o The North Wind's Sister TI:o Bco ZNon Skid plus The Best Tire Made r t r . r 4 , ! J : I ,: : ' 4 '- ' A , k " i I' v . . A 4 1VJ1 c: 7T.O i if n i litf I 'it: Cord Tires Bill IHB Hill ; DILLS IS 1 early and extreme i depreciation. When this happens, often the only, way in which the damage can be repaired is through replacement of vital pin and bushings, a course of action which is quite expensive because it involves the dismantling of a lot of the chassis. . ,. When neglect of chassis lubrl Mike . Panek. Local Brake cation continues to the point SDecalisti - .Gives formation In- where the 'chassis must be dis mantled and replacements made, a motor ceases to be an asset, and becomes a liability. 5 For then, even though its owner! has' the necessary repair work done, his car may never be restored. to as good condition as that In which it would have been if the chassis bearings bad been given proper attention.! - Usually, t.too;; it will pueedtiu BUYS ID H. Hirschberg, of Independ ence, Buys Packard from MacDonald Auto Co. . The American public last year pail five billion dollars for autoi mobile repairs. How much of that could have been avoided? A large proportion of the, sum annually expended for motor car I have depreciated to an extent that upkeep, of course, is a necessary its. resale; vaiue win s oe reaucea expense, l the result ,ot ordinary "very materially: and thus, when wear and tear. Authorities,' how its owner wishes-to trade It In on ever, estimate that at least $200,- a new car, he will find no dealer 003,009 13 paid - each year for who la , willing to give him any- avoidable repairs. This is a truly thing like the amount that he ex staggering toll to pay for neglect pects the car to bring.- . ? 1 and a toll that the motoring pub- Therefore, don't neglect lnbrl- lic does not have to pay. ..' eating regularly and j thoroughly. If the tremendous amount of Use the proper lubricant for? the money which is paid out every proper place. ; Get out your ; in- year by motorists-for avoidable struction fbook tRat i came ith repairs is to be saved, the motor your car and read It carefullyi If ist must realize the importance of you haven't one, get one from the regular and thorough chassis lub-1 dealer that handles your make of rication. : , I car. Then follow Instructions Most automobile authorities are I carefully." If you dd not care to ' agreed that 80 per cent of all re-J do it yourself, go to some one who pairs to moving parts of a motor i does do it and has the ' proper car and most of the replacements 1 equipment And ' last, but not and excessive , depreciation are I least, y be. Utef Jie knows ; how, caused by lack of proper lubrica-1 An inexperienced man or .''helper', tica, especially lack; of proper I might overlook some of the most :c!.if 'i lubrication. Failure to I vital parts to be lubricated lutri -3 te chassis bearings causes I Lubrication Is life to your car. t Ii e bearings to become dry, and I Use the right Krade of lubricant at; the right time and give "your car a chance MacDonald Auto Company sold Mr. H. Hirschberg of Independence a five-passenger sedan last week. The Packard which Mr. Hirsch berg purchased is identically the same as the one Claude Belle bought about ten days ago. - Mr.- Hirschberg is one of the richest men in Polk county , and has tried many makes of cars and has finally decided that the Pack ard is the best car on the market, i wcra, a d ".this . in -..turn.:-- causes rqueak3 and rattles to . develop, ' traie3 t3 get 6tiff, springs to be ccrne bard to ride upon, and many I other difficulties that, unless they are immediately checked,!: will necessitate expensive repairs and V. "' "T lit cf Hcpir Ei'J3 Could Ee AvcidetJ By a. new; YORK rpIXTS WAY New "York's new traffic laws.re quire that headlights must clearly show objects 200 feet ahead. Red lights .must illuminate the rear number plate. - v : Violations of the law are pun ishable by a fine of not exceeding 50, or imprisonment for not more than 30 days, or both. The violations Include: I ' :j Operating unlicensed motor ve hicles, or ' without proper license plates.' ; . :: . Driving by a person under ' 18 years, unless with chauffeur or owners f ----1. ; For not stopping on signal from a person driving a horse. For disregarding rules; when meeting or passing other vehicles, A maximum sentence is provid ed of $100 fine or 60 days in Jail is provided in the case of anyone who accepts a transfer of a motor car without certificate issued by the state. ' , , IN , PASSING . MOTOR CARS Be willing to allow another car tov pass yon either when meeting or overtaking you. If at a point that is sate and practicable, by giving it enough clearance. It is unwise to pass two vehi cles In the act of passing each other. They have the right of way while so doing. Yon should not pass any vehicle you may meet or overtake at point where other cars are stopped or Darked at; the roadside: where there is a safety zone or where other obstruction is present. It is risky to pass any vehicle you may overtake until you can see ample clear space ahead ; avoid pedestrians or other traffic. For like reason do .not jovertake and pass another vehicle on curvenear a "blind" or obstruct ed corner or on a steep ascent pr short bridge or on a street inter section. Wives cosC eightpxen in ,: Zulu land, because they do the work of more.-- . TO ORGANIZE TRUCK . : AND BUS USERS NEW YORK. Sept. 6. Bus owners, as well as truck owners will have an opportunity early this fall to join a national association devoted to their . interests. The American Automobile Association with the hearty approval - of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, is to set tip a commer cial, vehicle users dlrJsion. '"'Facts About Women,t gays newspaper headline, but there isn't any such, things: as facta about women.' Apropos the discussion In Salem as to various pageants and the In terest that has been aroused in them, the Oregon Statesman pub lishes herewith an article from the Social Progress, ' Chicago, called The North Winds Sister the In dian history of -upper Wisconsin as told in a paper I by Vera Brady Shipman. t;s t . - The article gives some idea of what can be accomplished In the way of "pageantry in telling his tory in a way that will be impres sive and entertaining.! They call it poetically "The North Wind's Sister. Ke-wa-de- no-kwa, this pageant in the glori ous north woods! natural setting, four miles north of Bayfield, .Wis. Around the bend Of CheqQamegon Bay, almost at its meeting place with Lake Superior.' amone the pines, a natural amphitheatre has been found. The hillside forms Nature's bleachers, and you watch the 250 Indians, real Indians from reservations at Couderay, Odanah, and Red Cliff, Wisconsin, taking part in the costumes of their ancestors-; - V ' O r i . ; I It is ithe story. of a vanishing race. These Indians are enacting their tribal history, the coming of the white man and his gradual pushing them back into the res ervations set aside for them. There are 250 white people in the organ ization," too. , Most of theme are residents of Bayfield, Washburn and Ashland, around Chequame gon Bay. King Louis XIV is rep resented by Juliah jWachsmuth, the young son of Bayfield's well known . lumberman philanthropist. The dancers, pretty girls admira bly trained by Lucile Stoddardt, a Mllwcakee dancing) instructor, dance as the spirits of the vanish ed pines. f Genuine Indian girls whose .winters are spent in high schools and colleges.! bring i the touch of modernism into this bow er of primitive1 beauty. The pag eant shows you; De Luth and. his courtiers of France,! Father Al loaez, Raddiesoh j - Jean Nicolm and Illinois ' beloved Marquette and Joliet; theIjrcostumea flaunt- ng the French . splendor of the early i 17th century with all its georgeous coloring. As the pageant Indians are In council, canoes: tomej around: the bend of the bay, land jon the shore, and priests and courtiers greet chiefs ' and medicine men. By signs they unite in council.' ' The pageant sweeps pn with its digni fied detail. , Gradually a settle ment is built up from a wigwam mission to a group of log houses within the stockade. Thus the story is told of the life of the Ojib- way Indian, his meeting with ' the white man, his early knowledge of the white man's oGd,- the first use of firearms, and step by step, the sorry; fate of the red man in Amer ica is portrayed. , j Here may. be heard traditions which have never been written. folktales, tof the 0ibway which are sung through the treetops as the papooses swing to the crpon ing lullaby of the pines, -s There are delineated the hopes and dis appointments; .the crowding ; back of the Indian to make way for Civilization. Many tales have. Deen told and printed of the Sioux, the Apache, or the NavS jo, but many of the OJibway stories have hith erto been unsung and unpictured. They are brought to our notice; for the first time here" on the' bay, with its blue not unlike the Medi terranean azure and( celebrated in song "and storyll Across the bay are the Madeleine Islands, where tribal history tells V as the blrth- place of the X3jftway god J ' ! , There is a little river at the base of the cliffs, rom which the can oes round the bend i and enter the pageant picture. The stage is f hill in its natural state, the throngs of interested spectators Bitting opposite, encircled by hun dreds of waiting motor cars, i The pageant has the coloring of a per many of his elders. There : is Johnny Frog, a dancer! of rhyth mic intensity. Frank Smart of Odanah, college-bred, is an assist ant director and announcer of the Indian special dances. Chief James' White of Odanah, and many more : of especial interest, take part. Frank Allaln, a Bay field farmer whose ancestors were French pioneers in the pageant country,' has grown a beard in or der that he might faithfully depict the early voyageur. There, too. may be seen Jack Rohr whose fire dance is worth the price of the show.' - ? " - :. L ; . "t . From the bow and arrow war riors of the early days when the white man first came, to the regi ment of Indian Tanks at Chateau Thierry (many who took part In the pageant were actually in over seas encounters as Uncle Sam s soldiers) a fine and consistent pic ture of the development of the In dian is given. The scenic work was done by Kirk Davies, an artist who was general manager of the I show: the music was rendered by the 103th Cavalry band of Eau Claire under the direction of Theo dore Stelnmets- But the "real man behind the gun who through all the months of labor gathered the red and white men and wom en into a picture which is a credit to the state of Wisconsin and to America, I is the .pageant director who staged the entire show, Ken neth Ellis, formerly of Chicago and Milwaukee. It is pleasant to pause a few moments in our busy , days t and dreams of how our nation began. of the. pioneers : who . struggled ! through every hardship that they might seek a new empire in a new world? The first annual Indian Pageant, at (iBayfleld; Wisconsin. has been,. in spite of its crudity. an artistic success. The three day's pageant repeated seven times has given a number of America's touVlsts a chance to learn authen-l tic facts about the red man. The pages of traditional history are as I yet "but lightly touched. There are many picturesque " features still to be incorporated In the pag eant '. Some day Americans will be making an annual pilgrimage to Lake . Superior's edge, to visit Upper Wisconsin where Chequam-1 egon Bay will show them her pic tures of the colorful America of I yesterday. ! -v. ! Smddth Perfdrmancs- A marked smoothness v char acterizes; the t performance of Dodge Brothers Motor Car. In keeping With the policy of constant improvement, ef fective measures have been taken to minimize vibration. Applied to S the body; engine, clutch, brakes, and other vital units, these refinements add immeasurably to the comfort of .travel 'over boulevards and country roads. ? g 1 : ' ; The effect is so pronounced, in fact, that it is entirely fife ting' to classify-smooth per formance as one of the out standing attributes of Dodge Brothers Motor Car. -w BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. ' i . 474 S. Commercial AMERICAN PLAYERS LEAD IN CONTESTS FOR TENNIS TROPHY K1!W YORK. Sent. 6. Al- ahlongh'iV nations" in all parts of the world have sought possession of the Davis cup, emblem of team 190T Australasia British Isles 3-2 1908 Australasia, 1 U. S. . . . . . 3-2 1909 Australasia,- U.- S. 5-0 1911 Australasia, U. S. . . . 5-0 United States, Australia and Great U? Yl4!.1?-o B 1 feet painting. Details is forgotten in the vast whole portrayed oy fea ture. " i - : Tb i nrnrratn i a varied one: The Indians dance to their sacred drum: a thing5 seldom done outside the Li reservation. I The Indian daughters dance in buckskin dres ses. Baby Billy Conger outdances We have the best lubricants and the best equipment for every jart of your-car. , ii EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS UNEARTH TOMB OF HYKSOS r WOMAN WHO LIVED ABOUT 1.700 B. C I ! Um iwiiwwiiwmi wmi I v vim in rr 1 - , 273 Cd. Ccral Gt. "C : :. '.Uziisxii Lubricatica Arc!'.aec!c;J.ts sent out by th. University cf FMIadelphia- Muss-jra liavs ,!.-. t jti into another cb- fThs ruins about the tornb cf a -woman cf the period of the Ilyksos or shepherd-kisirs rrebafc!? about defeat and expulsion f "--n the Ki! valley,- the iepherd klr t?us- refu at r-tP tea xziXz froia Britain, ever have held this covet ed'trophy, which will be defend by 'America in the challenge matches beginning Sept. 11 at Philadelphia. , Of these ' three, j the United States,' chiefly through its trium phant march of the last four years leads with4 seven victories, while Australia has sift to her credit and Britain five. , -The historic cup, a perpetual trophy to.be contested for by na tions having recognized lawn ten nis, organizations, was donated by Dwtght T. Davis, present assistant secretary of war, in-1900, Since that time it has been contested xor 18 times, competition this year marking the 19th annual play for the troDbv. - . In. 1900, the first year or ine competition, but two teams, the British Isles and the United States, claved. but since then nations have swung into line until this Tear 23 teams entered the lists- to compete for world tennis nonors. The United States scorea tne first victory in 1900 at i Boston when Dwieht F. Davis, donor or the trophy; Holcombe ward, noia er with Davis of the national nou bles title In 1899. 1900, and 1901, and' M. D. Whitman defeated the British team, three; matches to none, in lwi mere were uu challeneers and the' cup rested in this country. In 190? the Brlttsn T.lo iUensred attain but the United States won its second Tic tory. - From this point, however, America's tennis star was dimmed and supremacy passed first to the British Isles which chiefly through the brilliant work of , the famous Doherty, brothers, held fhe cup from 1903 to 1906, and then to Australia, where ! Brookes ana Wilding, another great combina tion; kept the trophy from 1907 to 1911. . Britain finally broke through the Antipodean defense, and won the trophy in 1912, only to lose it the following yeari to the United States. . But Australia came back with a great victory by' wilding and Brookes in 1914 at Forest Hills and,, with the world war causing a sudden break in the ser ies. held the cup until Ttlden and Johnson brought it back to Amer ica in 1920. ,f A recapitulation ot the series foiiowi . v - . Year, " Winner Runner up score 1900 United States, British Isles 3- 1902 United States, . British flfeles ............ ' 1903 British Isles, United State .... i 4 1904 British Isles. Belgium. . 5 1905 British Isles, United States 5 1908 British Isles, United 1914 Australasia, U. S. . . . 1919 Australasia British Isles 4-1 1920 United States," Austral-- asia b-v 1921 United States. Japan... 5-0,1 1822 United States, Austral asia -l 923 United States, Austral asia -4-1 "Business ' is humming, says dry goods dealers. This is nice But in the wet goods line business is, whistling and singing. Prepare nov fcr " ter by having I 'cA put a " , L -L, Ld L C , .. on your car, ' w. n, J. : . ;. McALVIN 543 North CTiiirth L I iiWmnni mum v. " XNsfssiss(wwsiw z:jl VJIi rffiliTirfi V THE new Oakland Six Landau Sedan was created to match the taste and' quicken the pulse of those who in atinctLvely prefer excellence. Here is luxury on four wheels a light, close-coupled, closed car easy tq drive, easy to park- powerful, handsome. In dividual and as clean-cut and debonair "as a Derby winner. Here iaexcIuslTe luxury at 'a Very. low price for such luxury There isn't a car in its price, group and not a handful among die higher priced cars that offer the smart' rxess and completeness of dress and de 'mecrr you will find IntheLsSw irCr 1 u Here if beauty of an exceptlcttil tn 3 conceived by Fisher Mnd,isfHtl c 1 a chassis that is True Blue to tlic 11: and the last nut A True Blue car with e?hli r nxT . -? and driving udlity that have cirr.-.4 iz the riht to be cdlzd "a jtis i i z.Z, ofitsneld. , Drop in today and ask to e3.ili!i tr.r Oakland. It is a great deal mcra tl.: n pood looSdns car. It is caa cf Czs x r: :1I j very finest! , - ROADSm TOURING SPECIAL ROADSTER SPECIAL TOURINO LAKDAU COUPS LANDAU SEDAN coupe pox roua ' 8T.DAN ,f 1 VICK BROTHERS High Street at Trade lZ.- .JiJ-iiJiiniii mm .- - iwwwiw f. 1 "'- -