The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 07, 1924, Page 11, Image 11

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    4 r x :
FIRST T. .,. .-H xr.j..- . -"
rneat 1L Shanks. BibU school at 9:4s!
ir. ,dw srd Sohonke, superintendent.
-ornin worsnip at 11 o'clock. Quartet
rwr. nennon by the pastor. Subject:
Th Atm of Faith." Communion and
Inception of new members. BYPU'tt T
J. m. Group one, - Miss Myrtle Jen sea,
leader. Evening worship It 8 p. B. 8er-
by tho pastor. Subject: "The
ouc& ol His Hand." Anthem by tho
sTnartet choir. Solo, - "The Radiant
Mora," Smith. Mrs. Charles McAllister.
4 'raver meeting oa Than day vening.
'hero wero 14i in tho prayer meeting
i"t week. Tho chareh that welcomes
t FIRST Corner Twelfth and Mission
troeta. Sunday: school 10 a. ra., classes
for all ages; preaching 11 a. m., subject,
'Tha Houl Winner."; evening serTice.
Christian Endeavor at 7 Topic, "How
Jtfesna Helped Sunner," leader. Rev. E.
v J. doling. rreachwg at , auDjeet, ine
VVagee of Sin." Prayer, meeting VTed
"teeay rening at 7:30. All who are not
.l..k.M mA . toil!
feeeiva at hearty welcome.- Con and
brine your children. C. Vi. Tibbet; pas-
or. i . - t -: ..
FIRST Center lad Hirb streets. J.
J. Evans, minister: Miss Hsttio MitcheL
missionary. Evening services will ; b
held for tho first time in many weeks,
foes-inning at 7 :30. A practical sermon by
tho pastor aad congregational singing
will make the program interesting. Just
one hoar., The morning sermon will bo
ton tho topic "Some Modern Demands of
liscipleship." The Bible school meets
ft 9:45. Tho men' a class meets at the
same hour in t tho church basement.
Christian Endeavor meeting at 0:80. A
Velcoma lor all. "
COURT STREET Corner North Sev-
; estHBts s4 r.nart itnwti. R I . Pnt-
Hnam minister. -I Bible school 9:45-a. m.
.Chris- J. Kowita, superintendent. Vaca
nt ioa days arc subout over, school time is
tdraw iag near s let's ail begin to rally
"Torcee for Rally day. Junior following
communion service every Lard's day. Mrs.
. fChris. Kowita, i superintendent. Sermon
(11 a. m. "The Local Church as an Evan
pgelising Force.'" Your pastor returns
(from his vacation ready for an even
iarger work than we have ' ever under
i taken. Come hear this soul stirring ser
anon. Intermediate) and Senior Endeavor
. societies 7 p. m. Two interesting meet
ings for tho yonng people. Evangeiistie
Twinging and aervico 8 p. m. Monthly
! board meeting Moaday-8 p. m -Midweek
Service Thursday 8 p. m. Go-Away-To-f
College" aervico and -special ordination
'iaervico Lord's day, September 14. You
are cordially invited to worship with us.
I V cosassaxTiOHAii "
FIRST Liberty and. Center street. W.
C. Kantaer,' minister. Sunday school at
MO a. m. with classes f or all ages, M. I.
McCallister, auperintendent. Morning
yworshjp 11 a. sermon topic "After
I Many Days."! Good music by the
f rhurch quartet Prayer meeting Thurs
; day at 7 :3U p. m. Ko -evening, services.
U 1 '
. C11STJLAI. i
i . CEXTRAL South' Nineteenth street.
- Harry W. Johnson, ' minister. Sunday
. school -and morning worship at 10 a m.
f Preaching aervico at 7:30 p. m. Theme:
f -"Does America Want ' Wart" Tho
minister will try to present tho Christian
i interpretation of tho' proposed "Defense
'Day, demonstrtions. Recognising that
rariatian dmdIs differ ,'widelv on matters
""""of international relations, every effort
will ho. made to keen close to tho Dersonsl
f example and teaching of Jesus in re term -laing
tho Christian 'fcttUtK&s"; toward de
af ease. , - C ,
ST. 'PAUI a-" Corner and Chemeketa
; i streets, Rev. VL D.- Chambers, rector.
Twelfth Sunday after Trinity.. . Holy
t Eucharist at 7:30 a. m. in tho chapel.
.Tho church school will begin it autumn
work with tho session to begin at 9:45.
' Tho new lessons will bo assigned and the
anew classes organised. .Tho new member
contest will begin. Every old scholar is
respected to be in his or her place and
oa time. ; The serrica at 11 a. m. will be
4 the Holy Eucharist with music by the
vested choir, i All the choir members who
- have been on ; vacations ore requested to
be in their places and vested. The rec
i tor will preach a short sermon. : It is
hoped that the vacation season being
a over that all will be back in their place
in church. St. Paul's extends hearty
invitation to all to worship with them.
FIRST Liberty and Center, C. C Pol
ing, minister., Regular preaching aerviee
September 7 at 11 a- m. and 7:30 p. m.
The pastor will apeak at both aervicea.
Mrs. Leant Goode of Port land will aing
at the morning services. Bible school at
9:43 a. m. J. F. Ulrich, auperintendent.
Classes for all agea and grades. Chris
tian ndeavor, both senior aad junior so
ciety, will meet at 6:30 p. m. A full at
tendance is expected. Midweek aervicea
Thursday evening at 7:30 p. m. This
aervico is for all who desire to be helped
spiritually. A welcome to alU
i ii i
er, pastor. Sermon at 11 a. m. aad 8 p.
m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. The Evan,
gelieal league at 7 p. m, Laverne Olsen,
leader. Sermon at Auburn at S o clock.
Prayer aervicea Thursday evening.
SOUTH SALEM Corner Commercial
a. and Washington atroeta, Carl I Miller,
rastor. gnnday school at 10 aw m. Dr.
arl E. Miller, auperintendent, classes for
all ages, with toaehera who understand
4 the child aad aeek to make the lesson
interesting and helpful. Meeting for
. worship 11 a. m. This wiH be In charge
of the missionary committee and some of
the children, will have part The pastor
' will tell something of tho work en on
fields. Evening service 7:30. Prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30.
Eighteenth atreeta. G. Koehler, pastor.
Sunday achoolfat :30 om. Divine ser
riv with sermon in Germsn at 10:00 a.
i m. Young ppm'a meeting at 8:30 p
m. Topic "How Jesus Helped Sinners."
a The Dorcas, society meets en Wednesday
,1 j p. m. with Mrs. Honiyer, S25 North
1 Twenty-aecond street. There will be no
evening nenrice. , ,
a, FIRST Corner State and Church
atreeta. Biaine E. "Kirkpatrick. minister,
w Class meeting ia the northwest corner
downstlirs at 9:15 .'elock Sun
. day school, 945 o'clock. IL F. Shanks,
npmiKiw"- ; .
tendance haa been good, despite the ab-
With vacatioaa larrelT
. .kAnM a auickeninsT of en-
J ThuiSssm fer the f.ll program. W, will
expect every member to be P
his morning. - ;
Tho choir ' will aing under direction of
Prof. E. W. Hobaon. with Prof. T. 8.
!'. . . .V- Tk. n..tor will
j p1: thr.ubj.1 --Th-. Church as
..,it." Welcome will be given
ir t,.t lha member-
" to tourisia . , -- . .
ship of the church ia especially -reed to
be present. Final aerviee in J
. r . . v with T Daa Poline
SI the aaker. Epworth league :30
rlock Kote change in hour, evening
o cloe. .Mii-ks t 7 -.30.
services- - ------- -- - -
. with .special J by tho choir, omder-
br T3iU m-etini
lour AKBor a -
A of official board for important business
Monday evening, :o
- . i yrv rvnf it rnrnee K
i WinteV.od Jefferson streeU. the
Koy V t iter, a- ; ,
. Junior church. Both strangers snd i.
tors wi'l receive a home-like welcome o
tha aervicea oi : T
v 1 nTA s dir. Sunday school will open at
..' . it- classes for all age. in
chsrr of cossecrated teachers. Two
f rtblic worsnip a ,
! - I : - v
. nt ii.i-s
terestlng feature of the morning service
will be a baptismal service for children.
Parents desiring to present their children
for bsptism will please call the pastor
at 1U0OJ. t Open air service at Willson
park at 4 p. m. under auspices of the
YMCA, Dr. Dan Poling . will be the
spesker. 1 Epworth league devotional
meeting for young people at 9:30 p. m.
These meetings are worth while to all.
Wide awake gospel aerviee at 7:30 p. m.,
the pastor in charge. There will be spe
cial music by the choir both morning and
evening. Invite your neighltors to come
with you to the services of the dsy. Jun
ior and senior churches will meet on
Thursday evening 7:30 for mid-week de
votional meeting. , .
t ? i
LESLIE South Commercial and Myers
streets. II. F. Femberton, psstor. You
are cordially invited to attend the ser
vices of this church - on Sunday aa fol
lows: Hunday school at 9:45. Yon and
your children will find Bible atudy here
interesting and helpful. Epworth League
meets at 7. AH young people welcome to
this worth wuiie hour. Morning worship
at 11. Sermon subject: "Is. It Pescet"
Evening meeting at 8. : Rev, E. E. Gil
bert. D. D will preach. This church
welcomes i strangers and visitors. Yon
ill -find ia cheerful greeting. Christian
fellowship, excellent' musis, happy sing
ing, gospel preaching and a neighborly
atmosphere. Come with us. 'Make this
your church. - j : i '.
SCAXDIX AVIAN Fifteenth and Mill
streets, David C. Hsssel, pastor. ' Sunday
morning service 11 o'clock and Sunday
school lO o'clock. Gust. Anderson, an
perintendent. - The Epworth league de
votional meeting ,7:15 and evening ser
vice $ o'clock. The Ladies' Aid will
meet in the church Thursday evening at
8 o'clock with Mrs. Hssael - aa hostess.
At thia meeting Miss Kuth Field, re
turned missionary from India will speak.
Be sure to come and hear her. Ton are
cordially invited to all ol these meetings.
f , i " i ;" i '
MARKET 8TREET Corner of North
Winter and Market streets. Rev. Morti
mer O. Clarke, pastor. Sunday school at
:45. lr. t . S. Beauts, superintendent.
Classes for all aisea and ages manned by
teacnera wao believe the Bible to be the
Word of God. Preaching hours at 11 and
7:4.. Class meeting of the old Metho
dist held in the main auditorium at
13:15, Mrs. Ida Garret, leader. Yonng
people's 'meeting at 0:30, led by Miss
Martha Jaequet. Topic:! "The New
Birtbw" Song and praise service at 7:30.
Prayer meeting each 'Thursday at 7:30.
Cottage prayer meeting each Wedaesdsy
at tne borne of Mrs. Caroline Jackson,
1463 North Winter atreet. The castor
preaches on Sunday morning on the topic:
"The JPrice of Victory" and. in the eve
ning he will give an evangeiistie message
on the subject, "The Peril of Resisting
God." The Matrons' qaartet will sing in
the evening. You will receive a cordial
welcome ia the splendid spiritual, atmos
phere of this church. V, j ;
FIRST Ward Willis Lone. Minister.
A good Sabbath school at 9:43 a. au, H.
E. Barret, anperintendent. The Minister,
Ward Willis Long, will preach 11 a. ra.
nd 7:30 p. m. Morning topic, "The
Handicap of "Unbelief," i evening topic,
"Governments and Grandmothers." Don
Poling, D. Di, of New York City. Will
speak at 4 p. ra. at Willson park. Young
People's meeting at 8 :30 . p. ra. Mr.
Byron Arnold will preside at ' the organ
for the last time previous -to his assum
ing hia organ duties : in OAC. Floral
decorntions at the church are-furnished
by Mrs. W. W. Rosebraugh in loving re
membrance of her long aince sainted
mother. Change in the time of the eve
ning services should -be noted. Fall and.
winter schedule begins this evening.
FIRST 8unday school ' room' of r new
church building, corner of Liberty and
Chemeketa atreeta. Sunday morning ser
vices at 11 o'clock, Sunday evening at 8.
Subjeet of lesson sermon "Mn." ; Sua-
day school at 9:30 a. m. Wednesdsy
evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock.
Reading room 209 Masonic Temple, open
every day except holidays and Sundays
from 11:15 to 5:80 p. m. - All are cor
dially invited to our services and to our
reading room. s
, '
CASTLE CHAPEL Comer of Seven
teenth : and " Nebraska avenue, George
Chapman, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.
bb. - v. r. vteua, enperintenaent. 1'nere
ia a class for voaC Cosna. Ifsrslac
worship 11 s, n. Senior Endeavors and
Juniors meet at 7. Preaching 8 p. m.
Ladies aid Wednesday . afternoon.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening, 7:30.
You are cordially invited to all these ser
vices, i h - y
' ALLXAVOB t . '
bernaele Ferry street. Pastors H. B. jCas-
well and. Mrs. Caswell, 173 8. Cottage.
Sundsy school onvenes at 10 .'a. m.
There iv a place for you and an interest
ing etndy. rreacuing service ll a. m.
Evening 7:30. There will be a platform
service with messages from the students
leaving to attend iVTbp Simpson Bible
Institute," Seattle. Spal singing wilt
be one feature of tbjf service. Week
night services Tuesdsy and Friday 7:30.
Saturday evening is ; in charge . of the
yanag people. Mr. I Meyer. rradnsi
of the Loa Angeles Bible institute, x who
is .expecting to go tS' South America, s
a missionary, will give ay missionary mes
sage. He also will ting aad speak ' in
8panish. .'5 1 , j '. (
1346 North Church street, J. J. Gilles
pie, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. tn
preaching service 11a. IB text: 1 John
2:15-17. Young people's services 8:45
p. m., and song, testimony and preaching
service 7:30. Regular weekly prayer
meeting Wednesdsy evening 7:30 p. nr.
A cordial ihvitation is given to , all to
attend the services.
monthly all-day meeting of the associa
tion will .be held on Tuesday next at the
First Evsngelicsl church, corner of lib
erty and Center streets. Dr. C.C Polling,
pastor. Meeting will begin at 10 o'clock
with preaching at 10:30 by Rev. C. 11.
Hopkins. At 2:30 Rev. J. G. Bringdale,
dean of the North- Pacific 'Evangelistic
Institute,. Portland, will preach. In the
evening at 8 o'clock Rev. M. C. Clarke
will preach. These meetings are strictly
inter-denominational and all are invited.
Bring your lunches and spend the day.
Hot tea and coffee will be served free.
The membership of -this association now
exceeds the 250 mark and we are looking
for a big rally on Tuesday.
- I. B. S. A. .1
ASSOC I A TON Meets every Sunday in
Derby kail, corner of Court and High
streets. Bible study hours 10 to 12 a.
b l., tabernacle study 2:30 p. m. AM of
these interested, are welcome. These
will be a free lecture given September
7. I p. aa- subject, 'A Desirable Govern
ment Millions Now .Living Witt . Never
'- !;; - ;,
8PIaMT17AX. j.
FIRST Meets in WOW hall. A. M.
Coackley, pastor. - Sunday evening aer
viee at 7:45. Topic: "Truth or a vision
of Maa Awakening." We, welcome the
urangers to our aervicea.
BETHANY Corner of Capitol and
Marion streets. Snodsy school 10 a. I
and German preaching aerviee 11 a. m.
o evening service. M. Denny, minister.
mission -'":
GLAD TIDINOS 343 4 Court street.
C. S, Johnson, pastor. Sunday school at
3 p. m. Services st 3 and 8 p. m. 'Full
Gospel sere, Salvation baptism with
the Holy Spirit healing. for the sick sod
the second and imminent coming of our
l-nrd Jesus. Services alas en Tuesdsy,
Thursday and Saturday evening. Our
work is doa-sectariaa. All are welcome.
FULL GOSPEL 1 5 South I Commer
rTil street. Klph 'T.' PiTlorlt, psstor; tSl
i.iission street. .it. es -if.itut ,2:3
II I i- II II . " ' ;'?: - - ' ' I .: i . .:. .
Liberty and Marion H.
W 1 li;
Communion and Fellowship of New Members..
' " -: h
Solo, The Radiant Morn Smith; Mrs. .Ghas.'
McAllister. f ' :
The Church That Welcomes Strangers
edified and prepared for the coming of
Jesus Christ by hearing and obeying the
pure unadulterated Word of God. "And
they went forth and preached everywhere,
the Lord working with them and eon
firming the Word with signs following."
Mark 18:15-20. Study the book of Acts.
Evangelist Freeborn will be with us
Sunday night. We are expecting Mrs.
Mattie Crawford of Los Angeles Tuesdsy
night, September 9. Sister Crawford is
internstionsllv known and is wonderfully
used of God in stirring whole states by
her miraculous ministry. Don tjtuss
this opportunity. She will be with ns
one Bight this time-
Nineteenth and Marion atreeta. C. H.
Hopkins, minister. Sunday school at
8:45. At H- o'clock Margaret Needles,
missionary to China, will apeak. No one
will be disappointed in hearing her.
Yonng people' a meeting at 7 p. m. Eve
ning service at 8 o'clock when the pas
tor will spesk on the subject: (As in the
Days of Noah." i Wednesday, evening
prayer : meeting 8 p. m. r -
September 12, Friday National De
fense day. t ' T-'
September IS, Monday, Willamette Uni
versity opens. ! -
September 23-37, Oregon Stat fair.
September 17. Wednesdsy Constitu
tion day, ? ' " '
September 2D, Monday Salem publie
schools start.
November 11. Tuesdsy Armistice dsy.
November 20-22. Third Annuel Corn
Show: and . Industrial Exhibit, auspices
Chamber of Commerce. ; j
(Copyright 1924 San jse Mercury)
i Is the tolerant spirit that has recently been taking posses
sion of the Christian world about to "he extended to other faiths
besides those that arc Christian? Recent utterances oE church
leaders would seem to indicate that the prejudice which has
heretofore existed among Christians against so-called t'heathen
religions is undergoing a radical modification. For example,
Dr. Fleming, professor of Missions tin '. the Union Theological
Seminary of New:York, in a recent fssue of the Magazine, Asia,
declares that there has developed a new and widespread appre
ciation of the values in other faiths. "More and monj we are
willing to believe that God has not left Himself without wit
nesses among any people, that there has been a Light: lighting
every man coming into the world."' "Such an attitude enables
us to see that there are truths in religions other than the Christ
ian that should be conserved and that, may even, now and then,
be; adopted to our own exigencies. For instance, no thoughtful
student of Christian history is disposed to minimize the great
service rendered by Confucianism m the moral discipline of the
Chinese people. And more than one missionary carries the Ana
lects of Confucius with him on his itinerary and finds in this an
cient law many a fruitful text for a Christian sermon.'
Dr. Fleming also asserts that a continuance of the old, nar
row, intolerant attitude toward other faiths ! means the; failure
of modern missions ; that in the readjustment necessary to a
more sympathetic point of view it will be necessary -for ns to
eradicate from our vocabularies such 'wbrds as "heathen" and
such phrases as. "warfare against Islam," "victory for Christi
anity," and "conquest for Christ - " that these! words and phrases
are offensive to other faiths, who may be quite as moral and
high-minded as we are, and the expressions do not embody the
spirit of Him who bids the missionaries go forth. . 1
Dr. Fleming is doubtless correct in concluding that a broad,
charitable and tolerant spirit is necessary if our foreign missions
are to be saved and our missionaries are to make any progress
in Christianizing the world. More this spirit is what religion
needs today if it is to reach the great mass of our own people.
rarrowness ana Digotry are not in narmony wiin lire. spirit oi
this age and country. Most of us jrnay not have reasoned it out
to the logical conclusion, but we insist upon relisiouiv freedom
for everyone because we recognize; that none of us have yet ac
quired the complete religion, the religion of Jesus;1 that there is
good in all religions; and that any; religious faith is better than
none.' -W t ' ' .1' v ' '- -'it ;
We recognize the right of every man to select his religion
for himself. To impose upon a minority the religious ideas of
the majority of the people would be the most odiou form of
despotism. But it is little less odious to socially and politically
ostracise those who do not subscribe to our own religious tenets
and to permit our hearts to be fiilled with unreasoning! prejudice
against, and with hatred of, those - who are of a different reli
gious faith. Such a -spirit is entirely un-American as leell as un
christian. .. , ; 'i : . -I f.: -
. ' Theology is not an exact science like mathematics, chemis
try and astronomy. It is merely reasoning, about Gbil. religion
and revelation, and must depend for its soundness upjon correct
understanding and sound premises.' Misunderstanding that part
of the Scriptures upon which we base our statements vitiates our
logic that we base upon this misunderstanding and, of jedurse, de
stroys the soundness of our theology. Since, there Jean be no
accurately ascertained standard by which to determine which,
if any, of the: numerous theologies is right and which of them
are wrong, as is the case in the exact sciences, Amerjcans treat
them all alike, at least so far as the laws are concerned. This is
fundamentally right.; There is not a doubt that by so doing
we are acting in the interest of religious j truth anj progress.
Whc-n the Christian world has arisen to spiritual heights where
they can live the Religion of Jesus and can- manifest the true
spirit of Christ sectarianism will be done away and; there will
be "one Lord, one faith and one baptism." Until fhen let us
remember that Pharisaism is the deadly enemy of real Christ
tianity.. ; - ,Vf. 'i-'fl! .Jfj" ' j-
t- " ' : v. i -t-i ::-':-!..;. . tM ' 1
; . '-. . i : i : 1
r There is a multitude of faiths hut none of them measure
up to Ilis standard. 5 Indeed the, religion f most men that we
see in the world is little more than sin expression of the religious
nature of each of them. As man' intelligence increases and his
spiritual' nature develops, his ideas of God change And enlarge
and with this his religious ideas, and practices must! pecessarily
be modified. One who believes in a God of wrath an vengeance
is pretty sure to be hard, passionate and unforgiving1. Another
who -emphasizes the love of God; will be gentle and considerate
of others and with quick sympathies and generous impulses.
While the man whose one idea of religion is that; Christ is to
bear all of our burdens arid take away all of our siifs is reason
ably sure to be one who is spiritually lazy one whq fcaakes, little
effort to overcome himself or to do for others. I ;
Is it not possible that in the effort to fortify against the
wrath to come Christians have too generally neglected L to minis
ter, "unto these least," which Christ tells us is the way to min
ister unto Him and to eome into Ilis kingdom! Can it be that in
the contemplation of the nebulous and uncertain things of the
future and in the effort to make'sure that they themselves reach
the far-away heaven, the Christians of this day hae somewhat
neglected the two great commandments given by Jesus? "Thou
shalt love (not' fear) the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with
all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and the
great commandment. And the second is lke unto it, Thou shalt
love thy neighbor. as thyself." . I When the time cotties; that: the
mass"of"Chfisfians"are keeping Jthese commandmehti their love
"ill f 1 in nil of Gc lVel.lIJrfjr;-"and the Christianizing "of all
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