. il . THE .OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1924 HOTEL if - - , I i . BLIGH 100 rooms of Solid Comfort! A Home Away From ! Home X W. Ar Out After Two Million W now paying vr litre 4urt'ri of a million dotlara m year: to ifao dairy mea of this aeettoa for . Bilk. .,' i , i "Marion Butter" Is the Best Batter More Cows and Better Cows 1 Is to crying need t :j- ."''. 1 j . , - : :4 MARION CREAMERY : I & PRODUCE CO. BaJem. Ore. Phone 24i SELLING SALEM DISTRICT III , - i 4 li 1 - I I .J : 1 1 : I : . 111! . m - . A ; ' ii. .' i . i ; .11 -,l . ' i: I ; Devoted to Showing Salirn District -Pepple me Advantages and OoDbirtunities of Their I The Way to Build Up Your HomelTown , K jto Patt onize Your Home People II and Its lOties and Towns m Owk Country The Surest Way to Get More and Larger Industries Is to Support Those You Have PJexi Week's Slogan SUBJECT IS l( Selling! Salem District is a Continuation of the Salem Slogan! land Pep and Progress Campaign We wm Give Our Best j Efforts V At all times -to assist In any possible way the derel opment of the) fruit and berry Industries in tnls val leys -. '- anon Pairing I Go NOT to. This campaign of publicity for community upbuilding has been made possible by the advertisements placed on (these pages' by our public spirited business men---mjn whose untiring efforts' have builded our present recognized prosperity and who are ever striving for greater and yet greater progress as thenars go by. ; ! Why suffer . with Stomach Trouble when Chhrqpractte will , . " ftj: ' RemoTe the Cause . Your Health . Begins When I You Phone 07 For An Appointment I DR. O. L. SCOTT P. 8. C. Chiropractor Bajf Laboratory 414 to 419 TJ. 8. National i Bank Build Ins;. : ; SXonrs 10 to 12 a, m. and 2 to fl p. m. - ! L Butter-Nut Bread I ! . i . The Richer, Finer Loaf CHERRY CITY BAKERY Oar Ideal: v - Oar Method: 'Th B.it mly" J Cooper tio a Capital Gfy ' ; Co-cperalive Creamery i' A aoa-prafit rganlxatioa owned ntireiy by tha dairymen. Git : aa a trial. Battet 3fannetnrra of Buttercup . ' , "At jroat Oroer,f Fkona 299 . s 137 8. Coat'l 81 -Gideon stolz co. 'Manufacturers of ' 1 Dependable Brand t Lime-Sulphur Solution The brand 'you can depend on for purity and test Prices upon application : Factory near corner of , Summer an4Mill St. ' Salem, Oregon Nelson. Bros. Warm Air :. Furnaces.! plumbing, beating and sheet: metal work ! tin and grarel roofing, general jobbing In tin and galvanized Iron work. I . 353 Chemeketa St. Phone 196 DIXIE HEALTH BREAD Ask Your Grocer ! FOR YEARS AND YEARS j The Statesman has been supplying the wants of the critical Job printing trade i Proof poaitire we are printers' of worth and merit. Modern equipment : find ideas are the ones that get by. : :: ' - ill t Statesman Publishing iany; Comp Phone 223 or 6S3 ' 1 215 S. Coinl St. -; ; T HEAUTOMOT WN T 1ST BE BETTER TH A MILLl ID fl HALF AIUALLY IN WAGES AI EAillS OF IE WORKERS j 5 There Are More Than, 1000 People Who Labor at Tasks That Are Directly Connected with the Industry, and More Than 5000 People Dependent Upon the Industry Here There Has Been Much Growth During the Past Year In Little Over -Twenty Years We Have Come to Employ About a Fifth of Our People in this Industry It is not too much too say that Salem has become the outstanding automotive; Industry center of Ore- gon. outside of Portland; and won derful has' been its: growth; and wonderful is its continued expan sion. , ? ! 4 J i Many people! here who are yet young in; both :years and. feelings remember well the first automo bile in Salem, i It arrived only a little over 20 years ago,. There were no automobiles worth men tioning in J900, west of New York, and only a few there, of the lum bering taxi I pattern that would look very pdd today. Only jut a j few years ago, all the gasojijjife and oil delivered in. Salem were taken around by one man with 'his team of two old horses- Now the four big oil com panies operating here employ 78 men, and they, use many tank trucks and cover a wide territory, besides serving their Salem' cus tomers. I : j : ' 'f Orowthl, Throughout Industry- The Slogan editor of The States man a year ago made a resume of the automotive industry of Salem. He found '94 i private individuals and firms in business, employing 449 peope. lie finds this year 110 suchj j individuals and con cerns, and. they are employing 532 people. 1 1 ! j Add toithese 12& or more n he state highway department, shops and testing laboratory. Add the So to 75 or more in 'the automobile and traffic depart ments wofking under the secre tary of state. , I " ; Add to the 50 to 75 employees working i'n, connection with the 96 stages coming into and going out of the Salem Terminal station. Add the 5 to. 15 county em ployes repovttpg at Jthe Marion county repair; shops. t,J " Add tbtt 81; employees of the big oil companies.: , Make a total of the above, and you have! a jtotal of 903 people. And that lsj not all. There are more than 1.000 peo ple in Salem, and coming In and going out of Salem, and having their homes here, or taking most of their meals' here, who are em ployed i one way or another in the automotive industry in its var ious phases. ;- For instance, there may be add ed to those mentioned above rihe 40, men who are connected With the Willamette Valley Transfer company, with headquarters ln-Sa? If m, and making Portland and all the valley towns on both side of the river as far south as Kugene. In the past' year they have added a new route, to Lebanon. They have 30 freight trucks, mostly mammoth' freight haulers, and:-10 trailers.' In their offices and freight house on Front street in Salem they employ on an average about 10 people. . The Valley Packing company, the very successful meat packing concern here, makes many of Its deliveries with 7 trucks and lour salesmen's cars. i rf ; The wholesale grocery concern, the Willamette Grocery company, uses a number of trucks in making deliveries all over the valley.;? AU of the canneries and "fruit handling concerns employ automo biles and trucks in carrying on their work. i S ' 1 ; The state institutions all tern ploy automobiles and trucks, J There are numerous firmajand persons that have not been listed above employing autos and trjicks for deliveries and in various other ways; numerous taxis . ' And, in short, 1000 is too! low an estimate of the number. of;peo pje employed in and about Balem in the automotive industry. 'You could add all. the bakeries t the list,and- all -.the gravel; concerns, with many, autos and trucks-;' and the paper rjiiill, using numerous trucks in pulp wood delivers and in other ways- The local reader can recall many others. 3 .Jlillion and Half and Mom 4 Count the wages of all "these people and the earnings of the pro prietors figured as wages, at' $5 a day. That is conservative,-'; for many schedules of the high class mechanics and others run much higher. Multiply this $5000$ day by the 312 working days In the year, and i you have over $l-i560,- 000 a year. : " I ' 5 That is a more than conserva tive .figure for the direct income of Salem from the automotive in dustry for a year, on the present 1-asisJ 1 ' !l And the indirect benefits are many; they aref felt in a thousand wa'ys4 .- ,y ;' And the Industry is growing ip all its branches! jand will continue to grow throughout the years. with the increasing length of pav ed highways centering in Salem; with the growth jof population and business in every direction!. Over 5000 Peo'ple Represented " These more '- than 1000 people make up "with their families.: coun ting five for eafch worker or man ager or ; proprietor, more . than 5000 of the population of Salem and its immediate suburbs say a fifth; of our ;tqtal population, counting what) Is termed in the east our metropolitan district, in cluding our Immediate suburbs, such as West Salem and districts north, south arid east outside of our corporate limits. j Take away thbse over 5000 peo ple, and Salem jvould feel the loss keenly. Put.ljem together In a city by themsejvlfes, and they would make a' lively irid progressive city, i A Creditable Showing ; The automotive industry of Sa lem ; makes a f creditable showing for itself. The' working forces aie competent. They can repair or rebuild any carfof any make. They can make the most delicate adjust ments. . They I keep on hand parts and supplies covering the whqle iangc, from the smallest roadster to the largestf o-nd finest car, nd for tractors arji trucks and all tjie itst. i- - - - -ii-The service! stations are every where, and thgarages and repair shops large and'small are well dis tributed abouihe city. P I'Vur f)fl fomiuinics Four of the;: big oil companies operate in Sahim as follows: J Standard Oil company; storage tanks and offices Sixteenth and Oak streets, y A- R. Rankin, local managerr26 'employed. Five com pany owned service stations as to! lows: - i . !; Chemeketa and North Comraier- cial. : t:;:J - . , State and Pottage. j " Miller and Sputh Commercial, 18th and State. ':M Fairgrounds Road and Highland avenue. - Union Oil company; storage and tanks and office on Silverton road. opposite state fair grounds. U.' G. Adams, local freight agent; 15 em ployed. Two company owned dis tributing stations, as follows;. ! High and State streets. , ! North Commercial and Center streets. ' S " ' Lllverton Road and Pacific Highway.- ; : . ' ; Associated Oil company, storage tanks and 1 distributing station Nineteenth and Oak streets- Ri O. Snelling, manager for Salem terri tory. Of rice In Hotel Marion building. Distribution by trucks; 30 people employed. . a t TWo company owned distribut ing tations,jas follows: ' Center and Commercial streets. High and Chemeketa streets - Shell Oil company, storage and tauks. 2680 Pacific Highway, north; distribution by truck! j I' C, McLaren! local agent; 10i esti mated employed. 1 ;, .. i Private Concerns .and Individuals system of used car'mTrchandlsing; 5 employed. 'r" i Cherry City (lrag Copley, W. A.. 170 S. lrtHVYepairs and parts, oil, accessories, storage; 4 employed. ...... i. j Clark, Ray, Garage, 252 State; auto repairs; 3 employed. I Clark.. H. L... 319 N. Commer cial; accessories ployed. Clark W. street: service station Clark & Vincent. 66 N. Capitol street: garage and service station; 2 employed. If Capitol City Transfer Co., 226 State; Loose & Emmett proprie tors,' Denby. trucks, hauling and Btorage: 20 to 25 emnloved. Clendening & Miller, 184 South and oils; 2 em- H., 2290 State Commercial; auto parts; 2 em ployed. j;;i , Coffey; & Hays, 1 47 N. High ; garage; 7 employed. ' jf . Columbia Tire Corp., 477 Court;, tire and tubes; 2 employed! Davisj Alvy, 2590 Fairgrounds road; garage and repairs, Good rich liners, oils and j accessories; 2 employed. ij j Day & Zosel, 294 North Com mercial;' tires, tubes and repairs; 6 employed. 1 . Jack 410 S. Doerffer Motor Repairs; Commercial; ; Buick and Studebaker specialists; 4 em ployed, i Ii ; ; ;i iS, Done Ferry;" Rite Machine Shop. 349 Claude Ellison. ;: John Chamberlain, general machine shop, crankshaft 1 truing, cylinder regrinding; 1 employed. 1 East Salem Garage, 1895 Stile; 2 employed. ' EToibnfy Grocery, 1601 Center; gasoline. t - Edwards, W. t)., Pacific high way, south; gasoline. Eppley & Co.. C- M., 1800 'state street; service station. ; Fairgrounds Garage, M. D. Jackson, prop., 2641 Portland road; repairs, gasoline, etc.; 2 employed. - - Faris & Powers Battery, Shop, 482 Court; -Prestolite batteries, auto electric work, storage batter ies; 2 employed.? Farmer. Ray It,, Hardware Store, N. Commercial; tires and other accessories in connection , ...The following is a list of i the private concerns and individuals engaged in : the various branches of the automotive industry in Sa lem, as far as the Slogan editor was able after much labor and many checkings to gather and even yet it is no doubt incom plete: , ' w ' . ! Anderson, Vern, 184 S. Com mercial; Used Car Corner; 6 ; em ployed on average. ' v- i Anderson -& Adams, 1610 N. Commercial; service station; 2 employed. ! ' S W. J. Anibal, 156 S. 12th; auto painting; 2 employed. I Arrow Garage, 34 8 Chemeketa; H. E. . Lee service and general repairs; one employed. ". j Bair. J. C., 236 State; auto ra diators and bodies repaired; 4 employed. H , Barkus & Son, 18th and Cen ter; service station; 2 employed. Barton, R. D., 171 So;! Com; mercial; electric service station; 4 employed. v - j 5 Bliss. FJ W., 311 N. Coinmer cial; top shop, trimming, supplies; 2 employed. U j Bonesfeele Motor! Co., 474 So. Commercial; - H. F. Bonesteele, manager, f Dodge Bros., car?, re pairs for Dodge Bros; cars, and, a line of accessories and tires; 14 employed. . ' ' Burns, Pat, 2641 Fairgrounds road; servlce'station; 2 employed Burns, V. E, t Dan), Ferry and High streets; G. M. C. trucks, bearings, parts, repairs and service , for all" cars and tractors; 8 employed.. i Burrell. E. II., auto electrician; I 238 - N. High, storage batteries and service; 3 employed. ' Cameron, Chas., 398 21st auto painting; 2 employed.- i Certified Used Car Market; By ron Wright, manager.- Appleby : ....... -.. .35-1 fH 1 "-r?!v ? - r?.-rr 1 T" ( i J ! V The New Home of the Newton-CheTrolet Company,;Salem, Corner Chemeketa and High T i .EROSo A Real Tire at a Real Fmce Mason I i r Cords Heavy Duty 30x3 Fabric CI. 30x32 " 30 x 32 Reg. Cord 30x 32 H. D. CI. 30 x 3Y2 32x3!2 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 32 x 4V2 33 x 4l2 34x44 35 x4Y2 36 x 42 33x5 35x5 37x5 36 x 6 40x8 a u it ti ii it ti ti ti ti ii it " SS. a a a : 1 ii it ti it ti it ii it ti it if t - Old Price $8.80 9.95 11.15 13.95 15.05 19.95 21.85 22.3j5 23.00 23.65 29.55 30.25 31.15 31.85 32.65 38.55 39.95 11.95 Safety Fst, cd. a tt TUBES THESE TIRES AND ! KNOWN AND FULLY GUARANTEED New Price $ 7.05 8.05 : 8,95! ; 11.20 12.10 15.95 17.50 17.90 18.40 18.95 23.65 24.25 24.95 25.55 26.20 30.90 32.00 33.67 52.20 94.70 iTubes 1.50 ; 1.70 ! 1.70 i 1.95 11.95 1 2.25 I 2.50 ! 2.80 1 2.90 ; 3.00 3.25 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 4.20 4.35 ,4.50 10.00 14.00 ARE NATIONALLY HIGH STREETJ AT TRADE 1 i r i 1