Issued Daily Except Monday by i THB iTATESXCAlT PTJBU8HIX0 COBCFAVT . 215 South Commercial SI, Salem, Oregon R. J. Hendricks) loaa.L. Brady, I. frank Jaskoaki j . , Manager ' Kill tor Manager Job Dept. ' i KZXBSB Or TBZ ASSOCIATED PRESS The Ataoelatad Freaa ta exclusively entitled to the me for publication of all nrwi dispatches credited to it or not therwUe credited in thia paper and also the local tm published herein. . ; '. i u - I 1 , 1 '- BUSINESS OFFICE: '. I Thomas P. Clark Co, K Tork, 1 41-145 'West 36th St,; Chicago, Marquette Build- I t iat W. & Grotbwahl, Mgr. I (Portland Office, S38 Worcester Bldf, Phone 6637 B Roadway, C. P. Williams, Ugr.) Bails ess Office i. Vewa Department I TELEPHONES: ! , . . 18 Circulation Office .: . .SS-106 , Society Editor . Job Department ... . . 683 ; 583 106 1 Entered at the Poatoffice tm Salem, Orrg-on. aa aecoad-elaea matter - j BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER Prepared by Radio BIBLE SERVICE Bureau, Cincinnati. Ohio. It parents will have their children memorize the daily Bible selee tion&v It will prove priceless heritaee to them in alter years. ' ' :. .' ..-i 4 - , ' - it-"' ' '"' ' ! ' v ' '!' ' October T " 19524 i PRAISE THE GOOD GOD: -Make a Joyful noise unto the Lord. Enter Into his ! gates withthanksgiving. , , For the Lord is good. Psalm 100:1. 4, 5. j i . j M . PRATER: '-".t M--r f. ; - - li,-: : ' !'! . ' - "Lord,; In the morning Thou shalt hear ,.. 1 My voice ascending high; i I I . v To Thee will I direct my prayers, i ! To Thee lift up mine eye." is ! i . LET'S GET OUBS: BEET SUGAK FACTORIES ! ' ; : : .. f : -V '..Nil- ; ) A I Sugar beets last year hat Jhe greatest average value per acre of any major field crop grown by the American farmer, according to Charles II. Allen, president of the Farmers Sugar Co., Defiance, Ohio, who spoke before the Salem Kjiwanis club on September 16, and before the Salem Rotary club ion Septem ber 17, 1924. I j :.r. ;-v ; p ' " . - In his address iere, Mr. (Allen pointed out that jsugar beets rerr.oVfl! less fertility from the soil than any other crop and inade a plea against the passage of any law affecting1 agriculture in the United States unless it first answers the question: Does it conserve the fertility of the soil! j i jj ,-,t-,Mr. Allen now calls attention in a letter to The Statesman to figures available; for last year that show the individual farmer profited more from sugar beets than any other crop And he, says Michigan and Colorado are typical. j iProf. J. F. Cox bead of the farm crops department of Mich igan Agricultural college, is quoted as stating that sugar beets paid the largest gross return to, Michigan farmers! of any field $rop grown in the! state last year.' Statistics pn Colorado, an other important sugar growing state, are contained in a recent issue of Facts About Sugar, showing that beets ranked first in that state among major crops in average total value to the farmers per acre. ; ' ii. In view of j these figures it is lamentable, Mr. Allen con- tends, that America should pay from $250,000,000 to $500,000,000 'annually to Cuba for, sugar that could be raised on American soil with great I profit to the American farmer. ''Under pur 'present policy of federal encouragement,' he says, "beet acreage is increasing and new factories are being built, indicating that a much, larger proportion of i our sugar supply will be home gro wn in the f utiire. ' ; j t....f. :"''f.-pr f This is desirable in times of peace as a means of keeping down the price j through competition with foreign sugar, and "also as a national asset in time of war; not that we are looking for. war, but neither were we in 1914 or 1916. . The writer is not sure" just what Mr. Allen means when he speaks of our "present policy of federal encouragement." J If the authorities ; It j Washington are making special efforts ! to - induce the growing of sugar beets and the building of beet sugar factories, they are doing a very wise thing j ; ; H . v ,' And the writer, does not know that there are two groups of factory people; looking, to Salem as a possible location for a .beet sugar factory -to say nothing of the interests represented by Mr. Allen. , ' ; ,;. 3 ' :" V ' ;The commercial . interests of Salem are ready to give aid , and encouragement in this field. The representatives of these groups will be received here .with open arms. j ; Let's get ours, in beet sugar factories j j And pass the good work along to Eugene, Albany, Corval lis, McMinnville and the other valley cities which may be able to guarantee the pecessary acreage; or rather the necessary labor in planting, 1 weeding and harvesting, which are the im portant items. ; ; . i " . ASS UA, SHE KNOWS j The American housewife whosb family j breadwinner was imong the 4,500,000 unemployed workers mentioned by Mr, A Gamuel Gompers in 1920, knows that employment and wages are more secure and better than they were under the Democratic Jree trade tariff policy of that distressful year. She knows full well that these better conditions exist under the present Repub lican policy of protection to American industries . And nobody in all our, broad land knows so much about the horrors of industrial idleness as does the American house wife. She. handles jthe purse and does the weekly marketing. She knows what Unemployment, part time work. or low wasres mean, to the household. She' knows that when the purse is low or empty, it matters not how cheap goods may be on the market, hhe must curtail the purchases of meats, groceries and clothing for' the family. " ; i . , If every American housewife who remembers the trying days of 1919 and 1920, under the Democratic free trade tariff, "and the millions p workmen out of employment, will carry that juwaor ;wuo ner; to me ballot box this year, Coolidge and Dawes will have an overwhelming majority over the combined opposition on democratic free trade candidates and the candi dates of the Socialist-thirty party experiment in government. they would have bankrupted the farming Industry of the state. Bankers received help because they were carrying the farmers rather than foreclosing them,' and a number of banks actually failed because they could not get help to carry this burden. These are some of the things that private business did to help the farmers. But the great state of Oregon, through Its land board, has insti tuted foreclosures as heartlessly as Shylock ever attempted to col lect his interest. In campaign times there is some atitude allowed for language, but it never should go to the extent of actually punishing the residents of the state. The government of Oregon is punishing certain farm ers In the face of a regularly en acted law to prevent precisely what is now being done. The league of nations has never been recognized by America, but it has continued to exist and function just the same. It would get along better, of course, ; with America's help. One of the out standing things it is now consid- ring is outlawing all war. SIf it does that it will be worth while. There must be concerted action in order "to outlaw war. One na tion' can't do it. All the nations acting together can always make war impossible. Certainly the world paid enough for the last war. War is wrong. We have said many times that aside from the bloodshed the worst part of war was the reconstruction after wards, i' : . i ' THE SCHOOL FUND .As an evidence of how the at tack on the Irreducible school fund is simply a cheap kind of politics It is only necessary to mention that the! school land board has sent out for foreclosure 1X1 notes and mortgages. On 58 of this number i the interest was paid in full in 1922; j 45 in 1923 and six in 1924. It wil) be seen that there was only from six months to a "year and a lialf In terest due on all 181 of these notes which are under foreclos ure." 4 -V- ' -:' Anticipating a condition of hard times such' as"we have . had: and being anxious to provide I q ad vance to prevent the farmers f ram losing their iand the -legls- . Ure passed a' law meeting pre ely th!s emergency., which law Laa been di3resardcd. . In chapter 272 of session laws of 1923 we ' 1 1 the" following:; 'TrovilSrj tl r t U It sioull ap pear to the satisfaction of the board that the mortgagee can not make the payment of interest and that foreclosure will work an in justice and that foreclosure is not necessary to secure the fund from loss, - the board . may extend ' the time for paying such interest as now due for a period not exceed ing two years." It is evident from this that the land board is unnecessarily fore closing mortgages and the; law was enacted to prevent them doing this very thing.1 There can only be one purpose In this and that is to exploit - the condition of ; the school fund. There is only i one reason why the condition of the school fund might be exploited at this time. That reason is the election, which occurs next month. The bankers and the business men generally not only In Oregon but In the United States have from necessity adopted the policy that the state of Oregon adopted from choice. 11 J tLeyiiiot f dose'-so MAKIXG PROGRESS DISCONCERTED POLITICS It must be admitted that there is a good deal of uncertainty and guess work in politics. It is gen erally agreed that the independent party would get the greater num ber of the German-American vote. Yet right on the heels of such an announcement there comes a re port that at a public meeting In Germany the name of President Wilson was loudly cheered when 1 mentioned. The fact of the case is that the German-American vote is not going to be delivered. Those citizens are practically all thrifty and they want to let well enough alone. They know that they are prosperous because of republican laws, and they know that to vote for either La toilette or Davis would be to throw a monkey- wrench In the orderly process of their progress. They are not go ing to do it. i A GOOD MAX GONE Judge George G, Bingham was a man who could be spared with great regret. He was more than merely a yudge. He was a great citizen and his judicial duties were conducted along the lines of high citizenship. He wanted to serve and he made his office serve. He wanted to do things that were right for the people and he in terpreted law in a systematic manner. His place will be nard to fill, yet it is good that such a man lived. 1 - , TOTTERIXQ The MacDonald government was a minority government to start with. It was never a coalition government. However, it was a swapping government. ! It was put intb power because the liberals for reasos of their own united ; with the laborites with the result that a majority for MacDonald was secured- The situation was incongruous at the best and Mr. MacDonald has not been strong enough to hold it. "Pape's Cold Compound" Breaks a Cold Right Up Take two tab lets every three hours until three doses are taken. The first dose al ways gives relief. The second ' and third doses com pletely break up the cold. Pleasant and safe to take. , Contains no qui nine or opiates.- Millions use "Pape's Cold Compound." Trice. thirty-five' cents." Druggists guar antee it. Adv. 7 ' I FUTURE DATES OctoW 8 to 16 Y1ICA campaign tm 1200.000 Wild ins. October 10, Friday Recital at Wallet ball by Prof. Horace Kahakopf for ben efit of Salem Women club boose. - October 11-12. Saturday and Sunday Veterans of Foreign Wars departmental eonacil ana ceremonial. November 11. Tveadey Armtatiea day. November 20-22. Third Ananal Cora Shaw and Industrial Exhibit, aaspicaa -.Marloa fmrnly TMCA Attmtl C'tnTcn- lion, fialcrn, tkt-1 itiu - - -- j&lft. It ;V -pO T T ffrO : j'i NfYTP- VrHi will ' find' ' Your 2) ii i, M f i lffK 's, : ; : E l e t ries Your grocer , will deliver one of these wonderful . ' IF I T !'r m ' ' 1 - t! Tllj ' . II'.' 1 , f ? I mud ?n ooeed a t- mm K ,'. yithi Special V otter Mtitiaehinniemlt . including cord and plug, for the Special low price of EightNine Gents. Don't miss this unusual offer. See him today. Uilah& Toast WmsD (Breakfast (Food with this High Speed Toaster and Dixie Bread you can make piping hot toast each morning right on your breakfast table i and Remember 1 5 f I - Makes Better Toast ' BREAD i. I 1 Makes Better H E D I X I E IB A;.K'!E R 1