THE OUEGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1924 tri' Mixed License Plates An unusual case developing around mixed license plates through evident ignorance of ill motor vehicle laws came to light recently when State Traffic Offi cer Newell Williams attempted Ito register an out of state, car. TJhe machine had one New York li cense plata when stopped by the officer. He directed the driver J to the state house where he was tqld to register his vehicle. Later; 0f fleer Williams found the party en joying a meal along the side f of the road, the machine carrying Oregon license plates,. A check Jon the number did not coincide wjth the names given by the drivers Further investigation . revealed that the ; tourists had a bill I of sale for the car made out in Chi cago.1 .' The party had worked! in Montana until the time limit! for the Illlnoij license had expired, then, finding one lone New Yerk plate, they proceeded on their way through Salem. After regis tering the Tehicle they purchased for II a pair of Oregon plateaTin Portland. Officer Williams took them to the state house and mjkde them purchase proper plates and then released the party, which ws; bound for California. Pupils In Singing : May meet-Miss Magers at Iier studio ; in the Derby Bldg.. today. Saturday, to arrange for lessons. ;. . :-A .: -4-s6 Flags Heady For Fal Work of arranging the 120 pew flags for street decoration i pur poses is under way at the Cham ber of Commerce and as soor as ine new shipment Is made ready there will be nearly 200 of J the banners available for street deco ration purposes. The flags make their appearance for jwill the first time when they are used in connection with the state decorations in the business trict. . Ifair dis- AVanted 5 j Experienced Waitresses, eteady employment. Gray Belle. a24tf : 1 Births A Reported " , Four birth reports, a few of them rather belated, wero rejelv- wgodryS 1. Buys Furniture Phone 511 Dr. B. H. White Dr. Anne Brckke Osteopathy 1 I " ."' Surgery I Electronic Diagnosis and Trt&t. I ment (Dr. Abram's method). Office Phone 859 Residence Phone 469-JJ 506 U.-S. Bank Bldg. We're AU Moved and now" that we are' located In , our new quarters at j 143 S. LIBERTY ST. we are in a position to give you till better service on your transfer and hauling work We Still nandlc Fuel and hare several carloads of coal due In a'. few days. Better get your order In early. . ' Phono 030 Larmer Transfer! & ; Storage Co. 1 1 Cars for Hire WITHOUT DRIVERS , Our autos are 'all kept in prime condition, therefore are absolutely safe td drive. j terminal taxi service ' 1 We hire them either with or without drivers. 5 PHONE 2020; I ; :-!: , j ffnp: at Stage Terminal j DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE LADD &5BUSH BANKERS! Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. ra. to 3 p. cu NEVS IN cd at the office1 of the cit health officer Friday. These were reports of the arrivals of Phyllis- Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter" I. Thom as, 1383 Mission, September 1; Howard Dajrid to Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Weese, 120 Academy, Au gust 12; Thomas, to Mr. and Mrs. Kujare Sugai, six miles north of Salem on August 9 and Ruth Eleanor, to Mc and Mrs. Albert Van Valkehberg, who lives near Turner, on jAugust 25. ! I ; Our Used Goods ; ' Department has a number of good dining' tables, davenports. desks, book cases, buffets, China closets, kitchen cabinets, etc. Ham- Ilton's. 86 lied Cross to Meet The annual meeting of Oregon chapters of the American Red Cross will; be j held in Portland next Fridav and Saturday, it was announced j 'yesterday by jMiss Georgia PUitJ secretary of ; Wil lamette chapter. Work! of the or ganization ind plans for' the year will be discussed. ; ilarry Levy, president, .Will attend one of the sessions,, probably the onte oh Fri day. All of) the active members of the board of directors, are receiv ing official notices of the meet ing and are being urged to attend. 1 , . A Dance at WOW Hall Given by the Silver Bell circle. Saturday, Sept. 6. J Music by the Orioles. 86 Woman Driver Found Guilty Margaret j Forbes, of 602 Lovejoy, j Portland, was found guilty of j reckless driving when she appeared In the justice court yesterday -and was fined $10 and costs, whch amounted to nearly $50 in addition'. The woman driv er was arrested upon complaint of Edna R. d wards, on August 12. Though jher attorney indicated that the case would be appealed, it is believed' -that an appeal will not be taken. , Big Saving I On used furniture and baby car riages. Hamilton's. . i s6 Scarlet Fever; Here One now caso of scarlet fever this week was reported to the cily health officer yester day as were two other cases which developed latB last week, j With I of chicken pox, this one case brings the total number of cases of contagious;, diseases reported this weekj to four. ! Get That Wilton Hue Now during our clearance sale. Hamilton,' 30 Court. s6 Will Plead Monday j f V. C. IcDonald was given until next Monday to enter his plea in the justice court. McDonald was arrested jupon complaint of a resi dent Of East (State, who alleged that a large truck driven by Mc Donald, who was hauling flax to the prison J came too close ito his machine,! jbadly scratching a new Ford cojpe 30 that the machine will have to be re-painted- The specific charges against McDon ald are operating a truck with an over-width load and reckless driv ing. .;; j i.,t : 1 . . : ;. Minnetttf .Magers of Portland , Will teach Friday afternoon and all day Saturday of each week In Salem, Those desiring td study should arrange the time for their lessons how. ! ! s6 Chnngin K Tent Book Nearl one-third of the text- books w!i Ill be changed for 1925, through action of the state text- book dommittee, according to RADIO HEADQUARTERS RADIO SUPPLIES I Open Evenings 291 JXORT1I COMMERCIAL f II 1 J .1 ! T Popular Priced Tailored Suit $25 to $15 Men's and Young Men's DU h. mosher . II ir tailor - BRIEF George W. Hug. superintendent of schools. Five of the changes wjjl be in texts' used in the grades and six in high school courses, lie cause of this change, 'Superinten dent Hug is being visited almost daily by book salesmen! Members of the state commission are Miss Margaret Cooper, of Salem; A.jC. Hampton, superintendent of the La Grande schools; George A. Briscoe, superintendent of schools at Ashland; A. C. Schmitt, of the OAC faculty staff and Milton Mil ler, of Lebanon. ! - . i .W Clearance Sale Prices "?. fil; On all Wilton, Ax minster. Vel vet and Tapestry rugs., Hamilton's, 34a Court street. ; s6 GctH Building Permit E. O, McMillan yesterday re ceived a building permit for $600 for the construction of a dwelling at 2430 Maple avenue. ) . Clean Up Sale Of used goods (second floor) to make room for alterations about to be made. Hamilton's. ' r-s6 Wobblier Get Order j Two Wobblies, giving the names of L. C. Sullivan and M. C. Fran cis, were arrested here yesterday by Officer Thompson. They were charged with distributing IWW literature. When they were taVen to the police station they were ordered out of town by Chief 5 of Police Frank A. Minto. The, In structions were obeyed. 'Ti' Klear Flax Rugs- All sizes, 2 7-inch up to large room sizes, just half price during our September clearance sale-' of rugs. C. S. Hamilton, 340 Court street. , s6 New Officer Named 1 j Harry Brenerman has been ad ded to the Salem police force ! by Chief of Police Frank A. Minto. Officer Brenerman takes the place of A. Wintersteen, who; left the force Saturday night to open a barber shop in the vicinity of the fair grounds- Want a Loan t Of $1500 on Salem residence. Socolofsky. Phone 970. ; 7 S7 Big Value " Fine imported grass rugs 9x12, $3.98; 36 in. by 72 in., 75c. This week only. Hamilton's, 340 Court." ' - ; "s6 Uso Rifle Range Sunday Finishing touches to the new rifle range about seven miles from the city on the Salem-Turner road are now being made and an inter company match will be staged Sunday between Company F and Headquarters detachment, of ) the coast artillery i corps. The two military organizations will leave from the Armory at 8 o'clock and will i return to Salem about 1 o'clock. Including in the finish ing touches to the range are the placing of 800 feet of protective fencing, two flag poles, six warn ing signs and a telephone line from the firing points to the tar get. ' " ; ' All Droppetl Patterns 1 In bedroom suites greatly re duce at Hamilton's. s6 Returncl to School, I'erry m. urowe was picKea up for Investigation Friday morning by Sergeant George D. White. Later it developed that he, had escaped from the feeble minded school and was returned to7 the institution. , j Wanted 5 lixperlenced Waitresses, eteady employment. Gray Belle. ' ' B24tf Italian Prunes KweeteNt vh -. Italian prunes have an excep tionally heavy sugar content and are coming from the driers as sweet if not sweeter than the pe tites, according to reports received by local prune -men. . A Bargain In A Slightly l'ed Chevrolet coupe at Newton Chevrolet Co. s7 Coming to Dreamland ; Cole McEIroy Jazz Band; eight men and singer, Friday ;' night. Valley Orchestra Saturday' night. i ,' sC Services in West Salem i In Thomas Burgess Ford Me morial, West Salem. Big rally at tendance at Sunday school, Last month the attendance average was more than twice that of the; Win ter months. Itis desired to make this month bigger yet. better yet. Rev. Hawthorne will be in charge of preaching services at 11; a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Mrs. II. J. Mor riss will lead song service a;t 7:00 p. m. Junior league pleasant hour afternoon at 3 o'clock. Big wel come to all these services.! Comforters- ; U One-third off, at Hamilton's. s6 Pastor Thinks Advertising pays : Reverend i Ernest H. Shanks, pastor of the First Baptist church. RIGDON & SON'S MORTUARY Unequal cd Service! Salem, believes that advertising pays. He believes" that advertis ing for churches pays. He carries an advertisementjjijin -The States man every Sunday morning and claims to have received results. The attendance at I his church has held up remarkably well all dur ing the summer months and he be lieves that advertising has hedped do it. Used Furniture We must have fpom in our usgd furniture department to make some alterations Hence all used goods will be sold, at even less than our already low. 'prices. Hamil ton's. 1:1 1 s6 Drum Corps Rehearses Regular rehearsal of the drum and bugle corps; jof Capitol Post No. 9, was held last night in front of the Clifford Brown warehouse under thd direcjtjon of Dr. Carl Wonner. These f-ehearsals are be ing held three times a, week in order to get thQ corps in condi tion for, American Legion-day at the state fair, at&'hich time all le gion posts having drum corps are' expected to have their organiza tions on the grounds. 4 Notice Bids will now be received fof the general construction, heating, ventilating, plumbing and electric wiring of new building for Salem Lodge No. 336, PO Elks. Con tractors may bld.feparately on any of the above ims except that heating and ventilating must be included in one bid. Plans and specifications ma be secured from C. Van Patten, ?r., 416 Masonic Building, Salemlj Bids will be opened at the )arion hotel," Sa lem, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., Mon day, September fi5th. s!3 Iasky in Again-M- ' ,! "What's the Use" was the com ment of Officer! Iouin Olson, who late Friday afternoon escorted -Ed Lasky to the city jail after dis covering the prisoner navigating under a load of banned heat, taken( Internally. Jus how many times Lasky has been arrested on thlaj charge is noi Known, oui mey re numerous and fairly regular. Ias ky accepted thjfive day jail sen tence without Hjrottst. j Oh Boy I, Flake's Pe,land has dandy young goats at; pets, will make $2.00 each. Great good drivers. S7, i. i! Advertising Caravan Here j With plenty; ,of noise and lea- tunng annging oen, a ttmu of a score or njpre of automobiles from Morimoutfl paraded through the business Ifidistrict yesterday, escorted by twd state traffic offi cers. The carafan called attention to the celebration at Helmick park, near Monmouth, next Fri day,' to celebrate the completion of the West Side highway. Coming to Dreamland Cole McElro' Jazz -Band, eight men and singer, Friday night. Valley Orchestra Saturday night. Snecders Iea When RobertFrei. of Portland. and Ralph Wajsh, of Boise, were arrested Thursday night by Offi cer Wiles, thefj deposited $10 and $3 respectivelyj for speeding. The bail was declared to be forfeit , in the police court yesterday. , ; . See Window Display Of odd dressers, dressing tables and chiffonier on sale at Hamil ton's. 'I v - ;s6 Slay Relltric City Because of-the completion Of the new J. L.?iparrish Junior high school, it mayjbe necessary to re district the cfjEy regarding attend ance at schools. This question is expected to come before the next meeting of the school board which will be held iluesday night. Other matters of routine business in connection with1 the new school and the completion of details rela tive to the opening of the public schools on September 29. i if i : " if. - Coins Away ip School? You'll need; a generous supply of stockings. flToday we begin our sale of one thousand, two hundred pairs at 69c $air. These are the new ''Sport ttibbed Styles" -New colors; all sizes. See them today. Millers. I - s6 ciow out Prices ; ; , All 'grass :j'rugs just one-half regular prlcij ( 36-In. by 72-in. niccy formed and bordered, only 73c;! other izes" in proportion. This; week oijly. Hamilton's, 340 Gourt. ; ' m - I - ! s6 Hunting Party Back j-'-'j With five ?bucks to their credit, a party of hunters including Wal ter C. Winsliw and son, Norman, returned toj the city yesterday after spending two weeks in the' mountains eftst of Roseburg. Sev j )hd j mm eral bears were seen but the ani mals were too distant for a shot. With Mr. Winslow and, his son were Charles Vick, Russell Smith and Frank M. Minto, chief of po lice, who returned to the city the first of the week. High Gradei Wool Filled Comforters1 at one-third off. Hamilton's, j s6 Moves Into New Home August Knuteson has taken pos session of the W. A. Merrfott home in the Parrish Grove addi tion, where he will make his. home with his mother. : The. deal was handled through It., A. Har ris, local realtor. Mr. Knuteson is a commercial picture finisher.) Many Bargains In our -used goods department during our clean up sale. Ham ilton's. , i s6 School Work Progressing -Work of getting the schools in readiness for the fall opening is well along at present and the new desks are being placed in the J. L. Parrish junior high school while the .installation of lockers is nearly completed. Sixteen hew typewriters are being unpacked at Salem high school for use in the commercial department. Grad ing of the grounds at the J. L. Parrish school 'is also nearly com pleted. ; : . . . j . - Extra Special Durro Chenille rugs, 30x6Q in., all colors, blue, rose, taupe and gray, plain i designs, reversible; regular $5 value, $3.98 this week only. C. S. Hamilton. H 86 Amended Complaint Filed The Commercial State bank of Omaha, Neb., yesterday filed with the circuit court an amended com plaint against Ben J. Eilers.LThe bank claims to have in its pos session a promissory note given by Mr. Eilers for the sum of $600. The note was made out May 13, 1920. Suit is brought for the-full sum involved in the note, togeth er with interest at 7 per cent and an attorney's fee of $120. I Wanted $1500 ; Room 3, 370 State St. Before You Leave ' Your home or car have It in sured properly. Phone 161, Becke & Hendricks. IT. S. Bk.. Bldg. S7 Two Marriage Ucense Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to two couples. One li cense went to Herbert iLuther Martin, 1488 South Commercial street, ; and, Vivian i Doddridge, 1147 North Commercial street. The two other applicants- were Allyn Wardwell Nuson,; of Burton, anfl Mary Walker, of Gervais. Wanted 5 Experienced Waitresses, steady employment. Gray Belle. a24tf Guardian Appointed An order by Judge Downing was filed with the county clerk yesterday appointing. Hope ; Lock ley as the guardian of Bonbie V. R. Cans, said to be an Incompe tent, and. the owner of about $2, 500 worth of property. ' i ; II Remnants of Linoleum , ; For your small rooms, such as bath and breakfast nooks aqd sun rooms, priced at less than half the regular cost. Bring your measures. C. S. Hamilton, 340 Court. 1 : b6 To Invite Naturalized Citizen Letters were sent out yesterday to all American citizens living in Marion county who have become naturalized since July 1,' 1921, inviting them to participate in defense day program on Septem ber 12. i Each letter sets forth briefly the purposes of -defense day and is signed by the Amerir canization committee, which is composed of C. A. Kells.i U. J Boyer, and Mary ' L. Fulkerson There were 69 persons who re ceived the letters. Odd Bedroom- Piece sale at Hamilton'. s6 Five Acledents Fatal ; During the week ending Sep tember 4, five fatal accidents out of a total of 612 industrial casual ties were reported to the state in dustrial accident commission. The fatal cases were: Ernest"; Hart, Cherry vllle, logger; j. Fred; Berg feld, Portland, stave Dolterman; Terry McGovern, Bend, - tunnel man; George Sanders.. Bend, tun nel man; James White, Bend, tun nel man. Of the total number of NEW LAMP BURNS 94 AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an amazingly brilliant, soft,5 white light, even better than gas or electricity, has been tested by the U. S. Government and 35 leading universities and found to be su perior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or noise no pumping up, is simple, clean,' safe. Burns 94 air and 6 common kerosene (coal oil). The inventor, V. M. Johnson, 161 North Union Ave., Portland, Ore., is offering to send a lamp on 10 days' FREE trial, or even to give one FREE to the first user in each locality who will help him introduce it. Write him today for full particulars. Also ask him to explain ; how you can ; get the agency, and without experience or accidents reported' 545 were sub Jest to the provisions of the work men's compensation act, 66 were from firms and corporations that have rejected the provisions of the act and one was from a public utility corporation not subject to the act. : , " . .. Charges Wc False So many people mistook our 69c sport hose to be real-silk truth of the matter Is, we thought so too, until we were informed that artificial silk combined with highly mercerized threads gave the sheen or silk effect. See our spe cial sale of ribbed, stockings to day. 69c pair. New colors. Mil ler's, i s6 I PERSONALS I Cliffonjl Brown, prominent Elk and American Legion man, has returned from an extensive hunt- ing trip. Mr. Brown will leave in a few days for St. Paul, where he is an Oregon delegate to the sixth National j American Legion con vention. J L. Rudle, of the Roth Grocery back at work from a two weeks vacation spent visiting rel atives in Spokane. Frank L. Wager, state agent for the business Veedol motor oil, was a visitor in the city yester Wager is a former Salem day. Mr. resident , quarters! but now makes his head- in Eugene. He expects to establish his; residence here again inj about a month. ' Robert G. Duncan, of the II. L. Stiff Furniture company of Sil- - ' ONE Showing: the New Colors and Patterns Then ask William Wallace GraEdiii r ". I -. - U - Concert Violinist ! n "MAKER OF Head of the Violin Department Willamette University i Mr. Graham has Artist pupils playing and; teaching in all parts of the United States. j In the Musical I Contests held by one of the largest Musical Clubs in the Northwest,! during the past year,' hi? pupils won first and second places in every 0vent in which they Were en tered both in Portland and Salem, including the Professional contest in Salem. Mr. IGraham himself received the first in this club in Portland. A pupil of his was awarded the Senior Schol arship at the American at Chicago, this season. ; Mr, Graham will be at the Marlon Hotel on Monday, September 8th from 9 to 3:30 and ;each Monday and Thursday following, .where appointments for instruction may be madelf !.-'.;,! , lit I vertori, was a business caller in the: city yesterday. Mr. Duncan at one time was secretary of the Chamber of Commerce here.' - -T- Keith White, of Scio, was In the city yesterday. ' -. Mrs. J. IIerdlien and Miss Grace . HUNDRED DOZEN TIES IN THIS SALE! On Special Sale Beginning Today ! " ( : f Worth up Handsome Qualities 1 00 dozen Ties go on special If. 1- sale today, and we believe ::-' !p Jv;'- thesc ties will make a decided hit. Our deductions are! based on the clever patterns, 'gener ous size and the superb quali ties, all of which should attract a great deal of attention rf since the price is so ridiculously low! Busy? If your wife to choose a for your approval ' -. an3 Teacher ARTISTS ? place as violin sploist - Conservatory bf Music B. Hunter, of HUlsboro, were Sa lem visitors Friday morning. L..J. Smith wis in -the city Fri day morning from; Mill City. Mrs. f Etta Erord, formerly of the grls training school, has taken a posltiohjat the deaf schoL, St--1' SI in Knitted Ties - t ... to $1.00 couple money make ZQ to f 590 per