The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 04, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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- I '-- - ' '; ' - - - - '
Committee Mrt 'lij' 1 -' H
Further discussion, of the corn
log $200,000 YMCA building cam
paign October a to 16 was the
order of business of the executive
committee which
met for luncheon
at the Marion hotel' Friday noon.
rretcott' Appl
King's and Sp
tzenberg's 75c at
orchards in Polk ! county,
Grove road. Bjrlqg boxes.
the Am
Have Xew Pin
Members of the American legion
auxiliary to Capital post No. 9 are
wearing the official pins - which
have just arrived! The pins are
small and round J with the small
bine star on a white background.
Circling the horde are the words
"Woman's Auxiliary Corps.
Some Particular Couple ,
Move into this bjand new strict
ly modern 4-room home, furnace,
fireplace, full cement basement.
hardwood floors,
dutch kitchen;
paving and walks.
On trim small
lot with fruit. See at 1654 South
High. ; Immediate
possession. For
sale like rent. Becke & Hendricks,
U. & Bg. Bldg.
-Grange H Meethkg (
An old fashioned harvest home
celebration was held in Macleay
grange hall last night. S. H. Van
Trump, county frujit inspector and
prominent Granger, attended the
meeting. : The Macleay Grange
will entertain the omona Grange
of the county atj'a big meeting
scheduled for October 15.
Another Feature j i ' "f.
' Bill of hlppidrome vaudeville at
the BliKh Sunday. . o4
Petition for "Writ-! r
. ; Petition: was filed In circuit
court yesterday asking for a writ
of habeas corpus 'for Marion Chll
ders Maribetta who, it is claimed.
is being unlawfully restrained i in
the girls' training school.
Home of Universal - . i
Ranges and stdves at Stiff 'a.
, ' : (- o2tf
Cattle Sell High--
That there is a good demand for
dairy i cattle at very satisfactory
prices was proven yesterday at the
dispersal sale of the Butler Bros,
dairy herd near Monmouth. There
was a total of 40 head sold for
a total of $3214.1 The grade cat-
Buys FuiTiituro !
Phcae 511
j Dr. B.IL White
I . Osteopathy - Surgery
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment -(Dr. Abrama method j.
Office Phone 859 or 469-J
r 608 U. S. IBank Bldg.
We're All
I --7
and now that
A our new
we are located In
quarteri at j ' :
we are in a position to give yon
itill . better i service on jour
transfer and hauling work.
, j We Still lHandle Fuel
and have several carloads of
coal due in a Jew days. Better
get jour order in early.
Phone 930
L&rxner Transfer
Storage Co.
vlpf?!:. Car for Hire
Oar autos are ' all kept in prime condition,
therefore are absolutely sate to drive. i
We hire thea either with or without driver.
PCONI3 SOSO ' ' f i' Office a 8tae Terminal -
: : Established 18C3
t'- i General Banians Burincxi
CI firs llcrrs frcn 10 a tx, to 3 p. eU
- u 1 1 ' ' r ' '
tie,: including baby calves, heifers
of various ages, and cows In milk
averaged $73.07, with a top price
of $145. There was a number of
registered, cattle In the lot and
these cowg sold for from $100 to
$170. One buyer, Fred Bone
brake, from Roseburg, purchased
six grade cows for $622. The herd
bull went to Ed Bowers of Shedd
for $80. Most of the other buy
ers were from close home points,
such as Monmouth, Independence
and Dallas. The sale was man
aged by E. A. Rhoten of Salem.
Buy Your Heaters Now -H.
L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Xotlce - J ' '
The county clerk's office will be
open , from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
of this week for the registration
of voters.- Registration closes on
Saturday, October 4, 1924, at five
o'clock p. m.! U. Q. Boyer, county
clerk. i o4
West Salem Church
Thomas Burgess Ford Memorial
church, West Salem. Pastor, Rev.
F. L. Cannell. Sunday school
convenes at 9:4a. A growing
school with consecrated" teachers,
Mrs. H. J. Morriss superintendent.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock,
with sermon by pastor. "What
Manner of Man Is This That Even
the .Winds and the Sea Obey
Him?" Matt. 8:27.' Junior league
pleasant hour, 3 p. m. Song ser
vice at 7, led by Mrs. Morriss.
Sermon by pastor iat 7:30, "And
Now Lord What Wait I For? My
Hope la in Thee," Psalms 39:7.
This church: extends a warm wel
come to all. ' Special music at both
services. '- j' .
The Program at the Bligh
Theater Sunday morning at 9:30
will be different. The John Evans
Bible class i for men will reopen
for religious instruction and ser-l
vice. Every man welcome regard
less of creed or nationality. o4
Attendants to Masrry
E. CJ Crnm, of Salem and Mar
garet Sandner," of Scio, both of
whom are attendants at the state
school for feeble minded, were
granted a marriage license in Al-
bany the middle of the week.
Trade to Your Old Heater
On a new one at Stiff's.
Liauor Owner Fined . ,
An echo to the state lair ana
one of the last of the many liquor
cases that have taken up tne time
of the justice ' and city police
courts this week was heard Friday
A. iA. Borgeson pleaded I
Mrs. Goodin Serves
A bond was complettd ' yester
day by the secretary of state for
Mrs. Ella Goodin, who will serve
for the time being as su per inten-f
tenaeni ot tne suite empiuymem
i Miss Beatrice Shelton
Teacher of Piano
High .school credits granted.
Studio, 345 Marion. Phone
1299; Derby building, S65.
- Type,vnters
i 95 Doira
S5 Monthly
S4T N. Com. 8b
4 Pboa see
. ' Tor
-, . A Open Evenings : ;
Popular Priced
Tailored Suits $25 to $45
Men's and Young Men's
institution for adult blind in Port-1
land, succeeding her late husband, I
R. B. Goodin.
W. A. Delzell. secretary of the
state board of control, said that
a permanent successor to Mr.
Goodin would not be appointed in
all probability for several weeks.
Blanket Special ! ; j
For Saturday only, Nashau large
double plaid blankets, $4, values
for $2.89. iC: J. Brier Co. : , oS
Commutation Announced I
A schedule of commutation
fares; was filed with the public
service commission yesterday by 1
stage lines plying between Port-
land and Roseburg. There were
Portland-Salem-Albany line, the
Central Motor Bus
line and the
Oregon Stages.
Keep Warm Now
Pay later at Stiff 'si
Marcel and Curl Last Longer
After a Golden Glint Shampoo.
i "i o30
Three Fatalities Reported
During the week ending Octo
ber 2. a total of 648 accidents
were reported to the state Indus-
trial accident commission, ; of
which three were fatal. The
fatalities were: S. B. Smith, Bend,
boom man; G. M. Pearson, Astoria
rigger; Tom Anderson, Toledo,
chaser.. Of the total number of
accidents reported 551 were sub
ject to the provisions of the work
men's compensation act, 96 were
from firms and , corporation that
Lave rejected the provisions of
the act, and one was from a
utility corporation not subject to
the act.- . .
The Best Yet .
Hippodrome vaudeville at
Bligh Sunday.
Mrs. Patterson Goes East
Mrs. Clara L. Patterson, super
intendent of the state industrial
school for girls, left today on ;
trip east that will take her as
far as Hardwick, Vt., where she
will deliver Llona Nowland to her
narAfitd. I ha nri 1st an intimate
... . .. I
of the state school. . Other girls
Wlli be taken to Montana and
Alarm Clocks . s--. t. :s
On sale at 99c this week only.
Tyler's drag store, 157 S. Com'l.
. ' ' : 04
k-..-, rhnrrh .
On the North River Road, Le-
roy Walker, pastor., The people
nt tha Tref9i AmmnniiT ara i-nr.
f.-i.-j tn 0oril fniinw.
house on the rnmlnr LoM'i ilav:
Sunday school at 10 a. m. with
" -
Mrs. Arthur Beardslev n snner-1
In f a1 A On f . XTa hava elaiaaa : 4rtv
all rt iYio fnmllv Onma anf tin A
vonr nlace and art vmir thoneht
w- " j
to the discussion. ( Epworth Lea-
- . '
gue is at 7 p. m. The Keizer
young, people are on the Job ' the
year around. v You will enjoy the
lively , meetings 1 every Sunday
At 8 n m tho recnlar
evening devotional ser-
vice, xne pastor win speak: on
the subject "The Inescapable."
Come to all of the meetings at
the school house -this week and
bring your friends with you.
I A Balanced Characte
Is essential to efficiency.
religious nature left undeveloped
makes a lop-sided man, a sort of
flat-wheel kind. The men's Bible
class at the Bligh theater will
help you straighten and balance
I up your life. Sunday morning at
9:30. Great program, f John Ev-
ans, teacher.
- 1 i o4
Must Register Today ;
; Persons "who have not register
ed for the November election have
until 5 o'clock today I to do so.
Extra clerks have been called into
service to take care of the long
line of tardy registrants and to
heln relieve the eoncestton Recla -
Itratlon at the county clerk's of-
iflce has been light for .several
weeks, and at the last minute
there Is a rush to register.
Game Shooter Fined
Floyd Camp is Spending the
next 17 H days in the county jail
as a sequel to having been arrest
ed by Henry Stevenson, deputy
game warden, for shooting grouse
Out of season. When Camn ap-
peared in justice court yesterday
I he was fined $33, including the
costs of the case. Instead of nav-
ing the fine he elected to "lay it
out" at the rate of S2 a day.
College 3Ian Is Coming " ;
Word has been received that Dr.
and Mrs. Frank N. Seerley will be
The remains of John A. Miller.
who died October 2, went forward
to Muskegon, Mich., today. Webb
funeral parlors ' in charge of ar
rangements. 1
The funeral of Alex Page, who
died October 2. will : be held at
the Webb funeral parlors today at
2 p. m. Interment will he in the
Bethel cemetery at Silverton.
TJnequaled Eerviei ;
in . Salem on October 28- and 27
Dr. Seerley is dean of Springfield
(Mass.) collegel and Is traveling.
under the auspices of the student
association. : He has spoken bet
fore most of the colleges in the
United States." The visitor Was an
instructor while C4 A. Kells and
R. R. Board man were under-grad-
uates. and both Are close personal
mends or the visitor. The pro-
gram for his stop in Salem has not
yet been completed.
Small Invest orn
Here's two bouses for $3,000
and $500 will handle. They rent
readily for $ 3 4 month. Figure
your reutrn. Another brand new
leased for $40 month, price $4100
and $500 to handle. Several gilt
edge first mortgages Salem homes,
7 per cent. Beeke & Hendricks,
IV. S. Bk. Bldg.H a2tf
Births Are Reported-
Several belated birth, reports
were filed with? the city health
officer Friday. jj These announced
the following arrivals: Helen, to
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skubovins
of 1237 Marloni on September 30;
Gloria Alice, to Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter. H. Kestly of 353 North Cot
tage, on September 27; Clinton
Norcas, to Mr.: and Mrs. Clay C.
Smith of Turner,? on September
24; a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bradley., of 105 River street, on
September lO.ij and Ivan, to Mr,
and Mrs Charles Sugai of route
8, on September-2.
Hear Free Bible Lecture-
Derby hall. Sunday, Oct. 5, at 8
p. m. "The Worlds of the Earth.'
Geta Building Permit
J. R. Horning I yesterday ob
tained a permlji to erect a dwelling
at 1T60 John street, at a cost f
$2800. i -I: ill ; v .
Extra Good Pocket Knives ;
At $1.39 this week only. Ty
ler's drug store, 157 S. Com'l. o4
Legion ,Meri Visit Dallas
That the first of the fall meet
ings of the American legion at
Dallas might be given impetus and
i a start made on a good program
during the winter; a delegation of
legion men from Capital post No.,
a on nfffefai knA friendly
- r . I
i.u . T-it ..hi I
ThU la the first time that George
Griffith, state commander, has
visited the Dallas nost in his of
ftMal M.ltlnn : Others making the
trio were Brazier C. Small, post
adjutant; Clifford Brown, Dr. :C.
B. O'Neill and Dr. Carl Wonner.
Civic Music Club Tickets
Season, $4 ;1 Jess concert, $1. On
sale at Moore's music house. o7
I c i. n.;. Pn.tnnnHt
vii. ...t.. . acoittont
1. ; PArtltil demand his
i "" -
.tuntint. until late next month.
niii onnkinsr classes which
. 4i vnrriA
v. . ih. faction of
I mis uivuiu v
Uxr n us,nMnn will h delayed.
I ...p- ., . .
As football officially closes around
Thanksgiving dsly, It is expected
I the classes will get under ' way
early in December. , The October
date was previously announced.
I ' , , - 'J
J Homecoming! Service
Tt, anmial f harvest home
ii..i.v.,iv(i7UsniiB and Rale of
w.. "-o- --e, - -.
win Ka nM at tha Saiva -
liuu uriujr iicauiiuaiKia u.
nleht. Representatives of the
Salvation army were busy Friday
in gathering up produce, chickens,
canned goods and other articles
which will be sold following the
thanksgiving1 service.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our. friends
for their beautiful floral offerings
and many expressions of sympa-
thy; in our! bereavement in the
passing of our father and brother.
Mrs. J. F. Tyler, Mrs. C. H. Bu-
sey.; Mr. E. iJ. Pearce. 1 4
Prof, Murphy's Lectures
Beginning Sunday night a se-
tries of lectures will be given at
the Armory ion psychology and hu-
1 man analysis bv Coserove Murphy.
After Sunday there will be two
leotnrea a davi at 3 and 8 i. m;
Mr. Murphy isfwell known from
coast to -coast fas a lecturer on
psychology.! arid these lectures
should be interesting to those who
are thinking oh these lines
Opening Dance
- i
Schlndler; hall Sat. night.
A ew Shipment
Of coats and dresses for Satur -
r?o. on ! kA o.iiut
lo the
largest, at reasonatle
I prices
We hive also received
new line of hats. Mrs. H. P.' Stith,
333 State street. o4
New Class to Start-
Tonight will mark the begin
ning of a newi citizenship class at
the YMCA the work leading up
to the next; naturalization court in
February. I Of the five members
of the class' who came up for hear
ing yesterday, four were regular
attendants ! at the class, of whom
attended tpe final rehearsal Wed
nesday night. The fifth man
who came; no yesterday did not
attend thH class and was not suc
cessful In ; obtaining his citizen
shin class.' One of the men
naturalized yesterday was parti
cularly anxious to get his . final
papers at ithls time, as he has a
son who will he 21 years old be
fore the next naturalization bear-
ring. As the father became a
citizen Friday, his son. who' is
still a minor, automatically! 'will
become a citiaen and Privileged td
vote at the first opportunity. Had
the fathe r .failed in his exam ina
tion, the young; man would have
to take out bis own papers at a
later, date. ' "
Having Disposed of !
My garage at 900 No. Commer
cial street. I will not be respon
sible for any bills contracted by
the present owners. I phas.l W.
Lanham. o4
Are Regular Carrlers-i ;
Two substitute carriers at the
Salem postoffice,' Frank Prince
and Ralph Morton, have received
notice' of their appointment - as
regular carriers.-' Orders author
izing thelir employment were re
ceived by John H. jFarrar, post
master, this week. The appoint
ments became effective October 1.
Until 10 j o'clock in the morning
of October 10, bids will be re
ceived fpr- the painting of j" the
mall boxesrand posts In the city,
according to "Postmaster Farrar.
The department furnishes the
paint; There are 75 letter, boxes,
66 posts and 12 package boxes to
be painted.
Guaranteed Watches j
Specially priced at $1.19.
drug store, 157 S. Com'l.
; : 04
Lions to Silverton
The Salem Lions club will kl
tend the! presentation of the char
ter to the Silverton club tonight
filled wth confidence that they
will have - a larger percentage of
attendance present than Eugene
will be able to offer, for with one
exception all members of the club
have premised to make the trip. f councu uuy -tid
i-L Io p9,h n,iv petition was signed by Otto Klett,
L. Rathbun. who is with the Wil
lamette Bearcats at Seattle, j Dis
cussion of the affair occupied the
! Lions ai ' the Friday noon lunch
eon, With the South Salem quartet
providing the ; , music, ? Appoint
ment of two committees has been
mal thft first to meet with the
Rotary club' committee to Bee
what can be done toward paving
or improving Hoyt street' through
the cemetery, and the other com
work with Willamette
mittee to
university in
the interest of the
homecoming football game. Mem-
bers of the first committee are
Ross Miles. W. W.
. titmii rt ' nr.
ana ur. tvuuam o.
other committee consists ox aier
rill Ohling, ; Frosty Olsen, Frank:
Neer. Ralnh Kletzing and Bill:
Grace Wood Jess Concert -
Oct. 7, First Christian churchy
Admission, $1. Season tickets.;
$4. On sale at Moore's
Two Licenses Issued
I Marriage licenses were ! issueq
I yesterday to Lowell L. Hirtzel p
SCOUS Mill8, and lO enry;
i . j. , i
Oneroy of suyerton ana
I guire' of : WoodburnJ V E I
II '.-:!'
Blanket Special !
I : " J :. ... 1
For Saturday only, iasnau iR?
j...i.J - til alng
double piaia DianKets,
tor wfS3. -rier w-
r '.
Carle Abrams Sues
At complaint was filed in
court yesterday in . which
iki-sm. iirnnvht Biilr against WII -
nui.Mig W . W M u b 0w.
I liam . MOOre ei ai iur iuo .-A"",-
I Dose Of clearing i the , title to R
, - i , !
1 niece 01 Dropeny on me Dwew-
I : --t ... . . aw;
Clares m the compiami to me
property is rightfully his.
Minetta Maaers
Minetta Magers. vocal teacher
of Portland and Salem, will meet
at her studio in the Derby
todayJ 04
Divorce Is .Asked
Sevjerina Christenson yesterday
sun asamgjior uivurve rup
Hartwig Christenson. Complete
separation is asked, as well s
custody of the 18-year-old child,
Edwin Christenson. Desertion lis
given as the reason for the com
plaint. : ' i
McCourt Appraisers Appointed r
T. C. Ford, Kenneth M. Graham
and Donald Young have been ap-
f pomtea appraisers oi me esiin-o
of the late Justice John McCourt.
according to an order signed by
Judge Downing and filed in county
f court yesterday.
SUU Is Captured
A weird looking home-made
still, apparently made from a col
lection of castoff household uten
sils, was taken into custody last
J weanesaay, wgeiner wu ine -
L .k SAW A U . A, 1
i leeed owner or tne apsaraius. n
a announcea DycounEy .umo,.
alt,e yesteraay.
The theory has
been advanced that A Henry, the
arrested man, upon whose i place
the btill was found, was merely
made the goat by other bootleg
gersl but authorities are investi
gating to see if this theory has
any basis in tact. The raid was
made dv JjeDUiy sneruis xsen
Smith and Roy., Bremmer. The
still was founds together with
about; 200 gallons of mash, in the
Rosedale district about 10 miles
south of Salem. " A wash boiler.
an old teakettle, a piece of copper
pipe and a water bucket; were the
principal objects of which the still
was composed. No actual liquor
was discovered. The mash is said
lb have been kept in four 50-gal-lion
barrels in a dugout under the
house, while the still itself was
iept under Henry's bed. j i j
jTwo Ksoape; One Caught
1 Freedom for one of two boys
'jvho escaped from the boys' train
ing school about 6:30 o'clock last
night, Howard Nelson, IT, being
Raptured near Turner. , His com
panion, Ronald Cox, 16, made his
escape from that vicinity. Cox is
escribed vms having a sandy com
plexion, freckled face, dark eyes
and light hair. He was dressed
in khaki clothes. 1 v ';.
Transients are Released
j ; After being held overnight in
Jtbe ity Jail for Investigation, two
transients giving' th3 names of
Jim Parlow and Alex Hale were
released from , custody Friday
"morning. , -::..: - ,
H. L. Stiff Furniture Cow
; Have a wonderful line of heat
era on dlsDlay. ' . i o2tf
Seek Cluster Light i
: An extension of the cluster-light
on Liberty street south from State
to Trade is sought in a petition
received by Marten 'Poolsen, city
recorder. 1 The matter will ' be
taken upi at the meeting for the
. i J . .Uki - TIia
Eugene Eckerlin. Paul Traglio and
the Salem Bank of Commerce.
Minetta Magers
Minetta Magers. vocal teacher
of Portland and Salem, will meet
pupils at her studio in the Derby
bldg. today.
Apples are Plentiful'
Salem : canneries are' finding
plenty of apples for their require-
ments, it is reported, i The close
baaing nere ana tne rge num-
Der or orcnaras wnico, nave uvea
uncared for are producing plenty
of the fruit. Hunt Brothers can-
ery is using the culls from the Sa
lem Fruit JJnion plant after the
apples have "been graded by Young
p. wn ! '.!:- -
Rotarins in Vancouve
Nearly; 20 Salem people made up
the party of local Rotarians who
mntnrpd s tft Vancouver. Wash..
Priday to attend the inter-city
meeting : sponsored ' by the Van
couver club. Those making the
trip were Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Fish
er, .Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gleason;
Mr. .and Mrs. Joe Chambers. Mr.
and Mrs. J. William Chambers,
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Gregory and
Dan Langenberg, who had charge
i . . . . . .
of the Junior notary ciud quar
tette, which staged the stunt of
the evening for the; Salem del-
egatlon. Members of the quar-
I . ... . t
tetie, wno were aruiea oy Mr
I .....k.',. nraa T r-Viat.
wick, Harold Socolofsky, Clifford
Hulsey and Charles Anderson.
PrescotCs Apples i.
King's and Spitzenberg's 75c at
1 orchards in Polk county.
: o5
I -
viive '"S Mujwca
I n IJ. .1 M .
registration month in the First
Baptist ; church of this city. A
scheme j of registration is to be
carried through that will credit
every person attending tne serv
ices of the church and a graphic
record that will ehow at a glance
who are present and who are ab
sent. Every resident member is
requested to report at the church
at either the morning or evening
worship next Sunday. Non-resi
dent members have been asked to
report by letter or telegram. Next
week's program includesclass in
public speaking' on Monday even
ing. Baptist Brotherhood on Tues
i - -
1 i-
This is good weight pure aluminum ware. Worth double the price we are asking.
. Take Your Choice for
Seventy Five Cents .
We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities
i " GEO. E. ALLEN .
v Hardware .& machinery .. . ,
i 2 i : . 236 N. Commercial ;
day evening, the scaool ot mis
sions on Thursday evening and the auspices ot. the Baptist
Young People's union a social for
all the junior and senior high
school students' and the Willam
ette university students on Friday
night. , ;- . .
Bolton Hamble ' made a round
trip to Eugene Friday for the pur
pose of taking' his father and
mother home after a visit in Sa
lem. - :' r-..'-;
J. W. Lillie, deputy warden at
the state' prison, is expected back
from Condon Sunday morning.
Mr Lillie has been taking the sec
ond half of his annual vacation."
Mrs. Olive M. Sellers Mrs. Ruth
Sherman and Mrs. B. Y. Allen of
Dallas were In Salem yesterday.
,Mr. and Mrs E' H. Rodman and
Virgil McFadden :were in the city
yesterday fromr Culver, Or. !
Denton Dalrymple, son of War
den A. M; Dalrymple of the. Ore
gon state prison, has jejturned
from a trip through the Yellow
stone national park.. Before re
turning to Saiera a trip was made
tolButte, Mont., including a visit
to a copper mine with a depth of
2200 feet. ; i ? t
Mrs. Carl Wonner and children
are visiting at. the home of Mrs.
Wonner's mother in Portland.
Mrs.. Wonner is recuperating from
a recent nervous oreaicaown.
W. H. Chance, business agent
for the Salem Trades and. Labor
council; has returned from Eugene
where he attended the state con
vention of organized labor, a 1
; Mr. and . lrs. Henry Butsch,
Mrs. Otto Weilman, and the Miss
es Irene and' Anna Butch, .their
three daughters. I were, in the city
yesterday from Mt. Angel, i
Local opticians were visitea
yesterday by E.. J. Jones, of Salt
ijtita Cltv: western division man
ager of the American Optical Com
I 94 AIR
. , :,, -v;.-j
Beats Electric or Gas
j A new oil lamp that gives an
amazingly brilliant, soft, white
light, even better than gas or
electricity, has been tested by the
U. S.-Government and 35 leading
universities and found to .be su
perior to 10 ordinary oil lamps.
It burns without odor, smoke or
noise no pumping up,' Is simple
clean safe. Burns 94 air and
common kerosene (coal oil)
The inventor, V. M. Johnson,
161 North Union Ave.. Portland,
Ore is offering to send a lamp
on 10 days' FREE trial, or even
to give one FREE to the first user
In each locality who will help him
introduce it. J "Vyrlte him today for
full particulars. -. Also ask. him to
explain how yea can get the
agency, and without experience or
money make $250 to $500 per
month. Adv. ;
: . on . ..
and Human '
Analysis - '
by I
ot the Merton Institute,
' New York City
These- lectures will start you
thinking and may be worth a
fortune to you. J-;
Afternoons at 2; Evenings at 8
Thursday afternoon, "Her Love
and Her Sex.'f for women only.
. Sunday to Tliursday i
Oct. 5-6-7--0 t i .
- First Lecture Sunday Night
; 2 Qt. Double Boilers
8 Qt, Lipped Preserve Kettles
5 Qt. Tea Kettles
6 Qt. Covered Convex Kettles
10 Qt. Dish Pans
Large Round Roasters"
3 Piece Sauce Pan Sets r
Large Muffin Pans
1 0 Qt. DairyPails fi
Extra LargjBWash Pans
Large Mixing Bowls I
pany, and E. C. Nearingr'Tnage
Of the Portland branch.
E,,S. Hartman, of thejleken1
&'Haynes grocery, is confined tc
his homeTwith an attack-of ton-
silitis. . ,
Dr. E. C. Hickman or the Kim
ball School of Theology is home$
from a week's trip through Ore
gon, Washington, and Idaho in the)
interest of the school. -
T. B. Handley, former statni
corporation commissioner, wa.
here yesterday from Portiajad.
Dr. W. D. McNary, superintend
dent of the Eastern Oregon hos
pltal for the insane, is here on
business with the state budges
C. O. Constable Is here froraf
Riverside, Cal., Mr. Constable for.
merly lived In Salem. He wa
a member of the city council and,
for many years was county fruiSJ
has he been:
buying" himself
bargain .shoes I ? i
just to go
little easier on
the family exchequer ?j
How're we all going tc
get him to value hi;
own comfort more :
H And prove to him
that well-made shoe:
(such as Cantilevers)
last . sb much lonrjcr
and cost scarcely" an
more, seeing that our
very highest ! price i:
twelve dollars! H Will
he please come over
and check us up on
a l l these points ?
CoriFonr ILc vz r. :
State & Liberty Sts,
C A N T I -t E V E t;
nnnnm: "
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