The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 20, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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IiiBd DiDr ?pt Motidij br :
SIS South Commercial St Satan. Orcgom
R. J. Hendricks
Jobs L. Brady
frank JatkMki
t t . i .:; - Msnacrr
i . ( ' Editor
i ... If Mtscr Job Dept.
The shorter distance of 66 miles
will enable twice as many people
to - go and be more comfortable
for those who do a ,. .
, It has been long time since
Salem has beard better news than
this, which comes from- Newport,,
and the best part of it is that it
is not mere speculation, but fast
coming to be a realized fact. ;
' Tko AHoeiatod Frcia la zetnstTaly ntled to th at for publication of aU twi
liapateaaa eredited to It or not tienrj credited ta Ui paper;
tewa poblubed keraio.
and sIm the local
Tkontaa T. Clark Co., New York. It 1-1 45 "Wot 80th Rt;rCbiero. Marquette Build-
i i ing. W. S. (irotbwahl. Mgr. ? I .
(PortlnlOffiee,'83 VToreecter Bldf, Fbona 6637 BRoadty. C. T. William. Mgr.)
Baaloeti Offiea .
Jiw, DeparUneat
Job Department I i
23 4: Circulation Office
. 983
Entered at tke Pottoffiee la Salem. Orego. as aecoad-etssa matter
Prepared br Radio BIBLE SERVICE Bureau. Cincinnati. Ohio.
If parents will hare their children memorize 'the daily Bible selec
tlons, Jt will prove a priceless heritage to them In after years.
September 20, 1924
PICTURE OP PEACE: The j wolf also shalldwell
with the lamb.
nA thA Iponard shall lie down with the kid: and the calf and the
young lion and the fatling together: and a tittle ihild shall lead
thorn. taaiah 11:6. 5 i '
PRAYER:1 O Thou .Prince at Peace, may Thy dominion soon ex
tend o'er all the earth, and may we be able to contribute largely to
hastening this day.
The Y. M. C. A. of Salem la
making a long forward stride to
wards making the melting-pot ef4
fective. The school for prospective;
citizens has graduated as fine men
as this community affords. They
were men who came to. America
attracted by our institutions, j They
wanted to learn. The minute they
are declared citizens they; takfe
their places with the forward look
Ing citizens of the country j Of
course all foreigners are not amehi
able to ; such schools, but i those
who are are aided in their efforts
to become real 100 per cent Amerv
leans. I : ! ' VW
The Y. M. C. A. Is doing a lot
of good, but in nothing is it do
ing, better than in these citizen
ship schools.
Tf thA poimtrv conld turn back the clock and "appeal from
Philip drunk to Philip sober 'I in the case of LaFdlette, it could
nave more commence m ms aiuiuue wi wnu : i
For when he was a Congressman in 1890, in a speech in favor
of the MeKinley tariff, he said, among many othir things:
"Beware of this free trade snare of 'raw material.' The
1 raw material of one section of be country!: is but the mauufac
tured product of .another." :i 1; . S
This was before his political ambitions v6rc as high as
now ' ' i : ' ' : ' .'!-"' I
- , And he spoke the sober truth then. Qld timers remember
the free trade cry for raw materials. How little there was in
the argument of free raw materials was f illustrated in many
ways; the argument was so J well explode theri that we hear
little of it now. There was a case of a locomotite engine as an
illustration. It was shown that the raw materials in a $35,000
encine was worth $17.50. It consisted of the ore m the mines and
the wood in the trees.? The moment a pick was struck or a saw
used, the materials ceased to be raw. They were the finished
Ttrrvlnet nf pach successive croup, from the ore on the cars or
Via no in thft hoom throuch all their successive stages. The
41',(Wl ir all Iflhnr hut 17.50
: 'iThe labor of men drawing"' wages in all the processes from
the mine and the forest to the finished machine: direct wages
in their different kinds of w6rk or the wages of jthemselves and
others that had been accumulated in the form of capital to pro-
-vide the machinery on which they were employed in turning out
.1 ' ' .. . . iiiS 4 - - - - - I !
iue engine. uii t . ,.:t.-
A- perversion of justice ; is : no
precedent for a let down In crim
inal procedure. Our great trouble
has been our laxness in enfore
ing the criminal law. Men dt
means have worn out the courts.
Now because one case went wrong,'
because; one judge proved false to
his obligation, there is a cry going
up vthat no youthful murderers
must be hung. '
Hanging is wrong
but because two. boys who deserv
ed death were saved by a friendly
judge is no reason why others who
deserve death should be saved by
the; precedent. While the law
stands it ought to be obeyed.
I ill
By Wallace M. Bayliss
If we should start to talk of King
Sol's queen i.
Some smarty . would pipe up.
"Which do you mean?"
King Solomon, you see, had many
wives, I i
A lot more than a Thomas cat has
;, lives. ii . "'?' .- -;
He had three thousand of them,
ancients! state; t
Perhaps that was an off-hand esti
mate. I
There's no denying that he had a
lot, j ;
But was he happy with them?
, I'll say not.
To Illustrate: One day Wife 84
Got by the guards placed at the
throne room door
And said: "Say, Sol, I want a new
spring hat.'
Said Sol, "Ha, iba! Fat chance
you have for that.
I like you. but if I get one for you
I'll have to; buy three thousand
others, too. . '
I'm sorry, girlie, but you'll have to
wait; ;
A heavy note falls due ten days
from date." . ,
though I signalled to.
Three - thousand . female voices
wailed t'Boo boo!"
If you who have to meet ONE
wife's demands
Think you have got a tough job on
1 your hands, .
Give thanks that you are not King
Three thousand times worse off
than you, my son.'
mitted her little son,; Jimmierid
eat any meat, but she gave him
the bone to . chew after, the best
part had been; cut away.;
One morning, when he was cele
brating his fourth birthday the
following conversation took place:
Come, Jimmie, here is a- nice
bone for you.!
"Say Mother," said Jimmie, "I
am tired of being the Fido around
here.- I want some real meat!
- Elizabeth Greenlee,
Comparing Xotes
New Boarder: "Goodness, what
a loud conversation . those two
girls at the next table are carrying
on! Are they arguing over some
thing?" Waitress: f'Not at all. They're
merely recounting their vacation
experiences." v
Ponce de Lon.
An Uneven Battle
There was a young man of Malone
Who dined on a shad full of bone;
At first it provoked hint
But finallyl choked him.
And now he rests under a stone.
A Willing Demonstrator'
She (after his first ardent kiss)
"Oh, how could you!"
He: "I'll show you again If you
didn't catch on the first time."
"Don't try to tell me there ain't
no sucn thing as luck," growled
convict 1234567. "Didn't the first
pocket I ever, tried to pick belong
to a ticklish man?"
:s ago, he made
look to an in-
, . In a radio talk of LaFollette a couple of wee
Mhe statement that the American farmer ;must
creased domestic market to permanently better his coridiion-
" And he uttered the truth; ! Absolutely! In that assertion he
reverted to type; harked back; from the politician with an over
vanltiner ambition anelinsr fori votes to the man who defended
the- MeKinley bill against tbe specious arguments of the free
traders . He was for the moment sane: Jober i clothed in his
ririit mind of the pristine days of his vigorous manhood
' But in the same talk he also announced that should he
become President he would; immediately! reduce the existing
tariff . .: ..... ml '"t -: I--
J And in the same breath' he became absolutely incorrect and
inconsistent.; -. V ":lf. . : fpf :
f Where consistency or 'inconsistenoy Has in
greatest appeal for the purpose of getting votes, LaFollette has
.the sinister faculty of being able to assume either attitude.,
" - It is not sound economics to buy an article the like of which
yrm yourself produce. The wheat farmer does not purchase
from, the wheat farmer, nor does the makufaciurer of woolens
absorb the product of his competitor i
f 'But that's what LaFollette virtually advocates
i For to obtain a wider market in America for the products
of the American farmer, LaFollette .would reduce the buying
' power of the men and women lemployed in industry upon whom
the farmer must depend for a (That is plain to
every man m the United States who thinks. It is plain to La
Follette himself. But he prefers to juggle 'facts with the hope
of catching votes. ; ; , " z .
A communication proves to the
satisfaction of the author that tbe
only, honest men of the country
are democrats, that all others, are
time servers, . opportunists, and
short corner turners. f ,1,'t
Mr. Bryan in his zeal for his
party did not go so far. He divid
ed the! honest and dishonest men
Into two classes. The rich were
dishonest and the poor honest.
What arrant demagogery ill
such talk is anyway. There are
honest men in all parties and all
conditions of lite. I V,
Overhead Charges
- A young man walking down the
street saw a' sign in a show win-?
dow reading: ''Umbrellas Re
covered." He entered the store
and approaching the nearest sales
man said: "I understand that you
re-cover umbrellas."
"Yes, we do. Do you want yours
"Teg. 1 will give $2 to the per
son that recovers tne umbrella
that I lost six months ago."
! Fred Schveer.
There has been a good deal of
talk about ' a pageant in Salem'.
Other ; communities are doing it
with success. Just now there la a
Pageant of Progress being given
in Boise, Idaho, called "The Light
Upon the Mountain." It is at
tracting much attention and will
be an educational stimulus such
as Salem could well have with a
similar one. . ' ' ' : i i'
This -sudden discovery" that the tariff needs reducing has
been made very recently. AVitness this: :
He had one of the firiest opportunities of his long and
checkered career to display his knowledge of and his helpfulness
with the tariff during the pendency of the bill that became the
present tariff law. He could; have aided materially in framing
that law. But during the sessions of the finance committee
when the Fordney-McCumbc' bill was being revised, Senator
- LaFollette was !extremely prominent by.' his absence from! the
meetings i-" ' ' :' : , :'- - -f : I i -; ,'. " -
v. And as a matter of fact the priucipaf interest he had in; the
preparation of the bill was to get the rate on hackled hemp
jumped from IVz cents to 4 (cents a pound (266 per cent in-
crease) against the recommendation of the tariff commission and
its experts,' and when he had made this attempt and had pan
dered to a group of V1scons14 voters thereby, he promptly voted
. against the bill! . t ii I iA-.
1 lle did the very thing number of Southern and other
Democrats did voted to increase schedules in jwhich their home
people were interested (arid succeeded in a number of cases in
having such rates increased), and then voted
age of the bill as a whole !
against the pass-
' -It is the votes LaFollette wants now and his tariff record
, ought to damn him with the laboring and the thinking people of
every class. . . i- vjV
: The trouble with dollar corn on
tbe' Kansas farm the Emporia Ga
zette has discovered, Is that it is so
valnable that it can not be used.
; Chickens can't afford to at? dol
lar corn, i It takes a 10-cent hog
i to eat dollar corn and there are
no 10-cent hogsT The 8-cent steer
: doesn't dare touch dollar corn! or
his owner will go into bankruptcy.
The horse can't eat dollar corn and
1 compete with 15-cent gasoline
f the Kansas price. And the folks in
the house can be fed more cheaply
I on turkey and tropical fruit ..than
"an dollar" corn; ''p"' ";.';"
' Meantime, the Gazette declares.
the starch factories and glucose
' makers are getting all the corn
" and passing the price on to the
consumer, and the farmer's family
And while this Is going on ("the
chickens 'will grow thin and the
hogs will have to be soaked in the
creek ; to keep the alfalfa from
blowing out of their ribs. That's
the melancholy situation in which
the Kansas farmer wallows.'?
. The Oregon.1
ed i a story, to
Statesman contain
the effect that the
route to Newport was to be short
ened. 32 miles next year. That is
right good news, j It will be fol
lowed, of course, ' by shortening
the route' to i Pacific City, that
means putting Salem within two
and one-half hours of the ocean'. - -
Our people are great for the
ocean. I They love to take time
to visit; it, but a hundred miles
is quite a ways to go. and takes
Great week ahead !
- "m '
The ' state fair will crowd Sa
lem- 1 ; ,
' , I
Because this city is about jam
med full already.
A " French, scientist says shav
ing does not make the hair grow.
Well, something-does, says a State
street barber. 1 H"
Commission just back from Eu
rope yesterday says the local trans
portation of the future will be el
ectric lines coordinating with! bus
lines. Well, Salem will be In style
and In line.
East Salem barber wants to
know if when a flapper has her
roof shingled, does it prevent her
from getting water on, tbe brain?
r The wireless widow has arfiv
ed. California woman suing for
divorce because ' the 'husband
spends all his life time listening to
therradio. r
Ole Olson wants to know if the
man who says he leads a dog's
life has a licence. $
v v i iM'
Salem telephone girl says "hel
lo" . Is highly respectable. ' but
when a customer yells it over sev
enteen times in a row into her
ears, the "o" gets on the wrong
end. j
Ty Cobb has just celebrated his
19th anniversary in the big league
in mat time ne has stolen over
S00 bases. This is the grandest
kind of grand larceny.-
It Is Just twenty-five years ago
that Uncle, Sam made his first
collection - of mails by : the - auto
method the horseless carriage of
those days -In the city of But
falo. Now the motor parcel post
goes to every corner of the land
and the government is running a
regular flying service on the side
A good many things have happen
A Man of Parts
Mistress:: "Emma, what kind
of work does your husband do?"
Cook: "He's in the movie bus
iness." ..
Mistress: "Ifovie business?"
Cook: '"Yeg ? ma'am. He works
for the General Transfer com
pany." -
Mrs, R. O. Adams.
1 Evidence ,., ,
Pall: ."How; do you know that
he's, a bachelor?
Mall: "I heard him bpast that
he was born to command.'
Ed O. Dreschnack.
Putting on the Dog
The CJay Mrs. Campbell
Mrs. Dorcas: s "How was it
your husband wasn t glad you
returned home -after being away
In the country: all summer?'"
Mrs. Campbell: "He didn't
know I was coming."
- Martha Lombardi.
Items From Dogtown Enterprise.
(As reported, by Griff Crawford.)
A show called "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" was here in a tent Satur
day night and the blood hounds
left Liza and treed Lafe Spencer
up a tent pole, It was found he
had a rabbit's foot in his. pocket
was the reason. People should
not carry rabbit's treet around bad
dogs. " ',
Elmer BeenVwho is pretty slim,
was standing in front of the Em
porium Friday fand Ezra Frump,
who is near-sighted, drove up and
tied his horse to him. thinking
It was a post. It made . Elmer
pretty mad. Many laughed. -
Only one inning of tbe ball
game was played between, the San
Hill Giants and the Pig Run In
vinclbles Saturday as they lost the
ball. The score was 12 to 14
when It occurred.
Isn't He Too; Dear for Wortls?
Ixuis: i "I gave two bucks for
thistle, '
Laban: ! "That's too deer." i
Lotris: ."What's too dear?"
Laban: "Two bucks."
' Edward W. Barnard.!
The Preacher Speaks
The Devil works all day, they say.
And every day the same;
He makes the keeping from his
-, sway ; .
A mighty strenuous game.
Some days I keep ahead of him.
Some days I hold him level; i
The struggle's arduous and grim-
Working to beat the devil!
- Fred Cruse.
: Hard Lock
Howell: "What is It that makes
Deonle nesslmists?" . - i
Powell: '"Well, I will, give you
an example. J recently went away
on a business trip of' about
month. By getting home a day
earlier than I had planned.
thought I would be able to give
my best girl a real surprise party,
So I called at her' house and
Howell: "Found that she was
out?"' -!-: ; - J
Powell: "No; found that she had
been eating opions."
H. I. Horton.
The Editor's Gossip Shop
You may start thinking at
once about a series we shall
shortly Inaugurate and. if you
wish, send in contributions of
that nature.
We wish ! burlesques of the
kind like the' Doctor Traprock
series, but written by readers.
Create your own characters
and situations. Length should
be between 50 and 100 words.
Get the realism into your ficti
tious situations much as Dr.
Traprock has done.
Go to it?
aaeie uarnsws w Phase of
Copyright by Newspaper Feature
& Sarvice -
Katie's explanation only in
creased my bewilderment. For 1
second or two I stared helplessly
at ner highly-colored and black
besmeared face, wondering how 1
was to get her in shape to come
downstairs as Lillian had request
ed. I knew that wild horses would
not drag Katie where Allen brake
could see her face in Its present
ludicrous, plight.
x-rncucing exercises so you
could go in the movies," I repeat
ed mechanically. "What dn vou
mean? No," I interrupted myself
briskly as a remembrance of Lil
nan waling came to me, Vyou'H
have to' tell me about it some
other time. Just now you're need
ed in something more exciting
than any movie. Have vou ':? tried
to get this stuff off your face?
"Vot you say, tried? Have
tried?' Katie's voice rose hyster
lcally. "I vash eet mit two kinds
of soap, und eet only get yorse
Look at dat towel!"
Katie's Dilemma
I gazed at an impressionistic
display in carmine and black, then
back at Katie's shiny face, look
Ing as if a good coat of varnish
had been spread over the smears
I remembered, having heard that
water only "set" paint more
firmly, then, with a swift decision
born of the necessity for haste,
turned to the door.
"I wili call Mrs- Underwood,'
I said with decision. "She will
know what to do, I am sure."
Katie glgfcled relieved ly. She is
always! happy when she has sue
ceeaea in easting her woes upon
broader shoulders.
, - iieesiS f unaerwood, she sure
ought to now," she remarked
reflectively. "She always used to
put wagon load dot stuff dn her
own face." ?
I opened my mouth to reprove
her impertinence, but closed it
again with the judicious reflec
tion that if I wished Katie to be
of use to Lillian I must be care
ful not to upset her."
"Don't touch your face until
come back," I admonished.
"You ' bet your boots 1 1 no
touch,' Katie replied with heart
felt emphasis; "My face, eet feels
like vun hew potato yen you rub
skin off, ionly eet redder." She
surveyed herself in the mirror
with a critical air which made
me bolt from the room;
I heard Lillian's voice In the li
brary. : mingled with Tom Ches
ter's deep; but "boyish tones. I
knew there was no time for any
exchange of even the perfunctory
greetings of a hostess and guest,
so I knocked lightly upon the
door and kept out of sight when
Lillian answered my summons,
"All Right Here Goes!"
"Please' come upstairs - to -Ka
tie's" room " at once," I "whispered.
Then', I turned and" sped back
through the kitchen - to the foot
of the, stairway leading : to my lit
tle maid's room, where I halted
for the few seconds which Lil
lian, after making a hurried ex
cuse to young Mr. Chester, needed
to catch up with me. :
"Walt,". I barred her ascent of
the stairs with a gesture- "Per
haps I can save time by telling
you the trouble first. ' Katie in
forms me that she; has been
practicing to go into the movies,
and her face is Bmeared with red
and black paint."
"My sainted aunt!" Lillian
clutched me by the arm, as if- I
reflected whimsicallyshe would
hurry along my story by her grip,
'Where did she get the stuff?
Some of that cheap dope they sell
'3 the next, door to poison. Lucky
her skin is good. What has she
done tt get it off? Washed it,
of ! course." " !
'Scrubbed it with soap." I re
turned, and Lillian grinned at
the mental picture even as she
started on a hurried lope back to
the kitchen.
"Find the lard for me," she
said, "I'll hunt up a dish, and
want some clean soft rags."
It was but a few seconds be
fore, armed with the implements
she wished, she started for Ka
tie's room, finding my little maid
seated on a chair, her hands
planted firmly on her knees, 'evi
dently engaged In rigidly obey
ing my injunction not to touch
her face.
"Sit perfectly still, Katie, and
close your eyes," Lillian com
manded. "I'm not going to hurt
you, but: you don't want to risk
getting any of this stuff in your
. . - 1 i
eyes, Maage, araw .ner nair
tightly back from her face and
twist it into a tight knot on the
top of her head, so that every
strand is out of the way. Turn
down the neck of her kimono so
that I won't grease it. There,
that's right- Now, if you'll just
get the cold-cream bottles from
your Toom and mine we'll need
them both also a box . of ' rice
powder. All right, Katie, here
She had rolled up her own
sleeves, and had pinnea an apron
of Katie's over her gown as she
sooke. As I left the room I saw
her dip her fingers into the lard
and smear the girl's face witn it
By the time I had returned with
the cold cream and powder Ka-
tie's cheeksqwere glistening wun
erease. but the red and Macs
streaks had disappeared and she
looked like a human being augain.
. (To be continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles" Becker,
vim have lived on the Bacthel
farm the past, three years, have
moved to Cbrvallis.
Rev. Mrs. Duckey is attending
the annual conference of United
Brethern church of Portland, Sun
day -school as usual Sept. 21.
Louis Wampler, Mr. . W
Davis, Homer Davis and L.. Cas
well have gone deer hunting.
Mr. Hall of Chemawa isf filling
silos here for Max Woods, Frank
Zelineski and G. G. Looney.
Mr. and Mrs. G; E. Laber of
Oregon City are visiting a daugh
ter. Mrs. Edgar Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Mays and son of
Wisconsin were visiting Mr.
Bbelk and daughter, Mrs. Archie
McCorkle. Sunday.
Edna Davis has returned to
Roseburg after spending a "week
with parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G
Davis. .
Edgar Johnson and father Rob
ert Johnson of Salem and father
in-law, Mr.Tabor, spent Sunday at
Pacific City.
Philip Baltimore of St. Helens,
Ore., Is visiting old friends and
attending to a business affair
This was his home- for many
years. :
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Johnson
and children and Mrs. Johnson's
Darents. Mr. and Mrs. , Taber of
Oregon City, made a trip up Col
umbia highway.
We had rather be a rivet, th.n
a lake. A lake is just a river wi ..
no place to go.
- A Badger Who Knows
Editor Statesman:
Referring to Dr. Slaughter's
communication to you of the
18th, wherein he states "It would
be well for the. Statesman editor
to learn, before criticizing LaFol
lette, what be represents in the
way of principles"; also that
nothing is to be rained In mis
stating the truth or distorting
facts upon the questions to be
voted upon," I beg to make the
same suggestion to Dr. Slaugh
ter. -.
Happening to be a native ' of
Wisconsin, I know by experience
some of the so-called "principles"
or rather lack of them which
LaFollette - represents being
arently supported by the WETS
throughout the state. And I know
whereof I speak regarding the
battle which for long has been
waged by Wisconsin's best citi
zenry in behalf of clean govern
raent and- law enforcement, as
against the element j solidly be
hind the -LaFollette campaign,
whose outstanding opposition to
I the Constitution and open de
fiance of law are notorious, to
'say nothing of the non-patriotism
which in many instances closely
approaches "red" radicalism and
the soviet. 1 "
During the Republican nation
al convention at Cleveland re
cently, while on a Lake -Erie
steamer tfip-tendered the conven
tion delegates, the writer met
Governor ; Blaine l (admittedly
wet) who was suavely looking up
and making himself gumptiously
agreeable to Badgers aboard; he
being then on the eve of his
gubernatorial campaign: (and
since nominated). Approaching
the writer among a Wisconsin
group (some of whom I knew by
their chat were LaFollette-ites
and. friends and acquaintances of
his), he. confidently remarked to
me, extending his hand.
"A loyal Badger, I assume?"
"Depending possibly upon your
interpretation of 'loyal,' " I re
plied. V- , :
"A LaFollette supporter, of
course," he assuringly "returned.
Which I emphatically assured him
in return I WAS-NOT, and that,
though Wisconsin was my native
state, yet on account of LaFollette
and his followers, I was ashamed
to own it!
Upon his request for enlighten
ment, I unhesitatingly reminded
him of LaFollette's WET proclivi
ties, for one thing which he did
hot even resent, nor attempt to
dispute, offering merely the fee
ble refutation, in plainly evident
embarrassment and confusion,
that "Mr. LaFollette himself was
not an Imbiber." (Doesn't he?)
Which was the sole- defense of
fered by any one present on be
half of bombastic "Bob," al
though scores of LaFollette-ites
(who bore earmarks as well as
complexion-marks of pre-18th-
amendment days, and even then
exuding suspicious odors " of Mil
waukee's old-time chief beverage
products, bad been singing La
Follette's praises before Governor
Blaine approached the group, and
listened to the chat between us.
For these reasons, if no other,
it is unnecessary for the whole
some, law abiding voting element
to know more concerning LaFol
lette , and -his so called "princi
ples," and , the likelihood of his
upholding the constitution (which
he has not done in the past); or
his fitness for occupying the
highest office in the land. ' He
would indeed be a shining light
as the leader of this nation!
It is amazing that Dr. Slaugh
ter should tell the Statesman edi
tor., or any one else, that "LaFol
lette does not seek to .abrogate
the Constitution," when he and
his followers have already so per
fidiously and perniciously punc
tured it!
Be not deceived! "By their
works ye shall know them"; and
there is no better way of judging
the future than by the past!
It is the public's turn to be
"surprised"" at .Dr. Slaughter's
apparent ignorance, which, it ap
peals tn us. should be by him
forthwith' "slaughtered." ! r
Salem, Ore . Sept. 19. 1924.
Distinction Claimed for iClatw
Who Died at Springfeld,
Nebraska, the 8th
. "John Nathaniel Case, li, a
resident of. Omaha and Sarpy
county tor the past 32 years, died
at his home on Fort Crook boule
vard Monday morning. Mr. jCas3
was born February 12, 1845, near
Portland, Oregon. Surviving rela
tives say he was the first white
child born in the state of Oregon.
He was a scout in the civil war in
Oregon and Washington and serv
ed under General Sherman in tlti
campaign against Indians in Mon
tana in 1868-69. Coming to Oma
ha in 1870 he carried pony mail
north to Fort Calhoun for th3
Wells Fargo pony express." '
The above quoted paragraph is
from the news I columns of thj
Springfield, Nebraska, Monltdr cf
September 11. It will be f"-i
from this that the death of...
Case occurred on the 8th. Sf -Inj
field Is in Sarpy county, Nebrsk;
25 miles southwest pf Omaha; j
The news item is passed on ft
what It is worth. But thema
dead at Springfield, Nebrask
was -certainly not the first whi
child born in Oregon. The fir
white mother and child buried
Oregon were the first wife a
child of Jason Lee, who died Ju
26, 1838. There were a numl
of births of white children 1
tween that date and February J
1845. - . V
SILVERTON, Ore.. Sept. fSA
(Special to The Statesmap.)-!-Mrs.
K. Rue and son, Sylvester,
are leaving Monday for eastern
states where Mr. Rue will study
music. Mrs. Rue will visit for a
time before returning to her (Ore
gon home. ,
Miss Margaret Denzel. who is
training at the Good Samaritan
hospital training school at Port
land, is spending her Vacation at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Denzel of SHverton.
O. J. Moe was taken to Salen
Tuesday afternoon fo undergo an
operation above his right eye. Mr.
Moe has been experiencing con
siderable trouble with a growth or
gathering at the back of his eye.
This is his third operation f'r
that trouble. .
Mrs. N. Peterson, the wife of
one of Silverton's pioneer minis
ters, is expected to arrive iat .!
veron In the near future where she
will visit her sister, '. Mrs. T. "
Larson.-Rev. Mr. Peterson t
Los Angeles early last sprlr
since his death Mrs. Peters.
been visiting her daughte
son in eastern states. At i
she is.with her son, Vict,
Cleveland, Ohio. Victor Pe
will be remembered by m;
Silverton hating spent his
boyhood here and also havi;
ited here a number of time
the Peterson family moved t
ifornla. Before "coming on t
vertoh Mrs. Peterson wir
with her daughter, Mrs. C
Bentson, in Montana. Mrs.
son will also be well remeni
at Silverton. "
. A petition la being circ
among members of Trinity cut
asking that the 11 o'clock seVvi, h
each Sunday morning be hld in
English instead of as at present
when only the "second and fourth
Sundays of each month i con
ducted in the English language.
Those passing the petition state
that but very few members of
Trinity are unable to understand
the: English language and that a
very large number of the em
bers are unable to understand the
Norwegian language, the lairgnago
which Is alternated with th( Eng
lish. The matter was brought be
fore the -board of trustees at f s
meeting Tuesday night. The fco. 1
considered tueonatter and dciit.l
to bring before the congregation
at the quarterly meeting held ia
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ceipts, Etc. These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and private
use. Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and on note
books from 25 to 50 cents, f;
The Statesman Publishing Go.
i At Business Office, Ground Floor
will have to pay a good part of it.
a lot of time going, and coming.
ed in tbe last 20 years. :. . -
The fond mother had not per-