The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 21, 1924, Page 16, Image 16

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' FIRST Liberty and Marion, Tier. E.
H. Shanks. The Bible School will' meet
.at 9:45. 1 Mr. .Edward Bchanke. Supt.
Morning worship at 11 a. m. Subject for
the sermon by the ptitor, "Each One
Wis Ce." Solo, 'Lord -Thon Uaat Been
Oor pwelling Pttee," (Baker.) Suaf
by Mn. Earl Pearey. Violin olo, 'Sone
My MothernurerTDvoras: Miaa
Held ' Seli Ajithem, "Come Unto
M;"i (Stults. livening1 worahip at 7:80.
Sermon by the pastor. "He that Hath
Kan." lo. "I heard the Voic of
JesTis." (Rathborn.) Sonf- by ,Mrs. .
H. Shanks. Violin aok, 'Berceuse," '
(P. Anlin.) Mm. Sells. -Anthem,
"Teach Me to Pray," Jwetfc. The
BYPU will be led by Group Three,
, Cheater Piekens. The young people meet
.at 6:30". - . :.. i
it . ,r' '. ' ' '' ; ' : "!-
Tt -:' CATHOLIC 'J;"-
. iii.'Ber. "J. iR. Bnek. pastor. Communion
mass ot-7:30. Children's mass at S:30
nd high mats end sermon by assistant
priest at 10:30. Beaeietion, answering
f questions and lectured oa "The Neces
sity of a Chnreh,V by the pastor at 7:30
p. at. i " Ereryone welcome and questions
concerning Lrligioa will be jgladly s
. a were if left, in question box or mailed
the church. .
' FIRST Center and High streets. J., J.
ans, m.'ninter; Miss Hattie Mitchell.,
missionary. The pastor will .speak both
Anthem. "Come Unto Me." Stultz. i
Solo. "Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling."
3aker. Mrs. Earl Pearcy. t
Violin solo. "Songs My Mother Taught Me."
' ' Dvorak. Miss? Helen Selig. i
; Anthem. "Teach Me' to Pray."fTewett.
Solo. "I Heard the Voice of Jesus." Rathburn
Mrs. E. IL Shanks. '. I
" Vidlin'Solo. " "Berceuse;" Aulih. ' Miss Selig.
No Extras
Parents aire urged by The Fair Board to take
I their children to this
25c One
morning and evening at the chnreh ser
vices. The men's class meets at 9:4." in
I the basement et the church. : The class
leaders are preparing- to open at the Bligh
theater on October 5th. The ; indications
are tarorable for n great attendance. The
Usual Bible school meets at : 45 with
classe and departments for all ages. The
women's class lira Is the attendance of
the men. At 6:J0 o'clock the young
people meet m special serrice for yonac
people. Stranger will find; a hearty
welcome at all our serrices.
I COURT STREET- Corner North 8v
enteenth and Court streets. R. U. lut
nam'i minister, i- Bible achoqt 0:45 a. at.
Chris J. Kowits, Sapt. Junior during
morning worship hour. Orace Kowits,
Supt. Morning worship 11 a. m. cier
mon: "Temptation," All members who
will assist in . the- Fair restaurant this
year are asked tat. let it be known to
day. There will rbe no mid-week ser
vice this coming week on account of the
State Fair. The new building' board will
meet today immediately after j the morn
ing serriee. Endeavor t p. ra. Evan
gelistic seTTiee 8 p., m. Sermon: "Where
Did the Devil Come Fromf" We wel
come friends, new students and stran
gers to worship with us. ,t
' f - - - . ': -i -
5 FIRST Liberty and Center atreets. W.
C. Ksntner, minister. Sunday school at
10 c. m. Alt persona, old and young,
not attending elsewhere are cordially in
First BaptisiCIiurch
Liberty and Marion
Rfevl E. H. SHANKS I
In State Fair Stadhim
As Monday is children's day at the
the ; management : has arranged for
nijhta, feature, informal
in the stadium Keeping in mind the spirit of
the day. and the mind of the juvenile, there has
been included in' this show a large number of
feature events, such sis the steeplechase, by the
McCIeve ponies, high jumpers, riding wild and
unruly ponies, and a hundred and one otlier at
tractions which will plezise both the children and
the grownups. - -j
There will be fun galore
will prove a Feature Event of the Big
Admission Price For AH First Come First Served 25c
vited to come to our school on Sunday.
M. D. McCallister, Supt. Horning wor
ship 11 a. m. "The Gospel . According
to Too." Good music by quartet. Nope
better. 7:30 p. m. short popular serriee of
music, picture and address. The picture
"In Fan-eline's Ijond." Selections from
Iongtellow'a "Evangeline." Brief ad
dress, 'Seeking for Life's Greatest Treas
ure. ; I'rayermeeting Thursday at 7:3Ti
p. ra. Topic: 'Character t-Study,'-1
Mrtthew. .-State conference of Cpngya
gatiooalists: in the First . church. Sept,
30th. : ; ' ' ; ,
CENTRAL South Nineteenth atreet
Harry W. . Johnson, minister. Sunday
school and morning worship at 10 a. m.
What are you worth! Young people?
meeting at B:30 p. m. Preaching at 7:30
f. m. 'Tae Cnurcliea struggle for
freedom.'" , s -. a
STJ PATJL'S (Episcopal) h f
Corner Church and Chemeketa streejs.
IL V, Chambers, rector. The usual ser
vices.' Holy Eucharist at 7:30 a. m. in
the chapeL 1 The church achool meets at
9:45 and it is, still enrollment time. The
membership': contest has started and alt
old pupils are expected to be in i their
placet. Morning prayer and Lithany at
11 a. ww. 4 Miikic by the vested , chair
and the rector will preach the sermon
on the subject "The Credentials of the
Smrit. A hearty invitation is extended
to all: to worship at St. Paul's.
- i EVANGELICAL ; " t ' 1P
FIRST Liberty and Center streets: C,
C. Poling, minister. Regular services
Sunday the 21st of September. At H
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subjects of di-
courses: ''The Altar of Witneia," M4
"Paul'a Estimate of Life." The Bible
achool opeaa at 9:45. Classes for all
ages. - Christian Endeavor both Senior
and Junior ct 6:30 p. ra. The Sunday
school board, is planning Its Pre-Rally
day program and will end with Rally day
all day meeting sometime in October. The
pastor will be away for several Sun?
days beginning with the 28th. He is. m
member of .the Board of Missions and Pub
lication of the church which meets in
Milwaukee,; Wis., end Cleveland, ; Ohio,
respectively. During his absence the pul
pit will be filled both morning and eve
ning more ably than, he can fill it. So
let all be present. The first Sunday of
October will be our Communion day. Rev.
O. L. Lovell will be present and presrb.
both morning and evening and administer
the communion. Welcome to all. 4 :
Launer, pastor. Sermon 11 a. m. i Sub
ject: ''Solomon Songs 6; 5, 6. Sermon
8 p. ro. , Thame 'Missions.' Evangeli
cal league 7 fo-'eleek. Leader. Mrs. O. K.
Strausbaugh. - Sunday achool at 10 a. tn.
Be on hand to be counted. Services act
Auburn at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening... Howard Olsen, clasa
leader. All are made welcome. ,
n-'.: raxEsva ;
HIGHLAND Corner of Highland av
nue and Church street. Edgar P. Sims,
pes tor. Services on Sunday: Bible school
at' IO o'clock, Walter Stanton, superin
tendent. Meetings for worship at ,11 a.
m. and 8 p.,m. C. E. at .7 p. m. The
' ' V- .
iiorce show to s bfe
young peoples' prayer meeting Monday
at 8 p. m. Mid-wek prayer meeting
on Thursday at 8 p. ra. We believe in
a full gospel and a whole Bible. Come
and. worship with us... i
' CHRIST State sod
Eighteenth streets, !.- . Koehler, pastor.
There will be Sunday school at 9:30 a.
in. . Divine service with sermon in Ger
man at 10:30 a. m. Subject: "A Christ
ian's Life a Constant Struggle." Stran
gers are welcome. There will be no eve
ning aervice. .fee; ) .
"North Winter and Market streets. Rer.
Mortimer U. Clsrke, psntor. Sunday achool
at 9 :45, Dr. Frank Schuts, superin
tendent. Cissies for -a-1! sixes,
manned by teachers who believe the Bible
to be God's infallibtfword. Preaching
hoars at 11 and 7:4$.-; Clasa meeting of
the old Methodist type in the main audi
torium at 12:15, led by Miss Lily Arens
mcier. Young peoples'; meeting at 6:30,
Mrs. Jesse Barham:1-leading. Topic:
"What Think Ye of! Christ." Praise
service at 7:30.- Prayer meeting each
Thursday evening at ?:30. Cottage pray
er meeting' each Wednesday at 2 o'clock
at the home of Mrs Caroline Jackson,
1463 North Winter street. The paejtor
preaches Sunday morning on the subject:
"Where Ja Your Faith!" In the evening
the aervice' will be evangelistic with a
message by the pastor on "The One Suf
ficient Refuge." Youjwill receive a cor
dial welcome and will enjoy the splendid
spiritual atmosphere of this church.
LESLIE South Commercial and My
ers streets. H. F. Temberton, paster.
You are cordially invited to attend the
serrices of ' this church on Sunday as fol
lows: Sunday school at.9:45. E. A. Rho
ten. Superintendent. Ji. Bible achool with
high ideals. Epworth, . league at 0:30.
Young people are always welcome here.
Morning worship at tt. Evening meet
ing at 7:30. Rev. W. H. Hertog will
preach at both services. The pastor is
out of town attending conference in Med
ferd. You will enjoy meeting with your
neighbors in the various services of this
church. Strangers will feel at home and
visitors will want to come again. Come
with na and make thia home chnreh. A
special Invitation ia extended to Willam
ette students to be' -at home in this
church. . . -. -
FIRST Comer State .and Church
streets. Blcine E. -Krrkpatrirk, minister.
The pastor has asked' to be excused from
conference now in session at Med ford, in
order that be may preach in his own pal
pit today. Because it is the first Sun
day the Willamette students are back,
it is an important day in the church
which has been so intimately associated
with the university throughout 80 years.
Dr. Kirkpstrick's morning subject at 11
o'clock is "Voices of the Hour." There
will be as usual, excellent music by a
large choir under direction of Prof. E.
W. Hobson of the university, with Prof.
T. 8. Roberts at the orgsn. Class meet
ing ia at 9:15 and Sunday school at 4:45
ju n. It. is hoped that at Jeast part of
No Extras
or send
the new Sunday school annex may be
naed for elassea this morning, and ; that
another week, will aee it completed,' Ep
worth League ' Friendship Hour at 5:30,
with Devotional Hour at 6:30, led by the
president. Miss Adelia White. At the eve
ning worship, at 7:30, the pastor's iaub
. I will be "What's WTrong With the
Wot Id t." The Annual Every Member ;Can
vaa for the local church budget is sched
uled for thia afternoon. The team cap
tains meet at the church at i! .o'clock.
Tueaday-at 7:30 very importaht meet
ing of the official board. You are f cor
dially invited to all services of the
church.. -- c' sK:
SCANDINAVIAN Fifteenth and Mill
streets. David C. Hassel, pastor. Sun
day services as follows: Sunday achool
IO o'clock. Gusti: Anderson, superintend
ent. Morning worahip 11 o'clock. Ser
mon by the pastor. Epworfh league at
7:15, let by Martin Anderson. At. the
evening service. 8 o'clock, the pastor will
preach his farewell sermon. The girls'
club will meet Monday evening -with
Mrs. Hassel at the parsonage. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening, 8 . o'clock,
which will be in charge of the new pas
tor. Rev. Patrik Dahlin. You are. all cor
dially invited to all of these meetings.
FIRST. On Church street between
Chemeketa and Center atreeta. WnrdjW li
tis Long, minister. 9:30 a. m. bunday
school, Mr. IL. JS, Barrett, superintend
ent. Classes - for all ages. The Tri-O
class extends a warm invitation to col
lege students and other young people
above the high achool age who are not
enrolled elsewhere. .11 a. m., sermon.
The Knowledge that Excels." by the
minister. Quartet; "The Day of Peace,"
Thomas. 5 p. m., Twiugut social nour
for the young people, sponsored by the
women of the church. Mrs. G. L. Rath-
bun, hostess. ; Light refreshments will be
served at 6 o'clock. -All young people
of tho church and congregation iqvited
to come.' Christian tndeavor at :o,
Leland Chapia, leader. 7:30 p. m. pop
ular evening service. Special music. Bong
service and sermon, "The Victory tnat
Overcanies" hv the minister. Out in
one hour. Thuradayt 7:30 p. m. Church
Prayer hour. The Prayer Meeting pro
motion committee is doing good work. The
attendance ia increasing and the interest
is good. The presence . 01 many young
eople in the aervice is encouraging. yiop-
thia week "Our Church: What Can
We Do For t!" Ps. 122; 1. '
school at 10 a. m. Graded instructions.
Clasa for adults conducted by the minia-
. - , - u.
ler. wevoiionai senrice-s at i
Fereshetian will preach the first sermon
in the new church, having for hie sub
ject, "Tho Price of Freedom." and his
text. "Ye Shall Know the Truth and the
Truth Shall Make You Free." Mrs.Fere
shetian will singles a solo, "Tho Publi
can," by Van de Vatol. Mrs; W. A. Den
ton at the organs jiext sunaay iiwnnus
. . j.j- . : - ...ill l.lra. nlaCM
toe oeuiciuuii - 1 -
The full program will be found n both
of our papers in due . time. -
ernacle on Ferryt street, n. E. Cawell
snd ' Mrs. Caswell, pastors, x io souin
Cottage atreet. Phone 1434-J. Sunday
school convenes at' 10 a. nj. Classes for
all aires, with a good stuay time on i"
Gospel lines. Freaching service 11 a, m.
Subject, xne narrow way. j.cniii
service, evangelistic message ana sing
: cni,;., lilitl Tllri " Her-
UK. Diiujoi.,, w.-o .-rf
vices during the 'week as usual Tuesday
and Friday evenings. 7:30. Saturday at
7:30 the young people nave a very inter
esting meeting that ia helpful to all who
attend. . s.
1 m
nrfrtiiwv rAnA A ranif.ol and Afar.
! nM J9nni)T aohnol 10 a. m.. and
German preaching service 11 a. m. No
evening service. on me xourin ounuay
in September, the 28th, we will have no
services hero aa we will take part in the
.loth anniversary of the First. Reformed
church in Portland. M. Denny, minister.
j I. B. 8. A. ,
...... u . .
tion meets every Sunday in Derby-hall.
. f . 1 ITI.I. tw.Ata i
corner oi vuuri. u - .
Bible study. Hours from 10 to 12 a. m.
Tabernacle study at 2:30 p. m. All those,
interested arc welcome. ,
V-'natoanth nft Marion streets. C. IT.
Hopkins, minister. Sunday school at
9:45. Moniingi worship at ' 11 o jeloek.
Sermon, "Steps" That Lead to banetm-,
cation. Evening- worship at 8 p. m. ser
mon, "The Sin Unto Death." Wednes
day evening prayer and -praipe 8 p. m.
wto of Twelfth and Mission
streets. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching
IV a. m., followed by communion- Eve-
i : ok ti. KnitMfnr A:30.
Topic "The Beatitudes" of the Psalms.
leader, ira. vtA. veua. .rrac(ui
T.Tn tm, mBHn WadnesdsV eve
ning at 7:30. Mrs. Hiday, class lesder.
Thia will , be our tirst quarterly
for the conference year. Rev. A. S. Henderson,-
the presiding elder of the Oregon
i .ill r mnrniaff and eve-
ronieicuiD w... - n -
ning. You ; ar invited to attend and
worship with u Strangera this is your
church. All aro; welcome. C. W. Tibbett,
pastor. . J " -
CASTLE CHAPEL Seventeenth and
Nebraska avenue. Sunday school 10 a.
m. Preaching 11. Come and bear a
a lj ,. rMa.i will krinir. Re
IEUWI M,CaJ i) - -
sure we need yon. Our pastor is at con
ference. i .r. ivveita, cwas
FIRST CHURCH Corner of Liberty
and Chemeketa streets. Sunday school
room of' new church building. Sunday
morning services at 11 o'clock; Sunday
evening at o. euDject oi km'
t. I .. ..knnl . Q.fl.a tn.
aimMT, D. .... . . -- - -
Wednesday , evening testimonial
at 8 o clock. Keaaing roou
temple. Open every day except holidays
i tn i-:i0'n. m.
All are cordially invited to our services
and to ur reading room.
nr.AD TIDINGS 343 Vi Court street,
C. 8. Johnson, pastor. Sunday school at
9 n tn at 3 and V. m. Meet
iM Tii1ir Tlinndtv and Saturday
evenings. Non-aectarian, full Gospl work.
We pray for the sick. All are welcome,
arosT in WOW hall. Libertv
. . A Vf 'i.ll.v naitor. Sunday
evening services at 7:45, Topio "lnKpitr-
ation and How to Attain Jt. e w.-i-
.11 , fsalim 'Truth
club meets at 697 North Liberty . street
Wednesday ad riuay at i p. w.
i..i.l n.l WaEhinirton streets.
Carl F. and Miunie G. Miller pastors. Sun
j.. in .m l)r r.arl K. Miller
unj v. ..u . . " ., . - , .
superintendent.-;; Our school is : doing
nfanilifi work and you will enioy in
one of the classesj Worship 11- a. m
Sermon subject "The Heart of God.
C. E. 6:30"Wifma Withem .leader." Even
i T.-in Pr.vnp meetin? Thuri
injf i . t . ..w. . j . . -
day 7:30. Come and worship wtth us.
Steady Increase Seen
In Argentine Population
buenos Aires, Aug. 20 (AF)
Countries 'with a high birth rate
have a high 'death rate, but there
is one exception in the world and
that Is Argentina, according to
Alejandro H. Bunge. economint
and government statistician.
In 30 years, Mr. Bunge nays,
Argentina's death rate has drop
ped from 25 a thousand to 13.6 a
thousand, ohe of the lowest in the
world, while a birth rate of 33 a
thousand has been maintained.
These two facts combined produce
a natural increase in population.
The mortality of infants before
reaching one year of age is only
10 per cent in Argentina, compar
ed with rates of from 9 to. 25 per
cent in other countries.
"Meddling" in Europe's affairs
means offering advice instead of
v Music Easy
We have one of the largest stocks of musical merchandise in the entire west.
We have at all times nearly two hundred pianos from a good medium priced piano
at $265 to the Knabe-Ampico at $3,600. We have in stock at all times over one hun
dred phonographs and also complete catalogues of Victor, Edison and Columbia rec
ords. Our stock of sheet music and teachers supplies Is one of the largest in the
U. S. Then, too, our small goods department is most complete. We are prepared
to take care of your every musical want. Pay us a visit. See for yourself.
That - great piano
forte mysteriously in
nate with all th music
of the world,
Priced $1,850 to $5,000
Sold on Terms.
- ' ' - - !
- v,?. . .2 .
Terms as low as $5 a month. Over 20 used pianos of standard make to choose from.
0 0
We Have Nearly 200
iii Stock at All Times
New Player Pianos, $350,
$395, $445, $495, $595, $615
and $700.
Terms $10, $12 to $15
175 Amd :$3t6
-,. ' ... ,.. . ; . I"
This Columbia Phonograph couldn't be
told from new.
We have a complete
line priced at $G35,
$685, $850, $1,000,
$125,' $1,375 and
$1,475. 'v
Sold on -convenient
' 4 '-
! We have some very high
grade old standard makes at
$385 and $425. 1
Sold on Easy Terms
$5 Down.
$5 a Month
Other Used Phonographs
$200 Pathe .$65
. $500 Emerson ................L. $225
-$295 Edison ..-.:. .....$200
$200 Edison ......U....... L..$165
$75 Victrola ...........$ 10
$25 Victrola ....j;.....$10
$140 Columbia .......... d......$85
432 State Street
f Everything Blusical . ; ,
f '
; 4