The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 07, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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Lt6hsieuifieaucaire" f
At Liberty Friday
Featuring the, ' -week's picture
programg;ir-the Salem theaters is
the Li'oerty'a presentation of Itu
doli,n Valentino in ! "Monsieur
Itoaucalre," which is billed to
open at that theater on Friday.!
Perhaps none of the recently
produced pictures bare created
the. impression among; the critics
and stirred up filmdom to such
generous praise as has ."Monsieur
Beaucaire," and if the critics are
to be trusted in their estimation
of the" picture It marks the climax
of Valentino's accomplishments
on the screen, and is a fitting Ve
hicle for his return to the studios
after Several months of Inactivity.
Opposite Valentino plays Bebe
Daniels, f as his lady fair, and
never "was a maiden the recipient
of more ardent and glorious loie
making, j . -: -
The story is by Booth .Tarkiag
ton, perhaps his beat, and, the
picture was produced for Para
mount by Sidney Olcott. - It is a
tale (of royal love and intrigue,
with1 rich and, magnificent court
settings as the background,
Parachute Jumper Survived Eighty-Foot DropN . -;
w nen l ms r lammg t xaiioon uousptcu u
Vaudeville Attraction at f
The Bligh Theatre Today
-h ': ,
Mystery of the Ages, Introduced
by Rosalind Dumont. Masculine?
Feminine? or Neuter? Waks
Shakes hands. Kisses, but blinks
not, nor winks not. WHAT IS t?
You shake hands with It at your
perlL Those who hare kissed Ut,
say It Is like kissing electrified
elyet. j Sparks -fly . from it. It
walks amongst : you A Great
Frankenstein. It. is proclaimed
one j-of thei, greatest "mysteries! of
the j vaudeville stage .today and
comes to this theater after a seven
years' tour : of the World. WHAT
IS TTT ' :v. : , I'.. ,
. Tom Mahoney, who- has made a
life, study of the always funny
.Irish character, will entertain with
stories that always create laugh
ter. Tom also, has a very good
singing voice which - he uses ' to
good advantage. - His line of com-
' edy talk, much' of -which ; is ad
Iib' has to dot -with topical af-
fairs and local happenings which
show the humorous side . of ? an
Irish Judge during court 'session
The Kole Komedy Trio, com
prising a man and two' well dress-
- Jd blonde ladies, offer, a routine
of classy harmony.; singing and
comedy. . The male ; member do
ing a good line of "nut" comedy
fa ably assisted by the two. ladies.
and their harmony singing is ex
ceptionally good, 'together jwitU
. pretty : special t lighting effects,
which, are used to a good advan
tage making, this act . a fav$rite
with the audience. . Several chan-
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with a score of newspapermen and
were taken across the harbor to
I automobiles, which conveyed them
to their hotel. , , f
An airport flier. who talked with
the .airmen -before they ! left for
When a balloonist attempted an
ascension af Des Moines, la., to be
followed byfa parachute jump, the
big gas bagj burst into Cames when
only elghtyl feet from the ground.
The photosrrapher "snapped" the
above . picture a fraction of . a sec
ond before It collapsed, hurling the
pilot. to the earth. Although ser
iously injured be survived the fall.
den, mechanician, ; resumed the
flight in. the, Boston 11 from Plc
tou, N. S. . ' . .
Today a great throng at the
Boston airport and a delegation of
high ranking Jarmy, naval and
civil of ficersv. rendered tribute to South Boston said that their phys
the arriving airmen. The fliers leal condition was , splendid and
were greeted wfth.the national sa- that they, needed only rest. He
lute of 21 guns, customarily ac-i quoted Lieutenant; Smith as say
corded only to presidents and to I lag; . ?
the Tulers of . foreign powers. ; r we re oarnea giaa to get come.
Harbor and city Joined in a pan-j The feeling that comes but once
demonium of shrieking whistles, in a Jifetime came to us . when wa
ringing i bells and roaring sirens i moorea ror the last time In llos-
as the nlanes. escorted by twelve ton harbor. We knew we were
land machines, circled the harbor. I going to fly with wheels from
The aviators after alighting were! now on and no more pontoons.!?
taken to the reception barge. I In closing the telephone con
Then the ereat crowd of 75,000 Jversation, Lieutenant Smith rde-
at the air port fell silent and dared he received a message
stood uncovered as a band played I broadcast last night by his mo-
the national anthem and later ther from the Los Angeles Times
Home Sweet Home-." radio station
(invitations nave Deen sent out
by the Seattle chamber of con-
The fliers were met tor UP thejmerce to federal, state,' couny
Maine coast by I Major General land city officials of Canada and
Mason M. Patrick, chief of the air the Pacific northwest, including
service,' and Assistant Secretary j high military and naval officials
of War Dwift F. Davis, with to participate In the reception
twelve i blanesi With the- world I scheduled for the aviators when
j fliers in advance n a triangle. : tho I they return here. ,
I escort made the . trip :n a bugel , j
spearneaa iofiua,iuu, eumonua!
higher than the round the world
planes.; At the tip of the spear
head was General! Patrick. - . -
They reached Boston Just be
fore 2 o'clock daylight time, ana
alighted ten minutes later, taxi
"1 "" t
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! f
ges or waruroDe consisting oi
beautiful evening gowns are made
setting oft the beauty of the girls
most advantageously and as an
entertaining number, it has every
thing that! will be enjoyed and
Gripp and Satchell, two black
face charkcters : from the real
school of. ebony minstrelsy which
teaches singing, talking and danc
ing the way ;it should be done.
New song are sung In a rollick
ing syncopjated style. and the dif
ferent members of this comedy
duo dance in a way that captivates
all. The pgowns worn by the fe
male member ', are an Innovation
and have peen copied by the lead
ing designers of the fashion world.
"Why WeirLeave Home
- Start -Today at Oregon
' t - - - ''t
r When; a man criticizes as "vul
ear" a wedding anniversary! gift
he had given her; that very- day,
it's time tor the vfe to wake up.
So thought Mrs. John Emer
son, and' the suspicions aroused- in
-her, mind lied eventually to ttre di
vorce couK.. But that' climax .Jolt
ed John f so i hard that he also
Murder Charge Against ! ;
Herrm Man Dismissed
IIEHRIN, 111., Sept, 6. The
murder charge j Issued against Dr.
ling easily to I the buoys where John T. Black of this city in con-
they were moored while anti-air-? I nection ; with the killing last Sat
craft guns boomed their salute, jurday of six men here was dis-
For five mues jne snores were missed today oy Magistrate : Abo
lined with spectators. . I Hicks, before whom Dr. Black ap-
i. -U, : '- . m. 1 1 peared. The i charge was 1 dis
Sliike Landing In Launch . missed at his ! attronev's reo,.st
A launch put -put to meet the I who asserted there was not evi-
the ; aviators were dence to support the charge.ll
the t official barge Dr. Black, head of the local hog
woke up, and they lived happily
ever afterward. .
The foregoing is one of the
countless humorous episodes j in I planes and
"Why Men Leave Home," prodtfc-1 brought to
ed br John M. Stahl. which is; to I where hiKh officials of the arm I nital.
be the feature opening today) at and navy, city and state were der of Charles Reid, one of the six
me ujcsuu iuB. i ciduuwi i-1 uwu: uji i ct-c no vuu, i giam m iront ot me smith jraraea
rected jby Mr. Stahl from Avery I Striding quickly up the ganKT I where Sheriff Galligan with hii
Hopwopd's succeasful farce, the Ipjank I came Lieutenant Smith, deputies clashed with a , group o!
picture nas Deen cnaractenzea a commander oi me iiignt, wuniKu Klux Klansmen
a gem i of humor, ' , I General Patrick at his side, and
John Emerson did not know I behind him the companions of his
. . A 1 A. . . V- V I " . i t
wnen ne got up. u.jnngHF flight.: u f The chief wonder of the presi-
morning after it was the first an- As Lieutenant , Smith took his dential race is it is struggling
niversary of his, wedding, until first step toward the receiving aiong without! a cow-mllkine or
ui3 .who .yiwcufccu i line, . a inau fiauucu uiixi a vvn- Qgy pitchlne contest
gut. so aiier ne got uuwu iu iuc aoie radio moutUPiece witn , tne
office he called up his Jeweler I WOrds: "Your mother is listeu-
and ordered' him to send a gifting in at Los Angeles
to his wife, telling .him to, make I , "Hello, . folks,'f Lieutenant
the choice himself. ' The jewejer I smith! said in allow voice. "It's
selected a; pair of gaudy earrings, j good to be with you again.
When 'John got home he thought! a military) band struck up the
the new bracelet on his wifesiMgy jspangled ipanner" and the
wrist was ,.'1113 present, bo f be filers stood at a stiff salute. Thea
praised it and slammed the car-jcame their formal introduction to
rings.! Then the trouble started. I those I in .the; receiving-line. "It
Lewis IE. Stone plays the part i gives ! me the greatest pleasure."
of Emerson In the production, i General Patrick! satid, "to Intro
with Helene Chadwlck cast as his j duce to you the men who made
8(m I the first flight around the
world.": The cheers broke out
again; M--" . ;, -
; j Register Names ,:
The fliers; stepped ashore and
. .jM- . H - " 'mm inup' mmm- - - . 1
: ,.
. A Comedy. Riot t; . f
mmm: - m& r c', ) 0i :
Today I L L ,J(J 7y vi .
i I y( -Vr $
A FRiENDrSTic5?M 1 Hi . ii ft ! S A JM" hit I.J.
fJ. I K 1 V Every siri in love- I lJj
- ; r 'i I v VrzfpA E&zsrs? r A-v-ri vitrff'
TONYTHE VVOMDtR HOWE T . .1 - rr - ' SS1 i
; i " -. . 1 NEWS V T". ) Vj j
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I n A 1TK Home of I -X"- " . V 7 .
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Stenroos, 40 Year Old Finn Wins plympic Marathon
Vouni Richards Who Won Olympic Tennis Singles
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Charles Jones Stars ?
. i - l.tVMA4niH I Ilb
III. icsiei (L.uur
Charles Jones wishes he : bad
been trained to be a banker in
stead f of a cowboy since hi ?ex
perience in his latest picture,
'Western Luck," which will be
shown at the Liberty theaterkfor
the first time today.
In j" Western Luck,! Charles
Jones has the role of the foster-
son ot an eastern banker whp ihas
vast bold in ks In the west, i Jones
leaves Arizona and comes to New
York! to prevent a band of crooks
getting possession of some yalu
able liens on some western ranch
es. According to the western; star
a bankersMife is chiefly taken up
with conferences during his busl"
ness boars- and with golf during
his leisure hours. But then, the
majority of ' bankers would h un
doubtedly envy the life of a movie
star such as Charles Jones Land
his. ability as a trick rider.
I Tha latest Charles , Jones f fea
tureis packed, with, action 'that
ranges from fen Arizona ranch to
the excitement of Wall street
George Beranger , directed this
production from the story by
Robert Lee. " Beatrice Burnhani
bas the leading feminine role and
the supporting playeds include Pat
Hardlgan, Tom Lingham, ; gdith
Kennick, J. Farrell McDonald and
Bruce Gordon.
amid ; the clicking of cameras re
corded their names in the vUltors'
book j at the; airport. Then they
swung back j in an automobile to
the barge, talked for a moment
Are and youth triumphed at the
Olympic Oames. Aftar being out
of tne running game for; 15 years
and tt u act when most men,
couldn't j run after a - street car
without putting, Albin Oscaf Sten
rdos. the 40 year old Finn won the
Marathon race. Thla photo ot him
was taken directly after the race.
On the left' is seen Vincent IUch-1
ards the young American :' tennis
star oa the Paris courts. . Toung
Richards won the singles title and
teamed! with Hunter won the men's
double I championship. - ? J
, (Contlnned from pge 1) i
mountain in Alaska in a fog. Her
crew escaped. ; Another plane j the
Boston, was wrecked when engine
trouble forced it down in the At
lantic between Scotland and Ice
land. Lieutenant Leigh Wade,
pilot, and Lieutenant A. M. Og
- '-
- V
j photograph was taken while
three thousand U. S. Marines of the
Castern Expeditionary Force were
aivarrlrj ton-srl Fh.irpsbrgr. Md.,
The army was headed by Brig.
Gen. Dion Williams. Oen. Robert
E. Lee commanded the Confeder
ate Army of 40,000 men":at' the
EatU a cf .'. ' ... ., .-. gea. JLIq
Clellan, with 7S.00O Federal troops, j
drove them back across the Foto
mac. The battle was fought Sept.'
16-17, 186. .i; i.