4 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SATJEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1924. Issned Daily Except Monday by ' " TfiB STATESMAN FXTBUSHTHO C03CPAJRI 215 Sooth Commercial St, Salem, Oregaa B. J. Heedricke -aha L. Brady . .Jraakv JMktal'' . - - Kdltor Kiuiw J lpl ---'-W USStXBA or THE ASSOCIATED PEESS f r . I .-' Tha Asaeeisted Presa Is exrlnsively entitled to tbe se for pabheattea ef al. tm dispatcher credited to it or not otherwise credited in. thi paper aa alao (no local new published herein. i - " ' BUSINESS OFFICE ' ! r Thome F. Clark Co., New York, 141-145 W.-at 36th St.; Chicago, Marquette Build- inf. W. 8. Grothwahl, Mr. (Portland Office, S3 Worcester Bid.. Phone 669? B Roadway. C. T. Willlama. Mfr.) Basinets Office Hewn Department TELEPHONES: v - 88 Cirr elation Off ica 23-106 Society Editor Job Department - - 583 ; 588 106 Entered at tha Poataffica la Salem. Oregon, ea aeeaad-elaaa matter. V BIBLE THOUGHT AW PRATER I ' Prepared by Radio BIBLE 8KB VICE Bureau. Cincinnati, Ohio. . If parent will hare their children meraori (he dally Bible selections, U will prove a priceless heritage to theui In after year - ; September 3, 192 - ( i , I HOW TO TRUST: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowl edge Him. and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:: 5, 6. - - PRAYER: We rejoice, to know that the law of the Lord is perfect restoring the soul. . f ; THE STATE SCHOOL FUND LOANS ' (From the Pacific Homestead, Salem.) i "They have been making an investigation of the farm loans from the state irreducible school fund of ; Oregon. They have found that some of -the interest paymeuts are in default. Of course they are. - They have been that way before. But some 'one has suggested that no more farm loans should be made out of thai fund, but that bonds should be bought instead. That fellow ought to have his head examined. There are no better loans in the world! than Oregon farm "Joans. The elderf Morgan said a man1 was a fool who was a bear on the United States govern ment, and proved it. And the man is craxy who is a bear on Oregon farm loans; bughouse j has. bats in his belfry. Several years back; a political junta in Oregon raised a hue and cry about this same thing, and a lot of the loans were foreclosed, and there was a great panic propaganda set up over the big losses ' the state fund would sustain on the foreclosed farms. But there was no. loss at all. There was a gain. It would be the same again. But there is no sense in foreclosing such a loan ; not one in a thousand. Give the farmer a chance, and he will pull out." The above from the Pacific Homestead ns timely. And time will prove it.1 The population of the United States is growing over 2,000,000 a year ; I And all our new peoplel must eat; and the great bulk of what they eat must come from the farms of the United 'States. The excess of births oyer deaths in the United States last year was 1,234,000. The immigration in the last six months of 1923 was 505,000. The excess of births over deaths is growing, thanks partly to better methods of fighting diseases and improv ing sanitary and other, living conditions. It will not be long till we will be growing at the rate of 2,000,000 a year, not count ing immigration; from excess of births over deaths; from what is sometimes called M indirect immigration." " j '"We" have about "'one farm animal to every person in the .country ; one dairy ; cow tor each family of five-a beef animal for ach'three-personsaAorse or mule for every four -people; j one hog for every f wo persons, and a sheep or goat for each three persons. . j Theratio of cows to persons remains constant; so there will be more and more cows on the farms especially in Oregon, the best dairy country on earth. The number of our sheep will have to be doubled, to make us self sufficient in wool consump tion. Throughout the whole list the number of live stock will 'grow? '. :- ' . - i'- And this will mean farm prosperity, arid especially Oregon farm prosperity, and a rising scale of farm land values : And we. will have more diversity; linen mills and sugar factories and potato starch factories, to take care of remuner ative farm crops. 1 I To call all farm loans in Oregon that are in default would be suicidal ; especially on the part of the state government. It would be worse than foolish. The farmer is on a rising tide of prosperity. 3He has had hard sledding, on account of low j prices for farm products; but he is sound at the heart, and his j industry is sound to the core. i - ; ; i la 1 the one thav Wall Street-haa manipulated r prices so that : the farmers would forget their' griev ances and vote for one of the old parties. The fact Is that there is a shortage of wheat. The Oregon Statesman hag published these fig ures a number of times, and all over the country they have been published. '. The agricultural department has ust issued a bulletin giving the figures from 21 countries The falling off in these countries over last year is 278,000,000 bushels. The stated of "Kansas this year is expected to produce 156,000,000 bushels. I Practically ; twice the amount of wheat raised in the en tire' state of Kansas la short" In these 21 countries. These figures are approximate those given out recently by the Canadian govern ment. They are as authentic and dependable as It is possible ; to make forecasts of world produc tion. Wheat buyers throughout the world believe that they are approximately correct and, acting on that belief, have been bidding up the price of wheat. Corn prices are up for the same reason weather damage in the corn belt and certainty that the production this year will be be low normal. When there is a short crop of wheat and a short crop of corn. an increased demand 13 started for other grains, and when grain prices are up all along the line an upward turn invariably is seen in livestock. f A These are the facts and that la the situation. It is just a matter of demand and supply no more politics in it than there is in the transaction when a farmer's wife takes her eggs and chickens : to town and exchanges them at the store for merchandise. - If the United States government would fire all the vast army of red tape supernumeraries and go to work on a con structive development plan, iwith the money: thereby saved annually, assisting the manufacturing and marketincr of farm products with linen and sugar and starch factories, and a thous and and one other factories ; and if the states would follow this lead : and if the business people of the cities would fall in line land do team work, there would be brought about such an era I of prosperity in this country as would lift all pur people to a j plane of well being on the average as high above the present as our existing scale is above the range of the people of the average European nation i ; And there would not be heard again the patronizing talk ; We haveljeen hearing in the past few years from many persons in this country in supposedly high places. i : Diversity will kill adversity on the land, and it is the duty of every one to assist Ruch diversity; for this will contribute more to the sum of general prosperity and happiness amonsr all : classes, in the towns and cities as "well as on the land, than any : oiner one tning. . 1 . : ' ? - 1 - :. LA FOLLETTE AND LAW 1: There has been some little critl i dim because General Dawes called ; out La Follette by name to criti cize his radicalism. We can' not : understand where the friends of La Follette have any criticism " coming.1 These are Dawes words: "On one side stands President j Coolldre. on the constitution of 1 the United States and the Ameri can flag: On the other is danger pus and untried radicalism,: rep resented by Robert M. La Follette under the .red flag. La Follette has advocated for years putting congress above the constitution. That would end free government. The constitution would be anything a shifting, i trading, or even a minority con " gresa might decree it to be. I The members of congress trade votes on all Important questions. ' They always have and they always will. -Some-bloc Is mighty apt to get control and hold up all legislation until this one proposition Is en acted Into' law. Once do away with .this supremacy of the con stitution and we have an end v to free speech, free press, religious liberty, ts tlzt cf assembly, ana all the bulwark behind which the people repose, j La Follette , has run up the red flag and It is red enough to satisfy Debs, the social ist party and - other even more dangerous radicals. But La Follette can not be elected, it may be said, and there fore he is not go much a menace after all. He can not be elected, but Is a menace none the less. His ultimate purpose : is to found permanent red radical party. His Immediate purpose is to sabotage the election machinery of the fed eral government, by the same tac tics used to sabotage the last ses sion of congress. I He hopes to carry enough states to ' throw the election Into the house, and from the house into the senate, and there to dictate the terms upon which he will con sent tor the election of Bryan. And through It all he is preach ing the propaganda of class con sciousness and hatred, of distrust of the government and its institu tions. ' 1 TPWARD PRICES "The silliest statement that has been made In America In ; years STICKING TO SECT A Portland minister blew up Sunday, declared his Independ ence, defied his denomination and henceforth will. work on the idea that all men are brothers a free lance. It sounds very pretty, but there is nothing to it. The man is wrong, and some of these days he will find it out. However, there is one thing about this to be commended. older we dislike ;more and . more to be a member of a -fighting party. ;-:-'-: " 1 In the first place La Follette and his followers are John the Baptists, if anything; they may be trail-blazers, but they will never get any further than that. They do not have a constructive policy and when it comes to the test the American people can be depended upon to vote for constructive poli cies rather than passions or whims. They may listen, but they do not vote vituperation. TALES Ad Schuster : A DESPERATE MEASURE ' v. j Dolly Camlln arranged the cushions on the front porch and awaited the scheduled call of Mark Kimball. As she did so she could hearVrom a room upstairs Cousin Theresa singing while she added the finishing touches to a com plexion which was the talk of MInden. Dolly sighed. Mark had no more than arrived and finished the customary pre amble concerning the weather than the song from above ceased. Theresa's steps were heard on the stairs and the picture of surprise she made in the open doorway was calculated to captivate and con vince. . ; "Oh, Mark Kimball!" Theresa bubbled. "I didn't know you were here!" She looked questioningly at Dolly. "I was just coming out to enjoy the breeze. You don't mind, do you?" And Theresa pro ceeded to monopolize .Mark while Dolly reflected on the burdens of having for one's guest an attract ive and undeniably vampish young woman from the city.' The worst of it was, Dolly told herself. ' Mark would be going away before long. : She had be lieved that before, he would go he would say something; they would make plans, and. perhaps, he would take her. But with Theresa determined that the two should never be alone, with Theresa be guiling and ogling him shameless ly, what chance had Mark to pro-; pose If he wished? i "Of course not," Dolly answer ed the auestinn." "Mark wan enine to occupy pulpits of denominations to te e omethlns; about his .,:' , . - 'Mans. He is going to move to when they are entirely Out of sym pathy with the church. Thls dishonest. At least this Portland minister is honest In his decision, although sadly mistaken J : j j There must be denominations. We can not even have one great union in labor; we can not have one organization among farmers; nor one' organization among the business men. Men of diversified Ideas must have diversified chan nels of . expression. That is tbe way of the world, and there isl no chance to re-make the world now. It Is Impossible to have It sent back and re-minted. We must take It as we find It. AROUND THE WORLD Around the world fliers are near enough to their goal to pro nounce the effort a success. I It has only been a little while since the first airship mastered the air.' The Wright brothers made a num ber of flights. They were hailed as great inventors, bringing In a new era. and it is doubtful If even they themselves realized the tremendous ; importance J of their discovery. An airship now seems simple, and the principle of it is accepted everywhere,, but it toojc a long time for the world to ap preciate that anything heavier than air eould float in the air. The men who have made this trip around the world are epic- makers. Others will follow be fore very long, but the others will have a path marked out for them. They will go In much less time, under much, more comfortable conditions. The pioneers blazed their own way, made their own trails, charted their own ships and to them the country accords great honor. K OUR ARMY OP PICKERS In our news columns yesterday tt was stated that about 25,000 people were working in the hop fields around Salem this week and next. That is a great army. - We absolutely have to have them as seasonal employes, - but we can not afford to keep them all the year around. We already have seasonal employment . lasting ' for three months. Is there not some thing else we can do? - ! T j ; It ia now proposed to establish the beet sugar industry In Salem. The land here is splendidly adapt ed for. this. It we can get this industry established it will give these seasonal workers another opportunity and they will live with us. . Tbe beet sugar industry In this respect promises well. MEANS TO FIGHT La Follette's latest statement Is bristling all over with belligef ency. Of course we have to be vigilant in order to guard our lib erties, but some way aa we get PROBLEMS I ; i ' ; : i- i 1 - : Adele Oarrlttunra ftew Phase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE Copy right, by Newspaper Feature Service CHAPTER 258 the city, you know." Theresao beamed. "And you must tell me all about it. L me know where you live, look me up. and all. We will have soma perfectly splendid times, for I be-? Uevo 1 will return shortly after you go." ' i With the hour for Mark's de parture .approaching, this scene had - been lI enacted many times. Thereso met them on. the street, dropped Into the Palace of Sweets where they bad a soda, and made a third in the party, and, exercis ing the privileges ot .guest, seldom let Dolly out of her sight, f 't.! Mark's last evening; in MInden arrived and Dolly arranged the Cushion on the front .porch. Up stairs Theresa was outdoing her self In , the s way of preparation. Dolly smiled as she wondered what Mark would say if he could see the city girl now, for Theresa's face was covered with clay, and Theresa was planning to emerge in a half an hour more beautiful than ever. Dolly dabbed powder on her freckled nose. If Mark Kimball was going to propose he would have to do it this evening, and If he preferred Theresa, who was only playing with him, to the girl he had known all his life. It was time everyone found It out. ,;. "i When Mark arrived Dolly was smiling as sweetly as if Theresa, her marvelous complexion and city clothes, were far removed from her thoughts. "You are going away tomorrow. Mark." she said, and so abridged the usual five minutes of weather report and prediction.- "We are all going to miss you.". Mark looked at the door and listened for the familiar sound of Theresa descending the stairs. "It's kind of good to get a chance to talk to you." he said, nervqusly. "Blamed If I didn't think I would have to write you or send you a telegram." , "Why, Mark, what did you want to say?" ? "What do you think, Dolly? What else, but the only reason I am going away Is to get a better job so we can afford to get mar ried; that Is, if you'll take me." Again he looked nervously over his' shoulder at the floor, as if doubting tbe fortune that had kept Theresa .away. 'I And so as the evening fell In MInden the two on the front porch made their plans and a girl's head rested on a man's shoulder and there was no interruption from Theresa.j Finally Mark departed,; and Dolly, " happy and a little frightened, crept to the room of her guest. There was Theresa, weeping and angry and grotesque ly transformed. What little of the facial clay remained on her face was caked and as hard as a stone That which had been re , moved had left red blotches testi fying to desperate and painful measures. Thereso was defeated, and she knew it. But she did not know the cause of the strange behavior of her adorning clay: Dolly had mixed cement in the preparation. (Copyright 1924 by The; Bell ; Syndicate, Inc.)- ;? , '.. THE COMPLAINT HARRY UN DERWOOD MADE AGAINST - MADGE J My: father's request that I drive Harry Underwood immediately , to Southampton gave me the sense of something i going on beneath the surface of things something of the utmost importance.. When I had brought out my car I had intended only getting him away from Lillian's vicinity, but it did not; need keen percep tions j to detect that the 'colloquy between the men had resulted In this sudden necessity for the younger man's, inatant departure. "Of course,? I returned promp ly, relieved that I did not have to suggest the trip . to Mr. Un derwood. I acquitted him of the petty, ridiculous vanity which I had detected In Dr. Pettlt Harry Underwood's sins and virtures are all big ones; like ' his physical make-up but still I did not care to have htm think that I had planned his departure with me as his chauffeur. Harry Underwood ia Indignant "But" the! man who had in explicably fascinated and repelled me since that long-ago night at the theatre when, at Dicky's in troduction, I j had first seen his brilliant black eyes gazing stead ily down at me, spoke with depre cating courtliness "were you not going on some errand? . "Nothing of any importance,' I replied, feeling that I was speak ing omy me ; trutn. but with a lively sense of the horror with which the pompous man inside the house would regard my. state ment. "Your portly friend thinka the nerves of j his family require the immediate presence of a phys ician, and he also has several other messages he wishes relayed by telephone" "So he dares to make a mes senger-boy of you!' "The Dear, Sweet Things!" Harry Underwood's eyes flash ed Indignation, and his whole manner asserted that the pomp ous man had committed the an pardonable sin This was the pro tective, pose the defylng-the- wholeworld-manner which I re membered so well. It was Harry Underwood's Invariable . attitude when escorting any woman, and 1 had observed the same manner in other men of" his type. I had observed something else also that tbe type is not the one gen erally designated as a good hus band. But few women, especially youthful onesr, indulge in much thought concerning men of Har- iy Underwood's fascinating kind. And even I, with my long exper ience of his worthlessness, felt an involuntary, 'pleased little thrill at his tribute and the next min utq scored myself savagely for the weakness. ' "I probably shall be as snail- like as the regular article," I re plied, "but I can attend to all the messages on our way to South ampton, so if you have recovered from your 'heart weakness, wasn't it? we can start at once.' I did - not realize that I had stressed the word "heart" until after Mr. Underwood had trans ferred himself to the seat beside me, and we had bidden my father good-by and were speeding down the road. Then he said in his old mocking drawl: "You're the same demure, blue- eyed, mocking little devil you al ways were. Lady Fair! But why the stiletto-like stab under the fifth rib? I must be dense. thought you wanted me to pull some spiel so that I could get away." f "I did," I returned laconically, 'Then why the cru-el emphasis upon the 'heart' business? 1 thought that was pretty nifty and convincing footwork." "It was," I returned, anxious to turn the conversation, for I had no desire to resume . the old mocking banter into which almost any conversation with Harry Un derwood drifts, "and It worked 1 our inenas ininK . tnat I am rushing you to the nearest physi cian, who, after giving you some potent heart tonic, will return you to them." 'The dear, sweet things!" he apostrophized, and In the ridicu lous appellation I recognized all the boredom his really brilliant mind and cynical humor had suf fered at the hands of the Smythe- Hopkins tribe. "What a three-reel er I will have to invent for their benefit in the next hour! For I'm going away from hyah, pronto also suddenly, and I don't want to get in too Dutch with them for they've been useful, and may be again. And Helen, the daugh ter, is an amusing little trick and awfully good-natured. She's been like a dear little daughter to me. I shall miss her dreadful ly." (To be continued) PASTOR RECOVERY DOUBTFUL For the- fifth time within the past few months Portland Meth odist clergymen offered Monday to give their life blood in an ef forth to restore one of their OVER 11,000,000 ACRES IS I - U. S. FOREST FIRE LOSS . By S. W. Straus; President American Society for Thrift With the development of good rWl$ and the- increasing popu larity of the automobile, people everywhere are spending more time ! in woodland retreats, and it is! a matter of public educa tion that lemons in forest preser- VUllUU MIUUIU uc 1 given more wide- , spread attention. Last year 11.- . 500,000 acres of forest lands in A m e r i c a were burned with a fi-... nancial loss in ex- ; cess of $10,500,000, according to data -compiled by the- . v . .National uoara ot Firej Underwriters. The! area of de stroyed forests during last year alone was eighth times the acreage of the French forests destroyed or damaged throughout the World War. -The total number of fires was in ex cess; of 50,000. It is said that between 80 and 90 per cent of forest fires are caused by human carelessness. About 20 per cent result from carelessness in handling cigaret butts. The negligent methods of campers in cooking also con stitutes one of the great causes of woodland conflagrations. ' . : The forests of America origi nally totaling 822,000,000 acres have today dwindled to 138, , 000,000 acres of , virgin timber. Not only do forest fires, as reflected in these statistics, involve a . great loss of hu- man life and prop erty, but this waii- ton destruction " means also de- priving our wild life of food and shelter, despoiling our public play- k g r o u n d s , re languishing control of the distribution of moisture and curtailing the supply cf chemicals and other by-products of our vcods. . The destruction of American forests affects each of us, and each of us should assume an edu- cational responsibility in seeking r to prevent the progress of these despoiling forces. ' . .' brother clergymen, tne Rev. Al fred! Bates,, to health. In! response to the appeal for three volunteers, the Rev. F. R. Sibley of Lincoln Methodist church the jRev. Charles E. Gibson of Central Methodist church and the Revj U. G. Smothers of Woodlawn Methodist church went to Emanuel hospital Monday, where the Rev. Mr. j Bates is confined. After an examination the Rev., Mr. Sibley was j selected. He gave a pint of blood to Bates, his condition being perfect enough to permit direct transfusion, but the "patient has shown so little improvement, since the last operation, it is probable thatj more volunteers will have to be called for at a later date. The physicians have not been able to diagnose the case. " . At first Bates was thought to be suffering from chronic anemia, but now he ap pears to have developed a malaria condition. Cergymen who previously gave blood to Bates are: . The Rev. C. B. jlarrison of Epworth church, the iRev: W. E. Kloster of Pioneer Methodist church, the Rev. E. B. Lockhardt of Patton Methodist church .and the Rev.. Chas. P. Johnson of Montevilla church. Rev. Mr. Bates has been Pastor In the Oregon and in the Puget Sound Methodist Episcopal Con ferences for the past nineteen years, and the 'annual conference to be held at Medford this month will be the first Conference Mr. Bates has missed in nineteen years.-- CANOE UPSETS TACOMA, Sept. 1. Frank Grassini, 24, of Tacoma, one of a crowd of 10,000 attending a Labor day picnic and political gathering at Spanaway lake near here, lost his life today when the canoe In which he was paddling with John Gosentino upset. Gosentino was rescued and police were tonight dragging the lake for Grassinl's body. T FUTURE DATES T w Augtut 28-31 Pacific Onnan annual conference. Center Street Methodist church. September 3, Wednesday, Labor day. September 12, 1'riday National Ie fense day. September- 15, Monday, Willamette n si ersity opens- .. . " September. 22-27, Oreron State fair. September IT - Wednesday Cavita tion day. . a . September 29, Monday Salem public schools start. November 11, Tuesday Armistice day. That Curious Device for I . ! - Making Fire T was only seventy-f ive' years ago that a woman of the Middle West wrote to her cousin in New. York: "Last winter I was told of a curious new device ' for making fire. It consisted of small splinters of wood with tips of some substance that bursts into flame when rubbed on a rough surface. If you can procure some of them for me I shall be grateful Matches were in general use in Europe for years before they were seen in this country, j There was no means for spreading such" news rapidly. Today, the new invention that contributes to comfort or convenience is quickly known the country over. Adver tising conveys the information!. The farmer's wife nv Texas or Idaho is as well posted on these things as the city woman of the East. 1 Don't overlook the advertisements . in these columns. They are heralds of progress, with real news for you and your family. They save your j time, lighten your work and enable you to obtain the i utmost in value for the money you spend. j Time given to reading the advertisements is well spent V . i. A L a. 4 k i r 4 4 V t T X 4 : i 1 j ! A - - j A. ! j I i ' i