tfik ' Part One-Eislit Pages 5 . . . . M ' ' - Eighteen Paces Tc7 SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR SALEM. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1924 j PRICE FIVE CENTS r I t t t h f - -V ! - - v i !' ': 4 I - i j I ElfflTSIfJ' FIRST SE : BY 1 PUT Opening .Clash of World's Scries Goes to New York 4 Club By Score of Four to Three CONTEST GOES TO 12 FULL INNINGS Senators Come From Behind ! H nerate Rfll v " WASHINGTON, Oct. j4. (By1 the rjork Chants victory today AP.) The New fought their way to QYer the Washington Senators in the opening game world's aeries after of the 1924 one of the most thrilling,- dramatic battles baseball has ever known. The Giants won by the narrow margin of 4 to 3 in 12 bitterly contested Innings and conquered Washington's heroic Roundsman, Walter Johnson, bat the Senators though beaten in the first bid they bare ; ever made for ' the game's greatest crown, coyered themselves with glory in a fighting finish that droTe a crowd of oyer 35,000 Into hysterical frenzy.. t Come From Behind : I Coming from . behind .. when it seemed .that two smashing home runs by George Kelly and Bill Terry had clinched the game for the National league! champions, Washington, tied the score in the ninth with a spectacular rally and then, in the 12th, after the Giants had gained another commanding lead.' scored their third run off Art Nehr, Giant ; southpaw, and threatened once more to deadlock the game In a final desperate .'i The Giants triumphed by the sieer, relentless power of an at tack .that Johnson ' and .the Sena tors, despite their most heroic ef f arts, .could not check. Bat the American league champions, al . though they emerged defeated In this gripping three-hour' straggle far -supremacy, left tbe field amid one of the most remarkable dem onstrations any team. Tictor or vanquished, eyer recelred.. ' The first citizen of the nation, Fresident Coolidge, chief among a host of notables forming ! the brilliant; gathering, i threw re straint aside at the lend of that pulse-quickening VI 2ti inning as he waved his hat and joined in the mighty tribute , to the .Senators Vho had fought their fight cour ageously a.nd come within an ace of turning the tide that through . out the . game had seemed lrre slstably against them. I ; Defeat Keenly Felt , It was a i stunning blow for Washington's high hopes, a defeat for Johnson that had Us tragedy after he reached, but could not cross the threshold of his 18-year-old, ambition a world's series victory, but ,it left "Bucky" Har rlif. 2 7-year-old pilot and his men tmdiscouraged. undismayed and confident that they have suffered1 only a' temporary setback in a flgt that will lead to ultimate triumph. 1 I f I Johnson, the Idol of all fandom, the' mainspring of Washington's hope, emerged . & hero even in de feat. For while the. gallant vete ran, was hit hard , and paved the way for his own downfall in the 12 th Inning when he! faltered, he gave a brilliant exhibition. Flash ing all the amazing speed that has made him famous, Johnson struck out 12 of the Giants,! and In nine of the 12 innings baffled them with the craft and "smoke" of his delivery. But two mighty home runs by Kelly and Terry, .thrusts that came with the suddenness of lightning rand a savage -drive in the 12th inning brought about the veteran's undoing. - J I .! Nehf Does Wen "Tor eight innings Jottbson matched his wonderful speed, his pawling change of pace with the southpaw skill of Nehf. The Giant star, despite sporadic streaks of ' t (Contiaad em pass t) THE WEATHER 1 OREGON: Cloudy and nn v settled; 1 slight changes in (temperature; moderate north erly winds. . - ' -,j I j LOCAL. WEATHER C s; (Saturday) v Maximum temperature, 6 1' Minimum temperature, 40 . River, -1.3, falling 'Rainfall, none j Atmosphere, clondjr YInd, northwest, j ' JOHN McGRAW ADMITS HE HAS A BETTER CLUB Manager of N. Y. Giants Ex . presses Confidence That : He Win Win the Series ; . WASHINGTON, Oct, 4. (By The Associates .Press) The game today wag the greatest ever play ed in a world series, John -J. Mc Graw. manager, of the Giants, said tonight. Nehf.! he added, out pitched Johnson and deserved to win. ' j McGraw complimented the Washington players on their up hill fight but said his .team was tbe better club of the two and he .was confident would win the series.' : j ' UNIQUE TOKEN' JIVKN A floral baseball, almost as tall as a man, with crossed bats on a field of white shysanthemums. or dered by the Sacramento. Cal., chamber of commerce for- presen tation to Earl i McXeely of the Senators and Jimmy O'Connel of the Giants was presented to Mc Neely alone. ; LS VJITH CAPTAIlil Craft .Seems Literally to Come to Pieces and Fall to the Ground V. - - rt .'!.!, DAYTON. Ohio. Oct. 4. (By the AP.) Capt. Burt E. Skeel, commander of .the 27th squadron of th1 First United States army air pursuit group. Self ridge field, Mt. demons. Mich., fell to ' his death from an altitude variously estimated , at between 500 and 1 000 feet at Wilbur Wright field to day as he was preparing to swing into a flying start in the Pulitzer race, the last event of the inter national air races. Forty thousand spectators saw Skeel's plane f break into pieces and fall from the sky. As the seemingly match-like splinters rained down. Lieut, W. H. Brook ley of McCook field, shot his Cur tiss racer over the spot where his fellow flier's body lay .imbedded 15 feet in the soft clay and so oh Into the race. f . Lieut. H. H. Mills, flying a Ver-vlUe-Sperry racer; won the race, traveling the,' 200 . kllometerc course at the rate of 216.5$ miles an hour. L This is almost 30 miles an hour less than the best previous mark,! made last year at St. Louis by Lieut. A. J. Williams of the navy, who traveled 243.68 miles an hour. Captain Skeel's death was the first fatality of the races thus far and the initial one of the Pulitzer race since it has been contested and threw a pall of gloom over the concluding cer emonies of the air .races. All so cial events, including the formal presentation of prises to the win ners which were to have taken place tonight, were canceled. Lieutenant Cyrus Bettis, mak ing a speed of 175.43 miles an hour In a Curtiss PW-8 won the first Mitchell cup and second and third places were taken by Lieu tenant Donald ,F. Stace and Thom as K. Matthews. Lieutenant Stace's time was 173.7 miles an hour and that of Lieutenant Mat thews 173.32. 1 The light airplane event was won by H. C. Mummert of Ja maica, N. Y., who flew a Mum mert sport plane around a fifty mile course at the rate of 38.24 mile an hour for a prize of $1,500. NAVY HARD PRESSED ANNAPOLIS. Mr., Oct, 4. Op ening their football schedule to day, the Annapolis midshlpment were forced to extend themselves to the limit to defeat the William and Mary college team of Virginia 14 to 7. j Stage a WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. "To morrow is another day," Stanley Harris, 27 year old manager of the Senators, said today in -; the dressing room after his team had lost to the Giants by the narrow est of margins. "It's the first time I ever saw the Giants in action in a world's series,' he continued, "but after looking them over today, I really believe that we have a better team and will go on to win the world's championship." "We don't feel as though we were , really beaten, although, of course, the Giants won a great victory." Harria complimented Walter Johnson - on the great game he ME Wachmg PRETTY YHJS . r- :- - ' - - ' ! Hi FOUi K Mrs. Vernie Davies, Aged 23, Discovered in Mutilated Condition at Her Home Near Frisco HUSBAND 1S ALSO - DISCOVERED DEAD Search Promptly Instituted for 3-Year-Old Son, Wilbur Compton ' Police tonight found Mrs. Davies tour year old son in the care of Mrs. Alma Bella, to wbos4 custody Davies bad given it September 10, saying .his wife -was aicic and unable to -care ior Jlm. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 4. The discovery by police of Daly City, a suburb, today of the body of Mrs. Vernie Davies, 23. horribly mutilated and stuffed In a trunk simultaneously with the finding of the body of her husband, II. A. Davies, former state traffic officer, at Susanville. Cal., with a bullet hole in his head, has started a search for Mrs. Davies' son by .a former marriage, Wilbur Comp ton, aged three. It is believed that the boy, too, may have been slain and the authorities late to day started to dig for the body in the basement of the house where the gruesome discovery was made. The police believe that Mrs. Davies was murdered by her husband in the Crockett apartments here on the night of September 13 and her body placed in the trunk at that time and moved with the other family, belongings to the Daly City cottage three days later. T Little Wilbur was last seen alive September 13 by Mrs. E. M. Pap pen, manager of an apartment house. Mrs. Pappen told the au thorities that there had been a commotion "in the .Davies' apart ment and she had gone to investi gate. She said that Davies told her that he had had a "battle" and had found another man in the place in company with his wife. . Later, according to Mr, pappen, she saw him washing blood stains from the wall.' He volunteered that his wife and child had gone to Reno,- although Mrs. Pappen had observed the child playing about only a short time before. . i I It is presumed that Davies brooded over the killing and de cided to commit suicide. He had not been seen since September 27. Mrs. Davies Jvad .formerly .been the wife of Charles O. Compton, presumably of Reno. She was married to Davies In that i . city June 25, 1923. Her child was born in Reno, November 1, 1920. A note was found apparently either from the mother of Davies or his wife bearing the address 125 W. Second street, Reno, indicating that she was going to Luning, Nev. Mrs. Davies' body was in such a condition as to indicate that an autopsy might have been perform ed upon it after death. . The torso was slit open as though by a sur geon in a post mortem examina tion. Later Investigations indicated the possibility that Davies also mayt have been murdered. . The police found two revolvers beside the body With all the chambers empty. There were a number of bullet holes In the walls that had been plugged with putty. ton Will Big Comeback pitched under the handicap of oc cupying the limelight. "Walter was,, not unhappy, although he wanted to win. He is Just. as good a man in defeat as he would have been, in victory and I think he deserved to win." Arthur Nehf, Giant veteran, "who came - back to win . the : hardest fought battle in the history of world's series competition after cracking against the Yankees last year, was more Inclined to speak of Johnson than of himself. "Walter pitched a great game." he said. "It was mighty fine to win, of course, hut it would not have been hard to lose to the man I opposed today.' There -were moments when victory hang on a thread." DEII CALVIN'S CIGAR! JflEEDS TO BE REUTi2TIMES First Citizen of jUnited States 'takes Keen Interest in Opening;; viame X WASHlNGTON, Oct. 4. (By the Associated Press). President Coolidge was a baseball fan this afternoon and the . excitement which stirred .37,0)0 other fans to the wildest ' pitches I of .emotion brought the president also to his feet time and again.: applauding vigorously the heclie points In the thrilling 12-innln4 opening battle of tbe wqrld's series.! Mr. Coolidge, although a base ball follower of nore ; or less en thusiasm, lighted hi cigar and sat back at the opening of the contest apparently ready to enjoy a leisurely two hqurs. The cigar went out twice in the early part of the game, but when Kelly drove out a homh- for the first marker and 'Judge followed .soon after with the Senators' first hit, the, stogie burned f-mdre steadily.' When Roger Peckinpnngh lined a solid drive far jjlnto T left center in the ninth and sent Bluege over the plate with th4 tying run, Mr. Coolidge was amjng the first of the hysteric throng ;on his feet. Tho cigar had beeb forgotten. He turned and entiled with Speaker Gillett of the hotjse and C. Ban corn Slemp, his secretary, and his other guests as they leaned shout ing into the air, waving their hats. Mrs. Coolidge was; at his side wav ing .her score card and applauding with all her might, i Score of 57 to 0 Piled Up By ! Powerful Scoring Ma chine at Seattle SEATTLE. Wasb.i Oct. 4 Opening the f Pacific-Northwest conference football season here today, the University of Washing ton teemed to have - Willamette University almost 'at 4ta will, the score reaching 57 to 0, in favor of the Huskies. , I j , Coach Enoch W. Bagshaw of Washington gave bis men a chance to prove themselves and two of them, Mike Hanley, who started at halfback last Saturday and played at quarter today and Harold Shid ler of Seattle, substituting at right halfback, shone. Shldler made four touchdowns and converted as many goals. Hanley starred In re turning punts. Iff Absentees from fthe Husky line up were Elmer Teseau, big veteran fullback, and George Guttormsen. who was active at quarter last week. " .. I- " 1 For Willamettf Which never was in a position to score. Quart erback Isbam led with his kicking and running. Lacking three men who were in the pineup last Sat urday when Wljlamette made a scoreless tie against the University of Oregon, but, who! this week, were sent back to; Kansas on the ground that they lad played their full time fpr Mcpherson college there. Willamette surprised Seat tle fans by what f she did not do rather than by what she did. Lineup, and summary: ' Wash. Position 3 Willamette jn i D1STWI ..... . JB.i. . . . . Kuhn McRae lgJ... Chalmers . . c.'. . . Bellman rg.. . .. Erickson . . . .rt4- Cole ... re.!. . J. Hanley . . . . ,qb.f. . . Wilson ...... lh 4. . . . Harmetter . . . rh i . . . . Charleston . . .fb.l. . . . . PI 5 Fasnacht . Hartley Sherwood . Huston Malstrom Stolbelze Robertson . . Isbam . . . . Post Kramer . Fletcher Period j I Willamette 0: jOi 0; , 0;- 0 Washington 13; il; ,0; 1457 Washington scoring: Touch downs. Wilson 4; Shldler, (sub stituting for Parmeter, 4. Points from try .after touchdown. Hanley 2; Shilder 4. Drop kick, Hanley. Referee: Bartlet, Oregon. Um pire. Fleager, Seattle. Head line man, Morris, Seattle; Time of periods, 15 minutes. Three-Year-OIcj Girl Drowns, in Rain Barrel ASTORIA, Or., Oct. 4.Word was brought here today from Brookfield, Wash that Georgina Tarabochla. 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tarabochla, was drowned yesterday afternoon when she climbed over the edge of a rain barrel iln which there waa about 18 inches of water and fell -head first! intQ the receptacle. The' body was not recovered nn- til about 10 minutes later. , salf .i I ; -.!-, HUGHES DPEfJS 0HI0C1PH FOR THE GOP United States Secretary of State Fires Initial Gun With Address Given at Cincinnati ADMINISTRATION IS STRONGLY DEFENDED All Political Corruption Will Be Abolished, Is Prom ise Made CINCINNATI, Ohio. Oct. 4. The republican presidential cam paign in Ohio formally was opened here, tonight with Secretary Hughes-as 'chief speaker, his ad dress covering almost every issue raised those far by either demo- cratlc - or independent orators.' "Whatever may be the subject of campaign speakers," the secre tary declared, there is really only one Issue in this campaign, that, is shall the administration of Cal vin Coolidge be continued? The average man who. is not interested in the tactics of the campaign says to himself and to his neighbor "why should there be a change?" t Taking up first the argument of "our historic opponents of the democratic party," Mr. Hughes dismissed briefly what he termed "eloquent discourse on the fun damental principles of American government. "Does it occur to our friends, that if the question is one of Americanism, you could not find in the length and breadth of the land a more typical American than Calvin Coolidge?" he asked. "Calvin j Coolidge :- Incarnates Americanism. There could be no betterment in change." r J s . .Honesty Not An Issue ; .1 ?"Jt was equally vain to seek an issue in common , honesty," Mr. Hughes declared. ; .ii-v-: : '".; I "Fortunately honesty is com mon," he added. "It is common to both parties, because it is com mon to Americans. t It is not the special quality of any party. "We detest political corruption and we demand the punishment of the guilty. The republican who BOilahts hands in corrupt dealing Is as treacherous to his party as to his country. Every de mand of justice Is being met and every Interest of the government is being safeguarded.' ; After reading the 'section of the democratic j platform, j proposing an advisory referendum election on joining the league, Mr. Hughes continued: 'Probably ' a more futile and. unsound proposal has never been made by a convention of a great political party. : This Is j the proposal which the former democratic 1 secretary of war aptly characterized in the convention itself as 'a fanciful, il legal, unconstitutional, revolution ary referendum, I need not pay further attention to this absurd proposal than to use his words-" Attacks Progressives . Mr. i. Hughes reserved j fire at third ticket until the close of his address. - It offered, he said, 1 a 'definite program" but he added that y remedies for abuses could be found ''without overturning Institutions." "I do not believe," the secre tary continued "in which doctors or in beating tom-toms to exercise evil spirits, instead of seeking suitable hygiene to get the full benefit of a .sound constitutional system.".:-;! ' '' T& first effect of the indepen dent movement in case of success would be "no election at all," Mr. Hughes declared, adding: "The third party begins by threatening us with confusion and panic' -:!-";' 1 "The constitution says that the congress shall make no law res pecting an establishment of reli gion, or prohibiting the free ex ercises thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to peti tion tbe government for a redress of grievances. The third party says that congress shall have this power provided' it passes its act twice. '. - . , . - . J . Could Override Contitutlon "The constitution says that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color. or previous condition of servitude. "The third party says that con gress shall have this power prov ided it passed Its act twice. "The constitution says that (Continued ea pag S) OLD PIONEER FINALLY GETS TOTHERACES Ezra Meeker, Aged Washing- tonian, Arrives at Dayton in Perfect Safety :J DAYTON, Ohio, Oct. 4 Ezra Meeker of Seattle, Wash., nona genarian air traveler, flew out of the west today to see tbe last day's program of the International air Taces at Wilbur Wright field and; became the lion of the day. ' ; Meeker. Oregon trail pioneer, made his first trip across the con tinent In 1852 Ina covered wagon. In d 06 he drove, oxen over the route again. This time he decided he Wanted to do it In a little bet ter -time and he asked Assistant Secretary of War Davis , for per mission to fly. from Seattle to Day ton with Lieutenant Oakley Kelly. I They left Wednesday morning and made the journey in 13 hours Hying time, coming . into Dayton' from Rantoul, 111. uuaany packing Plant in : Danger of Complete De struction, Is Report OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 5 Fire of undetermined origin is said" to be destroying the lumber yard and butying buildings of the Cudahy Packing company's plant at the Union Stock Yards at South Oma- The entire plant is endangered, the fire department reports. ; All . Omaha and South Omaha fire: companies have been, ordered to the stock yards. A general alarm has been sounded. - The fire was not under control at J2:30 this morning. Every available piece of fire apparatus has been ordered to the yards. No Official statement has been given but Jby officers of the Cudahy firm, who are at the Bcene of tbe fire, but the loss, it was said, will amount to $1,000,000. f -Tihe-box factory? the hide fac torjf, the lumber yard and the Dutjch cleanser plant ate burning and; firemen are 'unable to control, these blazes. "j A strong wind fan ned! the flames higher and higher and the sparks began to spread to othr buildings. Efforts are. already -being con centrated on checking the spread of the flames . to other packing plants and stock pens. ' f Fve box cars loaded with lum ber on a side track, are burning and firemen are unable to check the ) spreading flames. The oleo dep&rtment of the plant and the soap factory are threatened. i The flames, fanned by the winds,, reached high into the sky and; can be seen' for miles around. - Company officials at the scene of the conflagration declined an official statement . but estimated tbejloss would approach a million dollars. At a late hour this morning furtjher damage seemed probable In view of the wind shifting from the northwest in a northerly di rection. The south wind it was indicated, is fanning the flames in the direction from which they had spread, ' practically eliminat ing further danger to other build- ing. .: : ' . . The box, factory, the hide fac tor, the lumber yard and' the Dutch Cleanser plant are burning and firemen are unable to control these blazes. A strong northwest wind fanned the flames higher and! higher and the sparks began to spread to other buildings. ; Efforts are already being con centrated on checking the spread of pie flames to other packing plants and stock pens. Five box car loaded with lum ber on a sidetrack are burning and firemen are unable to check the spreading flames. The oleo de partment of the plant "and the soap factory are threatened, j '. Train Wreck Is Fatal I To FiveMany Iniured ' SWIFTON,' Ark. Oct,- 4. Five men were killed, one was serious ly Iniured and a score or more of passengers wer more or less seri ously injured late tonight when Missouri-Pacific passenger train No. 1 8 northbound f rom Texarkana to St. Louis, crashed into an pen swiich here, j ' :: TVa -nrnAcA the eneineer arid! fireman, both of Little Rock, an unidentified white passenger andl two negroes. ,The .engines eight cars were derailed, the man and; express cars being virtually demolished. ; Most of the pass enger coaches remained on . the tracks. These were taken In tow by train l"fo. 18 and : carried ; o their destination. , Flfi EflllOESflT - jubee mmi: KLiWIGM Death Follows Fatal Illness About 4 O'cld: j Court Office Held EiSHt Years J-:3 r Kelly Announces That No Sessions Vill I' j Held Prior to Next Wednesday Judge George G. Bingham of the circuit court for Usri z n and Linn counties died in Portland late yesterday follcvrir j a paralytic stroke. 1 "" : . , . : , i ; Details of the death of Judge Bingham did not reach I: : r 2 last night. He was holding court in Portland about a v. c;'.; kgo when he suffered a slight stroke while presiding cn the bench, and went to a hospital unassisted, where his was also ill. Yesterday about 4 o'clock Judge Binshan cuT fered a severe stroke and died soon afterward. Vh:ih:r this occurred at the hospital could not be ascertained hero, j . Judge Bingham suffered a sh'ght stroke severe! ycara ago wnne presiding in court house, . It affected his voice a few days.. A similar attack came upon him about a v. c ago in Portland, but the illness that ended his life yestcrJ. :' must have been much more severe. ' Judge Bingham, in the eight years that he served cn II. i bench in this district, made a record that in some rer:ct.s was unique and his ability was recognized throu shcut tl . j state. He became almost nationally known thrci!h h?: naturalization work. He often was called outside hu tl! -tiict to hold court, and presided at the. famous Brunfi:! J murder trial at Roseburg. ....... ' . . . ' : : Judge Bingham has beea. a rci- HUGE BOOTLEG BUS IDE British Steamer. Carrying ; UjOOO Cases of Whiskey, Is Captured ; NEW YORK, Oct. A. With the capture of a rakish , British steam er with 11,000 cases of , whiskey aboard, prohibition officials today claimed to have caused' the col lapse of 'an Anglo-American banker-bootlegger, alliance which in the past six months has flooded this part of the country wih il licit liquor. j 'As the result of a three-months' Investigation, coast guardsmen seized the 376 ton steamer Fred erick B, and her (crew, of 20 men fifteen miles off Monmouth beach, New Jersey which the federal of ficers call the first real test of the liquor treaty with Great .Bri tain. Bankers in Montreal and VNewJ York and distillers and shipping men in London and Hali fax are said to be; members of the international bootlegging ring which the dry raiders said has 110,000,000 behind its operation of a four-ship fleet, r H ' 1 4 Others Ttaken j In addition to the prize capture of the Britisher. I four smaller craft fleet motorboats that brine the liquor from, the rum fleet' to the long Island and New Jersev shores -were taken, f The capture which Included a half hundred cases of whiskey, and fifteen pris oners was made by the marine police, ' . i One lone police 1 boat, with lights out, got three ( Of the little craft off the Rockaways single handed. - The fourth was taken at Staten Island while her crew were unloaded whiskey on a dock. ( Clever Device Used i A novel ruse. was employed by tbe federal agents to involve the crew of the Frederick B in a lest of the new treaty, which extends the ancient three mile limit to tbe distance, of ah hour's sailing. ,' After handing the vessel's mas ter $100,000 in cash, and checks to make a fat liquor purchase agreement binding, agents asked for 25 .'sample' cases "to take c shore at once. ' They put the stuff" aboard the fatest speed boat they could get and raced ashore in 42 minutes. This, as sert the agents. Involved the boot leg ring in a Violation of . the Anglo-American treaty.. r . Their race against time complet ed the agents pressed the coast guard cutter Manhattan into the work. That formidably armed little vessel steamed alongside the Whiskey-laden Frederick B, placed under arrest the : crew . and two women found aboard,- and preced ed the ship to an under guard anchorage off the Statue of Li berty.. r -V '- i ' .'. 1 John Holley Clarke, - assistant United States district attorney later -said the capture, was the most 'important since the United States entered into the new seiz ure limit treaty with Great Bri tain. . - i" ' f "! . - - f - - 7 ' . ' , at the ilanoa county, c temporarily, but he recovcrc 1 i: fident of Oregon since 1872 anl of Salem sinoe -1885. Ha was elected to the circuit court 4n No vember. 1816 .defeatist 'J::-3 William Jalloway. lie we3 r -elected without opposition in 1C.. He. was born Nov. 23,' 1853, tt ; son of William 11. and Bingham. He was graduated f r : i the University of Michisaa I r school in 1880, coming to Ore.: two jrears later and was aerr."': 1 to the barr He became assocf ' I with James McCain at Lafayette Or., and a year later movel ti McMlnnvllle where he pra:tl law until 1885 when he mcrs I i Salem and .formed a prtEer:' f with Judge Ramsey, under t" firm name of Ramsey & E : - -" . which' existed until 1887. . then practiced law " alone is z :: I '. 1 19 0he was elected cllstri :t r -torney for the third .Judlclil trict. The same year ha fcr. : . : a partnership with P. H. dV.r-r, which continued for four jri He was admitted to jract:. 1 - fore the supreme court c United -States February 23, 1 He was atnember of the i: and BPOE fraternities. Judge Bingham' is surviv: his widow and a daughter, Keijh Powell of Woodbum. eral arrangements lsave not ) announced. Out of respect to Jufr? I ham. Judge Percy R. Kelly nounced last night that t1.e cult court here will net t s in slon Monday or Tuesday. t: f ' r- Ml SPEC TOSPOiO Third Party Candidate I pares Other Addressc: t 1 . Give on Coast SPOKANE. Oct. engagements In Spokane for C: tor Wheeler, independent presidential candidate were c: fined today to a single e: speech. He sought time fcr : paration of" new speeches ta t deliver next week In Pacific cities. Washington state r.--for La Follette having i ' Sunday address to hia i:: which will be delivered tc ; noonat the Puyallup fair cn t western side of the state. " Before his Spokane z ' ' Senator .Wheeler rereal; 1 I. Lcharges of corruption ia f r publican national ari : that Senator La FoUetta i: r . ed "would see that a Jot x.1 - " clans now walking tbe ttr;. : . are sent to the penitentlirr." assailed General Dawes, L's i publican opponent on the e::.-j i the Lorimer bank' failare i c dared that ' a .recent e: e z.i ' : a over production of farm rr- by Mr. Dawes meant tLit t-.a i publican party would czz-" f tension of western TiJ.: projects. He was tah:a tl ... . .1 from the meeting hall to tls tr:: MEDFCUD V.11 EMDFOHD.' OrJ Oct. 4. II ? Medford hirh school d-r, r ! t : Crescent City,' C; l., 1.1 z'i K:: I football team hera today Ti t . C, la the annual inter. co,.: .t.