The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 11, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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Sticker Designed
Will' Moore, state fire marshal
and W. A jj Mullen, his deputy,
have designed a sticker advertis
ing fire prevention week, .which Is
October 5 jto 11 Inclusive. The
etlcker la designed for automobile
windshelds land similar usage.
Rate Case tio Cotitlnne
t Through jan agreement between
the public service commission and
attorneys for the carriers. Judges
Kelly and Bingham of the 'circus
court for Marlon county have set
October 13 ia& the date to proceed
with a hearing lot the farm pro
ducts rate case 'Which was appeal
ed by the carrires from the com
mission to the court. The order
of the commission reducing the
rates was - remanded to the j com
mission by the court and a modi
fied1 order was issued about two
weeks ago, increasing the 'rates
above those in the original order,
but keeping! them lower than those
now prevailing.
Rpeclal Mntlnee 1
' . King's 1924 Revue, sparkling
musical comedy, all- new show, to
day, Bligh theater. i ; sll
Eugene Hearing Today i J , i
The public service commission
will go to Eugene' today for a
hearing oni application of the
Southern Facifio company to in
crease street c4r fares in Eugene
from 6 to 7 cent3, also an increase
fn l the Eugene-Springfield line.
The commission yesterday comp
leted a hearing: on the same issue
relative tojthejSa Jem lines. ) :
Slarcel and Curt Liast 'longer -.
After a 3 olden Glint Shampoo.
iH' u-! -. 'mm
Speeders Are Fined
In the 'Justice court yesterday,
MlssElizabeth Green, of Astoria,
was- fined ? 10 for speeding.: She
was arrested by State Traffic Of
ficer Relnhart. C. E. Dalidort
was fined $15 for speeding, 1 This
arrest was made by Officer Ken
neth Bloom, i j
The White House
. . Restaurant j will be open for
business Friday morning. Septem
ber 12, at 6 . m. J; S12
What Was the Name?
. A packed house greeted lecturer
A,: B. McReym) ld of Texas, Tnes-
; ' " ,ji i.
Buy, Furniture
Dr, B. H. AVhite ;
'i Osteopathy Surgery " -'
' Electronic TJtagnosiand Treat
ment. M Dr., Abram's. method).
; Office' Th one :S59-TT'or 469-J
606 U.S.,: Bank, Uldg.
i i:
i 1
and now- that we are located in
our, new quarter at
x 143 S. LIBEHTY ST,
we are in a position- to give yon
itillj better service j on your
transfer and hauling work. '
We Still Handle Fuel
and have several .carloads ot
coal due In a few days. ' Better
get your order in early.
1 . Phone 030
er. Transfer &
e Co.
day night when e delivered his
lecture! "The Most Horrible Sin in
the "y-orld" .at tle Bungalow
Chrlstibn church. ;! Nearly an hour
before! the appointed .time the
crowd began to gather. :
Mr. M c Reynold; won his listen
ers with humorous ; slpries preced
ing the; lecture. Keeping-a humorous-serious
strain throughout' he
kept his auditors Is sympathy with
his, message. Noddin t of the head
and applause, dryim ; eyes and
laughing marked' the approval ot
his hearers. - MMjir Ml ; ' :":
By, rising vote tl i audience ;
voiced) their sentimMnt; that Mr.
McReyfaolds had rightly named his
lecture'. : " ; .. il;M j ; -i..;,
Last' night Mr. Mcjleynolds gave
the lecture in Albany, j While in
this city he was guest of R. L.
Putnam, pastor f he 'Bungalow
church. He returns to Athens,
Texas this week; tol resume his
pastorate there, j 1
Sign if Cp Here !
An enrollment blank .for De
fense day will be left at the Cen
tral pharmacy for th Spanish War
Veterans and they ire urged o
eo there and sign some time to
Steinway Piano
Ali real buy. $295.00.' Terms.
Be sure and. sen tpJs.! Tallman
Piano:;, store, 395 1 South 12th
street; near S. Pi passenger depot.
ti r M i- .
ii !
Girl's Funeral IIeI M -M- .
Funeral services jere held tpr
Miss1 Mildred ; Helen I Rich, f 17,
from1 the Terwilllgejr fsneral par
lors f jjVednesday afternoon. " Miss
Rfch; was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs! $amuel; Rich, f 1148 North
Twelfth, and at stitdent of the
Salem ' high school Her death
was caused by; diphtheria, 'which
was !i contracted -a few days ago.
Owing to the nature of her illness
the Services were private. Com
mittal services wee held at the
Lee iMission. cemetery. ;
l: ; ; m r
with their pfoceedings, Mr. Krause
permitted the woman to hold soma
change in her hand while telling
of his past, present and probable
future. He thought that he kept
his -eye upon the coin, but after
she 'had given him back the
change and had taken her de
parture, Mr. Krause found that
be was short 50 cents.' M f
daughter, Eva Miles, will "arrive
in Salem on September 20, They
bad expected to return this week
but decided to visit friends In
Michigan for a short time; Mr.
and Mrs. Miles have been spend
ing the; summer in Europe,' whe-e
Mr. Miles has given careful study
of tht linen industry, particularly
during his trip to Ireland.' They
werfe jjiiccoinpanied abroad by an
other: daughter and her husband,
who 'remained in Belfast for fur
ther study of the linen industry. "
Paving Contract Awarded
Contract to pave the right ot
way on the South Twelfth street
line between Oak and State, own
ed by i the Southern Pacific,, has
been awarded to August Kehr
berger of this city. Mr.- Kehrber
ger has done considerable paving
for the company both in Salem
and In Eugene. '
Students Must Have Work
. Willamette University students
must have work. The business sec
tion will be solicited for part time
jobs this week. Employ students.
Apply to Percy Hammond, chair
man YMCA campus Service com
mittee. Phone 2 054-M. sll
Speaks at McMinnville S
Col. Carle Abrams was in Mc
Minnville last night .to speak r.t
the Ki wants club meeting o na
tional, defense. The wives of the
clubmen were present as special
guests. Col. Abrams was accom
panied by I Mrs. . Abrams and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Kellogg.
Attention BPOE I
Members will - please meet at
the . club rooms Friday at 6:15
p. mi and march in.-a-, body in the
Defense Day parade... r ,". s!2
Lionesses InviteA
Wives of members of the Lions'
club are -being1-Invited to th Fri
day noon lancheon at the Marion
hotel.' A spectdl fiin program Is
being arranged 'for-the meeting. '
The Whlt Hbnsdi - .
Restaurant will be openr for
business ;Friday morning, Septem
ber 12, at 6 a. m. S12
Goat Owner's Goat Gotten
Three-boys, between 12 and lo
years old,: have been molesting the
animals oh the E. Woods' goat
ranch in West SalenJThe-lads
made thelrescape before they
could be--caught.' He obtained a
good description of the boys and
jla on the lookout for them.
Citizenship Class Meets
When the second of the YMCA
citizenship classes (meets Saturday
night a large turnout it anticipat
ed Iby C A. Kelli, Izechtlve secre
tary,; who has charge of the class
There were lOMpjreaentla week ago
fori! the first- class, but - etherohad
notified Mr. Kells they wanted tc
attend as soon as;; possible, f The
next naturalization court is Octo
ber 3. . i;
1 I:
Baptist Addition--:
The Baptist ehuifch s-preparing
to a ereetj a v permanent Sunday
school room at a cost right around
$25O00,:, The campaign -will be
matiejfor this after the Y. M. C.
A. 3 has raised1 th-fttoney, for Its
ne1 building. --. i
Stores Close Friday . M
The directors ! of the Busine.-s
Men's league request all places of
business to close fat ; 5 p. m. on
Friday, Sept. 12j National Defense
day, to enable all to participate in
the . parade which! forms, at 6:30
Birth Is Itepbrted M r'
Birth of Robert' Grover, to . Mr.
and Mrs. Grover Dudley Newman,
of 902 East First street, Albany,
at the Salem hospi tar on Septem
ber' 6 was reported to the city
health officer yesterday, J
Xoticei-if M " ' v. :
Bids will, now be received for
the general construction, heating,
ventilating, plumbing and electric
wiring ot new building for Salem
Lodge Nd. 3 3 6, BPO.Elks, Con
tractors may bid separately on any
of -'the.. above . items except -that
heatiQg.: and ventilating 'must be
Incladed-in, one bid. - Plans and
specifications may be secured from
C. - VaaM Patten, Jr., 416' Masonic
Building,- Salem. Bids will he
opened, '-'it the Marlon hotel, , Sa
lem, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., Mon
day, September 15th; ; : a!3
Dreamland Dance-- '
Valley ten piece orchestra Sat
urday nignc iioia oi pep. xaaies
free. . . Mill '.".-.-
Merchant Short Changed
The . old adage! that the. hand
Is Quicker than' the eye was illus
trated" for -the 1 benefit of Al
Krause, local j merchant, by ,
gypsy vpman who icalld at hw
tore yesterday," Though famiiisr
J' M Open "Evenings.
Popular Priced
TaUored Suits $23 to $45
Men's and 1 Young Men's
;L:: Cars fr Hire mm :;;.
Our autos are all kept In prime condition,
therefore are absolutely safe to drive.
We hire them either vvith or without
-j "f Of floe at
PHONE 2020
its go Terminal
Established 1863
General Banlanij Buslner
enough time so that Saturday will
also have to. be used for this pur
pose. ; 'M ' . j .
ThsMVhIte House " "",I;!
Restaurant will . be open
business Friday morning, Septem
ber 12, at 6 a. m. ; " S12
Contagious Diseases Iteported-i-
One case each of Glphtheria and
of chlckenpox has been reported
this week to the city health offic
er. Although the numbeF of cases
has "been small this summer, the
total Is larger than it has been for
the summer i season in several
years,; ! m
Kimball Piano ' M M I i
tlonifiiA snap at $175,odifj3rtas.
Tallman Piano Store, 3 9. South
12th Street. Out of the high rent
district. - - - '-iMl ill
SnlehtMMan Married;!
Addison Lane of Salem and Miaa
Gladys Derrick, of Ashland, were
married' in i Vancouver!! Wash.,
this iweek. .- After a short visit
hero jwith her sister ? and brother-
in-law. Mrs. Lane returned to hor
home In southern Oegoq.
Mil st have vfork.
' i i . i
: l ii "
Scoufs to Urge VotinR M?s;:
Though they themselves; are
able to vote, the Salem loy Scouts
wilt fake an active part In the pre
election - campaign to put ; Salem
thef h:ghest city ln theitate in
the percentage of registered vot
ers wpo cast oauois ai met general
election. ' : - j.
.. r v.:.: ' rmi
Clover Ctop Short M ",
That the ' clover . seed crop in
the jWillamette valley Will be SO
pey 'cent short this year is th esti
mate" made ' by Charles! Areherd,
who! Places the total crop! at 120,-
OOOMpounds. The normal yield is
around 600,000 pounds. " Farmers
ar peing offered 20 cents, a pound
at: present for their seed, but s
IthlsiMis the 1 same prl!: received
last! year when there was; a large
crop,; they are slow in . accepting
the Offering. '" lifif-I
- ' i f it i
Elma Welles
Will now.
register pupils for
daises in TheDunningflmproyed
Music Study for Beginners
ents! interested can see Miss
ler at her Studio, 695 ;NJ
Phone 1351. ,
ch jEliza-
,. was in
Grand Jury Meets ! . (
The grand Jury, of wh
beth P. Jones is foreman,
session yesterday and!wili con
tinue -through most , of today.
There are 16 cases tolhe passed
upon, including that of -George
Slaughter, who is accused of a
statutory offense. - M
Get Building Permits '
A two-story dwelling and gar
age, to cost S7O00, win be bum
by L. S. Geer at 1815 South Com
mercial, according' to a building
permit issued by Marten Poulsen,
city recorder, Wednesday. The
First Methodist church received a
permit for the erection of a two-
story Sunday school building a
630 State costing $2000. Th.
building' will be erected by day
labor, according to the permit.
Elks to Participate
Orders to report ' at Marion
square at 6 : 3 0 . o clock
night - for th?; Rational Defense
day parade 'aVe belng-receivedrh?
all members 'jot . the- Salem . Elks
lodge.' The organization will par-
imia in n twin v
Leaving Town,' Sacrifice Price-
On line Wellington piano for
Immediate sale at $185; also
chairs, small heater, nest drawe-r,
chickens and chicken wire. Phone
1341-J. sll
Golf Tourney Sunday-
Sunday-dinner will be served at
the Illlhee country club at. 12:30
o'clock; and those wishing to dine
at the club are requested to tele
phone Graham Sharkey, Trofes
sional, and make reservations at
once J ' The Rose City ' club will
play here Sunday and the Illlhee
Country club will meet 'the visit
ors with practically the same
team that played last -Sunday
Two ot the greens were seeded
this week, according to Mr. Shar
key, and the course is in fine con
dition.' -There is , generally '-
shortage of caddies on Saturday
Miles Returning Home
Word has been received hero
that Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Miles and
The funeral of Mrs. Adele Mia
ger who died September 9, 1924
wil be held at the Webb Funeral
parlors today, Sept. 11, at 2 p. m
Rev. Kantner will have charge of
services. Interment will be in the
City View cemetery. v :
. Uneqmaled Service
Speeders Are Fined
In the police . court yesterday
Francis Young, 942 North Sum
mer, was fined . $5 for speeding,
and Albert Feller, of Turner, for
feited $5 bail for speeding. Rich
ard Beran, Stay ton. was arrested
last night for speeding and cited
to appear Friday at 5 o'clock.
All of the arrests were made by
Officer Wiles. i .
Leaves Training Schoot
Clark Valentine, 1 6, escaped
from the boys' ' training school
about 4 o'clock Wednesday aftar-
noon. He is described as being
fair, light hair. 5rfeet 10 inches
and weighs about 150 pounds.
When last seen he was wearing a
red jazz cap.' M '
Humane Officer Acts In -
Aumsville Cruelty Case
:- M . : - : . ...
Dr. W. G. Morehouse, M county
livestock inspector and humane of
ficer for this district, went' to
Aumsville yesterday, to investigate
reports of starving sheep, .cattle!
and horses, that were said to have
been left without food. The "of
ficer found the conditions as re
ported and saw that relief . was
afforded the-animals. " Two let
ters were. sent to their owners.
When you see twojmeh In the
front seat and twojwemen'in the
back they are either married or
kinfolks. ; ' ;
A Superintendent's Offlci
Ail number of teachers and two
school superintendents -called yes
terday at the office of Mrsl Mary
Fiilkerson, county superintendent
of schools. Superintendent Goetz
of Silverton and F. E jFagan of
Wood burn ..both had .professional
business in Salem, '4 i
m: ' . . .
Aks for Separatlo;
Suit was filed with the
clerk yesterday by Ilifi Lindsey.
asking complete Reparation from
hta wife, Pearl Lindseyr and cus
tody of the only child, Francis
Wjllard Lindsey. Desertion was
given as reason for the- complaint.
- . . i ' n ii Til '"-'
Per Cent Sloney M :
We -have $250d;2 2000- and
siooo to loan for 3 to, 5 yars oa
nodern Salem homes! Becke &
Hendricks, U. S. Bank bldg. sll
Motion fkiy Is Tomorrow
In preparation fop the ; next
term of court, which begins Mon
day, Sept. 15; Friday- of this week
will be held as motion id ay by
Judge Kelly. It is expected that
the' proceedings will; consume
.m '
Your high school "educa
tion Is a good foundation
"aponjwhlch to build the
structure of your ' future
business life. A business
training added to 1 the
education you M already
have will fit you for life.
We will train yoiS ;i dlU
gently and faithfully.!
"'' 1 '" '' '
'.: t. i.. s - . ' v i .
Usee G0O)d f
?.," - ; 'M-
lr ' l M
i !
In order to make room for our remodeling it becomes
every item in this department without a thought of
anything in the next six months it will pay you. to
Listed belpw are a few of; the many values we have for you:
If ypu will be needin
42-inch Vi Oak Serving Table
$32.00 value . J.:.:..
48-inch Imitation Oak Buffet
$35.00 value -r 4--- "
38-inch 14 Oak Serving Table
$35.00 value ----ii
48-inch Oak Sideboard with mirror
50.00 value
Odd Dinine Room Chairs in mostly all finishes; in
quantities of 1 to 4 of 9 kind, ,at prices ranging
.,$1.50 each to $4.95 each.j , 1
30-inch Quartered Oak Dressing Table with bevel'
edged French plate mirrt)rr m t Ct'C ft.
; 21-in.x21-in a $35 value, at ...... 9 A J l y
Hall Seatffin quartered j oak, good . ;" CD t
style; $25.00 value at : :. VeV -
. 34-inch Mahogany Finish Dressing
' - Table 3 mirrors, $55 -value1 .......
AU oak Music Cabinetgbod style . M M Of CS (
$20 00 and -finish, $22.50 value at . V '
3-piece Overstuffed Living Room Suite t
: covered in tapestry, $225 value .r::J....ll. '
Heavy; Oak Rocker, genuine leather
- seat. $25.0ft value .'
Maple Rocker in golden finish,
$3.00 value ..:...JL
Hardwood Rocker, :3 f
$8.0a value ...Z.: J L
Day Bed, with oak ends,! covered in tapestry, that
Drop Head Sewing Machine,
$75.00 value at-
Large Hall Tree with good mirror and clothes hooks,
umbrellas rack, ; C C C
; . ix
open into a full size bed.
$60.00 value ;..........i:
Lounge Chair in Quartered Oak, !
$15.00 value ...i-.
Breakfast Table, drop leaves, finished in
ivory, $6J50 value ...1-J.1....I.......... .........
Full sile Kitchen Table with drawer
in natural finish, $6.00 value ...
v Ah All Dale Rocker; large' and, roomy, :
padded head rest, $10 value 'Z.11j..L
Large Arm Chair in leather, j '
$35.00 value li
; $5.00
$50 value at J.". -
Two-drawer Dresser with side -cabinet and .drawer
large mirror, ;
r $47,50 .value at
Quartered Oak Stand, fine for large
plant stand, $27.50 value at ...
12 only Iron Beds, good lvalues, ranging in . price
$3.00 to $11.95 each, f . ;. i', '
Sanitary Couch,
$8.75 value
42-inch square top Extension Table,
$27.50 value Jl........:....:.
42-inch round top Extension Table,
$27.50; value -,.-1.1-1-..--."
Fufl Size Oak Bed in 'good? inish, CI 7 ff H
50 value v u
front with
"48-IiicK V4 Oak Buffet, full swell
12133-inch plate mirror 1 . I
a $70 value at -....:;.J i--.i
42-inch full Quartered. Oak j Library Table maga
zine shelves on both ends. - J00 C
$45 value at ..l..:...-:.j O v
42-inch Walnut LibraryTable, good as COIJ flfl
newr a $50 value at dJ. . . vl
42-inch Oak Library Table,
$32.00 value at .........i-J...-
$18.00 Oak Library Table
at, ;$GIC3
$20.00 Kitchen Cabinet at
A Roll-top Kitchen Cabinet, ; . Ot f f
a $30 value at .. .u..,X Itiv
Your used, goods
taken in exchange
Your Credit 3
1 . 1: -
good here .
Crfice Honrs froa 10 a. xa. to 3 p. b.