8 i ttii:oiiegoit sTATEsiiANf.sALEirr Oregon; SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEilBER 20.' 1924 mm Vs." He LI L; i Jb AUDRED BUNCH i Mrs, F. Launer was the guest of honor at a delightful surprise birthday evening on Tuesday last when a group from the Endeavor gathered at her home for the oc casion, remembering her In many -appreciated ways. ..;; 'A birthday cake with candles carried out i the , pink decorative motif. Music and games were the tvening diversions, after i which luncheon was served in the din lag room. Among1 the gifts of the day was-a-beautiful imported scarf tvnt by Franklin B. Launer from Paris, and lovely birthday let ter. 1--- i - ? -The group spending. the evening I with Mrs. Launer Included Miss , The V Drag-Sayr Does the Worfc of f n r Doney re-enters ill - Ml BacKed by a Half Century in the Farm Implement Field. : - - ' - " , i v Compare the I WADE point f Dr point with any saw on the market. Comparison will un failingly brinff you to the VADE. : t : --.Note its many - features: ? Multiple Disc Clutch ; VVType I rame with wheel and nan cies; simple, positive -Loo; Dogs; quick, detachable Saw Holder,! and the sturdy, re liable Wade, v :t Engine Develops Full 4-Horse "- Power ;::sl- --Makes easier operation. ; . Gives better control and ef ficiency. What One User Says: j "I am in timber which runs from 2 t5 7 feet through.! I fall and cut about 20 to f 25 cords per day. I find timer to split some myself It is a cne-man saw to move in tim ber and i is , satisfactory 1 in every detail. I would consider no other." . C. J. Shipman, Mflwaukie, Qre. .: The WADE is the "old Ire liable" of j the Drag Saws-4-It -wiU 'pay 'you to own a WADE . . Investigate Today GEO. E.5 ALLEN . , Hardware & Machinery .'. 236 N. Commercial Sti ' ' .. Salem. V.. v;!; I 1 PHONE: 101 r i . Martin. Miss Elizabeth Evans, .' Miss Emma Olson, Miss Maggie Strassbaugh, Miss lone pi sen. Miss Hope Evans,, Miss Ger trude De Voe..Miss. Margaret Ore, Paul De ; Voe, Loraine Bonbasso, Miss Ruth Grimes, Miss Ef fie Grimes, Oscar Strasbaugh. Glen Strasbaugh, Missj Beulah Launer, Linden Launer and Wilson Laun er. 1 r 'it'- i Word received oy Mrs. Florlan Von Eschen from Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney this week states that they; are ndw In. Cols, Ohio, but are leaving very soon for Cam bridge, Mass., tq spend the win ter, while Hugh Harvard.' : - ill: ' Miss Beulah Launer Is spending the week in Albany as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Barkley New man. 5 . A number of social events are planned -for the week-end at Wil lamette university, .marking the recent opening of school. . Last night the students were guests of the First Methodist church Ep worth . league at an informal re ception, ii f ' This afternoon at 2 o'clock the annual YWCA '"jolly jaunt" to Chestnut farm will take place, with every girl in the student body included In the pleasant hike, where the traditional refreshments of ; pumpkin pie. whipped cream, and cider will be served. .- "...r-' 'j . f- : f !, '.: 4!- '-..!' . j -. Mrs. Lewis Griffith was hostess on Friday for a delightful meet ing of her bridge club with Mrs. C. ; K. Spaulding and Mrs. Hugh Kyle Inyited as special guests. Zinnias and cosmos were vivid in the rooms. The prize of the af- ; Willamette Valley Transfer Co Fast Through Freight to All Valley Points Daily, i Speed-Efficiency-Service : i Salem-Portland-Woodburn Corvaljis- -Eugene - Jefferson Dallas - Albany Monmouth ! Independence - Monroe i ; Springfield SHIP BY TRUCK . .... . ... : I SOCIAL CALENDAR ' H Today , t . w "American ; Association,- of tJni- versity Women.' Luncheon. 12; 30 o'clock. Marion hotel. ' M GIrr Reserve tea for Miss Marie Corner. , Home of. Miss Margaret Townsend. North, 19th street; Woman's Relief ' corps, McCor- nack hall, 2 o'clock, . p -j .. Monday ': I , ;'jf s - Chapter AB'of the PEO sister hood.. MIs3 Grace Osborne,' host ess. -. -.. . ternoon was won by Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling. . The group included: Mrs.- C. K. Spaulding, Mrs. Hugh Kyle, Mrs Merle Rosecrans, ! Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Mral Lester Barr, Mrs. Earl Daue, Mrs. W. L. Phillips, and the hostess, Mrs. Lewis Grif fith. : : ; '- The next meeting of the club will be on October 2, at the home of Mrs. Merle Rosecrans. tl' 1 Mrs. W. E. Anderson motored to Portland yesterday afternoon , I Complimenting Miss Margaret Stolz, who leaves the latter part of the , month to enter the Unl versity of Oregon, Miss Ada Ross was hostess earlier : in ; the week at a .delightful line party at the Qregon theater with luncheon -at the Spa. . ; r The group i included the guest of honor, Miss Margaret Stolz, together with Mfss Florence Jones, Miss Eugenia Zeiber, Miss Helen Selig, Miss Lois Taylor, Miss Leah Ross, and the 'hostess, Miss Ada Ross. ; '- ; ; Miss Theresa D'Arcy and Judge P. H, D'Arcy returned home Thursday evening " from active weeks trip to;California with' bus iness and pleasure - stops at San Francisco, Oakland, Del Monte, and Los Angeles. - ! : V : ' - The members of the Womenrs Relief Corps," will return to Mc Cornack hall for their meeting at 2 o'clock this afternoon. ' ;- Dr. and Mrs. J. Shelley Saur- man entertained at one of the most charming dinners of t: the week on Thursday evening at their home, niacin: covers for 12.;. Blue delphlnum combined with rasters ia an attractive low basket to form the centerpiece for the table. Blue candles were used. Bridge and Mah Jongg were the after dinner diversions. ! Corers were placed for: Dr. and Mrs. Sanrman, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Llvesley, Mr. and Mrs. Joha Lena Belle Tartar Contralto Soloist Vocal Teacher CHORUS DIRECTOR Graduate O. A. C School of Music. Graduate American Conservatory, Chicago. ; Member of Yeatman Griffith Master Class, Portland, August, 1924. Accredited by State Board of Education. Studio 164 N. Liberty St. ...... v Phone 334 or 1763-W. Roberts. ' Mr. . and Mrs. Frederick Lamport; Mrand , Mrs. yDavldIy re and Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Kary. ' .' ' " An early autumn meetinic of the Amicus club was held this week at. the home of Mrs. Lee Canfield. Zinnias and asters were used at tractively In the rooms. The meeting was somewhat in the. na ture of a farewell compliment for Mrs. Ralph Moudy who soon will leave to make; her home -in Eu gene. ' ' . l The personnel of the club in cludes: Mrs. J, H. Garnjobst, Mrs. Harley White,: Mrs. Earl . Fisher, Mrs, Frank Loose, Mrs. Lawrence Simon, Mrs. Charles Knowland, Mrs. A. N. Chapman, Mrs. Edward Simon. Mrs. Ralph Moudy, Mrs. E..L. Kapphahn, Mrs. Jesse Camp bell and Mrs. tee Canfield. i Mr. and Mrs. William Bone and two children, John and Marie, are , home 1 from a three months' visit to England. Passage was taken oarly in . the summer from Montreal on the S. S. Monteclare. the famUy landing in - Liverpool. The larger part of the summer was spenti with relatives in Corn waU with numcrpus interesting side trips.; j The trip home, as was the trip across the; continent in June, was made via Canadian ' Pacific with stops at Lake Louise and Victor ia, B. C. 'i': . - . ! I Mrs. Allan Jones Is spending a week in Eugene. - . . - 1$ ,.A . . j With members of the McMInn- ville and Amity chapters of the Eastern Star., guests for the occa sion, the 'meeting Tuesday even ing of Chadwick chapter was par ticularly well attended. An inter-i- esting program was given. Among the ; guests of ; the evening was Mrs.' Mary Alice Burdett, worthy grand matron,: affiliated with the Knowles chapiter of McMinnville. Asters j anoti zinnias . in vivid profusion, were used in the halls. Mrs.r"Emma Murphy Brown was the chairman of the committee la charge. , i . i Honoring Miss Marie Corner who leaves Salem tomorrow oh the, first lap f her long Journey to India, the- Girl Reserves will entertain this f afternoon at the home of Miss Margaret Townsend, at tea. J The Thursday bridge club. meeting this week after the sum mer interim, elected officers' at the home f of the retiring presi dent, Mrs. John R. Sites. Plans were, outlined for the new social season, with dinner and cards for the husbands' on September. 30, and ths first I o'clock luncheon on October 9 at the home of Mrs. I P. Aldricb. Officers were elected as J ol- lows: President, Mrs. A. E. Huckestein; - secretary-treasurer, Mrs. O. L. Fisher. . The members of the club i In clude: Mrs. L. P. Aldrich, krs. O. L. Fisher. Mrs. R. C. Hunter, Mrs- A. E. Huckestein, Mrs. Clair Inman, Mrs. Clyde Johnson, Mrs. Ernie Kapphahn, Mrs, Charles Knowland, Mrs. W. I. Needham Mrs. Cal 1 Patton, Mrs. Edward Quinn and Mrs. J. R. Sites. ; GOSPELTEA GOTO ILl Willamette University Stu dents Get Early Start - on Year's Work Can this summer pass and hot a single can of potted meat be opened without the key breaking? The First Willamette university gospel team of the year will leave Sunday morning, to hold the morn ing and . evening services in the Methodist (church atw Yamhill In the absence of the, pastor, The morning service will be in charge of Rev. C. G. Wrennt a member of the team, 'who will give . the ser mon, with a special vocal num ber by the Misses Lena and Gladys Gilbert. The evening service will be en tered into by the entire team, Jed by Miss Mildred Brake, whose father is pastor of the church. The subject will be "The Claims of Christ" upon which four members of the team will speak for seven minutes each. The members of the -team are Miss Mildred Drake. Miss Ruth Dclk, Miss Lena Gilbert. Miss Gladys Gilbert. William Nickelson, Thomas Roland, C. G. Wrenn. i The gospel team work of the university is a very potent influ ence upon the campus. It is to be distinguished from the deputation work, the jatter being: under the supervision of. the YMCA; and is interdenominational in character, while the gospel team work; is un der the supervision of the Method ism ef the ' college, and goes to Methodist churches. The: execu tive committee which has the su pervision of. the gospel team ac tivities, consists of one representa tive each from the Epworth leagues: of First Church,' Jason Lee, and Leslie, from Kimball School of Theology, and the YMCA and YWCA of the university. A new executive committee for the year is soon to be elected. Pro fessor W.! H. Hertzog of Kimball is the present chairman , of the committee. Last year 25 or more teams were ; ent out with something' like 75 or 80 young people partic ipating, most of whom were new to the work.' Over, a hundred de cisions' and reconsecrations were recorded for the year's work. A ' We guarantee this to be iribrd thrilling and just as funny as "Safety Last." . ' ' . Mfjr. Cherry and Brown Streets , To Be Improved in Spring SILVERTON, Ore., Sept. 19. (Special to The Statesman.) The city council of Silverton met in special session at the council rooms Wednesday night ef this week for ' the purpose of discus sing street' improvements. Reso lutions were passed for the pav ing of Cherry , and Brown streets. The work is not, however to be completed; this fall. Goingf Going! If lZ ' j Monday - j i Night ' 'II 1 Tuesday f 1. u u Nht r i i Inn! :1 Down she skidded--with traffic playing tag, seventeen stories below her! AND THAT AIN'T ALL! Wait until you see this breath-taking,- side-splitting, . super production, with Dorothy Devore Walter Hiers Jimmy Adams Tully Marshall r A "Gump" Comedy - Fox News Signs to Be Erected By Lions at Silverton SILVERTON, Or., Sept. 19. (Special to The Statesman.) The Silverton Lions club; met at a 6 o'clock dinner at the Chris tian, church parlors for its regu lar weekly session. Special guests were Vernon Suekow, Henry Hut- ton, Soren Ostergaard and L. A. Tostenson. June Drake was elected presi- At No Raise in Prices J, v mm AM fe) Home of Big Pictures Z7 dent to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Carl Benson, who has accepted a government appointment on a federal board operating along the western coast in the Interest of migrating, fowl and upland game. , The club also discussed placing of two' signs, ' one at the Salem intersection of the Silverton and Pacific' highways and one at the Woodburn intersection of Silver- ton and Pacific highways.. The club also , announced tha ii would give prizes to 'the boy o: girl exhibiting the best Jersey cal: and the best pig at the Sllvertoi community fair. 4.1m , .4 . f 1 A OUD it's fe;: .t ! , . . . . ... i uwQSJLrLrNxCu rmrmn7 u u u-u U J i PRIME -. EASTERN OREGON .... .-; -. J ; s- - - ' . i The' onlyj way to appre ciate the tas tin ess of this delicious meat is to try it. It's worth while. ; Tender 3tealc, lb. 122c Fancy Sirloin, the very best, lb...15c Prime Roasts, . Choice Cuts, lb.;. 12 Pot Roasts, they will please lb. ........i.-....-8c 5 Boilins Beef, 'lb. 1.. 6c Short Ribs, Jb. 8c m pom Ham Roasts, extra irobd. lb ...20c Pork Stealc, lb.. 17Yzc Side Pork, heavy or light, lb. 20c """' ' Freshly Ground Sausage, lb. .. ..... 1 24c Midget's Little Linlcs in Cartons, lb. ........20c Tf E think we have reasons to be proud. Starting l nine years ago in a room less than Half the size of the; present refrigerator, t oUr business has grown until now we have one of the largest retail markets in the Willamette valley. Fair dealing did it. ; j ; . i- j; -. , If you are not one of our customers, it will cer tainly pay you to give us. a trial. You can save from 5c to 1 5c per pound. Come in and inspect the quality of meats we handlel If they were not of the best we never would have succeeded. Saturday we are going to forget profits to show our appreciation. Extra help to serve you. midget .market Originators of Low Prices RJot in itho Gombino 351 STATE STREET HOT MINERS FREE j Come in and try them. They are the best you ever tasted. Sliced Sugar Cured . Bacon (rind removed), lb. 30c The equal of any. : Fancy Light Bacon; by the piece, lb 25c Sugar Cured Picnics, lb. i i 17c FANCY MILK FED veal -;':;N"- It alwa- pive satisfaction Veal Steak, Anniversary Special, lb. . ...... ,15c Veal Rdasts, a real saving,' lb. .15c ----s - - ; ' ; ;- 1 . n ..3, Legs of iVeal, easy to slice, lb. 20c Veal Stew, lb. .........ilOc Ifresh FliSH I We secure our fish direct from the fishermen. Insuring our customers the best at all times. Sliced Salmon, lb. 17J4c Whole or Half, lb. ..15c Ling Cod, lb. ........12i2c Oysters; Crabs, Clams, Finnan Haddies, etc. I ! . . It