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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1924)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1921 AUTOS, ELECTRICITY AND TIRES TABOO WHEN FORD, EDISON AND FIRESTONE GO ON ANNUAL VACATION IS I fir Above are shown (left to rlitht) Henry Ford, Tbomu Ai Edlon and Harvey Mreatone. ' The pho tcraph was taken while they were WrkJ) VISIT. - And u:o this rcd EAVIN'0 Salem you follow the r j Pacific Iligbway to Jefferson which Is 18 miles from Sa lem, then on to Albany 10 miles farther. This portion of the trip 1 j all ; on paving and the streets ct tha towns are clainly marked with highway signs so you cannot miss the road. i " , The bridge at Albany is closed, S3 you turn to the left at the foot cf the bridge and take the east tile route to Corvallis, 37 miles from Calera. This Is an excellent gravel road. ' ' i . Fellow the Newport highway t'"-a oat of Corvallis and you will f: :1a gravel road taking yoa Into T lilomath, 4 57S" miles Trom Salem. LTT- -1-.' Cosfectlonery, Fountain Drinks, II Ilk and Cream - I :' :ry wl.i hc3-cocked prod uct j, j I as, cakes, and ; ether good things.' . rcLLYA:;:;A cafc rilloaath, Oregon. -' : " After leaving PhilomattJ the road is sllshtly rough for thd first f aw niles but one U comfortable tt a speed of about 25 miles. About 12 miles from Philomath proceed more carefully,, as there Ira rock' crusher and a bridge tnir . construction, both requiring i crt detours cf a few feet on a rather narrow road. - ' 'After these dstonrs the road is excellent and fainy straight into !' 'yvi;;-;. wM-'i 75.1 miles' from L Tt:3 : ,:i!oa cf tha road f.';-3 .la . ;:":-loa', the Marys, I'iUa Elk, isl: Yaquina firers. Arjosa wl::!n3 .to', tarry; and fish I r a f -ort time shoud stop and t 's. Tlr. I.!au;h, proprietor of the t :rvice Etatlcn and store in Eday rl!3 to direct them as there is ex- te'.'.m flahins.-- - ' ''i ' ;" Cervice etauon, Garasi. General r'erchandise f C. T. C. & r-c'-csr -Tires TLa balfwr 7 i'.-t; ,n between . Corralllj .":: I ..irewporf... From Ediyville toToledo which ii 93.2 miles from Salem, the highway is freshly graveled and a wonderfully scenic . trip. , The fact that there are numerous carv9'-nd rather- .heavy traffic requires that yoa exercise cau tion.. ' ;.; !. " Ca' feachlzf the -outskirts of i:wport, if -you1, wish to go to Agate Beach turn to the risht at tha first service station that you reac'a and follow; the plank road for three miles; It you. wish to 3 t3 1,'ye Beach follow the tlgh "'3y into town until you reach tha stage terminal, 100 miles Jrom-Ealem, then turn' to the right &zi fallow the planking1, or If you ta go to the -downtown sec Usa turn to the left at the jterml il and follow the planking. C":r;:r Fi:::ns Prefer Ch!ps To FI-w't Across Channel '.EltEMERHAVEN, Germany, -T"!y 21. American ships seldom : : 5 the trip between Bremer hivca and Southampton without lurirj carrier pfseons as pasE-en-: r3. 7: 3 : -rs of the shipping ! .eri r- '5 ! to nade a prac l: i cf f . , tl. tired carriers f' -5 ;. I v-:?er, ar,i - ttey " : " : I to i'.tify L. ............ . ,..-.-.'..:.y-)ww. ft togrether for their yearly rest from business cares at Mr. Ford's , his toric Wayside Inn at Sudbury, Mass. "Talking shop' Is forbidden If), THE locr - It will tell you the ; Salem to ALLEN'S A Real Place to Eat. Sea Food3 A Specially ( Dining room over the bay Near boat landing . Eert E. Allen, Prop. CASINO GARAGE STORAGE Gas and Oil - "- .'-.- , - - . " , . ' ' , " Lincoln County's Largest Garage NEWPORT CAFE (Formerly The Coffee Cop) ' Where niffb way mad City Meet . t - - ' : ; "' - Fast , and personal service featured. Meals, Fountain, 'h t.'KLunche3j;'v.-';) i . ? Burt Hurabarger, . Prc?.- Arjato Beach Inn .;., - : 1 ' 1 ! - Host scenic beach on the . . . , . jhaclr;3 loast . - kv. . A- j " i' - Three floors "of solid rrafort Dining roc . ia coza. tloa ' . V... - ' ' An Idra! VatMn- and agate beach SheIUrd from the 'strong . : .' winds " " . - '- .' - . - i. - .k. ' s- ' u - For rates and reservations ' r -;. ': addreBS ; 1; - -ICathcrino r Georrjc j , Agate Beaeh, Oregen nicolia Hotel ; On Nye Beach. Newport, Ore. Bisger and Better ' SO Rooms $1 fp Running Water Steam Heated 200 Feet From Ocean - RESTAURANT'1 ' Meals Served" 4 - ; A. J: HOWELL, P,I-r, i P.h one , the Stars and Stripes whenever they are weary, t ; - 1 Usually the birds seek'the ships Cherry City Cottascs ' Clean Cottages ; Ileaonab!o Prices For re-p-rvations please write to GEO. G. SMITH 2? - . Newport -u- A f. f -; NEW 3 3 3 by mutual agreement when ? th automobile maker, the electrical wizard and the tire manufacturer meet.' ' T B exact condition of the Newport A. L. THOMAS Souvenir Store Agitte Cutting and Mounting Oregon Pictures, Agate Jewelry w ! NEWPOIIT. OREGON STOCKKIVS BIARKET , Ed Stocker, Prop. IT Back ana Tront StrMt Caoic freia and cured meata of aS kind, Pottltry, ate. Troat Street Phone 7505 Nye Beech Phone 2551. i STORAGE Drop Us a Car and We Win Ears ; Ton a Stan . AeeeeeoriM, oils. Ore sees Sepeirmc en All Make of Cars HUNTER BROS. GARAGE NYE BEACH v i Skating Rinlc Hardwood floor 123x53 Ton will find this an ideal place to spend your evenings half way between bay and ocean. 11 j The Log Cabin Tranches and Confectionery Speeial Sunday Dinner 'Served. This house Is conducted by former Salem people and solio " Its your patronage. Erickson and Johnson, Prop.., Park Hotel Mrs. rngh. of Corveills, la cherce of dining room. Eates $2.50 per day (meels and bed). One block (rota peit offlce. ., . - .v " : ., fR5t. a. C. AIX15N f -NEWPORT, OSEOOH - - As You Like It ' Home Cooking and Baking. Confectionery in connection ' Ercrything now and clean In the heart of the Nye Beach business section . i - ;' i - Mrs. Stella Flemming ';.-,..; Prop. Corvallis-Newport ' Stage Line We run two stages daily, both to and from Corvallis. A three-hour ride from Cor vallis to 'Newport ' through some of the best scenery in the west, in comfortable stages driven by careful drivers. OR Nevport-Agate Beach Development Compaiiy Inventor of W-K Balancer Ranks ! Among Foremost British Engineers Dr. Frederick William Lan chester. Inventor of the Lanches ter Balancer, f Jbowj Included as standard equipment on all .Willys Knight' models, J with, the result vibration In Ithese " motors has been entirely eliminated, is ranked among the leading! engineers of the British Isles, j' ,;. . According ':" to . 'the -. English "Who's Who" he is an LL.D, F. R. S.. M. Inst.- C.E.,, MX. Mech. E., M. I. A. E, Cons-Engr, He has been engaged in engi neering and research work in con junction with, gasoline motors since 1890, when he was appoint- ed designer . ahd works manager of the Forward Gas Engine com- pany of Birmingham, England. At the age of 27 be became Interest ed in the develonment of th an. tomobiie. beginning work on his first motor car in (1895. In 1900 he became general; manager and chief engineer of the Lanchester Motor Company, Ltd. In 1907 he was ' appointed . to .. the advisory committee for aeronautics and re malned on thai body until 1920 At present he is consulting en HIES highway from 'i. SEE LESTEE I.IAETIN If you are interes ed in buying cottage or a lot to build on. price right, terms Abby Hotel Bldg. easy. Phone 7451 Insurance and Loans Ashcraf t l-uniber Co, Building oaterial of all . , ldnds f , The REDFEIlir jC0TTAQE3 Neat, clean Sand! attractiye i Your comfort! and satisfaction i is our aim : :-' For reservations address FEED D. COTTEEir. Kewport, Oregoa The Old Playgrounds 1 Overlooking Ocean Cottages and Apartments by the Weeli or Month Garage vat Connection We Appreciate Reservation , J. II. 1L ANDERSON, tj Newport, Ore. , . ; 1 Newport's 5 New Natatorium is open for the season." " In connection with the nata torium we hare the best dance ball in this pari of Oregon, with a splendid orchestra. Our lunch room serves the best at all times, j. .. -, Only four! boura drive from Salem .over excellent pared and graveled roads, j , Directly adjacent to the best part of the bathing beach, P. T, Cpleman, MgTe HOT SEA BATHS - -.'- . . i s i . . - .( : f Gochnour and Read, Props. Opposite .: Hotel Gllmore , 'at Nye Beach - --.V .. 'S i Dr. M. Adell Gochnour, chiro practor physician jwith massage and electrical treatments. Hoars from ID a.m. to 9 p. m. Newly furnished housekeeping rooms In connection ' - 1 ( "s SI EACI glneer and ' technical adviser to Messrs. The Daimler Motor Com pany, Ltd, and to Messrs. Wolse- ley Motors Ltd. In addition, he has also pub lished voluminous works, Includ Ing ""Aerodynamics, "Aerodonet- cs,; MTher Flying: Machine from an r Engineering ' Standpoint,' 'Aircraft in Warfare,' "Industrial Engineering," and numerous oth er scientific and technical papers oh similar topics. His balancer, which has revo lutionized motoring history over- teas,; has been successfully used on Daimler and Vauxhall ears in I England. Willys-Overland has ob- t81nea ine American rights to J this remarkable mechanism Blasting Powder Available For Farmers; Is Limited "Cheap blasting powder, a sur plus war' material, which is being distributed to Oregon ranchers by the Extension Service of the Ore gon Agricultural college as agent for the department of agriculture is stimulating land clearing in this state," says W. L. Teutsch, district agricultural agent who works in Polk, Yamhill, Marion, Linn an Coos counties says the Polk Coun ty Observer. ; Nearly a million pounds of this surplus war powder known as so- dator was distributed last year at a saving over commercial blasting powder, amounting to $87,000 As Polk county has approxi mately 34,000 acres of stumpland within its borders it is thought that at least a minimum carload will be placed in the county thi3 year, t Pyrotoi is Hbe name of the sur plus war product to be distributed this' year and it ia said to be yery similar to sodatol. As there is no county agent in roifc county ranchers who wll want; pyratol, should write to the agricultural engineer ofv the OAC extension service at Corvallis Indi cating the amount they will -want As soon as the total ! regufremenl reaches 20,000 or more pounds the extension service will aDDoint a; representative In tbe county to handle the orders and attend to distribution. Ranchers are urged to do this at once in order that ar rangements may be made early in the year. The cost of the powder will be $6-50 per hundred pounds at Du Pont, Wash., plus; the freight which brings the price up to around ?8.50 to $9 per hundred at various points In the Willamette valley. No one Individual can purchase more 'than 1000 pounds nor- less than 50 x pounds and the' powder must be used for agricultural pur poses under the terms of tbe de partment of agriculture contract. If orders are pooled in the coun ty the extension rervlce plans on holding two or more demonstra tions to show how to use pyratol saieiy and effectively. Delegation Investigates Alfalfa of Marion Fourteen Marion county ranch ers and three bankers Journeyed to Washington county Wednesday of, last week to see and study the methods ' used by Washington county ranchers who are success fully growing alfalfa. The party visited the ranch of Sherman Hyre, near HUlsboro, who has successfully grown alfal fa for the past four years and who this year has already barrested sugnuy more man six tons per acre from his five-acre field under cry farming conditions. The ranch of Fred Sewell. Hillsboro banker. was also visited for the purpose of inspecting a small plot of alfal fa on rather a heavy soil type wnicn it is estimated this year yielded more than ' five tons per acre. - i . - v The Marion county men learned as a result of the trip that alfalfa is a success in the Willamette val ley when; handled (n the right manner and planted on well-drain ed land which has an open subsoil The trip was arranged by Wm. L- Teutsch. -district aericultural agent for the Oregon Agricultural college extension - service, who works ' in Marion, Yamhill. Polk, L.lnn and Coos counties, -pnly re cently ; Mr. Teutsch has taken up this work, having formerly been a county agent In Lake county. Those who made; the trip from Woodburn , were Keith Powell, qt the Bank of Woodburn; Louis Koenlg.' H. H. Butterfield. R. K. Seely, E. E. Settlemler, Otto Burn ing, from Mt. Angel; Joe Bernt, Emil Zach. P. J. May, Frank Am- an. Father Joseph, head - of the farm department of the Mt. Angel college;, Geo. Laseas; Fred 'Rehm, R J. Brunlng, Alois Keber, of the Bank of Mt; Angel-Vincent Kop- pert from St. Paul, S. J. Smith, of the State Bank of ;St.,Paub. r WCMAX'S FIEIJ i UNLIMITED OAKLAND. Cal., Sept 6. Mrs Harriet Gunn Roberson, Washing ton, D. C, educator, addressing a I local women's club recently, said that out of 6S7 distinct profes sions in the United States, women are engaged in all but 35. There are many women bank presidents; tbe speaker said, and. two women railroad presidents. :.; 'Vfcen a" mosquito sees a sum mer boarder unpack a nightshirt Tlrt InvItPB TI nl hta frlonrfa In tiM BOTH PARTIES WATCH OUTCOME IN MAINE OF STATE ELECTION PORTLAND, Me., Sept. 6. The Maine campaign for the biennial state election, which will be held Sept. 8, has been featured by at tempts on the part of the Demo cratic political managers to stress state questions to the exclusion of national Issues, and on the part of the Republicans to do exactly the reverse. .The fight Is almost wholly be tween the two gubernatorial can didates. State Senator 'Ralph O. Brewster of Portland, the Repub lican nominee, and William R. Fattangall of I Augusta, former state attorney, general, the Demo cratic selection. ; In the contest for the Republi can nomination Mr. Brewster had the support of the Ku Klux Klan in, Maine.. He won over Frank G Farrlngton of Augusta, president of the state senate, by a margin so narrow that the result was not determined until the governor and council had reviewed-the primary ballots and thrown out several hundred on account ot S alleged frauds and irregularities,: revers ing the official result as originally declared.' '. , Mr. Pattangall in his campaign speeches has charged that his op ponent is the Klan candidate and that the real Issue is Klan domin atlon of the state. Mr. Brewster has made reference to the Klan but once, and then to say that he stood squarely on the Republican state platform, which, like the Democratic platform, made no mentlenbf the organization. - Despite r Republican effort to eliminate the Klan issue from the campaign; It is expected to be a factor in voting, although to what degree only the result will deter mine. There will be defection from both parties by reason of it, party leaders predict. In addition to choosing a gov ernor, the voters will elect a Unit ed States senator, four members of congress,- a state auditor, a leg islature and county officers. Sen ator Bert M. Fernald of Poland, whose term expires next March, Is a candidate to - succeed himself. His Democratic ! opponent Is Ful ton JV Redman of Ellsworth, for merly a member of the state leg islature as a Republican. The present Republican repre sentatives in Congress, Carroll L. i Beedy of the first district, Wallace H. White, Jr., of the second; John E. Nelson of the third, and Ira G. Hersey of the fourth, have been renominated. Tne Democratic nominees are William M. Ingraham in the first. Bertrand G. Mclntlre In the sec ond, Leon O. Tebbetts in the third. and Clinton C. Stevens In the fourth. I ;;:j.if - z,.. The second is the closest district In the state. A feature new to Maine was Injected into the con test In the first district by Mr. Ingraham declaring for radical modifications of the Volstead law. National speakers of note have been gent Into the state by the Re publican National committee. while the Democrats have for the most part depended on home tal ent. ' -"si ' .' ; Poland Encourages Aims Of National Minorities r WARSAW, Sept. 6. Poland has adopted a measure culculat- ed to appease the language aspir ations ot the people on its eastern borders. . Polish is to ba the offi cial tongue, but-the languages of tbe Ukranians in the southeast, the White Ruthenians In the north, and the Lithuanians in two districts are given definite recog nition in court and in governing offices.; If the parents of 40 children in a school w,ant the youngsters taught in an admitted language, it shall be done, with Polish as an additional language If 25 parents request it. In the high schools tuition will 'be in two languages. Polish and the local tongue-. Thus have the minorities been recognized. The measure " is re garded as most liberal, and it prob ably will -be followed by others along the same lines. Wet You will . ' Start Building Your Garage Now We can supply all the materials that you will need and will hz glad; to help you plan the building or give you estimates of ito cost.- , ? rtrv - ' " - . Lumber, Building Paper, Builders' Hardware, Shingles, Planter and Wall Board, Paints and Varnishes in fact most everything needed in building may be found here.- COBBS -:' -y .' Successors to Falls City-Salcm Lumber Company 343 k 12th Street (Opposite Kay V Woolen IIUU) A. B. Kc!;ay," ! If FTTT T Ner Beauty New Refinement vVo haven't channctl the 'desi of this car's wonderful chassis. But wait until you ceo the : improvement wrought by its heightened hood, its distinctive new radi ator, cowl lights, Duco Satia finish, .refinements Pis. . ' , S7S Spot ho4te' SS &etTeerins 101S TW CM.A.C km bwyi 9mm ieii TeaejMt F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 N. COMMERCIAL ' ,f V Of BIOVE TO IMPROVE PISTON ENGINES : MANNHEiM, . Sept., 6. Steam boilers resisting pressures of 50 and. even 100 atmospheres are to be tested soon by a local boiler plant. The tests are to be made of "genuine Willards JOE WILLIAMS AUTOMOBILE ELECTRIC WORK OF ALL KIM J 531 COURT ST. ' PI ION 12 1 T 3 "U5llT Schools Open Before school starts i or get the old You'll need a good bicycla when school starts T T OYTl T? 387 Court St. Weather ig Coming need shekel Automobile & . MITCHELL C end cth I 1IM 1J ) DejaeSaa. tbe en li ineii GFNfJ with a view of greatly incrta the efficiency of engines cf piston type. - - Nice thing about hating t at your house is you can i : alarm clock. . The batteries which you see ivertl:J l i the Sunday papers and read &bout it V -Mail Order catalog may not be as l. fucei as you think. . When you can buy genuine Wlllrd f.t t'. a pricea we are quoting today, surely you do re want to experiment with an unknown t - Tbe fellow who le elwevt try if to f t , eomethins far nothing uniaiiy endt ti if jetting not much of anything." My Ampere. ...... STOHAGZ EATTLrjra Septemb 2r get a new BICYCLE one REPAIRED - 1? A MrT?.TJ riicr.3 1C37 for O