The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 07, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Appreciations ColWtl
An attractive little booklet hag
been issued by the Standard Oil
company containing commenda
tory communications from the
press and great numbers of In!
dlvidoals, business firms and civic
organizations as a result of its
announcement that It would re
move in the neighborhood of 120$
advertising signs along the highf
ways. More than 400 newspapers
gave favorable editorial expres
slon of the movement,
Osteopathy for Goltrrt ?'j
Dr. Marshall. 228 Oregon Bldg.
Prunes Grading High - i
First grading of the 1923 prune
crop show A high quality, of fruit
and a heavy lean toward 40s, ac
cording to W. F. Drager. Th
prunes are also exhibiting an un
usually sweet flavor; The Drager
Fruit company has finished pack
ing the old crop and is now get?
ting in shape to handle this sea
son's crop. i '.
Wanted 5 Experienced
Waitresses, eteady employment.
Gray Belle. . 24tf
Pfrnlc ID ale Ret
Members of the Standard Oil
company; and their families will
hold their plcnio at Spong's land
ing Tuesday or Wednesday night.
It was announced yesterday by
Fred Collins, assistant manager.?
Injured Boy Improving-
Tommy ' Liveslev. " 12. son of
Mr. and Mrs.- T. A. Livesley, is
recovering from Injuries received
-Buys Furniture
V Phone 511
. t Dr. B. H. White
-X' Dr, Anne Brekke
X'r . : ' J . Osteopathy
.. " - Surgery
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat?
meat (Dr. Abram's method)!
i Office Phone 859 f
Residence Phone 49-J
60$ U. S. Bank Bldg.
tWe're All;
v; Moved
and now that we are located in
C our new quarters at -A.
we are In a position to give yon
till ' better service on J your
transfer and hauling work.
We StUl Handle Fuel
and! have several, carloads of
coal due in a few days. Better
get your order In early.
! Phone 030
Larmer Transfer &
Storage Co.
I i U f I J
:- ' ': B Cars for Hire h i
-. . . Our autos are all kept . in prime! condition,
therefore are absolutely safe to drive.
We hire them either with or without drivers.
mOXE 2020 I Office at Stage Terminal
- bankers; :
Established 18C3 ; ' ;' '
....... : ; . : v . i i t
General Bcmlanc: Business
C:r::2 IZrzrz fr:n 10 c. n. to 3 p. n.
some time ago when he fell into
the pit of the Klett " natatorium,
which is under construction. Al
though no bones were broken he
was badly bruised. 1
Use Our Distributive
Payment fplan. if you cannot
spare the cash! Pomeroy & Keene,
jewelers and J opticians. b7
Cherrians Met Tuesday
: Call to a meeting Tuesday night
has been sounded by King Bing
Al Pierce, of the Salem Cherrians.
Among matters to he discussed
are the entertainment of the Ore
gon Hospitality club, consisting
of all booster; organisations of the
state, which; will be here on boost
er club day 'of the state fair, Fri
day, September 26; the proposed
trip to thejinn county fair at
Albany and the participation in
the .Defense day program next Fri
day! KingjjBing Pierce is the
first president of the Oregon Hos
pitality club and was one of the
originators of the movement.
. 3 s . - - -
: .'ii 1 1 '
A Bargain lnA Slightly lined
Chevrolet! j coupe at - Newton
Chevrolet Co. , s7
Blackberries A re Received
Three tons of blackberries from
Toledo, Estacada and Tillamook
J ere, received here yesterday by
earey & f fBIehn, representing
about two. days of picking. At
least 200 moire pickers are wanted
by the firm, f which hopes to send
at least five fons a day to the can
neries. The j pickers are receiving
2 cent fptheir work and are
sent to any one of the districts
that they prefer. The fruit is go
ing to four canneries and is being
handled with special trucks from
each point, bringing in the ber
ries and returning the crates daily.
The picking will continue through
September.'!'!.'. jt :-v
Gilbert Resigns
.. F. Steele Gilbert, who has been
financial secretary of the First
Methodist church here for the last
15 years, has handed in his resig
nation, effective October 1, the
end of the fiscal year. Mr., and
Mrs. Gilbert will spend the win
ter in California, combining busi
ness and pleasure. Mrs. Gilbert
has a brother; in Los Angeles. :
Asks Foreclosure
- Action has been brought against
Roehling E.f Mulr to foreclose a
piece of property upon which he
borrowed $2800 In November,
1922, according to papers filed
with the county clerk yesterday.
Osteonathr for Childrei
Dr. Marshall, 228 Oregon Bldg.
'..St . ' -T
. 5 I " B
Three Licenses Issued "i
Marriage licenses were issued
yesterday tor Jay C. Allen of Port
land and Roth Austin of Wood
burn; Nolan Al Clodfelter of Port
land and Mary , Elizabeth Warner
of Salem, and to Gottlieb Eunen
of Salem and Carrie Olson of
Maclery. Mr Ruhen and Miss OI
sen were later married b Judge
Downing. i ; : ...
Oar Used Goods
Department has a number of
good dining tables, davenports,
desks, book! cases, buffets, China
closets, kitchen cabinets, etc. Ham
ilton's. ? f J s6
Appointed Guardian '
Papers were filed with the coun
ty clerk f 'yesterday appointing
George Weatherill guardian of his
two younger brothers, 2 Clifford
and Raymond Weatherill.
To Become Naturalized
Harold Alexander- Coutts yes
terday filed his intention to be
come, an American citizen. - Mr.
' ' I i For : ;1 ':
Open Evenings
Popular Priced
Tailored Suits $25 to $45
Men's nd Young Men's
Coutts was born In New Westmtn?
ster, Canada, and moved to the
United States last April. He is
a plumber by trade, and is now
living at 524 North Front street.:
Lecture t
A free lecture will be given in
Derby hall September 7th, 8 p.lm.
Subject, "A Desirable Govern
ment." Millions now living will
never die. V j s7
Annullment Is Sought j"
A petition was filed yesterday
at the office of. the county clerk
by Eva Olson., who as the guard
Ian of Eda Veloff, asks to have
annulled a marriage which took
place between Eda Veloff and
John Veloff on April 21, 1924.
The petition states that Eda. Ve
loff was not of legal age at the'
time the marriage took place, and
that the couple are not living to
gether at present.
Visiting Bishop Home
Mrs. Roy Bishop and children
of Portland and Miss Eva Rais
trlck of England, who is visiting
in Portland, came to Salem last
night and are guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop.
They will return to Portland this
evening. . Miss Raistrick will leave
soon for England.- .
Notice i . : . rf
Bids will now be received for
the general construction, heating,
ventilating, plumbing and electric
wiring of new building for Salein
Lodge No. 336, BPO Elks. Con
tractors may bid separately on any
of the above items except that
heating and ventilating must be
included In one bid. Plans and
specifications may be secured from
C. Van Patten, Jr.. 416 Masonic
Building. Salem. Bids will be
opened at the Marlon hotel, Sa
lem, at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. Mon
day, September 15th. ', r sl3
Fire at City Dump j
. Because one of the city scaven
gers unloaded several; truck loads
of combustible refuse; at the city
dump grounds Saturday afternoon
and neglected to tell some of the
residents of that part of the city
that he '' was going to burn the
waste material, the fire depart
ment was called to the city dump
grounds about 7 o'clock last night
in answer to an alarm. - A neigh
bor, alarmed by the sight of fire,
telephoned in the alarm, i ff
Kiwanlana to Hear Report ft
: Fred Erixon will give a report
of the district Kiwanis convention
which "was; held at Walla Walla,
at the ' Tuesday luncheon at the
Marion hotel. In case he forgets
any of the details. Dr. Henry l.
Morris, president of the club, is
expected to supply the missing In
formation.' Dr. Morris is also
slated to tell about the ."inter
club picnic at Champoeg on Labor
day -J ; ' . ' :
Come Hear That Six-Piece f
Orchestra , at Auburn i every
Thursday. ' - t 7
Get Vancouver Ucense
According to a press dispatch,
Joseph Ilamman, 46, owner of the
Mill City stage line, and Minnie
C. Kunkle, 33 of Salem, have been
granted a marriage license at
Vancouver, Wash. ff
Vesper Services Today - '
Dr., Daniel A.; Poling of New
York city, associate president Jbf
the World's Christian Endeavor
union, will speak at the yesper
services In Willson park at 4
o'clock this afternoon. Dr. Poling
is the son of Rev. C. C. Poling,
pastor of. the First Evangelical
church ' and is . recognized ' as an
eminent speaker. He is Also pas
tor ; of the Marble Collegiate
church of New York city and pres-
i DIED ' ;
HOLT-i Ted Holt, age 18, died
Sept. 5 near Valsetz, in Polk
county. Or. Death was caused
by an accident during logging
operations. He is the son ' of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holt of Wil
lamina, Or. Survived by a broth
( er, Frederick Holt, and a' half
sister, Miss Mabel Trinnith; a
nephew of TJ. G. Holt ot . the
Spaulding Logging company, Sa
lem.1 Funeral services will be
held at 10 o'clock Monday at
the Rigdon Mortuary. Inter
ment in City View cemetery, ;
TURNER Mrs. Edith E. Turner
died at her residence, 837 South
Twelfth street, Septv 6, at tie
age of 30 years. She is sur
vived by her two children, Mar
garet, age 9 and George, age! 7
years, her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
- Perry Black of Portland; two
brothers, Clyde E. Black of San
Francisco, and Jesse A. of Port
land; two sisters, Mrs. Agnes
Hunt of Baker, Or., and Miss
- Margaret Black of Portland.
Mrs, Turner is the widow of the
late William H.? Turner, who
passed away; July 23 of this
year. Funeral services will e
held Monday, Sept. 8, at 2: SO
p. m. from the Webb funeral
parlors, with Rev. W. W. Long
and Chadwick chapter. OES, in
'charge. ; Interment in City View
.. cemetery. -., f : '
J T Unequal ed EerTice ;
ident of the Federated Council of
the Temperance Forces of Ameri
ca. Dr. Poling la the author of
several books. Th'is service will
be the last of the lunion outdoor
services held during' the summer.
Citizenship ClaMesfAgal
First of the j fall citizenship
classes being conducted by the
YMCA was held last night with a
class of !10 present; This Is re
garded as an exceptional turnout
at present, when a majority of
the men are In the hop yards. In
structions were given by C. A.
Kells, executive secretary of the
PMC A. These classes will be held
regularly every j Saturday night.
The next citizenship hearing will
be October 3. i r;
Takes Bookkeeping Job
' Fred Wilkinson baa joined the
staff ot the MacDonald Auto com
pany as bookkeeper, Mr. Wilkin
son Is well known: to a number
of Salem residents, having been
one of the feature numbers of the
Cherrlan revue last spring. Imi
tation of beasts land birds is his
specialty. Mr. Wilkinson said yes
terday that he would be glad to
lend his services when needed
again this year. I lie appeared at
several of the American legion
smokers during the; winter.
Hop Pickers Are i Wantl '
While the owners of the larger
hop ranches of j the district . are
having little difficulty . in obtain
ing sufficient pickers to harvest
the crop, owners of the smaller
yards are having considerable dif
ficulty in obtaining, the necessary
afiount ; of help: and a majority
4 re working with' 1 short crews,
hough the recreational programs
are attracting many to the larger
yards, the opening of the Port
land public schools last Tuesday
is working, a hardship on the
growers; a number ; ot whom have
been dependent : upon ' Portland
families. S H
Osteopathy the Original
And genuine spinal treatment.
Dr. Marshall, 228; Oregon Bldg.
; : V ii -: '.- s7
Bcildlng Permits Few
Only four building permits were
issued from the 'city recorder's
office this week, : representing a
total of $4700. This is one of the
lowest weekly records this year.
Want a Loan
Of on Salem residence.
Socolof sky. Phone 970. S7
Three Sniti Stolen - , -
Loss of three suits of clothes
was reported to the police yester
day by: A. J. Anderson, of 444
Water, j' The suits were in place
when. he went to work at 7 o'clock
but when he returned at. noon
they were gone.. One white shirt
was also stolen. : Mr. Anderson Is
offering a $50 reward for. the re
covery of his property.
Labor Supply Still Short
There are still more jobs than
men, according to' Loyal Warner,
who is taking charge of the Unit
ed "States employment bureau at
the YMCA during the absence ot
Sim Phillips, who ! is on his vaca
tion. Mr. Warner is not making
out the regular reports for the
week, but during the week ending
Saturday night had sent out 427
men. Monday I the bureau was
open but - two hours, though 55
men were sent out. Figures for
the other days i of the week are
Tuesday, ,60; j Wednesday, 60:
Thursday, 80; j Friday, 92, and
Saturday, 70.
Miracle ami Madam
Reducing girdles for stout fig
ures. See Miss Swart at 453 Court
St. Building formerly occupied by
American Express Co. s7
Truck Is Stolen
Report of the theft of a three
fourths ; ton GMC hospital truck
from a shed at the state tubercu
lar hospital some time Friday
night was made to the police de
partment Saturday morning.
Hawley Will Not Sneak
Congressman W. C. Hawley will
not be able to deliver the princi
pal address at the program at the
armory: next Friday night at
which time National Defense day
will be observed. Mr. Hawley
had accepted an invitation' to
speak at Tillamook Friday before
being advised that his presence
was desired . In Salem. Efforts
are being made tp obtain a speak
er to take his place.
Oh Boy
Flake's Petland has dandy
young' goats at $2.00 each. Great
pets, will make good drivers. . S7
Speeder Forfeits Rail
Bail of $10 for speeding was
forfeited in the justice court Sat
urday, by F. W German, who was
arrested by States Traffic Officer
R. B. Reinharti fi
Birth Is Reported
Birth of Alfred, to Mr. and
Mrs. C. P. .Mayer; on September 4
was reported " tq the city health
officer yesterday The baby was
born at the - Wtflamette sanitar
ium. Mr. and Mrs. Mayer live at
340 Mission. 1 The , father Is a
tailor, i i i:
Wanted S Kxpertenced ;
, Waitresses, steady employment.
Gray Belle. . I X1 t . ; a24tf
Golf Tournameni Today
The I niiheeOiintry club golf
team will meet the. East Morelaud
club of Portland in a dual tourna
ment here today, playing in four
somes to begin at 9 o'clock. As
the local team defeated the visit
ors earlier in the season the club
hopes to duplicate the event. A
return tournament will be staged
next Sunday. Members of the
club and guests j will be' served
luncheon at the club' house.
Book Store Is Named
! ; "The Atlas Book and Stationery
store" is the name selected by R.
S, Melson and A. A. Gueffrey, of
the Commercial Book store, for
their new establishment : which
will open i at 465 State around
October 1. All of the fixtures In
the new store will be new and of
the latest f designs. The interior
will be decorated a. driftwood
gray. None of the stock of the
present store will be moved and
the new establishment will feature
a full line of books and stationery
supplies. The typewriter depart
ment, now operated on North
Liberty, will be improved and en
larged and will be included in a
special addition to the new store.
Use Our Distributive '
, Payment plan if you cannot
spare the cash. Pomeroy & Keene,
jewelers and opticians. s7
Rtartlns Pioneer Club
? Beginning this week, the Pio
neer club work in the city will
get under j way, it was announced
yesterday by Loyal Warner. There
are prospects of twice the number
of boys this year than were in the
clubs last year and the number of
clubs are expected to be increased
from 10, the number last year. In
addition there will be four Com
rade clubs organized : and the
Pioneer club leaders will organize
a corps, with their ' own j classes
and meetings. The Pioneer clubs
are designed to interest boys be
tween the ages; of 12 and 16
While the Comrade organizations
take care of the boys from 16 to
18 years old.
Wanted S Experienced
Waitresses, steady employment.
Gray Belle. -,- : ! a24tf
Former Resident Visits;
i Mac Churchill, well known for
mer Salem man, will return to
Portland today after recuperating
from an operation for the remov
al of his tonsils. Mr. Churchill
has been a member of the Port
land police department for several
years and will report back for
duty shortly. At one time he was
connected with the Salem fire de
partment.' Miracle and Madam .
' Reducing girdles fo.r stout fig
ures. See Miss Swart at 453 Court
St. Building formerly occupied by
American Express Co. ; s7
Carpenters Name Delegate
At a meeting of Carpenters' Un
ion No. 1065, Charles T. Parmen
tier was elected delegate to the
state federation of carpenters
which will be held in : Eugene
September 29. -
Before You Leave
Your home or car have it in
sured properly. Phone 161, Becke
& Hendricks, U. S. Bk. Bldg. S7
Good Dog to Give Away
A fine young dog . recently be
came lost from its owner and fwaa
taken up by residents on the Pa
cific highway, route No. 9, box 35,
telephone 44F14. They j have no
children and do not care to keep
the dog. butwant him to have a
good home, so the Humane society
is endeavoring to find a home for
the dog. i The dog answers to the
name '"Bob." He is a male, gen
tle, black and white in color and
of medium size. His present home
is i'where the road to . Chemawa
branches ; from the Pacific high
way. ;
Play Baseball Today
.Two baseball games are slated
for the Lakebrdok hop ranch this
afternoon. Local boxers were
featured last night while on Fri
day night Cooke Patton offered a
two-Tiour program of sleight of
hand work and magic.
Lost His ; Money . .
A hard working laborer lost out
of his pocket $25 in paper money.
It was a $10 bill and three $5
bills. If the finder will kindly
notify The Statesman office the
name of the loser of; the money
will be furnished, in- order that
the money may be restored ' to
Spaulding People to Picnic :
Several hundred gallons of cof
fee and lemonade will be served
at the first annual plcnlcot office
employes and their families of
the Spaulding Logging ; company
at San Salvador beach,, on I the
Willamette river four; miles west
of St. Paul. Those attending' will
come from Salem, i Woodburn,
Newberg, Independence and Port
land. The program will begin at
Goodrich Hot Water Bottles
Values -Up
i to $2.25
133 North Commercial , ; Phone 197
noon and F last ' -until nearly 4
o'clock, with a variety of events,
Including a boya' pie eating con
test boys' shoe race; boys" and
girls' potato race; girls 50-yard
dash; mixed couples' walking
race; necktie race, mixed couples;
married- women's race; honey
moon race, mixed couples; swim
ming race, baseball game and a
horseshoe pitching contest. Lunch
will be served at 12:30 o'clock.
Boy Killed in Camp
Word was received here yester
day of the death of Ted Holt. 18,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holt of
Willamina and a nephew of U. G.
Holt of Salem, in one of the Spaul
ding .Logging company's camps
near Valsetz, in Polk county. A
cable, which broke,'; caught him
around the waist. He is survived
by a brother and sister. Funeral
services will be held from the Rig
don mortuary Monday morning at
10 o'clock, with interment in City
VIeWi cemetery. . ,
Mrs. Etta Bradford has accepted
a position at the state blind school.
Before transferring she was con
nected with the gifrls training
Roy Harding, LeRoy Detllng
and S. R. Laughlln, all .professors
at Willamette university, were
Portland visitors . Saturday.
v George Beck has returned to
Salem from Potlatch; Idaho, where
he spent the summer. He will
transfer fromthe University of
Oregon to Willamette university
this fall. . ' i -
Miss Esther Roeder left yester
day for Coquille where she will
teach in the high school this year.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Churchill
and daughter are spending the
week-end at Mt. Hood. Mr.
Churchill is state superintendent
of schools.
Edna Slmonton, ' who .Is em
ployed by the state banking de
partment, left for Pendleton Sat
urday to spend her vaction.
T. A. Raf fety. chief state traffic
officer, is spending a few days in
Klamath Falls. . .
James Young left Saturday
morning for Crater lake where he
will spend his vacation. Mr.
Young is auditor In the office of
the secretary of state.
Phil Bartholomew has been
transferred from the Eugene of
fice of the Security Savings &
Loan company to the Salem office.
: Luke Gill left for Corvallls yes
terday where he will be connected
with the Standard Oil company.
. j Mrs. Clara E. Feller of Donald
was in the city Saturday morning.
j Miss Helen Cushman was a Sat
urday visitor in Salem from Dayton.-
, v.-;.' --:vV'
t Rhea Luper. state engineer, was
back in his office yesterday after
being confined to bis home for a
few days by illness, . ;
(Continnad from page 1)
ErOugh people. "The vilage folk
stood by to watch the Americans
at their work, and first acquaint
ance ripened at once into mutual
friendship. .
i The Americans had so much to
do that they found little time to
meet the villagers outside the air
plane works. Nevertheless, at the
little village inn In Brough, the
publican and his daughter have
Cherry City Cottages
Clean Cottages, Reasonable
Prices. For reservation please
write to
Box 423, Newport
Capital Hardware &
Furniture Co. ;
Best Prices Paid
285 N. Cornl St. Phone 347
Have Your Child's Eyes Examined Now.
Do not let him he handicapped with faulty vision.
Dr.' (Mendelsohn has for more than a third of a century been;
fitting eyes correctly. J1
his own prices. ?j f ' ,
You can rest assured that your child will be fitted correctly
by Dr. Mendelsohn and that he will give you as good service
la can be bad for he guarantees satisfaction In every respect,
. 210-211 United States Bank Building J?CI
V -i Telephone 723 for Appointment f '.f.TJ-
f ' Br
my ft
priceless souvenirs of the visit of
the airmen. These are the long
etemmed !' churchwarden pipes
which the aviators smoked one
evening when they visited the inn.
' . These pipes, each autographed
by the smoker, are proudly dis
played hy the innkeeper. Already
an order has been given ior a
glass case in which to preserve
and display ; them in years to
come. J '' ; -
When the time came for. The
Americans to hop off for Kirk
wall their leave-taking of 'the vil
lagers demonstrated once smore
the genuineness of the friendships
formed ; in the space of less than
a fortnight. All the village folk
were assembled by the riverside
to "see" the visitors take off,. The
birdmen bade good-bye to each by
name, with j many promises to
write i letters and send snapshots
which the fliers had taken ' of
their friends. '
, WASHINGTON, Sept. 6. -The
City of ,San Pedro, Sula, Hondur
as, has been occupied by; five
hundred troops of the provisional
Oregon Pulp and Paper Go.
' .. . . ' : . , ; ' ; -
I Salem, Oregon
Sulphite, and Manila .Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap
pings, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Glassine,
Drug Bond, Tissue Screenings and Specialties, ;
T)T TT'DUTPT" reading Is at best a tiresome
XJJLiU SXtXSUU relaxation. Our optometrists
produce every lense for your individual requirements.
Perfect vision and absolute comfort are the statements
of folks who obtain eyeglasses from this establishment.
1 . 301-2-3-4 Oregon Bldg.
De Luxe Merchant, Tailoring
Superior fabrics for rrjen who demand . . 7
meticulous workmanship An their guits. Our
new fall lines are in and we suggest your early ?
call. ' :yr:y' -ij .
474 Court Street V ; Phr-rs CCD
st 'I:... LiVX i
government, according to a dia
patch received today In official
circles. ' The situation in llondur-.
as was " described as v "gsaerall
alarming.' " ; ; ?
"If It's for the officcj
we have it.V .