The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 03, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Dog Catcher Appointed
M. O. Hill has been appointed
to get track of those people who
have not yet paid their dog taxes,
according to announcement made
yesterday at the office, of the
county sheriff. Failure to pay the
tax is said to involve a 10 fine.
Two Couples to W
1 Marriage licenses were issued
yesterday to Ernial R. Covens and
Emily Ivison, both of Salem, and
to Lynn Sawyer of Brownsville
and Helen Fanning of Salem. 1 ,
Dance at Livesly Station
Every Wednesday and Saturday
during hop picking. -
" Ask for Rehearing -
f; The Oregon Realty company has
; asked for a rehearing of Us suit
with Chris Lachele and Mary
Lachele. according to papers filed
twith the county clerk yesterday:
.The claim is made that there has
been newly ! discovered evidence
since the case was decided. . 1
J i ;: ' 1
Salt Is Brought . !
'A complaint was filed with the
county clerk yesterday by the
Watt Shipp ; Powder company
against the Silver King Mining
company. Payment Is asked for a
large quantity of powder, fcaid
to have been delivered by the Watt
Shipp company and amounting in
value to $663.22. Besides this
sum interest is asked at the rate
of. 8 per cent and $150 attorney's
Before You Leave f i- l
Your home or car have it in
sured properly. Phone 161, Becke
.& Hendricks, V. S. Bk. Bldg. S7
In Salem on Business :
--! N." JuV Lauby and Joseph Fal
haber, both of Silverton, were in
Salem on business yesterday. Mr.
Lauby Is cashier of the First Na
tional bank at Silverton. : ;
Grand Jury List Announced
i - The list as drawn for the grand
jury of the circuit court of Marion
county was announced yesterday
at the office of U. G. Boyer, coun
ty clerk. " The following names
appear on the list: Elizabeth P.
Jones, foreman; C. F. Homyer, C.
E. Van Nuys, M. D. Ohling, W. F.
Buys Furniture s
l Phone 511 '
Dr. B.H. White
Dr. Anne Brekke
; , i . Osteopathy , -(
'- Surgery '
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment (Dr. Abram's method).
I. Office Phone 859 I
Residence Phone 469-J
' 606 U. S. Bank Bldg. !
; We're All
and sow that we are located in
our new quarters at
we am in a position to give yon
still better service on your
transfer and hauling work.
We Still Handle Fuel
and have several carloads of
coal due in a lew days. - Better
get your order in early, j
; I i P.hone 30 i i
Larmer Transfer &
Storage Co.
" -r " i
Cars for Hire ;
Our autos are all kept in prime condition,
1 therefore are absolutely safe to drive.
We hire them either with or without drivers. s
PHONE 2020
ladd&tbush ; r
Established 1863
General Banking Business
Offirs IIeTn3 trczn 10 a. xa. to 3 p. m. .
Drager, William Maag and W. F.
Prime. These have been notified
to appear on September 10. Court
will convene September 15.
tters Sent Out t: " ,.
The approaehing school term is
being evidenced in the activities at
the office of Mary U Fulkerson,
county superintendent of schools.
Yesterday a circular letter was
sent out to the chairman of each
school board in the county. The
letter calls attention to the fact
that buildings and equipment
should soon be placed in condition
for use during the coming win
ter... - . ,-.
First Sleeting Since Spring
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
will hold a meeting this evening
at the armory at 8 o'clock. Bryan
H. Conley, commander, H. D. Gar
net, adjutant.- I . s3
Wanted 5 Experienced-
Waitresses, steady employment.
Gray Belle.
Grand Jury to Convene-
Next Wednesday, is the date set
for the September session of the
grand jury. There are nearly 15
cases to come before that body.
The cases are now being listed by
Lyle J. Page, deputy district at
torney. None of the cases Involve
any serious infraction of the law.
Ashland Man Visits
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fuller, of
Ashland, were Salem visitors Tues
day on their way home from a tour
of the Willamette valley, includ
ing d side trip to Newport. Mr.
Fuller is secretary of the Ashland
Chamber - of Commerce. The
Lithia water community is enjoy
ing one of the greatest -periods of
prosperity in Its history, Mr. Ful
ler said, in speaking of the ex
cavation for a new hotel, the com
pletion of a fine apartment house,
a new box factory and the deve
lopment of the Hartman Shale Oil
Syndicate. '
Extending Power Lines-
Electricity will be provided for
10 new families on Wallace road
as a Jesuit of an extension of the
Portland . Electric Power company
which was begun Tuesday. Sev
eral other proposed extensions are
being worked out but are not yet
sufficiently advanced to authorize
work,: W M." Hamilton, manager.
said. The farmers to receive bene
fits by the West Salem line are
G. L. Adams, A. L. Applewhite.
Mrs. J. W. Beckley. D. D. Gors-
line,-William Hacker, Stephen La
Rauy, A. D. Olson, John Reiss-
beck, A. A. Taylor and P. P.
Tows. Indicative of the growth
of the district, Mr. Hamilton point
ed out that more than 800 new
customers were ) being served for
the year ending July 1, 1924, than
at the sameeriod- for-'the -pre-
vlous year.
Wanted . : . ' j i I ,
A few more pickers, a the Mln
to hop yeard. Phone 1&68W. sa
f Republicans To Meet -
. Salem republicans will meet at
the Armory at 7:30 this evening
for the purpose of completing
their, Collidge and Dawes organ!
ration. . .' ,,: .. !,.-" : -.:
Short Hop Pickers
Small hop ranch owners are h
ginning to feel the shortage of
pickers-for the first time this year;
but the situation Is expected to ad
just itself as soon ,as word is
broadcast that j the harvest is on
in earnest. Usual seasonal labor
is short this year because the early
ripening of, the fruit and hops,
both occured at practically the
same .time. In the larger yards
of this; district, such as the T.'A.
Livelsey & company yeards, Horst
... , : i For ;
Open Evenings
Popular Priced
Tailored Suits $25 to $45
Men's and Young ' Slen's
' tailor r
Office at Stage Terminal
ranch and the Sea vy-Bell yards,
there is sufficient labor to handle
the crop with favorable weather
conditions.' Hops are reported to
run between 15 and 25 per cent
short this year. The market at
present is weak and little interest
is being taken in hops. With re
ports of short crops in England
and California, it is expected that
the market will pick up immedia
tely. '
Stores Will Close Early ?
Business houses will close at 5
"clock on Friday, September 12,
in observance of National Defense
day, according to Mrs. John J.
Kottle, chairman or tne committee
in charge of early closing arrange
ments. The Business Men s lea
gue has agreed to request all of
its members to close their estab
lishments at this hour and Wil
liam Gahlsdorf, president, is ex
pected to issue formal notices this
week. Efforts are being made to
btain the cooperation of all other
merchants in view of obtaining a
general closing on this date. The
closing of the store an hour early
will not work a hardship on the
merchant, it is said, and will give
employes sufficient time to eat
and to participate in the parade
which forms at Marlon square at
:30 o'clock. Following the par
ade appropriate patriotic exer
cises will be held in the armory.
Shine Parlor I
"Louie" 'Skirvin and "Jud"
Beardsley. Terminal Hotel Bldg.
Open all day, Sundays and holi
days.' - ' s3
Paying Mission Street f
Hot stuff was being poured on
Mission street between Commer
cial and the block to the west
Tuesday. One block was complet
ed and work on the remaining few
blocks to the east is expected to
get well under way this week."
Opens Candy Store
Word has been received here
that H. W. Parker, formerly of
Salem, has purchased the "Chocol
ate Shop," in McMinnville. . Mr
Parker has been connected witn
both the Gray Belle and the Spa
and has also been In business in
Tillamook. The new place will be
renovated and remodeled.
Several Speeders in Court
Tuesday was a good day in the
justice court, when five men ap
peared to answer to various : In
fractions of the traffic laws. Ai
were arrested by state traffic of
ficers. Those who appeared, their
offense .and amount of. fine were
Cosgrove, no lights, $10; H. A.
Carey, improperly adjusted - spot
light, $15; A. Madsen, no light on
truck, $10; D. C. Harrison, speed
ing, $20 and L. J. Cook, speeding,
$15. Gua Benson was cited to ap-
pear on a speeding cnarge, i out
failed to put in an appearance.
Daily Average High
An average of nearly 80 people
a day called at the United States
employment bureau at the YMCA,
according to the monthly report
of Sim Phillips for the four weeks
ending August 30. There were
2797 men and women registered,'
with calls for 1794. Mr. Phillips
referred 1688 people of places and
of this number 1407. or nearly 50
per cent, reported as having found
work.. .. '-i -: .; "t :
Births Are Reported M
Two births were reported to the
city health office Tuesday. These
were Wendella Jean, to Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Wendell Gorton, of
415 Union, on August 26, and of
Robert Harris, to iMr, and ; Mrs,
P. H. Harris, of 645 Ferry on
August. 27. Mr. Harris is an at
tendant at the state hospital.'
Gets Ruilding Permit
A building permit - was issued
Tuesday to M. A. Bronson for the
construction of a one-story dwell
ing at 391 North Twelfth, to cost
$1000. : :
Marcel and Curl last Longer-
After a Golden Glint shampoo. s5
Traffic Violators Contribute
, In the police court Tuesday sev
eral speeders contributed as a re
sult of vigilance of city traffic of
fleers over the week-end. Ot W.
Clark, of Portland, was fined $10
his motorcycle being held ; ove
night in lieu of bail; Ivan.Meeks
of Route 4 was fined $7.50;-ball
was forfeited by Charles Hamp
ton, of Portland. $5; L. E.' Starr,
of 1116 Union. $5 and by A. Mell
of Portland, $8. A charge of rid
ing a bicycle without lights ' was
dismissed against Victor, Wolff.
Father, Son Operated On
. A father and his four-year old
son underwent an operation ; for
the removal of tonsils at a local
hospital Tuesday morning.. The
father. J. S. Castleman, lives on
Woodburn Route 3.
Wanted 5 Experienced-
Waitresses, eteady employment.
Grav Belle. i- a24tf
Signers Are Backward i
5 While many are givnig the!
moral support, a great many peo-
Unequaled Berries
pie are refusing to sign the pei 1-1
Uons for an organization of the
southeastern Salem drainage du-
trict, according to J. G. Merchen.l
chairman of the organization com-1
mlttee. There is no neutral!
ground, he contends, and . if a per-j
son fails to sign the petition it is
assumed that he is against the
project. Signing of the petition
does not attach any liability to the
petitoner. Unless the property
owners sign the petitions they will
not be in a position to enjoy the
benefits that will be derived from
the proposed district.
Case Is Dismissed - :
Charges of larceny of a dog
against W. E. Churchill failed to
develop at a hearing in the Jus-1
tice court yesterday and upon mo-la
tion of the attorney for the de-1
fendant, the case was dismissed by
J. Kuntz, justice of the peace. I
The dog belonged to John Kreha, j
Of Jefferson. :
Former Resident Dead
Tina Rebecca Hanna died Au-
gust 13th at her home In Pacific
Grove, California, at the age of I
years. She was the wife of
Jean Hanna and the mother of I
May Hanna of Pacific Grove and I
Etta Hanna, a nurse In Sani
Francisco. Mrs. Hanna was reared
in Salem where she lived, until ajwas back at her desk yesterday
few years ago when the family I after a two week's vacation spent
moved to California. She was a
faithful member of the Christian I
church and had endeared herself j
to all who knew her by herlness yesterday.
cheerful aervice. Interment was in
EI 1 Carnleo cemetery
at Pacific
rove, California.
Wanted 5 Experienced-
Waitresses, eteady employment.
ray Belle. a24tf
May Fix Standard
The state board of chiropractic
examiners , has a right under the
law to establish educational stand
ards for applicants in Oregon, ac
cording to an opinion of Attorney
General Van Winkle, ' written in
reply to an inquiry by Dr. E. C.
Ellsworth ) of Portland, secretary I
of the board. The inquiry wanted I
to know if the board could re-1
qlre a high school education at I
least for applicants in Oregon.
Totem Pole Exhibited
1 Alexander Morrison, a native
of Alaska, yesterday exhibited at
iue si-io auue a loiem poie i
his own make. It is an artistic
work and was made by Morrison
at the Gresham fair where he
carved it from a cedar log. The
pole attracted much attention
from state officials and employes.
Hearing October
The public service commission
yesterday set Thursday, Oct. 2,
as the date for a hearing in1 Port4
land relative to Portland street
car fares. The hearing will be oil
the basis of a complaint filed
with the commission byithe Port-1
land Housewives council.
Hospital Patient Escapes
C. C. Kighley, 40, escaped from
the' state hospital about 5:30
o'clock Tuesday afternoon. HeSi
described as being 5 feet 8 inches
tall, brown hair, gray eyes and
was wearing overalls and jumper.
Speeder Is Cited i
Dr. Joseph was arrested for
peeding late Tuesday afternoon
by Officer Wiles. He was cited
to appear in the police court this
Reserve Officers Meet
Nearly 25 members of Salem
sector. Reserve Officers associa
tion, met for dinner at the Gray
De,,B ocioca iai mgai.
mailers oi inieresi 10 me miiiiary
men. parucuiany plans tor nation-
al Defense day, September 12.
Were discussed. . .
Last Concert of Season
The 1924 Cherrian band con-
cert season came to a successful
close last night in Willson park,!
with one or the largest crowds -oi
the season in attendance. The
program consisted of special re -
quest numbers and had been given
particular attention by Oscar
Steelhammer, director. Vocal sel-
ections were given hy Mrs. Hallielshe and McCoy had been occupying
Parrish Hinges, who sand, "Annie
Laurie," and by O. B. Gingrich,
who sang four selections. , Popu -
lar selections Were included as
well as old melodies and some of
the heavier numbers. Two snap -
py marches rounded out the pro -
gram. The band will continue
with Its regular rehearsals this
month so as to be in first class
condition for the state fair. Sep-
tember 22 to 27, forwhich event
the Cherrian band will be the oi-
flcial musical organization this
year. The la uranae Dana,- in
honor of Governor Pierce, was the
official fair band last year, t,
Thomas B. Z. Kay was a Port
land business caller Tuesday. - , LOS ANGELES, Sept. 2. Sen
Miss Esther Werner, of the Roth ora Mara Antonio Lonjina Maslno
Grocery store, is on her way lo Verdugo de Chavoya, who was
Ioka, where she will visit With born , in Los Angeles when the
relatives i for the next month' or place was1 still known by its Ids
slx weeks. During her absence urely name of El Pueblo de Nues
Miss Caroline Geiger will assist in tra Senora Santa Maria la Reina
the office. I
Earl Bearcy. of Bearcy tc. Biehn, j
is in Estacada to superintend' the!
shipment of 350 tons of pears'thel
firm is handling from that point,
Mias Avis Hicks, of the Salem
Abstract company, spent the week
end and Labor day visiting friends
in Silverton. : 2 i
k --Mfj and Mwdxar&iCcllIns
and baby of Astoria are visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Col lings, of 1110 Norway.
Mr. and Mrs.' R. W. Simeral
have returned from a week-end
trip to Seaside and Astoria
Lloyd Strasbough, a salesman at
the John J. Rottle shoe store.
spent the week-end in Portland,
coming back to Salem early Tues
F. p. Rowley, publisher of the
(Turner Tribune, was a business
visitor in Salem yesterday.
; Fred Stevens is visiting at the
home of his Sister, Rena DeVoe,
1586 Chemeketa, for a few days.
iMr. Stevens makes his home in
Los Angeles,
Brazier C. Small returned to the
city early Tuesday morning from
fishing trip up the McKenzie
river. The trip was made in com-
pany with several Portland friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sanford re
turned to Salem yesterday after a
motor trip to Hood Kiver over
Sunday. ; Mr,. Sanford is very en-
Ithusiastic over . the new golf
course at Hood River.
Miss June Allen, of 1305 South
Fourtheenth, has returned to her
home after being a ' patient at a
local hospital for the last two
Miss Florence Pope, stenograph-
ler at the Chamber of Commerce,
at Rockaway
! Alp O. Nelson, attorney from
Silverton, was in Salem on busi-
LIVESLEY, Ore., Sept. 2.
Hop picking of late hops began
yesterday on the T. A. Llvesley
ranch, j
Mrs. Robert King, of Indian
apolis, Ind.,Mrs. Kate Woodward
and Mrs. John Blake of Seaside
were guests of Mrs. Alice. Cool-
idge last week.
Rev. and Irs. Earl McAbee and
children who have spent the sum-
mer with relatives in Seattle ar
rived home Saturday evening
Rev. Paul Buckler Is preaching
at Halls Ferry and Llvesley for
the rest of the year.
P. A. Henningsen is harvest
ing his prunes.
Mildred Henningson
has re-
turned .from Centralia. Wash.,
where ; she has1 been visiting her
sister, :Mrs. R. Armstrong.
C. D. -Query has a branch store
at the entrance of the Bell play
grounds. , -.. M
Mrs. S. C. ; Davenport, who has
been quite sick , for several days
is Improving.
Mrs. James Fry came home
1 Monday.,, , from
Eureka, Calif.,
where she jhas
been caring for
her son George Fry. who naseed
I away last Thursday.
I Miss Edha Burns of Medford,
Ore,, visited over Sunday with
her aunt Mrs. H. B. Carpenter
Carpenter Bros, have begun
their prune picking.
Testimony of Maid Tends to
Tighten. Chain of Evi
dence, is Belief
i, L03 ANGELE. Sept. 2. The
chain of evidence about Kid Mc-
Cov former rlne idoi ,harr
ed! with the murder of Theresa
Morn divnfcod -wlta of Alhert A.
Mors, wealthv antiaue dealer, was
Itichtonod lata tndnv in'thn nnl-
nion of District Attorney's opera
J tives by a formal statement from
Miss Mary (Moore, maid at Mor's
I home at the time of the killing.
. in ner statement' the maid dec-
lared that McCoy had visited Mors'
I home latej during the night of
J August 12 J before Mrs. Mors' body
was discovered in the apartment
I in another part of the city.
I She stated that McCoy was dl
1 sheveled and nervous at the time
of the call; and that he asked for
j Mors. Not satisfied with her ans
jwer that Mrs. Mors was not at
j home, she said, McCoy brushed
past ner into tne nouse ana sea re n
e me bedroom.
McCoy appeared In court today
ana pieaaea not guilty to one
Jcharge of murder,. three-of assault
wnn intent 10 commie muraer ana
four of robbery. The murder trial
was set fori October 2. ,
: The robbery and assault charges
grew out of a shooting orgy said
to have been staged by McCoy at
and near he Mors antique shop
alter Mrs. j Mors aeam.
Ide. Los Angeles, and who has not
been out of Los Angeles county in
more than a century, celebrated
her 120th birthday anniversady at
j Iter old adobe home in the Ver-
I dugo hills .near here, today.
- 1 Chavoya, who has not
yet begun to wear spectacles, at
i tributes; her great age to hard
work arid regular living.
rays fate
Manufacturing '
j W V
That is the Slogan subject to
The Slogan -editor will attempt
to print a list of our manufactur
ers tomorrow. It will be the most
complete , list published up to
date; (but it will not be entirely
complete. Do you know of any
factory likely to be omitted? If
so, please speak: up. toaay.
The symbols of phallic worship,
found on the Cunningham farm
within sight of the church spires
of Salem, are the most extensive
so far unearthed in Oregon, as
the reader will learn from the
news pages this morning.
That peculiar form of worship,
by a ' prehistoric tribe in Oregon,
is still followed by numerous
sects of the Hindus in India, fol
lowers' of one of .the three chief
gods i cf that people, Siva; the
Dravidlan races. .
The petitions for the drainage
district in the southeastern sec
tion, of Salem are being numer
ously signed. The area counts in
this matter, not the number of pe
titioners, as has been erroneously
given out. But all who' are owners
of . property in the district ought
to sign.
Salem baseball fan says if Babe
Ruth had lived when the world
was j young he would have been
king of the Hittites.
I- ; S S V
The world fliers were willing
to exchange Greenland's icy moun
tains for India's coral strand
or most any old coral strand."
V '
Four mogul engines were used
to pull 70 loaded cars of fruit
out of San Bernardino, Cal., the
other day. It was the biggest
fruit consignment that ever went
that way, representing 11,000,000
in value.
Man at tne state nouse has a
new definition for a progressive
-one who can dig up something
fresh to worry about every day.
We are getting more and more
new poultrymen. Keep it up. Tell
'enx we have the best poultry
country on earth. You can prove
it. That will finally make this
town a bigger chicken capital
than Petaluma, with its $20j
000,000 annually from poultry
products. - . . -
Proclaim Martial law.
WASHINGTON, Sept. ,2. Mar
tial law was. proclaimed in Tegu
cigalpa, capital of Honduras, on
August 28 and at Ceba on August
29.' " ;-''
i This action was reported to the
state department today by Charge
Morgan and consul Walter respec
tively, .from the two Honduras
cities. 1
Charge Morgan also reported
that- the Honduras congress Issued
a decree convoking popular elec
tions on October 26.
Fire at Guardsmen
McALESTER, Okla.. Sept. 2.
Oklahoma national guardsmen on
duty at Cambria, a mining settle
ment in Latimer county, were fired
upon yesterday by men in a motor
car and by riflemen hidden inja
corn field, according to a report
received here. j
The guards returned the fire,
riddling the machine and. driving
the men entrenched in the corn
field from their position, the re
port said. .
Earthquake in Pliilippines
MANILA, Sept. 2v (By the As
sociated Press.) Strong earth
quakes shocks caused much dam
age along the eastern coast ! of
Mindanao, Saturday, according to
advices received by the -weather
bureau here. No loss of life has
been reported. j
Great cracks appeared in the
earth near the town of Pan Palan.
The telegraph lines were broken
in many places by falling threes.
It is believed the earthquake ceu
tered in the big deep ocean. ! '
Workers are Killed
workmen were killed and
others were injured today in a
ca vein of a gravel pit in a canyon
just north of Hollywood." The
dead are: Ben Wakefield and M.
G. Swanson. J
The injured men were rescued
by firemen police and laborers af
ter having been buried beneath
the gravel for two and a half
hours. All three were suffering
from suffocation, but were revived
with pulmotors.
Over Thirteen Thousand t
In Rainier National Park
TACQMA. Wash.. Sept. 2.
There were 13,542 persons entered
Rainier National park for the la
bor day holiday, according to a
statement today by A. O. Tomlin
son. park superintendent. j
They came in 3379 automobiles,
and the travel broke the previous
records at the park. Mr. Tomlln
son said today that more than
146,000 visitors have been in the
park this season, and that 36.500
automobiles have entered. All for
mer seasonal records have already
been broken this year and the sea
son doeB aot end until Septem-
berSO.' n ' j .. '
-.VII ' .. - . . ... 1 . . -
Aectioe Sale
.Thursday, September 4, 1 924
Commencing at 1 p. m.
i- v i ti
, niixicnj iiic luiiuniug pcrauiiai yruperiy
iSorrel gelding, 7 years old.
,9 years old, weight 1450; sorrel gelding, 10 years old,
weight 1500; 7 Jersey milk cows, all good ones; 7 Jersey
2 -year old heifers, 2 bred and 3 open; 2 yearling heifers;
ljpure bred Jersey bull, 3 years old; Golden Glow blood
lines; brood sow; 25 White Rock hens, 25 white Rock pul
lets; 25 light Brama pullets; purebred light Drama Cock
erel; 2 'pairs of geese.
7-ft. McCormick binder; 5-rt. Champion mower; 10-ft.
McCormick hay rake; 3-section spiked-tooth harrow; Su
perior grain drill, 14 disc; 3-section spring tooth harrow;
corrugated roller, 12-ft.; 999 John Deere corn planter, with
.fertilizer attachment: set double work harness; set single
harness; set of double driving harness; cider mill; farm
wagon; single buggy, rubber. tired; hay rack; 2-horse culti
vator, 7-ft. Kimble 1-horse cultivator, "double disc plow,
10-inch plow; No. ,40 Oliver plow; No. 50 Oliver plow;
cyclone weeder, 8 -ft. potato plow; Simplex separator No.
5; gravel bed; cook stove. ,
j-Terms: All sums of $20 and under, cash; over $20 six.
months time will be given on notes with approved security
at 8 per cent.:
I Just an Auctioneer.
First National Bank, Salem, Ore.
j Clerk of Sale. Salem, Ore.
Oregon Pulp
Salem, Oregon , . ,
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap
pings, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, (Ulassine,
Drug Bond, Tissue Screenings and Specialties. '
Lucy Kate is Winner
In Gallop at Spokane
SPOKANE, Sept. 2. Lucy Kate
from! the Hum stables won the
;everi furlong gallop, a feature of
today's track events at the Spo
kane1 interstate fair. Ridden by
Paul Hurn, she was clocked at
1:224 for the distance. Rain
bow was second and Quincy Ward
third . '' -
Pdkey June, owned by Harry T.
Palmer. s Greenwood up, won' the
four I furlongs, easily in 4 8 sec
onds. !
Woodright. from the Elliot
stables led the five furlong spring
in 57 seconds. J
Greenwood riding the Palmer
gelding Dowry, carrying 110
pounds, won the 1 1-8 mile event
in almost a dead heat with Cal-
cavadour II, from the Hurn sta
bles, carrying 105 pounds.
Thunder Showers Break -
Heat Spell at New York
NEW YORK, Sept. 2. A ser
ies of thunder showers today
broke the two day heat ; wave
which added two more to its toll
oftdeath and caused a score of
prostrations before it "passed late
this afternoon. Only one city in
the United States San Antonio,
Texas reported a higher temper
ature than New York, according
to Kovernment reports.
At 3 o'clock the - weather bu
reau i reported a temperature of
89 degnws, the day's record and
one degree less than- that of the
hottest September 2 on record.
At 4 o'clock when the "storm
broke, the thermometer registered
90 degrees. " . -
Mrs. Clara Smith Hamon
Gorman Wants Divorce
Clara Smith Hamon Gorman, who
before her marriage to John W.
Gorman, motion picture producer
was tried on a charge of murder
ing Jake. Hamon, Oklahoma oil
magnate and politician, filed suit
for divorce in the superior court
here today against Gorman, whom
she charges with cruelty and in
After her acquittal of the mur
der ciarge in 1920, Mrs. Hamon
came to Los Angeles to enter mo
tion pictures. It was while ar
ranging to produce a film de
picting the Hamon shooting case
that Mrs. . Hamon and Gorman
became acquainted and were mar
ried. No Evacuation Yet.
DUSSELDORF, Germany, Sept.
1. (By The Associated Press.)
The economic and military evac
uation of Dortmund have not yet
begun although all preparatory
orders have been given. The ex
cutton of these orders will only
take place when the transfer of
the railroad regime to the new
German board has been ordered
by the government.- -
Captain is Accused
Of Being a Radical
NEW YORK, Sept. 2. Captain
Paxtcra 'Hiiben.. 152nd field artil
lery ybrlgade. ,h division, and
sharp, 1-4 mile west of
: t j
weight 1450; sorrel gelding.
and Paper Co.
For Sale At The I
"If It's for the office we have
former newspaper correspondent
today faced an army board of in
quiry convened by General Robert
Lee Bullard for the purpose of
examining his f itness to- retain
his commission In the officer's re
serve corps of the United States
Captain Hiiben, at that time a'
newspaper man in Indianapolis,
entered the army as a lieutenant
in the reserve corps in February,
1920. Investigation of Captain
Hiiben was ordered by the secre
tary'of war In June. 1923, after
William Burns, of the depart
ment of justice, .had reported he
was "considered to be an extreme
rnousAxns op womex n-n
On account of the terrible weak
ness, nervousness and alarming
symptoms, which are often prod
uced by iron starvation of the
blood, frequently the sufferer ne
ver suspects the real cause of her
trouble but thinks she has some
other ailment. As a result of iron
itarvation you may suffer from
headaches, dizziness, shortness of
breath or heart palpitation, pains
across the . back, 'loss of memory. '
weak will-power, melancholy or
the "blues," disturbed digestion,
loss of appetite, sleepless nights,
aights sweats and so on.' In such
rases do not wait until you go all
to pieces and colapse in a state of
nervous prostration but eat more
spinach and green vegetables and
take organic iron like Naxated
iron with them for a while and see
what a difference it makes. But
be sure the iron you take is orga
nic iron nnd not metallic iron
which people usually take. Metal
lic iron is iron just as it comes
from the action of strong acids on
small pieces of iron, while organic
iron like Nuxated Iron is like the
Iron in your blood and like the
Iron in spinach, lentils and apples.
Beware of substitutes.. Look for
the name "Nuxated" on every
package and the letters N. I. on
every tablet. Your money will te
refunded by the manufacturers i
you do not obtain perfectly satis
factory results. For sale by all
druggists. k, ,.; '2
- 1,1 t i-i V 1