t r THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREO ON FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3. 1924 S i: V f- it - it v, 4 - '': ' i 1 . . ,k - v. 7 ft i; CI2T NEWS IN AdventLst Irtnre ll Wtnro nf unnpfsl Intoroat Will be given at the Severitjh Day Ad ventist church 'Saturday at 11:30 a. m. It is only 50 years since the denomination sent . out its first missionary, They j: believe that when the message of the "Second Coming of Christ and the call to "Prepare to Meet 'Thy God" has gone to all the world,, the "Gos pel Age" will close. The ! subject lor Saturday will be. Ms the Task Almost Accomplished? What God Is Doing to Cut" the Work Short In Righteousness." i A special in vitation to all who have ever taken an Interest in the message. All j are Invited. Opening Dance at- ji r Schindler hall Sat. n gbt o4 A New Sijri- I The board of education Is con- .templating erecting anillumina C tive sign on - the east ide of the Parrish Junior high school, j This is so that passengers on! the Southern Pacific can not only see the building but carii know the name of it. , In the day time, of course, the i passengers can see everything, but at night It Is ne cessary to have the -sign illumin ated. . The plan ia td -have the sign go off about lOo'clock at night. This would be a - much needed Improvement ; and a very good advertisement for Salem. 1 Notice 't- t's olf tThe county clerk's office will be open' from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ot this week for the (registration of voters. Registration closes on Saturday, October 4, 1924, at five o'clock p. m. U. G."Byer, county clerk. ; ,: i 1 o4 i Dividends Taxed; !;' ' ' ;,' 1 Although banks I re exempt i. from the state Income tax law, there is nothing in the act,, nor is there any rule of IaV to exempt from the act dividends' paid by the bank .to Its shareholders. This is ' the substance of an opinion writ- ten by Attorney j General Van Winkle In Teply to ail inquiry by - the state income tax department. Bay Yonr Heater Now -H. L. Stiff Purnituire Co o2tf f 'V; , Cannot Withdraw jk i - k Attorney General Van Winkle has written an opinion In reply to WQODRY Buys Furniture Phcne Sill ;: 4 i Dr. B. H. While Osteopathy - Surgery Electronic Diagnosis and Treat ment (Dr. Abram'a method). Office Phone 85 or 469-J 506 U. & Bank Bldg. Te're AU and now that we are located In our new quarters at 143 S. LIBERTY' ST, w are In a position to give yon till , better service on yonr transfer and hauling work. We Stm Handle Fuel and have . several ! carloads o coal due in a lew days. .Better get! yonr order in early. Phone 30 Larxner Transfer z Storage Co Cars; Moved WITHOUT Oar autos "are all kept in prime condition therefore are aosointeiy saie to anve. TERMINAL TAXI SERVICE We hire them either with or without driver, j - PHONE 020 j Offioe mt Stage Terminal DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE i LiDD BANKERS Established 18C3 V General Br.n?nng Bu:incs3 Cltlzs Ilcrra frcn 10 a. ra, lo S p. rL, an Inquiry by J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of schools, holding that after a county has. adopted the county unit system of school administration it cannot withdraw from it under any provision of law now : existing. The legislature might - provide J an amendment whereby that power would be con ferred, j Alarm Clock J i On sale at 99c this week only. Tyler's drug store, 157 S. Com'l. Get Building Permits Building permits were issued from the city recorder's office yes terday to C. W. Nist for a dwell ing at 2278 North Liberty street to cost $1500, and to M. N. Balard for a dwelling to cost $500 at 1697 Center. I Some Particular Couple : S ' Move Into this brand new strict ly modern 4-room home, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, hardwood floors, dutch kitchen; paving and walks. On trim small lot with fruit. See at 1654 South High. Immediate possession. For sale like rent. Becke & Hendricks. U. S. Bk. Bldg. i ' o2tf Birth Is Reported Birth of a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Spalding of route 7, on October 1 was reported yesterday to Dr.VVilliam B. Mott, city health officer, j . . s Opening Dance at . Schindler hall Sat. night. o4 Players Are -Disappointed Though there were 16 handbau players at the annual dinner at the Spa last night, those attend ing the banquet were disappointed when it was learned that Law rence T. Harris,! former justice of the Oregon supreme court and now of Eugene, was unable to at tend. Plans for the coming; sea son were discussed. . Having Disposed of My garage at 900 No. Commer cial street. I will not be respon sible for any bills contracted by the' present owners. Chas. W. Lanham. -: 1 o4 Med ford SlanJFlned C, L. Brown! of Med ford has been fined $10 and costs on each of two charges under the state electrical code, according to C. H. Gram, state labor commissioner. The first charge was wiring with out a license, and the second, was. wiring not according to the code. He "was" found guilty on the first and pleaded guilty to the second charge. Brown .was a candidate for the republican nomination for public service commissioner in the primaries of this year, but was de feated by Edward Ostrander. Extra Good Pocket Knives At $1.39 i this week only. Ty ler drug store, 157 S.-Com'l. o4 Rotarians to Make Trip : Peaturine the Junior! Rotary quartet, a party of about 20 Ro- Bliss Beatrice Shelton Teacher of Piano ' High school ! credits granted. Studio, 345 f Marion. ( Phone 1299; Derby building,) 365. vTypemiters ALL 1CAXBS 95 Dva ' 95 Monthly O. U. Zckvood S47 N. Com. 8U , Fkon 866 RADIO HEADQUARTERS j For ' T RADIO SUPPLIES Opes Evenings 291 NORTH COMMERCIAL Popular Priced Tailored Suits $25 to 45 Men's and Young Men'a D. H. MOSHER TAILOR for Hire j DRIVERS & BUSH BRIEF tartans will attend the inter-city meeting under -the auspices of the Vancouver, Wash., club tonight, consisting of Leonard Chad wick, Harold Socolofsky, .Clifford Hul sey and Charles Anderson, (has been" drilled by Dan Langenbere, a member of the Rotary club tad local vocal instructor, will present the special stunt for also the Salem organization. Each of the clubs will offer a stunt of seme kind. Several of the Rotariins yesterday notified Al Pierce that they were taking their automobi les and would have passengers. Th se leaving this word were Dr. E. E. Fisher, (2): W. M. Hamiltbn. (2); J. W. Chambers, (4); Lion Gleason, (2), and P. M. Gregory, (2). R. O. Snelling and Al Plejrce are also making the trip Portable Study Lamps , Just the lamp for students. Spe cially priced at Halek's Electric Shop, 337 Court. 3 Book Agents Barred Teachers' time Is too valuable to be taken up by calls from book agents who visit the schools dur ing working hours and conse quently a notice has been posted In the office of the city,, school superintendent calling attention to the fact that agents must confine their soliciting to certain hours. Teachers in the grades may be in terviewed before 8:30 o'clock in the morning and after 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon, and those in the high and junior high schools prior to the same time in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the after noon. Due to the fact that one third of the books will -be changed this' fall there is a large (delega tion of book agents visiting the schools. 1 -')"' School Blotters Free John J. Rottle. Will Contest Sentence . - "It's pretty awful" was the com ment of Everett Hansard Thurs day afternoon when he heard Po lice Judge Marten Poulsen fine him $100 for possession of intoxi cating liquor and breaking , glass on the street. After telling Jack Kearns that he was being given the benefit of the doubt,! but that it was believed he was , equally guilty with the others, and that only evidence was lacking. Judge Poulsen dismissed a similar case against Kearns. E. Hansard and Kearns were arrested along wih Roy Miller and Zeno Hansard late Saturday night. Miller received a $500 fine and Zeno , Hansard a' fine of $250 levied for possession and transportation of liquor. Hansard paid , his fine but his brother, -Everett Hansard, and Miller! are still In the city j jail. Both are seeking the advice of a lawyer- and from present inten tions will appeal their cases. Son Is Bo Announcement was made last night of the birth of a son to Mr and Mrs. Robert Duncan of Silver- ton. The mother and child are staying at the Salem hospital Announcing the Meeting " j Of the American Veterans, 8 p. m. tonight at the armory. 03 Property Attached - The nronerty of Roy Graves has been attached, according to pa pers filed in circuit court yester day. It is alleged that he owes the sum of $3297.50 , to J. O. Graves and Hilda Graves. Hearings Come Today '. -; No court was held yesterday, on account of Judge Kelly going to Albany to preside over naturaliza DIED PAGE Mrs. Opil Page died at ber home three miles east of Salem October 2, 1924, at the age of 22 years. She is survived by her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. May field; widowder E. .B. - Page; one sister. Miss Minnie M. Mayfield, and three brothers, Johnnie O, Calvin H, and Aubra Mayfield, all of Sa lem. Funeral announcements later.- Webb funeral parlors in charge of arrangements. MILLER John A. Miller died at a local hospital October 2, 1924, at the age of 46 years. He is survived by his widow. Myrtle C. .MHler; one daughter. Miss Jane A. Miller of Portland, and one brother, Donald Miller of I Muskegon, Mich. Funeral an nouncements later. Webb Fun eral parlors in charge of ar rangements. FUNERALS . Mrs. Belle Barker of Portland, age 78 years, mother of E. D Barker of Portland, J. P. Barker of Ritzville, Wash., Mrs. Frankle Yorkshire,. Funeral at IOOF cem etery at 1:30 o'clock, Oct. 3. Funeral services for Henry Patrer, son of Mr. and Mrs." Julius Patzer. 2736 Cherry avenue, will be from the Terwilliger funeral home today (Friday) at 10:30 a. m.. Rev. George Koehler offici ating. Committal IOOF cemetery. RIGDON i SON'S .. UORTUABT Csesualel Certtd tion hearings there tie will re turn to Salem and preside - over court here today, when 14 cases are scheduled to eopie up for nat uralization. He is taking Judge Bingham's place during the lat- ter's illness. f II, L. Stiff Furniture Co Have a wonderful line of heat ers on display. . ' o2tf Buys Hotel Here! G. ,'D. Buntin, former circula tion manager forf the Eugene Morning; Register, has bought the Washington hotel in Salem. Mr. Buntin has been a resident of Eu gene fori several years. The wasnmgton , hotel as locatea at 558; State street, j ! Trade in Your Old Heater On a new one at Stiff's. o2tf Deer Are Displayed Two fine deer, shot; near Glen- dale by E. G. Clark, of Salem, are being displayed at the Cross market window. I Keep Warm Now f Pay later at Stiff's. o2tf No Speaker for; Lipns Because William j"Bud.Kearns. athletic director and physical edu cation instructor of QAC-will be unable to speak-at; the Lions club luncheon today, no effort will be made to obtain a substitute speak er. Matters of interest to ; the members will, be discussed with music by the South Salem quar tette. Kearns was to have spoken on "Recreation,, the Hope of Am erica." t ! . i " , Home of Universal 1 Ranges and stoves at Stiff's. j, ! o2tf Division LeadeVs Ieet Division leaders and captains of the various teams which will, take part In the $200,000 YMCA build Ing campaign October 8 to 16 met at the YMCA building for lunch Thursday noon td check up on the progress being made in the organization. When the organi zation is completed there will be more than 200 active workers in the campaign. j Guaranteed Watches Specially priced at $1.19. Tyler's drug store, ,157 S.' Com'l. o4 Has Big Sunflower Though Kansas claims to be the ''sunflower state,"iT. G. Harris, of 1760 Waller, has; raised a plant that he is willing to put up against any of the Kansas products of a like variety. The huge flower is eight feet high; and has 28 blooms. The stalk is as thick as a man's arm. I . Small Investors i . I Here's two houses for $3,000 and $500 will handle. They rent readily for $35 month. Figure your reutrn. Another brand new leased for $40 month, price $4100 and $500 to handle, f Several gilt edge first mortgages Salem homes, 7 per cent. Becke &-Hendricks,, U. S. Bk. Bldg. r a2tf Held to Grand Jury j What started out to be a joy ride was terminated at Woodburn and as a result df later develop ments, two men are being held in the county jail in lieu of $1500 bail each on a charge of assault to commit rape. They will appear Special Saturday All 15c Bread 1., IO9 Honey and Milk, Rye, and Whole Delicious Custard Cream Cake With Vanilla 1 . -r; . -1 -1' -"" 1 : ". ; !..( , Bread Fresh From Our Sanitary Electric Ovens at 10 a. m. We carry a full line of Delicious Pastries for the school children's lunches. ' " i : .: :l - - ! I; i r ' "W -r. ' vf A Trial Will Convince You , Watch Our Window Cards and Save MODEL 121 S. COMMERCIAL ST. before the next grand jury. The men, Ed , Jackson and Fred E. Norton, both of '' Portland, with two young women from the, same city, were jarrested in a Woodburn hotel by Frank Covey, city mar shal. With the party was some liquor, to" which the men plead guilty of ownership- They will be sentenced on ' this charge to day. According to the story told in the justice court yesterday the party was bound for Salem, but turned oft at Woodburn, where rooms were engaged. i j No Trace of Countess- Efforts to learn more regarding an accident - in which Countess Constance Graham and her hus band. Sir Cyril Edgerton Graham, of London and Paris, who are re ported to have been injured In an automobile accident about 15 miles north of Salem,', were un availing yesterday. According to an account in the Portland papers, the party of five;escaped injury, with the exception of the countess, who was brought to Salem for medical, attention. It was also stated that the party returned to San Francisco instead of proced ing to , Portland, i the Columbia River highway and thence to Seat tle. -Their automobile was taken to Portland , for repairs. It was said. , None of the local hospitals had any record of the distinguish ed patient and no phrsician could be found that had given medical attention. Neither could i the Southern Pacific furnish informa tion ' that any one or all of the party had purchased tickets. It is believed that the accident may have occurred' near. Oregon and not Salem. City Marcel and Curl Last Longei After- a Golden Glint Shampoo. . ,..-;:) ... ,i 30 Walnut Deliveries Due j Walnut deliveries are expected to start about the middle of next week, all deliveries and grading for the Salem walnut local to be handled at the Salem Fruit Union plant with William Ray in charge. The sales end for the 1924 crop will he handled through the Dun dee?, association, . which will act as a general sales agency for all walnut locals' in the valley with each of Ihe locals grading its own product. According to reports re ceived, the exchange has sold all of the nuts and has orders for mora than those in prospect. This vear the Salem association will use the w special grading j machine which was owned by the Oregon Growers association. None of the nuts are to be bleached. Davis Gives Address in 7 Madison Square Garden ? tckw YORK. Oct. 2. John W Davis, democratic presidential no minee, sneaking an historic Maai son Square Garden, where he was nominated last summer, tonignt was Riven a rousing demonstra tion when he promised to take off "his coat, i vest, tie and whatever else was serviceable to help elect 'Al' Smith, governor of New York state." Mr. Davis made the state ment after thanking j Governor Smith , for the promise; the latter made at the national convention that he would take off his coat and vest and work for the election of the. nominee. ' ; j : Wheat i 25c L '! : f : Creatn Icing; I BAKERY FEELING TENSE G Excitement at Capital ' City Runs Almost to I the Bursting Point j :A WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. The thermometer of excitement in Washington bubbled only, a few degrees below the i bursting point tonight. : The unexpected charges of attempted bribery by two mem bers ;bf the New York Giants add ed more kindling tto an already excited ' city, and the national capital was prepared for almost anything after passing through a day in which rumor ran rife. However, despite the hubbub. arrangements were carried for ward for the opening here Satur day 'of the world ! series between the Senators and the Giants. Excitement in the city could not have been more intense. To the hews of the expulsion from the National league of the two men was I) coupled a statement from President Dreyfuss of the Pitts burgh Pirates that they were only the go-betweens in the scandal, and 'another statement from Presi dent; Ban Johnson of the .-American 'league that lit! might be advis able to call off the series. j: . Storm Stadium With this taking place thous ands of Washingtonians stormed In front of the gates at Griffith stadium clamoring for seats and the internal revenue bureau got busy to suppress an epidemic of ticket scalpers that was alleged to have broken out in the downtown section of the city. In all the city apparently only two men retained their composure Clark Griffith, president, and "Bucky" Harris, manager of the Senators. . At the ball park this afternoon, the pair was" as calm as If pennants were won every day. j. Both expressed regi-et that any bribery again had developed among players In major league baseball and declared that Judge Landls should he compli mented for the fearless manner In Oil T I TOR r ; " : , : i me Man inard & (Mid have chartered the refrigerated vessel, rSSBEERFIELB saving 10c a box on steamship rate, - ' i 'i-v"" : f-..""'' - -' : . ' i-J . "1k-vl-i - 1"--:' " " - r'- - Maynard & Child, well-known export firm" of New York City, have ; secured all the refrigerated space on the S. S. Deerfield.- This modern ; . .' vessel will load at Portland about November. 1st for English and European ports. This space is offered at the rate of eighty xents, which means a saving of around 10 cents a box over quotations from other lines.. This saving will be passed on to the apple growers of Oregon and Wash ington who consign Maynard & Child to sell their, product in the markets of England and the Continent. - j . Maynard & Child have been established in Boston and New York since 1890 and are thoroughly conservative and dependable. They have the very finest connections both at home and abroad. I on quality fruit. Maynard & Child DO NOT SPEC PLATE I The fruit is sold on grower's account through reliable channels. Substantial advances will be made on good quality fruit. All fruit must be wrapped and packed under standard grading rules as provided by the states of The S. S. Deerfield has a capacity of 150,000 boxes. With this un usual offer, all available space will soon be disposed of. Remember that the cost of transportation is deducted from the sale of the -fruit,: Maynard & Child. HT 1 P. -"UCU . 362 East Alder Street Portland, Oregon. I - I V - Without obligation on apples ior export, l expect Number Boxes. Name. RFD... li... CITY....: which he tackled the matter. I Come From Far and Near Throughout the day, baseball fans from all parts of the country began to pour into the city.. With Judge Landls and President Hey dler; already here, other officials of the game were efi route to the city,: and hotels were beginning to feel the pressure of the incoming crowd. . : i ';--:' .. i ' .-" "I The -Giants arriyed tonight and added all that was needed to make Washington the center- of the baseball world. They were hur ried to the Wardman Park hotel, which will he the team's head quarters. . ' .-.:'; - - .'' ; : :! The Washington ball club took a snappy workout . in the after noon. Manager ( Harris, with much difficulty, cleared' severil dozen, cameramen from the field and the Senators; practiced for nearly two hours, j The Washing ton : pilot announced that he had ordered his team in uniform for a morning workout tomorrow so that the field could be turned over to the Giants in the after noon. . , '. ' I Harris pronounced his team to be in first class condition for the series. He said the players were confident of victory, but realized that It would be the toughest fight they ever were tip, against. ' - " - ' PERSONALS I K. K. Kubli was here yesterday from Portland. : E. O. Immel, an attorney of Eu gene, was in the city yesterday. BOND BOXES We have the sue you , . want Priced From 90c to $5.00 Commercial Book Store "If It's for the Of flee ? We Have It" es aire kt Demamid EsBglislh Msiirlset Maynard & Child sell only on Vnrower's account substantial advances made Capacity limited Mail so this much I East ' .1 ' ( my part, please send me more to nave : . Variety Information Coupon Number Boxes. Address.......: . ...... 1... STATE. just a few; blocks from yourj office there is COMFORTFOOli Bureau where! Cantilever shoesi are. Keenly in service, too! n Thisj Cantilever busi-1 ness has been built up on a respect-for-the-human-foot basis;.. Resulting iii a shos 'r which respects the X human foot. Comal over this very week; ancl try, on a pair J you'll probably insist1 upon wearing them, back to tho orHce ; that's why we tay i truthfully: Cantilevers for Comfort -Lover JOHN J. ROTTLE - State & Liberty Sts. ; Oregon and Washington. Advances made jonly on fruit that has been inspected and approved by the Clark Baker Company, Willamette Valley representatives of Maynard & Child. . Conditions on the export market are such that very satisfac tory prices will be obtained , by growers. j coupon NOW. offer actually means that additional money for ":the fruit when sold. Mail the coupon at once to Clark Baker Company, or' telephone. The number ' is 3535. information about shipping Variety i i