THE OftEGON STATESMAN,-SALEM,-OREGON V J - ' : -THURSDAY.MORNING OCTOBER 2, 1924 nnw.m.A I. Ed LJ 1 r t "-n r ' u THE MONEY WILL BE USED TO ERECT A NEW BUILDING ON FERRY AND LIBERTY STREETS Bsc 34KQ)g.() 5 TO THE PUBLIC: Having purchased desirable business property at the corner of Liberty and Ferry Streets, I intend to erect a four or five story building when the present lease expires, which is next April. In order to have the money available at that time it is necessary that I reduce my entire stock about one-half .. I know that to accomplish this I must reduce prices and that is what I am doing. This means that all who buy Pianos or Phonographs the next few days will do so at a genuine saving. I could go on writing page after page telling you all about this big sale but X haven't the space. I therefore invite you to come down and see for yourself Seeing is believing I 3 !:g&'1"""""""1" " ' ' p A BRAND NEW i 3 0 m 17 IV RI ANO lift 3 0? Fully 1 guaranteed with bench : and ten rolls- of music : ' ' . . ; i .'-.:'' i :."--.- ,1 ; ....!; J Terms Only $10 a Tvlorith Used Fkiinos j Glance over .these prices -they are most convincing 1 of the wonderful values we are igiviiig during thio ale. $65 $85 - $95 - $125 - $135 $15Q $175-$225 to 350 ' : ,' :.j ':..! . " .. :' ; '' . , Over Twenty Standard Makes to Select from , : Terms $6 a month lip u ! J i 3 0 J 1 '" These Pi65aTealITstandard: make Pianosinstmmcnls that 1 have sold and stood back of for from twenty to forty-three years. All the very latest, styles anii vrcoc!: Terms--$7 a Month up. Eight slightly u s e d phonographs, could not be told from new; all large models and in all finishes, fully ' guaran teed like new. Included in this lot are -Brunswick, Pathe. Starr, Emerson, Columbia. ALL GO AT 55 Down 5 a Month f )' I-,'- , . 1 - " ' " . - - '- - i, , r, !' ,; 1 1 . - ' ".!.. .,v v: , - . 1 , ! T . ! . J ,. t '.. . .... ... i. ;..-r,-. ..-.j., ..i ... : ' ' -- - - I g-..-..".'"".1" " '.' 1 """'""!'"- . 1 . ..:"'.!.'"" " "?".""-'.;".'-;"... '7"""" "I':1'".1-'!-''"1"''''.'- ' " 4 "'" "" "" " 1 1 '' 1 111 11 """"i11 111111 . u - 111 1111 "m 11 " 1111111 1 'j,1: '' IICSSU. 3- ! '-. y , , , . . ( . i: , , . , j . . .." n : : t . .. . TTfl , -' . .ri -: 11;' ' TTTT 7TlTl i? fN, ''" " pN -"' : (tS Tl " ' vf) J&. riimiDgimm .. W mi tuo Oe .balef 1 i-vH . ,. ql ! - , 1 ,tasaO-; 1 'll i , i -j i mi i: .: tv r " .H ; ; iiC-aJi j . - , . vji Y, -. S ) : i 1 -r -:, II g) --- j ,. L a ' j." ..!'-. W - .f 7 M ' .1 i '1 - rTT. . 11 hAiii I r jHjiw- l; :Thisalmoit ( fllPnliJ ThlT A(v Oither small makes y jf iiMLrT Terms only Eight slightly used cl:,tl .. . ,,J $5 down, 51 a week I ' L mW.- 510 a month V ; , ' , , -J r ,. r. -zrrr , . , - , - , , , ,,,.,, Slightly used, couldn't be told from new Terms as low as 56 a month FACTS AND FIGURES IN CONNECTION WITH THIS GREAT SALE: The Geo. C. Will Music House has been identified with commercial enterprises for 43 years. During that time the Geo. C. Will Music House has made it a point to handle nothing but the best money; could buy. We therefore have the, choicest selection of , old standard make Pianos we have sold for years and instruments that we are proud to stamp our OJ K. on, and we want you to know that these are the Pianos we are off ering you during this sale. THIS SALE WILL NOT LAST LONG. Considering the quality of merchandise we are of fering, and the prices were quoting and the terms we are giving, this sale cannot last long. So come down now while our stock is at its best and select! your piano or phonograph. You are welcome whether you, buy or not. . ,432 STATE MM Your Leading Music Dealer for 43 Yea: i i4,i8fif -. i