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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1924)
THE FIRMS WHOSE CARDS APPEAk BELOW BELIEVE IN ADEQUATE NATIONAL DEFENSE ! Certified ;!: I' 1 Public Motor Gar Market "Appleby Plan" Burnett Bros. Jewelers 457 State St. E. Nordenson Motor Co. I j w , ;.V:.,. . 186 S.. High St. Capital Bargain House Center and Front Sts. Lloyd E. Rams den Dayton and Columbia Bicycles . ; Webb's 205 S. Church Standard Cleaners & Dyers "For Better Appearance C & C Store Groceries, Dry Goods', Men's Furnishings ; George E. Allen Hardware and .Machinery Capital Exchange Men's Furnishings I and Clothing 1 Cherry City Cleaners 'Odorless One Day O ' 'if oervice OUR FIRST DEFENSE TESTSEPTEMBER 12, '24 It hi ttie, privilege or every American to take part In the Defense TestJ The following units of America's great citizen army hare been allotted to Salem and will be raised in this community should an emergency ever arise. . Company P, 162 Infantry, Capt. Paul Hendricks. Headquarters Company, Coast Artillery, Capt. C. M. Irwin. These units will be assembled on September 12, 1924, at armory, 6:30 p. m., and parade so the community may visualize its part in a national emergency; so our man power will be familiar with the plan, and so the nation may know Its defensive position. : PROCLAMATION TO THE PEOPLE OP SALEM: j I ' Friday, September 12, 1924, has been . designated as uerense Test j Day" by the-president of the United States and by the governor of Oregon. I "n conformity with that proclamation I have appointed a general committee to conduct Defense day exercises in the city of Salem. These exercises will consist of a parade through the principal streets of the city of Salem, forming at Marion square at 6:30 p. m., and with patriotic exercises at the armory at 8 p.m. - The, policy of this nation is a pacific one We have never conducted a war of aggrandisement or for nurnbsea : other than national defense, or the protection of down-trodden humanity. To this fact and to the additional fact that in. a' national emer gency our people , have never failed to nut their nnitnrf behind: the government, - can be" attributed the present position oi leaaersnip or. me unuea states; in worm affairs today. The nations of the world look to us for the heln and settlement f their difficulties and for leadership In disarmament, and the prevention of .future wars. I i , ! - ' - M :.......: To maintain ; our position of ; independence! and leadership adequate national defense and an evidence of tbe united spirit in behalf of our:country and oar government is necessary. Now, therefore, believing that National Defense Test Dav will promote the cause of peace, -assure the protection of our homes and the Integrity of our government, I, John B. Giesy, mayor of Salem, declare Friday, Sept, 12, 192 4, fas Defense Day in Salem, Oregon! I . ; . . I call upon all residents of this city to observe the day and to participate j in the parade and patriotic exercises in the eve ning. In order to further this observance I appeal' to all busi- leHH and nroffiHslonal mrin and ArnMirivfa tt inriitatrlnl nlsnU .v close their places of business at S p. m. on that day and to observe the hours from 5 p. in until midnight as a public holiday. 1 ' ! r (Signed) JOHJfB. GIESY, ; Mayor of Salemi. For National Defense and the Home Marion Auto '!J Co. Open Day and. " Night Piclcens & Haynes Salem, Ore. Vick Brothers Oakland, Overland Willys Knight. -'. ;.r.sc3a. Roth Grocery Co. Salem, Oregon Valley Motor V.'.CO.'-!'. I Authorized Ford Sales and Service i i - John J. Rottle State and Liberty Stsi F. W. Pettyjohn ; Co. ' Oldsmobile and lt Rickenbacker 1 ? The Smart Shop 1 1 5 N. Liberty St. Bishop Clothing End'Wcoleif IliHs StorerLic. '- ' - I .... ' ' ' " ' ' ' N - X u. y X -. y v., y mmmy -m&ms&m -My:! m. - i-v. .1 TwA wm lamr inir iiip :?r' "iiirb -iinr' if ii A ' ' " W iKV iiift - ' I ii nT-f . . - m r."-'-Pi.,. J-..f.l UA, - ;