f i;i THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1924 v Section Salem s eat. Market Pkc assioe CI Gr A t i. i; f V s i: r V i. 4 t i Vi 1', V 1 REAL ESTATE City S3 Own Your Home REAL. BUNGALOW BARGAINS ; 93000; modern & rooro, bumfnti lights, beat of plumbing and location. Small payment down, balance like rent. ONE ACRE SNAP with eotj 4 room cottsre near esr lin 87oO down, balance monthly payment nj Prire 92200. i A HOME AND AN INCOME The beat buy in Salem in a good and weH built boose, with 8 large rooms. With a little extra expense could be made Into apartments. Built-in, light, best ot plumbing, full basement. Lot 75x150 ft. Barn, fruit, location fine. Now priced for quick sale at half Tatue, $2650. ;j Terms ' FOR SALE BY CHIL18 A BECHTEL. Kealtora 540 State St. ; ( 25 sCtf Best Buys and Exchanges . 8 room modern bungalow, 2 lots, ga rage, $4200; terms. 1 room modern, very close in $3000. . Easy terms, $5500; furniture and hardware basin Msa in - good town, will : take fialem residence or income. . " 818.O0O I. general merchandiser and building material busineis doing 8100, . OOO annually, some terms.; $25,000 buys a well located business block ia Salem, easy terms. Money to loan, bouses and apart ments for rent. Socolofsky 341 Stat St. 25-s6tf I FIVE ROOM NEW MODERN BUNG A -i low, east front, garage, pared street.: $3800. $1000 down. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. 25-s5tf OAKS ADDITION HOMES WK HAVE three priced $5500 to $6750. Modem - in all ways. 5. 6. and 8 rooms. Bees enable terms. Quick possession. i r , BECKE HENDRICKS - H TJ. 3. Bank Bldg. , i ; S5-s3tf tered bouse, (2300; $300 down, $2) anoatlu -si II A ' J.. A. MILLS !J 83tV State St. 5-s5; $2000 BCYS 7 ROOM HOUSE; TWQ lota, garage, chicken house, for terms call at 263 S. 17th. 5-i7 MUST GO IS The little bouse and acre of good land, easy terms, well located. $1500; Near car line, on paved i road. Alio , a 3 room plastered new. bouse. So. S lent ear line, $850. Wood abed, goo4 garage, good vain, terms. See Wrai Fleming. 841 State St. s; 25-s5lf A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME OF 8 acres in cherries. English walnuts and logs ns. Very close to Salem.! t room, modern house almost new. Full basement, furnace, fireplace, plumbing - all in, lots of built-ins. Small barn, chicken house. For sale at $12,000 or trade for Portland property. Writ os. see Mrs. Moyer, 147 N. Commercial SC i 25-s5tf FOR SALE 3 GOOD EAST FRONT lota on Capital street, paring paid. ij. Uood terms. : ' For sale good lot on Norway, 50 by 125 for good east front lot on Map le avenue, $250. ' if M block, 7 full lota, close to Engle ' wood or Junior high school. $1500 for alL - --if- 6 good lots 50 by 100 on pared street for $1000. Good lots ia Salem Heights and Nob Hill at all prices, it 8 acre tract well ; Improved and 9 room modern boose. . Very close ia. Good terms. 147 X. Commercial St. Mrs. Moyer. ' U 25-s5f SILETZ i VALLEY STOCK RANCH if . ' - BARGAINS t i 487 a errs, fully equipped, 50 head M Block J i : ; $12,500. 700 acres, fully equipped, large out range. 46 head of stock $15,000. 160 acres; 110 . cultivated bottom, eontaina Urge outrange 88.5QO. 125 acres; all bottom land; 60 cul tivated, controls larre outrange $8,000. There ia no section of Oregon de- lninr faster than the Hi lets alley. and none more fertile. : Bee me for , atock' and dairy ranches ia the coast rei0'1" A. C. BOHKNSTEDT I 147 No. . Commercial Salem. Oregon. i . ij - 25-sJtf ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION. large lot, south High street. $4000 for few daya only. 4 room nouse, a splen did buy, $1650. 4 room house, 2 lots, east front, $1700; $150: down. 8 room hovse, $1450. Garage bouse $1250. Ger-, trade J. M- Paxa. Realtor. 492 North Cottage St. 25-a28tf FOR. SALE A REAL COUNTRY HOVE. 2 Vi acres with modem new 6 room honse. wster system, bath, fireplace, large chicken house, garage. Located on good macadam road near Salem . Price $4800. KRTTEOKR i-! i 8 17 Martk Commercial fit. Phone 217 TOR BALE BY OWNER MODERN 8 room house, basement, paved street, ga-i rage. 161 S. 14th. Phone . 114QM, FOUR ROOM HOUSE $1660. CLOSE in 6 room house, large lot, $5000. Small bouse and lot. close in $2 OOO. Ger-i trade J. M. Page; 492 N. Cottage. I 2S-5tf $50 DOWN ; $30 A MONTH TAKES lot tace. Plastered and bath- $2500. BKCKE A HENDRICKS TJ. 8. Bank Bldg. A 25 a3tf T4R4ND NEW STUCCO 5 ROOMS AND attic, $4400; $500 down, balance like rent. Furnace, fireplace and hardwood floors. On paving close to ear. ; BECKE HENDRICKS i! TJ. S. Bank Bldg. 253 tf THE QUICKEST WAY TO SECURE THE kind of business yon desire ia ij the . moat suitable location ia to consult us I tnr liatinra hold suDreme bsrgsins. Stock of graeeriea and fixture! in good location. Price $1600 of Swill trade for farm and assume. i(if; A fine well equipped machine ' hop la the very heart of Salem a money snaking concern at . the low price of aSOO. ! ! A reetaurant in the busiest part of Salem, come ia aad we will give lyoe cbe Dries, and voa can look it over. . We also' have a general merchandise tore in a good su bar ban town near fialem. Price verr low. or wilt: ex change for, city property in Salem or . 'small acreage . , . I if' 14 room hotel in a good auburban town north ef Salem, doing a good business, reason for selling owner has other business to attend to. Price i0,00MOISAN A TJLRICH ! 1 " 122 Korth Commercial : Phone 1854. 25-a2tf . ' - - - I 1$. - OOOD BUYS A INVESTMENT , Niee eloaein '10 aero improved tract Bargain $3200 easy terms. Good apartment house close la Snas eaay terms. -. . . ;i 1 Closeia 5 aero Improved tract j eon Horse, tools, feed. $3250 want resi deace. .- S Fine new all modern 5 room bungalos fine location $3800 terms, i H Several Farms to exchange for eltj homes. . ' u , Dsndy aio 5 room modern bungaloa $3500. . . . . See our list of Bargains A exchange. before investing. PERRINE A MASTERS ' 1 Com. Club hldg. - 25-a$ltf REAL j ESTATE City 23 FURNITURE IN j A 14 ROOM HOUSE . i i -. . I . . i xor saie. iiik : svaav ia au iu-atti that it will bring big dividends. $1700 GERTRUDK 3. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage.1 I i 25 s31tf HOME AND SERVICE STATION store for sale. $3UOOi caah . to handle This is best lay-out fof kind we hare seen. Close Salem, i ' ' ' BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bld.t i 25-s3tf $5250 BUYS: A five room knodern bungalow home located at 241SJ State St. $2000 down.. Garage. I ' ' v W. H. GRASENHORST h. CO. 875 State St. j . j 25-a30tf 5. ROOM BUNGALOW, BASEMENT, OA- rage, paved street, aaouo. 5 room cottage, part basement, good plumbing, built-iaa, five blocks from .University, $1750. I WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 25-a22tf A MOST ATTRACTIVE HOME IN among other new betotital homes, $13,000. Gertrude J. M4 Page, 492 N. Cottage. i i i j i . ' 25-s5tf . -i . f- F0R SALE SEVEN ROOM HOtTSE, modern throughout, good location. IVi blocks from atate house. Address Own er. 1051 Chenjeketa St. 25 a29 BRAND NEW MOVE IN. 4 ROOMS and nook. Basement and fireplace. Paved and on car. Price $3500 ; $500 down to handle. I . j BECKE A HENDRICKS ' U. S. Bank Bldg. 25-sStf $100 DOWN Will buy a four room house located at 860 S. 21 at St, Immediate possession. Mortgage $425; due Dee. 1926, Inter est 8 per cent, balance payable $15 per month, interest 6 per cent. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. i 275 State St. i f m 25-a30tf NEW HOUSE LIKE RENT 1180 MADI- son. 5 rooms complete, $3000. - BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 25-s3tf ROOM HOUSE ON CAR LINE, MOD era except best. $2000. $30O cash, rest like rent. '6 room modern house, two lots, $2800; $300 down. 61 room mod ern except -heat, $2800; $300 down, rest like rent, t s- j ; j Ipwa, Nebraska and Dakota , land to exchange for Oregon. See us for Bargains and Exchanges. BARBER 200 Gray Bldg. 25 a30tf $2500 TERMS (TAKES 1043 NORWAY Garage. - , BECKE HENDRICKS v U. S. Bank Bldg. T 25-s3tf COTS MOST ATTRACTIVE ONES; dif ferent values. Gertrude J. M. Page, 8 block north of postoffite. 25-a23tf LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS BEFORE you bay. j . j w ; 80 acres bear Yamhill, 50 acres in cultivation (slightly rolling 500 cords of oak wood, j well spring, 20 acres in prunes, 8 acres in bearing ia fine ahape fenced and cross fenced. Good 6 room house, concrete, basement, bath and toilet, 86x40 i bam, 7x26 sik, near school, rock; road. Price $16,Q00. Terms or will trade for small farm 10 to 20 acres, all prunes if possible. . 6 acres s 2 fmiles from Portland 5 In cult, well ind creek, family orchard, a logans, 4 room house, good barn, near school, f Price $4500, trade : for city property.! 1 s 5 room i bungalow on north Capitol, lot 50x112 modern, in every way, paved street, cement walks. Price $3800. Good terms, .f V- t 300 acre Dairy Farm near Nawberg, Ore.. 150 acres in cultivation, slightly rolling, gravity water system from large spring, I electric .lights and water to every building. 8 ' room house, tine large barn. silo, full set of farm . im- Slemeats, B0j head of good cows, reg. ersey bull, 4 horses, 50 tons hay, corn for ensilage, a money making concern. Price $40,000. ' Very easy terms. 10 shares of manufacturing atock In a going concern for sale at very reason able price, j.jjrj Moisan & Ulrict 122 North Commercial Phone 1354. J ' 25 aSltf 5 ROOMS AND GARAGF 1167 N. 16th Paving and walks, $3600 on any reas onable termsi 'Vaeant. BEOKE A HENDRICKS TJ. S. Bank Bldg. 25-s3tf Teh Oregon acres, on paved Highwsy; with nice bungalow, hardwood finished, good barn and poultry houses, bearing fruit aad berries a Homo . almost i Salem, must be sold on aecount of sickness I and ideal home on a Fruit and Poultry; farm. Price $5000.00. 240 acres! only two mile from pave ment, good t5 room house, large . new barn, garage, concrete milk house and other buildings all fenced and running water, horses, eows, bogs and -all machinery to go with place. Priced right. t i . Others: td suit your want.- - j $4750.OOi New. modern home east front, on saved street, large lot. fur nace, basement, garage a very good , borne., j j : j . . 9 Room East Front $6000.00 ) semi-modern, clean home plastered, electric light, gaa, 2 bath rooms, toilets, : suitable for apartment, only 1 block from High School and 1 V4 blocks Ifrota public grade school, a wonderfull bur with some terms. We havei others up to your require ments all rood properties. List your property for sale or room for students with us tree 01 charge. Phone, 206 or call on Oregon Incorporated 815-316 U.'S. Bank Bldg. Salem, Or. . ; i i 25-s6 BARGAIN; IN HOME, GRAND VIEW, overlooking city and valley. Near street ear line, corner lot 90x133, fruit, ga ra?. city Water and deep drilled well, 6 plastered: rooms, bsth. sleeping porch. full concrete basement, $3200; terms. See owner j 2390 South Church street. corner McQilchrist St. 25-a29tt S ROOM HOUSE WELL LOCATED IN good condition, $4000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE "' 492 N. Cottage 25-a31tf MINUTE MOVIES H-L'SHEaf FROM I fi MlEWS OP iHc i , i 1 . after ' V REAL ESTATE City 23 ' $12,000 SNAP: 14 room duplex home, modem in ev ery way and ia good condition. LbcaU ed oa Chemeketa near Church St. Terms 'Rental income $80 perl month. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 275 Stato St. i 25-a30tf ROOMS BRAND NEW; TERMS. Ce ment basement,' furnace, fireplace, ldy tubs, dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, etc. On trim east front lot with cement walks and paving. Close to car. Juick posaession. Price $4550. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 25-a3tt MRS. COLONEL PAGE MRS. L. K. PAGE MRS. LUCIUS KIMBALL PAGS GERTRUDE J. M. PAGR IS ALL THE SAME 1 PAGE j - 25-a23tf GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY etore by owner. Well located in Silverton. M. E. Strand, Silverton, Oregon. 25-al6 6 ROOM; ONE FLOOR. MODERN with baaement, half block to car. See at 1245 Waller street. 8 blocks to uni versity. Price reduced from $3350 to $3000 to sell now. Some terms. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 23-s5tf "We All Dig for j Dollars" Good 8 ' room bungslow, basement, good property. Only $2800; terms. Fine 8 room bungalow, paved street,, facing east. Bam. Price $3000. terms. Fine lot on Fairmont HilL 75x150; $750 for-: quick sale; terms. A very fine 10 acre tract, close in, rich soiL A snap at $4000; terms. Money to loan at 6 per cent on good farm property up to $50O0. If it is a house, lot, iarm, or a trade see me We writs insurance. Rich L. Reimann Realtor ' 307-308 'Oregon Bldg Phone 1013 .''.,-. '7 . 25-al7tf 7 ROOM HOME CLOSE TO State House and university. All one floor and put at $4700 to sell. Furnace, fireplace and garage. Large lot with walks, trees and paving. On ear. $500 down; $50 a .month takes. Quirk possession, ? i BECKE ft HENDRICKS I V. S. Bsnk Bldg. 25-s3tf . $3250 BUYS ! . New five room bungalow on N. Lib erty St. Lot 50x132. Modern plumbing. A real coxy home, $1000 down will handle. I W. II. GRABENHORST 4 CO. 275 State St. 25-a30tf MODERN j SIX ROOM HOUSE COM pletely, - newly and artistically f uruisb- . ed. Bee owner on premises, comer Oak aad Liberty. 35-s7" DDivTvn nvna qttb ii nr U" wording "For Sale, Enquire .At." Price 10 cents each. Statesman Busiaea Office. Ground Floor. 1 o I $3000 BUYS 1 4'i Modern five room plastered 'cottage located close in on Union St. $1000 down, t 1 . ir rr nDinrvuniice s fn I . 275 State St. 25-a30tf YOUR ' MON EY INVESTMENTS AND Savings. You hsve been told too long that stocks and bonds were the only safe investment for you. Salem income property and first mtga. on Salem ini come property are a' little safer than any investment you caa find. We hare many houses for sale that are rented and leased to yield 6 to 10 per cent net with n certain appreciation ia value. Today we hare had three email home listed to sell for $3000 to $3500. They Teat readily at : $30 and $35. Figure it up. s Wo apecialise on Estate propv ertiea and property that must be sold BECKE A HENDRICKS i U. S. Bank Bldg. 25 s5tf BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS NEVER been occupied. We have eight today $2500 to $7500; 4 to 8 rooms. We have two that are $500 below the market and you will know it when yon see them. Any one for $300 to $1000 down, balance Hke rent. I " BECKE A HENDRICKS . ' U. ft. Bank Bldg. 25-s3tf BUSINESS Opportunities 26 BUSINESS PROPERTY A DANDY that will easily net you 8 per cent en mon ey and increase in value every year $9000 to-handle. i BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 26-s5tf CONFECTIONERY WELL LOCATED IN Salem $4500. GERTRUDE J. it. PAGE ' 492 N, Cottage 26 s31tf CONFECTIONERY A GOOD BUSINESS $4500. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 N. Cottage St. . 26-a23tf BUSINESS FOR SALE SALEM RE8 tsurant, grocery, service station and Albany confectionery. BECKE A HENDRICKS ! i i U. S. Bank Bldg. i 26-3tf BUSINESS CORNER WILL MAKE Yon good money, $22,500; business house close in $20,000. Other business build- ' ' ings at all kinda of prices. Gertrude J. M. Page, comer Marion aod Cot tsge street. 26-s23tf REAL ESTATE Farms 2S WANT A SMALL FARM UP TO $6000 for good city property. Want a homo in Salem for a choice ten acre tract. For sale, a close in modern up to date home, $5000. You can't beat it - for the money. A 73 acre dairy ranch to exchange for suburban home. F. ; L. Wood, 341 State St. "28-5tf FARMS 60 ACRES 4 MILES FRQM good town, 1 mile from station, near ' school. 10 acres of prunes; 2 acres of other orchard. 50O cords of oak wood, good i improvements. Price $5000. 82 acres near good small town well Im proved, new 6 room house, prone drier, barn, 27 acres of prunes, price $6000. 14 acres right at the edge of Salem, fair improvements, price $5000 ; 10 acres fruit land unimproved, $1000. Liberal terms on all farms. . 1 McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON ! 209 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140 ' . ' 28-s5tf (All glAXEL DEARIE. . ANNOUNCES TWAT ' f HER EbOBBED HAIR . WAS 5UCM A RELIEF PURIAJG- tit FLMlKx OF "TRUSTED TbAlToRS That sue never EXPECTS To GO BACK AGAIN To CURLS. VM ITH DR. MERMAN BEEZER,THEJ 1 Famous plastic : SvRGEON,rJH0 s PERFORMED , I "HE: REMARK- . ABLE 'OPER- ATlON ; REAL ESTATE-Farrn8 . 28 RIVER BOTTOM FARM ' 108 acres, 35 in cultivation, located near Talbot atstion on OE R. R., old buildings. Price $10,iul0.. Terms that you can buy on. ; J ; W. H. OR.ABENH0RST A CO. 275 State St. IH 28-a30tf , . $650 BUYS: A fine acre tract with bearing ''- fruit, located near Salem Heights school and car line. $50 downi ?10 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. , 275 State St. . 28 a30tf SOME FARMER HERE'S 75 ACRES with bldgs. 5 miles I to Salem. r'ine roads. Mostly clear. For sale on terms ' you can handle. Would trade for Sa i ' lem property. I Bf.t'KK A HENDRICKS I V. H. ank Bldg. .-, 28 5tf VERY DESIRABLE SMALL TRACT ON Portland road. Well improved and reaaonably priced. Phone 206. Ore gon Incorporated, 315-316. U. S. Bank Bldg. 1 28-sll 25 Acres . - i ; ' ' well Improved and " producing not away off ia the, future but .j: .. Novt-r V Priced low because IX must quit hard work. $3500 and easy terms and little trade. ' 'A Ask my jgeot . ROBINSON Oregon Bldg. 28-a4 FOR SALE 40 ACRES 1 MILE SOUTH of Gates. House, bam and otot build ings. All stock, farm implements and household furniture end' crop go with ; plsce if sold soon. Price $3000, terms. ). R. Rosa, Gates. Oregon. 28-s7 REAL ESTATE Suburban SO CHOICEST SUBURBAN? HOME&ITE8 Overlooking river drive and beautiful Polk county orchard 'hills. Selertioas being made and developments coming. Rare offer to an early buyer. HARRIS, 317 Oregon Building. Phone 1455. ' I 30-a27tf 8UBURBAN HOME 2 'MILES TO Bush bank. Two lota and ' strictly modern home; double garage; hardwood, etc. On paving. $4500 -'takes for quick sale. Terms and quick possession. BECKE A HENDRICKS -U. 8. Bank Bldg. I H 30-s3tf USED CAR For Sale 31 Ford touring car -JJ-ii . $ 75.00 1921 Ford roadsterti -...$200.00 with delivery box, I good tires. 1920 Chevrolet touring, new paint good rubber $190.00 1920 Chevrolet touring : $200.00 new top,. spottJight. 1923 Chevrolet coupe $600.00 looks and runs like new. NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. ' - i &' 3l-s6tf 1923 Chevrolet touring A-l shape $450 1923 Overland sedan, extra equipment, looks like new $750 1924 Ford, -4 doors sedan, run 1500 miles. $125 worth extra equipment $750 (Terms) . BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. , S 31-s7 TKAC'X xtiis usuj ba .ju.ntna.ii nas again isaen ensrge 01 iub uku ears for the F.'W. Pettyjohn Co., at 219 N. Commercial St. and invites his friends and customers as well as the general publie to come in and see the large variety of good ua4d ear bargains that he haa to offer, for sale or trade. 1921 Ford touring $175.00 1921 Overland 175.00 1921 Ford coupe ... 800.00 u. 1921 Overland sedan . .. 450.00 1921 Oldsmobile sedsn 850.00 1924 Oldsmobile 4-paas coupe $950.00 1924 Cleveland touring 850.00 1920 Buick roadster. : 450.00 1921 Buick touringtu 650.O0 Wo s have othera for you to select from. Come in and look them over - "After we sell-4We serve" We givei terms) F. W. PBTTYJOHN CO. 219 N. Commercial:: St. Phone 1260. i y 31-a4tf SAVE MONEY ON A USED CAR AT- Certified Public Motor f Car Market ' 1924 Ford touring, $75 worth of extras. driven only a little- 30 ,1924 Oakland 6, touring, 4 wheel " 1 brakes, lots of extras, driven 5000 mile u .. .....$99$ 1923 Studebaker i Lfc. 6 tour. Practi cally as aervice4ble -as a new ear $890. 1923 5-pass Oldsmobile Brougham, driv en only 5000 miles,: coat over $1600 a year ago. now .1... $950 1922 Ford coupe, new paint.. $390 1922 Chevrolet touring i..r.$275 1921 Oakland 4 pads coupe...; $620 1921 Dodge touring; well preserved 1020 Overland touring : $195 . 1920 Studebaker Special touring, re bored, new pistons, good rubber $595 1919 Liberty 6 Standard parte through out ..i..;;;. $280 1918 Ford touring.,...... -990 1918 Chalmers touring. -... $75 1917 Reo touring -fc. ...$145 1917 Apperson 8.i $191) 1914 Studebaker 4 Jour ..$65 1914 Cadillac 4.i-. .-..$195 Remember Certified Cars Are Guaranteed ALSO Wo will take in your old ear in trade. - ' i -r.f at-so FOR SALE PAIGE LIGHT SIX CHEAP: Phone 1438-W. , al-sior TJ8ET) FORD CARS FROM AIT AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring cara Roadsters $ 85 to $350 $ 75 to $325 Ooapea Sedans $275 to $450 $225 to $450 $ 65 to $275 $ 85 to $385 $125 to $225J Light deliveries . Ton trucks Bugs" All ear are roaeesteed. Liberal terms. A few Bug chassis $35. . VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 15 260 N. High 81-jne23tf : i'fi ' rights protected by The George Matthew Adams Service Trade Mark " (I CAhJ; ALUJAyS' PinJ 1 . them: cm mweaJ- A yVNj CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business , AMBULANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAY OR night. rmme ooo. na aoaia i.inertr. AUCTIONEERS F. N. WOODRY Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate AUCTIONEER Rea. 1610 N. Summer Phono 511 for sales dates. L. E. TALBOTT Auctioneer ' Phono 470 202 U. S. Bank Bldg. S9 . i O. SATTERLEE Auctioneering Rooms 25-26. Breymsa Block Phone 4.(0 or 1211.1. jne-12tf AUTO PAINTINO HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH our new permanent luitsh. $eaur Caaa High Street at Trade AUTO RSPAXBJjra Cylinder grinding, crank shaft true- Ing. We're specialists. Donerite Ma chine Shop. . Automotive machinists, 349 Ferry St. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS c mm 3 031 coon st. JUa V111.UAMS PRESTO-LITE BAT TE R Y SERVICE .. Stat ion. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferris BroL. Phone 1803, 41 Court. ( ; R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; .171 South Commercisl " 1 ' ' i. f BICYCLES AND BXPAXEINO . LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY- cles snd repairing; 387 CoMrtV CARPET AMD RTJO WEAVINO O 8ALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff ruga woven any aixe without aeama. New mattresses made to order. O'A mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated. ' I boy all kinds of old carpets for fluff "ruga. 134 and Wilbur streets. Phone 1154. Otto F. Zwlcker. Prop, ' CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 B. High St., Phone 283. CHIROPODIST DR. S.F. SCOTT, GRADUATE NA- Sciences,, ; Chicago. 11QB1I U "tCI Bll DVSVUVW,. Mssonic Temple. Phone 640;- CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SQOTT. PSC CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 87. res. 823 K. - f CLEANERS A DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phone 1868. We ape ' cislite on one day service. ' i, , CONSUliTINO ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Conetractinr engineer. Surveys, esti- na-es Jno. H. Neef, 819 Oregon Bldg. Phone 775. CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 436 N. Summer street. Phone 674-J. CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General contracting and building. Esti mates gladly furnished. Phone 1867R or K9F12. d28tf DRESSMASINO PRTNTF.n CARDS 8IZE 14V BY 7V4 wording "Dressmaking" i , price 10 cents each. Statesman Business, Office Ground Floor ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A 8 O N I C building. Phone 1200. ; ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. IAberty. : f FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. House wiring by hour or contract. Ks tlmates furnished.. Phone 980. 471 Court St. ; ' " HALIK ELECTRIC SHOP U XSectrle riztnrei ' ' Washing Machine . Vacuum Cleaners $37 Court St.' Pbon 488 Rea. Phone 7025 FINANCIAL LOANS MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP erty at a low rate on the easy payment plan, so at end of year you are an paid up. Farm loans on Isrge or small " tracts: nrivate money. See firt and you will go no farther. G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregon Bldg. , . , Farm Loans ANDERSON A RUPERT 406 Oregon Building LOANS : . Frm and City ; f Host libersl rstes and payment f ' privileges. j HAWKINS A ROBERTS 205 Oreron Bldg. Salem. Oregon f-tf aInD SPEAKING CF . ' ARCHIBALD j CLUBB HAS EMTiRELj RECOVERED FROM HIS NOSE OPERATION, FOR VMHlCH , eIN& A COMEWAN. HE NATURALLV IbOK ; LAUSHlNx CxAS INSTEAD OF ETHER J g)LANCHE ROUGE MAS A HOBSy AND vr is vuRfnn& Pceifey. VE SMALL SHOW SOME OF HER POEMS AT A LATER; DATfe. MEAM- VJHILE HERE ' & ANOTHER OF HER - VIVtD I M PRE 55 1 ON S 701 BUSINESS and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference ; "... FINANCIAL 6 LOAN 3 UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM a city or farm property. Keaerve De posit company. 72 Fourth Street, Port land, Or. FARM LOANS LESS I N T R E 8 T, longer time, no commission. Protects against adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly installments, pre-pay-: moat privileges. J. C. Siegmund, room 2. over Ladd A Buah bank. City Loans On improved property or for improved purposes. THE BEST and easiest way. to pay on loan is our monthly installment plan. 96 payments of $14.14 repays a loan of $1000.00 and interest. Equitable Savings A Loan Assn. ANDERSON A RUPERT Agents 406 Oregon Building . FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST r farm paper, send 15e to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three, months' trial subscription. Mention this sd. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps, for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the - poultry breders of the Northwest. - Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem. Oregon. T FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS f unersl wreathe, decorations. C. F. Breitbaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty Phone 380, FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIRE0 tors, 210 Center. Phone 1656. TT7RNZTURB STORES G1ESE FURNITURE CO. Q U A L I T Y furniture for less money. 372 Court, Phoue 464. PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 N. Commercial. "" HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ' ler's 8 tore. Phone 117. . STAMPING. HEMSTITCHING, NEEDLE work. The Vogue, 429tt Court St. a-81 HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING. PLEAT ing. The Petite Shop, Room 5. over Busicks. - n29tf SALEM ELITE H EMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work: 323 Oregon bldg. Phone 379. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATH 1ST. - Does a general practice. Treats Goiter, ' Gsll Stones, and Dropsy, arising from 'diseases of heart, liver or kidneys without operation. ! Office and reai- dene-, 298 N. Liberty St., Salem, Or. Phone 147. INSURANCE LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR INSUR : a nee and WORRY in your stead. We write all kinds of Insurance and KEEP YOU PROTECTED at no extra i coat. Phone 206 or call on OREGON INCORPORATED 315-318 U, S. Bank Bldg., Salem. WARREN F. POWERS Life. Accident, Fire, Automobile 219 U. S. Nat'l Bank Blng. Phone 607 LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR - and women. 474 Court 8t. MEN LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 316 S. Liberty street. Phone 25. oldest 'largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt ' service; 12 6 4 Broadway. 1 hone 163 LUGGAGE . COME' HERE! The b-st buys in hand luggage and trunks. MAX O. BUREN - Furniture 179 N. Com'l. Salem MEDIC Alt MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MUSIC LESSONS, A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated, atandard music. Semi-elsssie and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School,' Me- Cornack Bldg MTJ8I0 STORES SHERMAN. CliAY A CO.. PIANOS Steinways, Duo-Art and others. Moore'i Music House, 415 Court Street, i GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. - PHONO r graphs, aewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono : graphs and sewing machines; 432 State street. Salem. : TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW - Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni tnre Co.. Music Dept. NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 461-M 1 )ne-2lt Registered U. S. Patent Oftice) Co VMOORAy- T LOOK 1 . I I &Tj ' ALMOST V I FORE jlfD n .i . 1. 11. s DIRECTORY; NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic dlaeaaea; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. NURSERY STOCKS FBUIT, NUT AND SHADS TREE8 Pearey Bros., ; 237 State. ' ' OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. t f Charges reasonable Examination free. 282 N.i Commercial St. PAFERHANGING AND PAINTINO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tiatlng, etc. Reliable workman. I j GET MY FREE SAMPLE BOOK . for comparison j MAX O. BUR EN Fnrniture 179 N. Com'l. Salem PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS George R. Vetirs, M. D. . Special Attention J Surgery, Syreeology, Obstetrics ; - 410-11 V. a. Bsnk Building Office hours 10-12: 2-5 ' j and by appointment Office Phone 615 Res. Phone 1975-J PIANO TUNERS 4- EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. 1 Leave orders Will's Music 8-ore. ' PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros 141 8. Liberty Phone 550. 1 f-i9tf PLUMBING i REPAIRING AND ' COIL work. Phone 495-W. Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. ' RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETC. J RADIATORS. FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. ; J. O. Bair, 236 State St. RADIO I RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. f F. 8. BARTON. Prop. Manonie Tewple Khone 1200 REPAIRING ALV1N B. STEWART t 847 Court St. Umbrellas. Cutlery and Keys Lawnmowers, rasor-bladea, scissors, knives and tools sharpened. r ' SCAVENGERS SOUS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR bage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable ratea. Cea pools cleaned and JtaJ an;uiis re moved. ' Phones : Of fire tS : Rea. i 2058. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED; EVERYTHING IN C,OTH lag and' shoes. Best prices paid.) 4 Cap ltal Exchange; 842 North Commercial Phone 1368-W, ' ' STOVES AND STOVE EXP AIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' ; experience. Depot National fence, si sea 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, us and varnishes, etc. loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works,; 2 50 Court Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER . AND HAULING) CAPITAL' CITY TRANSFER CO. 4 226 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty, Get our rates, v . . ;ji WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle 'the best coal aad . wood. ' Call oa us for prices. We giv good - measure, good quality add! good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phono 930 TRANSFER ! AND HAULING OF j "ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES j O. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stage Terminal 8alem, Oregon. 8ALEM-8ILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.; 5 p. m. f ; Leaves Silverton News Stand: 9 a.m.; 1 p.m. ; 6 p.m. .1 -Salem-Independence-Monmouth Division Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal 7 a. mi; 9 a.m.; 11:10 a.tn.; j 3:10 p.m.; 5:10 p.m. Loaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: - 8:15 am.; 1 p.m.; 3:15 p.m. ' Leavea Independence, Beaver Hotel: -8:80 a.m.; 9:50 a.m.;. 1:15 p.m. 4 P-n.; 6:80 p.m. Leaves Central Stage Terminal.! Salem T . - for Dallas at : IS 7 a.m.j 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.m. Leaves Gail Hotel, Dallas, at: if - 8 a.m.; 1; p.m. ; 6:15 p.m; j We make i connections at Salem to al! parts of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointmenti 3. W. PARKER, General Manager. WATER SALKM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO Office, 801 South Commercial St. Ter per! cent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deduction for' absence or any csuse unless watei i shut off vonr premises I ; HAZEL GREEN i I W. A. Dunigan attended part of the sessions of the C. E. confer ence ai Turner. Jf Mr. and! Mrs. Orville Luckey and children. Earnest, 161a, '-'Cecil,' Ken- By ED WHEEUAN 1(CKDARE THE 6REAT OPEN SfCCS- SIR GALAHAD IN A . ! press suir Pine TfeEES AT Cwa NICK CARTER - ; tXJME STiC ClrARETji ATHLETiC CLU&5 THE NADEN'5 PRAVER nette, Norman, and Airs. Luckey'B brother and wife, Recently from Kansas City, Mr., sp4nt some days at the coast last weelc. j j ; , 1 Carl Morris haa returned from Sweet Home and La) Comb. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dunigan and children and Mrs. Dunlgan's father and mother pspent Sunday at Sheridan and Hopewell. - Mrs. V. B. Davis, -daughters, Wilma, Helen 'and sobs Homer and San ford and Mrs. Davis' mother, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, from Kansas City, spent some days at Newport recently. .' i : :. Mr. N. P. Williamson and e Will and C. G. Lotpney attended a sale at Jefferson j recently. Mr. and Mrs. Albeft Carlson and son Stein, of Portland, and Mrs. B. O. Shepherd and daughter, De. anea- of - Pueblo, Cpl., j spent the wek-end at O. G. Lponeys'. Mrs. Shepherd's husband; was formerly pastor at this place jand her many friends were glad to see her. Mr. Bracket hasj moved Into the house recently vacated by Ben Wilson who moved across the lake. -"":' .: -If la '. '--- Defies Superstition; Now Lodged in Jail - DETROIT, Sept.! 4.' Thomaa Boyce i who defied superstition last 13. a Friday.) when cell 13 June of the old Australian convict ship. then on exhibition on the Detroit river, he was married while 13 witnesses attended and 13 mirrors were broken, stood (n the shadow of a murder charge today. An 1 1 year old boy, Bernard; Bellanger, told police that it Was ; Boyce who struck Clyde Kelleri 45. butcher, over the head with a hammer. Keller'e body, with- a hammer be side it, was found in a moving van at the rear of Mrs!.! Irene Bellan gerF's apartment early Monday. World Fliers Expected At Seattle By Sept. 20 r j-iF--- SEATTLE, Septit 5.; Threes plane of the nitd States army, two of them completing a flight around the world j! that started from jSand Point) aviation field near this city April f 6, are ex pected at Sand Point ' September 15 to 20, the Seattle chamber of commerce was informed today by the army air service.; i . Between Bostonj the first sched uled lighting of the fliers In the United States, and i Seattle, 14 stops were - listed These were Mitchell field. Long Island; Wash ington. Dayton, Chicago. St. Jo seph. Mo., Omaha,!1 North Platte, Cheyenne. Rock Springs, Salt Lake City. Salduro, Elko; Sacramento and Eugene. - I If P . PUBLIC yOTlCE3 SHIXfJLIXG BIOS WASTED v Sealed bids will b received bj the County1 Court of Marion coun. ty at the county clerks office ti September 15, 19?4 at 1:30 o'clock p. m. for removing and replacing 75.000 shingles on the county Poor Farm ! buildings at the county Poor f Farm, Marion county, to furnish all material for re-shingling. 1 1 !;; , The right to reject; any and all bids reserved. f fr ' ' ' U. G. BOYER County Clerk. B6-7-9 ADUXlSTltATOIt'S FINAL NO- TICE ! r Notice is herebiy given that tho undersigned has j filed his final account as administrator of the estate of Fred Kobow, deceased. In the county court, of the State of Oregon for the County of Mar ion, and said conrf has set the hearing of same,! and of any and .11 objections thereto and the set tlement of said estate for Thurs day, the 23th day of September. 1924, at ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day In the court room of said court, at Salem. Ore gonr (j )l ; ' 7 Dated at Salem, i Oregon, this 23rd day of August;) 1924. LOUIS FJ KOBOW. jj Administrator. C. M. In man. Attorney for Estate. a23-30; ;s6-13-20 Notice of Assessment for Cost of Improving North Fourth fitrwt from Colombia Street to North -City Limits. . 1 '' Notice Is hereby given that tins common council of the city of Sa lem, Oregon, will, j at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m4 ion the 15th day of September, 1924, or at the same hour at any subsequent meeting of the said! council there after, in the council chambers of the city hall at ' Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess; upon and against eachi lot or part thereof its pro portionate share'of itbe cost of im proving North Fourth Street from the north line ojf; Columbia street to the north city limits: or south line of Locust street. AIT persons Interested in tho said assessment j are hereby noti fied to appear before the said council at said tjm and place' and present their objections. If any they have, to said assessment and apply to the said council to equal ize their proportionate share of same. . .Jf-jM!:l. By order of tHf common council September the 2nd, 1924. M. POULSEN.i City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof ia September 4,1 1924. Ei-C-G