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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1924)
I Is i J ; ;.' if. THE I OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 e cti o a Sal em ' s lass b O o "ill it ifiep Great Market ' . 1 ; r ; -3 f 1 V :- I ! - r MS 1 V I t i" J h i V V T 1 r i A ; '"- ? 1 . ' i LOANS 24 Ws have money to loan at 7 per cent iwrri, aecnriiy muni t good. W. II. UHABENUORST A CO. 275 State St. j 24-sl4 TO LOAN 300 "SYZ" STATESMAN i i - r Z4-sl3' GOVERNMENT LOANS ON TARMS SH Pr V. U Wilkinson. 902 D. 8 . National bank adds?.' ' W-aprOt BKALi -ESTATE City 25 Own Your. Home VOB ! SALE ! BY OWNER DESIRABLE -, modern home, uir new Parriahy school. i rooms, sleeping- porch, luraace, ga rage. Urge tor. fruit, $4300 each or easy (era. Phone 1007. 23-sl3 i '"i. ! 8XAP! 1 Good four room home with modern .plumbing and electric lights. Price $1530; S20O down, balance .$20 per month or will rent for $17 per month. W. il. UKABtSHOlUT CO. 275 Bute St. - 25-sls 1 !- FOR SALE Xew six. room modern hofisa on ear Vines acre -land, benntifnl heme. Sma'l payment down. . This will anit you fine, j . ) Fine .4 acre land on car line, sev rat fruit tree. A good place to build your home. $30 cash, balance terms. .race 700. l . A fine acreage close in, good build "tra. plenty of - fruit, en paved road. Water piped to house and barn. At a much sacrifice price if taken immediate ly. ; Let me show you. G. W. if!r, 410 Oregon Bid. 23-sl MUST BE 80LD A. aaodera bungalow. 7 rooms, on North Capitol street. 95SOO; terms. v . . m ANOTHER OXE- Xert a Summer street; that ia well -worth, too money.' atotUra 8 room, 'J ' a lory bungalow. Price reduced to 93. 3:. terma. : BANDY 4 ROOK BUNGALOW a paved street, that is a beauty for 923VO for quick deal. I . $175 BUYS A HOME a Sorth 21st street. 6 rooms, lights, aower, paved atraet. A cheaper one on South 23rd and Oak atreeta for $700; with terma. , : Choice vacant lota for Bale. By CHILDS A BECHTEL. 540 State 8L 23-al2tf . GOOD i VALUES ' $2700 buys a 4 room house. Break. . fast nook.- garage, lot 66 by 122. $600 buya a s-ood lot oa the cor ' ner of Hood and Cottage atreeta. Would take cheaper lot, ia exchange. $3300 buya two houses and 4 lots just outside of. the city limits. $2130 buya a room bouse at 431 South 16th atreet. 8mall cash pay ment. Balance monthly. Vacant. . $3630 buya completely furaiahed 5 room boose. Small cash payment. Bal ance like rent. '92130 buys a new 4 room house and garage. Jiear school. $430 cash, bal a ace $20 a month and .; interest. We 'at ill write fire ' insurance at ' though 1 wo have ; no arbool iaaurance. , ' : : KRCECER . ' 147 Xorth Com'l St. Phone 217 U ! " . ! - ! ' ' - 23 13 WOUERS SIX BOOM UOCSE COM pletely, aewly and artistically furnish ed. . See owner , oa premises, corner Oak and Liberty. . 23-olQ ft ROOMS MODERN TERMS OR WILL lease. 1363 8. CotUfe, $2800 or $23 aaoath. - . . BECKE A UZXDKtCKA . : U: g. Bank Bldg. , 23-slltf 4 ROOM 8 AND ENCLOSED BACK porch, - strictly modem,; with fireplace., east front, on corner lot, doable garage, north Capitol, near high sehooL Price 9380O; 4 room -with bath, new electric - raago and water heater, oa Division, near High. Price $2000 oaly $10Q down and balance $30 a month without ' interest.: This gets away from rent; elisninatea car fare and buya a bom at the eaiae time you can't beat that. McOlLOHRIST PENNINGTON 209 C.-8. Bank Bldg. Phono 140. .;. -i . . t '. 23-alltf Business corner L .$12,000 Business house . $20,000 Apt. bouao clove in $14,000 -. Apt. house close in , $12,300 - j Jlpt. bouse closer in , $40,000. ,i Apt. house still closer ia. $80,000 : Bvautiful borne, more beautifully lo cated s. i .-. ....$13,000-3 . Attractively located borne ia South . Salem, famished $6300 :-' GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 92 N Cottage, i ; 23 slltf S ROOM-BUNGALOW EAST FRONT. large lot $3600 ; 6 room bouao ia good condition close in 93000: 3 room new bungalow eaat ' front, i garage, paved ; atreet 9390O; attractive large cornet : lot 7 room house, basement, furnace, ' garage, eaat front, 4)3375; A beautiful heme oa car line, paved street, large corner, $4800; 4 room house in splen did -condition. 916&0; 4 room house furnished, paved atreet. east front, close 'in on ty $2300; On creek, large lot close J rooms house, 2 spts. ia basement, $.1830. , Gcrtrada J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. . ; ' 23-slltf - 92730 9750 CASH ' North Salem, 5 room house with bath, rhalf.i,attio and basement. Good com ; feftsble homo ia agreesbla setting -of ahsde and fruit trees; big lot. Good street. Bargain. Moat sell. J you i dVm't like the price or terms, make offer. Seo the place, 1893 N. Church HU Phone 1365R. . 23-sll 2700 Fairmount Hill , ;" Small seml-soodera. ! 5R house and s garage : oa paved atreet. One of the ' beat tocatroaa en hilL 9300 cash down. ' Or what bavo yon f Balance monthly. Robinson Oregon Bldg. . 23-slO OAKS. ADDITION LOT PRICE 91100. It" a dondy and term will handle. .BECKE A HENDRICKS r. S. Bank Bldg. . j t 23slllf SEMI-SUBURBAN CITY CONVENIES ees. 6 room new modern Dutch Col . ealsL' Lots builtia features. Double construction. South Salem, 96,230. ; ., - Six room modern bungalow. Salem -Heights. One acre, i Fruit, poultry yards, etc.' Unlimited view, 94.000. S room bouse. . Modern conveniences. Psved street, one aere. Beautiful txas. Close to schools. 96.500. . : A. C. BOURN STEDT ' 147 Ko. Coa'L St, Salem, Oregon. V . . , ; 23 s7tf . i - MUST GO ' The lHtle house and aero of good Is sd. easy terms, well located. $1300. i Mear-car line, on paved road. Also - a Si room plastered new' house, 8o. Sa-.- Ism ear liae. $830. Wood abed, food garage, food value, terms. See Wm. r leasing. $41 Stato St. , - 23-s3tf , CENTER STREET HOME - -! ew and modern with fireplace, hard- - wood floors, hsemeat. furnace. Com . biaalion living and dining room, two - bed rooms, bath, and kitchen. price $4200l $10OO down will handle, lo cated oa Center near N. 14th St. Let ' us ahoW you thla home today. " W. IL GRABENUORST A CO. ; 275 State St. . 2314 FOR SALE TWO NEW 4 ROOM BUK galowa. Very small payment, like rent. Will take auto on either of these. V rhone Owner. 520. ; j ' 23-al4 TOR SALESEVEN BOOM HOUSE, modern throughout, rood tocatioo,rt '- blocks from iUte bouae. Addreaa Own or. 1031 ChemeketaiSt. ; 25 a38 91400. BARGAIN - New mod era stucco baozalow homo located on paved street. Terma. W. H. ORABENHORST CO. . REAL ESTATE City S3 i GOOlt BUYS A INVESTMENT Nice cloaein 10 j acre improved tract ; bargain V330O easy terms. Good apartment : bouao close la Snap v easy terms. I Oloseia 5 aerf improved tract eon horse, tools, t feed, 93250 waat resi- :' denee.y j . Fine new all modern 5 room bungslou ; fine location! 93800 terms. Several Farms; to exchange for eitj - bomea. j Dandy nice 5 room modem bangalos) 93500. ! , See our; list of Bargains exchange before? investing. PERRINS A MA8TERS : Com. Clnb Bid. - 23-aSltf GROCERY; AND CONFECTIONERY store , by owner. Well locsted in Silverton. M. E. Strand, SUrerton, Oregon. j: : . ;: . . i ; j ; 23-816 NEW MODERN BUNGALOW, PAVED 1 street, east Balem, saoio. Neat five ' room bungalow, paved Street, east Salem, $2700. f Six room strictly modern home close in. $5000: easy terms. r Exchange 79 acre farm, $4000 for : home in : aalem ; - 73 acre farm near Woodbnrn, 912,. :' 000. for suburban home. P. L. Wood. , 341 State St. i 25-alOtf MODERN-STUCCO BUNGALOW HOME Located on -North Church. 5 rooms Si with basement.! furnace, fireplace, hard- wood floors, extra large living room. , Price 93200 ; terms. Located on pave- t W. H. C RABENHORST CO. 273 State 8Cf : 25-sl4 ROOMS 93000 ' TERMS. SEE AT ! 1245 Waller. Trim lot and modern j bouse,' ' Reduced from $3330 to move. ; Close car nd schools. Basement. BECKK A HENDRICKS i V. S. Bank Bldj. 23-slltf I Best Buys and Exchanges 6 room modern bungalow, 2 lots, ga rage. $1200; terma. 7' room modern, very close in, $3000, Easy terms. ' : ; $5300; furniture hud hardware buain ness - in good s town, will take Salem residence or income. $ 18,000 genersi merchandise aad building material business doing $100,t 000 annually, caome terma. $25,000 buys a well locsted business block 'in 8s lent, easy terma. Money to loan, houaaa and apart-meats-; for rent... - . Socolofsky 811 State St.! I . 23-sGtf FOR SALE BT 'OWNER MODERN 8 room bouse, basement, paved street, gs rare. 141 8. 14th. Phono 1140M. T ROOM HOUSE ON STATE 8TREET Old Ivory finish. House in excellent condition, - garape, $2650. This is a good bay. s : 6 room modern borne on 14th atreet at 9490O: will f take cheaper bouae or good building let as part-payment. 6 room bouse, chicken house and garsge, one arre ground, $2300; will trade oa large? acreage not aver $3,- ' OOO. i ': , WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 216 Qregoa Bldg. 25-s7tf I i; CLOSE IN HOME I 4 room lot 30 by 165, paved street. essy terms. Price $260. ! Wi H. GRABENUORST k CO. 275 State St. , 25 sl2 $300 DOWN. TAKES 1180 MADISON. balance 920 month, sev, modern. ! . BECKE ft HENDRICKS TJ. a. iBank Bldg. 23-slltf A" BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME OP 8 acres ia cherries. English walnuta and logana. Very close to Salem. 7 room,' modern bouse almoat new. Full basement, furnace, fireplace, plumbing all in, lota of: built-ins. Small barn, chicken bouse, For sale at $12,000 or : trsde' for Portland property. Write or sea Mrs. Moyer, 147 X. Commercial : 8t. " ; ; 25-s5tf For The Salem Florist or f Gardener j we have: 13 large lots or nearly 2 seres, just 3 blocks from paved atreet. with good 7 room plaatered house, elec tric lights, bath, part cement basement, easily fully -modernized. Good barn, WOodhouse and sheds. Has a complete water system from inexhaustible wetl with electric-motor, large tower tank, pipes all over ground. Owner old and eick. is leaving, i Price 94500. 5 rooma natural wood finish, hard wood floors, furnace, cement basemeat, large lot on paved atreet near State, s very tine home at $5300. 8 room 1 V atory modern plastered homo close in, 5 bedrooms, furnace, cement bssement, large garage. Reason able at $o000. Some terma on' above. Oregon Farms for sate or trade. 10 acrea cbighly improved, 2 miles out on Garden road, good 5 room bouse, barn, garage,' hen houses, haa Cherries, Prunes. Filberts.- Raspberries, etc. close to school. Will trade for smaller place on highway or Salem property or sell for $6000.. 'Hi i 4 acres between D street and Gsrden road; good room house, barn, hen bouses. all fenced, lots of fine fruits and-berries, close to school. Trade for lens ground en highway or Salem home. Price $5900. j 28 acres 'well improved, 314 miles Woodbum-Silverton paved road. Small boue, good barn, garage, hen house. Trade equity! for Salem home or aell on jrood terms for 570O. 170 acres aear Marion and Turner; 5 room house,: barn, fenced aheep tight, windmill, running water. Take city troperty. sell or rent reasonable on mg terma. iyf i 640 acrea eastern Oregon, good land, small bouse, nesr good town and high way. 3 good live aprings; also 20 acres, well improved in Liberty district, has fsir small buildings, fruit and nuts, -good timber and running Water. Owner .is old, will aell or trade either, for home ia town up to $3000. bajanco long terms at 5 per cent. "List property or Students' rooms with us free of chsrge. Pbone 200. Easterners Sk for fsrms. Oregon Incorporated Victor Schneider, 8ecretsrr, 313-816 tli S. Bank : Bldg., Salem. Oregon. 25-S13 MINUTE MOVIES FULLER PMUN W A ONE. PEEL HER ERROR pmducexL: y, -ED-SWEELAN - i V. i aV an STICKLER 1MB VILLAGE SCMOOL- Teacmeis. REAL ESTATE City 25 $830 BARGAIN Fine building lot located on Center atreet aear 14th St. 1'rice $850. Thia lot ia a real bargain and ia lower in price , than any lot in that vicinity. W. It. GRABENUORST k CO. 275 State , St. 23 11 IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A BARGAIN ; HERE AB1 A FEW SAMPLES: S room bungalow, baseicant and all ' modern conveniences; one acre of land. Just -the thing for partiea wanting a cow and chickens.- Price $4250; terms to suit. Brand new 4 room bungalow, modern except basement, for only $1700; good Urni. - , . 4, $2700 buys a 6 room bungalow at a , Bacrifice. Party ia going to Portland, and must aell. It haa full basement, plastered, bath, toilet and all modern conveniences; easy terma. - 80 acres of land near a good thriving suburban town, 30 acres in cultiva tioa; SO acrea in open pasture; 20 acrea timber. Watered by well, spring aad creek. Good 7 room house, Vi mile from pavement on good rock road. fine cows; 2 heifers; 1 mare; 9 tons hay; lOO bu. oata; 4 tons straw ; geese; chickens; all farm implements. Price 970O0 i very eaay terma. HfiE US ABOUT YOUR LOAN We have money to loan either on eity or country property. If you have a house to rent, let us rent 'it for you. We specialise in trades. If yon have anything to trade: Farms for City o" City for Farms, let ua help you find what you want. , t Moisan & Ulrich ; 122 N. Commercial j ' J ;t: Phone i ll 354: J Hf i' X - - : v I i ': ' ' 6 ROOMS IN OAKS $4375. FURNACE, fireplace, garage, large. See at 1275 E BtreM. r - t " rh: BECKE k HENDRICKS U. S. Bank BldC. 23-slltf 8 ROOM HOUSE ON CAR LINE. HOD. ern except beat. 92000. 9300 cash, rest like. rent. 6 room modern bouse, two lota,' 92800; 9300 down. 6 room mod' ' era except heat, 92800; 9300 down, rest like rent. Iowa, Nebraska and Dakota land to exchange for Oregon. ' t 1 - See ua for Bargains and Exehsnges. BARBER 200 Gray BJdg. 25-s30tf BARGAIN IN HOME. GRAND VIEW, overlooking city and valley. Xear street ear line, corner lot 90x135, fruit, ga rage, city water and deep drilled well, 6 plastered rooms, bath, sleeping porch, full concrete basemeat, $3200; terms.. See owner. 2390 South Church atreet, ecraer MeGilchrist St. 25-a29tf FOR -8ALE NEW BUNGALOW. WA LKi ihg distance, $1250; easy terma. Own er. Room 8. Bayne Building. 25-s6 , ' . : $1700 BUYS: ' ' ,-V' 'A good five room plastered bunga low home with bath, toilet, located near car line, 911O0 down to handle. This ia a real bargain. W, H. G RABENHORST CO. 273 State St. 25-sl3 MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE COM- pletely, newly and artistically furnish ed. See owner on premises, corner Oak and Liberty. 23 s7 PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7V4V wording "For Sale, Enquire At'" Pnca 10 ' cents each. Statesman Busincas Office. Ground Floor. roR salf: s good east front lots on Capital atreet, paving paid. ' ... Good terms. - . For - sale good lot on Norway, SO by 125 for rood east front lot on Map le avenue, 9250. Vi block, 7 full lots, close to Engla wood or Junior high school. $1500 fur , .11. -: . - 6 good lots 50 by 100 on paved street for 91000. ' Good lots ia Salem Heights and Nob Hill at all prices.. 3 acre tract well improved aad 9 room modern bouae. Very cloae in. Good terma. 147 N. Commercial St. Mra. Moyor. 25-a5lf INVESTMENT 2 HOUSES FOR 93000. $500- down to handle. I BECKE k HENDRICKS ! U. S.j Bank Bldg. 25 slltf ".We All Dig for : " Dollars" Good ' 6 room bungalow.' basement,' food property. Only $2800; terms.. Fine 6 room bungalow, paved street, facing east. Barn. Price $3000, terras Fine lot on Fairmont HilL, 75x150 9730 for quick aale; terms. A very fine 10 acre tract, close in, rich soiL A anap at $4000; terms. Money to loan at 6 per cent on good arm property up to $30O0. If it is a bouse, lot, iarin, or a trade ee me ' We write insursnee. . ' , Rich L. Reimann ; : Realtor : 1 807-308 Oregon Bldg Phoo 1013.' 25-al7tf BUSINESS Opportunities 2 ,c BUSINESS PROPERTY GOOD 7 ROOM home ea lot suitable for many lusi nesses. Fof fluick ale $5800. BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 26-sllt( BUSINESS LOCATIONS TO LEA SIC We hare three for small grocery, res taurant or confectionery. Space 3 by 60. , BECKE k HENDRICKS ' XI. S. Bank Bldg. 26 sH(t BU81NES8 CHANCES RESTAURANT for Hale : also residence grocery. Ji u iq Salere. . Living quarters with both. Confectionery and lunch in Alhafty. Cash to handle. : Gas station ou high way. BECKE ft HENDRICKS -V. S. Bank Bid;. 2S slltf IlEALi ESTATE Farms 2 t 6 ACRE SNAP ON PAVING CLOSE to Salem. Good houoe and garage $43o0. BECKK ft HENDRICKS V. R. Bank Bldg. 28 lllf A heav HOBO w SEARCH OF A LIGHT LlNCM GOOD fSfeAOOVS. Myi V J I M aF SHOULD: USE: eEl mean; .a aw . REAL) ESTATE Parma 28 A CHANCE TO MAKKOME MONEY! Here is a 58 acre farm located North of Salem for a price of $4000; if sold at once. This pruperty ia worth more - than price asked. Mortgage $1300; ; balance must tie cash.-t W. H. GltABEMiORST k CO. 273 State St. . '.. 28-sll A SNAP 10 ACRES WJT-H GOOD binld v ings, bearing prunes, -cherries and ap ple, located near Liyesly, on main : road. Price $30O0; y. rsh down. W. II. Grabenhorst A Co. 275 State 28s7tf 64 ACRE TRACT Located near the city, sightly loca tion, aome timber. New- three room garage house. Price -92500. Mortgage 91800; balance 9130. down, 920 per month. i ' W. II. GRABENHORST A; CO. 275 State St. 28-sl2 20-ACRES OF CHOICE LAND ALL UN der cultivation. Uood Y 5 room bouse and out bui la dings, 3 acres young prunes. . Family orchard of all : kinds of fruit. 1 mile east of pen - oa paved road. Will take boute in city up to $3500 and 92000 cash. I Balance terms. Price $8000. Phone 19F4 -for particulars. i 28-sll " - LOOK A real farm' bargain 94 acre river bottom farm, 43 acres plow land, gooa buildings, 8 room house and large barn 40 by 60, nearly hew;, PViee for quick aale $8400; 93400 cilkh, balance time. Or will take good home around 93500 ia Salem. W. H. GRABENHORST k CO. Realtors. 275 State St. j 28 sl2 19 ACRE FARM CLOSE TO SALEM North. $7000. Its a dandy. BECKE k HENDRICKS U. S.-Bank Bldg. i 28-slltf 320 ACRES RANCH With approximately 20.000 cord of standing fir timber, 8(1 acres plow land, . old buildings. Price; 865 per acre if sold soon. This is :, a real snap for aome one. Located one mile off main ' Pacific highway, i Will-take some good Salem city property for part. W. H. GRABENHOltST k CO. 275 State St. 1 - 28-sl3 11 ACRES THREE! MILES SOUTH FOR ,. 92200. . ! j . 40 acres 5 miles south $5500. 80 acres 5 miles south $8500. Reasonable terms on any. BECKE k HENDRICKS C. S. Bank Bldg 28 slltf FOR SALE 158 14 ACRE FARM Locsted near Salem on main road. Price . .000. W, II. Urabenborat k co. 275 State. ! ! 23-s7tf HEAL. ESTATE Suburban 30 CHOICEST SUBURBAN HOMESITES Overlooking river drive and beatrtnul Polk county orchard hills. Selections being made and I developments coming. Rare offer to an early buyer. HARRIS, 317 Oregon Building. Phone 455. I " v 30-a27tf USED CARS For Sale 31 REAL USED CAR VALUES! 1920 Ford touring $173 1920 Overland touring.... $173 194! I Ford coupe 300 1921 Overland aedan.v.. 4f.O 192a Chevrolet touring . 430 1924 Chevrolet touring.... , 500 1924 Cleveland touring 850 1921 Gldsmobile aedaa 50 We allso have Chevrolet and -other small cars at $50 and up. All cars guaranteed as represented. "After We Sell-We Serve" F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 N. Commercial St. 31-alOtf 1920, Chevrolet tourvat ....$190 U -new paint, motor. ; A. 1920 Chevrolet touring 9200 new top cover, good tires. 1921 Ford roadster,. 9200 delivery box on rear. We give easy ternMU NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. ai-sotf FORDS 1923 Tour. Vacuum , tank, speedometer, SAM spot light, automatic windshield cleaner, mirror, aeat cut for bed, trunk, dash light, foot throttle. All for 9365 1923 coupe extra good one 9450 1923 4 door sedsn. extras $675 w 1921 roadster, i rebuilt 9243 i cheVrolets 1923 Superior model touring, driven 1200 miles, new paint ...$450 1923 Business coupe.......... 9595 1922 touring . i - -....,.$ 2 73 ' STARS ' 1923 coupe, driven 9000 miles $573 1923 touring, new cord tires $895 1824 sport 5 passenger, driven 4000 : miles 4 . $080- OVEKLANDS i 1924 sedan, new -type with wide ! aeats, extras . . $8o ' 1923 touring . -..--. - $450 Of course these curs are guaranteed same as a new automobile. Certified Public Motor ! Car Market i r v - 31-sl3 Used Car Specials - : ' - : .-I v Oldsmobile: aedaa. - f Dodge aedaa. Flint coupe. ? -Ford touring. Jordan 7 passenger. k " Dodge roadster' . : We will give you the mot reasonable . terma and guarantee Jyon 100 per cent on the dollar on your investment. Buy from tis with confidence. Ma c DO N A LDrA U TO CO. Cottage at lerry St. 31a7tf FOR SALE PAIGE LIGHT SIX CHEAP. I none jo-. : -j TJ8ED FORD CARS FROM AW AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring cars ..$ 5 to $350 $ 75 to $325 $175 to $V $225 to $150 ; 8 65 to $275 $ 85 to $383 Roadsters Coupes Sedans. u. Light i deliveries Ton trucks .... Bugs" $125 to $225 All rare are guaranteed. Liberal terms. A few Bus rhassia $.. i VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1905 'fiO X. Hig-h 31 Jne23ff r (All. rights protected by The George Matth tuiiT pile of t rru - new w you TP Iff 1 - VI il - AT S T- T". SI 1 r: 1 u 1 ir-- -ft CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAY OR night. Phone SC. 173 South Liberty.' ' IM AUCTIONEERS ' .: - yjk i i F. N. WOODRY m Expert Lives fo-k. furniture, real estate s AUCTIONEER Ret. 1610 N. Summer Phone 511 fof i sales dstes. , i) I L. E. TALBOTT f ' Auctioneer Phone ; 470 202 U.. B. Bank Bid a1 j O. SATTERLEE I i : Auctioneering- . p Rooms 25-ae, Breymaa Block Phone 4110 or 1211.?.- ine-12t aw aw a . . . ... ,. -. AUTO PAINT1NO HAVE US REPAINT YOUR OAS WITH our new, permanent finish. r- II :: teaurr Caaa High Street at Trade AUTO REPAIRINO Cylinder grinding, crank shaft true ing. We're specialists. Donerite Ma chine Shop. Automotive machinists, 349 Frry St. -.- BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS Wiiism 3 .- 531 Court St. JUs. WJ1.L1AMS PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferris Bros., Phone 1803, 4td '-Court,'.! . . I -' .'";&! R. D. BARTON 5 EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. i : - BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD !. RAMSDEN DAYTON. Bl'Cf eles and repairing: 387 Court. 'I CARPET AND B.TTO WEAVINO , : SALEM CARP E T CLEANING AN1 Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven ; any sise without seams. New mattrt-asea made to order. O'A mat tresses remade. 'Feathera renovated; -;I buy all kinds of old carpets tor fltif f rugs. 134 and Wilbur streets. , Phone 1134. Otto F. Zwicker. Prop. y-p :l CHINESE PHY8ICIAM DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St.. Phone 283 CHIROPODIST DR. S.F. ; SCOTT. . GRADUATE NA tmnal University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Temple.? Phone 640. CHIROPRACTOB8 DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR, -414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg- Phone 87. 1 res. Mn-tt. CLEANERS ft DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 121 tS. CommerciaL Pbone 1868. Wa ipe i eialiie on one day a'vice. - g CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVlU CON8ULT?NO, CONSTRUCTION ; Conctructing engineer. Surveya. esti : natea Jno. H. Neef, 319 Oregon BIHe. Phone 775 CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT TaTORK' CALL AT - 436 - N. Summer atreet, Phone 674-J. . U CHERRY CITY ? CONTRACTING CO. ' Oeneral contracting and building. Esti ' mates gladly furnished. Phone 1867R ' or A9F12. 2' DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY T1" wording; 'Dressmaking"; price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office Ground Floor ELECTRICIANS SALEM I ELECTRIC CO. M ASOSIC : buildin. Phone 1200. ELECTRIO FIXTURES AND SUPPLY j Co. Phone 1934; 222 N. lAberty. F L E E N E R ELECTRIC C O, . House wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phone Vou. 471 Court St. - ;- r , HALIK ELECTRIO I ; . SHOP , Electric Fixtures Washing Machines ? . Vacuum Clsaaers 837 Court St. -. Phone 488 Res. Phone 702$ FINANCIAL LOANS MADE OS GOOD CITY PROP- erty at a low rate on me easy payment plan, ao at end ; of ear you are all paid up. Farm loans on large or small tracts; privates money. See first and you will go no farther. G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregon Bld(. Farm Loans iy2 ?p :'i ANDERSON ft RUPERT - 406 Oregon Building LOANS Farm and City . Most liberaf rates and payment privileges. HAWKI MS ROBERTS 203 Oregon Bld$. Salem, Oregon .s .; fS tf ew Adams Service Trade Mark : mm JaT cwance, "Tr-iE LAZiEST LOAFER IN TWO STAlfeS TuJETy-SCVcr'N COUAlTlES . ,y. FULLER PHUN AW MO i LAP.' " 1 VtXJ SAW ME SEE it- but-; - BUSINESS and, Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference FINANCIAL BStLOANS UNDlHt RESERVE 8Y8TEM on city or farm property. Reserve De posit company, 72 -Fourth Street, Port land, Or. FARM LOANS LESS I N T E R E 8 T. longer time, no commission. Protects against adversity.- City loans, lowest rstes, monthly installments, pro-payment privileges. J. C. Siegmund, room 2, over Ladd ft Bush bsnk. : City Loans On improved property or for improved purposes. THE BEST and easiest wsy to psy on losn is our monthly installment plan. 96 payments of $14.14 repays a loan of $1000.00. and interest. Equitable Savings 4 Loan : . Assn. ANDERSON k RUPERT Agents 408 Oregon Building . 11 FARM PAPER IF 1 YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this sd. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest jonrnsl ia the west. , The articles and advertise ments are of ap"eial interest to the poultry bredera of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial atreet, fralem. Oregon. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, de orations. C. F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty Phone 380. - . I 1 1 T-inT waaaaasB i i. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 8ALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC tors. 210 Center. Phone 1S56. FURNITURE STORES G1KBE FURNITURE CO. -Q UALITT furniture -tpr less money. 372 Court, Phone 464.. PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW and second; band furniture; 271 N. Commercial. J HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. ; Phone 117. STAMPING, HEMSTITCHINO. JiEEDLE work. The Vogue, 429 Court St. ; a-31 HEMSTITCH 1 NO, STAMPING. PLEAT "ing. The Petite Shop, Room 5, over Busicks. i n29tf SALEM ELITE II KM8TITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work: a2- Oregon hldg. Phooe 379. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATH 1ST, Does a general practice. Treats Goiter. . Gall Stones, and Dropsy, arising from . diseaaea of heart, liver or kidneys . without operation. . Office and resi- dence, 296 N. Liberty St., Salem, Or. ' Phone 147. ' - ' - INSURANCE LET CS TAKE CARE OF YOUR INSUR- ance and WORRY in your stead. . - We write all.kinds of Insnrance aad KEEP YOU PROTECTED at no extra s cost. Phone 206 or call on 1 OREGON INCORPORATED 315-316 U. S. Bank Bldg.. Salem. WARREN F. POWERS I.ife, Accident, Fire, Automobile SioU. f. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 607 LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women; 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 316 8. Liberty atreet. Phone -J. o 1 d e a t largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY 8TEAM LAUNDRY ,i Quality work; prompt service; 12 6 4 Rroilvar. monipia W0ikss9SBsss9 LUGGAGE COME HERE I The -best buya in bsnd luggage and trunks. MAX O. BUREN . Furniture 179 N. Com' L Salem MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. - MUSIO LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated, atandard music..! Semi-classic and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School, 11c- Cnrnark Wide MUSIO STORES SHERMAN, CI.AY ft CO.. PIANOS v fiteinways, Duo-Art end others. Moore s , Music House, 413 Court Street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO ' graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano aludies. - K pacing puono : graphs and sewing machines; 432 State atreet, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR-A NEW Victor or Rrunawirk. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co., Musi'' Iept. ' NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 461 M jne-2rt Registered U. S. Patent Office) x r - - Tf. M - 1 - .i v : i : ! . - 1 1.1 ir. ' ' 1 " " ., 1 1 , . -r m-E.s.t I . .ht K. I l-J;- DIRECTORY NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. 8LAUGUTER ACUTE AND chronic diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1 IP. i ag - NURSERY STOCKS I FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pesrer Bros.,! 237 State. ' OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. ? Charges ressanable Examination free. BKBMLKsSSBHnsaasHsLssa PAPERHANGINO AND PAXNTIBtf PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB HOUSk decorating, paper banging, tinting,: ate. Reliable workman. i l f' ' GET MY fATli TREE SAMPLE BOOK for comparison"; MAX O. BUREN Furnltors 179 N. Com 1. Salsm PHYSICIANS ft SURGEONS -r- : i George VehrsMjp ' Spejcial Attention ' 1 -Sursery, yrecology. Obstetrics ' 410-11 U, S. Bank Building ;. . Office hours 10-12; 2-3 fc and by appointment i if Office Phone 613 Res. Phone 1973-J PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner, j Leave orders Will's Music 8-or. 1 i :- ' -' j PLUMBING PLUMBING AND' GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsber Bros.; 141 S. Liberty Phono 530. i i M9tf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND OOIL work, Phone 493-W. Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. , :a RADIATORS, FENDEBS. ETO. RADIATORS. FENDERS. BODIES made or repaired.; J. 0. Bair. 239 State Bt. XADXO RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. V. 8 BARTON, Prop. Masonic iTenple Phone 1200 SEP AIRING ALVIN B. STEWART ' 5 . 947 Court St. r '3 Umbrf Has, Cutlery and Keys Lawnmowers, raior-blades, scissors, knives and 'tools sharpen ed . " SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE OAR bage and refuse oi all kinds removed by the months Reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned and dead animals re moved. Phnn a: Ofii.-e "5 1 Kes 20". SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH inar and ahoes. Best oneea Daid. CaD 'itab -Exthahge; 842 North Commercial Phone 1S6S-W. - ' - STOVES AND 8T0VB REPAIRING 8TOVE8 REBUILT AND. REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot National fence, sixes 26 it 58 in . high. Paints, oils and varnishes, etc.. loganberry and bop books; ' Salem nee and Stove Works. 250 Court Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. -4- 22o Stato St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specially. Get - our rates. s . t i - - - g WE MOVE.i STORE AND 8H1P HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving. We also 'make coun try trips. 1 We handle the beat coal and wood. Call oa ua for oricea. Wo jvr good measure, food quality and , good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930 TRANSFER AND HAULING OFJ ALL kind. Phone 19K3. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S 8TAGE LINES . " 0. W. Parker, General Mansrer Central 8'age Terminal Salem, Oregon 8ALEM-8ILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stags Terminal; . 7 a. m.; 11 a. ra.; 5 p. m. V- Leaves Silverton News Stsnd; f . S a.m.: 1 bjl! 6 D.m. 'i Salem-Independence-Monmouth Division leaves Salem, central Mage lerminai . 7 a-m.i 9 a.m.; 11 :lo a.m.; j 8:10 p.m.; 5:10 p.m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 8:13 p.m.! Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a.m. ; 9:50 a.m.; 1:13 p.m. 14 p.m.; 9:30 p.m. . - j? Leaves Central 8tage Terminal, Salem : ! ;; for Dallas at : ii i 7 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.m,; , Leaves Gsil Hotel, Dallas, at: 44 . '. 9 a.m, ; 1 p.m.; 6:15 p.m. 1 We make 'connections at Salem lo all parts of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointments l- ij? J. W. PARKfB, Oeneral ManajerI WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT k POWER CO. Office, 8ll South Commercial SK .-Ten .per cent discount on domes tie fist rates paid in advance. No deduction for absemie or any cause unless water i shut off ' yoiirrejmKesJt L 1-Vi-guson fit r SEATTLE. Sept. 1 1. Returns from 4 6 9;! precincts out of 516 in the fifth j congressional district give for; the republican nomina tion: Ferguson . 17.049; Corkery 14.39 4. h! i: "' By ED WHEEL AN f VOU A1MT 1 m , 1 SEEN ME SAW iTl.o Ml I' DOES HE CONSIDER 1 US A RACE OF FOOLS i (Continued from page 1) cusslon ot the La Follelte more ment, which he characterized aw "the culmination of , (he most dan gerou$ era, of demagogisrn through which' this country has eyer pass ed," quoted the declaration in the La Follette platform for a con stitutional amendment providing that congress might by enacting a statute make it effective over at judicial reto. -. ; "'Thi$ proposition,'! he asserted, "is "tp abrogate the principle of three-fold division pt power -executive, legislative and judicial iwnicn is tne basis oi our constitu tion, and make the executive ana judicial power subordinate to the legislative power. It means that for our present form of govern ment, we are to adopt; another in which congjess will predominate. The success of such a, doctrine, which would, mean that the con stitution would bi? stripped of authority, would bA t disastrous, and government would become the plaything of changing political pariies, with demagogues in the saddle."' . i : ' 1 ; ... . - Ti.t Tll.t vr "i. j rtn used? gum in a movie seat. : 1 e . . Highway Bids to be Opened by Highway Commissioners Bids for the construction of ap proximately 15 miles Qf road, and one bridge will be considered at a meeting of the stato highway commission to be held ia Portland September 23. - The aeyerai project for which bids, will be opened at this meet ing follow: , ! M ?.;:'- Curry county lnmark-Coos county line section of J he Roose velt highway, 4.7 rpilcs pt grad ing.? y ;;,; ii .v.''.. -. . - Josephine county-rllllno!s river section of the Redwood highway, .9 mile of grading, i '; Lane county Cottage . Grore north section of the Pacific hlgh way. .57 mile of 1$ feet concrete pavement. , r - Nimrod-Dlue rirer section of the McKenzIe River jhlghway, 6.2 miles of grading and broken stone surfacing. , Lincoln county i-Otter Rock Creek section of the Roosevelt Coast highway, 3.7 miles of grad ing; ' f y;.,'." Umatilla county Brdge over1 Umatilla river at the town of ' Umatilla. ; ' m JT SO FEET. ,: SITlVfiTEIJTSj I : ; ::. ' ;. : ; Workmen sinking, a well on the j Tom Caufield farm two miles, north of Rickreall; have found a , flow of gas at 50 --feet,, and salt , water at 80 feet. They are now down 83 feet. ; The salt water comes up in a ' soapy, foamy appearance. The gas burns with a blue flame, lndicat-' ing, it is said, that Jt is from a' petroleum source, and not from recent vegetable :; matter! The workmen sinking the Veil were' after water for stock, and were not thinking of finding indications ot gas or oil. j- V , 1 This new well Is about a mile, and a half from the Cass Riggs; place, where natural pas has been, used for lighting purposes for aj long time, and where it burns as strong as ever, with a blue flame. Both the Riggs and the Caufield places re on the west side paved, state highway, 10 pr 12 miles from Salem. 'y i ... . They are not far from the Am ity hole, which wall sunk for the, purpose of finding gas or oil, but which has been capped, over, the neighbors believe because" those interested have found something they were looking for and are not ready to develop it. J - This also brings j up the propo sition for boring for oil this win ter In the Halls Ferry neighbor hood, by California parties. Any way,! thero ls gas down In the bowels of theearth in Polk county, and oil In paying. quantU ties near here may beia more Im minent thing than most of us real ize. .. - . They took eight stitches In the head of an Indianapolis (Ind.) diver who thought the water was deep enough. 1 SALEM MARKETS T - ' .': Prices quoted are Wholesale and ar prices received by farmers. Kt retail prices are given. GRAIN ASD HAT Vn. 3 wheat ; ,.9I.J0 (ft 91 'Jl No. 3 red wheat, sacked ...i 1.20 l.n tl .24 ats .j ni- w as.-, '"heat hay r. , 913 (.f 91-1 Oal nay .... l . l Clover hay, baled li ) 914 FOlvK. MUTTON AMD BEEF Mors, top, 2'2 27.r. tr.,. 9T.7.1 flora.- ton. V!-1-2T'v eC ... 0 Ilocs, ton, 150-225, cart 9 Of) Knugh heavy ...d... . 2b W c t.isht Biiara ..:..... ' Top veal, dreased ......4 .,..,.... 7c Cows ,......2e fri 4c, Top Ism ha ...... i.;.....7e (rb 9r. . Spring lambs - .ta rouLisr lleavv heaa .....;...;.;. 1 7e. t.ih , - Ho. EOOI, BOTTEK. BUTTE Er AT Creamery Imiter 4:o ftp sfiq Hiitterfat, delivered .............. ,v.fa Milk, per fwt .91. "j LffTH. seleeta ; Standards . 8 4 I'll I lelS WWHWIW, !JQ