OBXROrOSXBT DR. S.F. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tionel University Sciences, uaieago. Mssonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS . DR. O. L.-8COTT. P8C CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 V. .8. Bank Bldg. Phone 87. res, 828-R. - CLEANERS ft SYESS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1216 8. Commercial. Phone 1868. Wo spe- CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Goactructmg engineer. Surveys, esti mates ' Joe. H. Neef, 819 Oregon Bldg. Phone 775. CONTRACTORS FOR . . N. CEMENT' WORK CALL AT Summer street. Phone 67 4-J. 4?S CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO, . Genersl eentrscting and building. Est I mates gladly furnished. ,. Phone 1867R or 59F12. n d2tf DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7" wording "Dressmsking" : price 10 cents esch. 8tateamaa Business Office Ground Floor. - ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A S O N I 0 ' baildiag. Phone 1200. - ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N.. Uberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. House wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phone 980. 471 : Court St. ---; HALXK ELECTRIC sHor i : Electric Tiztarea Washing Mschiata - Vacuum Cloaasra $87 Court St. Phone 488 ' Res. Phone 7028 FINANCIAL LOANS MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP' erty at a low rate on the easy payment clan, so st end of' yesr yoa . are sll nsnl nn. Farm loans oa largo or small tracts; private money. See first and ' you will go no farther. G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregoa Bldg. City Loans ANDERSON A RUPERT . . Agents 404 Oregoa Baildiag 65fcLOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM oa city or fsrm property, neserve w posit company. 72 rourts bit set, x-erc la-id. err. 1 it- ....ueSTI txIftTTfel MARIiy ME OR- - CWdlami) i i ...:.- t ! - . : 2 HILL NOW PLAyS HER. TPUMP CARD BUSINESS and I Professional Firms Arranged In Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference , FINANCIAL LOANS Farmland City Most liberal rates and paymest !i - privileges. ! HAWKINS ft ROBERTS 206 ; Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon jj - f3-tf FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST. longer time, no commission. ' Protects against adversity. ; City loaaa, lowest rates, monthly installments, pre-payment privileges. , J. C. Siegmuad, room 2. over Ladd ft Bush bsnk. Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 406 Oregoa Building FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15c to ; tbs Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregoa for a three months trial subscription. ; M o a t i o a this sd. POULTRYM EN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for : special three months trial for the best and oldest journal ia the wsst. The articles sad advertise ments sre of speeisl interest to the poultry breders ef the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com m err is I street, Salem. Oregon. FLORISTS SI CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreathe, decorations. C. T. Breithsupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty Phone 880. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC- tors, 210 Center, rtione less. FURNITURE STORES G1ESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture lor leas money. , S72 Court, Phone 464. PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 N. Commercial. . HEMSTITCHING MRS, C. E. MILLER. HEMSTITCHING. stamping, buttons. Room 10, ever Jail lerjs Store. Phone 117. STAMPING. HEMSTITCHING. NEEDLE- werk. The Vogue, 429 Court Bt. i: a-8l HEMSTITCHING. 8TAMPING. PLEAT ing. The Petite Shop. Room 6. over Bualcks. B29tf SALEM ELITE H RMSTITCHINO - pleating, buttons, -stamping sad needle wore:; 82S trregon bldg. fbone 879. j HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR.I U G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHtST. . Does a general practice. Treats Goiter, Gall Stones, snd Dropsy, arising from diseases of hsart. fiver or kidneys without operation. . Of ties and resi- dnce, 296 N. Liberty SL, Salem, Or. Phone 147. INSURANCE H WARREN F. POWERS .Life. Accident, Fire. Automobile 219 U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 807 .11 LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR andwn74Court ii LANDSCAPE GARDENING MEN ERNEST IUFER, LANDSCAPE GARDEN- er prepares plans. Genersl grading and planting. Rook and Wall gardening a specialty. Route 1 Box 11. Phone 11CK4. - n-2 LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 31S 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY - Quality work ; prompt service ; 12 8 4 Broadway. Phone ma. 1; MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REM ED Y Phone 517-W. ' MU1IO LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syacopated, staadard music Beml-ciasaio and baiiaua: is lessons. Wstoravaa Piaao School, lie- Cornsck Bldg. ; MUSia STORES SHERMAN, CLAY ft CO.. PIANOS Steinwsva! Duo-Art and others. Moore's Music House, 415 Court Street. : GEO. C WILL PIANOS, -i PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and pisno studies. Repairing phono afrsDhs and sewing machines; 432 State street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunawiek. H. L. Stiff Furni- rreColnsveDept i NATUROPATHIO PHYSICIANS DRi! A. SLAUGHTER A O C T K AND chronic diaeaaes; 415 oregoa Bldg. Phone 110. - Si NURSES FOB PRACTICAL NURSE Phone 154T-W NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Pcsrcy Bros., 237 Htste. OPTICIANS fl THE EATON OPTICAL CO. nwFfM nasonable Exmiaa 282 N. Commercisl St. rhone 1097-M II PACKING AND SHIPPING POR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and ahipping, call Stiff's Furniture Ktnre Phone 941. S-SOtf Regliftered U. S. Patent Office) slT LOVE L tuu 'j ' &oyi t f rTr-M.LHVC. S I . . . . . . . . a AVE. TMEPi ft CHEAT K J)W ANN I I t v-r- DIRECTORY PAPERHANQINO AND FAINT ING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decors ting, psper hanging, tiatiag, etc Reliable workmaa. WALL PAPER SAMPLE BOOKS AND books oa wall decorations. Max O. Bursa, 179 N. Com'L, Salem. PHYSICIANS ft BURGEONS George R. Vehrs, M. D. i Speeisl Atteatioa " Surgery. Gynecology, Obstetrics 410-11 U. 8. Baak Building t Office hours 10-12; 2-5 and by appointment Office Phone 615 Res. Pboae 1975-J PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI ano tuner. Leave orders - Will s Music H'ore. PLUMEING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsber Bros. 141 8. Liberty Phone 650. -s f-19tf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 495-W. Shop 127 Union street. A. uoatrey.; - RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS. FENDERS, BODIES mads or repaired. J. O. Bsir, 236 Stste St. RADIO RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. 8. BARTON. Prop. Masonic Teo pie Phone 1200 REP AIRINO aLVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St. Umbrellas, Cutlery and Keys Lawnmowera, rasor-blades, scissors. MIjBtlijBirg SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR ; bags and refuae of all! kinda removed . by the month. Reaaonable rates. Cess pools cleaned and dead animals - moved. Phones: Of fire 35; Res. 2058. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- : ing and shoes. Best prices . paid. - Cap itaj Exchange; 342 North Commercial f Phone 1868-W. i STOVES AND STOVE; REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED j 40 years' experience. Depot Notional ; fence, sites 26 io 68 la. high. Paints, i oils sad vsrnishes. etc. loganberry and I hop hooks. Salem Fence and' Stove Works. 250 Oonrt 8tret. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL' CITY TRANSFER CO. 228 -, Stst St. Fhoae 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty, our rates. ! Get WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- hold goods. Our specialty la piano aad furaiture moving. We also make coun try trips.- Wo handle the best coal and wood. Call oa us for prices. We give good measure, good Quality aad good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Pboae 980 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL f kinds. Phone 19F3. - " -- TRANSPORTATION f PARKER'S STAGE LINES ' O. W. Parker. General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregoa. - 8ALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.; s p. m. Loavss Silverton News Stand: a.m. . . a .. Bslem-Iadepeadeace-Monmoath Division Leaves Salem, Central stage Terminal 7 a.m.; 9 e-m.; 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.m.; 6:10 p.m. Loaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 8:15 p.m. Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:80 ajsu; 9:60 a.m.; 1:18 p.m. -4 n.m.: 6:80 p.m. Loaves Central Stage Terminal. Salem . for Dallas at: 7 a.m.; 11:10 a.m.;: 8:10 p.m. Loaves Gail Hotel, Dallas, at: 8 a.m.: 1 u.m. : 6:15 p.m. We make connections at Salem to all parte ef the valley. ; Extra trips by ap pointment. , J. W. PARKER, General Msnsger. WATER BALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office. 801 South Commercial St. Tea per cent discount oa domestic flat rstes paid in adveace. No deduction ' for absence or sny cause unless wster 1 Is shut off yonr prennsee. HUGE CROWD SEES DEFEAT OF SENATORS (Cenunued from page 1) which seemed to have largely for gotten the dark page in the clos ing chapter of the Rational Lea gue race, bnt the real acclaim was given the battling senators. In the fourth inning, when the Senators scored twice and pulled By ED WHEELAN "westward ho THE NEXT jBlfr ePiSODE. vjtU. eE isHowM on THI5 SCREEfJ (30 0 3mf i 1 up to within one run of tee. Giants, the crowd called wildly for a further rally, which was checked, however, with the bases full. Again in the eighth when the . visitors , threatened to break through and in the ninth when they were stopped once more with the bases loaded, they were en couraged by excited, outbursts. It seemed to puzzle and possibly rat tle the Giants this unusual. home town demonstration, .but they pulled themselves together in tbe face of it and won. " - Scandal Forgotten The size of the crowd, however. was. full-proof of the unusual in terest that-has been aroused by the fight between the Senators and Giants, in spite of circumstances which it seemed at first might Jeopardize the playing caliber of the championship. Officially the paid attendance was 47, 08 but several thousand more did not contribute to the gate receipts of 1186,572 .which also established - new record for the Polo grounds. The previous- record attend ance was .48,302, established in the fourth" game ot last year's world series, bat when the re ceipts, $181,622, also set a high mark up to that time. Frlsch Stars Frisch and; Wataon were the heroes of the Giant triumph to day, but dramatic as was Watson's rescue feat in the ninth when a hit would have at least tied and possibly won the game for the Senators, the most spectacular roll was enacted by the "Fordhain flash." f Two of three startling'defenslre plays which Frisch pulled, all of them curiously enough, at the ex pense -of "Goose' Goslin, turned the Senators back when they were most dangerous. The first - cf these, and the most brilliant, came In the fourth inning when Frisch , raced into center field and grabbed Gosiin's looping fly, going at top speed. " At the time there was no one out and the only man on base wai Rice, who had walked, but the full Importance f Frtech'a play quick ly became apparent when Judsa followed with a rousing double. Bluege walked. Rice scored on a sacrifice fly-by Miller and Mc Quillan, blowing up completely passed -two more men. "Roe?" Ryan, his successor forced in a run with another pass before Lei bold flew out to end the rally, which, but for Frisch's great play might have turned the whole game into a rout. . Frisch retired Goslin again ia the fifth on a catch scarcely less brilliant than that of the preced ing Inning, but the other notatla "pinch play" by the Giant captain came In the seventh. Here, with two on base, he scooped up Gos iin's crackling grounder and got his man by an eye lash. ' I HEW CORPORATIONS I . . The following articles of Incor poration were filed yesterday wlta the state corporation department: Elks" Band of Portland, Ore., Portland; incorporators, William F. McKenney, W. R. McDonaU, W. A. McDougal; capiUl, $100. Omega Chapter of Sigma Tl fraternity, Corvallis; Incorporat ors. James M. Coon, Reuben F. Spring, Fred D. Hall; assets, 115. 000. - .- Under, the blue sky act the fol lowing permits were granted: American notary Valve Motors company, Portland; to sell stock in the sum of S7I.375Y Toy Makers, Inc.. Portland; to sell stock in the. sum of $5000. I GENERAL MARKETS j at PORTLAND, Oct. 6.-GraIn fu tures: .Wheat, hard white, blue stem, and baart, October. Novem ber, $1.56; soft white. October, $1.51; November $1.52; western white, October. November 11 48? .hard winter, northern spring, Oc tober, November $1.46; western red, October $1.44; November $1.45; BBB hard white October, November, $1.60. Oats No. 2 white feed, Octo ber, $39,50; November $40; No. 2 gray October, November ' $38.50: eastern 38-pounds, October, No vember. $37.00; 46 pounds. Octo ber, November $36. PORTLAND, Oct. 6. Hay Buy In prices, valley timothy $2 0; ditto eastern Oregon $20 Q $23; alfalfa $19 $20; clover $16 Q $17; oat hay $17; cheat $15.50; oats and vetch $18; straw $7.50 ton. Selling price $2 ton more. J SALEM .-.MARKETS T ; Prices quoted - sre wholesale and are prices received by fsrmers. No retail prices are .given. OBAZN AND BAT No. S wbeat 81.20 O 81.? 9 No. 8 red wbeat, aacked8l.80 tj li zi Oats -60e f 64 Cbest hsy - . $13 l 1 3 Oat hsv .814 ii tlS Clovar hav. baled 812 f i - rnEK VTTTTnif a vn ir? rTgs,"150-20O fwl a r lloga, ZOO-ZSO , , , , f T . Hogs. S5O-30O ewt. 1 K ) -80 O ?V e le -n 1 1 iO Kouga beavy L.igbt aows Top veal, dressed-i Cows t Lambs roc: Hesvy boas -1?9 Ligbt bews .... 1 1 s Creamery butter 4r Butterfat, delivered Milk, per ewi. Egrv selects rtandardi FbJ!U Cik and Liberty. ; I - 5-olO