THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OIIEGON FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 3. 1924 rv classified Section! aleffl s ark Great M ! Place -i ; X r i, I J -J' ( WANTED MtaceUaneoaa IS ILL BOY CEED PUaO FROM PRI tU party. Mut be ckH. 'J5 13-o3 lORD TRUCK WANTED Sift STATE 1 13-08 St. Phone 937. lOSCELLANEOUSI 14 LbAXS WANTED S17QO AND $1900. Pint litre, security modern fitln luati. e ana 7 per cent. : J BECKE HENDRICKS , U. 8. Baak Bldg 14-o2tf X.EARN i AUTOS IK LOS ANGELES ; Big-pay job open bow. Start eaay, practical tn. Work guaranteed to ' eara room sad board while I learning. . FREE illustrated 84 -page catalog plia everything. ! Writ Dept. 127, National Automotive, 4004 S. irignerea, 'Loa Angeles. ' j 14-n3 Darken nurseries walnuts, fu- berta, Cherries, Aad general rursery , toe. Special price gives oa early order. Price list sent ea requeet. O. L. Wimt, R. 9. Salem. ' 14-o31 XXZLP WANTED Femide 17 CAN TOU EMBROIDER I WOMEN waat 4 to embroider linen for as; at, home t, duriag spar Hate. laformaiioa upon requeet. Belfast Company, Dept. 737, inttarton. Ind. ; 17-03" y HELP WANTED Male 18 BRIGHT INTELLIGENT BOT. 14 year. .f age or ever, with, bicycle! to carry aaorning " route in central part of city. Apply circulation, manager! Oregoa . 8tetesaua. -- - ; 18 o3 UVP WIRE SALESMEN WILLING TO , sell the beit household commodity ia -,f Oregon. White, No. 17. Hotel Klinger, Friday morn:ng . ? 18-o3 2IESSENQER WANTED APPLY West- 'Tm Cnioa.' I 18-s28tf $ A: 'A Hals and FemAla 19 HOP PICKERS I. WANT TCUI TRUCK j leave Commercial a ad Court 'eta. every . moral a g at 8:80 aad retaraa after pick lac. Store oa arouada. C O. Russell Phone or see Ben White. 19-14tf VOMLTHX AND EQG3 21 EAR OLD LEGHORN HENS HOLLT wood .train. 7S each. Rt, 9, Box 127 f Auburn road. .- ,r . 21-o4 150 HOLLYWOOD HENS. EXTRA rood: i, will auk fine breeder; 0 pedigreed Hollywood eocka; i ai.o pallet, from kame. 3 - Ma.trr iaeub.tora, new. ; Dowd, Album Road. Salem. 21-ot 1X33? AND FOUND S3 LOST BLACK AND WHITE! POINTER dog; 2 years old. Reward.' 264 North 1X8T BOMETHINQ I PIM D IT I PHONt Waat 4 t The Itata.aiaa, Pheae SB LOANS, 24 HAVK SEVERAL- NEW HOUSES FOR which I woald l.te to have a loan iron ao tOregoa. Bldg. Phone 1913. 34-o3 WANTED- 93000 ON GOOD 8ECUBITT room all loodera hoo.e B4.20O. Eaai . et payment.. Gertrad J. M. Fhgo 492 a. uottago 8t - 24.2 0U. : HONEY ' TO LOAN ON FARM PROF erty. Loweet rate, obtainable. See V Ur. McOordy U Homer Raith'a of v Leo, BteeTM-Moor Bids. I . 24-COtl -I0NET TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS 91004 t too, t mt Mat. BECKE HENDRICKS XL . Baak Bldg. i 2-altf GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS SH per caat. F. L. WilkiaMSj 202 0. I K.twn.i baak bW. - - i S-awrtw nHAXi ESTATE City 23 Orn t , year: VACANT HOUSES 4'OR SALE, leaao or rent, ree .enable 1043 Norway ; 1 1 80 t Maaikon; iu i. ai.t; im M. Cot- BECKE ft HENDRICKS 1 U 8. Eak ,Bldg , ; I S5-o2tf Vcll Bought Real j Es tate Is' An Investment f jWith . Increasing : VHtlal IMflM r K oM V- -.t. ' 94IOO if aold ia iO day. ; Act quickly. iva-m garage, - iaraac etc. way. arrea in berriee; thia- i. a aoap i Good far, fer reat. Soma atoek aad . n. j w . wwwi -s av "vaaaa vai l w at4F Aft J awlll ilUU. ni'i oauvv to loan ow tarn, oroo- w . w -w- fr ,afo .waii HlVii f Rich L, Reimann 07308 Ora. Bid. Pboao 1013 . 23-oat ,YOK RENT 2 HOUSES. .r. 771 K. Coaa'L 'CLOSE IN 83-o2' j i SPECIAL . A I 9 acre, welt UiproTed,! aet all ia frait. A b.rgaia for 96300; will take wart or alt ia Salem srawrtT. - A ' aice little ' aew fcoooe, aaas for aa at - ' w . & rAMI linriBlat -int'fv HtlJaoa .eka 4 trU God buy for f 2300; wirt - room hooae aad gango oa pared etreot. A bargaia for 9I8OO with $300 dowa. - .' a room honae.- fiae corner lot with tra.t. Ja.t off StaU atreeu Snap for flSUU Will WJ'JV QOWB. ; TltnUlUiV 33 lU State SL . , I i .': 23 o2tf 'L IF YOU HAVE 970O CASH AND WANT bargain ia. a aix room baagalow with ' medera coareaaeo, -aad! a full base meat, oa a fiae &0xl20 foot lot. price , obit B2TOO. (Joaie ta aad aea as. 1 . 9330U bare a fiae modern baagalow oa north 16th 'street, ao baaesaeat. but pared streets, cement sidewalks. Very asy term. i i & room cottage oa Mlskioa street. Boa moden eonroniencet I f or only 91,' iw, aa terms. ; Here ia another one oa aorth 24tb street. . modero coavonieace, 1 pared streets, oao of the best for only:; 92, 700. easy term. i " Fiae large apartment 1 honae. In a good district all rented, bringing n fine Income, shade tree. A iroal pleasant place to lle la comfort Price oaly 98OO0; aad will giro some terms. Sacrifice sale ia a 96300, 7 room cottage,' with modern convenience. All kinds of fruit Bad shrubbery, aad ber ries, large barn used for garage, chick an run, cement walks near school. A real boa for soma oa with a large family: ' Prico 94300; term. : ; Hoaaea aad apsrtmoot for reat. We write insurance. - - ; - i- Large farm, email farma, aubarban ome. Canadiaa aad eaatera property for sale W trade for anything, any whera. Coma- '.a and 1( belp yon scire yoar problem. . ! .loisan & Ulrlch Phono 1334 132 North Commercisl St. T SS-2tf REAL ESTATE City 25 WINTER 18 COMING AND WE HAVE : a few boa.ea that e. a be bought with : a aoiall pay meat down. Let ua .how yea what we have tor aale. KRUEGER 14 7. North Com'l St. Phono 217. 23 o2 FOR SALE FIVE ROOM STUCCO bna galow, pared ctreet. frnit tree. A aoap at' 93700. Strictly modern aix room baagalow. ea.t front, pared .tret, oak floor, $530O; worth more. Four room bungalow 9830, eaay term. Exchange home in Salem for Portland. Serea room bungalow for entailer hou.e. 73 acre farm for - acreage. Home in Seattle for Salem. Four room house and'.caah for larger house. F. L Wood. 341 Stat St ' ' 25-o2tt HERE ARE TWO PROPOSITIONS THAT wo want to turn right now: A strictly modern home on Capital, full basement, fireplace, double garage, ea.t front, cor ner lot, price 93SOO and term.; & room house north of State near high school, 92000; only 9100 down and 925 per month and no interest. A little labor and a little money will pat this hou.e in very good .nape and you caa't lo.e MedlLCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phono 140. SStf MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE COM- pletely, newly nnd arti.tically furnish ed. See owner on, corner Oak aad Liberty. , 25-ol0 NEW DUTCH COLONIAL 6 ROOM house doable . construction aad modern throughout. Extra largo lot and ga rage i . 96230 One of the most beautiful residence eite oa Fairmouat hill. 2 lota aad email cottago 93000 Modern bungalow and 1.1 acres land In Salem Height District i.4000 A. C. BOHRXSTEDT Realtor aad Ia.nrnace. Phoae 677, 147 No. Commercial St Salem, Oregoa. 1 23-a28ti 1300 DOWN; BALANCE EXACTLT like reat. W hare three new modern bun galow that will handle like that. All bare baaemnta: two bare garages; all are raeaot : all oa paving. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 23-o2tf LEAVING CITY MUST SELL MY fir room boas, very rea.onable. 1633 Cap ital, j 23-4 8EE THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME AT- tractirely located , east front, 913000; 491 N. CotUg. 2326tf. SALEM INCOME PROPERTY Located in the heart of the city, take . good uaineambered farm in TRADE, valued at 823.000. Very good, semi-modern. 9 room plas tered house, near high school and close to e.rie center, 96000, half cash. 6 room bouse, south Salem, modern, but no furnaee, close to school, corner i 73x182. ITice 93730. Some terms. or small houaa. 7 room houaa, eaaily modernised with 13 full lota, located in North Salem. Best buy ia city at 84500. SMALL TRACT ON PORTLAND '.read, well improved, electricity, fruit and berries, 91400 will handle or trade for Salem house. 10 'acres, on Silrerton road. Just 3 miles oat. good small buUdinga, lots - of iruit aad berries, BjiHHi. 53 acres, about 9 mile, out oa arse- el road, aear pavement. 23 acres fruit aad ben tea, 20 acres good plow land. reA pasture and timber, soring wster. Largo house, barn and drier. Prie 99000. Trade 17 M aereVnear McMinnriU for Salem lot or houae. Good building tot. close in. 91200. Other farma from i to 300 acres. priced from 873 np. OREGON INCORPORATED Victor Schneider. 8ec'r. 313-816 V. S. Baak Bldg, Salem, Oregoa. 35-s2&tf WHEN TIRED OF-HUNTIXG- SEE ME. I bar hundred of properties mooting every thinkable demand. My system aare time aad chocs. If what yon want U to bo found I can find it. Let me help you HARRIS. 317 Oregon Building, mono 43fj, 1942-J 2526tf. A GOOD LITTLE BUY For a young coupl who want to got along tnnitiiy, a uooa z k. plastered hou.e with wood abed aad aeparato garage. AU new nnd half block from So. Com'l car. nice lot. 9830. Half caah. See Wm. Fleming 341 State. 23s21tf GRAND VIEW. SIGHTLY HOME. room, plastered houae, bath, baaemeat. city water, drilled well, garage, frait. Near school and earliae, 93200; terms. 3390 South Church, block oast of south end High street. Owner. 23-sl7tf LARGE HOMES TO 9 ROOMS. WE have three beautiee at 96SOO to 97500. Jota new. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U..8. Bank Bldg. - 23-30tf "Look This j Way Just a Moment" The Home' Seekers Opportunity A fine 7-room house, large lot; ox eelleat fruit, oaly 94209; good term Oood 8 room bangs low. baaemeat. , w property, wniy OJSOO ; terms. v Fiae lot. oa Fairmouat hilt, 73x150; 9700 for quick aalo; terms. A very fine 10 acre tract, close in. rich soil. A snaa at 84000: terms. Money to loan at per coat oa good farm property. - i . If it ia a house, lot, farm, or a trade , aee me A w" write Insurance. Rich L. Relrnann : - Realtor 907-309 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1019 , .j . t- 95-altf t ROOM HOUSE ALL FURNISHED Close in, eaat front, paved street. 32. 500. Gertrude J. M. Page, 49 J North Cottage St. 25-s23tf OAKS LOT CHEAP 91100 OX TERMS, having and walk. 1 BECKE ft HENDRICKS V. 8. Baak Btdg. : - 25-s30tf PRINTED CARDS BIZE 14" BY 7t4" wording "For Sale. Enquire At" Price 10 cents each. Statesman BoaiatM : Office. Ground Floor. rwo HOUSES FOR 93OO0 SOME terms. . vioso in. rtome ... tavestmeat. BECKE ft HENDRICKS T7. 8. Bank BMr. 2?-e30tf MINUTE MOVIES PIONEER PERILS' yNOP 81 ' s OXRAVAM of conered wagons LEAVES INKWEU,M0. Kte. CAL1F- OaMlA AT "THE. PEBBLE crVEB. TME plOMEEfeS-ArSE MET Qy 3"IM TTilEC , A VWAJ & TBAPPEK ,mJHO OPFEBS TC? ? UlDE; TMCM To FDrST (jllM TR(rfSER- ( TMrr" BLACK MEAD S "ars, i f . r 'V : " 1 i fli rl ' ' ' s - . A fb REAL ESTATE City 25 HOME BARGAINS 93130.00 Good four room home with " basemeat at 329 8. Com'l at. 913,000.00 Modern home, large grounds, well located n corner. 99300.00 Modern 8 room home locat at 270 X. 13th 8k 93250.00 Modern six room bungalow at 860 Leslie St. 93773.00 Modern aix room home with hardwood floors located close in on South Commercial St. 91550.00 : 4 room home located on pav ed St.. basement, modern plumbing, 93O0 down. 93500.00 Modern five room bungalow .with fireplace aad furnaee, cement basemeat. Terms. Immediate posaession. 91750.00 Buya 65-100 acre tract with tares room garage house, good weU, 9100 down, 915 per month. 91500.00 4 room home located close in on South Com'l. St., eaay : terms. ... We write fire insurance. W. IL GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. 25-o5 INVESTIGATE THESE Good 4 room modern bungalow North Salem, 92650; eaay terms. 950OO atock goods ia good valley town for Salem residenee. Good 112 acre farm, good bid-, atock and tools. 80 acres ia crop. Ex change for Salem home. New 5 room modern bungalow, 92, 750, easy terms. , Daady good business paying 25 per cent for city residence. Good garage, atock groceries, confec tionery, for sale or exchange. If you want to buy, sell or exchange aee as. PERRINE ft MARSTERS ' ; Commercial Club Bldg. 25-s28tf SNAP ? .Four good lota on pared street and car Lne. Price 9750. 950 dowa 910 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 375 State St. 25-o3 NEW SMALL HOMES TERMS. WE have three brand new priced 930OO to 83000. 4 and 5 room. If you rent try one of these. Immediate possession. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 25 s30tf FOR SALE BY OWNER BUNGALOW, Modern. Everything paid. 548 North 31st 8U 25 siatf Best Buys and Exchanges 91200 for Grocery stock and fix tures. ; 1 ' - 2, acres, 3 ' room bungalow, coop. woodshed, close to car line, will ex chanre for 81500 business. , SO acres, house, barn, coops, fenced la limits of small town, price 95000, will take 9 1500 residence in 8alem as first payment. 8 room modern residence large lot fruit, ia Portland, .want 50 acre ranch with fair build inn, withia 5 miles of Salem, not over 97000. Socolofsky, Realtor 841 State St. - 35-o3tf ENGLISH HOUSE CLOSE IN NEW . 955O0, 91OO0 dowa, 840 per month. Gertrude, J. IS. Page. Realtor. 25a26tt NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. GOOD LOT South Salem, 92,000. The beat of terms, like rent. Apartment house furnished, for 94.300. terms thst will nsr for it- . self. 8ome choice dairy ranches for exchange, faraua ia Minnesota, 8. D., and Nebraska, for Oregon, for farm and city property exchange. W have the good. -Barber, 200 Gray Bldg. 25S19tf 92000 TAKES 6 ROOMS 1414 MISSION Plastered and excellent eondit;on in side aad out. Bath and hot water. Garage. 9500 to handle, balance 925 month. - - BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Baak Bldg. 23 s30tf THIS HOUSE IS GOING r Caa't promise it for a day, a special deal while owner ia in city. See me for particalar oa a 6 room modera with basement, furnace aad garage and paved atreet. It value is 94000 whatever yon may get it for. Wm. Fleming 341 State atreet. 25s21tt. BEAUTIFUL HOME 8 ROOMS CLOSE to all schools for 9500 down, 950 a month. Another 7 room oa same terms. Prices 94700 and 96500. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 17. 8. Bank Bldg. . 25-s30tf BEST BUYS IN COUNTRY SMALL place close la for aale or will tske small home for part paymeat and give good terms oa balance. Call aad see for your aelf. Box 22. Penitentiary road, or room 4, Breyman Bldg. 25-ol0 A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME OF 8 acres ia cherries. English walnuts aad logan. Very close to Salem. 7 room, modern house almost new. Full basement, furnace, fireplace, plumbing all la. lot of built-in. Small barn, chicken house. For aale at 912.000 or trade for Portland property. Write or ao Mrs. Meyer, 147 N. Commercial 81 'y 5-a5tf THREE . ROOM HOUSE LARGE LOT paved street 91900: Great buy oa Mar - ioa street, 92300. 8300 dowa. 925 per month; 4 room bouse close ia east front, paved street. 92400. easy terms. CLOSE IN LOT8 REASONABLE PRICES WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE GER TRUDE. J. M. PAGE, REALTOR, 25J6tf FOR SALE 3 GOOD EAST FRONT lots oa Capital atreet, paving paid. Good term. For aale good lot oa Norway, 50 by 125 for good east froat lot 00 Map le avenue, 9350. . block. 7 full lots, cloaa to Englo wood or Junior high school. 91500 for all. 8 good lota 50 by 100 en paved street for 91000. Good lots ia Salem Heights and Nob Hill at all price. 8 acre tract L well improved aad 9 room ' modera house. Very close in. Good terms. 147 N. Commercial St. lira. Moyer. 25-aStf 6 ROOMS. FURNACE. 93500. SOME , terms. Quick possession. BECKK ft HENDRICKS C, 8. Bank Bldg 25 a30tf BUSINESS Opportunities 20 PARTNER WANTED AUTO Mechaaie preferred, to take half interest in good established business, good money mak er, small capital reauired. Apply 875 Kouth 12th s'reet, tSsl-m. 21-o3 BUSINESS Opportaalttes 20 BRAND NEW 3 ROOMS 930O. DOWN ( takes, balance 920 month.; Don t mi. a thia. Move in. ; ' BECKS ft HENDRICKS XT. 8. Bank Bldg t 26a17tf REAL ESTATE Farms 28 19 Acres good improvements and producing Now?? 1 . ' j , not away off in the fuiure but Now j f ' Don't fail to, aee me about this place today. j j . ROBINSON j I Oregoa Bldg. 28-o3 BIG FARM SNApS 4 Right now is the time t start farm ing. Here are three wonderful good buys, best of land and location. Price at half value. s 102 ACRE SNAP!" 3 half cultivated, balance timber aad pas ture. Good building. All .farm im plement, two horse. located on How ell prairie. Price 900 W; 1-3 caah, balance ea.yV f :: 54 ACRES f J fine land, all fenced, tome cleared, balance timber aad pasture. Fine spring water. Only 6 mils , east of Salem. Paved road almost to it. j Snap, 91500 down, price 93500. ; 42 ACRES j 3 on the famoua Howell prairie for 9 L 730; 1-3 cash. h j 50 ACRE SNAf 1 on paved road for quick 1, deal to cloae an estate, 93200; 'nut sd. iTo see it i --: -. s : See CHILDS BECHTEL 7 Realtor .1. 540 State St. ? 3 28-o2tf -r FOR SALE OR RENT 6H acre tract with three; room ga rage house chicken hoase.f woodshed and well, small garden spot. Price 925tM), eaay term, rental $10 ner mo. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 1 275 State St. J 28 o3 103 ACRES AT 9100 AN ACRE- 28 aerea clear, balance wood timber. Oa excel lest road and KK. north of Salem, Term, you can meet. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Baak Bldg. ! " 28-a30tf SEE THIS FARM 200; ACRES FOR 920.000. Right on main; highway close to Salem. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Baak Bid. - i ; 28-s30tf REAL ESTATE Suburban 30 INVE8TOR INVESTIGATE. A 6 ROOM state property just painted two and three coats. New shingles, plaster. bath. ' Close to school, car and paving. Corner lot with fruit. Must be aold aow aad 92000 cash take. Thia is best , cheap houae buy we pave aeea, See at 1414 Mission, immediate pos session.- U. 8. Bank Bldg.' 30 tf USED CARS For Sale 31 Ford Bug, tires snd motor good 960 Ford roadster, 985 cash; 918 month Ford coupe. 9165 cash; 922 month Chevrolet tour. 950 cs.h. 925 month Chevrolet tour. 9120 cash, 920 month Chevrolet tour. 9178 cash: 923 month : NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. . . i 31-o3tf HAVE A 5-PASSENOER.I 6 CYLINDER touring car in fine shape to trade for lots or Small acreage What hare you. State location anil value. "B-193 Statesman. , 'i ii-oo FOR SALE 1922 OAKLAND; TOURING car cheap. Box 6259, bar of States man, a oi-oj- USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring Car .9 85 to 9350 Roadsters 175 to 325 Coupes ... 2,75 to 450 Sedans Js. 25 to 450 , Light Deliveries 5 to 275 Ton Trucks .. 125 to 385 Bugs" 75 to 225 All rsrs are guaranteed- Liberal Terms. Opea uatil 9 p. m. every eveaing Sunday a 13 ai m. , ' (Church Street Entrance) ! VALLEY MOTOR GOMPANY Salem. Ore., 260 No. High Phone 1995 8 1 31s26lf 1924 Ford coupe, new cord tires nnd ex 1 tra equipment. 9533. 1 1423 Chevrolet touring. A 1 coodi i tion. 8423. i J . 1922 Dodge sedan, ? fully equipped, 1920 Mitchell touring 9250. t 1915 Ford roadsteri box on back ? -'handy delivery" 965J i . ; 1918, Dodge touring; f 243. (Terms) j ! BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. 8PECIALS FOR THIS ;WEEK 1920 Dort touring. 9it5 Two 1920 Ford tourings....... 9175 Orerlsods from , 9175 to 8250 1923 Chevrolet teoring... 8"yO Baby Grand Chevrolet. 4 I 8350 1924 Olda., Sport L i. $850 1922 Olds. Sedan .: i. ,..830 We also hsve Chevrolet and other small cars at 950 .and up. All 'cars guaranteed aa represented. "After We Sell We Serve" A F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 319 N. Commercial St. 81 s22tf Used Car Specials I Oldsmoblle sedan.-! Dodge sedan. ! Flint coup. Ford touring. i I i : Jordan 7 passeager. ' i Dodgu roadster. J 1819 Ford roadster' 8,0 We will give yon the, most reasonable terms and guarantee you loo per ceat oa the dollar on your ; investment. Buy 'trots ns with confidence. ; . VacDONALD ACTOj CO, Cota-fe st Ferrv St. 8f-s7tf .MOTORCl'CLES-rFt Sale 32 NEARLY NEW 1924 ELECTRIC Equip ped 74 Hsrley-Dsidon ' motorrycle. fully equipped, 8:285; ternm. Call 1143 Oak St., 8 p. m.. erenlnca or Phone 791-W. - 82 oH' (All rights protected by The George Matthew Adams Service Trade Mark .1 custard sohtwat thex jjav es-. -Apt "TMC BLACK ME At"VJMO ARE Xj TUE. NAAB-PATW TUEj lJt&NS LEARM OF TWlS MCNTE. AMD, E A SHORTCUT. MEAD OFF TME ViAGOM TTiAjM 1F1E MLBS FRjOM TME FOGT. NOW PROCEED MitTU tTtiZ IZ EPiSODB OF .eD-NHEELAN' seai satttoaj al super - scpi a L CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business ' j il AlfBTJLANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAT OR night. rnrai mo,' ill Honin liberty. AUCTIONEERS - S". w. wrvnnsv Expert Liveatock. furniture, real estate Re. 1610 N. Summer Phone fill, for aalea date. L. E. TALB0TT y- Auctioneer Phoae 470303 U. 8. Baak Bldg. :'': -A-' - a9- O. SATTERLEX r Auctioneering Room 23-26, Breymaa Block Phone 430 or 1211J. jn12tf AUTO PAINT IN Q HAVE US REPAINT YOUR OAS WITH our new permanent finish. : , tnaurv taaa High Btreet at Trade AUTO REPAIRING Cylinder grinding, crank abaft trac ing. We're apecialiat. Donerit Ma chine 8hop.- Automotive machinists, 349 Ferry St. . , . n BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS ! 1 031 i Court St, JOS. WILLIAMS i : L PRE8TO-L1TE B A TTE R Y I SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferris Bros Phoae 1803, 414 Court. -I-' 1 -- 1 , ! R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter aad generator work; 171 South Commercial. 1 ' ! BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY cles and -repairing: 887 court. n CARPET AND RUO WEAVINO SALEM 0 A R P E T CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Work. Rag and fluff ruga woven any aise without eeame. new , asattreaaea made ta order. Oil mat tresses Feather, renovated. I bay all kind, of old carpeta for fluff rugs. 13 Va snd Wilbur streets. Phone 1154. otto r. yiwicKor. rn CHINESE RElfXDT L. I. DICK L..M. HUM' CHINESE Medicine (Co.; help any known diaeaae 420-426 State St.. Salem, Oregon. t a 30tf CHIROPODIST DR.; S.F. j SCOTT GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicago. Masonie Temple, phone nur CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 C. 8. Baak Bldg. Phoae 87. res. 828-R. CLEANERS DTERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1213 8. -Commercial Phoae 1868. We epo- rialise on one day aervice. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Conctructing engineer. Surveys, esti mate. Jno. H. Neef, 819 Oregon Bldg. I'lMIMTTS CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL 'AT 4? 8 St. S'immer street. Phoae 674-J. CHERRY f CITY CONTRACTING CO, General contracting and building. Esti mates gladly furnished. Phoae 1867R or 69F18. ' d2tf DRESSKAKXNG PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BT 7 ordinc I "Dressmsking" s price 10 cents each. Statesmaa Buainea Ofiic Ground Floor. ' ELBCTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A S O N I 0 . building. Phon 1200 ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUFPLY Co. Pho; 1934. 323 N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC, CO. Houae snriag by hear or contract., Ks timste furniahed. Phone 980. 471 '. Coart St, .'-,-.- ! - HALXK ELECT RIO ' SHOP Eleetrle Flxtnrea , Washtnsr Mschlnss Vacuum Olaaaara 937 Court St. Phone 488 - Res. Phone 7025 FINANCIAL i LOAN 8 MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP erty at f low rata oa the eaay payment plan, so at end of yesri you ore all paid np.j Farm loans oa large or small tracts: private money. See first sod you will go no farther. Q. W. Laflar, 410 . Oregoa Bldg. - 1 j :. Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 409 Oregoa Building 6'ALOANS UNDER RESERVE 8YSTEM on city I or farm pro pert yj tc-aorve de posit company. 73 rourta; street, fori nun. it. - mm 1 im. at, . A-' : -. I': , -.-Aj! BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional .Firms Arranged in Alphabetical , Order jfor Quick Reference FINANCIAL FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, no commission. Protects agamst adversity. City loans, loweet rate, monthly Installments, pro-payment privileges. J, C Siegmuad, room 3. over Ladd ft Bush baak. ;V i LOANS ' ; !i Farm aad City If ost libersl rstes aad paymeat privileges. HAWKINS ROBERTS 205 Oregoa Bldg. Salem, Oregoa City Loans i On improved property or for : improved purpoaes. - THE BEST aad easiest ! way to pay oa loaa la oar monthly installment plea. ! 96 payments of 914.14 I repays a loaa ef 91000.00 and interest. Equitable Savings ft Loaa h : Aaan. ANDERSON ft RUPERT - Agent -409 Oregon Building FARM PAPER IF YOU Si WANT TO GET THE BEST farm oauer. eena, lae to tne raeinc Homestead, Salem,- Oregoa for a three months'1, trial subaeription. Meat ioa tbi d.; , . i - POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO . . . : 1 . L . .1. . ceat stamps tor- special inrw uvuuis trial for the beat aad oldest Journal ia the wvst. The articles aad advertise ments are of apecial , intereat to the poultry! bredera of the Northwest. .Northwest foultry Journal, in ia mereiali atreet, Salem. Oregon. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral-w r e a t a a, decorations, v. r. Breithaupt, florist, 133 N. Liberty Phone 380. - FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIRE0- tors. 210 Center. Phone leae. f FURNITURE STORES GIE8E FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less money. 873 court. Phone 4S4, PEOPLES' 1 FURNITURE 8TORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271. N, Commercial. ' HEMSTITCHING MRS. CJ E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. stamping, buttons. Bonn 10, over Mi ler.'s Store. Phone 117. STAMPING. HEMSTITCHING. NEEDLE- werk.:; The vogue, wuri, hi HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING, PLEAT ing. The Petite Shop, Room 5, over Buaicka. .- : B29tf SALEM; ELITE H EM8TITCHING pleatiag. buttons, stamping and needle work; 328 Oregon biog. r-none v ; HOatBOFATHZO PHT8ICIAK DR. L iO. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIST. Does a general practice. Treats Ooiter, Gall Stone., and Dropsy, arising from diseases of heart,, liver or kidneys without operation. ' otiice ana . r-si 1 dence 296 N. -Liberty St., Salem, Or. Phone 147. INSURANCE si WARREN F. POWERS , Ufa. Accident. Fire. Antomobilo' 119 P. 8. Nafl Bank Bldg. Phoae 607 LADIES TAILORING D. H. iiMOSHER TAILOR , FOR ! MEN and women. 474 Court St. LANDSCAPE GARDENING ERNEST IUFER. LANDSCAPE GARDEN er prepares plans. General grading snd plant jus- kock and Wall gardening : a specialty. Koute 1, box 11.. Phone 1 1161- 4. - , ' n-3 LAUNDRIES SALEM: LAUNDRY COMPANY, 818 S, Liberty street. Phone 25. o I d e t ! largest best. Established! 1889. CAPITAL CITY 8TEAM LAUNDRY - Quality work ; . prompt aervice;. 12 8 4 Broadwsy. Phone !.. KEDI0AL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH.- REMEDY Phone 517-W. - ' - BCUSIO .LESSONS : A v U U a o B la Duauiesa playing. Popular yneepated, standard music . Bemi-elsssie aad ballade; 12 1 . V.I.M.. Pi.MA U..kHl U. Cornack Bldg. ' - , MUSI0 STORES SHERMAN. ! CIAY ft CO.. PIANOS Steiawsya, Duo-Art aad other. Moore'e . . . . : t r . . ' . u . 1 ; music iiouia, m i viran oiiti. GEO. a WILL PIANOS. PHONO graph, sewing muchioea, - sheet mnsie. ' snd piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and (owing machines: 432 State treet, Salem. i TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. IL L. BUff rurni NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. AA 8LAUGHTER AOCTK AND chronic diaeaae a; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1 10. ' - - a NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSK Phone 1547-W Registered U. S. patent Office) flue U EEDSKISS LOSE NO ! TIME IN i SIART 1 ing twe. ATTACK NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT. NUT AND SHADS TREES Pearey Bro... 8T State. OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. tr reasonable r.rtnlutni e. , 282 N. Commercial St. Phone 1097-M. PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKINO and; nhipping,' call Stiff - Furniture Store, Phone 941. ! s-30tf PAPER HANGING AND FAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman, . . , WALL PAPER SAMPLE BOOKS AND books on wall decoration. Mas 0, Buren, 179 K. Com'L,' Salem., ' PHYSICIANS It SURGEONS George R. Vehrs, M. D. " -i: i. Spoeial Attention ; Surgery, Gynecology, Obste trice ' 410-11 U. 8. Baak Building i j Offieb hour 10-13; 3-5 : A and by appointment Office Phone 815 Re. Phon 1975-J PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuaer. Leave orders Will a Mui B'ore. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Broe- 141 8.- Liberty Phon 550. . ?r M9tf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL , work. Phone 495-W. Shop. 127 Union atreet. A. I.. Oodfrey. RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. J. O. Bairj 238 Btate St RADIO RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIO CO. F. S; BARTON, f fror . Masonieemple honeOO REPAIRING ALVIN B. STEWART 347 Court 81. - Umbrellaa. Cutlery aad . Keys LAWjunswarv rasor-aiaaea, - scissors. knives and tools she: pened. SCAVENGERS BOOS SCAVENGER. SERVICE tllK baga aad refuao of all kinda removed , by the month. Reasonable rstes. Cess pools cleaned and dead animal re moved. Phoni-i: umr 33; km. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and ahoee. Best pricea paid. Cap ' ital Exchange; 943 North Commercial Paene 1S88-W. ' STOVER AND STOVE REP AIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 i years - experience. ; Depot National fence, aises 26 to 58 in. high. Paints. oils and varnishes, ate., loganberry aad . hep hooka. Salem Peace aad Stove Worka, 250 Court Street. Phono 124 TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL' CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Btate St. Phone 933. (Distributing, for warding and storage our specially. Get our rates. 3. i ; WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOC8E- , hold goods. Oar specialty is piano aad furniture moving. We also make coub ' try trips. We handle the beat coal and wood. Call oa n for priees. We ,rve good measure, rood quality ' and good service. Larmer Transfer Co.. Pheae 930 TRANHFER AND HAULING OF ALL .-kinds. Phone 19F8. TRANSPORTATION " PARKER'S STAGE LINES , O. - W. Parker. General ; Manacer Central 8' aee Terminal Balem, Oregon. 1 oALCM-slLV KKivfl mviMtua Leave Salem, Central 81 age Terminal 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.; a p. m. Leavea Silvertoa New Stand: 9 a.m.: 1 a.m. : 6 o.m. Salem-lBdepeadeace-Monmouth Divlaion - Leave Salem, Central Stage Terminal 7 a.m.; 9 a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 3:10 p.m.; 5:10 p.m. Leavea Meameuta. Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a.m. ; 1 p.m.; 8:15 p.m. . Lea . ladepeadeaca, - Bearer Hotel I 8:80 a.m.; 9:50 a.m. ; 1:15 p.m. 4 n.m.: 6:10 n.m. Leaves Oaatral Stage Terminal, Salem for Delia at: - T a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.m. Leavea Gail' Hotel. Dallaa. at: 8 a.m.: 1 n.m.: 8:15 n.m. We make connectiene at Salem to all part of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. J. W. PARKER, Geaeral Manager. WATER 8ALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office. 801 South Commercial St, Tea per cent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deduction for absence or any causa aaleaa water ta shot off yonr premises. ED WHEELAN otir, fail "to SEE Ib-MORROUX TNPILLINO EPl SODE DASH THREE GIM CP 0 ILLu Ad Schuster Two Nails And Four .. With his hands drawn up into his sleeves, his head held forward and his slippered feet falling noiselessly, old Chang Wan made his way. , , It was as if he saw no one and cared not a bit for the going and coming of his fellows. Yet on the edge of the side walk near the curb and opposite the alley entrance, the man who had' vision for no men saw two tiny nails. He stopped, picked them up, dropped them, .into a pocket and mored 0n. Ch2Ung.Wah, the silent one, did not tarv as he passed the store -of Sing Lev. nor did he stop to listen to the Amer ican music which came from uhe modern, chop suey place of Mo Fang, i He pattered on, dragging one foot ever so slightly and bfa hands! were hidden in his sleeves. An jold man picking np dis carded nails. 1 It is nothing. Ed Wylie! smiled at the thrift of ChanlWah. When, next day. he saw the -old man stop at the same place to salvage two mow nails the lad felt he was facing: coincidence.' Chang Wah picked up the nails quite aa if he had expected to find them there. Then be looked. around to make sure there werek no more. Ed Wylie followed. It occured to him that if the old man were adding to his income by gathering ; discarded nails, the pickings were poor. Not once more in i a walk of seven blocks did Chang Wah stop to rescue anything. " He did not even seen Intent on studying the walk o" the street for - possibilities. - It was just by ' chance, Ed decided once-, more, that be had seen Chang do the same thing on two two auccesive days. "But if ihe old man does it three days in succession" the lad reasoned, "it will be a mystery." So Ed watched and Chang re peated the performance. Every day the old man paused, picked two nails, looked for more and went on. It was at once weird and ridiculous. Why. should there always be two nails and why was the old Chinese inters ted in find ing them at one other place On the sidewalk?' J - 'I frrrader what he would do,. Ed thought. "If I were to get and find the nails. thrre nr8t And I wander what would happen If he found three or four." Next day Ed placed two nails beside two he found on the side walk in the place where the Chin ese made his daily find. Hiding himself in the alley the lad waited. Chang Wah came by the methodical plodder- walking as if he Were headed into a etron? wind, j He paused, picked up the two naila mechanically and then saw the other two. Immediately Chang Wah was a changed man. There came into his bearing some thing of stealth and cunning. Ed sensed it and thought of a panther stalking his prey. , Chang Wah moved oh with his hands in his sleeves, moved on the route of old, but there was purpose in his manner. j i : . - j In front of the store of Sins Lee be . made a quick turn. Ed saw him run in and saw, too, that the. hands had come out .of the sleeve. -Something was ah fil ing .and there was a loud report, poors slammed and hid frighten ed men. As If by magic the street cleared. There was a com motion in the store of Sing Lee and It was there Ed ran. 4 Inside he saw Chang held fast by four Chinese .and a white man In plain clothes. , Chang; Wah was desperate, ' disappointed, and pusxled. - His shot, aimed at Sing Lee had gone wild. He won dered why these men had! been ready to calch them. , "Four nails." Chang Wah was saying to, himself, "four nails mean guard is gone. Two nalli mean watch out. How come four nails and the guard still bereT" And they led him away wonder ing why the signal had failed hlra. (Copyright 1924 by The Bell Syn- . ' I dlcate, Inc.) 1 HEW CORPORATIONS T The following articles of ; incor poration were filed yesterday with the state corporation department: Roth Drug company. Inc., Sea side; incorporators, Elizabeth Bab bidge, William H. Gardner, J. O. Babbidge; capital, $15,000.1 Hlllsboro Concrete Brick & Tile company Hillsboro; incorporators, Edward Krahmer, Roy Schulme- rich. Sherman J. Moody, capital. $25,000. Ex-King George of Greece i Is borrowing money and perhaps looking for 'a good standi for. a new cafe. j q i : ; : ; J The proof of chlratr- Is to avoid snickering when fat v an get3 on the scales. , j "Interesting people" 'an those who make an laterest ia t . "' ' AAA. 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