The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 10, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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Automotive Industry Is the topic
of the Slogan editor this week.
Some surprising facts about this
great industry will be given. See
Thursday's paper.
General Wu Pei-Fu Launch
es Offensive Against Gov.
ernbr Chekiang Who is
Defending Shanghai
Martial Law Has Not Yet
i- Been Established at Cap
ital City of Peking
I PEKING, Sept. 10. (By the
Associated Press). -General Wu
Pei-Fu has opened a new offensive
against General Lu Tang-Hslang,
the governor of Chekiang, who is
busily engaged holding back the
rmy of Kiangsu which .has been
attacking his troops west ol
CbanghaL According to a; dis
patch reaching Peking, General
Sun Chuan-Fang, who has been
holding Fuchow in Chekiang pror
lace for Wu, has arrived at Chd-
chow in the south of Chekiang
with a strong force of Fukien
i troops. ; His- opponent. General
Pang with a division .of the Che-
cf receiving reinforcements.
The proposed expedition of Dr.
Sun Yat-Sen, head of , the south
China government, in support of
Chekiang, is eported to have bee.i
delayed fro financial reasons.
The Canton merchants have re
fused to contribute the necessary
funds in spite of the inducement
that by the support of the expedi
tion they would rid themselves of
the presence of Sun's mercenaries.
The troops themselves are - also
alleged to be disinclined toward
the expedition. .
i Contrary to the reports current
in Peking martial law has not
been proclaimed in the capital.
President Alessandri Shorn
of Power; Flees to Amer
I ican Embassy
the Associated Press.) The gov
ernment of Chile is now entirely
under, the control of the Chilean
army. President' Alessandri, shorn
of independent action by the pow
erful military Junta has resigned
at the behest of the Junta and
will leave the country. (
Although' the Junta has guar
ateed the safety of Alessandri he
ia beingv sheltered at his own re
quest in the American embassy
In Santiago until legal formali
ties have been completed which
will permit him to quit the coun
try. Executive power has -been
assumed by General Luis Altami
rano representing the Junta. ' The
change in government appears to
have been accomplished in accord
ance with constitutional procedure
but by the will of the Junta,
which is composed of 43 officers
of - - - . . -
OREGON: Fair and warmer
in the interior; moderate
northerly winds. .:
r (Tuesday)
Maximum temperature, 73.
Minimum temperature, 47.
Rainfall, none.
River, -2.4.
Atmosphere, clear.
Wind, northwest.
I U 0)
, t
Salem street railway fares were trie sdbject of a hearing
yesterday before the public service commission, on application
of the Southern Pacific company to increase the fares' in
Salem from 6 to 7 cents. ,; . t , ?
T. L. illingsley, superintendent ofithe street railway lines,
declared, however, that the increase would in reality be only
a quarter; pf a cent inasmuch as four-ride books would be sold
for 25 cents. ; ,
In reply to a question from W. P. Ellis, attorney for the
public service commission, whether the increase in 1922 from
5 to 6 ents had not actually caused a decrease in patronage
and, a decrease in revenue, Mr. Billingsley replied that while
there had been such decreases, he attributed it to a far greater
number of automobiles now than at that time. p
Billingsley said that in event the increase is allowed trans
fers will: continue to be issued from the Southern Pacific
steam line between Salem and Geer and from the bus lines
that took j over the Southern Pacific traffic between Salem
and west; side points. - . , . ... J-
Early 'Teturns Give Slight
Lead Over Nearest
Rivals in Primaries lt
SEATTLE. Sept.' lu With re
turns from more than a fifth of
the precincts in Washington gath
ered. Colonel Roland H. Hartley
of Everett early today had a lead
of 4756 over E. L. French of: Van
couver for the republican nomina
tion for governor in a 'primary
held yesterday. For the demo
cratic nomination these precincts
gave Mayor Ben F. Hill bf Walla
Walla 4141 over Walter J. Robin
son of Spokane. ; These figures
represented 556 precincts out of
2453 -S "; . - , ; -iy
Returns pointed to the renomi
nation ol four of the state's five
congressmen who sought to suc
ceed themselves, : two of these,
Albert Johnson, Hoquiam, repub
lican,' and Sam B. Hill, Water
ville, democrat, being unopposed
in their parties. . .
In the fifth district, where early
returns had indicated a tie, J.
Edward ! Ferguson of Wenatchee
bad drawn away from Thomas
Corkery of Spokane enough to ac
quire a lead of 146 in 121 out of
516 precincts. , .
Inthe first district, with 5S
out of 340 precincts reported,
Congressman John F. Miller of
Seattle bad 4236 to 1175 for Ray
R. Greenwood of Charleston, and
in the second Congressman Lind
ley H. Hadley of Bellingham, iu
120 precincts out of a 6 2; showed
5047 to 1773 for J. W. Bryan, a
townsman of his,, who refused to
support i the republican presiden
tial ticket. :; ( ; -
Returns gave a lead for three
places on the supreme court bench
to atrio indorsed by. the state as
sociation, consisting of John F.
Main and John R. MltcheU, in
cumbents and W. D. Ashren of the
superior court in Tacoma, r over
a group I backed by advocates of
a bill to permit cities freely to
sell electric power, and made up
of W, H. j Pemberton, incumbent,
Bruce Blake of the superior: court
in Spokane and W; D. Lane, 'for
mer Seattle city councilman.
Returns compiled, before; mid
night, gave John F Miller, con
gressman from the Seattle district
more than four times as many
votes for j nomination on tho re
publican ticket to succeed himself
as either of his opponents, Ray D.
Greenwood and H. Alvin Moore,
who were running close to each
other. ' 1; f . ;, f t,
"' In the Everett-Bellingham dis
trict. Congressman : Lindley II.
Hadley had for renominatipn on
the republican ticket more than
twice as many as his nearest op
ponent, J, W. Bryan, who had an
nounced that he was not support
ing" Coolidge and Dawes on the
national ticket. In the district in
cluding Walla Walla in South
eastern, .Washington, John; Sum
mers, republican, had s stmng
lead for renominatlon over Ed
ward Parker ol Yakima
World Fliers Unable to Leave
Washington Today, as
Was Expected
world fliers saw little prospect to
night of getting away from Wash
ington before Thursday : on their
cross country flight which will
terminate in Seattle. l ' t '
They had intended to hop 'off
tomorrow, making Dayton, Ohio,
before nightfall, but the forced
landing of Lieutenant Nelson's
plane near Baltimore altered their
plans. ; Spare parts, a new motor
and a detail of mechanics Were
rushed to the plane. Nelson's
mechanic. Lieutenant Harding bad
remained behind to supervise! re
pair work, and Nelson! himself
plans, to go out to his plane early
tomorrow. Provided f weather
conditions are favorable the three
pilots said they would be in Seat
tle in ten- days. 1 ?
; They do not know what they
will do after arrival on the Pacific
coast, the future depending .m on
their military orders. ,
- Installation of a new engine in
the world flight plane "New Or
leans" will be necessary to enable
it to continue the flight to Seattle
Lieutenant John . Harding Jr.,
mechanician said: tonight. ;
7 CArif DIOATES i 1,
Presidential Electors NornF-
nated by Progressives
Are Off Ballot
- -: ' -a- -
Two of -the nominees for state
offices and the -five presidential
electors : nominated by the pro
gressive party in Portland last
Saturday had not sent ; their f ac
ceptances to the secretary of state
by 5 o'clock yesterday, which
marked the expiration of the per
iod in which they may . legally
accept. Hence their names, will
not appear on the . ballot. J
Those nominated for state! of
fices who had not accepted are J.
D. Mickle, for state dairy and
food commissioner, and E.1 J.
Stack, nominated for secretary of
state. Mickle, however, is f the
Republican nominee and his name
will appear on the ballot as such.
His nomination by the " Progress
ives was simply .an endorsement.
Stack refused to accept the nomi
nation for secretary of state.
" The five nominated for presi
dential electors, and who did? not
accept;- are Ernest Kroner,! Gust
Anderson, .J, B. Brown, "Peter
Zimmerman and E. Ellingson.
All the other nominees sent in
their acceptances, but these ; will
not be filed by Secretary of State
Kozer until they have been passed
on ' by) Attorney - General : Van
Winkle. ; .
v - I". I ' ; ' V -" I I. " - ! : ,
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sAlem, oregon; Wednesday;
A. .J
Chairman of Democratic Na
tional Committee Claims
a Genuine "Victory"
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9. The
Maine election :was described in a
statement issued- tonight .by Clem
L. Shaver, chairman iof the demo
cratic national;, Committee as bet
ing a "victoryl'l from the demo
cratic standpoin. j
"The democratic nominee for
governor." he said, "was defeated
by 30,000 votes, less than in 1920,
the last presidential year and this
in the face of the fact that the
vote in Maine j this year was ap
proximately 4000 larger than in
that year. ' In f other words the
gains hare been tremendous and
the loss to the -republicans 50 per
cent i in the matter i of plurality.
The republican1 inomlnee for gov
ernor won by 65,000 in 1920. This
year he won by about half that. A
change in the two parties' votes
of anything like similar percent
ages ; in the country would mean
a clean democratic sweep."
Veterans' Organization
i Indorses Third Party
CHICAGO, Sept. 9.- The exec
utive board of the United Veterans
of the republic, comprising veter
ans of the civil, Spanish and world
wars! and other military expedi
tions of the nation, today notified
La Follette headquarters that they
had adopted a resolution endorsing
senator Robert M. La Follette for
president and Senator Burton K.
Wheeler for vice, president.
$4,250,000 Estimated Dam.
age to Forests of Cali
fornia and fjorthwest
National Lumber Manufacturers'
association today estimated forest
fire loss this season in California
Oregon, Washington, Montana and
Idaho at $4,250,000. Of this $3,
000, 000 represented Joss to stand
ing timber In the national forests
and parks; $300,000 damage to
privately owned standing timber,
and an equal sum to logs and
logging equipment, while $250,000
was in losses (o settlers and mi
scellaneous community property.
Incendiary fires, forest visitors,
lightning, and; industrial opera
tion in clearing land were given
as the chief causes of the forest
fires with very few ''attributable
to logging 'operations."
Saying "recreation in wood
lands"-costs the government and
timber owners sums . ranging
rfrom several $ million dollars la
a fortunate year to as much as
$25,000,000" the
statement suggested
that "perhaps
a price," and
it comes at too high
called attention! to
of increasing Vestr
"the question
ctive policing
of forest areas! which will greatly
limit public utilization of forests,
public and private,
al purposes, f 1
"In addition to
for recreation-
$450,000 al-
ready spent by the United States
forest service ! in protecting public
forests in the afflicted Pacific
states," the statement estimated
nearly $4,500,000 has been spentfl
similarly by prjfate enterprises.
Irrigation Congress ' ?f
i Ends its! Conference
l KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Sept.
9. The Oregon irrigation - con
gress at the' conclusion tonight of
its fourteenth annual session,
adopted a resolution declaring in
favor of state guarantee of irriga
tion bond issues. . The action came
after State Senator Jay Upton : of
Bend had attacked! the stand of
Governor Walter jM. Pierce in
favor of repeal of the law provid
ing for state guarantee of interest
on Irrigation bond issues. : Lr. '
7 ' The congress also adopted a
resolution endorsing the Jefferson
county water tpnsetvation unit, or
north. unit, which j-has been op
posed by the governor.
- ; - - -' !-- ' . . I " - : - r ' y -
morning, September io,
John R. Caveriy Wll Give
His Decision in Case of
Loeb and Leopold at 9:30
A.M. Today
Plan to Take Extreme Pre
caution in Escorting
f . Judge to Courtroom
CHICAGO, Sept. 9. Nathan P.
Leopold Jr and Richard A. Loeb
are ready1 to hear Judge John R.
Caverly's sentence tomorrow for
the murder of the former school
neighbor, Robert Franks,
. Tomorrow at 9:30 a. xn Chi
cago time, the two sons of million
aires will be led from the county
ail under double guard - to the
criminal courts building, where
Judge Caveriy will read to! them
his decision, sentencing them and
then will order the proper:; offi
cers to execute his commands. .
When , this procedure, expected
to consume lesa than. 30 minutes,
has been concluded, the boys will
botaken back. to: the Jail, either
fer-nttrd0rerf- rew'-where con
demned persons await the gallows
or to the cells they have occupied
since the first of June to await
transfer to Joliet penitentiary.
To Surround Court Building
The ; criminal courts building
will be surrounded by armed men
hours before the time set for the
reading of the sentence.' " The
building will be filled with other
guards. More. than 250 men will
comprise the detail assigned the
scene.t : , v ' ' " i " '. '
' Extra precautions; in ' view of
the many threatening letters re
ceived by the judge and others
will be taken in escorting judge
Caveriy, from his north side resi
dence to the court. ' .
While .judge Caveriy is in the
building and on the bench be will
have Chief Hughes and two lieu
tenants of detectives constantly at
his side. His police guard will
remain with him until he has re-
(Contlnoed on page 3)
Organization Supports De
fense pay- Junket Trips
Turned Down
At the monthly meeting, held
last night at the Chamber of
Commerce, the Cherrlans1 ; voted
unanimously to take part in De
fense day and to Join the parade
Friday evening beginning at Ma
rion square. Uf "
- Carle Abrams, general com
mander for the day, i said that the
parade would be led by' tbe fife
and drum corps of the American
legion and that the Cherrlans
would be lead by the Cherrian
band. ; - M '
King Bins Al-Pierce announced
that Friday of states fair week
would be known as Hospitality day
in honor of the Oregon Hospital,
ity clubs, or which Mr. Pierce is
president. Efforts will be made
to have all of the 13 Hospitality
clubs attend the state fair on that
day, all in uniform i The courte
sies : of the fair will, be extended
to all members .of the Hospitality
clubs who attend in; uniform. In
the ' evening, before the horse
show, ; members of j the . various
clubs' will be given! the stadium
in Which to put on ! their many
stunts. - - - .' 'H'-'.r
Due td an extra heavy program
the Cherrlans ! last night were
obliged not to accept the Inylta
tlon from Albany to attend Oie
Linn county fair and also the Lane
county fair to be held at Eugene,
ri I ft
H. P. Gabel of Puerta, Calif.
Sends Fee for Stopping
Here Last October
Setting an example to all debt
ors, H. P. Gabel, of Route 2,
Puerta, Cal., has forwarded to the
city a money order for 50 cents
which he said has been due since
last October. The letter was ad
dressed to the city of Salem and
in the course of business routine,
Marten Poulsen, city recorder, fell
heir to the epistle, . ; "The letter,
dated August 26, is as follows;
"Last October my wife and I
spent a night at the Salem muni
cipal auto park. We left In the
morning and were unable to find
the man in charge and were unab
ble to pay the usual charge. I
intended. to send the money from
Spokane, but forgot the matter."
"Recently we wece checking
over expense memoranda for, our
trip and were reminded of the
matter. -.. Enclosed is a money or
der for 50 cents." .
Mr. Gabel made the request of
the amount he sent was insuffi
cient to notify him by a postal
card and he would remit the dif
ference due the city.
01 MS. LB
New . Orleans, Commanded
by Lieutenant Nelson,
v Strips Timing Gears .
WASHINGTON Sept. 9-1-Wear-ied
by an all day buck against
bead winds and fog delays. Lieu
tenant Lowell H. Smith, com
manding the armyworld flight,
brought his air cruiser Chicago
to a safe landing at Boiling field
here today to receive a cordial
greeting from President Coolidge
and members of the cabinet. Bos
ton II, substitute for the Boston,
wrecked off Iceland, came in also
with Lieutenant- Wade piloting,
but the New Orleans went , down
within 30 miles ;. of Washington,
Just,this side of Baltimore, with
stripped timing geifcrs, and her
pilot, Lieutenant ;:Nelson, came on
as a passenger in an escort plane.
A" forced landing for the whole
squadron of world cruisers and
escort marred the flight from New
York. The" filers, with Major
General Patrick,-chief of the air
service; leading the ; escorting
squadron, ran into the fog just
after they crossed the Susque
hanna river, and; at Aberdeen, the
army proving ground In Mary
land, were signalled down to refill
fuel tanks', emptied ' in the long
grind against a steady south wind
that ranged from 35 to 45 miles
an hoar. ' - i '' T v ' ' : '.
It was this that started the de
lays which kept President and
Mrs. Coolidge and members bf
the cabinet and their wives wait
ing four hours for more in the
rain at Boiling field. Under better-
conditions the planes would
have landed before noon but
against the wind that cut them
down to a. 50 mile ground speed
or less and with the stop for an
hour or so at Aberdeen they did
not. put in an -appearance until
nearly 3 p. m. i
- When Lieutenants Smith and
Wade arrived, air service officers
believed that all : three cruise -s
were on the .ground. The two
that did come In were wheeled
Quickly to taxi back to a place in
line before the' reviewing stand
where the president awaited them.
A space was kept clear for the
third but when it remained vacant
there were eager inquiries for the
missing ship. ' -
"Where's the New Orleans?"
was cried at air! service quarters
and they charged into the reserv
ed enclosure" top find out v from
General Patrick or Lieutenant
Smith. "Oh, she's back near Bal
timore," Smith said, and that was
the first word of the accident to
reach the public.
Lieutenant Nelson landed from
the escore plane which carried
him through soon . as his com
panions brought their ships to
earth. H ;
SEATTLE, Sept. 9 David Bur
gess of Tacoma was nominated
for governor on the socialist-labor
ticket at a party conference held
here tonight. -. '
B Tl
Allow t
Seventeenth and ; Summer Streets Affected
Englewood Resident Granted Floor, but
Acrimony Is Avoided Patton, Gall ovr y.
and G. W. Thompson Vote Against T.lcr.eiiro
By a vote of 10 to 3, with one member absent, the city
council last night passed the ordinance bill which allows t! ?
Southern. Pacific company to remove its street car tracL3 :
Seventeenth street, between, D and Center streets, on Seven
teenth between D and Market, and on Summer street between
Market and Chemeketa, and to establish motor bus linc3 in
their place. ' I 9 ;
About an hour later, after he had carefully read the ordi
nance, Mayor Giesy signed the bilL
It is understood the company will start removal cf tl o
lines and equipment within two days. The company ia to
pay the city $7476 for the. release from this part cf ii3
franchise. ' : : ' ; ' i - .
The aldermen voting for the ordinance were A!!cri-
Dancy Herrick, Purvine, Rosebraugh, Simeral, Haljh Tl ' -son,1
Vandevort, Van Patten and Wenderoth. There r t
were Patton, Galloway and George VT. Thcr A
Marcus Vas absent. ;r
" . I . -At ' the concl a c 1'
ins, nnrn
Both Fighters Declare Them
selves Fit for Battle 1
Tomorrow Night
NEW YORK, Sept. 8. (By the
Associated Press.) Luis Angel
Firpo and Harry Wills, rival, as
pirants for Jack Dempsey'a- crown,
have completed their training and
today they declared themselves fit
for" their battle scheduled for
Thursday night in Boyle's Thirty
Acres, Jersey City.
Firpo, because of his devastat
ing right hand punch, loomed to
night as a slight favorite with sev
eral wagers being reported on him
at odds of 6 to 6, but critics who
haver; followed the giant gladiators
in their preparations the past few
weeks look" for a closely fought
battle. - .. :
- There t seems to be general
agreement that the fight "will not
go the limit of 12 rounds, but on
the other! hand, a fairly even de
cision, of .opinion as to whether
the expected knockout will be
scored, by the Wild Bull ! or - the
Brown Panther as no! decisions are
permitted under the New Jersey
boxing' laws, the verdict,' in case
the match goes the limit; will be
; If I weather blocks the? fight it
will be held Friday night.
v Principals in the leading fistic
encounter of the year, in spite of
the fact that no title is involved;
are In excellent condition. With
their long conditioning grinds
completed, both men tipped the
scales at around 220-and expect
to climb intothe ring at this fig
ure. ; - !k"- - ' -
"The bout is slated to go on
about 10 p." in.. Eastern daylight
time, Fjve other contests are in
cluded on the card with the semi
final! of eight rounds between
Charley Nashert of Newark and
Mike : Burke of .New Orleans,
scheduled after the main: event.
f The world will watch tomorrow evening when Lui3
Angel Firpo, Argentine heavyweight, and Harry Vill3,
hefty American colored boy, battle at Boyle's Thirty
Acres for the right to meet Jack Dempsey in a world
championship match. As usual The Statesman will
megaphone the fight returns round by round and blow
- by blow.',- .!'"':.! " .:--:!. -..
I The returns will begin to arrive in Salem about 4
o clock. As the battle progresses the Associated Tress
wires will flash each blow to newspapers all over the
nation, and the full benefit of this unsurpassed service;
. will be received at The Statesman office.
Advertising is a .bridge span
ning the river of doubtful values
to the shore 'of worthy mer
chandise. Read them every day.
M i II
VV .. i V
Alderman Ral;:' 1
that the strff
lnctructt 1 to i r
Ins cf r - '
r 5 I . " . s
said'Street TJuiMiiUo-ioaer Low I, i
Informed him that he could bee' i
by. the first of next week.
Opposition Stubborn
The argument on the ordinance
was not acrimonious, though it
was stubbornly fought by Alder
men Galloway and Patton and by
L.J H. Suter, a farmer councilman,
and J. J. Nunn.
At the outset Galloway suggest
ed that the courtesy, of the floor
bo extended Ho any from the pro
testing Englewood district who
wished to be heard. Mayor Gie?y
declared, however, that inasmuch
as the question was on the passage
of an ordinance the discussion
should be limited to council mem
bers, especially since a special
meeting had been held previously
to hear the residents of the dis
trict. After Alderman Rosebrausli
had made the opening argument
for the bill, however. J. J. Nunn
rather heatedly challenged the
mayor's ruling. The mayor re
plied that 4f the residents were to
be heard it must be by vote of tho
council. The council extended the
privilege. ?
- Rosebraugh Opens Debate
'. Rosebraugh, who! made the op
ening argument for the measure,
was chairman of the ordinance
committee which reported favor
ably on the bill, the other mem
bers being SImeral and Purvine.
; "I hoped and expected at tha
special meeting ' last Thursday
night," said Mr. Rosebraugh, "to
hear some argument that would
Justify the committee ;ln return
ing a report that would be as the
Englewood people wanted it. But
I didn't hear a single argument
of that kind." i : j
Rosebraugh declared that sta
tistics the world over show that
street railway lines are obsolete
and are losing enterprises in all
cities under 500,000 population.
The argument of the Englewood
Protestants, he said, that removal
of the lines would decrease the
value of their property 140,000
"belongs to yesterday and not to
day. The primary , purpose of
(Continued on pag 7)