ff THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON . SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTE JIBER 21," 1924 ! , i ' i . t ' - 1 , , , t .r - t A " -. t I i: I -' r - i . - -, - . i - i i j i J i Vl I r i if I i : -1 k j k j ; k r I i K t I h 1 v: k V GMitim i POIFOKSI'JELL .Salem Dealer' Is " Willing to i Demonstrate Hill Climb I On Three r I E : Nordenson, distributor of lb.e Gardner car, says. "There seems to exist some doubt among some' regarding the Gardner stock car pulling Washington street in high gear with only three cylin ders working. Wo of course do liot wonder at this doubt. For the benefit of the doubtful we will gladly demonstrate this at any time as well as other unbetter able featnres and performances of the Gardner car which will do r forty miles per hour working on three cylinders without a boble or jerk of any kind. .We claim" nothing more of the Gardner car than any other car of its same construction, but we do believe that we have the best construct ed automobile on the American market today, near its price, and a comparison . of units of much higher priced cars, such as bear ings and stroke and bore, size of .crank shaft, and con rods j and construction throughout. If by comparison, it is good for cars of a much higher price, then we be lieve that it is good construction tot cars of a lesser price. Ask jasers regarding operation, ex tpense, they know, and believe -that they will be better able to Temore the cloud of doubt from ;the mosttsktBtfeal mind regarding ihe Gardnsrtsc&i." ; - IJEDDEMIl 1 i ' , 4 - - - - - - I t - " i ' " ' " ..ntT"""''' ' " ' - ; - ; i . - . ' s ' ' ' " - t f . 'i . ! . ' ', - V Vr "" ? ----- Ax', .j' W H.-T S vV"" ' "Dong" and Mary gave the Ten-Millionth Ford a great welcome wlien It arrived ai the Fairbanks' and Pickford' studios in Hollywood. Frank Kulick, driver, had to relinquish the wheel, for "Doug" insisted on drivintr tho numerical wonder car of the great Ford family with Miss Pickford in the front seat beside him.: .Then the band played and tne crowd cneered. Hi! BUYS GAD Sale Cost Dealer $56.60 in Fine, But Trooper Was . Sold on Car. ' Here's a new wrinkle, in.demon Btration. The West Virginia Stata Police bought a Chrysler Six loU lowing one of the oddest 'arrests on records. ? "'; T'- G. 1.1. Davl3, rianaser pf the. Tri Motor Sales Co., llaxwellrChrysler dealers of Clarksburg, W. Va., the home town of John ; W. 1 Davis, Democratic presiientiat nominee, was in a hurry to reach Pairmount, 25 miles away. He was in such a hurry that his Chrysler did i at night In the ram over slippery roads In 30 minutes. While run ning along at 50 miles an hour h 3 noticed a state trooper behind him. "I supposed be was chasing me." he said later, "as ; there was no one else I could see who need ed to be chased for speeding. But I stepped on it. . . ; ,- "Some time after I' reached Fairmont the trooper rode in. - He said he had endeavored to catch me for 15 miles and supposed 1 must have been at least, seven miles ahead of. him when I reach ed Fairmont. The damage .was $56.60, , but the : trooper was 6o thoroughly sold by my inadvertent demonstration that the state bought one a few days1 later.' I call it the best arrest for speeding that I have ever received." 4 ' The Chrysler Is now .being used to accomplish 'what the trooper's motorcycle couldn't do to , catch speeders., , :-..,.. Tl ""The English car Is a good one. They offer about 160 makes to select from, and only - American prbductsof ; high merit with ' big dollar .yalae, can- expect ;any big recognition.',.; ". . l-, ', " . '' EFIEETJ DRIVER NEED NOT FEAR n 'A A, A. A, Gives Service in 11 ; Important American , :i Cities No American car buyer need fear for his safety by reason cf his motoring inexperience, accord ing to Thos. Henry, "president of the American 'Automobile associa tion. ; i ; : ; ' ' ; The 22 years of AAA experience with every phase of motoring is at the tyro's disposal, he' says. : This point, a statement by Mr. Henry shows, is being emphasized at this time because of consider able -Unfair criticism aimed at the new comer. The AAA takes the position that a new-driver today is safer than a new driver ten years ago, because, granting that he is conscientious and willing - to ; be guided acdordingly, there: Hi- Just so ' much more experience at his dteposal.5 " ;;i'l5 'j;"With: AAA touring service 'a comtjarativelv green car owner can now undertake extensive jour neys via motor in the knowledge that he will be spared nine-tenths of the annoyances of inexperi ence," Mr. Henry points out, "If he is a member of his local Three A's club he is entitled to service in practically all ' the Important American cities. He is bound to .experience a feeling' of confidence In his touring aa5 consequence, for the association has done the pathfinding for him." GOSMOJD M. L. Pulcher president of .the Federal Motok Truck "company, Detroit, Michigan; one of the pi oneers of the motor truck indus try has just left for England, and continental Europe. The object of his visit is to Introduce the new! Federal-Knight to the large Fed- era! distributing organization,: which has madeastounding sales gaius uui tug ilia taoi xen uxuui.uor and to.-European, truck users, -: ; ; .., "The time has come," said Mr. Pulcher,-; Just ' before he left. 'j"when,- the wheels of Industry in n ( V u i-7 -'r 'T ' i " A , , .r- t:.. :fr; I U The Tudor Sedan 0 Coup - j - -- - i SSlS Ford or Sedan - 655 Folly Equipped ; Runabout S26S Touring Car - ' 295 DemeoattbU Rimi sad atarter $85 tra ats H'osrsGGft (Soot The Tudor Sedan body type now widely popular was created by the Ford Motor Company. ( Into it -has been built all the utility that any light-weight closed car can provide. It is comfortable, roomy and con venient, easy to driveandpark,and instantly adapted to varying weather conditions. ' " ' 1 I- '' -'" f ' ' 2-,'", . - - Valley Motor Company SALEM, OREGON mn uni vcrA gal cah Kemi can tuy cay Ford ear by maXtrSm amall dovm-paymtnt and arranging easy term for thm balance. Or you can buy on thm Ford Weekly Purchase Plan, Thm 1 Ford dealer in your neighborhood vll gladly explain both plan In dttalL V Burope will begin to turn : with the rapidity of pre-war days. "Sounder economic conditions have been established, as a result of the Dawes plan. Germany.now has a basis of currency that' will bring her back into the market. Confidence will again exist and conditions , will be stabilized. Sources that have been clogged up will be reopened and the par alyzing . hand, that has gripped parts of " Europe ' for so long' will be removed. ' "This1 change in the situation. while it presents a field of great opportunity to American business men, also places a tremendous re sponsibility upon the shoulders of every one who expects to take ad vantage of it. r .' - "Quality and honesty in manu facturing and selling are basic and cannot be separated. The man who buys an American product in Europe has a right to expect full value for his money. - "Taking our own case, for ex ample. Production in Europe will be greatly increased and one of the requirements to meet this will be more motor trucks. We expect to supply a large portion of this demand. Last month we exported more trucks than any other manu facturer of trucks In the world. If wehad not given quality :, in the past and had not been honest in our dealings, this record would never .have been .possible. It's the only policy that pays and the only one that will earn the lasting friendship and bring the continued patronage of European custom ers." ; J . - I This statement coming from Mr. Pulcher is ot more than passing interest. The Federal Motor Truck company is the biggest ex porter of trucks in the world and Is represented in 50 foreign coun-t tries.. ..-.! :"l ... : J f A Federal-Knight show chassis will be exhibited at the Olympia show and a more vigorous culti vation of the foreign market will be made. I " The ' new - Federal-Knight has been received with great enthusi asm by users abroad. The Knight engine has" been popular In Eu rope, for many years and the long successful record of - Federal trucks fort dependability and per formance has earned -for them a reputation in foreign countries that is second to none. i This new speedy truck will be in great demand. Owing to high operating costs, the ' economy, of the Willys-Knight motor, its free dom from costly repair bills and the sturdine8s and lightness of the Federal chassrie will appeal to foreign users. The need for this particular truck exists and this one has been specially designed to meet all requirements. DoDse Brother TO U Rll NC&U CAR Exceptional beauty now character izes the car that has earned so , ' . enviable a reputation for modest upkeep and long life. There are no extras to buy. The Special Touring Car is completely and smartly equipped. Five Balloon-Type Tires BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. The price is $1055 f. o. b. Detroit; $1250 Delivered - . , 474 S." Commercial : . 474 S." Commercial . 1 ' ' ' fen ' . " -' c 1 -IZ!-' """ : - i 1 l'" - ; -liZ..'i'--'L-- : r!, ' jBiqi Car Owil?j The Lanchester Balancer gives Willys Knight a vibrationless smoothness unique in a motor car 'WlltfS'Tinight Scores Again Men and women who drive cars rightly demand the most of them. They render a verdict of enthus lasm xor t he Willys Knight. The test of every day driving proves to them the completeness with which its latest re finement, the Lanchester Balancer, prevents engine vibration at any speed. Car owners, who object to vibration in open cars, find it amounts to a con tinually renewed irrita tion in closed cars. With closed cars coming more widely into use each year, demand for the i elimina tion of engine vibration has grown imperative Willys-Knight supplies this demand the Lan chester Balancer conquers . vibration. The Balancer makes a better engine of the world's best engine the famous sleeve-valve motor that improves with use. It registers another achievement for Willys Knight, the car that lit erally outruns its field. The Willys-Knight with Lanchester Balancer is on view now. Inspect it. Try it out. Then render your verdict. WILTS VICK BROTHERS HIGH STREET AT TRADE' 5 - - . -i . li Si