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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1924)
TOE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON V SUNDAY: MORNING,' SEPTEMBER 14; 1921 5 r I r P : TlTnilllElD : OUfftNE New Windshield Does Not f -j Tip But Slides! Upward . in Felt Channels ; The Oakland . . Motor Car com- ,., panr has Just adopted a new one , : piece windshield for Us four 'clog- i j ed models undoubtedly the "most 4j retolutlonarj adTancement ; id , if windshield . construction ..since;; the I early; -day . f the ; automobile in- austry waea motorists asea, rub ber aprons prer their laps. , The ;W" type windshield has I been ; erolYed by the! Fisher Body corporation, which builds all Oak land bodies. . M : "11 "il'il;: 'i; ! The new; windshield does not tip to give ventilation, but slides upwards! in felt-lined channels, Janch In the same manner as the side windows of the closed; body type of motor car. It is easily ind mechanically, operated by a crank located above the shield and does not rattle. Airthe new windshields are fitted . with . : automatic wind shield cleaners." 1 One-half turn ;of the regulator handle raises the ; shield from, its base one inch, opening a section approximately 45 inches long and one Inch high, to outside ' air pressure. , The air rushes unob structedly through this yentilator the entire length of the shield and Is conducted into ) the - body, for ward and down to the floor. This type jo f windshield eliminates ; the cow 'TentllatorJ- j i ..'; '-.J i f more air is desired; two and one-half turns of the regulator handle raises the glass three inch es aboVe' the Instrument board, opening a section I approximately 135-square inches,! through which the air rushes directly into the driving compartment. Quick venti lation and thorough change ot air are! obtained by opening one. of the doors, or one of the rear win dows. t f ; Because this type of wjndshleld has no rubber strip nor parting bar to confuse the vision : and strain the eyes,- it adds to the comfort of driving. Those who have already ' driven ' behind it Lmmdam Cra W s4MhUBMlBMBMMMBMMMMn TTF you want a smooth, powerful engine JL with an energetic, impetuouc pick-up f waiting for the throttle, you will enjoy the Oakland. ' If a sparing use of tant, you will find the snap in Oakland ; performance is not secured from a big, gas eating engine. Racing engine practice was ' followed Swiss watch precision in build ing adopted. The result the small-displace-xnent True; Blue engine gets more power and more miles out of a gallon. j:'n!! ;l i-,3r-'; I - ,' If it is riding comfort and a feeling of solid T ! . . 1 .t Si i 1 roaa-woruunesB unacr , you ana over you, come in and check oyer Oakland c tried-and-true, year-proved points of superiority in these attributes. If you are particular about the finish on your car Oakland's standard finish is Duco. It holds its lustre indefinitely comes up smiling after unbelievable abuse. , J And Oakland's rigid precision standards of building make these qualities you desire in your motor car, permanent, attributes I Come in and pet into an Oakland and ask it to snow youi . . S,rii tnJiWf VICK S BROTHERS HIGH STREET - ; AT TRADE; "M ' .- 'TV ? . marvel at the greater visibility af forded, which makes for- both comfort and; safer driving. ' 4 The windshield - is water-tight and practically air-tight, easily op erated and easily cleaned,' besides adding to the clearicut appearance of the 'car. , .'"' - ;;'. Parents. Can Assist by Pro. hibiting Children Riding i or' on Handle. Bars " In line with its " policy of en couraging safety in motoring by attacking and removing specific causes of accidents the American 1295, factory pasoline seems impor I anitmm Com Cm&m for Fm hole bar line . ESIM 'f ,P V yt.?i. :n,w;V;;.:,;;l5r,l, --- '. " I m ' . p J ' -. " V Automobile Association will: urge the passage of bills prohibiting children from carrying - each oth er on the handle bars of their bi cycles .on public streets and high ways, 'according to a statement sent put from Three-A headquar ters in Washington by the legisla tive board. ' y The AAA .sees , in 'handle-bar riding" a positive menace to mo torists who are often innocently involved In unfortunate fatalities. According to the ; board's . report, the percentage of accidents caused by riding the handle bars oQ pub lic streets and roads is still Ismail in comparison with the percent age of accidents from other caus es, but it is ' pointed out; that a constructive policy such as the AAA' has adopted calls" f of i elim ination of minor as well as major causes. ' .''f ; "The average child I is menace enough when bcycle riding along a crowded thoroughfare without doubling the chances ot accident by allowing him to wobble all over the road with another child perch ed on the handle bars," the AAA statement reads. "Two children should not' be allowed riding one bicycle any more than three per sons ! should be allowed to sit in the front seat of the average auto mobile. ' . i "The' bicycle stunt is prevalent in localities where children "have a 'long distance to go in reaching school. This increases the haz ard because it means that j many children are then occupying the !! ! 1: 1 1! An In 1 i! i, seen Toatin 1? F. Ralpti DePalma getting checkered flag after estab lishing new world's record negotiating the distance in . -. j - v ' I- 41:2-5 seconds. DePalma wHl dri ve' in the speed t classic at Mcdford today- streets and highways at points where the motorist is not warned to look out for children. - 'The desire for quick trans portation! i3 Inbred in American children. They want . to ride and it is up to their parents and those who are interested in their welfare to see that they ride in safety. The American Automo bile Association is, of course, pri marily,. interested in helping ; the mortorlst , avoid inadvertent Injury of . children,, but it feels that an appeal to parents in behalf of the safety of ; their children will help to accomplish results as well as definite legislation. , u i ' ; t ''Riding on: behind wagons has been held in check by parental in terest and legislation, and the same' checks must be applied to the' newer menace of uncertain bicycle riding on streets and high ways where motor traffic cannot possibly adjust itself to the whims of; unthinking children, v 1 f'We must;, have common Sense in' this "matter, and laws jtq en force codperation where it is not voluntary. .- Parents . can " do heir share by seeing that their chil dren do . hot ride .on the handle "bars of their companions' - bikes, and the ; states can . do much to make bicycle 1 riders conform to certain rules? that : will dovetail with : regulations covering . motor traffic.'- f -.' . i 4- i f 'Bicycle ' riding is onj the In crease, and -, unless misuse . of this form of transportation is checked at the start ill traffic will have 1G1 . h it ;t it ! 1 i! I ! I It ! I ' ' 1! if 1! W , i 1! if n 1! i! 1 ! I f t Old A New Dress The Refined Oldsmobile S ix is ci up-to-date as a Fifth Avenue show-windowt J And its chassis well, after a year of uso in the hands of thousands of owners, it has demonstrated its right t6;bef con tinued indefinitely. Improved,! of course, but no change in design f f f:5 Picture that stalwart chassis coupled with such distinctive refinements as Duco Satin finish, cowl lights, a higher ; hood, and a; new beautifully designed radiator-and you've got a fair mental' picture of a very unusual, motor .car . put you'll never know the whole story: until you've driven the car yourself for three four or five yearslipM$ Yes, it's low-priced but that? s aue to pldsmobile's participation in the tre mendous purchasing facilities of Gen eral Motors. It's a car of stamina gpod for years of active use! Surely you can not afford to buy any car until you've this one! ;s . . ..;?. S75 Coup ; Sport KowUtc i ! 98S Mas - - .SpectToactas ; 1015 DUSba - , ,Tb C A. C ntraded parmant plan sukM tnnrtas aaav. L o. b. lamlnti Tas and apax tir addidoeaJ, WJ PettyjoKn ; 219 N. Commercial St. a number of new problems as quickly fas old ones are solved." ; i ;; - ' , IT I AUTOMOBILES "The car has established its good character and is coming more universal every day' says Byron C. Wright of the certified Public Used Car Market. . - "Many a man is finding! that It is real economy own two cars. The big car stays in the garage In many cases while the used road ster which cost but a nominal sum does most of the running around. Especially , la this true of the man who uses automobile transportation in his business." "On the other hand there is a man who with a small car-which he originally bought t because there were only himself and wife to use it. ; Occasionally it; is nice to have a sedan. He bought-a used sedan and it cost htm! so lit tle that it. Is a good Investment even "if used only once in a while. STILL COMING : RECORDS BROKEN -r ; ; (Centisned from pax XI sota, swinging west . until he had reached Port Angeles, Washing ton.! At no place in his three months of travels, ; had j he been received 'so courteously as at the Salem park,' he said. 3 .' f There are three in the party of M, ; Felix t of Ambria; Ind., and they are so well impressed with tie f. Willamette ! valley that : they Intend to stay; in Salem or vicinity. A. B. Wagner with -his family registered yesterday at the auto amp. They are frbm Grand Isl and Neb. Mr. Wagner is Interest ed in dairying and intends to stay in the valley.; ." " f-.-..'.':' 3 :H" " .' ?" -' W. It. Verley of Idaho Falls, Idaho, is at the park looking for a suitable location! in the Salem district. I Hoy Wilson of Poison, Montana, is registered and a pros pective buyer of real estate. .1 S. Ennan of .Pomona, Calif., likes the country well enough to state that he intends to remain and buy property. " r " .- O. M. Jones of South Bend, In diana, sold out hjs interests be fore starting west in his car with his family. He says that Salem looksr the best of all. He also says that the .most cordial welcome he had received: was iwhen entering the Salem auto park. 1 W CUPothlewaite of Caldwell, Idaho, .is, here with part of his family. As there is a total of 11 in all, he just brought his wife and some of the younger ones in this prospecting tour. He has decided that thef Willamette university is just 'what he wants for his older children,' and for that reason will locate, in Salem. A i ' 7 ' !M. -". ! '. :i ii I ! 1 11 I 1 f il i! i! i 1 - ! if ill 1 !i a I . - -1 l! I . : 1175 . I - 1290 i 13SO JU1 pAcm t a Co. ; 0 PAYSTD DWil FI6HT RETUIS TO H. B. Churchill Also Trying to Locate Local Radio Interference. '. The fight returns . radiocast through the Station KGW were received here in Salem for the; ben efit of the staff of ' the Newton Chevrolet Co., by means of a -loop set installed in a Chevrolet sedan owned and 1 operated by H. i B. Churchill, of the Churchill's Ra dio shop. A : " ; : The sedan containing . the set was driven into the Chevrolet gar age and some very fine results ob tained,, free from Interference and outside noise. These - remarkable results were made possible by the use of a specially designed set constructed by . Mr. Churchill - who RECEIVED U ,0 'Western Giant" Cords1 Extra quality extra weight extra ' service a sure nonakld tread.; : 30x31$9i70 30x3 Vz Giant Oversize. $11. 40 32x3 Giant Str. Skle 13.85 31x4 Giant Str, Side .16.95 32x4 r Giant Str. Side J 18.CO 33x4 Giant. Str. Side 190 '. 34x4 GiantvStr. Side., 19.70 32x4 Vz Giant Str. Side., 23X0 '34x4 Giant Str. Side. 25.23 3Sx4 GUnt Str. Side. ' 20X0 35x5 : Giant Sir. Sid, p ifn Hand Soap Should b carried In the ear at all , timea It quickly.; removes the dirt and greeee 2 aisea. box .. I?.. 15C and 25C Auto Soap V V Specially prepared for use la the hlgii finish of automobiles en excellent t- way : for . remorlnx rreaser from chassis. Rn? . cordinr iyWVW- (O V IWU XO UM, Black Puck V- i i pintv ei nn Other Necessary v Articles -In Cleaning up the Car: Duat Cloths A Cotton Wssta' Sponge . : Cheees Cloth . ; Chamois Spoke Brushes, etc i Jumbo and All-Steel ; Jacks Bif. sturdy, well made Jacks: operate easily and will lift any; car price of All-Steel 2 slzeav 95C and $ 1 13 5 Jumbo De Luxe Jack ....$3.90 Other Jacks.... ....915 to 4A5 Pumps : .i ' ' J The standard tire pump Is very efficient one cylinder. - single action construction. , Q C I Price UUU Other pumps from. $30 to $243. At ore Than Order by Mail Our Guarantee Protects You is a veteran radio experimenter1 having been connected iwith jthe ra dio for many years both, as an op erator and trouble shooter. " t This same set has been used to locate interference that is affect ing the reception of Radiocast pro grams locally. Several; causes of ' this interference ' have been checked up and Mr. Churchill ex pects t6!; "have; a special " set con- G m P1 Both" of these tires' are gain ing new friends .and boosters every day. Made especially for us according to our" high standard of quality, and sold direct to you without a middleman's profit, we are able to offer the "motorists of the West a substantial saving. CJome in and inspect these tires, ; "Western Giant" - Balloons To fit your present- rims. Many satisfied users testify to- the satis-, factory service of W e'st eT it' Giant Bal lopns. Get our ' new low, prices. a n . ti ? r :Tire;CQver8 Buy This Week at Thsss1 '--j - Special Prices , - A: neat well-fittins- tire jtoVer rives your, car a nn--iahed and distinctive ap Ipearance and protects your spare tire. 3,30x3" 31i sizes. v I All 4-inch sies, regr. prtce ; iis.35. tms . Q nn t week i J-.'i ...... 0 I iu U Au;,4Vi and. 5 lnoh- sixes. :reprice J2.85. 00 4 C ;Thit week 0- I U Simoh "Simoniz" r : One of-'-the, ' not up-to-date cleaners fend polish -era it puts a polish on the h'cas7 thsti stays" for some time. your choice of either . "Slmonir or Cleaner, regr- price 60c each. ; This week 45c Ererlasric Rubber f ' ra . f L j . raicn A Quick,' permanent repair patch for inner tubes OH CC -2 sizes jV.... OUC and DOC "Rubber-Putty" Repair f i ' Patch Outfit ; A; tough rubber compound that .'can be - worked Into a cut in a . casing now Is the ideal time to )ietch up the old .casings before wet 'weatner sets in- .35c Repair : outfit complete naaaHaer- "BBBaBaBaBaBBHaiaHaaBBM Stores All Over the West Tl XT I - X ; ' A ' ' A b a jTLipplly Co Salem Store Corner Court and etructed .within a. few days .that will locate- more fdelinitely Itbese troublesome. .. "noises." Anyone who has trouble with this outside interference may .make arrange ments to locate ame and see wbat. can be done to eliminate it. Feminine nature: "I love Dad dy best: he buys me candy." Prepare now for win ter by having HcAlvia put a 4t4. Top on your car, f R." J. II. IIcALVIN 845 North Church Street 1 v. A- Wear-well Cc r d z mm weil 30x3 ReS. Llzs 0 7- 30x3 Orersi is C.C 31x4 Str. !.SiJe . . . . 1Z.Z 32x4 Str. Siie..., IZ.i 33x4 StniSiie. .Lj 14.; 32x4 Str. Side. . . 1 C. " 33x4 Str. ZUs. . . 1D.1 ;34x4 tr.-r!ie. ;10.C 33x5r. Str.T:j. 22.1 DIus Rilibcnf BU' lriEjl .Oi ' o ? Non-Olio Polizli Protects the finish of the car from water, mud splashes and stains it : cleans, .waxes and polishes it keeps your car Tonk ins; like hew; always. ? . f JT n Pint size . . . . ... ........ UJi i Quart size . .... .CI. 10 j - , ; ; Shine-Brite Body Pcliib ' Pint can ......... .Cs I Quart can .................$1.1.) - Golden 1 S tar Polish pint . I .. ....... .. a Pint ......... ...... .t' Quart ....;...., $1X3 :?ir-Lishlnin5 Pcliili X pint W. . , ........ 75 1 urt .. ..... .. 1X3 Paints and Enamels Good quality-paints in all popu lar colors at pleasing prices. Top Pressing . Western! Top Dressing-, for pen-' tasote topski Priced, according to size and Cf 01 1H flnlsb vJUw to v 1 1 u ccordinjr to size. For Khki Sport ' 0 1 H 0 Tops, quart can. ...... V 1 1 J U Tire Paint A- specially prepared rubber paint that, preserves the casing: -r-gives-a, new look to the nf tires. 1 pint black ...... CUu " Blowout Patches Will hold aay ordinary blowout jrrirnut-priceor- r size aJU to Luu 'Ask for : Our General ; Catalog Ilish"