The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 07, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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4 T
A Son Was Born t
, At j the Court St eet Christian
church maternity : home, to Mr.
and Mrs. P. R. Snyder, route 9,
ox 82. Friday, Oct. 3. He will
be called Roy Wayne. "
High Grade nayer riano
For sale at auction tomorrow
at 1560 State street' o7
i 1 ; ; ;;. ;:,:;
Pipes Accepts Post-i-
Judge M. L. Pipes or Portland
has accepted an appointment by
Governor Pierce1 to1 the supreme
' bench of the state, having so
notified the governor yesterday.
It Is understood he j will arrive in
Salem today to ) take the oath' of
office, and possibly will go into
the regular Tuesday; morning con
ference with the court. 1
Visit Coin's Dahlla
Farm Jefferson. I
' - : '. .U
northwest lecturer, made such an
impression at the Chamber ! of
Commerce luncheon Monday that
his promise to appear at the Kl
wanis club luncheon two weeks
from today was obtained. It is
also expected that Mr. Riley will
appear at -an open meeting at the
armory in the near future.
II. It. Stiff Furniture Co.
Have a wonderful line of heat
ers on display. ! o2tf
Defective Brakes Charged
Upon complaint of Lloyd E
Weeks, the private prosecutor, 9
W. Wagner was arrested yester
day for operating his motor; e
hicle with insufficient brakes
Mr. Wagner did. not appear in Jus
tice court yesterday as he waited
time to consult an attorney be
fore entering; his plea. Thtfcase
will probably j come up tod
Civic Music Club Tickets
Season, $4: Jess concei t$l
sale at Moore's music bJe.
Fire Prevention Wjjek
Much of the-activity of Fire
Prevention week, which la this
week, will centerf in Portland.
Will Mpore, (state i fire marshal, i The. Sewing Classes-
will appear on the program in! 1 Have you enrolled if the sew-
Portland Tuesday and Wednesday, ing and millinery classes? j We
In Hillsboro Thursday and in I can still accommodate a few In
Portland again Friday and Sat- beginning sewing, advanced sew
urday. j f . . ... . Ing. beginning milliery and ad
vanced millinery. This Is a won
The State Automotive School werful opportunity to get a new
Located at 173 S.Liberty, phone dress made or the old one; re-
66. H. H. Harris instructor, be- modeled. You may nave sewea
gins Oct. 6 and will be in practi- all your life but have you kept up
cal o Deration the ' 12th of Oct. with the tlmesT Tbere are eo
X Now is your chance to learn 1 the many new ideassome interesting
fauto game for. the sum.of $50, short-cuts that. you may. not be
l.which takes you through the nine familiar with. fActual class work
rmonth course if you .want. It 1 begins Tuesday ana vveanesaay.
t dnM Tint minlrA A2eol1ee ednca-1 Oct. 7 and 8. r Phone Mrs. .
tion to be a good mechanic, so if Barker for Information nesirea
f you like this work; start it now. Sewing room oter Millers store.
- - r - ' OS
automate driven by B. W. Wag-
o'clock Sunday morning by Officer I
(Wright. Jerry Wren, arrested on
a similar charge, earlier in the
night, forfeited $100 bail. Wren
was arrested by Officer Cutler.
J rnnto .8: was almost de-1 Police Auto Repaired
UtJI , " v - x
Rioilased and a smaller machine! After being laid up for a week
drive by L. E. Weeks damaged while undergoing fextensive repairs
ThefWeeks machine was l side- necessitated by Officer L. A. Wiles
swijed by the other automobile having met with serious mishap
nn.f lost a wheel when it went while traveling af a high rate of
Inf a ditch. The other and larger speed in the lineof duty, the po- j
mjthine was overturned. O. B. ce "flivver" is jjack on. the Job
Alkley, who was riding with Wag- and Officer Wile? again seeking!
sr. was the only one injured. He the too-swiftly traveling otorlst.
teceived a cut on one hand. n police court ytesteraay a. loi-
Weeks later swore out a complaint "ns of Portland forfeited $5 bail.
against Wagner. . charging him e was arrested ior speeaing oy
with operating an automobile with Officer Wiles.
defective brakes.
Homo of Universal ?
Ranges and stoves at Stiff's.
. I o2tf
Divorce Obtained
YMCA drive next.
i '.'
Are you a judge of the tangle
Police Fines Are $1033
During September police depart
ment nrtlvitln reiniltpd in the 1m-
nnalns- nf, T.o In fines and judgeships?
InU Bsntsniwa rt lift riavn. accord-1 t m
nr tn th tnonthil rnort of Frank How about the4prune industry?
in the Polk county court. Kath- A. Mlnto. chief of police. Liquor w a.ue o
erme nan, oi osiu, i -r-- . . o-o a -rt t?
given a decree from James S. Hart single classification of arrests, &t I"""""! r?-rr w
. . i v-i ..!vi. I tomorrow. ,
on the grounds or non-support arrcsis ueiuK iuihuw uncuoo -
. .t. .ti cv. in I 1 9. tn HrnnkPntiimJ There Were I Ti -Hi
aaa mreaui w " 'Z, . ... " V,Z- .11 On'f ! the et HiRnlav that
the custody of their two children arrests nae pr ipeeams ,u ' ..Tthrt
i q r mnnh r- .nn. 1E2 aiitnmohiie aeoidents renoriea. i .
uu a. u.wuvU I -f ftnw.r rii.nlxr nf the ITnlohn ear
At tho Gray Belle
Gray Belle makes good Chinese
noodles. ' i o7
a 1 1
Wort 1 1 -11 fit Art aens, on me r sirgruuuus ruau
Concrete for the foundation of " la still a thing of beauty for
the new parish hall being erected all to behold. The asylum and
by the St. Joseph Catholic church Penitentiary grounds are also still
was poured ,Monday Tne nau is ' -"
helno- eroded ai the northwest time fs here, and these wonderful
Pioneer Resident Dies - enme nf whte ahd Chemeketa displays will grow less attractive
jiro. otiaiio. t-ssuiau u.j, " .treeta. Most of tHe nreliminarv uoj.
early Oregon pioneer, died at her wotV la helne rfnna bv members '
home In Portland and was buried f the church under the direction I Is remarked by a Salem, gar
Km en n a il.v ortv1 Iti tr trk wnt I . . y ...... I .irn m an K a f .Am a n f t Vi a nonnlp
i-ualira1 hira Mrs TCellv W:ia I -
who were knocking defense day
are . thoughtful enough to have
born in Arkansas in 1845, coming Officer Ouit
to Oregon with her uncle. Rev. C storey Cannonj better known as fenders on their autos
P. Chapman, three years later. Up.,,., rannnn. who has been dry
They settled on Howell prairie in ...... ' ftffi-AP tnl several months. The LaFollette people are or-
Marion county. sne was marnea h hahdert in ni resignation to ganizing. mutual aamiration soci
i,a n. Htmi.nt Hia nc-1 cues in uregon. liut mis is one
to James W. Kelly on July 25,
1858. He survives his widow, as ce8SOr haa not t been named.
well as a son, t 1. is.eny, ana
daughter, Mrs. Susan Beaulieu.
both for Portland. At one time
Mr. Kelly was warden of the state
Out Where It's Quiet!
3 V
, i "
OU4 funeral parlors are located
. in the residential district,
where peace and quietness reign.
It is in such an atmosphere that
the funeral parlors best live up to
the name. . !
This matter of location is an im
portant one, and should be given
due consideration. We have com
bined in our . funeral parlors i the
utmost convenience and accessibili
ty' and peaceful quietness.
"Superior ZFunensI Service"
205 Sa Church Street
Phone 120
Grace Wood Jess Concert
rtn t vtrw rhristian cnurcn
' ... I I v-Al nil A AW b 7
Admission,' $ 1. Season ticiceis. prison, police officer and serTedr01"" tu"uc
$4. On Bale at Moore s music las sheriff of Wasco county.
house. . ' O 4
Final Papers File
3 The second set of naturalization
papers was made out and filed
: with the Marion county clerk yes
, I terday by Donald . George Neave.
' 1153 Oak street. He came from
Stratheena, Canadaf, in 1904. His
1 first papers were iea at corral- ,,.v- others than A. Henry, &M&ht
farmer were lnteresiea m Alleging that he holds the note
llenrv Blames Others
I w - . mmt
Because it is believed oy oiuc-
Keep Warm Now-
Pay later at Stiff's.
Cannery for Sale-
Sale of a Salem cannery is of-
tblihd" advertise
m Art In o faHfhrn ta fruit nun
zine. The Identity Is not disclosed under the head of "Socialist
but from specifications and a gen
of the things that will not matter
in this state and they enjoy it.
:. ) m "m
Every man eventually finds his
rightful place.; LaFollette drops
into hia on the California ballot
eral description fit Is believed that
Los ' Angeles Times
lis, Oregon.
It la the former! Kings Fruit Pro- They Tecently shipped a horse
ducts plant, tnougn n is possiuie i
it may be the Bruce SCunnlngham plane. It would be fine If Pega
nUnt It. West Salem, which la In bus couio" dc xrainea o ny.
tho marVet at Present. The ad-1 ' ;
In the
still found on his place about 101 f nnhrt Krimt . nl. fnr t.inno.
fll ine uraj dcup - miles south Ol Jsaiem. uisinciij -g, n .. v vt.t oPd av beean nrn-I . ...L. ti,.t ti,. ni9nt a r,D- i,t inv la
Gray Belle made hot chicken Tnhn Carson will file .V- ; "X ' ZZZ ' eri,scmcui " T"! . . "
I w h'wj " I rPCUlIlKS LU KJl CUrUBH Ul UUCI LT ' VU I I latne 'TFI1tr AVB TMirH I I II 1' I O rtv IT InoatlirV I Fl 51 T TT1 a If
tamales. Chinese noodles and Cttile I charges of possession of a still
uon carne, oervea or w ouu against Kay Miner ana eno nuu- ,.v Tt .a Kal,, tht Krlm bad
oi sard, who at present are in me defaulted in his payment.
I City Jail serving OUl senieucea
Rilr In KTtoalc A gain i . . ;An nn1 SI HO re.snectlvelv iori I t
Ertr Rnnrh ni!r n11 kTinTn ...o.lAn nf llnnnr Hen rv. In a I Many a I Ivvibs I voiers in me tuuuti j ,
swbrn statement, tells how Miner i " . uy aciuai cojim w necy yieuu
ceedings to foreclose property on ls tne largest If rUit evaporating la form of insanity. That makes
uon ui I the Santiam river given as secur- piant In the nolrthwest and gives this .country one of the cutest
and zeno nan- .. Tf ,T K-rm ,nH I . j.-.ii.. i ' n I j, . u .
fruit centenL " V
4.000,000 illiterate
There are
but it is
Beys Fpmiturp :
I' - s -
I -waA o Ml.. niKVl.'. atndin WnrV .ti ml . - ot11 :n . 1 I . n
and Hansard came to his place I presem wr m urst u. mo wm iiuu
nd Prevailed unon him to let begins at once, 180 So. Com'l St. and winter meetings of the Joh fette ballot.
La Fol-
o7 j Bible class for men at
the Bllgh theatlr Sunday mOWtng.
I Many of the old timers and those
j , Dr. B. II. White
Osteop Surgery
Electronic Diasxsis and Treat
ment (Dry Abram's method).
Office Phone SS or 469-J
506 TJ. & Bank Bldg.
i them set up a still and operate iroom 14.
in a dugout beneatnt tne nouBe. i
Hi.- ofloid TTenrv declare-!. I Scout Council Meet
1 UC JUMVlIHWf. ' - . r '
were furnished by the other two 1 selection of a Boy Scout execu-1 who were regular in auenaance
I men. The masn was maae wnnei hy ior iue iuui-vouui; cuuuvu ii ;ear uuod.0. t
he was absent from home, he says. I Is-expected to be made at a meet- selections by Miss urace , jraw.
While the charges were ' not in I ing of the council tomorrow night, j were enthusiastically received.
hane to be filed Monday theylDr. H. E. Morris said yesterday while the band irom me poy
ui K eio in a Aav nr tvn I that what was believed to De tne tralnine scnooi gave a snon cuu-
nui kv " " . I ' . ' I ' . . , i
most suitable plan had been cert prior to tne opening oi luo I f
- . . . . -v I n' mif and VAn If lA nrp. I -1 n UAnvvfiKI9annn nr I II I-' Lldoa I
aiarcei ana mn juasi tjonger i " " cd. TO.8y--
After a Golden Glint shampoo. I sented before the council at tnis I is now compifte ior me wiwer.
,10 1 time. There is little aouDt dui James CampDeii, Dener wowB iv.
that the four-county plan would the men as :"uncle Jimmie, jonn
r.. o. l! hn carried out. For tome time I Harriett and Mr. stun nave eeu
onmaitiriM i - 1 1: . . .
t , ...Mrnt nn I thera waa some dlacnssion tnat tne I named memherm OI a SICK, auu
AU - A aw , w I i i
Spmsflaodic.Croap is f reqnenuy
relieved by on application of
Have you entered our $50.00 rash prize contest?
A crisp new $50.00 bill f or an idea
Think up a good publicity stunt to start off the
fall advertising campaign of the DUNDEE WOOL
EN MILLS. n; . ' ; . . ,r
' Ask yourself this question: "If I .were the
DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS what would I do to get
5000 people in front of my store." Then get busy
write up your idea and bring it or mail it to the
Dundee Woolen Mills, 167 No. Commercial St.
for suggestions and rules covering .this contest.
Contest Closes Saturday, Oct. 11
cw rue pacific
There is no finer way to trsvel to ,
Japan, China and the Philippines
than on the luxuriant Emprest
Linen, famed for their speed, ser
vice and courtesy. Sailings fort- ,
nightly from Vancouver and Vc-
Local agents wd give you com
plete information, including lie
tails of the . attractive second
cabin rates; -!-. .. ; ,. j
W. H. DEACON. GeaX Agent. Piu'r. C .
Maltaona Hotal BaOdiM '
1mm it MiffuiH jarm um tutu ' 1 "- - isss a .
the River road north of the coun
ty poor farm Monday morning an
merger would be dissolved.
Miss Beatrice Shelton
Teacher of Piano
High school credits granted.
Studio. 345 Marion. Phone
1299; Derby building, 365,
Ylsltlnr committee. Grant Teet?
era will be the bead usher and
Buy Your Heaters Now- 1 official greeter. baving been as-
II. Lt. Stiff Furniture Co. o2tf I signed to this fwotk on account oi
his pleasant pjersonality.
Qulsenberry to W
A marriage licence was issued
yesterday to P. D. Qulsenberry,
1190 South Liberty street,
Miss Clara Breitensteln, of
South Twelfth street. ,.i.
: ' i
IWe're M
I -) .a
and (sow that we ars located la
our new quarters at
e In a position to glre yon
' better service on , your
transfer and hauling work.
We Still Handle Fuel
and hare several carload of
al due in a lew days. Better
ret yo ur order in early.
j 7 : Phone 030 .
i LcLrmcr Transfer &
btorase Co. -
Typewriters I
9S Down
95 Monthly
O. K. Lockwood
S47 N. Com. St.
Fkoao 868
Trade in Your Old Heater
On a new one at Stiff's.
County d?rk Report
In a report Issued yesterday by
I U. G. Boyer, clerk of Marion coun
Tf vott wish td know bow ex-
and plorers feel wtien frozen in the ice,
Bnu T . ..--S v.r. lnn1r fine in
leu a wuii dw .ww-
spite of her ae. f
Funeral of judge Held .
At Episcopal Church
: , :. :
Funeral services for the late
I George G. Bingham, circuit judge
Linn counties.
" ' ! . For .'
Open Evenlnsa M
Popular Priced
Tailored Suits $25 to f45
Men's and Yonng Men's
Ua ntimriot rT rliVAifn fllllta I If IT iUdl IUU nuu
filed during the quarter ending were neio irwn pt. jt.
a . n woo; 9-t nal cnurcn Monaay bucihuw",
IITSZL I ;,:: V-, "" --C; hare. of the Knights Templar
nKVPULT-KlA, WA! L 11(3 LVLai MA Vt IU Js I ?
of law actions filed in the circuit and. the Webp Funeral par oa
court. Costs to the county for Judge mngnm o.ea m
the peUt grapd jury was $71.30. Saturday afternoon. He was 63
for the grand, jury $134.80, for yea 5 , 1
vvfBi Bateiu. c it io., .w - t
1835. locating with his parents in
v vtii In 1571 tla was
Liquor Owner Sentenced! """."""Sl " "1 -hi. -t
i. . leuucmeu iu 'uc " ' -
imny ays in iue couuiy . , M.H t (nfioM at
and a fine of $250 were imposed "','7 J .;",t"i;
T1, xr- 4. no Va MCWinUTIlIB UU. jiawi -
born in
j . .i
Van Arnam was found guilty afte mitted l
o 4.,rv trial last wslr Van Ar. 1 BilmB
nam was arrested at a . dance at
.1 -
Oregon-' bar the
-VnjrVc'fbr.Hiirej-.;,;,: AlK
; Out antoe are all kept In prime condition,
r therefore are absolutely safe to drlTa.
We hire them either with or without driren,
IHOXB 020 Office at Stace Terminal
Five year8slater Judge- Bingham
v I j OoSlrU on1 nnenu) n
for three rMf when he was ele-t-
- . I .i ji.iu.t tho thirri
continued at the same figure, giv- Tr.TT'T . "
ng Van Arnam his freedom or M with Judge Peter 11.
the present.
Gets Building Permit
A building permit for the erec
tion of a $3500 ' residence was
IBSUOU 1IUII1 IUB 1117 Cl.w.wc. o 1 ... . . .: A tam - ,,Hfro
fice Monday to SR. Bond. The BVU T "." '
partnership with - Judge
D'Arcy, which continued for four
years. On February 23. 1910, he
was admitted to practise before
the United States supreme court.
1 At the tlmfe of his death he was
11 y i 11
4 ' . . :
.t .
SI - V
Established 18C3
General Eonlnnj Biuxne
Office IIct23 frcn 10 a, cu lo 3 p. ri.
of the third Judicial district. For
a number of years he was local
attorney forfthe Southern tactile
railroad company.
Judge Bingham' belonged to the
Elks and Masons.! He la survired
by his widow and one daughter.
aw a t n rnaiiir nr w w nrrMKi a -
V " :--.-V.:-I Mrs. Keith PoweM. of Woodburn
tne weeK-ena. nay nouanu. .f t 4.r n . k.
ship of the Knights Teniplar at
tended the funeral 'at the Episco
pal church,? andf Knights from
Portland and other cities also
were present, f '.
residence will be bUilt at 250 N.
Twenty-third. ;
IJquor Owners Fined
One hundred and fifty dollars
was added to the city treasury
Monday as a result of two arrests
I was fined $50 for possession of
liquor. He was arrested at 3
Uneqnaled fieryloi :
At any rate the Russians taught
the world that lt Isn't always pro-
1 gr ess Just because it's- news-
Talk doesn't make good Tailoring, Hut good Tailoring mafes talk, and thousands
of satisfied customers will be found ready and willing to tell you how good our
work is and how low our prices are.
: : II
It's a DUNDEE Cassiraere, a
Tweed, a BroadcIoUVa Serge, a
Cheviot, a Whipcord, a Gabar
dine or a
It's worth talking about
you select your suit in tKo
"Home of the 5UU All
Wool V Patterns," it has
real body, up-to-dato
style, wear - r e s i s tinj;
qualities, shape-retaining
lines " j
It's worlH Having
i $25.00
L-J $27.50 rr
- cqi; nn 1 H i
1 "
$40.00 I-
Fall Styles and Patterns Now. Selling
a -. .
Expert Tailora
-The Heme ef the 600 AltWsot Patterns
1 60 N. Commercial Street