SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 21. 1924 r 1 Classified alem's. Great Market PSac THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OfcEGON Section i ft- r i ! i k - t T ! REAL ESTATE City 2.T LOANS 84 I CAN GET YOU A LOAN ON ANY good eaattersl or real ratal security. John il. .Scott. 305 Oreeoa Bldg. 24 s '2I SIX PER; CENT MONET TO LOAN ON Willsmette - Valley improved , farms. Wuick service. . '; , r A. C BOHRN8TKPT . s 147 No. Com'l St.. Htlm, Or7?4 -s27 HONEY TO LOAN ON 'FARM PROP erty. Lowest rates obtainable-' See Mr. bfoCordy in Homer Smith's of fice, Steevea-Moer fildg.-. i 2-t-s2Qlf MONET TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS flOOO to 2500, 7 pet east- -t-i - BfcCKE HENDRICKS V" ' P. 8. ban Bldg. 24 s!6tf UOVEKNMENT LOANS ON FARMS H m ent. r. L. Wilkinson. SOS U.- 8 National bank-bldr. - -anHt) i BEAli ESTATE City S3 Own Your Homo MY EQUITY IS A DANDY LITTLE 35 , acre farm for your city equity. 5971 care . Statesman. , 25-S21 FIVE BOOMS NEW BUNGALOW, FULL cement basement. f 2750. 00 Inquire 1655 -No. Capitol Ll ! 35-s27 STRICTLY MODERN ROME WANTED rrie not to exceed $12,000 in exchange for farm cloa to Salem. Beck A ' . HcadKck. , U. 8. Bank Bide 25-aSltf TERMS! BCNOALOW. 2 BEDROOMS, living room, kitchen. bath, acroened bark porch, gu rag 92500. 9500 caah balance monthly. Located 1043 Nor way St. Beck ; Hendricks,; V. S. Bank Bldg. j 2521tf 9500. CASH Bays good house and lot. Fine loca tion, i 1 room with modern conveni ences), balance monthly payment, jnat like rent. Price 92800. Immediate possession. : He CHILD8 BECHTEL SeO Sat Street. - 25s21tf. A VERT- .'REASONABLE PAYMENT down and monthly payment a like rent for a new uncompleted 3 room cottage. iee for 3 day a only 91,000. . An 8 room modem noose with 3 Iota. , fruit and berriea in eaat Salem. Bea son able terms. 93.500. A. O. BOHRN STEDT E ) 147 No. Cora'l 81., Salem, Or. 23-s21tf 'i r - - -. - : i WANTED A. FEW HOUSES TO SELL on eaay terms. Have a car and ion caah 1 a payment on bona; A fin bom to trad for horn in Oregon City. Mew bunrslow not finished . 91050. Strictly modern six room bang-slow, osk floors, fireplace, furnace, and all the fixins, paved atreet. east front, not , fax out, a snap at 95500. A good eerea room bungalow for 94500; another for 94200. F. L. Wood. 341 But street. , . '--' 25a21tf . A GOOD LITTLE BUY i ' For a young couple who want to get along thriftily, a Good. 2 R. plastered house with , wood shod and separate garage. All new and naif block from S. Com'l ear. air lot. 9S50. Half cash. See Wm. Fleming 341 State. 25s21tf THIS HOUSE IS GOINO Can't promise tt for a day, a special deal while owner is in city. Se ; m for particulars on a e room modern with 1 baaement, fnmac and garage and paved atreet. . Its rslue is $4000 whatever Son may get it lor. Wm. Jlamin S41 UU. Street; ... - d 25s21tf. . - . . ', -, r CHARMIXO HOME j I FOR. SALE OR TRADE If yon want a real 915,000 horn for 911,500 don't er Voek this one. We are prirllegad to offer for sal or trad. On of the moat uaiqoe and attractive llama 1 in Salem, located an Court St. nly two blocks from the Stat hjjuse. This bom is practically new and has just been placed on th Market. Even th foieads of the owner io iot know it is for aal. Will take a reatdence Property in Portland, as part' payment. He 911.600-with best of terms, j 1. i'or Particulars 1 See CHILDS A BECHTEL 540 Stat street. 25-a21tf. f ! , . WONDERFUL BUYS ; 54 A. farm best of soil all fenced owner away must tell at sacrifice. Price 93500 terms. -"--.! Snap House B. 2 lots 9700. ' 9100Q. dowtewn rooming bona. 15350, down tows brick block. Best B buy to u city. r. , , The beet 43 A. Howell prairie 94750 for a Bick deaL - . . , Acre improved ..2750. 3 acre ceiy bungalow 5 awres no buildings .M 92000. i -91350. j: .: 3SOO buy the best- hew afed -;wH bniht A Boom bungalow, bails ins, baee taont. Paved ' atreet, real anap. . Re CHILDS BECHTEL 540 State Street. ' , . 25 s21tf. EXCELLENT NEW, . EAST FRONT 5 . s room tiungaiew ; modern, in every res ! peei: Oak border floors, all beautifully I finished built-in features; fireplaces and maateL - Well located . en one of the i beet paved atreet. Price 95300. Part i terms. Nice new 4 room Bungalow: modern except heat. Haa two room attic on second floor, well lighted with gable ; windows, stutsble lor two bed room well located en fiaved street. Owner moving away and offers to sell for 9500 less, then cost. Price 9 4000. Psrt ! terms. . .,-, - Two story six room Bona; modern except heat. Good location en saved atreet. . Three - nice lots; all kinds of l besr.Bg plenty for fsmily. This is a real bargain at price, .93750. 2DOU casn. -1 have a number f other attractive offerings in both City and country properties, aiao vacant city lot. See WELLS TALLMAN. Realtor. 229 Oregon Bldg. Salem. Or. 25-21 FOR SALE BY OWNER BUNGALOW, Modern. v. EvtrythUg paid. 548 North i 31st St. 25-slStf MOST ATTRACTIVE' NEW Home In City. i Heat location. . sib,ooo. ttertrude J. j M. Fag. 492 "N. Cottage. 25-sl9tf i FOR SALE CLEAN MODERN S ROOM i bona, ready for immediate occupancy; a-4 acre ground; haady to nniversiyt ' and echeoL Phone 935. ; 25-s21 j. : IF I LEAVE SALEM 1 j I'll sell my small semi -mod era resi deneev fin location on paved street, for 82700 and only a tiny cash payment. Bwx 5685. rare Statesman. 23-S19 BEAUTIFUL SALEM HOME : Very desirable location, a home for-the ' Exclusive. Seen by appointment only. Priced at $1 3,000.00. Good 6 room home, mod era, but no basement, on paved street. . close te school. Urge lot N. E. corner. Price 83750.00. take small bouse in trade, flood 7 room plastered house, partly SBodern, on gravel atreet near pavement with 12 large tots. .Best in city 450. . Board aad rooming house, the best of location. Near school and civic center. Very good buy at 26000.00, 925,000. Income property, 'in the heart ot Salem, investigate this. It a . -A-l. 912,500. ' Business property, suitable location. Apartment house, well located, very desirable. fia.uiHi, win senate, . . nxxl bnlldina- lot. 912OO.00. . : ' Listings .of reasonably priced prop erty wanted, rnone ztm. ran or write; ORFOON INCORPORATED 215-316 U. S. Bank Bldg. Salem. Ore- REAL ESTATE City 23 FOR SALE 3 ROOM MODERN BCN- galow. built 2- year, close to school and State street' car, $'9oO. : Terma. Owner, Bos 5944, Statesman. 2S-s23 k f - . SPECIAL -. ' . i i '- 8 room honae, large corner lot with fruit, near Stat street, eaat. Snap : for 91oou; with 9300 caah. j I 5 room modern plastered bouse, par ed street near car. A bargain for 92300 with 3U0 cash. t -iLook at this 5 room bona and 2 lota f and Tarsitim sit (or SIBSm, w . trade for acreage. - -- i . Good dairy, equipped, for Salem prop erty. ... J. "j ....:U ir.-:"" - ' 4 house for renL.1- ' : 1 9 room modern house with 1 8 room apt, and 1 4 room apt and 1 2 room aptAll furniahed. 945 per month for, : all. Yon can rent 2 of these apts and have y oar rent free. If yon haveeny - thing aee V I THOMASON : 331 Stat St. 23-20tf NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. OOOD LOT South Salem. 92.000. The beat of terma. ' Ilk rent. Apartment hoasau furnished. : for 94.500, term that wiU pay for it : self. Some rboie dairy ranches for exchange, farms la Minnesota, 8. I).. and Nebraska, for Oregon, for farm and city property exchanges. W bar the goods. Barber. 20O Gray Bldg. 25S19tf HOW ABOUT THESE FOR BARGAINS lit acre 70 in cult, 39 pasture, 8 in timber, deep welt and pump, family : orchard, good f encea, large 8 room ; house, 2 barns, and out buildinga, near school, and station, 11 cows. 7 horses, I 85 sheep, 30 goats, hogs) and chickens, i some furniture. Price for all. 91S.000. Will sell without stock, or will trade equity in farm for city, or small farm property. 80 acre 30 'io enlt 30 open pssture. 20 in timber, well, spring, and creek, good 7 room house, - and barn, near school, and am 11 auburban town, farm implements, 2 horsea. 2 cows. Z. calves, same chickens, 100 bashels' oats, 9 tons hay. 4 tons straw.: Price 97000. Easy term. 1 ' . . -j ;v ! - i 93675 bays n brsnd new bungalow ' on paved street. Modern except hard wood floores, 50x100 foot lot. Cement walks, a sure dream on very easy terms. Stuccoed S room, bungalow brand new. modern conveniences, fruit shrubery and flowers, pavement cement walks. Price SSOOO. -eaav terma. 1 1 Large 8 room 2 story semi-bungalow mod ern conveniences, east front, on x acre f land, or Vt acre if yon please, with fine b-r. price 94250, for t all or $3800 for half acre, very easy terms. . fine 4 room brand new Bungalow on paved streets . modern ronveniencea paved streets, a bargain at $1700. jit terms. A large 7 room, 2 story semi-moderac, cot tage - all kinds : of fruit, berries, large barn with cement floors, chicken house, 'cow barn, cement : walks, near school, store, must be seen to be appreciated. Price 96500. Term or will trad for equipped dairy farm, win asume som encumberanr. f Moisan & Ulrich Phone 1354, 132 North Com'L 25s21tf $400 DOWN; 920 A MONTH OR OTUER reason snle terms, liw Madison. BUCKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bank MWg.T . j 25-sl6tf t ROOM HOUSE. 91950; CORNER LOT 9450. uertrude ' J. M. Page, 4z . Cottage. . mi h i 25-sl6tf S ACRE TRACT. i MILE FROM CITY limits on neved road, new 5 room mod em) bouse. 95500 ; terma 9500 cash and monthly payments. - 318 acre dairy farm. 18 miles south of Salem, river bottom land; 130 acres fa cultivation, $10,500; easy terms. This farm is easily worth 916,000 bat owner will sscr.fice aa it is necessary to sell within the next two weeks. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 216 Oregon. Building. . 25-sl6tf : REAL BUYS AND EXCHANGES New rone ret garage, dandy good lo cation, . 94500 ; easy terms. 6 room bungalow. 2 lots, barn, paved street. 93500; want acreage. Portland home tor samll dairy ranch 'near. Salam. ' Several good farms and 8aburbaa homes for city, residences. Several besines proposition for re- . tdeaee or line 'taaas.- PERRISE A MARSTER8 Otbt Bldg. 1 : . - i 25-sl6tf GRAND VIEW. ; SIGHTLY HOME. 7 room, -plastered noose, beta, basement, city water, drilled well, garage, fruit. Near school sad-car line, 93200; terms. 2390 Booth Church, block east ot south end High street. Owner. 25-17tf 81680 SNAP 5 room plastered bungalow, east front plumbing and ngni. fiunu ion, W..H. ORABENUORST CO. 275 Stat 8L. 25-sl7tf MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE - COM pletely, newly and artistically furniah- ' ed. "-See owner n premises, corner ; .'Oak -and Liberty. 25-ol0 6 ROOMS 93000. TERMS. SEE AT 1245 Waller. Basement, close car. RKRKK A HENDRICKS U 8. Bank Bldg. - - t 25 slCtt OAKS LOT. ON a tltlfl a , tj ,OH NORTH Hummer, block , to new sch4 r'fp.kK A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. ' 25-sl6tt "Look This: Way Just , aMomentT' The Home Seekers' lOpjportunity A fin 7 -room bouse. Urge lot; ex eelleat fruit, only 94200; good terms. Good 8 room bungs low. basemeat. good property. Only S2BOO; terms. Fine lot on Fairmennt hill, 75x150; 9700 for quick aal; term. A very fine' 10 acre tract, close in, ich aetL A Snan at 24000: terms. Money to loan at 6 per cent on good farm stronertv. . " If it is a bonse, lot, farm, or a trade aee me - , We write insurance. Rich L. Reimann ' ' Realtor 207-308 Oreeon Bide Phone 1013 ' ! H 25-13tf MINUTE MOVIES VMEELAM SERIAL PIOAIEER PEWLS OOrifi KPiSObE. '-- ' TWO NWOMCN AND A MAN : WHAT'S DADS LOSES AOO Time INI PRESSING. i REAL ESTATE City 23 ROOMS STRICTLY MODERN 12x20 cement garage, furnace, .fireplace. Very large lot. Cloae new high srhool.Prir 95500.' Small house as psrt. - " BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 25 sl6tf Best Buys and I Exchanges 4 room perf modrrn ' bungalow $1500, -eOcaah. balance 920 monthly. 3 noma, modern, nran. barn. eooo. ( casa,. baUore terma. O room modern bungalow, baaement, east front, cloae to school, 92800, terms. 0 room modern bungalow, basement, furnace, rarsgeeomer lot 96x100 feet, fruit, dO! to car and school, 94200 ; terma. . ( ' . 95 acre ranch, all cleared, atrlctly ns to date buildings, water tTatem. baaement, furnace, electric lights in all buiidings. n Hon. lor particular peo ple, two miles from town on good road, want trtx sell or exchange for ctty income, 919,500. ; Thotos of -all bu.lding. Com in and aee .them. Socolofsky 841 Stat St.' 25-ll4t( BRAND NEW VACANT-MI BOOMS AND nook. Fireplace and basement. Term. Pric 93500. Move in. BECKE -ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 25 slStf FOR SALE BY OWNER MODERN 9 room house, basement, paved street, ga rage. 161 8. . 14th. Phone 1140M. ROOMS FURNACE, 93500. SOME terms. South. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 23 sl6tf SNAP TODAY IN 4 ROOM? ' H0U8E Paved street. Gsrfield district. 92300; another ona 92100. Gertrude J. M. Page, ? 492 X. Cottage. 25-al6:f FURNISHED HOUSE NEW AND BEAU- tirul. paved St., vast front. 96850. Uer trude J. M. Page. 25 slotf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 BY wording "For Bale. Kaauire At." Prtre 10 centa each. Statesman Busings Office. J round Floor. STUCCO BUNGALOWS BRAND NEW; 9500 down and 920 to 930 month takes. .Furnace, fireplace, hardwood, etc. Both n paving. ? - BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 25-16tf BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME OE 8 acre in ehemes. KngUsh walnuts snd logans. Very close to Salem. 7 room, modern bouse almost new. , Full basement, furnace, fireplace, plumbing all in. lot of built-in a. Small barn, chicken house. For sal at 12,000 or trade for Portland property. Write or sea Mrs, Mosr, 147 N. Commercial St. I 25-5tf 9250 DOWN.: BALANCE 920 MONTH take s rooma. plain plaster ea conage with batn,' hot water, etc. uarage, 92100. ! s i BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 25-sl6tt fOR 8ALE4-SEVEN ROOM HOOSE, modern throughout, good location ft hloeka from state bouse. Address Own er. 1051. Chemeketa. St. 25-a29 8 ROOMS 8TRICTLY MODERN HAS furnace, firepluce, full cement oe- . -meat, garage, idy tuba, narowooa. u beautiful eaat front corner in center of Oaks. Both pavements paid. Price 96500 and yon can nay tor aown balance exactly like rent. Investigate and yon take. Located 1005 N. Sum. mer" BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Ban Bldg. 25-sl6tf i FOR SALE ? Beantifnt modern 6 room' bungalow at 878 N. 14th SL, garage; basement, finished for living rooms. Thia place must be aeea to know its value. Would consider, cheaper house in exchange. Can be seen any time. Price 85500. Krueger. 147 .North Commercial St. s Phone 217. ? 25-sl7 MAKE AN OFFER 1565 SOUTH COT tage. Has cement basement nnd fire place. Owner must sell now. Vacant. BECKE ft HENDRICKS C. 8. Bank Bldg. 25-al6t SEE TJS FOR CLOSE JN PROPERTY With small payments nnd easy terms. Gertrude J. U. Page, 492 N. Cottage. . , 25-al6tf 43500 BARGAIH I 5 room modern bungalow located at 1833 N. Summer St. 91000 down will beadle. .. ' ' W. If. ORABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. - - 25-17tf FOR 8ALt--J GOOD EAST FRONT lota on Capital street, paring paid. Good terms. m For sale good lot on Norway, 50 by 125 for good east front lot on Map le avenue, 9250. ' , - , block, 7 full lota, close to Eagle wood or Junior high school. $1500 for all. . ' i. ' .i ; . :'i . 8 good lota 50 by 100 en paved street for' 91000. Good lot in Salam Heights and Nob Hill at all ' prices. -' 8 acre tract well improved and 9 room' modern' bouse. Very close Ini Good terma. ,147 N.' Commercial , St. Mrs. Moyer. ' . , ; . 2S-s.Ht 5 ROOMS MOVE IN. 11 67 N, 'Basement and garage. ' Terms. 16TH. BEOKK ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bid;. 25-slCtt BUSINESS Opportunities 26 BRAND NEW S ROOMS 9300 DOWN takes,' balance 820 month. Don't mis this. Move in. ?t BECKE ft HENDRICKS V.' 8. Bank Bldg. 2-17tf CLOSE IN: HOME AND BUSINESS LOf cation, 9580O. , sjf BECKH ft HENDRICKS R U. 8. Bank Balg. 26-16lf GAS STATION ANI STORE LOCATION with small house, 8100O to handle. W know thia is-best proposition north of Salem en highway at best crossing. BECKE ft HltNDRICKS V: 8. Bank Bldg. 26-slfitf REAL ESTATE Farms 2 TWENTY ACRES AND PLENTY ? free book tells truth about Florida land; monthly i payment 91 acre; Or ange Graves planted 10 per cent above cost; Sylvester Wilson, DepL O. 293, Orlando. Fl. " - 2821 (All TteAlN rMtS ITS FIRST"-. ; STOP IS OF THE: UT71E UNKWCLL,N0 MOGE. SALLy, VtXR OH. IN FAVOR. OF CUB SO 7 m m "UlE :::: ; ' : & " - 1 aT-mmxa. . mm a. a m REAL ESTATE Fariru i 28 I WILL SEE LAND FROM 2 ACRES UPjJ improved or unimproved, vto timbered iracts for a small payment down. Re mainder very easy payments. John II. rkott, 305 Oregon Bldgm 28 21. TRADE SELL .OR . RENT 80 ACHE 'farm close to Salem. 65: acrea under cultivation balance timber and pasture, r'air - buildings.-- wm trade for waiem properly or will take' property as psrt payment and gire eay ;:termsvoo bal ance. Becke ft Hendricks, L. M. Bink Building. 1 28-s21tf NOT A MAONIPIEH BAROAIM, BCT A good buy. 21 acre Oregon farm, close . Io kchool. owned by old , widow, has 7 'room house, barn, chicken houses, on. - good road partway paved. Pears, ap 7 plrs, plums, cherries and berries, 7 .acres pasture and timber,, spring water. 9700.-00 cash, rest on your own terma "at 8 percent interest. Another -widow U!0 Carres, malt house, electricity and phone, very good" ; xiew barn, chicken houses.-some fruit and berries, 4 miles out on good road, "i Pric 182850.00 halt cash. Thia is a " fine little dairy. Small tract on main b'lEhwty, well improted and very close. in. Take Sa- -Mem bouse in trade. Others, thst are resl good. from a 1 !)00 acres, some highly improved'. -Uoderatelv nriced farm listines wanted. tlkone 206. Call on or write to OREGON INCORPORATED Victor Schneider Secretary. 315-31G V. S. Bank Bldg., Salem, Or. 28 s21tf 75 ACRE FARM TERMS. Pair Build ings, i 65 clear. Price ; $8500; some trade. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. -v, 28-sl6tf 6 ACRE SNAP ON PAVING CLOSE to Salem. Good house and enrage $4500. BECKE ft HENDRICKS ' V. 8. Bank Bldg. - 28-slltf FOR SALE 160 ACRES KEVIN-SUN-burst oil field. Some Srade. Lock box 5- 8.1. Cut Bank. Wnta. 28-sl9 REAL ESTATE Exchange 29 FOR EXCHANGE OOOD 4 ROOM - house, modern and new. for 5 or 6 1 room, house; 10 bare. acres for vacant d lot; 1 room and 3 lots' for land; 64 .'. aerea near Salem for;: residence ; 14 '' acres near Salem fori residence; 7 room new strictly modern for smaller cloa in; 2 good clear farms north for '; Salem reaidenra; 915650 in oquitie in residence and amall farms and S5000 cash for good clear farm; McGilchrist ft Pennington, 209 U. 8. Bank Bldg. f Phone 140. 29 cl9tf REAL ESTATE Hoburban 80 40 ACRES OOOD LAND, GOOD Build : inga. one mil from town. 1275 South : 12th. K . 30-B23 CHOICEST SUBURBAN JHOMESITEB Overlooking river driver and beautiful r Polk county orchard kills. Selections .. being made and development coming. ..! Kara offer to an early; buyer. ! HARRIS, 317 Oregon' Building. ; ; . " ' : Pbon 455. 80-a27tf USED CARJI For Sale 31 1919 CAR. 950.00 COMB AND SEE IT. ! 1970 Frederick street.?-: 3is24- USED FORDS WANTED: TOURINGS. r0dsters or trucks. 319 State. Phone 037. M; 81-s24 .V, . FOR SALE 1923 STAR TOURING Car in fine condition. This is a bargain Terma if desired, fopbone 137tW. j.'.:. ' . m - 31-s21 1918 CHEVROLET TOURING New top, tire ft motor OK $ 85.00 102O Chevrolet Touring. New top. Good motor? v-92 10.00 1920 Chevrolet Touring. New ' point, good value;. 235.00 1923 Chevrolet Touring. . Sup erior Model 400.00 1921 Ford Roadster, starter 200.00 Delivery box. good tires. NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. High and Chemeketa 31t2tf FOR SALE . ' 1922 Dodge roadster. A1 1 shape 9475, 1923 Chevrolet touring. i..j..450 191S Ford touring w.j 9130 1920 Mitchell touring, new tires, car overhauled 9275 1920 Overland roadster.: .........9200 (Terms) BONESTEBv.E MOTOR CO. - M 31-s23 REAL USED CAR. VALUES I 1920 Ford touring..-.. . .$175 1920 Overland touring 8175 ; 1921 Ford coupe s .. . 800 1921 Overland sedan.... , 450 1923 Chevrolet tonring.,.-. 450 1924 Chevrolet touring. 500 1924 Cleveland touring 850 1921 Oldtmobile sedan.. 850 We' allso have Chevrolet and other amall cars at 950 and up. AH car All A- Kuaranteed as represented. After We Sell W Serv. r. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 N. Commercial St. 31-10tf Used Car Specials . Oldsmobile sedsn. -j.- Dodge aedan. ' Flint coupe. iSf -- Ford touring. --Jordan 7 passenger. ' Dodge roadster. IS IS 'Ford roadster ISO. We will give yon the most reasonable terma and guarantee; yon 100 per cent on the dollar on your- investment. Buy -from us with confidence. vfaennVAt.n auto CO. Cottac at Ferry St. 31-e7lf nTD FORD CARS FROM Alt AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring ears ,. ,;;,.. 85 to 9350 Boadatera ...w.9 75 to 9325 Coopea 9275 to 9450 Sedan . 9225 to 9450 Light delivari 9 65 to. 8275 Ten truck 9 85 to 9385 'ngs' , 9125 to 9225 All cars are guaranteed. Liberal terms. A few Bag chassis 835. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Pbnee 1S N. Hirh 81-Jwe2Stt TRUCKS For Sale '33 A FORD TRUCK NEW .TIRES. PHONE 902J. or csll st 1187 nr. 33-S21- rlgbts protected by The George Matthew Adams Service Trade Mark MISTER DESMOND - THIS IS UNEXPECTED fit MOST Have time to think ev X 'HHank you roR HONOR. 0U HAVE. "DONE. r - jo-'Y)' ME ! mr CLASSIFIED Of .Reliable Business AMBULANCE AM B Li LANCE K E R V ICE, DAY OR Bight. Phone 606 178 South Liberty. AUCTIONEEKS . F. -N.. WOOURY Expert Livestock, furnitnre, real estate AUtTIONKEK Re.. 1810 N. Summer Pbon 511 for ale datea. . - tVTALBOTT Auctioneer Phone 470 302 U. B. Beak Bldg. a9' t. O. 8ATTERLEB ' Auetionerriiig ' Room 25-26. Breyiuaa Block Phone eao or 121 U. ne -13tf AUTO PAINTINO HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH our new permanent finish. teaarrr Caa High Street at Trade AUTO I REPA1BMNO ; Cylinder grinding, crank shaft tr Be ing. We're specialists. - Donerite Mar Chine Shop. Automotive " machmuts, 349 Ferry St. I ' : BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS r 631 Court St, 4ua Wii.i.iAM3 PRESTO-LITE D A T TE R Y SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferris Bros., Phone 1803, 418 Court :.-. R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South : BICYCLES ; AltS BEP AIRING LLOYD E. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICY cles and repairing; 387 Court. CARPET AND RUG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any sis without seam. New mattresses made to order., Oid mat tresses remade. Festhers renovsted. I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs. 13 H and Wilbur streets. Phone 1154. Otto F. Zwicker. Prop. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High t., rnone zbj. CHIROPODIST rR . K F. SCOTT. GRADUATE A tiocal University Sciences, I'Mcsgo. Mason ir Temple. Phone 640 CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U SCOTT. PSC CHIROPRACTOR. 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. rnone i. CLEANERS ft DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1315 S. Commercial, j rnone iboo. we spe- Halite on one day service. as CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Conetructing . engineer, nurveys, esti mates Jno. H. Neef, 819 Oregon Bldg. Phone 775 ; CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK . CALL AT - 4? N. Summer street. Phone 674-J. CHERRY CITY i CONTRACTING C. naneral contracting and building. Estl- tea eUdlv furnished. Phone 1867R ar R9F12. d28tf DBE8SMAKTNQ pniv'TFn f!ARDS SIZE 14" BY 7 wm-dine- "Dressmaking" z' price 10 cents each. Statesman Busines Office Ground Floor. - ' ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phone 1200. - ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND UPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 223 liberty. - f LEENER ELECTRIC C O. Hons wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phone 980. 471 Court- 8L :, t - HALTK ELECTRIC SHOF Electric Fixtures ' i . Washing Machines Vacuum Cleaners 937 Court St, :. . Phone 488 X Rea. Phone 7028 PTNAMCIAX. LOANS MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP erty at a low rat on the eaay payment plan, so at end of year you are all paid up. Farm loans on large or small tracts; private money., See first snd yon will go no further. G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregon Bldg. Farm Loans ANDERSON ft. RUPERT 408 Oregon 'Building LOANS Farm and City Most liberal ratea and payment privilege. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS 305 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon TO-1F -AND IP VOULL CON SEMT , SAM - WE LL DESMOND SEEKS i OvjT SPiM v LEADED OP TWE : CARAVAN FERNET ALL LITTLE POKER DEBT,' STEP SISTER, . IS WADLyiJN LOVE VJITH DESMOND OVERWEARS THE PROPOSAL FROM THE INTERIOR OF TME1R COVERED AAAC3OA0 BUSINESS and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference FINANCIAL 07, LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on rity or farm property. Reserve De posit ompany, 72 Fourth Street. Port land. t-r. FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST. longer-time, no commission. ' Protect against adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly installments, pre-pay-went privileges. J. C. Sieguiund, room 3. over Ladd ft Bush bank. ' - City Loans On improved property or for improved purposes. THE BEST and easiest way to pay on loan is our monthly installment plan. 96 paymenta of 914.14 repays a loan of 91000.00 and interest. Equitable Savings ft Loan Assn. ANDERSON ft RUPERT Agents 408 Oregon Building FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a thre months' trial subscription. M e a t i o a this ad. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months trial for th beat and oldeat journal ia the weat. The arliclea and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street. Salem. Oregon. . FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations, v. r. Breithaupt, floriat, 123 N. Liberty Phone 3 80 ; FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC- tors, 210 Center. Phone 1056. FURNITURE STORES OIE8E FURNITURE CO. Q U A L 1 T Y furniture for leaa money. 872 Court, Phone 464. PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW and second band furniture; 27.1 Commercial. ' HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. K. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. (tamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117.. r ' STAMPING. HEMSTITCHING, NEEDLE- work. The Vogue, 429 V Court St. - i - V31 HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. PLEAT ing. The Petite Shop, Room 5, over Buslrks. 1 nawti SALEM ELITE H RM8TITCHING pleating, -buttons, stamping and needle work: 32 Oregon bldg. rnone a7 HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHI8T. Does a general practice. Treats Goiter, Gall Stones, and Dropsy, arising from diseases of heart, liver or kidneys without operation. Office and reel deuce, 296 N. Liberty St. Salem, Or. Phone 147. INSURANCE WARREN F..POWEK8 Life Accident. Fire. Automobile . 219 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 807 LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR INSUR ance and WORRY in youristesd. We write all kinds of Insurance and KEEP YOU PROTECTED st no extra cost, rnone zoo or can on OREGON INCORPORATED 915-316 U. 8. Bank Bldg., Sslem. LADIES TAILORING D. H. M0SHER TAILOR i FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 316 S Liberty street. Phone 25. oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work: prompt service; io BroadviT. Phone 165 ' XESICAXa MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH i REMEDY Phone 517-W, KU8IO LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated, standard music Semi-classic and ballads; 13 lessons. Waterman Piano School.. Me- Cornack Bid MU8I0 STORES SHERMAN. CLAY ft CO.. PIANOS Steinwsys. Duo-Art aad others. Moore a Music House. 415 Court Street. OKO. O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, aad piano studies. Repairing phono . e-raoha and sewing machines: 432 State street. Salem. t TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW ' Victor or Brunswick. 11. u. suit r uroi tnre Co.. Mnsic Dept. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseases; 4 IS Oregon BMf. Phone IIO. ' NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 461-M jne-28 VtrRSERY STOCKS FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pesrev Bros.. 287 State. ' Registered U. S. Patent Office) I KIN GVE YOUf L'v ABOVJl TT-4AT -aw- -r0 Ask: Vfot'RSELP ; 5U ' Jzstzi THE LiTTLE 3ADE !' SHE'LL AiE VER l&ft aJEO MIM MJMILE- DIRECTO OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICA, CO. Charges reasonable Examfnatlon tree. 282 N. Commercial St. PAFEBHANaiNO AXO PAXsTTIXO PHONE OLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, ate. Reljable workman. r WALL PAPER SAMPLE BOOKS AND book on wall! decorations. ' Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l., Salrm. PHYSICIANS ft SURGEONS George R. Vehrs, M. D. : Special .Attention ' . Surgery, Gynecology, Obstetrics 410-11 U. 8. Bank Building Office hours 10-12; 2-5 -and by appointment Office Phone 615 Res. Phone 1975-7 PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WE LP EXPERIENCED Pi ano toner. Lesve orders Will s Music 8 ore. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Orabar Bro 141 S. Liberty Phono 650. M9tf PIJUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 495-W. , Shop 127 Uaion treet. A. L. Godfrey. ' RADIATORS. FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS. FENDERS. BODIES mad or repaired. J. C. Bair, 236 State 6t, RATIO RADIO DOCTORS 8ALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. H. BARTON, Prop. Maaonic Tecple Phone 1200 REPAIRING ALVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St. i ; Umbrellas, Cutlery aad Keys Lawntnowera, rasor-blsde. scissors. knives snd tool tharpem-ri SCAVENGERS SOUS SCAVENGER PKKV1CK UtR bag and refut of il ikinda removed by the month. Keaaonable rates. l pool cleaned and dead animala" re moved. Phone: Office !::5; Ilea 2054. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ins: and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange: 842 North Commercial Pbone 1868-W. ' ' ' STOVES AND ST0VB REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot National fence, aises 36 io 58 in high. Paints, oils and varnishes, etc, loganberry 'and hep hooka. ' Salem F-nre and Stove Works. 25Q Court Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING ' CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phone 933.- Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty,: Get our rate. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold good. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trip. We handle the best coat aad wood. Call on us for price. We Jve good measure, good quality aad good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S 8TAGE LINES ' O. W. Parker. General Manager Centra Stage Terminal - Salem, Oregon. i SALEM-SILVEKTOJt D1VISIO.Y Leave Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.;i a p. m. Leave Silverton New Stand:. Salem-Independence-Monmouth Division Leaves Balsa, Central Stage Terminal 7 a.m.; 9 a.m.; 11:10 a.m. ; - 8:10 p.m.; 5:10 p.m. Leaves Monmouth. Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 8:15 p.m. Leavr Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a.m.; 9:50 a.mi; 1:15 p.m. ' 4 p.m.; 6:80jp.m. Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Salem for. Dallas at : - 7 a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 6:10 p.m. Leaves Gail Hotel. Dal la a. at: a m 1 n r - B:15 D.m. . W make connections at Salem to all parte of the valley. Extra trips ay ap pointment. ? I J. W. PARKER. General Manager. WATER! BAI.F.U WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO Office. 801 South. Commercial St. Ten nrr cent discount on domestic flat rates naid in advance. No deduction for absence or any cease unless Water is shut off von r premise. MANY CIUMINALSj MENTALLY SICK "" . , Criminal - conduct must be re cognized as a condition of un health and must be treated: as other diseases are treated, not by By ED WHEEL AN GIVE My COAJSENT, DAVE " - . . .. . . . iri t Auy - you ll. MMvt - MEI2 - BhUS POtS THE GREEN EYED i MONSTER. CP EALoOsy join; THE COVEREDJC'ARAVAN ! "To - MO R Rovu'o' EPISODE. H A Tangled wed I - punishment and Imprisonment, but by study and medication, is the assertion of Dr. Max G. Schlapp. professor in the New York Poat Graduate 'Medical School, in an article In the current National Municipal Review, entitled "A Plan tor the Reduction of Crim inality." In spite of better police and. prison methods and wide spread social work, penology Is in a state of bankruptcy, v There haa been A aurnrUine inrrpn a a In f Vi a number of crimes against property which can be related to the in crease in mental and nervous dise ases. The causes of increase In feeble-mindedness and nervous - - - ... .. p.. ... nM.v-u 1 1 m controlled tfie- Increase In crime. According to Dr. Schlapp, the public does not understand that many criminals who are pot feeble minded are victims of gland dis orders which cause abnormal con duct. To this class belong the In tellectual criminals with , fully, developed brains who nevertheless commit the gravest crimes. Many such offenders have been treated and cured, f Some are the result of gland disorders in the mother,' and the abnormality in the off spring can be discovered and treated before any serioifs crime has been committed. The pro gress of the disease can be foretold " - a a ,. a w V-1 J ttliU Ve.b-4 can be completely overcome. A long period of observation Is often necessary to the proper di agnosis of the disease, and a long et; period of detention i necessary to treatment. Dr. Schlapp there fore advocates the erection of n central clearing hospital in every large city for the observation of known or suspected criminals, and beyond this a series of hospitals, camps and schools at which the patient will be held until he Is successfully treatedP The treat ment may require years to comp lete. In advanced capes a cure may never be affected. The author concludes that the plan would do away wUh the present disgraceful battle of alien ists at notorious murder trials, as well as with the unsatisfactory lunacy commissions in New York and pther states. ? ' EMH! BILL IS JEALOUS OF illS S07J He Nurses- Ambitions and Looks .With Jaundiced Eye on Ex-Crown DOORNT, Sept. 1 (AP) Life n.t the Chateau of Doom has become, particularly during the past few months, extremely an imated. Ev ery day, almost, sees the arrival of fine automobiles bringing princes, ex-ambassadors, former ministers and generals who had served un der the old monarchial regime In Germany. Some of these visitors leave after a day or two, but oth ers prolong their stay, residing for the time being in expensive "pen sions" where they make an osten tatious display of their war decora, tions, and pay almost daily visits, in full dress uniform to the ex kaiser. '. . : ' The former emporer appears 'o bl doing everything possible, to en tertain and attract to himself tha sympathies 'of all German monai chist and military circles. His es cort, Hermine, who burns with de sire and hope'of one day becoraing empress of Germany, seconds her husband in these efforts in th most active manner, and with a'.i the grace at her command, by holding grand receptions and en tertainments. All these activities have for their principal object, according to what is related in the beBt inform ed quarters, to counteract similar ambitious projects entertained by the. former crown prince. It j Is ...... . 1 1 . . even ixtia mat me rivalry ueiweiil father and son has developed re cently into a state of latent war fare, pursued mercilessly ont both sides. , . The activity displayed since his return to Germany by the former crown prince In political circles, especially among the Nationalises and Monarchists and the youngr . a mi . generation ot militarists, rumors of which reach the ex-kaiser from Berlin, serve to render the latter furious against his son. The prince on his side, is said to Show but little of either respect or admira tion for the presonages of the old regime and its time-honored tra ditions. - ,( The ex-crown prince would seem to be desirous of- breaking definitely with the ideas and per sonages of the past, and even to be willing to find himself at the head of a regime purely democrat ic, provided that it was at the same time nationalist. The former em peror, on the contrary, clings des perately to the ideas and person of the past, and shows himself, a bitter and unchanging enemy to all democratic sentiments. ST AT ES rTA-n WAN TADS The shortest distance Letwrra bnyer and seller. jo a. 25i21tf