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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1924)
6 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 AUDXED BUNCH i T A S THE ONLY DELEGATE : XX, , from! Salem serer attending i this girls') assembly; Miss Ruth E. Ross, one -oz uregon 8 two oi- llcial delegates to the Interna i tional Older Girls' conference last ; month at Lake Genera, Wlscon- $ln, arrived home yesterday. The ; second delegate irom Oregon was ! a Portland girl. Miss Bernlce i Cofer;:." j i.: .'; ' - '! : Miss Ross, leaving Salem July ; 30, .; was Joined . in i Portland by Miss Cofer. . The trip from; Seat tle to Vancouver,- B. C, was made by boat, passage being taken on the "Princess Victoria." From Vancouver i to -Lake ; Geneva, the train trip (through the Canadian rockies afforded a number of in teresting, and ; delightful stops. . The conference,, opening August 7, continued for twelve days, clos ing , on - the 20th of the ; month. The,,flrs.t. day: was given over- to registration, 475 delegates having come, from all parts of the coun try, .The delegates were divided Into groups of. seven, each v group occupying : one- of the cottages wrhich mm) nn-thft mimmr'ml. ony. Aside from . the division of the girls according to their con ference year,) they were grouped to make six different tribes. Miss Ross with a group .of 130 girls, belonged to the Irfquois tribe. A -typical -conference day op ened " with ; setting j up exercises followed t7 a dip in ; the lake. Breakfast ! came at 7:30 o'clock. A full class schedule took up all ofeach-tnorKlngv j inspirational Classes being given in Old Testa ment history, Sunday school class ,i organization,! and ! Young Peoples' Conference 'work. 5 After one afternoon class, the time was; given over . to tribal recreations, . with , many i aquatic sports. The regulation conference togs were .knickers . and middy blouses. After dinner together in one great dining'. room, the girls' met for hillside devotions in the- "Cathedral, of the .Grail." a natural forest retreat. After this hour, the "night's doings" followed. One evening was a treas- PXIOTCE: lOf ure hunt, anothet an impromptu play, i while a most interesting one was a lake excursion to "Ge neva City." HereH the 475 girls with their group! S of fifty lead ers were greeted" s by - two drum corps1 which led f hem in serpen tine through thej -street of the city.: I i j i f 'One special feature of the trip to Lake Geneva was a visit made to the Yerkes Observatory, the observatory having the largest telescope in the world. It wilj; be remembered that' i it was from this territory that the astrono mers made their, u most notable exposures of. Mars, , .At the close of the conference, Mies Ross went to Chicago where she spent five days visiting rela tives. She met. while there, Marj ory Edmunds, Vard Southworth, and Elton Von pschen. , Leaving Chicago,! Miss Ross spent a .week in Eau Claire,, Wisconsin; three days in i St. Paul! and, Minneapo- lis and three days in Ellendale, North Dakota. '.Throughout the winter, Miss Ross and Miss ; Cofer will have, the privilege of telling of their conference experiences at differ ent conferences in the state. SI -i" If' 1 " : , Complimenting. ',Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Jordan and Miss Helen Jordan of Seattle; Dr.' and Mrs. J. Shelley Saurmin were dinner hosts at 7 o'clock! Wednesday. The table was centered with a bowl of. yellow blossoms, with yellow candles further bringing out the attractive color i scheme. ' Man Jongg was the -diversion of the evening. A Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan, Miss Helen Jordan, Mr. and -Mrs. Henry Me yers, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lach mund, Mrs. Charles- Gray of In dependence, and the hosts, Dr. and' Mrs. Saurman. Mrs. Anthony j Wayne Cook, president-general of the Daughters of the American i Revolution, who: is a Portland visitor spoke infor mally on the importance of ob serving Defense day, when Wil lamette chapter, DA. Rl, met for luncheon . yesterday at the home ef the "regent, Mrs. W.. W. Mc Credle, 668 East Broadway. The luncheon was an informal buffet affair, with about 100 present. Mrs. McCredie's home was beauti fully decked with early fall flow ers. ' ! Assisting the hostess were Mes dames U. G. Smith. William R. Briese, Charles S. Arnold, Louis P. Thornton, John , T. Dougall, Murray Manville, C. B. Tllson, William A. Evans, William H. Am bler, J. E. Anderson, James H. Carrlco, S; 8. " Lamont, P. L. Stoeckle and G. E. Watts. ."Ore gonian." : L I " .. ' u - '. '. Chapter G of the PEO sister hood, of .which Mrs. B. X. Beech ler is president, plans - an espe cially active year. A number of committees have been named,' and the program for the entire year made out. , These ? who will serve on the program ; committee include: Mrs. W. M. Hughes, Mrs. W. W. Moore, and Mrs.; F. W. Selee. The social committee members are; Mrs. O. E. Price, Mrs. W. M. Smith, Mrs. B. J. Miles, and Mrs. A. C. Parr. !; Those who will care for the philanthropic interests are: Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Mrs. G. W. Laflar and Mrs. P. J. Kuntz. f On the flower committee the members will be: Mrs. William McGilcbrist, and Mrs. C. B. Mc Cullough. J I Mrs. A. L. Godfrey is the jour nalist for the chapter while Mrs. Frank Churchill is pianist. The year's program will include jfwenty meetings, one of which will be fa Christmas party, one Children's afternoon, one an enr tertainment, one and old-fashioned party, and one a picnic. The year's study will follow the book, 'The Oregon Country In Brief," the program committee of the chapter I being Indebted to the United States National bank in Portland, Oregon for this series of stories. I The chapter includesf twenty seven active members, with a non resident' ; membership of three. The non-resident members are Mrs. B. E. Bowers of Subli mity, Oregon; Mrs. William Knight i of MHwaukie, Oregon; Mrs. J. B. Littler of Berkeley, California; and Miss Ella Welch of Portland. Social Calendar I ' .' Today j ' Barbara Frietchi.tept.Daugu ters of Veterans, larmory, 7:30 o'c)ock. j ;.ast' morning' for war mothers to' sign at Central pharmacy. Saturday . Business meeting of Salem Wo man's club. : Club house. ' Cooked Food Sale, Aiixilary of American Legion. Capitol post No. 9. PIggly Wiggly store. Cooked Food Sale, War Moth ers Niemeyers Drug! store. - West Salem M. p. church sale. Home of Mrs. Fred Smith. - ;Mr. and Mrs. lJnn C. Smith returned the first.' of the week f r0ra a motor trip, to' Coos Bay. la- North Bend they were guests of - Mr. and Mrs. Hary Wende roth who left Salem last February. Mr. Wenderoth. who for eighteen years was in Ladd and. Bush bank, is now manager of Keizer Broth ers' hospital. Mr. and: Mrs. Smith spent sometime at! Sunset Beach. ' - ;:' :; ' j 'Mrs. L. A. Emerson," after 'a month's visit at the A. L. Brown and Fred L. West homes left Wed nesday morning for Med ford on Los Angeles, Emerson was her way home' to California, i Mrs. entertained : in a variety of pleas ant ways while here. . 0i- ! ' ; - ! ?'A number of local- people ate planning to attend' the: 15th an nuaV Round-Up whicfe will take place September 18, 19, and 20. Earlier in the week Miss Joseph ine Sedgwick was - chosen queen of -the occasion, j Miss Sedgwick is a member of the . Hoot Gibson company of motion picture play ers, with Texas her home state. Miss Jessie; Drumheller of Walla Walla was j queen jot -the Round Up last year at Pendleton. Instead of having la bevy of pretty girls attend her. Miss Sedg wick will have men-at-arms. " .Mrs. J. L. Ingtey was hostess Wednesday; afternoon: for the members of the Woman's Home Missionery j society; of-, the Leslie Methodist church at a silver tea. rink roses,; galllardia; and cosmos were used variously In the rooms. Miss Ella Moody ; had charge of the lesson.- Hostesses? with Mrs. lngrey for the day were: . Mrs. Morehead and Mrs. Selee. r;. . From' Large. Eastern Mills We Have Brought to You : Best and Most Diversified Showings We "Have Jiver Been Able, to Offer in mm ' FasMomialble Coatings We have been working for months in searching' and selecting; the kind of coatings that will please our custom ers and give them satisfaction We hope you'll like them and find pleasure in visiting- our store and seeing them whether you desire to purchase or not. 56 Inch Boliria You may be sure that your coat if you I make it of this material will be stylish and much ad- - mired. Soft, warm, all wool, beautiful rich colorings in ; Copper, Nicklegrey, Taupe, Cocoa, Brown, AO Navy, Black; Priced per yard.. 0D7O 56 Inch Downy Wool or Velvatone is of excellent appearance, gives warmth, and has wonderful wearing quality. It is not difficult: to make a very stylish looking coat from this material. Priced a yan . f ' . -a - ; .s" 56 Inch Flamingo Coating, something very new' . has a medium, wide wale with, o-avlv rXnrtA shadow plaid effect between the cord has solid plaid back, r 1 gr Priced per yard W,vD Never Before Have We Had Such a Very Large Stock i of Coatings as Other Coats at 2.98 3J5 3.98 Yd th ' 1 1 I mm - - mr ju, m . w . m i -: em w n 'MWi mm Mm i n . Now .;. ' vmmi. mmm Fall Millinery iii- Our Downstairs Store 2.98 3:98 45 4,98 :- "- , ' . . "i , :. . -' --Jj ! : 5.98 6.75 6,98 j Your Mail Orders - j receive! careful attention. ; We pay th post age ori express within a radius of a hundred miles. !- ! . , j Satisfaction Guaranteed v on every purchase or your money cheprfully reiunaea. 17,98: :m . '. ! ?' : . ! i : '' . 11 urn r-Vv M J m B Salem Store 466 State St. 11 rue QTOHZ fol ruF sfplT Portland Silk Shoji 1 383. Alder St.: , Miss Ruth Barnes and- Mis Esther Parounaglan were compli mented Wednesday evening with a charming ' dinner party at1 which Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills were hosts. . Vivid-colored nasturtiu rs were; used in ; the dining room. The guests . lor the occasion in cluded relatives of Miss Ruth Barnes, bride-elect, whose mar riage will be ' one of the largest nuptial events of the autumn sea son, Hhe ceremony taking place Wednesday, September 17, at the First Methodist church. r Covers. for the pre-nuptial jdin ner were placed for Miss . Ruth Barnes, Miss Esther , Parounaglan. Mr. and Mrs. E. T; Barnes, Ralph Barnes, Mr. and Mrs.. J. H. Baker, Mrs.; Frank Power Miss Florence Power, Miss Delores William:, and I Mr. J. T. Klingensmith of Pennsylvania, a great-uncle of Miss' Barnes! I ' ! I ; , ,ri ... . Jf . Mr. and Mrs. J.: H. Baker have as their house-guest Mr. J T. Klingensmith of Pennsylvania. ':' . " ; sw ' ;. I Gertrude J. M. Page was hos tess at dinner the first of tne week entertaining Miss Page, Ad dison Page, and Mr. and . Mrs. r. Noll of Ida Grove, Iowa. A sale of delicious cooked foods is announced for tomorrow by the auxiliary of the American legion, capital post No. 9. The sale: will be ! held' at the Piggly Wiggly store. ? " Miss Lucille Moore was hostess at a prettily appointed dinner last evening complimenting Miss Leah Ross who leaves for Eugene this month where she! will attend the University of Oregon, entering for herj junior year, I A basket of mixed asters centered , the attrac tive, table where covers were placed for Miss Leah Ross, Miss Ada Ross, Miss Florence Jones, Oregoe State GtASSIFESD SECTION Phone 28 Advertising Dept. C&ASSIIIED ADVERTISEMENTS if ' ' Sat. pu ww4 Per , I. S On. wMk (ilz iasirUoa.). Oa. Boath ' , l i , U 90a Sia mooth" coatraet, pr montk 15a 13 nonOjft' contract, pw bosU 13a Minim na far may SSe FOB S ALB Miscellaneous 8 Money to Loan j Oa Bad EaUU I T. K. FOBD (Ott Lftdd A Bmaa Bank) AUTO TOPS 8 WE BELIEVE IN OREGOK r ' We belieTe in SALEM. We believe in the people and o.raelTea. i We want to abow the world the ad . Tantagea of oar wonderful' Stat, and Citiea and aak you to help ua. Anything - we- know about Real Eatate, Insurance or InTeatmenta ia your, for the eiking. :; Phone 208 or call on OREGON" INCORPORATED ' 815-316, U. 8. Bank Bldg. Salftn, Or. Miss f Lola Millard. Miss Miriam Lorell, Miss Nellie Rowland, and the hostess, Miss Lucille Moore. I Any mother who has had a son in ue service is especially re quested to add her name to the "Defense Test Day" roll which she will find at the Central phar macy in- the Bank of Commerce building. Signatures may be made UP till, noon. J : ijf ' : Mr and Mrs. F. A. Baker plan to leave this week-end for Nesko win for a beach-outing. (Continued on page 8) , f "I STATE Or OREGON , Department of Stat ". "' ; " Salem . ( Notice ia hereby siren, that pursuant to tho provision of Section. 2726-2729, Oregon Laws, the folli-winrc state warranta issued for a period of moreHhan aeren years prior to July 1, 1924. will be declared void and payment thereon refused by the State Trpecui-rr of Oregon, nnlees prerelited for payment at the office of the State Treasurer. Salem. Oregon, within sixty days front the 5th day of September. 1924. the date o the first publication of this notice: ; r ' f V Oen.ral rand i '; Warrant j Date Number t Iaaaed & In Whose Fa Tor Amount 69652 "1899 75040 81245 S.I526 850K3 91122 91373 ' ' ' loO07 80847 81874 22084 22155 22157 22558 82915 4111 7829 8067 85TS 9181 . 6104 8334 8522 0389 In Ar. Aug. Oct. Pebn Mar. Mar. June Jan. 24,! 191ft 23,1 1910 19,1 1916 1 . 117 24. 29. 29 1917 1917 1917 1917 Mill City H. SJ Annual balden. J. w. Tii V. i Hunter, ' John , Kwait Electric! I'otter,: Krmine Co. Sandy Lumber Co. ilcCurn,; Lee I ladustrial Accident Fund 1916 1918 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 Jnly i 7.1 July 25, Aug. 15, Aug. ,16, Aug. !2lj Aug. 21, Aug. 28,1 Hept, 5. Sept.. 26 191S nor. in. ivxo 28,' P. I 19, 20. .25. 26, 27( Not. Dee. ' Dec.- Apr. May : Uar June: 1916 1916 1916 1917 1917 1917 1917 Bryton Engineering Co. Standard, Dr. S. C. . liiltirerv Albert F Dehch. Pete ; . Goodman, li. I4. Yatnouiato, B.-i .... bandr Lumber 'Co. 8cislowski, Edmund .... Sandy Lumber Co. , - Moore, John A. Jal:, W'". R..-j Wanunjf J. A.t ; rEatoneh; Chrjai feialey.s Frank B. .... Kandr . Lumber ;Cc. ,, Walker, Nellie bandy Lumber j Co. 2.25 27.80 2.00 88.00 3.24 l.lO 2.25 1.00 59.61 5.00 6.00 S9.0O 1.80 17.25 S.50 .43 21.00 1 09 2 C2 .75 1.50 4.28 13.50 5.96 testimony whereof. I have hereunto set mr hand anil rmniteI thm uil nf 1 tte of Oregon to be hereto affixed thia 2nd Anw of Reptember, 1924. ( S E It ) : is SAM Ai KOZEE, ' ' Secretary of State. a 5-1219 ? C. m& G. Store 254 North Commercial Pne Block Out of the High, Rent District j 1 Walk a Block and Save Groceries or Olympic; Flour $1.00 .....:75c Crown,- Drifted Snow f fiO ?le70 12 lbs. Berry Sugar r Crisco, j, j 1 . 1 3 pounds i i . ..I I 6 lbs. - .$1.45 2 1-lb. Bread! I. (double) .1 9 lbs . . .$2.15 15c I .Fresh stock, medium size ' i Libby's Pork s & . Beans, 1 ft 1 lb. 2 02...:..... 1UC ; Pacific Nut Butter, , of per lb. ............ CuC i . ' ' ' 4 " ' - " Large size' Staley's , ; q Golden Syrup ...... D SIC ! 7 Bars Sunny Monday or . i iSoap . aCOG Tobacco Star, Horseshoe ISO in ! or Climax I U7C Tuxedo, pocket size 10c ' .5... ; j ..- , Tuxedo, i j QC' 1-lb. can j. ,. ODC ' -I " ' 1 ' Lucky Strike? Cigarettes, r 2 for ....... . 6dC -Camel Cigarettes, carton garettes, 29 tBroom Special Fairly good ; Q House Brom ...... TsaC I j Dry Goods New j stock of full cut QQ well made- Aprons. . 70C Ladles' I summer Unions.Qft . last call, each ..... aJafC Ladies Buster Jrown jr Cotton Hose ....... apC Boys' Heavy Arrowhead : Hose, all sizes, brown or Aft black, 33c, or 3 prs apX eUU Heavy 36 inch Outings, per yard.., 25c Men's and Boys' jl Furnishings New line of Boys' Knee Pants Suits just received You. will find these reasonably ; priced for all wool in one, and two pants suits, $7.30 to Men's Moleskin Pants ........ Men's Khaki $10.75 ..$3.00 hakl 1 ; - oft Pants ........... PXJa7 . ; j Mens Caps Mi. Boyi .....$1.50 Caps ... . ... . . . ..$1.25 New Fall Underwear in Men's, Boys', and Children's. New Line of Umbrellas in Cotton and Silk - 'J 1 y -11 M " - i Bring yourlentire list, and buy with confidences-Delivery orders of $5.00 free, under a 10c charge. : and (p. ilSTOll Fhone 560 254 N Commercial Auto 'Tops i --3 Side Curtains j r Put oa. door roda I - m Frepara now. for a raiay day. Call and - ! . it ' O. j. HULL J At hia new location. 219- SUta- St. 'i i -i 8a2tl FOIl RENT PRINTED CARDS, SIZB 14" BT 1Wm wordinf VFor Bt," prtca 10 eeata each. Statesman Buaineaa Otfica, Ground Floor. i " '-i r HOUSE AND 2056-J. ! APARTMENTS PHONI it ;: 4a29tf FOB RENT FURNI8HED 5 ROOM. S3 0 Bath, hot water, ldy taba. I jBEOKE HESDRICK8: u. B Bank WUr. . rOR RENT ApartmenU 5 f FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR Coop!. Close in. 1835 j State street. 5-sllcf FURNISHED j APARTMENT, OARAGE. 1315 Jefferson.; :):. 5-a5rf FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSB keeping and aleepinc; rooms. 645 Ferrf. . Phone 1806-R.s, - ? .,. &.ti THRE ROOM ? rURNIBHXD i APART tnant. 5a N. Summer. i 6-aeltf IT TOU ARB INTERESTED IH jCOOL, comfortable apartmanta, rsaaea abla rant; f located downtown district, attoa apartments. For inspection r reaerratioa call ; Paitea'a Book Store. -. ! i ;i 6-ml4tf FOtC. RENT APARTMENTS; . SSI NO. voramwrill. FOR RENT Rooms 6 FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. o fitate St. : :l 6-al4 4 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RELIABLE BQuus oniy, 7& . nigh. i 6-alJ ROOMS TO RENT CALL 2044-W. ! 6-aOtf "WANTED . ROOMERS. Phone S72R. i 160 ! UNION - . V 6-13 1 AND 2 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING alao alepmg roonu, clean and; neat nad FOR RENT Hoosea 7 FOR RENT: ! 8 room fnroished house located at 1785 Saginaw street, $50 per month. 4 room new bungalow located at 1725 b. lzth Bt.,; per month. room home ; located X 305 S. 14th bt. f 80 per month. '.. 4 room home located on Fairmount h.ilL no children,! $15 per month. - ; W. H. GRABENHORST OO. 275 State St.; ; f - 7-tt4 FOR RENT 3 HOUSES Gertrude J. M. Page. . CLOSE IN I 7-alltf ANY SALEM RENTER HERE ARE fire beta in modern homea that will beat your apt. i . W 1 Brand new plain cottage, fcath, plas ter, ete. $2850. ; jl . . ; H 2 Brand new bungalow, on paring aad car, - xirepiaee and basement, S3 500. 3 Brand new; stucco with 5 rooms and attic, furnace, fireplace, paring, -ee- - ment walks, . hardwood, , ldry tabs, - $400. 1 v - i 1 . . ' 4 Old home, perfect condition. 1 rooms wttn inrnace, fireplace, garage, pared walks, on car. Large lawn with flowers, trees, etc.. S4700.b 5 Modern 8 room with everything, east front corner in center of Oaks. 16500. . NOW any one of these can be bought ior ouu aown; oaiance xa to ?() oontn, interest included. : Call your - irncK nnu get tne Key. BECKE ft HENDRICKS ? U. S. Bank BMg. 1 7-alitf FOR RENT -8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE completely furnished. Located, oa Fair- mount hUL S55 a month, j I 7 room modern home completely fur nished un Church atreet,' f 63 a month. 8 room home unfurnished, located S05 S. 14th. 230 a month. ' ' New 4 room bungalow 1725 South lztn. f za a month. i W. II. GRABENHORST CO. ' 875 State St. , 1 l j T-a7tf FOR RENT A 8 ROOM MOSTLY fur Dished, with double garage, stabla room etc. 8 large! lots. 1145 No. Liberty, See . Was. Fleming, 841 State. 7-s5tf WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN buy juat like rent. Very small car ment down and you can bar possession of fire room house, good location; -J 1 block from car line, near school. Call at 1057 8. 13th or Phono 1S74J 7-s2 HOUSES TO RENT T. L. WOOD. 341 8tate St. -:-r 7-m23tf Trespass Notices i" For Sale Tresspass Notices also- 14 laches by lnehea, printed oa good 10 on ore eaarass bearing the words, "Notice Is Hereby Girea That Trespaaalaf Is Strictly Forbidden Oa These Premises Under Penalty Of Prosecution." Priea lSe.eacn or two for 2 So. t a team an Pablishinf Company, Ealem, Oregon. att FOB SJLLE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 centa a baadla. Circulation depactmeat Oregon statesman. ' GOOD STEP LADDERS AND PORTS swings at a bargain. 176T WaUar Kt M . 8 Jsa28tl UNDERWOOD TYPIWOITEB CO.. Hare your aaaehiaa repaired by the people who make it. t-pecial reotW rate to atudeate. 800 Xiaaoai. Bida Phaaa 262. nls( PRINTED CARDS. BIZ 14" BY t" wording, "Room ta Rant,' priea. If eanta each. Rtateamaa Basiaaaa Of '-' fi!"'iiir,W'' Wr' 'iiiniii i mini Hi FOR SALE Livestock O FRED W. LANGEt VETERINARIAN-. Office 430 & Commercial. Phone 118 Res. Phone lfififl. 9-mSrttf auction bam:h io AUCTION SALE TUESDAY,' SEPT. IS. 10 o'clock, 2 mi lea northeast of Jeffer son, Marion toad. S6 dairy, cattle, many cows sooa (o freshen; all young grade HoUteia and Jerseys. 10 bead 2 year old Jersey and Gnernaeya. Horses, hogs, ImpiesMnts, chickens, Fordaon tractor, high quality furniture, etc.! Usual terms. II. C Shtelda. Jefferson, Oregon.. - 10-sl WOOD FOB BALE 11 OAK. MAPLE, OLD' AND SECOXD growth fir, priced rljht. Phone 1879W STOP I DON'T BUY INFERIOR "WOOD! Get the best oak and fir;' also" coal. By phoning 1855. ' It-alOtt 16 INCH WOOD FOR NORTH SALEM from new mill near Deaf acaool. 5 loada 815. Phone 204. , ' , 11 o9 FOB SALE ALL KINDS . OB WOOD. John U. Scott. Phona 254 or 622. ' : t 11-B14 WANTED To Rent 7 WANTED TO RENT SMALL FIRM equipped fori. poultry preferred. Care statesman. S65. . n 1 2 FOR SALE Miscellaneous 8 GAS DRAG SAW- STEAM DRAO SAW LOGGIKO' equipment Capital 215 CenterlSt.? Bargain House 8 slOtf FOR SALE NEW HOLLOW TILE OA rage. wen locaiea in eaiem. Bmall payment will, handle. - Phoae owner, uv. i f ' i n . ant FOR SALE TOMATOES, 75 CESTS A box. Phone 100F32. ' , 8 s7tf CANNING TOMATOES PHONE 100F33. IK.-.. ' II 8 a3tf : - f - ' ' ; -- . S Beautiful. Oregon Rose I !' - ' And eleren other Oregon ; songs t f 'ether with a fine collection of patriot o songs, sacred saagg and maay ! tima f arorites. : : ;;i ! ALL FOR 25a. ' '3 i -1 ., - - i ' . (Ppeefal prlcra In quantity lota)i Eapeeially adaptable for eebooi, eoa annuity or home singing. ; Send for Western Songster : - i .14 ;!r. '" TO pages bow la Its third adit ion' Published by OREGON TEACHERS M0 rHLT -SIS S. Oommerclal ,8t Salem, Or. Jr;- CLASS OATS' AND VETCH' WAY OLD FIR 4 FT,' AND SECOND GROWTH. Phone Judd, 108F3. - U-13 SPECIAL PRICES ON 18" OLD FIR Phona 1841M. ' lla BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 16 inch. Dry er green mill waaaV Dry aeeoad growth fir. Dry old fir, ; " Dry 4 ft akJ 'Prompt delirery and reasonable priea, FRED E. WELLS, 280 bonth Ohnreh. Phone 1642. i 11-aoa1 FOB SALE DRY SEOOND-OROWTH fa wood,. 4 ft. For. iauaadiata daUrery. Phona 108. '(. x 4-fHti 18-INCH OLD FIR,- 4 FOOT OLD FIB. aeeond growth oak a i ash. Pheae 1SF8. M. D. Mayfleld. -'ll-iaa?. .WANTED Cmpioyracnt ia EMPLOYMENT! ON- RANCH YEAR around work. I Notify Charles Weathers, Bt. 8, Saleaa. 12-al8 YOUNO MANfATTENDINa SCHOOL De airea place to work for room and board. Box 6613, pare Statesman. 12-al2 WANTED FOR EXCAVATING AND ploughing. ' Team work of any kind -Phona 1622-W. Res. 735 Bellerue. k 12-s27 WORK YOUR BEES FOR HONEY. Ex perienced beekeeper waata part tima joba. etatesma-n. 5537, 12 sl2 Green Roof Painting Also black, yallosr; blue. Call and ask to see soma of my worl ia roof" painting and reshlagliag. H. B MATHEWS . Phona 167. f r 13-a2ll WANTED t FOR EXCAVATING AK1 pteaghiag.: Teens Mrli of say kis4 Phone 1622. i Rea. 785, Belleme. , ' ' IS ?7 WANTED- Miscellaneous 13 WOODRY THE AUCTIONED RB UTS meed. fjiraUura. fer cash. Phane 611 i ..:' 13-aprtf WANTED A PARTY WHO WANTS A fire room, houas by oaly paying f3( a month and S small down payment Phona 1974-J ar caU -. 1057 S. 13th, ROOFS SHINGLED OR REPAIRED Bl day or eontraet, Phona 1152W. lS-alS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN T take farm paper aubseriptioaa. A goo 4 proposition to the right people. AsV dreae the Paeifio Hoaaeatead, Stateamaa Bldr.. Salem. Or. - ' IISCELLANIX)US ,14 X LET ON SHARES 15 HEAD SHEKI. All ewes. Osll t2-M. 14 HELP WANTED -15 UOP PICKERS WANTED LEWIS yard, Brown's Island. Phoeg-1 1 a P4. 15 sl2 AGENTS WANTED ! SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITORS TO RE present ; high elsas Eastern Magatin company. Must be able to derote al time aad ba experienced. ' Write c4 wire giring past experience to M. A. Steele, fi, Oolumbua Circle, New York, j-jy- ;. .... . : . ' in 2j HELP WANTED Female 17 CAN YOU EMBROIDER! ? WOMEN want ed to embroider linens for ha at homo during spare time. Informatioa upon request, Belfast Company, Dept. Huntington, Ind. - .',-.. 17-sl2 12 CLERKS EXPERIENCED IN DRY goods, ladiea furnishings, and ready to wear. Apply at once at peoples Cash Store, j f 17 al I tf HELP WANTED Stale 18 0 CLERKS EXPERIENCED IN SHOES. . furnishings and clothing-. Apply at I'eonief Cash Ktore. IHIHf Male and Female 19 BLACKBERRY PICKERS i WANTFD ine berries, good payi; Come. Ward K. Richardson, " Toledo, Ore. - 19 sl4 HOP PICKERS WANTED, 60o PER box. v.ampers preierree. Ktore on groaoa. Will meet you at corner of Court and Commercial atreet or any - place- oa North Commercial street, 6:30 Wed nesday merniag the 10th and bring you in after picking hours erery dsy this week. Phona JJHJ.iC, C. KusselU ' ' to-sfltf 8ALK8MUN SO MAGAZINE . SALESMEN TO ACT AS district manager in thia territory, alao rrew managers for the faSleat msga Slna proposition today, car furnished ta producers. Write or wire firing past experience to M.'A. Steele. 5 Col'irabne OirrU, New Ynrsr. N. Y. !o i2 LOST AND FOUND - 3 LOSTTHREE KEYS ON RJIALL rin?. Jeare at B'cke A llendxitta offi , I . 8. Bank Lldg. - 'ii ali LOST SOMETHING f riXD ITI P2 v a wast ad t le tat4fflsa, rbo- v i 4 j. r a i i i AOiif 84FI2,- -8-J311I