SUNDAY ttOfctfCKG SEPTEMBEP. 23, 1924 iHu'Oiit.GUN blWlKSilAN, SALEM, OREGON BAPTIST FIRST Liberty an4 Marion, Rv. E. Jl. Shnks. This is KHy Day In all de partments. A splendid Rally ly pro gram is prepared for tho Sunday tf.hool, 'iaelndinf graduation xcrriss, Hong,; drapiatiaatioa and aa object alary" ? the pastor. The morning worship at H will nphastto tha year's program. 8rmo: Taa Sword oi I ha lord." tha (iidaon Band. The Rally Day program la the B. Y. J. U. at :30 p. m., will bo led by Uronp IV wita Mr. Charlea Anderson .n charge. Tha entng worship will, bo rood ik-ted "by the Baptist Brotherhood. Male chorea will sin two numbers. Mr. Albert Coploy Mr. J. f. Feteraon will give ten mi note addresaek and laynaen a work. Ut.'U. J. Hurt will gie t recita tion and the paster will clone with an ap pal to the men at the chnreh. Miss Helen Selig will play at both the morning and arening worship services. Morning anthem. "The Lord I Kxalted," West. MUs Gladys Steven son will sing at the morning worship. CATHOUS ' ; - Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor. Masses' at 7-30 8:30 and a0;30. Sermon at high Baas'. Benediction and lecinre, "Church or ChnrheB. at 1:30 p. m. Qvestiona will be answered and ereryone welcome. f i FIRST Center and High Strets, JJ J. ..:. V Hattie Mitch II. :..u.n.. "Motives to Service and Th. Rnnreme Demand." will bo tho ser mon topics ot the pastor tor tho tnorn isg and eveniof aervteea. The '- U lATHZRAV CHRIST frVAXUKUlCAL State and 18th. Sla.. OS Koehier, pastor. Sunday school at :B0 a.- n, liivin service wi;h sermon. in Kngiish at 10:30 a. rn., sohjeit. '.Uegeneration." Yonng people meeting at p. m. Evening aervice rt 7:30 p. in. Mid-week meeting on Thursday at;: 7: 80 p. ni. Bible achool conducted by tho. pastor on Saturday from 9 to 12 a. m. Catechetical instruc tion (or the fsteehnmens at 1 p. m. The chnrrh council meets on Sunday at, 2 p.. tn. . ,' 4 ' i 1 aolo, "How Long Wilt Thou Forget mat" 30 p. m Twilight social ttour tor tne young people, aponaored, by tho women of the church. AU young people of I he enurrn- and congregaixm invited to come nd have n part in this feature aioh proeedea . tho regular- O. - E. Mia Helen I'earce hostess. 6:30 p. m. Chris tian faadeaver societies. 7:30 p. m.. evening: service ia different from the morning. You will enjoy the good fciag and the short, but dirrct sermon.- Ser vice out '.n one hour. Monday, 7:30 . Young Women a Bible Class . taught by Mrs. C. A. fork .will m thnir study. The class meets in the educa tional room of the city library, and is interdenominational. :; a . .v i...k ha sten-or tao men a -cuss - ins at 9-.4S. Sext Sunday tha elasa will .t tho Bligh Theater. Th young i. ... H-ao. On Tuesday even- tec at 7o'elock ! tho raembera and frienda -i w ill eniav a basket dinner ZIa Dnmn. Mr. Frank Puraell t-!.., will ha tha chief speaker. ... tha winter sesson will be an nounced. Tha member ara nrged to,at- ' j : .1 ' ' nnno BTBKRT-CorMr- Kortk . Sov- . ,v, .n4 Conn streets. R. I-- Fut- I Rihle aehoaL 9: AS rkn J. Kowitl. Stjpt. Junior : during . :.. knur.' Grace Kowitx, Supt. Morning worship Is a. m.. Mrs. v.iUm of Or., vr.ll preach. Midweek services Thursday-; at p. m- I ) I i ! - inweprnlTTOItiL FTRST Uberty and Center 8t.. W- CX miiiUter. Sunday achool at to uf.Minv out witk rood attendance ,'k- fll. trood teachers. Classes for Vmiik worship 11 a. m. .". i ". v." !." C. liolmea. D.l A. JTk" "'i.;.. Good mnsie by church ouart Nona bwtter. At 7:30 p. r m ; our. nieturea . and Aresl. Tha Call of tho Mountaina." The picurei -rill " th ro0MUlf,,'I? f.i....v. .i.siku various cohttnent. They partiwlarry beautiful and f Wen in T color. Stato conference of Congrega tional hnrchea.of Oregon meeta whthe. Fir." and Central church beginning Tuea 5:7 Sent 30 at 1:30 p. m. Se pro- gram? Tho publie invited. . . . i .i -rr. CENTRAL Soutk 19th Street, Harry v imt.r. Sunday school -".rrrr-hm at 10 a. m. ounr T;nr st 6:30 p. m. Preaching Ervfc. at 7 :3V p. m. Addres. by. . ul. fmrlv of Kobe, 'i1 S? . ,w- American Board of 7dJ: wtth, of nt San rnnirgr- mino'Wai - - METHODIST SCAKDIXyiAX 15th and Mill Sts. Patrifc Pahlin, our new pastor will be in charge ot th meetings Sunday at 1' a. m. Sunday school. Gust. Anderson. Snpt. Sunday moriiio? worship 11 o'clock. F.p worth league 7:15 and the evening ser vice at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock Thursday 'night. You ara all cordially invited. ;-' i FIRST Cirnr Stato -and Church Sts., Blain E. Kirkpatriek, minister. On Sun day, Sept. 24, 13 Jason Ieo preached his first sernion in the Orgoa country. Ottr chnrch will commemorate the 80th anniversary of thst memorable event at the morning service at llo ciock. mere wUl be special music appropriate to the occasion by pho chorua of 50 voices, un der direction of frot. v. iiounon, wi.h Prof. T. 8. Roberts at tho organ. The pastor will ! preach, on the subject. The Spirit iof Jason t-ee. -misb isnin Field a furlough from In dia, and daughter of one of tha oldest pioneer famti-s 1 oi naiem, win - si brief address. The congregation ia in vited to make, this a celebration fitting tho event. Class meeting 9:15, Sunday o-jS h- Stndanta am esDecially in vited to attend the atudent forum, conduct ed by Mr. John U Brady tt the sunaay school hour.4 Friendship hour at, S:30. and Epworth league at o:3u. xoung people cordially invited. A unique even ing service ia planned for 7:30 o'clock. It will be in th nature of a Rally for the yonng L people a work- os tae year.- a group of Koworth leaguers who attended tha Falla City Inatlfnte last montn are to be in charge and. will conduct a In stitute echo ' ad uospei leam f all thre chantera of tae r.p- worth league are' invited, as well aa the general congregation. JASON LEE MEMORIAL- Corner N Winter and Jefferson Sts. Taka the a mi m 1 r,r to Jetferaon - ave- v - . - , i. Tbomas Arheson, pasior. i""J n.'.ik.. .itnt in charre of tne Jun ior church, s On - the opening sunaay of the new eenterence yaar it ia hoped that .k. .-tiro mmbershiD Ot tne ennren win be present for the service of the day. A very warm invitation ia extended te the nubile also to loin us tn tne service. o Um H v itunnv ail woo mvw like, greetingi It . will be delirht to a u . f tAA.idk tn Know mat j-t. a. Gilbert, former Superintendent of tho Sal em district,-will occupy the Jason i-ce , ;-l nninil tMitn msrsiDC tuu c , rn- Jiriuui i. v .r-- ; - ha vim nrp ii mm A w.- -t Tn m ;ai inia win pb - lie appearance in Salem before taking P 1,1- .w work at Medford we are anre :u wik o hr hint. Rev, Walk uuuj - - . . er who will continue the Junior church for another iyear will preacn to we j iocs at 11 a. aa. He wishes e f uU at . i-a. ih, tonni neoDle. Other in ..Mtipi nf the dav wilt be Sun' dav . achool at 9 : 45 a. m. Epworth league devotional meeting at 8:30 p. m pre- UNITARIAN FIRST Cottage and Chemeketa Sta. Church achool at 10 a. m. Oevotional services st 11 a. m. Sept; 28, dediea- on of the new church. Organ Prelude, Mrs. W. A. lenton: Hymn 1. The First Service, page 12; Hymn 350. Scripture reading, Kcv. r . r. KUdy ot r.uxene; prayer. Kev. 4t. Fereshetian. itpone. Urretings, Carl B. W'etherell, field ecre; ary Americjn 1 nitarien ansociat mn. (jusrtet, A flream ot Paradise,' Gray. Kemarka, V A. lentin, president Hoard Trustees. Announcement. Offertory Christian, the Morn Breaks Sweetly O'er Thee," Shelley; Sermon, Kev. Vm. G. Kliot. Pnrtlaad. llvmu 83. Benelir- lon. Rev. M. Feresbetiaa. Pontlude. The guartet: Mra. II. P. Hinges, Soprano: Mrs. M. Feresbetian, contralto: Mr.. K. Williams, tenor; Mr. L. Springer, bxito. of UNITED BRETHREN FIRST Corner 12th aud Mission Sts. Sunday school 10 u. m., clashes for all ages,: Preaching 11 a. m. Kvening aer ie. . Christian endeavor fi tuu, topic. Organising to Get Things Ion." lead er, Amos Wells, frearmng 7 :an. fray- er meeting'. Wednesday evening at 7:-. You are invited to attend and wornlp with us. 'fli is is the church of sirangers yon will feet at borne. Come and bring your children. C. W. Tibbet, pastor. - , t, Th. mtsta conftrenca of Con-I" .. . ..nnsinted aesaien. -rhTrehT. maets with the Sal- . - - v.- wfred on Td.y Vi,-.h.. en Tneaday. Wednoaday and week at 7:30 when Dr. Thursday of thia week. Detaila ot j tne j clintoo m Wesleyon Methodist minister . faund am another pace.:: - 1 ,i trviand and making a lee- I. . 1'-""--" -ill .nk at a s i iuT9 lour o vvmm" - - - EVANOEXJCAZ. I public gathering at tne ennren , CHXMEKETA STREET F. W. in- priencea aa an open "ZV'u 1. ntkor. Sermon at 1 a. puoiic oii v - - . - . - ner, ,, all, umr. as well as the educe- w. ----.V . ... . it tional value ot tne evening wn .i. .v.- j.i;htul evening for nil. Come early n ; onng jr n.. " veu. A ailver offering will be taken. Regular mid-week aervice will be held a t -in nn Thnrsdav eveniuK. - all. 'an.d.w srhnol 10 a. m., O. R. C"rh. leader. Evangelical (league .-TP- ."Swsa Marti- will have charge. pWyir arvieea Thuraday evening. Ail are welcome. COMING TO SALEM SPECIALIST I Thomas Burgess Ford Memorial church West Salem, F. 1- Channel), pas tor. Sunday school at 9j4., Mrs. II. J. Morriss, Supt. This is a wide and grow- ng Sunday school with classes - for all. Morning service at 11 a. m. Sermon by Capt. II. J. Morrisa. Junior league at 3. Song aervice at 7 led by Mrs. It. J. Morriss. tvening service at 7:-0, ter can publisher la said to nave sent him a blank check bo that he could fix his own price for a book of court reminiscences. The check waa torn up and thrown into the waste paper basket. In tne Root oU days when King Edward was Prince of Wales was doing what he could to dispel the gloom which enshrouded the mid- Victorian court, tort Knollys was often the butt of the practical jokes which the hlr to the throne and his set dearly enjoyed. ' On one occasion Lord Knollys had the laugh on his side at the ex pense. of one of the practical jok ers of the royal iset. "Bay" Mid dleton. the famous sportsman, had a penchant for catching a friend by the loat-t ails and ripping the garment to the neck. Lord Knollys one evening offer ed a particularly tempting chance to Capt. Middleton, which was at once seized upon,, to the great amusement of the Prince of Wales who however, was surprised, to observe Lord Knolly's, Unconcern. On inquiring why his secretary tlid not seem to mind tne ruin oi a perfectly good coat, the Prince of Wales, was informed by Lord Knollys that, suspecting Capt. Middleton 's i2itmioK3, he had ta ken the precar.tlpn of borrowing one of th captain's coats for tho evening. i: Loose, Frank, naullng A C 276.80 Miller, .Fred J, auto mil eage, eti. . . , . ..l..... Missler, J II, picks, etc. . . Moo res & Co., Ross E, af fidavit for . road peti tions . . . . . .......... Oregon Gravel Co, gravel etc. . . Third Party Left Off The California Ballot services I waa glad when they -said tin to me : "Let us go up to the house of he Lord. ; SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. mon by pastor Special singing at hoth The state supreme court today de nied a petition for a. writ of man date to compel Robert E. Grahan-, county clerk of Marin county, to plafee the name of the La Follette Whecler presidential electors n the November ballot. The La Follette forces in Cali fornia will make nb further at tempts to place the names of ia i Follette electors", on the ballot until they can get a legal opinion as to what steps, should be taken, it was announced by Frank R. I TIavenner, manager of the La Follette campaign in the state. ALLIANCE CHRISTIAN AND MISSIOXHRY Tabernacle, Ferry Stpastors II. K. Cas well and Mrs. Caswell, 173 Cottage St. Nunday school convenes at 1() a. m. An interesting stndy of the lesson is given on full gospel lines for all ages. 1'reafli- ing service 11 a. m. . Rev. ti. L. Morgan of Winden. Minn., will preach. Those who have heard Mr. Morgan will want to hear him again. F.vening services 30. It is expected Mr. Morgan will preach, in the evening, also. Services during the week aa usual Tuesday and Friday evenings 7:30. Saturday even ings the yon. gnpeople have charge of the meeting .in. tho Tabernacle at d o'clockv. MISSION I ' GLAD TIDING8-C14a Conrt St.. 0. S. Johnson pastor. Sunday school- at '! p.. m, Hervices at a ana a p. m. Aieei ings on Tuesday, Thursday and Setirr day -.eveninga. We believe in the. old time religion. We pray for t lie sick, we are anxious te help you get ' blessed, in both soul and body. Everybody ; in CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST Sunday School room of new church building, corner of liberty and Ckiemeketa streets. Sunday morning services at 11 o clock, Sunday evening at 8. Subject of lesson sermon "Reality," Sunday school at 9:S0 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at & o'clock. Reading room 209 Masonic Temple, open every day except holidaya and Sundaya from 11:15 to 5:30 p. m. All are cor dially invited to our services and to our reading room. I. B. 8. A. International Bible 8tudent Associa tion meets every Sunday in Derby hall. Corner Court and High streets for Bible study, hours, from 10 to 13 s. m. Tab ernacle study at 2:30 p. m. All those in terested are welcome. LESLIE-rS. Commercial and Myera St- H. F. Femberton, pasior. .w ge to church! If yon do. yon will enjoy the day with ua in the following aerylcea. Sunday achool at :45 with live elaases ! j . u.i.i atniiT worth while, x.. a. KAZABINE Nineteenth and Marion streets, C, II. Hopkins, minister. Sunday - achool at 9:45. Alorning worsnip at li o cieca. Sermon. "What Muat I Do to Enter Christ. Youne peoples meeting 7 p. .m. Kvening worship 8 o'clock. Sermon - by COMMISSIONERS' COURT (Continued from page 6) Miscellaneous Market Roads Huntlv : Bushman, lum- .u ber ...... . . ...... 144:.'i4 Spaulding Logging Co, lumber . . . , ." i ....... 148.71 Bates, Albert,7 hauling. water , ff ....... Branch, E W, on grade . . Branson, Troy, hoveling dirt . . . Booth, Ed, do Brown, Ed, do - Brown, W J, straighten ing header, etc Davis, John, shoveling dirt Davis, Tom, grade work . . Deppen, L A, d ... Folkl, John, shoveling dirt Gire, Paul, grad work . . Horner, Charlie, carrying- Lipp, E S, fore in an . . . McCleery, E L, Jon grade etc . . . Stanley, George, shovelir 6.00 54.00 48.00 54.40 52.80 75-80 5&.00 24.00 24.00 32.00 35.20 Pacific Tel. & Tel C. tele phone services, Pacific Tel & Tel Co, do, . Portland Electric Power Co, electric services at plants, etc. ......... . Prest-O-Lite Co, Inc. The Prest-O-Lite . . Keuff, Alphonse, on grade Hingwald, C H, hauling gravel ....... Rosebraugh, W AV, Fresno blade, etc. !, Salem Sand & Gravel Co, etc. ... . Salem, Water, Light & Co, water service at Tool Hou?e . Shell Co. of Calif, Kero sene, oil. etc. Smith, B R, cash adv. for auto hire, ptc. ..... Smith,, B R, salary iiounty motorcycle officer Sowa, Paul, scarifire teeth etc. . Spaniol. Jacob, Iron, ; val ves, etc. i Standard Oil Co, olh belt, dressing, etc. Stay ton Switch Board As sociation, toll service . . Swart, II S. dep. road mas ter's salary and ex penses ....... Taylor. W; A, as Viederon road ....... West Side Gravel ' Co, gravel, etc, Wiggina Co. Inc., tappet, bin rods Woodruff. .Clyde, shoveling dirt Zollner. Joseph, operating steam roller . . , ...... Ashby, Claude C, foreman at tool house. Burns, J A, running roller 109.75 Glover, Arthur, g en erai blacksnuthing Herren, J Jl, painting bridges,' etc. ( Alexander, G M, on forma Cutler, Ben, ,do Staiger & Bezel, lumber . . Farris, Ed, driving pins. . Feiber.H Frank, do Fisher, E W, on forma.. Hendricks, Louis, hauling forms Hulen, S L, sharpening pins ................ Landers. Arthur, on forms pjummer, B I.onforras . . , . rumam, i iv, ao Sacre, John Jr. water boy Simpson, J H, laying forms Taylor, T H, on forms .... Waggoner, Dick, foreman of form crew ........ Faber,,Ed rock crusher, . Faber, Elmer, shoveling gravel Faber, Harry, shoveling gravel, etc ," Grant, Joe, working Jpn bndge Laure,.Ed, shoveling dirt Pillette; Bazel bridge work Accounts j , Llvock. Wm J. relief.... 27.55 1 sheets, Varney, gopher 6,40 and mole bounty. ..... Winkel, Mrs Mary T, relief ,50 Alison, Allona, relief. . . . liranam, Km ma R, do... 379C.71 Chapelle, Mrs Clara, do.. Kleinke, LI la, do . . . , . . 10.00 Tasto, A F, do ........ Recorder's Office .00 113.75 94.20 dirt 51.20 the pastor. Yon will receive a cordial 1 Tschida. John, shoveling Khoten ia fauperintendent. The yonng J welcome and will enjoy the splendid In Intenutl Medldne for the past twelve yer DOES NOT OPERATE p Will be at Mario Hotel j Thursday, October 2 Office Honrs: 10 a. m. to 4 p. ii - One Day Only people make the Epworth League meeting 1st :3U SBfinwrwiB,..- Vr.i All )Uf imtt are ' '".. . worship at U eloc5-rmon auojecw 'A Christian vt a m z '"- ing meeting at -a seasoB's music and message hours. Tit choir wilt furnish extrrmu.te sermon will be anon wuu w. -Uae the Escalator." Yott are cordially invited to "Mthese meetings. You will help make- thess- better by eoming and we will be glad to welcome you. 1.x eellent music, 8criptral,. fine fellowship ana a make you feel at home. Come with ua end make thia your church. ..iorrcTprrp FREE Corner N. spiritnal atmosphere of thia church. 8PIBZTTJAX. FIHST 3teete in W. O. W. hall. Lib erty St- A. M. Coackley, pastor. Sua day evening aervice at 7:45, topic, "Meditation and Concentration."- Welcome all to our aervices. We JXo Charge for Consultation' v Mrs Caroline jaenson, TnM U.h Wed-aday afternoon at 2 j "w TV, nsstor preachea Sunday nu.k " 'The Rnnreme Dr. Mslleuthin la a regular graduate la medicine And surgery and ia licensed by the state of Oregon. Be does not operate for ehrenic appendialtia, fall atones, ult . f atomach, tonsils or adenoids. ' He ha te hta credit wonderful reroHe in diseases of the atemaeh, liver, bowela. bleod, akin, nerves, heart, kidney, blad der, bed' wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rkaumstism, aeiatka, leg nkera and rae- ..1 .ii,. . ' I ,nit will enlOV ,W " : . tmospbera ot this ehnreh. I Below are the namea ot a tew m. i ) . many satisfied palienta In Oregon: J Kra. J. W. Hay nes. North Powder Ore., -' - goitre. ' - i ats. Hun da? sen ."Sr; Krank sTSchuta. 8upt Cl- . ' n mil iru manned with sea ir . K,li. th Bible consecratea ir ;..-.. " A .., v..h. to be the iPrea wora - ine hours m.v i ani .- ng of the old Methodist type in the ma.n auditerium ait 12:15. Luther I. Cook . . : - l. . vn. bmdIcs meeting "fV.." r?- ' Mrs. J. B. Coole'y U the reqaeat of the younK Po . tka vounc people. Pray' iTand praiae aervice at 7:30 Prayer meeting each Thursday evening 1:3". , . . . T .. mMtisr at the home of IGHTB VIHK PASS dirt 4. 56.00 Weber, Andrew; do .... 56.00 Wrcoff. S F. do . . ,.- 28.80 Joint Clackamas County Clackamas Co. Oregon Cumber 394.09 Joint Linn County Hinz. A B. nails; etc 9.80 Linn County. Oregon, work done on Stayton bridge 69.58 Thorns, D C, luftiber . . . . 789.35 Joint Polk County V Bates, C L, hauling lumber 3.00 Buena Vista Garage, gas 12.80 Gray. W, E, rep;-on ferry 8.00 Snyder, B A, operating ferry ...... i ....... . 85.36 Snyder, Gilbert labor on ferry Recent Death of Probyn and s1 s co, tt 11 r T l L n J; I .UUSU., ,. rvnonys neminas oi uiu Order's Change Joint Yamhill County Pillette, Basils rep. New berr bridge .......... Yamhill Electric Co., elec tric services LONDON, Sept. 10. The death! Miscellaneous Bridges of Lord Knollys, following closely Lilly Hardware Co, caps. that of the venerable Sir Dightonj te Probyn, i3 another reminder that Arcnioald, Irwin, work on VVrt. Alice ; "Wniiami, Malheur. 0r, heart trouble and high blood pressure. TJn Sjoroos, Astoria, Ore, app di citla. i :-11. DecgaUer, Silverton, Or, tilear ... the. atomach. r Mre. Geo. A., Gillman, Coquille. Or., gaU- atones. . .... -. j j v 'Mra. M. E. Qarson, SlertB, Ore, high blood pressure, Vrs..J. U. Bo wan, Toledo, Owt, fall tones. ' Ao'cust Erickson, Lakeside, Ore kid-, ney trouble. : . . - Remeoher ebova date, that eonsulta - tion on thia trip will be free and that hi treatment ia different. Msrrled women mast be accompanied . dj their hnsDanas. ; Address: 211 Bradbnry Bldg Loa A geles, California. n . thmt auhiect. rayrwui . . , . Offering te hrUt.-' A ; " 1 ' " WHwnrHlnn bridge wSh-TlSrmo: yr .7?r driwtog in. Both Lord Knollys Sta" n...lnn for Jieeiing u . i . . . , . . .1.1. , . 1 nu", sue, uon, uu Vr. cordial welcome at each aervice ana ir uignion spenue.r uu5 , Geo W, watering wiu enjoy the splendid spiritual at- liTeg in the service of England's -nA-rst At,. ' a m 11 I " , 9 royut iamiiy. - I Rasmussen. Antone, on TBXENDS ,. Lord Knollys, formerly trustea green's bridge 2.50 .50 3.50 4.12 3.25 99.00 8.25 12.00 etc 105.00 37.00 93.60 19.20 25.50 97.50 66.50 89.00 78.00 SOUTH BALE-M corner 01 . nHdftnt nf Otieen Victoria, serv- mnbl OrPorv An . 1 CA.n.w,l Kts L.ari r. mua 1 - - ' 1 , -.-- rj- . . 103.00 . . 1,03.00 . . , . 95.00 . . 218.S6 Miscellaneous Accounts Minnie O Miller, pastors, uunoay scnoot ea me laie rviug ,uwuru iui ujuiv -icniiosi, uu t . m . Dir. Carl K. MiUar, Supt. Meet- than ift vpnrs M nriva.te secretarv. Zielinski. Leo. do Z'm' iSs'i '-Uti-c :3o. Prayer a capacity in which healso served Fischer Phillip, do tk,....i. 7-30 n. ro. 1 You are win cianrira until tho woi?ht ! of I Miscellaneous J welcome at ail of lhee aervices. i Lrg forced his retirement. His Adams Hardware Co. gas. bpiscopai. - contemporary. Sir Dighton Probynl. ."a- t:T ST. PAUV 8 Corner entire n tnr mfinv vear- CQmritroller Of the .. V." . l 1 A Chemeketa fits, Rev. li. V. tnimoeri, 1 -- C , . , .v. i t " . 1 XMinruti, oi, romng a e, Kector. There will De tne usuai n . 1 uuukuuiu vi -o 1 uernara MOtOT DO, fa, ' Hoiy Eueharist at 7 Sk- fulfillment of a promise he made welding, gas. etc school at 8:45. in their plaeea as achool vacation ia over,, nriTtr and aermon at 11 a. m. The muaic will "be furnished by the vest- to King Edward when the latter Burns, Wr E, eliding gear ,30.59 220.50 47.25 117,34 Pillette, Stanley, do Woodruff, Clyde, do.... Duchateau, Wm, roller man ................ Ferris. E, hauling hot stuff Jetsen, Chris, on grade. etc ...... i ......... . Lambert, Ei G, making out reports f Loomis, L A, water boy. . Lyons, Richard, hauling dirt, etc . - - izv.uv Mix, John, foreman 01 crew .... t .. ...... Ogle, Alva, on Bqneege tank Ogle, E T, do Ogle. J M, squeege man . . Riggs, W A. f orker". .... Schneider, Joe, raker -. Scranton, , Frank M f ork- er Simpson, Frank, laying forms ... i ......... Tracy, C C, roller man . . . Wourms. Wesley, on forma Young, L A, forker . . Zuber. Alva, ;feder, oiler, etc ..... - ........ - Road District Xo 4 (Cont'd) St. Paul Sand & Gravel Co, gravel ......... . 5C.87 Tweedie, John, hauling ' gravel 97.83 Koad District Xo. 8J4 (Cont'd) Spaulding Logging Co, Chas K, lumber ...... ltoacl- District Xo. 2L Parson, A C, bridge work Magee, M M, patrolman. . Road District Xo.24 Riesterer, B J, nails.... Stayton ' qement stone Works, tile .-... Van Handel & Gesher lumber . . . Denney, E C, bridge work Smith, J W, do ; - Hlghberger, Joe, spreading rock ......... . Barl, Hen, "grading ...... Van Handel, J B, patrol man ... ,5. Road District Xo. 33 Howe, Christine, do. 12.50 Kliewer, Minnie Myrtle, do 9.40 McGrath, Etta, do Pence, Delia Eda, do.... Phillips, Lulu Jane, do.. 213.23 Riggs, Mrs E H, do Savage, Mrs Effie May, do Sawyer, Rose Mary, do.. Seeger, Mary, do Slavens, Blanche Elizabeth do - Coppock, Lulu, do...... 10.08 Holley, Flora L, do. .... . BarneB.Roy.r gopher and mole bounty, Boyc-r, U G, county clerk, cash to adv. acct. goplier and mole bounty Marquart, George, gopher and mole bounty . ..... ; Radkey, W, do 13.70 Boyer, U GT county clerk cash to adv. acct. gopher and mole bounty Marquart, George, Gopher & Mole bounty ....... Radkey. W, do .... ... . 18.18 Boyer, U G, county clerk, do Bayer U, G, do ........ Hemshorn. Werner, gopher and mole bounty. ..... Schwab, Fred J, Juror Byrd, W H.. examinations Poor rcctunt Kirk, R E, relief for Frank . Ahrens . . Baker, Mrs Babe, relief.. Robson, Mary, relief for Martha Bilieu ........ Boys and Girls Aid society relief Brinegar, Elizabeth, do.. Buffun, W B, do . Cain, Mrs. Gladys, do. . . . Carlson, C Carl, do. .... . Castellne, Mm, do. .... . Caswell, Mary, do...... Cold well, Mrs. Mabel, do. . Irwin, Mrs! Mary, relief for Lela and. Melford- Cook Dodge, Ulyssia Ellen, re lief Fowler, John, relief for self and daughter..... Gillingham, Nena, relief. . Gobin, Lizette, do ..... . Haggard, Delia, do. ..... Hardwick. Charles, do ... . Harper, J H, do. Hart, Grace A, do...... Hendricson, " Mrs. Mabel do Horrom; ....... Kays, Mrs Tom, do Livock, Wm J E, relief. . Lunn, Mrs O C, do ..... . Edson J L, relief for Harry Meeker . Miller, James, relief .... Miller, Mrs Vina H, do.. Millert Fred J. relief for J J Nelson .......... Newton; O D, relief .... Nott, Cary C, do Brokke, T H, relief for Olea Pedersen " Reinhart, Rosalia, relief. . Renick, Mrs Annie, do. . . . Sagsvold, Henry L, do.... Schaffitz, Mrs Emma", do Schmidt, Peter, do ..... . Schwingler, Mary, do.... Simmons, Anna May, do . . Smith. A H, do Stalllngs, Mrs Virginia, do Stripling, Hulda, do...... Trieber, Antone, do Walt, da, relief Wanless, Gilmer, do .... Wargnier, William Jr, do Wheeler, Mrs. Anna L, do Witing. Matilda, do . William ( Alice Bertha, do Wong, Charlie, do ..... .- 17 (Ld I Laviguer, William, do . . I ' -UU I ,.ril.l 11 .1 CT A C i 1 c ' msci, luai y , uu .... 1 T- v. J ivai&UBM, Diiruaiai uu . . En gel hart, Mrs. Anna, do Salarie Sheriff's office .. 11.46 20.80 j 525.90 511.13 2.06 651.98 121.69 14.00 1C0.70 156.00 49.75 . 188.10 4-09 6.40 25.00 . 132.67 104.00 104.00 64.00 6.40 40.45 22.75 4 7.20 107.60 6.00 9.60 9.60 59.20 22.40 12.00 64.00 8.00 80.00 85.37 6.40 37.80 22.40 8.00 2.00 12.00 25.00 14.00 25.00 15.00 17.50 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 34.00 7.5 0 17.50 15.00 9.35 .90 Clark, Nellie J, do . Crann, Eva, do Crawford, Helen, do 85.00 38.50 100.00 90.00 85.00 Savage, Kathryn, do ... 65.00 County Treasurer's Office Richardson, W, Y, deputy 100.00 Assessor Office Lee, A A, deputy assessor 115.00 (To bo continued) 100.00 3.20 1.95 100.00 3.20 1.9: 100.00 100.00 2.90 30.60 30.00 First Baptist Church Liberty and Marion i REV. E. H. SHANKS A. M. SEJRMON: THE SWORD OF THE LORD Anthem: The Lord" Is Exalted. West. r Solo: Selected. Miss Gladys Stevenson. . ' . P.I. BAPTIST BROTHERHOOD: LAYMEN'S DAY Male Choruses: The Lord's Own Day. Kreutzer. Worship of God.- Beethoven. Address:" Laymen's Work. Albert Copley. ' Personal Work. J. F. Peterson, i Recitation. U. J. Hart. " ' Sermon: The Appeal. Pastor. j. Rally Day in S. S. at 9 :45 A. M B. Y. P. U. at 630 P. M. THE CHURCH THAT WELCOMES STRANGERS 7.20 45.00 '26.20 8.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 12.00 40.00 10.00 8.00 20.00 8.00 8.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 12.00 25.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 8.00 12.00 15-00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 12.50 8.00 122.00 25.00 10.00 10,00 Headquarters For MAAC Box Candies ... i and. ! . - - Wenstel Ball: Burkhart, S O, dep. sheriff 124.69 78.00 76.80 100.74 64.60 74.00 9f.0 Bremmer, Roy, do Lewis, J W, do Wrightman, F T, tax de- deputy Butler, S J, do Clerk'a Office Arms, A M, deputy Co, clerk '......... Vallace, Ruth E, do . . . . Eschwig, C E, do ...... 124.69 100.00 115.00 100.00 110.00 100.00 85.00 We Wish Our Many Friends A HAPPY NEW YEAR -;- . - - ) And take this opportunity to- thank you all for your patron-j age of the past year. I n Square Deal Hardware We will remain closed Monday and Tuesday was dying .continued on in the and gen. repairs 108.79 ihed OJ l TCSl- l i ,l.w v KAmaA 1 flarlaV JR- Tain Cn A choir nd M m In Chambers H.ndel iii .v lHO uv- .-v. " ;n nl. v :- vialia solo an eiterxorv. A hcartr lavitatioa is extended to all to . I ! .PB.ESBTTEEIAU FIRST Church -St.. between Chemek- . ..H r.ntcr St.. Ward V lllis L.OOC. miaisur. :30 a. m. Sunday school. ;H. K. Barrett.7 Supt. 11 m-, SermoB, Self Sacrifice. An Index of Devotion. .- h miniiter. The choir will ; sinr. Still. Still With Thee." Foote;-and Miss Josephine Bros, wilt sing soprano f)DS63 . -f .. Culuver, W J, cash adr. frt. cartage, etc. . . . . . SPECIAL FOR SHORT TIME ONLY Gccdrieli Hoi? Water Bottles Onsen Alexandra. : "re, tuDe, gas, etc The Queen Mother, now going Cook. J L. foreman . ... on 80 years, and herself in feeble Cooper, Corp. Howard, health. Is bowed with grief at the - V"" w V VUV 'L loss within a short space of time . . , d At AV A. ..1 At 1 J , g m m -.A I V' Alexandra is In tne iecluslon ' of Sandringham, and so great are her infirmities thatvher friends DoughtOn & Marcus, higw conclude she will not again appear way White, globes etc in public. ' - - Ernst, C H, gas, etc. The serrant of three sovereigns ay u r armer now. vo. of two of them In a very conflden- 1BP1Kesr;'rIe, t n ' M ' tial capacity, the recipient of tZLV-V ' uiaoj' ul i.uuiiutui.'.o, .u jju-- sessor of many court secrets. Lord Knollys had a diversified charac ter and a wide knowledge of the 47.02 105.65 5.16 Values Up to $2.25 Schaefer Drug Store . 7The Penslaf Store ! 123" Ncrth Cciaraercial Phone 197 292.80 3.53 41.70 13.47 51.6! 62.50 4.43 27.50 world and its ways. He knew Howe, I N, Hauling A C. 1446.40 King Edward in all his moods and I Jobnsoi C O. dep. road was that sovereign's trusted com- mast n salary and ex- inAninn wntm ne was Prince of I penses .....v. 155.55 Wale.. jjorgensen, ira, rucK urea Va rr- amn Txird I rep. main teat. etc. ... V ;w,rt7nv Jthaws Lambert. L S, cash adv. for , Knollys to dlvtflge any of the ma- c hona calls etc Iterial in hia possession concerning SSV iStd "' wuai weui uu m wuw iuuh .-! raastera salary and ex- l clea, with the lire or wnicn- ne nan t peases .... . . . . . . 168.00 .intimate knowledge. AnAmerl-lLiyesay, J H, lumber etc 91.09 Great Western Garage, gas for June and ' July .... Hart, R L, services on rcd petition 379.78 1.20 4.59 3.20 8.00 1.05 11.50 3.0.90 8.00 1.60 3.20 6.00 18.00 George, B T, gravel Horner & Co, a u, mse. . Bradley, N. J. grading. etc. " Miller. Conrad, hauling gravel Reiser, Harry, shoveling gravel . . , . .......... Pederson. K M, plow and grader Spencer, gravel McCurdy, Ray, shoveled . 2.45 1.25 78.80 18.00 9.60 41.60 6.40 Geo. patrolman 149.60 St ii) ton ; 1 ving. Plant Account (Cont'd) Barkmever. Peter, sand. . 26.32 Scollard I'aving Plant Account (Cont'd) Brassel, F, delivered wood 12.00 St. Paul Paving Plant (Cont'd) Smith. Wm M. delivered ; sand ...i . . . . l.5U Road District Xo. 33 (Cont'd) McCurdj. Geo, cash ad- f vanced for powder and ' cans m . . i i . . . . '16.50 Road District Xo. 47 . Murphy-Gardner Lumber Co, lumber i2.10 Htarton Crusher Account (Cont'd.) Brown,- G L, gravel. ..... 94.55 Brown, Lucy E.'do. ". .... " 94.55 Miscellaneous Accounts (Cont'd) Hardesty A A and Lewis C I A. hauling crushed rock2219.42 General Fund, Miscellaneous COLLEGE STUDENTS Are Arriving Daily and Looking for Places to Stay HAVE YOU ROOMS TO RENT ? Many new arrivals call at The Statesman Office and watch the paper for new "For Rent" ads Help the Students fanct Help Your, By Letting the ' Statesman Classified Columns Rent Your Rooms Telephone 23 or 583 , t A 4 1 . t 1 4 rr i