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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1924)
J THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 4 ! H j t f i- Special meeting at Pacific Lodge No. r0 at 2 o'clock to day for the pur pose of conducting the funeral services of the late Brother J. Edward Thompson.' s2 Cearin Enters Plea J .Dewey Gearin. prominent Ma- rion :county farmer - upon whose place near St. Paul deputy sheriffs found a still with a capacity of 25 gallons, entered a plea of not guilty when he appeared In the justice ) court yesterday. The plant was cleverly concealed in an excavation beneath the barn. Gearin maintains that he was ignorant of the presence of a still. He said that a hired man con fessed that he i was the operator. The jrial will be held In the near future, j' :: S". f 'A. ': ' ll' I Company P Assembly 6 p. m. tonight, Armory. 812 (JervaU Man Dies t . Augustus -Aral. 47, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Aral, pioneers of Salem, died at the home a neigh bor quite suddenly about 10:30 o'clock Thursday morning. He was born on the old Aral home stead, about six miles west -of Gervais. ; He is survived by a daughter, Mrs.! Frank ; Hauser, ; of Salem, a sister Mrs. Quinton Tut- .tle, and a brother, Louis, who live on the old homestead. Funeral .services will be held at 10 o'clock ' a. xa. next Saturday. students f - Must have work. ll$' ! i New Lions . Club v f TOLEDO, Ore., Sept. 11, (Special to The Statesman,) i A Lions club hasf been organized in Toledo and! will have its first weekly ' luncheon tomorrow at which time officers will be elect ed and the date set for the char ter night. Vern Galloway, district organizer, will be present at the meeting today; 1 i' t The Only Knockout I Is the 1925! model Studebaker, On display at our salesrooms Sat urday p. ml. Salem 'Auto Co. Making Home' Here , Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kennell have taken apartments at the Roberts WOODRY 1 1 Buys Furniture 1 I Phone 511 ! , Dr. B. H. White , i ; Osteopathy Surgery i Electronic Diagnosis and Treat-f ment (Dr. -jAbram's method); Office Phone 859-W or 46S-j ; tJ 506 U.;S. Bank Bldg. j We're AH i Moved ; and sow that we are located in : our new Quarters at 143 S. LIBERTY ST, we are in a position to give you still ! better service on your transfer and hauling work, j We Still Handle Fuel ! and have several carloads of coal due in a few days. Better get your order in early, ? i j Phone, 03O ' Larmer Transfer & Storage Co. lit Cars for Hire WITHOUT DRIVERS Onr autos are all kept In prime condition, . , i therefore are absolutely safe to drive. f I TERailNAL TAXI SERVICE We hire them either with or without drivers. PHONE 202O . i Office at Stage Terminal ; DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE LADD &"BUSH 1 BANKERS Established 1868 General Banians Bmine Office Hours frcn 10 a. ro. to 3 p. nu- NEWS IN Apartments. The Kennells are tormer residents of Eugene and will make their home now in Sa lem.. Mr. Kennell will open the Kennell-Ellia studio in the Ore gon buildipg about the first -of October. This company also have a 'studio In i Eugene. Mr. Ellis will remain in charge of the studio in Eugene while Mr. Kennell will manage the; one in Salem. Mr. Kennell Is a member of the Eugene Rotary club.: The White Ilous ' Restaurant will be open for business Friday morning, Septem ber 12, at 6 a. m. S12 Radio Opening Attract A large and interested crowd of fans attended the radio open ing of the Salem Electric company last night. Several good programs were heard i In addition to the broadcast of Mayor Baker's pro clamation from Portland. Salem musicians were also heard from the Oregonian station. All types of new and; latest styles in radio equipment' were on display and were fully ; demonstrated by S. Barton, proprietor. We Are Showing ,- A beautiful line of black hats, in small and medium sizes, reas onably priced. Call and see bur new styles in coats and dresses in small and large sizes. Mrs. II. P. Stith,i333 State st. sl2 Claims Record Squasli Claims to the largest squash in Oregon, if pot on the entire Pa cific coast, .were made yesterday by D. A. Thornburg, of Forest Grove, who was registered at the Marion hotel. Mr. Thornburg is representing a book concern but nuts and vegetables take a great amount of his time. The squash in question was raised near For est Grove and is said to measure between 2 and 3 feet in length with a circumference of 1 feet. It is of the Boston Mallow variety. Mr. Thornburg has six acres in filberts this year. , Company V Assembly 6 p. m. tonight, Armory. s!2 Picking Season Ending- Hop and prune picking is ap proaching a close, with the excep tion of the late variety of hops. The weather has been ideal : this year and the workers enjoyed most favorable conditions. With a few late harvests, prune picking In general will wind up this week and the hop picking the jweek folio w- ing. - The main hop picking in the vicinity of Salem closed about Sep tember 2 3 last year. Prune -dry ing started August 25 this year, with the' middle of September be ing, the average. ; The White House- Restaurant will be open for business Friday morning, Septem ber 12, at 6 a. m. i S12 Here for the Winter - Mrs. E. II. Redeman, of Michi gan, arrived in the city yesterday to 'spend ; the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Guy L.- Rathbun. Though 'Mrs. Redeman is quite el derly, she-greatly enjoyed hei! trip to the Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Rath- bun met itbe visitor in Portland and brought her to Salem by auto mobile. i: ?' ih ' I The . Only Knockout I Is the; 1925 model Studebaker. On display at our salesrooms Sat urday 3 p. m. Salem Auto Co. tm " : - :l si2 Fereshetian Celebrates Rev. ' Martin Fereshetian will celebrate the opening of the new Unitarian;: church and the eighth RADIO HEADQUARTERS . ' -i ; For ' -f RADIO SUPPLIES ; ?. Open Evenings 291 NORTH COM3IERCIAIi Popular Priced Tailored Suits $25 to f45 Men's and Young Men's D. H. MOSHER 4 TAILOR BRIEF anniversary of his graduation from the Meadville " (Penn.) Theologi cat school and his marriage all at the same time Sunday, Sept. 21 when he preaches the first sets mon In the new building. The official dedication will take: place the following Sunday, with eith- er Rev. William G. Elliott. Jr., pastor of the First Church of Our Father,' Portland, or Dr. J. B; Perkins, pastor of University church, Portland, as the principal speaker. Carl R. Weathedall, of Portland, field secretary, will also' be present. Several distinguish ed visitors from the east are alsd expected, as the new Unitarian church in Portland will be dedi cated about this time. The chureli here, at Chemeketa and Center; was erected at a cost of around $35,000. ; ; 1 . The Business and Professional Women's club i! rummage eale. September 17, 18, 19, 20. - .1 : Sept. 2 Many Useful Articles . ' together with a fine assortment of well cooked food by ladles of West Salem M. E. church on Sat urday Smiths' Salem.' on Mr. and Mrs. Fred lawn, Front street. West Company F Assembly 6 p. m. tonight, Armory. si 2 WRC Is lOO Per Cent ! The fWRC is reported as being ready 100 per cent for National Defense day today. They will form north of Center on Commer cial, facing south. Automobiles will be provided for the parade.' Marcel and Curl Last Longer . After a Golden Glint Shampoo. - - si3. Improvements are Completed . Entrance to the C. F. Breithaupt floral shop on North Liberty has been completely changed by mov ing the entrance and making the display window in one section. The -.improvements facilitate ; Jhe better display of the flowers. ; "I Thf!- Only Knockout ' Is the 192 model Studebaker. On; display at our salesrooms Sat urday 3 p. m. ' Salem Auto Co. Dr, Smith Promoted Word has been received by Dr. W. Carlton Smith of his promotion to the rank of a lieutenant-colon el in the medical division of the Officers Reserve corps. Dr. Smith served with a medical unit In the World war and has held the rank of major in the reserve corpsr'' The Business and Professional Women's club rummage sale September 17, 18, 19, 20J ; ! Sept. 12 Diptheria Reported .The second case of diptheria in the city this week was reported to Dr. William B. Mott, city heaitn officer, yesterday. ; The case- re- Dorted earlier in the week proved iaiai. Hop Pickers Dance . Every Wednesday and Satur day. Livesley Station. Good mn sic, good time assured to all.! Sept.. 12 Lions TWn Organized r r Organization of a new Lions den at Toledo was reported by Verne C, Galloway, district organizer, at the meeting of the membership committee at the Gray Rene Thursday noon. The club has .21 members and will meet today noon to elect officers. Within the next few days the newly constructed signs of the Salem Lions club vwill be placed at the principal entran ces to . the city. The signs; are about five feet in diameter and feature the club emblem. xiThe Lions will be host to their wives at the luncheon at the Marion; ho tel today noon. A special 4 pro gram includes a vaudeville skit by Harold's Dad and Harold; through the courtesy of Fj-ank Bligh, a dance skit by Miss Dor othy Felker and other musical numbers. Col. Carle Abrams:will speak on National Defense day. Praises Golf Course ' Mr. and Mrs. Foukes. ofvVan- couver. is. c. were saiem visitors this week. . As Mr. Foukes is man arer of three golf clubs in the Died !; ; ;r? THOMPSON J. Edward Thomp son ' died Thursday: morning, Sept. 11, 1924, at the resence 947 Center street, at the age of 48 years. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. M. A. Thomp son, this city, and a brother Harry C. Thompson, Browns ville. He was prominent .1 in lo cal lodge circles, being mem ber of the Elks lodge and Pa cific lodge No. 50 A. F. & A M. Funeral services will be i held Friday at 2:30 p. m.ffrom the Rigdon mortuary with Rev W. W. Long (officiating and the Masonic and Elks lodges 1 assisting. Interment in I. O. O F. cemetery. RIGDON & SON'S IIORTUABX Uneqnaled Serrlca 'I province he immediately looked up the lllihee Country club. The course was highly : complimented by the visitor, who was impressed with. what had beri accomplished in spite1 of low .Initiation fees and membership dues. , Beforo You Leaved Your "home or car have It in sured properly.l Phone 161, Becke & Hendricks, V. S, Bk. Bldg. S7 Grand Jury to Report The grand Jury, now in session, is expected to complete its inves tigations and to make its official report Saturday morning. There are 16 cases under advisement that originated in the Salem Justice court and several from other points of the county. Get Building Permits , Business and residence proper ties were include in the building permits issued Thursday by Mar- ten. Poulsen, city' recorder.! E. Hello will erect a; filling atation and garage at 2216 Turner road. to cost: $1000 and Homer Leisy a welling at 18 45 John street, to cost0 $3500. Blanket Special For Saturday 'selling only. 72x 80 Nashau Cotton Plaid, regular 4.00:yalue for $29. C. J. Breier Co. i Sept. 12 Stauf fer Estate Appraised According to papers filed yes terday at the county clerk's office the estate of lwiliam Stauf fer is appraised at $8540. The apprais ers were Erwin . Stehley, Joseph Bixel and F. M. Ernst. To Probate AVill- An order was ' filed with the county clerk yesterday admitting the wills of Lucy. A. Comstock and Rowland S. Comstock to probate. The combined estate is valued at iuuu. 'ine wins nequeain aiuutf to the Home Missionary society of the Methodist jchurch, $1000 to the foreign Missionary society, $1000 to Mrs. Maggie Sarton, and the re mainder to be divided among 14 relatives. Appraisers appointed are M. u. uunaerson, j. a. ey- nolds and J. A. Campbell. - I 1 i 4 - i S ' Estato is Appraised The estate' of J. II. Palmateer has been appraised at $10,992.71, according to papers filed with the county clerk yesterday. The ap pralsers wer4 C A. Reynolds, M, Gunderson and J. A., Campbell. Thomas Violin r-' And nianb studio open Octo ber 1. Credits given. stuaenw register now. Phone 1518J. '" ...-: -ifir ' - Sept. 12 Gile Returns; Horn H. t S. Gile has returned from Olympia, Wash.;) where he went into construction plans with an en gineer relative of the West Coast Pulp & Paper company. The work will begin as soon as the plans are completed. The. first unit will be a two machine plant sulphite mill for general paper manufacture John H.McNary; fs president of the comoany and Mr. Gile Is heavily interested. The "Business' '-'and Professional Women's club1',' rummage aaie- September 17. 18. 19, 20.' Sont 12 Joins Director Itroth Ellis Culver Faunton, recently of Portland,! has joined the Direct or Brothers store here as adver Using man and , store decorator, Mr. Faunton has had a wide ex perience in hi8: line and has work ed in nearly all the states as wen as Canada. Growth of the store has necessitated the services of man i Of 'Mr. Fauntpn's cailDre. Prison Planning Display Work. on; the penitentiary dis play! at the state fair will begin this week and the institution will exhibit as iit has in past years The flax exhibit will be complete this I year, but has been delayea owing to the "ill health of Mr Crawford, superintendent of this department A', full line of foot wear, manufactured at the prison will also be shown. There will jbe no rurniture aispiay tnis year though articles made for inmates will j he featured and placed on sale Fined in Justice Court l Hauling jpiling without a permit cost D. Roland, a representative of the Albert Transfer & Storage company of Portland, sio wnen he appeared In the justice court yesterday. He entered a pleas of guilty before Judge P. J. Kuntx The charge! was filed by State Traffic Officer Relnhart. Accord ing; to a state law, a permit from the; state highway commission is necessary before piling can 5 be hauled over the state highways 1 i PERSONALS n . Mr. and Mrs. S. Null, of Ida Grove, Iowa, who have been visit ing Mrs. Gertrude J. M. Page have returned to their home. The visitors were taken to Portland by Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Page. Mrs R. B. Fleming accompanied the Page family -on the return trip. Otto Hoppes and family are en joying a trip to the coast. They are expected back In a day or two. ' I '::"' - ' James Reed, of Portland, ar rived in Salens yesterday to make arrangement to complete his work at Willamette university in 'one semester. During the summer he has been working with the gov ernment forestry department near Mt. Jefferson. j : Miss Ruth Bush will leave, for Forest Grove today to resume her teaching. (She is a graduate of Willamette university and has been spending the summer with her parents. I Miss Betti Itessi, former society editor on the Statesman but now engaged In the Ellison-White Chautauqua and lyceum work, is a visitor in the city. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Arnreider, the former mayor of Agate Beach, fn the city on business. They are visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.. Rex Sanford and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Williams. A. L. Lindbeck and family will leave today for La Grande, w)iere they will remain for a week. Mr. Llndbeck is Salem correspondent for the Oregon Journal, ,of Port- land, r i v t . ;iff; iter. F. W. Launer spent yes terday in Albany. W. A. Liston was a Portland business caller yesterday. . - Young & Wells Representa tive Makes Important Announcement Here - Before leaving for Spokane yes terday, L. W, Wells, of the f firm of Young & Wells, Spokane-buy ers, announced that his ; firm would establish a. permanent pack ing house in the city next .. year and will handle all kinds of vege tables as welt as fruit and berries. The house here will be a branch and the headquarters of the firm will rmain in Spokane. Apples will demand the firm's attention this fall and because o? this no effort will be unade to establish permanent headquarters here this fall. The apples will be handled; from the Salem Fruit union plant; the necessary ar rangements having been complet ed with: Peafcy & Biehn. Orchards are not as well taken care or m tne wiuametie vaney as they are in other apple raising sections, Mr. Wells said. If the proper amount of attention is given there Is no reason why the valley should not rank high as an apple producing section. Nearly 20 carloads of apples have been signed up for shipment and packing and the 'apple deal is expected to get under way the first of the week. The fruit will be shipped I under the "Famous Princess i Columbia" brand, with the . Willamette " valley ack stamped on the labels. C. E. An derson, foreman who was here during the cherry and prune sea son, will have charge of the plant. In speaking of prunes Mr. Wells said that the only way to market the valley product is by a straight U.S. No. 1 grade pack and there would be little difficulty In the eastern markets. : Prunes picked and packed orchard run for green shipment almost always show de fective fruit and mold develops, he said yesterday, 'The only satis factory ; shipments that can be made are under the kind of pack recommended, he said. FIRST BAPTIST II Will Begin a Six Weeks Session Here On April 25 ! The First Baptist church has ar ranged for a School of Missions to begin September 25 th and to continue for six weeks, meeting on Thursday evenings of each week. The study book adopted is by Rob ert E. Speer. and entitled, "Of One Blood!" t is a Home Missions study and ,a careful and well-pre pared treatment of Race and Race problems. I Already more than 100 have signed up for the classes this year. There are to be four classes, One for the Brotherhood will be- lead by Mr. D. R. Peterson. One r ) Last Times Tonight KING'S 1924 "'REVUE' Sparkling 'Musical Comedy : Little Bits from 'BiS Hits Regular : Picture , . Program : Too . .; mm Theatre ACKIW HOUSE TM RR PFRMBNFNT -w SSST BV. SM W MISSIONS for the women of the church led byj-Miss Mina Gile, The young people's class will be led by the pastor. Dr. E. H. Shanks. The intermediate group comprising the first two years of Junior high students will be taught by Mrs. O. B.I Neptune and will use another book, "The Land of All Nations," written by Miss Seebach. The classes will meet, for supper at the church parlors at 6:30, go into the classes at 7 o'clock and then assemble for the mid-week devo tional service at 7:45, closing at 8:30. As the study book is of general Interest and put out under the Missionary Educational board representing all denominations. the pastor and members of the First Baptist church cordially in vite members of pj.her churches who may not be f provided with classes, and who wish to take the study, to join with them in this School of Missions. The. classes 4re free and open to all and every courtesy will be given those who wish to join. Order the books at once from the committee; Phone 1920. - 1 ' JAPANESE SAILORS DROWN I TOKIO. Sept. 12r (By the As sociated Press). About twenty Japanese bluejackets were drown- 4ed - when two small torpedo boats. ffarrvin shore leave Darties from the5 battleship , Magato, collided and sank at the Yokosuka naval base, south of Yokohama, I BITS FOR BREAKFAST I . j Some Defense day thoughts, j - ; I Taken from Coolidge -laconi-Clsms: 1 V jj "There is an obligation. Ines capable, no less solemn, to resiit all those who do not support the government." m "U S "No progress will be made by shouting Bolshevik! and prof I teers. What we need is thrift and industry." V V I "Let everybody; keep at. work. Profitable employment is- the death blow to Bolshevikism, and abundant production is disaster to the profiteer." ; V - "Men should reflect that the progress of the past has been ac complished not by the total over throw of institutions so much us by discarding that which was bad and preserving that which was good; not by revolution but by evolution has man worked out his destiny." The Bits for Breakfast man wants John Qulnland and Mrs Quinland to know that the people bf Salem feel deep sympathy for them in the loss of their boy. John Quinland is chief engineer at the penitentiary, and he is a This offer is good f only from September 12th to September 20th These stores, lcfi':P yngham : -. tdfrgfish tyf' kigtpfUs ' .' gigWTj r SSi illE p ir ff I I 1: 11 X" ll ! ' ' ' '' II I I I 1 " ' II W m um mm. mmmmmrm genius: a worker; a man who knows bow to do things and gets things done, without ; display or presumption, but by faithfulness and understanding and human sympathy. ..He is one of the moit SPOT THIS Blanket Sp ecial I For Saturday selling only a limited number of I full large size (72x80) Nashau Cotton Blank- i aSJ-. I "'it-' i-i ets, a regular four dollar value for j- ' 'i C. J; Breier Co. 141-No. SATURDAY SPECIAL : v BREAD AND COOKY DAY ;. ; . ! ; ' . All 15c Bread 10c Your Choice of Cookies 2 Doz. for 25c Model 121 So. Commercial St. Watch Our- Window Cards and Save Fine'forbdking?- and a hundred o'therjuscS Aluminum Baking I?an Htuvusc nicy re rnaue wi uuut luiu-iumu, i. , sheet aluminum.'VVea.Ever,, utensils heat evenM and retain the heat for a longer time than ordinary utensils. That is why housewives who use "Wear-Ever'l "utensils "exclusively can have well-cooked, wonderfully ' flavored foods. That, also, is why these same women can have gas bills that are one-third to onehalfBLES3 than their neighbors who use ordinary utensils. ,, : In order that you may have an opportunity to prove to your own satisfaction that "Wear-Ever utensils: make home cooking -easier and more economical and, at the sam time, insure better-cooked, better-flavored foods we are offering the "Wear-Ever'' Baking Pan fori a limited time at a Special price. Go to your favorite " VVear-Ever" store and get your pan before the c offer expires. Do it TODAY. : f I j t TtlE ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILlCO. NcW Kcnainctoo, Pa."; ive KNOW, can supply yon: Wm. Gahlsdorf Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Co. Doughton & Marcus H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. JEFFERSON A. B. Hinz y - SILVERTON S. Ames, Hdw. 1 ' ; STAYTON Lilly Hdw. Co. useful men who has ever servol at the prison in his capacity. Mi and Mrs. Quinland-bre ,nyf here, but they have Loth' endeared, themselves to all with whoiu theyj have come Into contact. Com. St. Bakery Phone 1637 LAH fVC f)t.0.&.Pt.O. ml , - :-