THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER S, 1924 I STATESMAN PAGE OF LIVE SPORT NEWS FROM EVERYWE-OITJ, PROP CHARGES MUST FIRPO : : - . . ; 5 ' B.: H. Currant, Immigration iPommissioherJ' Makes ncuuiuiiieiiucuiuii i ' 1 NEW YORK, Oct,' 2. Immlgra U6n Commissioner B. H; Currant today recommended jto Secretary of' Labor Davis that the deporta tion proceedings instituted against Luis' Angel Firpo Argentine heavy weight, be dismissed. jl pillis Island officials said that this would entitle the pugilist to reknain in the country -providing tn commissioner's recommenda tiin;is not overruled (by Secretary Willamette Valley z Transfer! Co. Fast Through Freight j to All -rt j Valley Points Daily. ; f 1 Speed-Efficiency-Servlce t Sajem-Portland-Woodhurn Corralli- -Eugene !- Jefferson J. Dallas - Albany Monmouth ! independence - Monro w Springfield niSIUPBYThliCK VAUDEVILLE A 1 ! ! 4 BIG NEW ACTS 4 u D E V I L L E FRIDAY and - SATURDAY j N " ' J! " laugh follows laugh, (t W -T MVV I climax pounds hard SafhtUsX f f I upon the heels of ell- eZf)j ; a V ::f' r. max in this staggering- .VfV I- 1 " ly excitinK story of one "TiVy , f f ' N ounK Kightlnjr AmeH- fZtv V; -Vl' V0W can's adventures across yfTlf LWv I tiL-. . Al 'frr - On land, in the ar.. on 0fi ' P&?8r&V.- l' eeplnK situations f : AA - 1 hlch will bring you -t&S$ 1 VfJ ' :'-l&n Wh - to your feet1 at their . i'yrfAJ5. - iJV fiF 4krlA heer darlK. or make KefhtsanS-x S A r yo settle back for a - t vk: 5f.f j kkij-r - v - i . - i rm'JS n'y"ii.. I r.:F$ It Is a different picture V' '"IVl ' I rri iM lih - If there ever waa one iW fV' - knockout cure for - if'-,rl .V?tt liViAWV. J the blues, and a sure- 'OrP$Assil M I Sf 1 : I 4 f WK$$k fire thriller: IKJX'T CT 5SWTT5s: ' Wiw' ( mish 1 : ' K'V ' fC-: COMEDY NEWS zA-Air . V i ;';C ; Grimm, at the Organ y i m 1 "i merty ': Davis.' 1 Another action against Firpo charging him ! with perjury in connection with his entry-into the country last July, still is pend ing before United States Commis sioner Hitchcock. i i 1 fw ( A New York newspaper was said by Mr. Currant today toTiave been the figure behind the Firpo prosecution. The commissioner declared that Canon William Chase,, who appeared as the osten sible prosecutor had testified at a recent hearing before an immi gration board that he bad waged his fight at the instigation of the newspaper. . j Canon Chase also testified, the commissioner said, that the same publication paid counsel fees in connection with fhe case. The clergyman. Mr. Ctirran said, had I refused to give tpe name of the puuiicuiiuo luai uau uat&eu uia campaign nor did he name the sum paid by it to his attorney, Ber nard II. Sandler. Canon denied that; he had been paid anything by the publication, j . Canon Chase charged that Fir po had brought a woman to the United States for immoral pur poses at the time he came here fronrBuenos Aires for his fight with Harry -Wills.! The special board of inquiry that heard the cas concluded "that there is no evidence upon which a recommen dation to the secretary of labor to prder deportation of the alien may be based." "Cop" ie slang. j For fine writ ing! always use the word "Celt." j Happer Wives" ! By Jane Murfin j " . Featuring , - j May Allison And All-Star Cast With RIN TIN TIN i The Greatest Dog on the j Screen I' i " 1 ' " ' ' i i i COMEDY "PRETTY SOFT" TODAY TOMORROW ,,s Watch For the Big New Show Sunday BLIGH THEATRE SPOKANE PLAYERS ? INVADE PORtLAIilD Team of JSlorth Central High School to Play Washing-;.-' ton High Team 1 SPOKANE, Oct. 2. The North Central high school football team leaves; here' tonight for Portland where it will meet the Washing ton high school eleven, Portland champions last year, on Saturday. The game will be the first con test between high schools of the two cities since 1913. Coach Clar ence. Zimmerman is taking 16 players to Portland, including nine lettermen of last year's team. 3 TEAMS PLAY Several Complete Squads Liven Up Gridiron at Sa- ; lem School . , Last night found more than three complete teams out on the high school field and the men were put through a few plays and a light tackling program by Coach Hollis Huntington. All the men are working hard and are getting down to the business of the sea son in fine shape. Efforts to arrange for one or two games with smaller schools prior to the first interscholastic contest with Albany on October 25 have proven fruitless so far, but Coach Huntington still has hopes, of connecting with such a game. Inquiries and requests for games have not yet been answered. With Harris and Coffee, a two year letterman, reporting for prac tice next week the lineup will be strengthened materially. Harris CLUB PERCENTAGES . - : f ACrnO COAST LEAGUE ; Won Lost Pel. .511 Sn Francisco - 9 83 Seattle . 96 Oakland . 9i Salt Lak 93 I xi Anzelea- ' f 2 85 90 90 .530 .511 .508 .00.-V .492 .472 .434 SO 93 S3 103 Vernon - 9" Portland Sacramento . N H GH TOGS has also ' had experience and will prove an asset to the team. John Coughill, captain of the team this year, is playfng at cen ter at present. Coughill is a good all-around man, and last year played -with equal success; at cen ter, guard and end, More shifting will be necessary before positions are definitely al lotted, and even then, with the amount of available material, the men will- have to fight fto hold their places.' .1 j 13 DAYS LATE GREEN PORT, N; Y., Oct. 2. The auxiliary, steam yacht Sead rift, owned by C. S. Somerville of Los Angeles arrived here today, 13 days overdue on her maiden trip from Cowes, England. The yacht had IT passengers.. STARTS TODAY 1 -r I IbllUuiJU bvJbvJi ISbUUlj U u Li uu - ii in Vf jj m : 1 ' ' ' Co-tar"nS with A- '- f '..'?' .' yA- Jj ' 1 v j I the favorite f3(v - i MILTON - McDonald 1 m ' ' " j fifr J , . Supported By i i : fL" ".I - i 'fW.' r' LOU TELLEGEN r Tf PHYLLIS HAVER i V ' rJ HENRY B. WALTHALL V ; ; Li 1. K ATHLYN WILLIAMS : j -. V-' N'" " e' business calls : Pathe I : J' C to him, another man ; ) playing : ' x Lyrvli J mDT jrJ Li VVTl Tvi I SATURDAY i ! j: ' r' z'zs J0 '' ' ' ' SUNDAY eastofthe - rT "7 j WATERPLUG". . j I ) U I j Produced by, MSennettDc Goorj I J H T . i j is for laughing purposes only. V J U Li 1 1 V LJVJ ' !';--J ' ' "3 - ' : '- ' ' ' '" ' ' : f i ' ; 1 -. . ' TWO SCHOOLS GET READY FOR MATCH Idaho and Gonzaga Prirrfecj for Gridiron Contest J Coming Tomorrow ! SPOKANE, Oct. 2. Scrimmage practice in .preparation . for , the game with the University of Idaho here Saturday afternoon was end ed , today by the Gonzaga univer sity football, team. -Coach Dorais gave. the: Bulldog squad a light workout this afternoon , and said A NEW TYPE OF WOMAN! The story of a youthful beauty a girl who found happiness in the romance of courtship but who lost it in one short year of marriage. Her pitiful struggle to find a substitute for happiness will wring the heart; her narrow escape from folly will thrifl you with its. dramatic intentness; her ultimate salvation through a genuine love will make you smile with happiness. , '. A Come and see how this one girl solved her problem, one that might easily confront any girl or wife- picture that will held you fascinated. , the Gonzaga team was in fine' shape for the opening contest I of the northwest conference season. MOSCOW, Idaho. Oct. 4. Coach Mathews and the Univer sity;, of 1 1daho eleven :will leave here;; tomorrow noon for Spokane, where the Vandals will meet Gon zaga university in their first game of the 'season Saturday. Scrim mage practice was ended yester day whon several changes in line up were made by coach Mathews. All the changes .were in the back field, where several passing and lunting combinations were tried. . Calif ornians Defeated : i At Westbury Tournament VESiTBURY, Oct. 2'. The Cal ifornia polo team was eliminated : v I from the tournament: for - the Monty Waterbury cup today on Cochrane - field at Meadow brook, failing to hold a handicap of four What Part Does Your Car Need? -PHONE US "Jim" "Bill" Smith & Watkins Quality Auto Parts Court at High St. ; Phone 44. goals which it received from the: Orange county horsemen and los ing in the semi-final match by a score of 12 to 8. - - ' K I t t (