r I THE ORfcC.dN STATESMAN, SALEM, ORECION TUESDAy MORNING, SEPTEMBER! 1G192 In AUDRKD BUNCH lf'&rS Mk AND MRS. SPENCER i Schaefer and daughter. Miss .. Elizabeth .Schaefer, were the In i spiratioa last evening for one of - the most attractive of the early autamnj dinners when Mr. and Mrs,' JVhu J. Robert3 presided as r hosts at their home. Lavender chrysanthemums formed the floral motif. -Dinner covers were placed for Jwelve. , i ifts. Schaefer Is the daughter of, Mr.! J. D. Sutherland who has been spending the summer here, ' both Mrs. Schaefer and Mr a. Sutherland , having numerous Sa lem friends. "r Mr. i and Mrs.' Schaefer and daugtr left this morning by motor "for British Columbia. ' Particular Interest among Sa lem Women is being attached to ", the meeting at 2 o'clock Thurs " day Afternoon of the Woman's Republican Study club when Con- gressman W. C. Hawley. will " tpeaWr authoritatively on matters of distinct party Interest. He will 'Choose a subject which will be of interest to all public-minded 'womefe In the city, all of whom . are not only invited, but urged, to attend. Mrs. H. J. Bean. 917 - Court' street, will be the hostess "for fhe , meeting. Tea will be a nourishing dish tasty and easily digested ! 4JS BISCUIT CO. . . ' . i - f - i 'Domesfes - Eeddlto The Problem of Furnishings for the Spare Room during Fair Week is Solved Most Economically Here, ; ; Rooming Houses and Hotels Should Investigate This New Era Sheets $139 r size 54x90 . . vrro . ' v-.t Queen of the Home .vha sheets, f09 . ,,.;?. r 63x90 ...... ... X' Mohawk Sheets, $f70 Size 72x90 ... I ,; Pequot Sheets,'' 4 size 72x90 i 36-inch Hope Muslin, "i a yard Bed Spreads at 56x85-$2,00; 74x86-2.49; 81x90-$3.98 Colored at 34.25, $4.98, $6.50 . 'V -I- Down Stairs ' Store Offerings I In Warm Blankets J Single White Sheet Cotton Blanket, size 72x99. each 64x76 grey cotton Blankets. pair . , . . . . , . . . . . 64x80 grey cotton Blankets (n ' a pair . ...i...... VMtf J C4x76 Colored Plaid Blankets a pair ............ 4 . . Beacon 7S4.98 YOUR MAIL ORDERS Receive ' careful attention. We pay the postage express within a radius of a hundred miles. , i u Satisfaction Guaranteed On every purchase or' your money cheerfully - rcTonded. : i I i PHONE: 106 served and a 'complete i' program has-been planned. . M - . ; '41 ; gThe Business fand Professional Women's club, owing to inability to find a suitable place,. have been obliged to postpone the Rummage Sale announced for this week. 1 h ' r j i iMembers .of i the Alpha Chi Omega alumnae! association with their families participated Iii an enjoyable picnic; last' evening at liager's grove, i motoring out for an informal bon-f ire supper. The gioup included: . Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fe$shetlan. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chambers, Mr. and Mrs Claude Steusloff, Griffith, and Monroe Gilbert.; - . I Mrs. C. P. Bishop had as her house-guests over Sunday night Mrs. Elizabeth DalgUsh and Mrs. John Bailkie of Portland. j . . . . (Among those attending the Round-up this season at Pendle ton will be MrsJZ. J. Riggs who will be accompanied by Miss Lil lian McCoy of t Portland. They plan to leave Thursday with the Shriners trainvf ; The General; Aid society of the First Methodist I church will meet Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the church parlors, the change of date occurring pn account of the State Fair j coming next week. The members of the West Central circle are in charge of the meet ing. ' ? ' ; Chad wick chapter of the East ern Star will meet in regular ses sion this evening, members of the McMinnville and Amity chapters having been asked to be guests. The newly announced writers' club will complete its organiza tion this evening at a meeting at the Public Library. J. R De Spain is chairman of the new club. ;d 1 Mrs. Z. J. Riggs had as her in teresting hoiise-guest over the week-end, Mrs'. Louise Palmer Weber, a prointoent club-woman ot Portland, t : -:; y - ' - 4 ' " : '" ' Mr. and M rg.j Ben Vide were de lightfully honored Saturday even ing, September! 14, on the occa sion of their third wedding anni versary when a group of friends, all of whom were gueats at the wedding three I years ago in Al-, (I QQ 42-inch Pequot Tubing, mr . . . Vl.VO a yard . .. . . ... 4il C M OQ . . . .72-inch .Mercerized Table aq . . . jl07 Damask, yard 70C 19c hc!T:, . . . . . . .. . . 98c $1.98 72x80 grey cotton Blankets a pair 70x81 colored plaid Woolnap Blankets, a pair . . . . . . 72x8 4 Australian Woolnap Blankets, a pair . ...... $2.95 ii Blankets .". . Plaid Blankets, Pretty Colorings $6.95 $7.95 $8.95 $9.95 Salem Store 46G StateSU bany, gathered at the new home of the honor; guests, '1175 North Capitol street, for a surprise party. Coming at 6 o'clock . with well filled baskets and laden with candy and flowers to express the greet ings of the day, the anniversary dinner was soon spread in the dining room. A feature of the evening was; the lovely wedding cake decked with the appropriate number of pink candles. A pro fusion of delphinum, pink and white asters, and pink rosebuds were used during the evening in the rooms.; ; The time was spent with' music and the telling of stories. ' The wedding day was interestingly re called when Mrs. Vick brought out the nuptial-book. "Our Wedding Bells," with its autographs. Be fore her marriage, Mrs. Vick was Miss Gladys Gilbert. : - The guests planning the surprise were: Mr j and Mrs. Charles Vick, Miss Bertha Vick. Harriet Marie Vick, Roy Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs George F.j Vick. Mlsa Hollis Vickj Mrs. Josephine Snyder, Marshall Snyder, Miss Jeannie Snyder, Mrs. Sophia Vick, Mr. and Mr. A. J. Vick, Miss Lorraine Vick and Roy Lamar Vick. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vick, In j further celebration of their wedding anniversary mo tored to Portland to be guests at the George F. Blake home. Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin will be hosts this evening for the members ot the Writers club at their home, 1355 Ferry street. The Ladies' Aid society of the First Presbyterian church will meet on Friday of this week in order to avoid conflict with the State Fair. The meeting, which will be held at 2:30 o'clock in the church parlors, will be in charge of the following grouo of hostesses: Mrs. Charles Weller.. Mra. J Gillon, Mrs. Henry, Agnes Harding, Mrs. Hager. and Mrs. Altman. i - ' ; - I' Mrs. R. M. T. Hester, castor's assistant at the First Presbyter ian church, will be at her oKice this morning following a month's vacation j in Callatin, Missouri; Mrs. ; Heater returned home yes terday. :-... Recent house-guests at the home of Mrs. Hogg were Mr. and Mrs, Will Hogg of Seattle. A number of interesting trips were planned for the pleasure of the guests who had an opportunity to go not only to Neskowin but to take the Col umbia River highway trip. Miss Jeanette - Sykes was the house-guest last week of Miss Marl, garet Poorman in Woodburn. ' Piquot Pillow Cases, Size JQ 42x36, each.UC Advance Pillow Cases. Size 42x36, each. 35c 94 Pequot 81-in ?Q Sheeting, Yd. OilC i $3.98 $3.98 $4.65 . $9.95, $12.50 Portland Silk Shop 383 Alder SL SOCIAL CALENDAR . I Today j Writers' club. Dr.: and Mrs. F. P F'ranklin, 1355 Ferry street. ; . Chadwick chapter .. of the East ern Star. McMinnvilie and. Amity chapters guests, j f ' St. Paul's Guild. Special meet- log. M New writers' 7J30 o'clock. Unit, Library, ; Wednewlayj 1 American-Hawaiian I Entertain ers. Program at Fjrsf Presby terian church, 8 o'clock. It.WCTU' business .meeting at f;30 o'clock. j First Methodist Church Circles P South Central. Mrs. H. R. White, 1009 South Church strfet. s West Central! Mrs G. H. Al den. 760 N. Church "street. East Central. Mrs. P. J. Kuntz, 797 N. Winter street j Yew Park. Mrs.'E. E. Gilliam, 776 S. 12th street. . Naomi. Mrs. M. C. Findley, 225 N. 20th. street. Lucy Anna Lfe2 ?Mrs. A. A Lee, 1515 State street. 'i. Thurstlay: OAC club. Fairgrounds. Chapter G of the PEd sister hood. Mrs. W. B..Burt, 255 So. 14th street, hostess.- '' Two table bridge lub. ' "Mrs. Lewia Griffith, hostess. 'Woman's Republican t Study club tea. Mrs. H. ; J; Bean, 917 Court. I : Friday Ladies' Aid 1 society. First Presbyterian church,; 2:30 p. m Church parlors. Saturday t American Association of'Uni- versity Women. Luncheon. UJ: 30 o'clock; Marion hotel. Miss Mildred I Roberts, was a guest of Mis Caroline Lang In Portland over the. week-end to attend a tea given by the Portland Hunt club honoring - the girls of Camp Willlpa. Miss. Roberts was a member, of j the" camp this iummer.. i ; , t ' ; i Miss Thelma Young spent the week-end as the guest of her father,-T- A. Young. Mr. and MrsJ Allan Bynon of Portland and Mr. J. D. Crandall pf Vale, Oregon were guests on Sunday at the home of Col. and fvirs. Hofer. j ' 1 ' - f.. I An attractive dinner was given Saturday evening at the jJohn J. Roberts home, f- hoooring Miss Helen Roberts on the occasion of her birthday. The table was a domed for the evening with the delicate pastel shades, predomin ating in the place cards and in the lowers and candles. Miss Roberts returned Sunday to Portland where she is attending St. Helens hall. ' f j'-i'.r Miss Fern Lavaleur and Harold- M, Bunn were united In marriage Sunday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. 1. G. Lee, in Portland, form erly! of the Highland Friends' church. i , The Baptist Brotherhood of the First Baptist church will meet this evening fori 65 30 o'clock sup per and an Interesting program. .State Traffic Officer T. A. Raffer ty will be the speaker. Special music will also add to the pleasure jf the evening. , . ' The Beta Chi girls will have as their sorority house for the winter the John H. Albert home at 670 South Winter street. With Wil lamette, opening 5 yesterday the girls have arrived,, from their var ious homes for the new school season. 1 ! V - : ; Mrs. E. Hogg and Miss Eliza beth Hogg have moved from 665 N'grth Winter street to their new home, 1030 Hood street- - : ! Reverend H. F Pemberton ot the Leslie Methodist church per lormed the ceremony which united in marriage Miss Opal Lucas and Edwin Ely at 8:45 Saturday ev ening at the ; parsonage. - The bride wore navy ; blue Canton crepe. Mr. and; Mrs. Ely, both former students of the Salem High school will make their home with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Lucas, 1042 Saginaw street. The bride Is an employee at the Model Beauty parlor while the groom is j an electrician by trade. -'A I'. ) ; Those witnessing the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. S- F. Lucas and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Curry (Winniired Lucas : .: - The First iMethodist church Circles will meet tomorrow after noon as follows: South Central with Mrs. H. R. ' White. 2009 South Church ;street; West Cen tral with Mrs.! George H Alden, 760 North Church TStreeH East Ceutral with Mrs. P. J- Kunti, 797 North Winter street; Yew Park with Mrs. E. E. Gilliam, Z7f South 12th street; . Naqml with Mrs. r M. C. Findley. 225 North 20th street; and iLucy 'Anna Lee with Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1515 State btrcet. f-ir The South East Circle will hold no meeting. The North Salem WCTU will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Highland Friends' church. Mrs. Presnall is president of the union, and. Mrs. F. L. WV kenson, secretary.. ? - f Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Strick lln and daughter; Nancy Jean, left over the week-end to spend ten days at Seaside. : f ' Col. and Mrs. E. Hofer have as. their house guest for ten days this month Miss Dorothy Hofer of Pasadena, California. Miss Hofer who ts on her way to the uni versity of Washington, is the daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. A. F. Hofer. She Is very well knowp here. A part of the time will be spent at Newport. . Mr. and Mrs. j David W, Eyre accompanied by their daughter. Miss Rovena Eyre, and Miss Mary Eyre, returned home late Satur day evening from Vancouver, Bi C. Mr. and i Mrs. Eyre motored to British Columbia ten days ago to meet their daughter who. with her aunt. Miss Mary Eyre, has been spending the summer abroad. The interesting summer itltner ary included visits through Eng land, Scotland. Holland, Belgium; Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and France, made with a party ' of twenty. ' If U ' - Sailing from Cherbourg on the "Leviathan," Miss Eyre and her niece - arrived in New York on September 1; Thev made interes ting visits in New York, Washing ton, D. C. Philadelphia, and Bos ton, with later stops, in returning via the Canadian Pacific, at Banff and Lake Louise. ir Miss Rovena Eyre had the un expected pleasure, of passing thp train on which Miss Charlotte Zeiber was a passenger near Gla cier, both trains coming to a stop for a period of five minutes side by side, giving the two friends Opportunity to exchange, a' few words from their respective obser vation cars. The girls were un usually fortunate as this is not a usual part of the train schedule.. . Mr. Horace Sykes and daughter Miss Jeanette Sykes who have been in Salem for the summer are leaving for Seattle in the morning by ' motor. Miss Sykes will enterJ the Cornish school for her second year, taking interesting courser, for which she 1st especially talent ed, in violin, dramatic art, and the Russian ballet. . ' , ' Miss Venita Morrislon and MI.s Emmagene Travis, both university of Oregon girls, have come to Sa lem and will be associated with the Kennell-ElJIs portrait-studios. They are making their home at the Roberts apartments. ' :-' .. ; ; f Miss Hazel A. Bear, teacher at the Washington junior high school the past three years, writes that she is pleased with her new loca tion at North Ppwder, Union coun ty, the high school having opened there, September 8. - Miss Bear ispent the 'summer visiting and sight-seeing in the east, going as far as Boston, the return trip was made by way of Philadelphia. New York, and Washington, D. C. She visited with relatives in Iowa and Color ado, with a number of side trips. She arrived home at the time school opened. She plans to visit relatives In Turner during the holiday season. TK2 important business meeting of tue WCTU planned for 2:30 o'clock today in the halls has been postponed until tomorrow after noon at the same hour. With urgent business to come up it is especially desired that all mem bers he, present for the meeting.' The social hour will not be. held, but has been postponed until a later time. i '..;;. ". '' . ; ; Outstanding among the social events of the season will be- the wedding tomorrow evening at the First Methodist church at which Miss Ruth Barnes, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes, will become the bride of Mr. Wll lard Seton Kaufman of Seattle. The ceremony will be performed at 8 o'clock. : Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr.. were hosts over the week-end; at a delightful house-party at their cottage. "Chefry In." The group motored home Sunday evening. ; Mrs. Ralph White and Mrs. James Teed have returned home after attending the Oregon As sociation of Dancing teachers held in Portland. , The institute, meet ing in Christensen hall, brought forth a number of interesting features that will be factors in the new dancing season. The tangos which have been so pupular in the east are fast coming to the west. !' Withf the fox trots In creasing in popularity, two types. the National,- and the Raggedy Ann, will predominate. The waltz Is coming in with the hesitation meeting with very distinct popul arity. The new trend Is to In crease, rapidity of motiod. It was brought out fhat the vulgar danc ing has. been an outgrowth of alow motions; - The new aim will be to Introduce quicker time, with the dances more interesting. One of the most attractive brides of the month was Miss Beryl E.J Bond whose marriage lo Mr. R. K, De Guire was an event of Sunday. The ceremony was performed at 8 o'clock in the evening at the home of the bride's parents. Mr and Mrs. rvvllfain A. Bond. 1340 North Cottage. Reverend Thomas A. Acheson reading the Impressive, ritual. The bridal party assembled at the altar to the strains of Men delssohn's wedding march played by Miss Jean Ilobson. Immediately preceding the. ceremony Miss Trista Wenger aang, "I Love You Truly." Miss Hobson playing ; the accompaniment. The bride was Oregon CLASSIFIED SECTION rbone &S Advertising Dept. OLASSmXD AOYEBTISXMXNTS : I v Bate pr wwi Par ini.rtiOB , , , TarM tsMftlou .- , U Money to Loan Ob B1 EsUte T. K. fOBD (Over Ldd Boak fiBk) AUTO TOPS Auto Tops Side Curtains . Pat on 4oor rodi Preptr bw for rainy day. Call and O. J. HtTLLf At kta Bw location, 319 State St. 8-a29tf FOB RENT OARAGE St. FOR REXT 340 X. FROXT 4-18 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE t".BY tV", vordinf "For Rent," priea 10 enU aeh. Stateimaa Bniinoaa OtUea, on Ground Floor. HOUSE AND 2056-J. APARTMENTS PHOXE 4-a2tf FOR RENT F0RXI8HED 5 ROOM. 30 Bath, hot water. Idy tuba. BKCKE ft HEXDRICKS tT. S. Bank 4-a3tf 1 FOB RENT Apartments 5 4 ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1245 Madison. : 5-al6 APARTMEXTS, 2 AXD 3 ROOMS. FIXE location. . Reasonable. 891 -N. Cottcite. i .r 5-ai FOR REXT WELL .FURNISHED Three or four room apartment close in. 541 Mill atreet. , 5-al8 FOR REXT FURXISH.ED APARTMEXT with bath, very reasonable to employed couple. l- I'lione 2093-J. or call 112 Un ion St. 5-al8 attended by Miss Alice Mathey as maid-of-:honor, while, Delmer Bond, brother of the bride, acted as best man. The bride wore a lovely frock of net over orchid satin beautifully trimmed with lace. She wore a bridal wreath on her hair and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and maid en hair fern. Miss Mathey was becomingly frocked in a mode of tan. She carried a Colonial bou quet .' Lavender asters and Ore gon grape formed the. background for the ceremony. An informal reception followed the service with cosmos predomin ating in the White and pink floral motif in the dining room. Pink candles were used on the table with a miniature bride ond groom featured on the wedding cake which formed the appropriate cen terpiece. Mrs. Joseph Olson pour ed while Mrs. E. M. Hicks cut the ices, assisted by. Miss Hazel Haynes and Mrs. V. A. Ragsdale. The bride, the daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bond. 'is a graduate of the Salem high school, attending both. Willabmette uni versity and. the University of Ore gon. ..She has worked two years in the State library having been more recently employed in the secretary of state's office. Mr. De Guire, the son of Mr. and H. It. De Guire is an employee of the Oreogn Pulp and Paper company. tlMr. and Mrs. De Guire left Im mediately by motor for a. wedding trip to British Columbia. After October 1st they will be at home at 2240 South High street. I? The guests for the wedding In cluded: Mr. and Mrs. H. R. De Guire, Mr. S. R. Bond, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bond, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Olson, M. and -Mrs.' Clifford Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Bond. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Ragsdale, Mrs. Carrie Wiltermood. Delmer Bond, Miss Doris Hicks. Miss Helen Bond, Miss Trista Wenger, Miss Jean Hobson, and Miss Freda Olson. f -The out-of-town guests Includ ed: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Grace Of Silverton. Miss Hazel Haynes pf - Portland ; and Mr. Haddon Bond of Dayton, Oregon, j" 4C- Dr. and Mrs. B. Blatchford plan to leave tomorrow tp spend ten days at Scappoos. : . Text-Book Commission Will Meet in November "The state text-book commission will meet at Salem in November and make changes in one-third of the text-books in the grammar and high schools of the state, an ac tion which ,is taken eyery six years. The new books adopted; will not go into use In the schoolf until next year. Changes are to be made in the following subjects: Grammar grade schools Civil government; geography .three book series); history (seventh nad eighth grades): Oregon his tory (sixth grade); reading (basal text, first U eighth grade inclu sive). High schools Civics: French; history (world and .American); social problems; elementary eco nomics; mathematics (higher arithmetic); science (biology, gen eral science, and manual for gen eral science, manual for physics); Spanish. , ! Only 20 . rents per person is spent for soap each year In spite of the fact that Saturday night comes every week, Oo wk (tlx laMrtloa). Oa month ,,, ,,. -108 81s BOBtb' eontrftet, pt MootklSi 11 Bths Motrtet, per BuBtk13 UiBimnm fr aay 4rtlMimBtS FOB RENT Apartments 5 TWO PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING rooma downataira, front entrance. Al so Bleeping- room with or without break fast. 345 N. 18th atreet. . 5 18 VERY DESIRABLE SIX ROOM FLAT - Close in, 685 North Liberty. Phone 1351. : 5-a20 DESIRABLE APARTMEXT FOR A couple 1385 State. ; . . - &-$n FORXISHED APARTMENT, 1315 Jefferson. GARAGE. A-lStf THREB ROOM FURNISHXD ' APART aaeat, ft3 N. Bummer. ft-jnett IF TOO ARE INTERESTED IS COOL, clean, comfortable apartmeata, reason able rant ; located dewntewn district, Patton apartments. For inspection or reae rvatioa call f atUa'a Soak Store. 5-al4tf FOR RENT -APARTMENTS; 691 NO. Commereial. FOR RENT Rooms 6 BOARD AND ROOM. FIXE ROOMS, Home eookinj. Close in. 680 Center. S 621 FURNISHED High St. ROOMS 565 NORTH 6-sl7 ROOM AXD BOARD FOR lady. 858 Center. ' A ' YOUNG . S17 FOR REXT LARGE- FURNISHED rooma furnace heat, 'breakfast. if desired. 333 N. 16th street. Phone 898 J. . -sI7 OFFICE SPACE TO LET 320-219 U. S. Bank Bldg. . 6-sld SLEEPING ROOM OR ROOM AND board. 1804 Ferry. Phone 1767-M. 6-sl9 ROOMS TO REXT CALL 2044-W. 6-s9tf FOB RENT notuea 7 FOR REXT - FIVE ROOM MODERN bouse at 1088 Marion street. 7 s 17 - FOR REXT: . 8 room furnished house located at 1795 Saginaw street, $50 per month. ? d room new bungalow located at 1725 S. 12th St;, S23 per month. . C room home located at 305 S. 14th St. 30 per month. . 4 room home located on Fairtnouot hill, no children, 915 per month. v W. II. GRABEXliORST CO. ' 275 Stata St. T-sld FOR RENT 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE completely furnished. - Located on Fair mount hill. 55 a month. ' 7 room modern home completely fur nished jm Church street, $65 a month. 0 room home unfurnished, located 305 8. 14th, $30 a month. . New .4 room bungalow 1725 8outh 12th,. $25 a month. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. S 275 State St. , 7-s7tf WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU . CAN buy just like rent. Very amall pay ment down anrrotr can hare possession of fire room, house, good location, 1 block from ear line, near school. Call at 1057 8. 18th or Phone 1974J 7-s3 HOUSES TO. RENT F. State St. U WOOD. $41 7-m23tf FOR BALK ftliacellaneouB 8 FOR SALE CHEAP HOUSEUOLD FCR niture, 1414; Mission St. . 8-sl8 FOR SALE 34 SIZE VERXIS MAUTIN led. complete, like new. Cheap.-: 525 N. Capitol. , 8-S17 GRAPES FOR SALE OX WALLACE road Box 20A. ; 8-sl7 FOR SALE A UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC range at a ; bargain. Inquire 345 8. 14th St. ;i . 8-S17 EASY VACUUM ELECTRIC WASHIXQ machine. In perfect condition, 1935 Mapla Are, 8-sl6 APPLES KINGS. G-RAVEN8TE1XS, Waxens, 50c and 75c per box at farm, Deliver 75a land $1.. Phoms 17F3U . 8 sl7 EASY VACUUM WASHIXO MACHINE. In perfect condition. 1925 Maple Ave. 8 sl6 OAS DRAG SAW STEAM DRAG 8AW i LOGO IX G EQUIPMENT S Capital Bargain House 215 Center St. 8-slOtf Beautiful Oregon Rosi And eleven other Oregon so ncs te gather with a free collection of patriot' te songs, sacred songs aad many all time favorites. ' ALL FOR J5e. " (Special pries In quantity lots) Especially adaptable for school, co mnnity or home singing. Sand , for Western Songster TO pages bow ia ita third aditisya . Published by . OREGON TEACHERS MO! rHtT 215 8. Commercial St. Salem. Or. FIRST CLASS OATS AND VETCH HAT Phone 84F12. S-iSltf FOE SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a, bundle Circulation department Oregon btetesman. GOOD 8TEP LADDERS AND PORCV swings at a bsrgsin. 1757 Waller St 8-jae28tt ONDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. Hare your snachiaa repaired by th ' people who make It. Special rente rate to students. - $00 Maaonis Bids . Phone 2S3. n38l Trespass Notices For Sale Tresspass Notices, sise 14 laches by 9 Inches, f printed oa good 10 ounce canvass bearing the words. "Not Ire Is - Hereby Given That Trespaasiar, Is Strictly Forbidden Oa These Premises Under Penalty Of Prosecution." Price ISe each or two for 25e. Btateemaa Publishing Company, 8alem, Oregon. " 8 atf PRIXTED CARDS. 8IZB 14" BT TH" wording, 'Rooms to Kent." price ir casts each. Riateamaa Baslaess Of FOR ALE Llreatock 9 FOR SALEFRESH JER8EY t)W 9 s!6 Route 7, Box 164. FRED W. LANOE, , VETERINARIAN of f ice 4 SO 8- Commercial, rhone una Btt.r!ll-I 1 ... fl.V23t( smsm FOR SALE Livestock 9 PEDIGREED POIXTER HOUND Train ed to do stunts and hunt, for sale. To ' aee the dog will bo to' buy it. For particulars write 215 Center St., Sa lem. Or. Phone 398. 9-sl7 WOOD FOR BALD 11 10 INCH AXD 4 FOOT WOOD OF ALL . kinds. Pr'.ees reasonable and prompt delivery. Phone 19S8-W. Il-sl3tf OAK, MAPLE, OLD AND 8ECOXD growth fir, priced righV Phone 1879W . ':- ll-o9 STOP1 DOX'T BUY INFERIOR WOOD I : Get the best oak and iirr also coat. By phoning 1855. 11-slOtf 18 INCH WOOD FOR NORTH SALEM from- new 'mill near Deaf school. 5 loads $15. Phone 204, 11 -o9 BEST ORADS OF WOOD d ft. and 18 inch. Dry ar greea mill wood. ' Dry second growth fir. Dry old fir. Dry 4 ft. oak. -Promat delivery aad reasonable prlee, FRED E. WELLS, 280 South Chare Phase 1542. 1184 18-INCH OLD FIR, 4 FOOT OLD FIR, second growth oak aad ask. Phone 19F3. M. D. Meyfleid. U-jee 8PECIAL PRICES ON 18" OLD FIR Phone 1361M. . ll-ef FOR SALE DRY SECOXD-GROWTH fs wood. 4 ft. Far tmssediata daMverx Phnne ina 4-flie WANTED Employment 12 EMPLOYMENT ON RANCH YEAS around work. Notify Charles Weathers, RL 8, Salem. - )2-sl8 WANTED FOR EXCAVATING AXfl plooghihg. Team work of any kin - Phone 1 62 2-W. Res. 735 Bellevne. . 13-S27 Green RoofPaintinu Also 'black,' yellow, blaa',!1 ' :' Call and ask ta see some of "my- worl la roof painting and reshingllag, ' M. B. MATHEWS Phone 167. 12s29 WANTED FOR EXOAVATINO AN1 ploughing. Team work af any kind , Phone J162J. . Res. 735, Bellevue. 1227 WANTED Aliacellaneouj 13 WANTED PLACES FOR 8TUDEXT8 to room aad board;- light housekeeping rooms) or places for students to work for room and board Capital Basiness College. Phone 388. 4 . 13 sl7 YOUNG MAN DESIRES PLACE TO work for room and board. 5613 Rtates- . man. j ' . 13-sl7 RESPONSIBLE REALTOR WITH GOOD buaineaa wants silent partner with cash ' to handle a fine sub-division proposi tion. - Address 5797, -care Stateman. : ; " : . 13-sl4t( WOODRY TUB AUCTIONEER BUYS need (ornituro for caah. Phone 811 13-aprtf WANTED A PARTY WHO WANTS A five room-bona by only paying $3( a month and a amall down payment. Phase 1974 J or eaU 1057 8. 13 a, ... ;: 13-sjst WANTED MEN AND WOMEN T4 take farm paper subscriptions. - A goo4 proposition to the right people. Ad dreaa the PaeiHe Hameatead. BUtesntaa Bide. 8slern. Or. : IIELP WANTED - 15 WANTED HOP PICKERS FOR WIL liama Hop Yard. Truck leaves east end ot. bridge st 6:30 cseh, moroinr. ' 1 -! AGENTS WANTED 16 SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITORS TO RB present high class Eaatern Magftin company. Mast be sble to devote al time , and be experienced. Writs of wire giving past experience ta M. A, Bteele, 5, Columbus Circle, New York, N. Y. . - k , 18 a2l HELP WANTED Female 17 12 CLERKS EXPERIENCED IN DRY goods, ladiee furnishings, and ready to wear. Apply at once at Peoples' Cash Store. 17-slltf HELP WANTED Male 13 8 CLERKS EXPERIENCED IN SHOES, furnishings snd clothing. Apply st Peoples' Cssh Rtore. 18-lltf Blale and Female 19 HOP PICKERS I WANT YOUt TRUCK - leaves Commercial and Court sts. every morning at 0:30 snd returns sfter pick ing. Store on giounds. C. C. Kussell, Phone 59K23 or ace Ben White, 19 s!4tt BLACKBERRY PICKERS WANTED Fine berries, good psy. Coma.. Ward K. Richardson. Toledo, Ore. 19-sl4 SALESMEN ' 0 MAGAZINE 8ALE8MEN TO ACT - AS district manager ia thie territory, also crew menagere for the fastest nis ca sino proposition today, ear furnished t producers. Write or wire giving pest experienea to M. A. Steele, 6 Celumbat Cirele. New York. N. Y. ' SO 2I lOULTRY AND EGC5S 21 LEtiHORX PUIJ.ET! FOR KALK Ready to lay. Xo runts. I'lione ii'jKil 21sM LOST AND FOUND 23 LOST 0JRIXDLE ENGLISH BULL FE- male.. Reward for return or informa tion leading to recovery. Flake'a Pet land,' Phone 856 or 15bO-M. 22-ali;f LOST SOMETHING f FIND ITI PHONt a want ad lo The Stslesmsa. rhone Zi- .,'- M-me" LOANS 21 MONEY TO l0.N IX AMOl XTS $1000 to fiJU. i per ccni. UKCKK A UEXDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. ; 24 s!6tf LOAXS We have money to losn st 7 per cent Interest, security must be good. W. II. ORABEXHOBST CO. 275 Stste St. -.' 24 sI4 GOVERNMENT LOAXS ON FARMS H per cent. F. 1.. Wilkinson, iuj u. n. National bank bldg. i a aprfttf REAL KSTATJ4 City 23 Own Your, Homo t ROOM HOI S!:. $1630; f'fRNEn UT tiJii. Uertrude J. M. Page, 40'J N. Cottage. a j altilf FOR 8A1..K GOOD KIX UOOil HorsK. plumbing and lights, large lot, fruit trees, $1750; ny , titmi. .Swell ix room bungalow strictly modern, oak floors, east front, paVed atreet. -A snap at SjjOO; cany terms. ' 7J acre dairy ranch close to town and high s.'IkmI ; want a smaller farm. F. h. WOOD. 341 Klate Ht. 25 slOtf EXCEPTIONALLY FINK DUTCH Colon ial home. New, modern In every detail. 6outn. Salem. Esy terms. $02 jo. ..... ,,. i. atii't